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* [[Euoia]]
* [[Fenris]]
* [[Korune]]
* [[Leighton]]
* [[Magnus]]
* [[Mevir]]
* [[Nena]]
Wednesday December  4, 2019=Log=
<div></div><div title="Fenris"><p>A bit of a crowd has gathered in and around the Zephyr building. Rumors of everything from Aliens to Elvis have been flying around Fairhaven for the last couple of days with the only consistent thing being the time and the place: Here. And Now. </p>
<p>Even the employees of Zephyr seem to be in the dark about all this. Nothing has come down from the big boys upstairs or the labs or anything. There seems to be a bit of extra security around as well. </p>
<p>As the clock finally ticks over to High Noon, there is a sudden hush of expectancy....</p></div><div title="Euoia"><p>Euoia fidgets a bit. Sie heard the rumors from others that have been salvaging with hir. Sie expected the worst. Sure, Elvis coming back from the dead would be interesting. But the rumors of world domination? Sie really needed to be sure what is going on. </p>
<p>Sie sits along the wall, paying as much attention to the rest of the room as best as sie can.</p></div><div title="Magnus"><p>Shades? Check. Uniform? Check. Revolver? Check. Badge? Check. Magnus never could have guessed that one of these days he&#39;d be an enforcer of the law, but here he was now, molded and shaped by his interactions and experiences, thrust into a path that he never saw himself ever setting foot upon. One thing he had to admit to himself however, he looked damn good in his black police uniform. The fabric of his slacks and jacket was soft like cotton, breathable and tidy, hugging his body in just the right way, the emblem of the K9 police force present on either sleeve of his uniform just under each shoulder. </p>
<p>In one hand he held a large cup of coffee, while the other was held in his jacket pocket. The fennec would pace around the crowd, scanning for trouble. After all, it was his job. He kept his nose leveled and expression tugged into that familiar subtle smirk, eyes darting from place to place behind those shades as he tries to spot the presence of anyone looking to be a pain in the ass. But there wouldn&#39;t be any problems around here, right? This was Zephyr&#39;s headquarters. Anyone getting in the way of their money making schemes might suddenly find themselves missing, after all~</p></div><div title="Leighton"><p>Leighton is leaning against a nearby wall. Her eyes scanning the crowd, but for familiar faces, rather than trouble. She had only joined the crowd cause she had randomly happened about it, after a shift in the lab. Having gotten six different reasons for the gathering from five people caught her interest.</p></div><div title="Nena"><p>Elvis was a name that Nena vaguely recognized. Just don&#39;t ask her any questions about him. Still, whatever was going on, Nena, being the curious snoop that she is, had to know. The tiger woman looms behind Magnus, stepping up with a flick of her tail and leans forward. &quot;Hello, officer,&quot; she says, unable to resist the chance for a bit of ribbing. &quot;I wish they could&#39;ve picked a different place for this big mystery thing. I can&#39;t even smoke here,&quot; she laments, stuffing her hands in the pockets of her jacket.</p></div><div title="Korune"><p>Korune Korune and Mevir stumble up to the Zephyr building looking like they are just returning from the mall, bundles, packages, and bags of various size occupy the chimera&#39;s multiple paws, he looks around at the crowd curiously.  Fairly vulnerable with all his paws full and Mevir riding on his back, he stays near the edge of the activity, trying to get an idea of whats going on.  He heard some mumblings of activity but just waved it off as nothing new  or the excited babblings of other agents or mutants.  He looks up to Mevir, &quot;Do you know whats going on?&quot;</p></div><div title="Mevir"><p>Mevir looks around for himself at the gathered crowd, not alot of familiar faces to be had, then again not like he knew that many. The wyvern backpack on Korune just shakes his head and slinks back, lowering himself. &quot;Nope, not a clue.&quot;</p></div><div title="Fenris"><p>There is a collective start from the crowd as a tinny little fanfare comes from somewhere up above. Confetti rains down from the ceiling and a pair of nearly three story high banners roll down from the upper floor of the atrium. They are both hand painted, and if looks are anything to go by, hand painted by an eight-year-old child. There are splotches and splatters all over, and simple hearts, stars and little ball animals are painted in abundance with paw prints scattered throughout. The rough lettering on each sign reads: &quot;Happy DeceBmer! Time for a FUN SuRprize!&quot; The best part, is that they are both misspelled, and miscapitalized in the exact same way. Arrows on the bottoms of the signs point toward the large, employee cantina.</p></div><div title="Euoia"><p>Euoia squints forcefully at the banners. &quot;This seems like a trap...&quot; Sie started moving to the employee cantina. &quot;I wonder if this will be the event that lets me reveal Magical Girl Euoia to the world. Well, time to see what kind of trap this is.&quot; </p>
<p>Sie grabbed a soda from hir magical pouch in spacetime. The soda helped whet hir throat as sie finishes it moving into the cantina.</p></div><div title="Magnus"><p>&quot;What is this, a festival organized by the Promethean babysitting organization or something?&quot; Magnus mutters to himself as he squints at the misspelled words on the giant banners. &quot;Who and for how much did they bribe Big Z for this?&quot; Shrugging deeply, Magnus goes about his day, passing by Korune with a nod and a &#39;Yo&#39;, resuming his patrol through the area. Once Nena approaches him, he&#39;d cast a glance her way and flash a toothy smile, hand swinging to hive the tigress a firm swat on the ass. &quot;Hello yourself, gorgeous. Your guess is as good as mine, I&#39;m just here to keep an eye on things. And please, just Mags. Titles are bullshit.&quot; He&#39;d cast a wink her way.</p></div><div title="Leighton"><p>Leighton raises her eyebrows at the quality of the banners. Her yellow eyes dart to the people around her and seeing that at least some people in the crowd are already starting to make their way in, the dragon-girl follows suit. She briefly spots Magnus, who seems to be the only familiar face around, but decides not to approach him, after seeing the uniform.</p></div><div title="Korune"><p>Korune nods to the drake, &quot;Go ahead, I will run these down to the apartment real quick and meet you back here.&quot; he says to Mevir.  He waits for the drake to disembark, once they do, he steps over to the elevator down and hits the button with a tentacle, he looks back to Mevir as the bell chimes and the doors slide open, the melodic digital voice speaking, &quot;Going Down.&quot;  He steps into the elevator and the doors close.</p></div><div title="Mevir"><p>Mevir dismounts from Korune&#39;s back, noting &quot;Arright K, I&#39;ll secure us some.. seats I suppose?&quot; he looks up at the employee area, striding up it with his usual all-fours locomotion, following the others and wondering what the commotion is about.</p></div><div title="Fenris"><p>Quite a few people, human, mutant, operative and otherwise seem curious about what this surprise might be, though it is apparent quite a few more share Euoia&#39;s sentiment on it being a trap and decide to vacate. There are more than enough security guards and onlookers to be quite the crowd funneling into the cantina. </p>
<p>The lunch room was, right up until this moment, rather sparsely populated. A few researchers and off duty security filling up on healthful, nanite generated quasi-food look rather surprised to see the crowd that has suddenly arrived. The only thing out of the ordinary seems to be a beautifully decorated wedding cake, sitting all by its lonesome on a table in the center of the room. A little banner is strung above it that reads, &quot;SuRpreez!&quot; in the same poor handwriting as the much larger banners outside. </p>
<p>A large hyena woman decked in leather with a tall, pink mohawk snorts around her septum piercing. &quot;Is that IT?&quot; she growls, &quot;This is what we all got worked up about?&quot; It seems much of the crowd shares her sentiment as a wave of muttering fills the air. &quot;What a joke, I&#39;m getting outta-&quot; she trails off as a strange, high-pitched buzz fills the air, then trails down through four octaves of hearable sound before disappearing.</p></div><div title="Euoia"><p>Euoia winced as the sound struck out. &quot;Mini-NICE, what is that?&quot; Sie covers hir ears but after the sound goes away, Euoia shakes hir head. &quot;Some kind of nanite device... I wonder what that it was...&quot;</p></div><div title="Magnus"><p>The fennec hears a familiar voice. His gaze darts towards its origins. He&#39;d raise his brows and smirk softly, curious as to what this one was doing here without her gang. Magnus pauses to give Nena a peck on the cheek before moving over towards the hyena, sneaking in a quick swat to her rump, he&#39;d snicker and note. &quot;Coulda been worse. Last big surprise I saw put udders on folks, nice to see you back to normal. Looking fine enough to wine and dine.&quot; He&#39;d remark with a wink, before his ear flits upwards and the sound draws his attention in. &quot;Oh no...&quot; Magnus blinks and draws his shield from his back, then places it between himself and the origins of the noise, while standing in front of his pink-mohawked companion. &quot;That was an enfolder!&quot; he&#39;d tell the Shrine Maiden. &quot;Whatever it was compressing is about to re-inflate!&quot;</p></div><div title="Leighton"><p>Leighton had had an amused expression on her face for a while. Keyword being had. The high pitched noise causes her to stop being mostly lightly entertained by bad spelling and childlike crafts and cover her pointy ears and press them to her head.</p></div><div title="Nena"><p>Between the smack to the butt and taking a few moments to see if she could find a way to sneak a cigarette- An endeavor she ultimately gave up on- Nena had remained quiet for a few moments, before giving Magnus&#39; ear a lazy, gentle flick as he wanders off. Letting her hand drop to her hip, the tiger casts her eyes around the room. &quot;Buzzing. Not bees I hope. I never did like bees much. Or worse, wasps. I suppose we&#39;ll find out. Better not be like the surprise Mags just mentioned. I don&#39;t think I could pull off one of those.&quot;</p></div><div title="Korune"><p>Korune dashes back up the stairs and around the corner to the cafeteria and feels the sound before he hears it, he stops and searches for Mevir before protectively prowling toward them keenly glancing about for signs of danger.  &quot;What happened?&quot; he asks the wyvern, tentacles and wings raised threateningly,</p></div><div title="Mevir"><p>Mevir strides back onto Korune&#39;s back, making sure to get a good grip on their hips and wings. &quot;Relax, stand back from the cake.. and don&#39;t do anything over the top. Magnus over there seems to know whats up.&quot;</p></div><div title="Fenris"><p>Magnus is not the only one who seems to recognize that sound, and certainly not the only one to recognize the implications as people start to shout about a failing nanospace enfolder! Most of the mutants and operatives start to dive for cover, with only a few standing with their mouths hanging open. </p>
