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Saturday July 21, 2018=Log=
Saturday July 21, 2018=Log=
<div></div><div title="Alukraz"><p>After the call for agents, a group of foxes and other canines scramble to organise their gear. Amongst them is one who clearly looks like the leader of the expidition, a fox with a clipboard and a slightly dishevled casual attire. She&#39;s female and the half-worn shirt reveals a breast. &quot;Come on everyone, get this place cleaned up and ready to go!&quot; The fox is making notes on her cliboard, but looks stressed.</p>
<p>The others gather up and pack their backpacks with various instruments and documents, but it takes time to carefully pack the equipment.</p></div><div title="Zophah"><p>Zophah arrives as her usual vixen self, wearing a flame patterned bikini wiht a labcoat over it. Her mailbag pack is full of gear and gadgets, ready to do what needs to be done. She then goes to adress whomever is in charge. &quot;All set to work. Any ideas on what we&#39;ll encounter?&quot;</p></div><div title="Nena"><p>Nena saunters lazily onto the scene, taking a long drag from her cigarette. She stops to appraise the group, combing her fingers through her unruly mane of hair before flicking the butt on the ground, snubbing it under her shoe. &quot;Hey there. This is the expedition group, yeah? Just making sure I didn&#39;t wander into the wrong team.&quot; It was hard for her to say, given the... Unprofessional attire some of them wore.</p></div><div title="Anderson"><p>Anderson shoulders over his backpack and shotgun, happy that he has yet to need it or his bag of light-ordenance during the travel. His outfit wasn&#39;t exactly flashy or all that cool, but it conveyed what was most important: the cobra was with RSX and he had gear for clearing powerful mutants. He glances over to the others nervously, but waves to the vixen leader of the expedition. &quot;A-Agent Anderson Dansky. RSX s-sends their w-... well-wishes,&quot; he hisses, doing his best to sound professional. &quot;I&#39;m h-here to help h-however I can.&quot;</p></div><div title="Magnus"><p>T&#39;was two&#39;oh&#39;five, what a time to be alive, for one dragon on a quest to ring some more light into he lives of the locals. Small things, you know? Get this or that to aid in a project, a piece of work, a scrap of salvage, a kind word here or there, or just a watchful eye to endsure the innocents are not being needlessly assaulted. </p>
<p>The sun was not with him today, it would seem... Haze hung heavy over the terrain, thick and misty as soup, not suffocatingly so, but... concerning nonetheless. It hindered one&#39;s vision and deprived the earth of the sun&#39;s glorious rays, keeping it cool and sickly moist. The sounds of thrusters resonate in the distance as Magnus makes his approach. This marvel of transportation his father had so enthusiastically devised had proven quite useful on many occasions, and now it was his to use as he willed. </p>
<p>With a light thud does Magnus land not far from the scene of the hustle and bustle, expecting to be greeted like any normal grunt, t&#39;was gruntwork after all. His gaze scans over the agents present, none seeming familiar, not a one. Still, opportunity lied where unfamiliarity stood, no? He notes the rather obvious chain of command and makes his way towards the fox in charge, casting nods and greetings all along the way. His gaze wanders over a particularly lovely set of beuties, different in form, size and shape most certainly, but beauty was in the eye of the beholder, no? Once he does reach the fox in charge, his head bows in recognition and acceptance of her authority over the expedition to come, before words flow out, a tone as deep and smooth as though it&#39;d been dipped in honey. &quot;I hear there is work to be had here. You folks habe an opening for another soul looking to make a few creds?&quot; The male wasn&#39;t all that heavily armed, no flashy bangy rifles or high caliber firearms, though one could probably guess there was more to his attire consisting of a loose white cotton blouse, and dark linen slacks covering all but his oddly armored feet. Were... were those thruster nozzles?</p></div><div title="Epsilon"><p>Epsilon was just arriving by, followed loosely by the stench of skunk that she got drenched it before she reported for what seems to be like a mere escort mission. Still not quite at ease given the sudden last ditch blasts, she simply sits nearby the fox team and the gathered crew, paying rather little attention to her direct surroundings. With a loud harrumph, the plump kaiju spider being shakes her head, before she says, &#39;Sorry for the smell, kind of got swamped into smelly situations.. I hope y&#39;all you don&#39;t mind.&#39;.  For a moment, she peeks at a random place before she asks, &#39;What are you doing, by the way? Researches? Didn&#39;t paid too much attention, now that i think about it..&#39;.</p></div><div title="Lilac"><p>Another merc joins the growing group, this one arriving on a long, slithering snaketail. Lilac moves in with a swagger, the side-to-side motions of her body leaving S-shaped indents on the soft soil where her lower half treads. From the waist up she&#39;s an affable bovine, clad in heavy armor of Zephyr make and branding. She hefts her rather oversized gun to rest over her shoulder and puts on a bright smile as she regards the others around her. &quot;Hello everyone. Lilac, reporting for duty!&quot;</p>
<p>Lilac takes her time analyzing each of the others, nodding approvingly at the group, before her gaze settles on the vulpine leader of the expedition. &quot;The notice I recieved was a bit scant on details, but if there&#39;s any way I can help other than shooting things, I&#39;ll be happy to do so, as well!&quot;</p></div><div title="Alukraz"><p>The vixen notices agents start to gather together. She gives them a look-over, but then realizes that her shirt is haging off her when she receives various lascivious looks. caughing she fixes her shirt, covering her breasts, and muttering under her breath, &quot;Shit... Just what my day needed.&quot; Clearing her throat, she looks to the gathering of mutans as her team packs up the various instruments. She finally address the group, &quot;Right then... seems you lot are more prepared than we are... it seems that nobody remembered to set our alarms so we&#39;re running behind schedule.&quot; She sighs, rubbing the bridge of her muzzle. In an attempt to look somewhat profesional, she stands straight and quickly gets her clothes in order. &quot;Thank you all for coming. As one of the closest and largest rivers near Fairhaven, my team has been assigned to collect as much data from several points as we can. This will be an all-day task... Though, I doubt you&#39;ll be needed for all of it. We need you, agents, to help keep the local mutants off our back as we collect samples of the water and test the flow of the river in multiple spots. &quot;Should you have the ability... you can also help us collect some data, but it&#39;s not needed.&quot; Taking a look at the team, they seem almost ready to move, but one approaches the vixen. &quot;My name is Caramel, I&#39;m a sci-&quot; The approching team member whispers into Caramel&#39;s ears, as she listens, the ear on the other side of her head starts to droop and her face scrunches up into anger. &quot;HE WHAT?!&quot; She yells loudly. She holds back her anger before she addresses the gathered group. &quot;ONE of the team members, Jake, seems to be missing. He has expensive equipment on him, and he&#39;s alone.&quot; She sighs again. &quot;We&#39;ll finish up getting ready to go, I need you all to go after him and make sure he didn&#39;t get himself turned into a mindless otter.&quot;</p></div>

Revision as of 00:23, 22 July 2018



Saturday July 21, 2018=Log=

After the call for agents, a group of foxes and other canines scramble to organise their gear. Amongst them is one who clearly looks like the leader of the expidition, a fox with a clipboard and a slightly dishevled casual attire. She's female and the half-worn shirt reveals a breast. "Come on everyone, get this place cleaned up and ready to go!" The fox is making notes on her cliboard, but looks stressed.

The others gather up and pack their backpacks with various instruments and documents, but it takes time to carefully pack the equipment.

Zophah arrives as her usual vixen self, wearing a flame patterned bikini wiht a labcoat over it. Her mailbag pack is full of gear and gadgets, ready to do what needs to be done. She then goes to adress whomever is in charge. "All set to work. Any ideas on what we'll encounter?"

Nena saunters lazily onto the scene, taking a long drag from her cigarette. She stops to appraise the group, combing her fingers through her unruly mane of hair before flicking the butt on the ground, snubbing it under her shoe. "Hey there. This is the expedition group, yeah? Just making sure I didn't wander into the wrong team." It was hard for her to say, given the... Unprofessional attire some of them wore.

Anderson shoulders over his backpack and shotgun, happy that he has yet to need it or his bag of light-ordenance during the travel. His outfit wasn't exactly flashy or all that cool, but it conveyed what was most important: the cobra was with RSX and he had gear for clearing powerful mutants. He glances over to the others nervously, but waves to the vixen leader of the expedition. "A-Agent Anderson Dansky. RSX s-sends their w-... well-wishes," he hisses, doing his best to sound professional. "I'm h-here to help h-however I can."