<p>The hyena snarls at Magnus, but then only frowns and hunkers down behind his shield with him. &quot;Your playing with fire, tiny,&quot; she says, giving him an appraising eye before giving a predatory smile, &quot;I like that.&quot; </p>
<p>The fennec&#39;s romantic life will have to wait, however, as the lovely wedding cake suddenly starts to expand. And expand, And expand! The table it is on does not stand up to its growing weight for long and snaps in half. The ever growing cake pushes aside tables and chairs and people as it swells to fill nearly half the room! The cake itself is a bit worse for the wear after all that, looking just a bit saggy, but no one seems to be seriously hurt. Maybe a bit squeezed, and maybe a little frosted, but that is it. </p>
<p>As everyone tries to regain their feet, there is another tinny little fanfare and the top of the cake springs open, releasing a spray of confetti and revealing a video screen on the underside of the lid proclaiming the flashing word, &quot;SURPRISE!&quot;</p></div><div title="Euoia"><p>A trap was sprung it seems, and Euoia was not ready for the expanding cake. Sie tried to get into a position that would let hir clean hirself off with prestidigitation, but that would have to wait. Something was going on and sie needed to act. Sie was about to say something to the hyena when another round of confetti and a view screen popped up. Sie just stared at that word and the hyena. Euoia was not sure what to make of the whole event. &quot;There must be something to examine here with the cake, but I don&#39;t want to eat it...&quot;</p></div><div title="Magnus"><p>The fennec lowers his shield and quirks a brow. &quot;Huh, that was... that was a lot less explosive than I expected.&quot; be blinks a few times, then puts the barrier back on his back. &quot;Soooooooooo... the surprise is a gigantic cake?&quot; he was as confused as anyone else here. &quot;I uhhh... I guess that&#39;s pretty cool.&quot; He&#39;d shrug deeply, yet remained wary of any following trickery before turning towards the hyena. &quot;Tiny huh? Meet me in bed I&#39;ll show you who&#39;s small.&quot; stick his tongue out playfully and cast the larger hyena a wink &quot;You&#39;re not chicken, are ya?&quot; He then taunts, waggling his brows at her, before turning towards the rest. No one looked hurt, so his glance wanders up towards the screen. &quot;Alright, we&#39;re surprised! What&#39;s this all about? Fenris? Is this more of your trickery?!&quot; he&#39;d call out, foot tapping against the ground impatiently.</p></div><div title="Leighton"><p>Leighton wipes a stray bit of frosting from her upper arm and licks her finger clean, eyebrows raised. She looks around the crowd and, seeing as nobody seems to be in need of medical attention, the draconic woman gives the now gigantic cake a closer look, her gaze slowly wandering up as she crosses her arms, half expecting a kaiju in fishnets and a feather boa to come out of it.</p></div><div title="Nena"><p>&quot;Ah, it&#39;s... Growing,&quot; Nena says, stating the obvious as she slowly backs away from the expanding cake, lest she find herself some manner of frosted tiger. She&#39;s no flake, though, nor is she particularly prone to fits of caution. Reaching out, she scoops a bit of frosting onto her finger tip and licks it off. Worse case, she figures, it&#39;ll just taste bad. Hopefully it didn&#39;t, though.</p></div><div title="Korune"><p>Korune growls and leaps back at the first sign of danger, wings throwing up a a gust as he jumps backward onto the top of a table.  He stays crouched and ready wings more tucked his back to the wall, a few agents and mutants knocked to the side by his rapid egress.  A throaty threatening rumble instinctively emanates from the chimera.</p></div><div title="Mevir"><p>Mevir starts tapping on Korune&#39;s back. &quot;It&#39;s okay K, just a growing ca-&quot; he stops and meeps at the sudden rush of confetti and screen popping out. &quot;Cake.. No big scary monsters about, you can calm down now.&quot; he finishes, trying to calm his tentakitty.</p></div><div title="Fenris"><p>A crackling of static comes from the top of the gigantic cake and the flashing &quot;Surprise&quot; gives way to a rather fish-eye image of a fox sitting entirely too close to the camera. &quot;There?&quot; he asks someone off screen, &quot;Can they see me? Does the cape look good?&quot; He is wearing a dark cape that looks like it came out of a Halloween package marked &quot;Dramatic Villain.&quot; He even has a mustache to twirl. &quot;What?&quot; he asks to some muffled reply from off camera, &quot;What do you mean they can hear me? You&#39;ve started already!?&quot; </p>
<p>There is a flurry of activity as the fox quickly settles himself, still too close to the camera, so that it focuses almost directly on his chin and mustache. &quot;Greetings, agents of Zephyr!&quot; he says, &quot;Did you like my surprise? Well there is more where that came from!&quot; </p>
<p>Another fox, this one rather round in the face peeks in from the side. &quot;But really, did you like the cake?&quot; he asks, &quot;I worked real hard on it! It&#39;s lemon and raspberry with a swiss meringue buttercream frosting!&quot; </p>
<p>A few appreciative calls come from various parts of the room where people have been swamped by the surprisingly delicious cake, while the dramatic fox shoves his chubby friend off screen. &quot;No one cares, you idiot,&quot; he snaps, trying to regain what little dignity he might have been pretending to.</p></div><div title="Euoia"><p>Euoia licks some of the frosting off hir, and it was just as described. &quot;Not bad, actually.&quot; Sie shifts modes, prestidigtates the mess off hir, and stands on the table to strike a dramatic pose. &quot;It tasted fine, but you fiend! I will figure out your plot, villain! I am the Magical Girl, Euoia! And I will find how to defeat this ploy!&quot; With theme music playing in the background, Euoia strikes another dramatic pose. &quot;Your villany will be thwarted!&quot; And sie remained in that dramatic pose for a while.</p></div><div title="Magnus"><p>At this point, Magnus was wondering if he was tripping on something. He qickly feels himself up, then gives himself a light slap on the face. Everything checks out... the fennec pauses and rubs his chin, trying to figure out if he&#39;d eaten or taken anything suspicious recently... nope. Just some nachos, a pizza and a canned soda earlier. He sniffs the air to tell if there was something there to cause him to fall into a freaky dreamstate, nothing. Casting a glance back at the hyena, Magnus shrugs and decides to drop the investigation. Real or not, he had wanted to see this big girl for a while now, and there she was. His glance wanders around the room as he tries to determine if anyone was hurt... somehow, but his suspicions were pointless. All the was... was cake... and a hubby fox... and a magical girl. ...trippy.</p></div><div title="Leighton"><p>Leighton balances on her toes to try and get a good look at the screen, but eventually just decides to wiggle through the crowd a little, eventually ending up further at the front, somewhat close to where Magnus and the hyena are and cranes her neck at the screen. Her eyebrows rise at the spectacle. &quot;Surely this is some kind of joke?&quot; The dragon girl is not speaking to anyone in particular, but clearly enough that the people right next to her might hear.</p></div><div title="Nena"><p>&quot;... This is getting rather interesting, isn&#39;t it?&quot; Nena slinks back another few steps, returning her hands to  her pockets after cleaning them off from her cake testing. &quot;Comical, almost. Villains and magical girls, what&#39;ll we think of next,&quot; she ponders, as if she weren&#39;t guilty of the same things just the other day. She makes through the crowd in Magnus&#39; direction, to pose to him the question, &quot;What do you make of this?&quot;</p></div><div title="Korune"><p>Korune&#39;s ears flip forward as he relaxes his stance at Mevir&#39;s calming statements.  He takes stock of the situation more clearly, an incredulous glance toward the Japanamation trope clearly evident in the human&#39;s behavior.  He steps down off the table but stays on the outer edge of the group of agents and mutants, his large stature easily cumbersome in crowds.  &quot;What action do we take Mevir?&quot; he asks to the wyvern on his back, remaining vigilant and prepared for just about anything.  Supersizing cakes and crazy foxes aside.</p></div><div title="Mevir"><p>Mevir gives a squint to the villains appearing on the screen. If he wasn&#39;t certain that he is not dreaming, he&#39;d think he is in a cartoon right now and is about to hear the dastardly ploy of the villain as they gloat about it needleessly. The cake though.. he licks his lips. &quot;Wait a bit for them to finish their speech before sampling the cake~&quot;</p></div><div title="Fenris"><p>The hyena girl that Magnus was hitting on snorts and reaches out a claw to swipe at the frosting of the cake and pops it into here mouth. &quot;Damn,&quot; she sighs, a smile pasting itself across her face, &quot;THAT is some good cake! Come on, fox boy,&quot; she says to Magnus, &quot;I&#39;ll let you lick the frosting off me.&quot; </p>
<p>Several other of the surprise viewers have also decided that cake isn&#39;t the worst surprise they could get and have started a bit of a food fight off to one side. Food fight might be a bit of a euphemism for the direction things seem to be going... </p>
<p>Meanwhile, on screen, the overdramatic fox is still vying for attention. He laughs wildly at Euoia&#39;s assertion. It sounds like he has been practicing. It is a very good maniacal laugh and should take him far. &quot;Fools!&quot; he cackles, &quot;This is only the beginning! I have hidden &#39;surprises,&#39; like this one throughout the Zephyr building! And unless I am provided with. . . &quot; he hesitates and looks down a card on the table in front of him, bringing his mustache even closer to the camera, &quot;One BILLION credits, a mini-nanite server and a lunar rover, I will detonate them ALL in ONE HOUR!&quot;</p></div><div title="Euoia"><p>Euoia stands firm. &quot;Your delicious delicacies of destruction will be stopped, fiend! The Cake-pocalypse that you are to befall on the people of Zephyr will not happen!&quot; Sie pulls out hir laptop and tries to find what signal the villain might be using and see if sie can deduce where the other cakes may be.</p></div><div title="Magnus"><p>The male casts a suspicious gaze towards the frosting, suspicious that there was probably something wrong with this picture. He flits an ear at the yeen&#39;s words and almost stops her from trying the frosting, but... decides against being a party pooper, or rather he was distracted by Nena&#39;s inquiry, and then Leighton&#39;s remark. He&#39;d rub the back of his head and shrug deeply, addressing both of them. &quot;Zephyr&#39;s headquarters is one of the most secure places in this city. Even the general area is under surveillance and has agents patrolling to keep the peace. I severely doubt this is anything more than a quirky gesture of good will, but... between you and me? Keep an eye out... I don&#39;t want this to end up badly. Bad for the rap sheet, you know?&quot; he&#39;d tap his badge and snicker. </p>
<p>The notion that there were other such surprises all over Zephyr&#39;s headquarters earns a scoff from the uniformed fennec. Even if the entire place is stuffed with cake, which he doubts would actually happen, cleaning it up would take little effort... all they needed was someone like Fenris and his godlike appetite around, and all that cake frosting would be gone in mere minutes. &quot;Just enjoy yourselves!&quot; Magnus shrugs and casts a smile at the two concerned ones, before feeling a tug at his tail. He turns around and casts the hyena a playful smirk, before giving her a nudge and a shove towards the frosting! Should she fall into it, he&#39;d be upon her in an instant, cleaning her off with a flurry of licks~</p></div><div title="Leighton"><p>Leighton:flicks her tail as she listens to Magnus&#39; explaination and nods slowly. That has not really been her experience with Zephyr so far, but oh well. Not like anyone has been hurt. At least so far. She keeps her eyes on the screen for now and waits to see how this goes, sometimes glancing away at the self proclaimed magical girl. Maybe this all is some kinda modern play where the audience does not know they are an audience.</p></div><div title="Mevir"><p>Mevir and Korune looks between eachother with growing concern. Mevir gives reassuring strokes to his chimeric mount. &quot;I&#39;m sure it&#39;s nothing terrible.. maybe.. hopefully.. they are just cakes.. right? Right?&quot; he looks between magnus, that magical girl, the villain, the crowd, Korune.. pretty much everyone repeating the word &quot;Right?&quot; in a small infinite loop of thought.</p></div><div title="Fenris"><p>The Pink Hyena takes that as an invitation, and grabs the lapels of Magnus&#39;s uniform, pulling him along with her into the lake of cake and icing. Officer down! </p>
<p>Meanwhile the other fox has reappeared on the screen &quot;I don&#39;t think they&#39;re listening Milton,&quot; he says, frowning at the camera, &quot;I told you we should have just enjoyed the cake. It was mum&#39;s recipe.&quot; </p>
<p>&quot;Shut up!&quot; the mustachioed fox growls, shoving his companion off screen, &quot;I told you, no names!&quot; He turns to grimace at the camera. &quot;You think this is a joke?&quot; he growls, &quot;Very well, let us see who is laughing NOW!&quot; He produces a big, red button from under the table and mashes a fist down on it. </p>
<p>For a long moment, nothing happens. &quot;Bigsby!&quot; the fox on screen hisses, &quot;I though you said this butto-&quot; </p>
<p>Just then, there is a resounding crash of shattering glass from somewhere on the floor above!</p></div><div title="Euoia"><p>Euoia scans the network for a little bit, only to find another wifi hotspot open up. &#39;Hmmm, I wonder where this goes,&#39; sie mused to herself. Euoia started to try and connect to the wifi hotspot known as CAKEF0X and perform a simple scan of what devices were connected to the hotspot. </p>
<p>Euoia seems to monitor the traffic of the network as best as sie can in order to triangulate where the signal might be in accordance to what other official Zephyr hotspots might be near the objects.</p></div><div title="Magnus"><p>Falling over with her, the fennec too wraps his arms around her, pressing forward to have his taste of the cake, though from her muzzle as their lips meet, pulling her into a deep kiss right then and there. He lets it linger for a short while before pulling away, and playfully starting to clean her off down her neck and over her chest. By the time he&#39;d reached the softest, tastiest part, he&#39;d press his nose in between the soft mounds just there and clean the crevice dutifully. He was a mess, a cake-covered mess, but who the fuck cared? They were there to have a good time. That is... until the sound of a crash comes from the upstairs room. It was very loud and easily picked up by everyone, especially the big-eared fox. What a fucking shame too, he had just reached his lover-to-be&#39;s belly button and a mere minute longer would have landed him between her legs. &quot;Shit... work&#39;s calling. I&#39;ll catch ya later, babe. Better yet, you call me.&quot; he&#39;d cast a wink down at her, slipping a card into her muzzle as he hops off and shakes the frosting off... as best as he can. &quot;You guys coming to check that out?&quot; he&#39;d hook a thumb towards the exit, hinting towards the noise they&#39;d heard, before running off towards the stairwell leading upstairs.</p></div><div title="Leighton"><p>Leighton flinches at the noise of shattering glass from above, instinctively shielding her face with her arm and wrapping her wings around her body. After the noise clears and she peeks our of her &quot;shield&quot; she takes a moment to take in the situation and watch Magnus sprint up the stairs. The dragon girl hesitates momentarily, but then flaps her wings and flies after him. What if he gets hurt!</p></div><div title="Nena"><p>Nena takes a few steps back when Magnus is pulled towards the cake, trying to avoid any collateral splatter. The threats from the video feed were hollow to her. A cake threat was hardly something to be concerned about, for her. After all, while service and cleaning was her job, it wasn&#39;t her job -here- and so it was not something she&#39;d have to deal with fallout from. As far as the tiger was concerned she could sit back and enjoy the chaos, though cake made a lacking substitute for popcorn. &quot;You bet,&quot; she says, turning tail to follow after Magnus. &quot;I&#39;m not missing out on this game.&quot;</p></div><div title="Korune"><p>Korune&#39;s ears flatten at the explosion upstairs along with the raining of glass.  He quickly turns and sprints upstairs, skipping multiple steps at a time with his large strides.  He was worried about casualties mostly, since his expertise wasn&#39; t so inclined to the bomb-sniffing, investigative, or negotiate realms.</p></div><div title="Fenris"><p>The fox on screen, Milton, cackles and twirls his mustache. &quot;Behold my cake based power!&quot; he crows, &quot;NOW who among you LACKEYS can see that my demands are met!&quot; </p>
<p>Magnus&#39;s new gnoll-friend sighs and plucks the card from her mouth. &quot;Men,&quot; she growls, then sets to cleaning the icing from her fur on her own. </p>
<p>The crew of runners does not have to go far, accompanied as they are by building security. On the second floor, they find the very obvious source of the sound of shattering glass. An entire suite of corporate offices seem to be swamped with cake. (vanilla and white chocolate) The windows of this smaller floor have been blown out and a very angry looking man in a very expensive, very ruined suit is stomping toward the stairs. </p>
<p>&quot;WHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS MESS!&quot; he roars, zeroing in on the group rushing up the stairs.</p></div><div title="Euoia"><p>Euoia proceeds to log in to zephyr wifi with hir account. Sie proceeds to send an email to the System Operations Director that says &quot;Currently, someone with a bunch of Nanospace enfolders is triggering cakes to explode in the Zephyr building within 30 meters of the employee cantina probably in a building outside if the feed looks right. Pass this note along to any other agents that want to join me in a hunt for them. Set it up as an APB to any friendly agents in the area. I&#39;m gonna hunt around outside.&quot; </p>
<p>Euoia at this point, dramatically closes hir laptop and puts it back in the interdimensional pocket. &quot;You may think you will get away with this. However, the long arm of justice will reach out to you, and I will be the one to find you!&quot; with another pose, sie starts looking for a place that might be similar to the one in the feed.</p></div><div title="Magnus"><p>&quot;A pair of cartoon villains. No time to explain.&quot; He&#39;d cast a glance around the others. &quot;We gotta find the other charges before he sets another one off.&quot; Magnus nods and runs off, leaping and rolling up into a ball to dart off through the hallways, up the stairs and around the offices. He uses his nose, primarily, to sense for the sweet aroma of that familiar frosting. It had a very specific kind of aroma, lemony and sweet in all the right ways. Hopefully, he could tell where other deposits of it were, he banked on that seeing as he didn&#39;t have any of that nano-hoo-haw to lean on. There was the scent of oranges and cinnamon, but on the floor below. Pinball was a fun game, especially if you were the ball. He&#39;d bounce and clink against walls and things as he rushes fast enough to kick up a wind in his wake, looking for the next cake to yeet out of the building~</p></div><div title="Nena"><p>&quot;What a mess all this is, huh?&quot; Nena strokes her chin and, while she was going to follow Magnus, Magnus seems to be rather speedy. Too fast for this girl to bother keeping up with. She gives a little sigh and turns her palms up. &quot;If we find out who, mister suit, I&#39;m sure you&#39;ll be among the first to know.&quot; She sets off after the fox at a more relaxed pace, like she very much wasn&#39;t in any kind of hurry. And in the process, she&#39;ll brush shoulders with the man in the ruined suit- Rude? Perhaps. But then, the man&#39;s suit isn&#39;t ruined anymore, is it?&quot;</p></div><div title="Korune"><p>Korune sighs at the rediculousness of the situation.  He ignores the suit entirely, and looks to his mate.  He prowls down the stairs again, the two other agents taking the upper floors, He figured to take the flower floors.  &quot;Mevir, can you use that technomancy of yours too look for potential detonators?&quot;  he asks while he uses his own senses to seek out potential bakery bombs.</p></div><div title="Fenris"><p>The incensed corporate suit is hardly in the mood to notice the very nice thing the very nice Nena did for him. Instead he just stops and shouts at the security detail until one of the masked and armored guards offers to take him to see the video feed of the mad cakebombers. </p>
<p>&quot;I&#39;ll do it myself!&quot; he growls, shouldering past the guards and heading toward the cake filled cantina. </p>