T'was two'oh'five, what a time to be alive, for one dragon on a quest to ring some more light into he lives of the locals. Small things, you know? Get this or that to aid in a project, a piece of work, a scrap of salvage, a kind word here or there, or just a watchful eye to endsure the innocents are not being needlessly assaulted.

The sun was not with him today, it would seem... Haze hung heavy over the terrain, thick and misty as soup, not suffocatingly so, but... concerning nonetheless. It hindered one's vision and deprived the earth of the sun's glorious rays, keeping it cool and sickly moist. The sounds of thrusters resonate in the distance as Magnus makes his approach. This marvel of transportation his father had so enthusiastically devised had proven quite useful on many occasions, and now it was his to use as he willed.

With a light thud does Magnus land not far from the scene of the hustle and bustle, expecting to be greeted like any normal grunt, t'was gruntwork after all. His gaze scans over the agents present, none seeming familiar, not a one. Still, opportunity lied where unfamiliarity stood, no? He notes the rather obvious chain of command and makes his way towards the fox in charge, casting nods and greetings all along the way. His gaze wanders over a particularly lovely set of beuties, different in form, size and shape most certainly, but beauty was in the eye of the beholder, no? Once he does reach the fox in charge, his head bows in recognition and acceptance of her authority over the expedition to come, before words flow out, a tone as deep and smooth as though it'd been dipped in honey. "I hear there is work to be had here. You folks habe an opening for another soul looking to make a few creds?" The male wasn't all that heavily armed, no flashy bangy rifles or high caliber firearms, though one could probably guess there was more to his attire consisting of a loose white cotton blouse, and dark linen slacks covering all but his oddly armored feet. Were... were those thruster nozzles?

Epsilon was just arriving by, followed loosely by the stench of skunk that she got drenched it before she reported for what seems to be like a mere escort mission. Still not quite at ease given the sudden last ditch blasts, she simply sits nearby the fox team and the gathered crew, paying rather little attention to her direct surroundings. With a loud harrumph, the plump kaiju spider being shakes her head, before she says, 'Sorry for the smell, kind of got swamped into smelly situations.. I hope y'all you don't mind.'. For a moment, she peeks at a random place before she asks, 'What are you doing, by the way? Researches? Didn't paid too much attention, now that i think about it..'.

Another merc joins the growing group, this one arriving on a long, slithering snaketail. Lilac moves in with a swagger, the side-to-side motions of her body leaving S-shaped indents on the soft soil where her lower half treads. From the waist up she's an affable bovine, clad in heavy armor of Zephyr make and branding. She hefts her rather oversized gun to rest over her shoulder and puts on a bright smile as she regards the others around her. "Hello everyone. Lilac, reporting for duty!"

Lilac takes her time analyzing each of the others, nodding approvingly at the group, before her gaze settles on the vulpine leader of the expedition. "The notice I recieved was a bit scant on details, but if there's any way I can help other than shooting things, I'll be happy to do so, as well!"

The vixen notices agents start to gather together. She gives them a look-over, but then realizes that her shirt is haging off her when she receives various lascivious looks. caughing she fixes her shirt, covering her breasts, and muttering under her breath, "Shit... Just what my day needed." Clearing her throat, she looks to the gathering of mutans as her team packs up the various instruments. She finally address the group, "Right then... seems you lot are more prepared than we are... it seems that nobody remembered to set our alarms so we're running behind schedule." She sighs, rubbing the bridge of her muzzle. In an attempt to look somewhat profesional, she stands straight and quickly gets her clothes in order. "Thank you all for coming. As one of the closest and largest rivers near Fairhaven, my team has been assigned to collect as much data from several points as we can. This will be an all-day task... Though, I doubt you'll be needed for all of it. We need you, agents, to help keep the local mutants off our back as we collect samples of the water and test the flow of the river in multiple spots. "Should you have the ability... you can also help us collect some data, but it's not needed." Taking a look at the team, they seem almost ready to move, but one approaches the vixen. "My name is Caramel, I'm a sci-" The approching team member whispers into Caramel's ears, as she listens, the ear on the other side of her head starts to droop and her face scrunches up into anger. "HE WHAT?!" She yells loudly. She holds back her anger before she addresses the gathered group. "ONE of the team members, Jake, seems to be missing. He has expensive equipment on him, and he's alone." She sighs again. "We'll finish up getting ready to go, I need you all to go after him and make sure he didn't get himself turned into a mindless otter."