<p>Meanwhile, in the Cantina, most of those remaining are more interested in cake than in Euoia&#39;s alert, though some of the more dedicated Zephyr agents stir themselves to start looking around. Euoia herself is one of the few people still paying attention when the Suit storms into the room. &quot;I&#39;ll have your head, you. . . you. . . whatever you are! Don&#39;t you know who I am? I am James Jonhason! I&#39;ll have your balls bronzed and made into a newton&#39;s cradle for my secretary&#39;s desk!&quot; </p>
<p>Magnus finds that the scent of oranges and cinnamon lead him back to the cantina, and all the way across toward the industrial kitchen on the far side! That must be where the cake is! </p>
<p>Mevir, on Korune&#39;s back shakes his head. &quot;It doesn&#39;t work like that,&quot; he says, &quot;They are using nanites, not any kind of normal network.&quot;</p></div><div title="Euoia"><p>Euoia takes one final look of the location displayed on the television. &quot;Try to remember that location, he&#39;s within 30 meters of us, and most likely outside and running off a wifi router named CAKEF0X. I couldn&#39;t doxx em any further than that.&quot; Sie got down off the table and started making hir way outside, hopefully the apb sie requested would alert the others to the information sie just blurted out.</p></div><div title="Magnus"><p>Magnus storms into the room first, darting around sniffing for the presence of the other cake. Once the fat cat in the suit runs in and starts hollaring however, *SPLAT* he crashes right into the icing, slicing through it like butter, carried by momentum alone... in the process splattering the recently cleaned suit with a second serving of delicious frosting. Why? Because it&#39;s funny to Magnus... and also he wasn&#39;t paying attention who gets caught in the splash. Once he arrives and unrolls, the fennec spots the two masterminds, or at least two vulpines that strongly resembled them red-handed. The fennec draws his modified revolver and aims it at the camera-cackler&#39;s head. &quot;Game over, hands behind your head, on the floor! Both of you!&quot; He then screams at the others, hoping they could hear him. &quot;OVER HERE!&quot;</p></div><div title="Leighton"><p>Leighton kept flying close past the others and only narrowly dodged the second explosion. She lands and folds her wings, then dives behind a counter as guns get drawn. Cops! Always pulling out guns! This hardly seemed like a criminal worth pointing a gun at their head...all he did was some light vandalism.</p></div><div title="Nena"><p>It&#39;s better for Nena that the act goes unnoticed. She prefers it that way. After all, she&#39;s just a maid, and definitely not someone with supernatural tricks. No, it&#39;s better that nobody notices- Or at least notices who did it. More importantly, now that Nena has left the lobby she pulls a cigarette from her pocket and lights up as she ambles after Magnus, lazily poking her head into the room to see if he&#39;s got the right group. Namely, looking for the chubby fox among them.</p></div><div title="Korune"><p>Korune hears the loud reverberated &quot;Over Here!&quot; magnified by the cake-o-vision a few rooms over.  He looks over his shoulder but continues to prowl about the lower floors, aware that Magnus might have the situation under control, but if the detonating delicacies are on a timer, then they would still need to be found and disarmed, at a minimum if they are diffused by the fennec, they would still need to be found regardless.  No sense spoiling baked goods.</p></div><div title="Fenris"><p>Milton, the mustached fox looking into the camera, suddenly stops cackling and looks back over his shoulder to where Magnus has a revolver trained on him. &quot;Wow! That was faster than I expected,&quot; he reaches up and pulls off his false mustache and holds his hands up. &quot;Jonhason was on our list, Bugs?&quot; he asks the other, chubbier fox who is currently holding a hot cake pan over his head. &quot;Yup,&quot; the fat fox says, &quot;James Jonhason, transportation executive. Sixth member of the corporate board.&quot; </p>
<p>Outside, in the cantina, Jonhason has slipped and fallen into the icing. &quot;Shoot them! Shoot them!&quot; he roars, while all of this is being shown on the large screen on the increasingly tipsy, giant cake.</p></div><div title="Euoia"><p>Euoia kicks the kitchen door open from the outside of the building, wielding hir Starlight Goddess Yo-yo as menacingly as possible. &quot;There&#39;s no escape, Villains!&quot; Sie has hir theme music playing as sie guards the exit.</p></div><div title="Magnus"><p>&quot;What&#39;s going on here?&quot; the fennec asks, having at least given them a look-over to make sure they weren&#39;t armed themselves. His ears flit upwards as the enraged executive demands blood. Magnus rolls his eyes and lowers his weapon. &quot;Well I owe you two a thanks, you got someone I wanted to meet again in the same place as me, but you made a damn mess of things.&quot; he then looks over his cake-covered self. &quot;And me... right, sorry. Explain... and keep your hands where I can see em.&quot; he&#39;d warn, waiting to hear their side of it. &quot;What&#39;s with the enfolders? Why cake? Just... what... why?&quot; There were so many questions...</p></div><div title="Leighton"><p>Leighton shoots the suit. A death glare. &quot;Nobody is getting shot!&quot; She huffs and a small puff of smoke leaves her nostrils. She pokes her head out of her cover and peers at the foxes, while keeping an eye on Magnus. &quot;I feel like the answer is gonna be &quot;Why not&quot;.&quot; She raises her eyebrows and waits for the foxes to explain themselves however.</p></div><div title="Nena"><p>Sure, Nena could clean herself just fine, but that didn&#39;t mean she wanted to go romping through the cake. Food was great and all, but but when she was wearing it. Unless it was chocolate sauce, and- Another story for another time. She stares out across the way towards the kitchen, where the altercation was taking place, considering her options. How to cross and look cool doing it. Furniture surfing? Maybe, but if she fell, that&#39;d be uncool.  &quot;Yeah, let&#39;s not shoot anyone,&quot; she calls, and decides that that most cool option is to just stand there and watch from afar. Better than becoming a caked up tiger.</p></div><div title="Korune"><p>Korune prowls about and notices the lack of any evidence of additional destructive devices.  He hops over the mess of cake in the cantina, likely furthering the mess with a few wing beats throwing more frosting about due to the pressure of the air being displaced.  He lands behind the fennec, towering over the entryway.  He folds his wings and attempts to gage the situation.</p></div><div title="Fenris"><p>The pair of foxes look between the uniformed fennec with the gun and the. . . magical girl with the. . . yo-yo. And you thought this couldn&#39;t get any better than exploding cake. </p>
<p>The chubby fox coughs. &quot;Can I put the cake down? The pan is kind of hot and it is starting to get through my oven mitts.&quot; He waits for a second, then sets his pan down gently before raising his mitted hands back into the air. </p>
<p>Milton is still holding his mustache in the air. &quot;Some guy paid us,&quot; he says with a smile, &quot;Said to make some noise and get this dude down here. We just had to get him out of his office until. . . &quot; his eyes stray to a clock on the wall, &quot;nnnnnnnnnow.&quot; </p>
<p>Everyone goes still for a moment, but nothing happens. &quot;There you go,&quot; Milton says, &quot;Mission accomplished. The cake was just for fun. Plus Bugsby is an incredible cook. </p>
<p>Bugsby, for his part, looks awkwardly between Magnus and Euoia and each arriving operative. &quot;Are we under arrest?&quot; he asks pleasantly, &quot;Because I still have one more cake in the oven.&quot;</p></div><div title="Euoia"><p>Euoia glances over to Magnus. &quot;Well, mister officer, I believe at this point this is more your department...&quot; Sie can&#39;t really move from this spot at the moment, it would ruin the pose. However, sie can&#39;t really send any messages in time to anywhere either. &quot;I would say that the cookie has crumbled at least...&quot;</p></div><div title="Magnus"><p>&quot;Ah for fuck&#39;s sake.&quot; The fennec growls and puts his revolver away as he starts to mutter something about corporate espionage. &quot;Looks like you two are gonna be giving a formal statement at HQ. You are under arrest on grounds of criminal mischief, criminal tampering and obstructon of public utility services.&quot; he would grumble and grab each of them by the wrists, first passing by the mastermind with the fake mustache to pull his hands behind his back and apply cuffs tightly around his wrists. He lays the male flat on the ground, and moves onto the other, repeating the motion and turning off the oven once he is done. </p>
<p>&quot;You have the right to remain silent. If you give up the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you desire an attorney and cannot afford one, an attorney will be obtained for you before police questioning. In other words, zip it, come quietly and you might get away with just a slap on the wrist. Capiche? Come on. Madison is gonna have a lot of fun with you two clowns, she&#39;s got a sense of humor like a bucket of ice. Cold, hard and lifeless.&quot; he&#39;d huff, tugging them both up and grabbing them each by the arm, moving to pull them out of the room. He pauses only to pick up his comm and announce he has two fugitives under arrest, and he&#39;d appreciate a second body to escort them.</p></div><div title="Leighton"><p>Leighton stands up straight now that danger seems to be over. Well its not like there ever was any danger...other than from a stray cop bullet. She eyes the foxes, but they don&#39;t seem familiar to her. With a shrug of her shoulders she takes a step backwards and leaves the policing to the police.</p></div><div title="Nena"><p>&quot;Ah. A trick. A distracting for theft maybe. Interesting...  I will have to keep my ears open.&quot; Nena plucks the cigarette from her lips and snuffs it, before tossing it into a rubbish bin. &quot;Good work and all that. Clean up isn&#39;t my scene, and I&#39;ve got nowhere to be just yet, so I&#39;ll help you walk them back if you want. Maybe get this icing recipe in the process. I could make use of it.&quot;</p></div><div title="Korune"><p>Korune leans over to Magnus, &quot;I checked the lower floors, no further signs of their devices.  I can assist you taking them into custody&quot; he offers.  Moving to lift the two perpetrators up with his four paws, however ready to restrain himself if Magnus says otherwise.</p></div><div title="Fenris"><p>Out in the cantina, James Jonhason is being gently escorted from the cake covered room while others look on in amusement. </p>
<p>The foxes come along without complaint, except that Bugsby sighs as they walk past the oven. &quot;That one was for us Milt,&quot; he says sadly, &quot;Real shame the other two had to go all splodey.&quot; He does smile when Nena asks about his recipe. &quot;It was Mum&#39;s favorite, you know,&quot; he says.</p></div>[[Category:RPLogs]]

Latest revision as of 00:35, 5 December 2019



Wednesday December 4, 2019=Log=

A bit of a crowd has gathered in and around the Zephyr building. Rumors of everything from Aliens to Elvis have been flying around Fairhaven for the last couple of days with the only consistent thing being the time and the place: Here. And Now.

Even the employees of Zephyr seem to be in the dark about all this. Nothing has come down from the big boys upstairs or the labs or anything. There seems to be a bit of extra security around as well.

As the clock finally ticks over to High Noon, there is a sudden hush of expectancy....

Euoia fidgets a bit. Sie heard the rumors from others that have been salvaging with hir. Sie expected the worst. Sure, Elvis coming back from the dead would be interesting. But the rumors of world domination? Sie really needed to be sure what is going on.

Sie sits along the wall, paying as much attention to the rest of the room as best as sie can.

Shades? Check. Uniform? Check. Revolver? Check. Badge? Check. Magnus never could have guessed that one of these days he'd be an enforcer of the law, but here he was now, molded and shaped by his interactions and experiences, thrust into a path that he never saw himself ever setting foot upon. One thing he had to admit to himself however, he looked damn good in his black police uniform. The fabric of his slacks and jacket was soft like cotton, breathable and tidy, hugging his body in just the right way, the emblem of the K9 police force present on either sleeve of his uniform just under each shoulder.

In one hand he held a large cup of coffee, while the other was held in his jacket pocket. The fennec would pace around the crowd, scanning for trouble. After all, it was his job. He kept his nose leveled and expression tugged into that familiar subtle smirk, eyes darting from place to place behind those shades as he tries to spot the presence of anyone looking to be a pain in the ass. But there wouldn't be any problems around here, right? This was Zephyr's headquarters. Anyone getting in the way of their money making schemes might suddenly find themselves missing, after all~

Leighton is leaning against a nearby wall. Her eyes scanning the crowd, but for familiar faces, rather than trouble. She had only joined the crowd cause she had randomly happened about it, after a shift in the lab. Having gotten six different reasons for the gathering from five people caught her interest.

Elvis was a name that Nena vaguely recognized. Just don't ask her any questions about him. Still, whatever was going on, Nena, being the curious snoop that she is, had to know. The tiger woman looms behind Magnus, stepping up with a flick of her tail and leans forward. "Hello, officer," she says, unable to resist the chance for a bit of ribbing. "I wish they could've picked a different place for this big mystery thing. I can't even smoke here," she laments, stuffing her hands in the pockets of her jacket.

Korune Korune and Mevir stumble up to the Zephyr building looking like they are just returning from the mall, bundles, packages, and bags of various size occupy the chimera's multiple paws, he looks around at the crowd curiously. Fairly vulnerable with all his paws full and Mevir riding on his back, he stays near the edge of the activity, trying to get an idea of whats going on. He heard some mumblings of activity but just waved it off as nothing new or the excited babblings of other agents or mutants. He looks up to Mevir, "Do you know whats going on?"

Mevir looks around for himself at the gathered crowd, not alot of familiar faces to be had, then again not like he knew that many. The wyvern backpack on Korune just shakes his head and slinks back, lowering himself. "Nope, not a clue."

There is a collective start from the crowd as a tinny little fanfare comes from somewhere up above. Confetti rains down from the ceiling and a pair of nearly three story high banners roll down from the upper floor of the atrium. They are both hand painted, and if looks are anything to go by, hand painted by an eight-year-old child. There are splotches and splatters all over, and simple hearts, stars and little ball animals are painted in abundance with paw prints scattered throughout. The rough lettering on each sign reads: "Happy DeceBmer! Time for a FUN SuRprize!" The best part, is that they are both misspelled, and miscapitalized in the exact same way. Arrows on the bottoms of the signs point toward the large, employee cantina.

Euoia squints forcefully at the banners. "This seems like a trap..." Sie started moving to the employee cantina. "I wonder if this will be the event that lets me reveal Magical Girl Euoia to the world. Well, time to see what kind of trap this is."

Sie grabbed a soda from hir magical pouch in spacetime. The soda helped whet hir throat as sie finishes it moving into the cantina.

"What is this, a festival organized by the Promethean babysitting organization or something?" Magnus mutters to himself as he squints at the misspelled words on the giant banners. "Who and for how much did they bribe Big Z for this?" Shrugging deeply, Magnus goes about his day, passing by Korune with a nod and a 'Yo', resuming his patrol through the area. Once Nena approaches him, he'd cast a glance her way and flash a toothy smile, hand swinging to hive the tigress a firm swat on the ass. "Hello yourself, gorgeous. Your guess is as good as mine, I'm just here to keep an eye on things. And please, just Mags. Titles are bullshit." He'd cast a wink her way.

Leighton raises her eyebrows at the quality of the banners. Her yellow eyes dart to the people around her and seeing that at least some people in the crowd are already starting to make their way in, the dragon-girl follows suit. She briefly spots Magnus, who seems to be the only familiar face around, but decides not to approach him, after seeing the uniform.

Korune nods to the drake, "Go ahead, I will run these down to the apartment real quick and meet you back here." he says to Mevir. He waits for the drake to disembark, once they do, he steps over to the elevator down and hits the button with a tentacle, he looks back to Mevir as the bell chimes and the doors slide open, the melodic digital voice speaking, "Going Down." He steps into the elevator and the doors close.

Mevir dismounts from Korune's back, noting "Arright K, I'll secure us some.. seats I suppose?" he looks up at the employee area, striding up it with his usual all-fours locomotion, following the others and wondering what the commotion is about.

Quite a few people, human, mutant, operative and otherwise seem curious about what this surprise might be, though it is apparent quite a few more share Euoia's sentiment on it being a trap and decide to vacate. There are more than enough security guards and onlookers to be quite the crowd funneling into the cantina.

The lunch room was, right up until this moment, rather sparsely populated. A few researchers and off duty security filling up on healthful, nanite generated quasi-food look rather surprised to see the crowd that has suddenly arrived. The only thing out of the ordinary seems to be a beautifully decorated wedding cake, sitting all by its lonesome on a table in the center of the room. A little banner is strung above it that reads, "SuRpreez!" in the same poor handwriting as the much larger banners outside.

A large hyena woman decked in leather with a tall, pink mohawk snorts around her septum piercing. "Is that IT?" she growls, "This is what we all got worked up about?" It seems much of the crowd shares her sentiment as a wave of muttering fills the air. "What a joke, I'm getting outta-" she trails off as a strange, high-pitched buzz fills the air, then trails down through four octaves of hearable sound before disappearing.

Euoia winced as the sound struck out. "Mini-NICE, what is that?" Sie covers hir ears but after the sound goes away, Euoia shakes hir head. "Some kind of nanite device... I wonder what that it was..."

The fennec hears a familiar voice. His gaze darts towards its origins. He'd raise his brows and smirk softly, curious as to what this one was doing here without her gang. Magnus pauses to give Nena a peck on the cheek before moving over towards the hyena, sneaking in a quick swat to her rump, he'd snicker and note. "Coulda been worse. Last big surprise I saw put udders on folks, nice to see you back to normal. Looking fine enough to wine and dine." He'd remark with a wink, before his ear flits upwards and the sound draws his attention in. "Oh no..." Magnus blinks and draws his shield from his back, then places it between himself and the origins of the noise, while standing in front of his pink-mohawked companion. "That was an enfolder!" he'd tell the Shrine Maiden. "Whatever it was compressing is about to re-inflate!"

Leighton had had an amused expression on her face for a while. Keyword being had. The high pitched noise causes her to stop being mostly lightly entertained by bad spelling and childlike crafts and cover her pointy ears and press them to her head.

Between the smack to the butt and taking a few moments to see if she could find a way to sneak a cigarette- An endeavor she ultimately gave up on- Nena had remained quiet for a few moments, before giving Magnus' ear a lazy, gentle flick as he wanders off. Letting her hand drop to her hip, the tiger casts her eyes around the room. "Buzzing. Not bees I hope. I never did like bees much. Or worse, wasps. I suppose we'll find out. Better not be like the surprise Mags just mentioned. I don't think I could pull off one of those."

Korune dashes back up the stairs and around the corner to the cafeteria and feels the sound before he hears it, he stops and searches for Mevir before protectively prowling toward them keenly glancing about for signs of danger. "What happened?" he asks the wyvern, tentacles and wings raised threateningly,

Mevir strides back onto Korune's back, making sure to get a good grip on their hips and wings. "Relax, stand back from the cake.. and don't do anything over the top. Magnus over there seems to know whats up."

Magnus is not the only one who seems to recognize that sound, and certainly not the only one to recognize the implications as people start to shout about a failing nanospace enfolder! Most of the mutants and operatives start to dive for cover, with only a few standing with their mouths hanging open.

The hyena snarls at Magnus, but then only frowns and hunkers down behind his shield with him. "Your playing with fire, tiny," she says, giving him an appraising eye before giving a predatory smile, "I like that."

The fennec's romantic life will have to wait, however, as the lovely wedding cake suddenly starts to expand. And expand, And expand! The table it is on does not stand up to its growing weight for long and snaps in half. The ever growing cake pushes aside tables and chairs and people as it swells to fill nearly half the room! The cake itself is a bit worse for the wear after all that, looking just a bit saggy, but no one seems to be seriously hurt. Maybe a bit squeezed, and maybe a little frosted, but that is it.

As everyone tries to regain their feet, there is another tinny little fanfare and the top of the cake springs open, releasing a spray of confetti and revealing a video screen on the underside of the lid proclaiming the flashing word, "SURPRISE!"

A trap was sprung it seems, and Euoia was not ready for the expanding cake. Sie tried to get into a position that would let hir clean hirself off with prestidigitation, but that would have to wait. Something was going on and sie needed to act. Sie was about to say something to the hyena when another round of confetti and a view screen popped up. Sie just stared at that word and the hyena. Euoia was not sure what to make of the whole event. "There must be something to examine here with the cake, but I don't want to eat it..."

The fennec lowers his shield and quirks a brow. "Huh, that was... that was a lot less explosive than I expected." be blinks a few times, then puts the barrier back on his back. "Soooooooooo... the surprise is a gigantic cake?" he was as confused as anyone else here. "I uhhh... I guess that's pretty cool." He'd shrug deeply, yet remained wary of any following trickery before turning towards the hyena. "Tiny huh? Meet me in bed I'll show you who's small." stick his tongue out playfully and cast the larger hyena a wink "You're not chicken, are ya?" He then taunts, waggling his brows at her, before turning towards the rest. No one looked hurt, so his glance wanders up towards the screen. "Alright, we're surprised! What's this all about? Fenris? Is this more of your trickery?!" he'd call out, foot tapping against the ground impatiently.

Leighton wipes a stray bit of frosting from her upper arm and licks her finger clean, eyebrows raised. She looks around the crowd and, seeing as nobody seems to be in need of medical attention, the draconic woman gives the now gigantic cake a closer look, her gaze slowly wandering up as she crosses her arms, half expecting a kaiju in fishnets and a feather boa to come out of it.

"Ah, it's... Growing," Nena says, stating the obvious as she slowly backs away from the expanding cake, lest she find herself some manner of frosted tiger. She's no flake, though, nor is she particularly prone to fits of caution. Reaching out, she scoops a bit of frosting onto her finger tip and licks it off. Worse case, she figures, it'll just taste bad. Hopefully it didn't, though.

Korune growls and leaps back at the first sign of danger, wings throwing up a a gust as he jumps backward onto the top of a table. He stays crouched and ready wings more tucked his back to the wall, a few agents and mutants knocked to the side by his rapid egress. A throaty threatening rumble instinctively emanates from the chimera.

Mevir starts tapping on Korune's back. "It's okay K, just a growing ca-" he stops and meeps at the sudden rush of confetti and screen popping out. "Cake.. No big scary monsters about, you can calm down now." he finishes, trying to calm his tentakitty.

A crackling of static comes from the top of the gigantic cake and the flashing "Surprise" gives way to a rather fish-eye image of a fox sitting entirely too close to the camera. "There?" he asks someone off screen, "Can they see me? Does the cape look good?" He is wearing a dark cape that looks like it came out of a Halloween package marked "Dramatic Villain." He even has a mustache to twirl. "What?" he asks to some muffled reply from off camera, "What do you mean they can hear me? You've started already!?"

There is a flurry of activity as the fox quickly settles himself, still too close to the camera, so that it focuses almost directly on his chin and mustache. "Greetings, agents of Zephyr!" he says, "Did you like my surprise? Well there is more where that came from!"

Another fox, this one rather round in the face peeks in from the side. "But really, did you like the cake?" he asks, "I worked real hard on it! It's lemon and raspberry with a swiss meringue buttercream frosting!"

A few appreciative calls come from various parts of the room where people have been swamped by the surprisingly delicious cake, while the dramatic fox shoves his chubby friend off screen. "No one cares, you idiot," he snaps, trying to regain what little dignity he might have been pretending to.

Euoia licks some of the frosting off hir, and it was just as described. "Not bad, actually." Sie shifts modes, prestidigtates the mess off hir, and stands on the table to strike a dramatic pose. "It tasted fine, but you fiend! I will figure out your plot, villain! I am the Magical Girl, Euoia! And I will find how to defeat this ploy!" With theme music playing in the background, Euoia strikes another dramatic pose. "Your villany will be thwarted!" And sie remained in that dramatic pose for a while.

At this point, Magnus was wondering if he was tripping on something. He qickly feels himself up, then gives himself a light slap on the face. Everything checks out... the fennec pauses and rubs his chin, trying to figure out if he'd eaten or taken anything suspicious recently... nope. Just some nachos, a pizza and a canned soda earlier. He sniffs the air to tell if there was something there to cause him to fall into a freaky dreamstate, nothing. Casting a glance back at the hyena, Magnus shrugs and decides to drop the investigation. Real or not, he had wanted to see this big girl for a while now, and there she was. His glance wanders around the room as he tries to determine if anyone was hurt... somehow, but his suspicions were pointless. All the was... was cake... and a hubby fox... and a magical girl. ...trippy.

Leighton balances on her toes to try and get a good look at the screen, but eventually just decides to wiggle through the crowd a little, eventually ending up further at the front, somewhat close to where Magnus and the hyena are and cranes her neck at the screen. Her eyebrows rise at the spectacle. "Surely this is some kind of joke?" The dragon girl is not speaking to anyone in particular, but clearly enough that the people right next to her might hear.

"... This is getting rather interesting, isn't it?" Nena slinks back another few steps, returning her hands to her pockets after cleaning them off from her cake testing. "Comical, almost. Villains and magical girls, what'll we think of next," she ponders, as if she weren't guilty of the same things just the other day. She makes through the crowd in Magnus' direction, to pose to him the question, "What do you make of this?"

Korune's ears flip forward as he relaxes his stance at Mevir's calming statements. He takes stock of the situation more clearly, an incredulous glance toward the Japanamation trope clearly evident in the human's behavior. He steps down off the table but stays on the outer edge of the group of agents and mutants, his large stature easily cumbersome in crowds. "What action do we take Mevir?" he asks to the wyvern on his back, remaining vigilant and prepared for just about anything. Supersizing cakes and crazy foxes aside.

Mevir gives a squint to the villains appearing on the screen. If he wasn't certain that he is not dreaming, he'd think he is in a cartoon right now and is about to hear the dastardly ploy of the villain as they gloat about it needleessly. The cake though.. he licks his lips. "Wait a bit for them to finish their speech before sampling the cake~"

The hyena girl that Magnus was hitting on snorts and reaches out a claw to swipe at the frosting of the cake and pops it into here mouth. "Damn," she sighs, a smile pasting itself across her face, "THAT is some good cake! Come on, fox boy," she says to Magnus, "I'll let you lick the frosting off me."

Several other of the surprise viewers have also decided that cake isn't the worst surprise they could get and have started a bit of a food fight off to one side. Food fight might be a bit of a euphemism for the direction things seem to be going...

Meanwhile, on screen, the overdramatic fox is still vying for attention. He laughs wildly at Euoia's assertion. It sounds like he has been practicing. It is a very good maniacal laugh and should take him far. "Fools!" he cackles, "This is only the beginning! I have hidden 'surprises,' like this one throughout the Zephyr building! And unless I am provided with. . . " he hesitates and looks down a card on the table in front of him, bringing his mustache even closer to the camera, "One BILLION credits, a mini-nanite server and a lunar rover, I will detonate them ALL in ONE HOUR!"

Euoia stands firm. "Your delicious delicacies of destruction will be stopped, fiend! The Cake-pocalypse that you are to befall on the people of Zephyr will not happen!" Sie pulls out hir laptop and tries to find what signal the villain might be using and see if sie can deduce where the other cakes may be.

The male casts a suspicious gaze towards the frosting, suspicious that there was probably something wrong with this picture. He flits an ear at the yeen's words and almost stops her from trying the frosting, but... decides against being a party pooper, or rather he was distracted by Nena's inquiry, and then Leighton's remark. He'd rub the back of his head and shrug deeply, addressing both of them. "Zephyr's headquarters is one of the most secure places in this city. Even the general area is under surveillance and has agents patrolling to keep the peace. I severely doubt this is anything more than a quirky gesture of good will, but... between you and me? Keep an eye out... I don't want this to end up badly. Bad for the rap sheet, you know?" he'd tap his badge and snicker.

The notion that there were other such surprises all over Zephyr's headquarters earns a scoff from the uniformed fennec. Even if the entire place is stuffed with cake, which he doubts would actually happen, cleaning it up would take little effort... all they needed was someone like Fenris and his godlike appetite around, and all that cake frosting would be gone in mere minutes. "Just enjoy yourselves!" Magnus shrugs and casts a smile at the two concerned ones, before feeling a tug at his tail. He turns around and casts the hyena a playful smirk, before giving her a nudge and a shove towards the frosting! Should she fall into it, he'd be upon her in an instant, cleaning her off with a flurry of licks~

Leighton:flicks her tail as she listens to Magnus' explaination and nods slowly. That has not really been her experience with Zephyr so far, but oh well. Not like anyone has been hurt. At least so far. She keeps her eyes on the screen for now and waits to see how this goes, sometimes glancing away at the self proclaimed magical girl. Maybe this all is some kinda modern play where the audience does not know they are an audience.

Mevir and Korune looks between eachother with growing concern. Mevir gives reassuring strokes to his chimeric mount. "I'm sure it's nothing terrible.. maybe.. hopefully.. they are just cakes.. right? Right?" he looks between magnus, that magical girl, the villain, the crowd, Korune.. pretty much everyone repeating the word "Right?" in a small infinite loop of thought.

The Pink Hyena takes that as an invitation, and grabs the lapels of Magnus's uniform, pulling him along with her into the lake of cake and icing. Officer down!

Meanwhile the other fox has reappeared on the screen "I don't think they're listening Milton," he says, frowning at the camera, "I told you we should have just enjoyed the cake. It was mum's recipe."

"Shut up!" the mustachioed fox growls, shoving his companion off screen, "I told you, no names!" He turns to grimace at the camera. "You think this is a joke?" he growls, "Very well, let us see who is laughing NOW!" He produces a big, red button from under the table and mashes a fist down on it.

For a long moment, nothing happens. "Bigsby!" the fox on screen hisses, "I though you said this butto-"

Just then, there is a resounding crash of shattering glass from somewhere on the floor above!

Euoia scans the network for a little bit, only to find another wifi hotspot open up. 'Hmmm, I wonder where this goes,' sie mused to herself. Euoia started to try and connect to the wifi hotspot known as CAKEF0X and perform a simple scan of what devices were connected to the hotspot.

Euoia seems to monitor the traffic of the network as best as sie can in order to triangulate where the signal might be in accordance to what other official Zephyr hotspots might be near the objects.

Falling over with her, the fennec too wraps his arms around her, pressing forward to have his taste of the cake, though from her muzzle as their lips meet, pulling her into a deep kiss right then and there. He lets it linger for a short while before pulling away, and playfully starting to clean her off down her neck and over her chest. By the time he'd reached the softest, tastiest part, he'd press his nose in between the soft mounds just there and clean the crevice dutifully. He was a mess, a cake-covered mess, but who the fuck cared? They were there to have a good time. That is... until the sound of a crash comes from the upstairs room. It was very loud and easily picked up by everyone, especially the big-eared fox. What a fucking shame too, he had just reached his lover-to-be's belly button and a mere minute longer would have landed him between her legs. "Shit... work's calling. I'll catch ya later, babe. Better yet, you call me." he'd cast a wink down at her, slipping a card into her muzzle as he hops off and shakes the frosting off... as best as he can. "You guys coming to check that out?" he'd hook a thumb towards the exit, hinting towards the noise they'd heard, before running off towards the stairwell leading upstairs.

Leighton flinches at the noise of shattering glass from above, instinctively shielding her face with her arm and wrapping her wings around her body. After the noise clears and she peeks our of her "shield" she takes a moment to take in the situation and watch Magnus sprint up the stairs. The dragon girl hesitates momentarily, but then flaps her wings and flies after him. What if he gets hurt!

Nena takes a few steps back when Magnus is pulled towards the cake, trying to avoid any collateral splatter. The threats from the video feed were hollow to her. A cake threat was hardly something to be concerned about, for her. After all, while service and cleaning was her job, it wasn't her job -here- and so it was not something she'd have to deal with fallout from. As far as the tiger was concerned she could sit back and enjoy the chaos, though cake made a lacking substitute for popcorn. "You bet," she says, turning tail to follow after Magnus. "I'm not missing out on this game."

Korune's ears flatten at the explosion upstairs along with the raining of glass. He quickly turns and sprints upstairs, skipping multiple steps at a time with his large strides. He was worried about casualties mostly, since his expertise wasn' t so inclined to the bomb-sniffing, investigative, or negotiate realms.

The fox on screen, Milton, cackles and twirls his mustache. "Behold my cake based power!" he crows, "NOW who among you LACKEYS can see that my demands are met!"

Magnus's new gnoll-friend sighs and plucks the card from her mouth. "Men," she growls, then sets to cleaning the icing from her fur on her own.

The crew of runners does not have to go far, accompanied as they are by building security. On the second floor, they find the very obvious source of the sound of shattering glass. An entire suite of corporate offices seem to be swamped with cake. (vanilla and white chocolate) The windows of this smaller floor have been blown out and a very angry looking man in a very expensive, very ruined suit is stomping toward the stairs.

"WHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS MESS!" he roars, zeroing in on the group rushing up the stairs.

Euoia proceeds to log in to zephyr wifi with hir account. Sie proceeds to send an email to the System Operations Director that says "Currently, someone with a bunch of Nanospace enfolders is triggering cakes to explode in the Zephyr building within 30 meters of the employee cantina probably in a building outside if the feed looks right. Pass this note along to any other agents that want to join me in a hunt for them. Set it up as an APB to any friendly agents in the area. I'm gonna hunt around outside."

Euoia at this point, dramatically closes hir laptop and puts it back in the interdimensional pocket. "You may think you will get away with this. However, the long arm of justice will reach out to you, and I will be the one to find you!" with another pose, sie starts looking for a place that might be similar to the one in the feed.

"A pair of cartoon villains. No time to explain." He'd cast a glance around the others. "We gotta find the other charges before he sets another one off." Magnus nods and runs off, leaping and rolling up into a ball to dart off through the hallways, up the stairs and around the offices. He uses his nose, primarily, to sense for the sweet aroma of that familiar frosting. It had a very specific kind of aroma, lemony and sweet in all the right ways. Hopefully, he could tell where other deposits of it were, he banked on that seeing as he didn't have any of that nano-hoo-haw to lean on. There was the scent of oranges and cinnamon, but on the floor below. Pinball was a fun game, especially if you were the ball. He'd bounce and clink against walls and things as he rushes fast enough to kick up a wind in his wake, looking for the next cake to yeet out of the building~

"What a mess all this is, huh?" Nena strokes her chin and, while she was going to follow Magnus, Magnus seems to be rather speedy. Too fast for this girl to bother keeping up with. She gives a little sigh and turns her palms up. "If we find out who, mister suit, I'm sure you'll be among the first to know." She sets off after the fox at a more relaxed pace, like she very much wasn't in any kind of hurry. And in the process, she'll brush shoulders with the man in the ruined suit- Rude? Perhaps. But then, the man's suit isn't ruined anymore, is it?"

Korune sighs at the rediculousness of the situation. He ignores the suit entirely, and looks to his mate. He prowls down the stairs again, the two other agents taking the upper floors, He figured to take the flower floors. "Mevir, can you use that technomancy of yours too look for potential detonators?" he asks while he uses his own senses to seek out potential bakery bombs.

The incensed corporate suit is hardly in the mood to notice the very nice thing the very nice Nena did for him. Instead he just stops and shouts at the security detail until one of the masked and armored guards offers to take him to see the video feed of the mad cakebombers.

"I'll do it myself!" he growls, shouldering past the guards and heading toward the cake filled cantina.

Meanwhile, in the Cantina, most of those remaining are more interested in cake than in Euoia's alert, though some of the more dedicated Zephyr agents stir themselves to start looking around. Euoia herself is one of the few people still paying attention when the Suit storms into the room. "I'll have your head, you. . . you. . . whatever you are! Don't you know who I am? I am James Jonhason! I'll have your balls bronzed and made into a newton's cradle for my secretary's desk!"

Magnus finds that the scent of oranges and cinnamon lead him back to the cantina, and all the way across toward the industrial kitchen on the far side! That must be where the cake is!

Mevir, on Korune's back shakes his head. "It doesn't work like that," he says, "They are using nanites, not any kind of normal network."

Euoia takes one final look of the location displayed on the television. "Try to remember that location, he's within 30 meters of us, and most likely outside and running off a wifi router named CAKEF0X. I couldn't doxx em any further than that." Sie got down off the table and started making hir way outside, hopefully the apb sie requested would alert the others to the information sie just blurted out.

Magnus storms into the room first, darting around sniffing for the presence of the other cake. Once the fat cat in the suit runs in and starts hollaring however, *SPLAT* he crashes right into the icing, slicing through it like butter, carried by momentum alone... in the process splattering the recently cleaned suit with a second serving of delicious frosting. Why? Because it's funny to Magnus... and also he wasn't paying attention who gets caught in the splash. Once he arrives and unrolls, the fennec spots the two masterminds, or at least two vulpines that strongly resembled them red-handed. The fennec draws his modified revolver and aims it at the camera-cackler's head. "Game over, hands behind your head, on the floor! Both of you!" He then screams at the others, hoping they could hear him. "OVER HERE!"

Leighton kept flying close past the others and only narrowly dodged the second explosion. She lands and folds her wings, then dives behind a counter as guns get drawn. Cops! Always pulling out guns! This hardly seemed like a criminal worth pointing a gun at their head...all he did was some light vandalism.

It's better for Nena that the act goes unnoticed. She prefers it that way. After all, she's just a maid, and definitely not someone with supernatural tricks. No, it's better that nobody notices- Or at least notices who did it. More importantly, now that Nena has left the lobby she pulls a cigarette from her pocket and lights up as she ambles after Magnus, lazily poking her head into the room to see if he's got the right group. Namely, looking for the chubby fox among them.

Korune hears the loud reverberated "Over Here!" magnified by the cake-o-vision a few rooms over. He looks over his shoulder but continues to prowl about the lower floors, aware that Magnus might have the situation under control, but if the detonating delicacies are on a timer, then they would still need to be found and disarmed, at a minimum if they are diffused by the fennec, they would still need to be found regardless. No sense spoiling baked goods.

Milton, the mustached fox looking into the camera, suddenly stops cackling and looks back over his shoulder to where Magnus has a revolver trained on him. "Wow! That was faster than I expected," he reaches up and pulls off his false mustache and holds his hands up. "Jonhason was on our list, Bugs?" he asks the other, chubbier fox who is currently holding a hot cake pan over his head. "Yup," the fat fox says, "James Jonhason, transportation executive. Sixth member of the corporate board."

Outside, in the cantina, Jonhason has slipped and fallen into the icing. "Shoot them! Shoot them!" he roars, while all of this is being shown on the large screen on the increasingly tipsy, giant cake.

Euoia kicks the kitchen door open from the outside of the building, wielding hir Starlight Goddess Yo-yo as menacingly as possible. "There's no escape, Villains!" Sie has hir theme music playing as sie guards the exit.

"What's going on here?" the fennec asks, having at least given them a look-over to make sure they weren't armed themselves. His ears flit upwards as the enraged executive demands blood. Magnus rolls his eyes and lowers his weapon. "Well I owe you two a thanks, you got someone I wanted to meet again in the same place as me, but you made a damn mess of things." he then looks over his cake-covered self. "And me... right, sorry. Explain... and keep your hands where I can see em." he'd warn, waiting to hear their side of it. "What's with the enfolders? Why cake? Just... what... why?" There were so many questions...

Leighton shoots the suit. A death glare. "Nobody is getting shot!" She huffs and a small puff of smoke leaves her nostrils. She pokes her head out of her cover and peers at the foxes, while keeping an eye on Magnus. "I feel like the answer is gonna be "Why not"." She raises her eyebrows and waits for the foxes to explain themselves however.

Sure, Nena could clean herself just fine, but that didn't mean she wanted to go romping through the cake. Food was great and all, but but when she was wearing it. Unless it was chocolate sauce, and- Another story for another time. She stares out across the way towards the kitchen, where the altercation was taking place, considering her options. How to cross and look cool doing it. Furniture surfing? Maybe, but if she fell, that'd be uncool. "Yeah, let's not shoot anyone," she calls, and decides that that most cool option is to just stand there and watch from afar. Better than becoming a caked up tiger.

Korune prowls about and notices the lack of any evidence of additional destructive devices. He hops over the mess of cake in the cantina, likely furthering the mess with a few wing beats throwing more frosting about due to the pressure of the air being displaced. He lands behind the fennec, towering over the entryway. He folds his wings and attempts to gage the situation.

The pair of foxes look between the uniformed fennec with the gun and the. . . magical girl with the. . . yo-yo. And you thought this couldn't get any better than exploding cake.

The chubby fox coughs. "Can I put the cake down? The pan is kind of hot and it is starting to get through my oven mitts." He waits for a second, then sets his pan down gently before raising his mitted hands back into the air.

Milton is still holding his mustache in the air. "Some guy paid us," he says with a smile, "Said to make some noise and get this dude down here. We just had to get him out of his office until. . . " his eyes stray to a clock on the wall, "nnnnnnnnnow."

Everyone goes still for a moment, but nothing happens. "There you go," Milton says, "Mission accomplished. The cake was just for fun. Plus Bugsby is an incredible cook.

Bugsby, for his part, looks awkwardly between Magnus and Euoia and each arriving operative. "Are we under arrest?" he asks pleasantly, "Because I still have one more cake in the oven."

Euoia glances over to Magnus. "Well, mister officer, I believe at this point this is more your department..." Sie can't really move from this spot at the moment, it would ruin the pose. However, sie can't really send any messages in time to anywhere either. "I would say that the cookie has crumbled at least..."

"Ah for fuck's sake." The fennec growls and puts his revolver away as he starts to mutter something about corporate espionage. "Looks like you two are gonna be giving a formal statement at HQ. You are under arrest on grounds of criminal mischief, criminal tampering and obstructon of public utility services." he would grumble and grab each of them by the wrists, first passing by the mastermind with the fake mustache to pull his hands behind his back and apply cuffs tightly around his wrists. He lays the male flat on the ground, and moves onto the other, repeating the motion and turning off the oven once he is done.

"You have the right to remain silent. If you give up the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you desire an attorney and cannot afford one, an attorney will be obtained for you before police questioning. In other words, zip it, come quietly and you might get away with just a slap on the wrist. Capiche? Come on. Madison is gonna have a lot of fun with you two clowns, she's got a sense of humor like a bucket of ice. Cold, hard and lifeless." he'd huff, tugging them both up and grabbing them each by the arm, moving to pull them out of the room. He pauses only to pick up his comm and announce he has two fugitives under arrest, and he'd appreciate a second body to escort them.

Leighton stands up straight now that danger seems to be over. Well its not like there ever was any danger...other than from a stray cop bullet. She eyes the foxes, but they don't seem familiar to her. With a shrug of her shoulders she takes a step backwards and leaves the policing to the police.

"Ah. A trick. A distracting for theft maybe. Interesting... I will have to keep my ears open." Nena plucks the cigarette from her lips and snuffs it, before tossing it into a rubbish bin. "Good work and all that. Clean up isn't my scene, and I've got nowhere to be just yet, so I'll help you walk them back if you want. Maybe get this icing recipe in the process. I could make use of it."

Korune leans over to Magnus, "I checked the lower floors, no further signs of their devices. I can assist you taking them into custody" he offers. Moving to lift the two perpetrators up with his four paws, however ready to restrain himself if Magnus says otherwise.

Out in the cantina, James Jonhason is being gently escorted from the cake covered room while others look on in amusement.

The foxes come along without complaint, except that Bugsby sighs as they walk past the oven. "That one was for us Milt," he says sadly, "Real shame the other two had to go all splodey." He does smile when Nena asks about his recipe. "It was Mum's favorite, you know," he says.