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(Created page with "=Participants= * Buzamu * Edel * Ebreus * Cerl * Gcc * Allura * Anagram =Date= 07/09/2017 =Log= Tensions were certainly climbing, and not in the wa...")
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Revision as of 08:16, 8 September 2017





Tensions were certainly climbing, and not in the ways people had expected. Firstly, with the new building materials, RSX and the Prometheans had begun improving and even building anew, their 'regions', giving a sense of growth to the areas they managed. However, one of the big three factions had gotten, in effect, cut off due to decisions made by those in charge. Zephyr, was not seeing any of the gains to their regions after they attempted to demand a different delivery arrangement with teh San Diego Marines. Now, they've taken to 'aggressive business practices' to force the change in arrangement. What did this mean? Tehre was now a blockade established at the main delivery space the Marine were using. Zephyr of course, didn't build on the outside of the bubble. They had too many Security officers who needed regular access to nanites to do their job.

So the pair of walls established to enforce the blockade had two purposes - The outside facing wall was intended to stop the Marines from trying to bring their supplies into the city proper. The inside facing wall, was to keep RSX and the Prometheans from trying to reach the Marines anyways. Both were manned with a full compliment of 20 guards, 5 of which were 'resting' currently.

The Marines were sitting in their MTVR's and HMMWV's, talking quietly amongst each other while their LT was busy on the radio in the lead HMMWV with her chain of command. On the Fairhaven side of the wall, RSX and Promethean representatives, more the ones supposed to help get the deliveries, milled about while waiting for hte Agents they called for to arrive.

"Well, well. Who would have seen this coming?" Edel muses out loud, voice dripping with sarcasm as she saunters onto the scene. "The dim witted moneybags talked themselves out of a deal and then threw a fit over it! Bravo." She adjusts the strap of her bag, eyeing the blockade. "Typical. I don't suppose you could just find a different meeting spot?"

Ebreus smiled when he got the call for this mission. He knew it'd happen after negotiating to buy half of Zephyrs share of the Marines supplies. Having been hanging out with Allura when they get the call he offers to fly her there and with her acceptance hoists her onto his back before taking off. He flies, mostly gliding as if an eagle or other raptor, toward the meeting place. Feeling the nanites grow thinner he swoops low to land just outside where the fun was happening. He sets Allura down and examines the situation.

Seeing the blockaid, and Edel, he waves and says, "Yeah, greed and stupidity, two hard drugs that are often mixed and never should be." he sighs and telepathically continues to Edel, 'Think the Marines made any of that tranq gas?' After speaking to Edel he turns his attention to the blockaid and aproaches until there is any response, keeping his shield ready in case the first response is viiolent, then if it isn't he says. "Hello, mind if I ask what you lot are up to?"

Cloaked in her usual veil of invisibility, Cerl hurries to the place specified in the Promethean broadcast for help. Spotting Ebreus already on site, she decides to remain cloaked and let him handle any negotiations while sending a quick telepathic message to him to alert him to her presence, and to let him know he now has a hidden ace card. She then finds a spot where it would be extremely difficult to detect even the slightest ripple given off by her invisibility but which she can set up with a nice spot to snipe from should negotiations fail and things get violent, well out of detection range of the Zephyr soldiers she can see with the special patches.

Allura being quiet and although she did have a bit of her mind elsewhere she follows beside Ebreus with a hand at her stomach, air travel as the passenger was never her thing. Letting him talk as she keeps close, having never been to the bubbles edge she was rather nervous despite still being within it.

Anagram approaches the walls from the city's side, not really paying attention to the promethians and possibly RSX that have taken up camp. He just walks right through confidently, knocking on the wall's door. "Anagram, Zephyr employee reporting for station." He almost sounds bored, like the beuracracy is weighing on him. He looks over to Gcc as he waits for the door to open for him.

Gcc follows Anagram, appearing not quite bored with the situation.

There was no violent response to Erebus's approach, though several weapons are trained on him specifically. When Anagram and Gcc approach, they are let in after reporting who they were. The RSX and Promethean folks that weren't agents were sitting by the carts they normally used nervously, not wanting to approach closer than the 30 feet from teh wall they were, for fear of being shot. Only a couple of them were actually combatants, to make sure the goods got to where they were supposed to get.

"Promethean Agent Ebreus, you are asked to turn around and return to the marked 20 foot point of this blockade. If you do not comply, we will be required to open fire. Nothing personal, just orders." The Security Sergeant in charge of the blockade says. Of course, Cerl could see from her point that the Zephyr blockade facing out of hte city, and thusly, towards the Marines, had more heavy weapons than the Fairhaven side, but there were also a lot of Marine weapons pointed back as well. It seemed that the situation on THAT side of the blockade wasn't so clean, but there wasn't anyone shooting anyone else yet.

Allura stood alone at the twenty foot mark, she was here to figure out about the supplies and why they where not being moved. She looks around not really recognizing any emblems or much of the wall. If anyone armed or not came close, she would ask for a moment of their time, and try to find out just what is necessary about all of the firepower.

Edel nods towards Ebreus. "A pity, truly. But they are two things that often allow people to rise to power, unfortunately." She looks over to the security sergeant next and clicks her tongue. "Such violence. Taking orders from brutes, now?" she passes by way of judgement. She seeks the negotiators from the other two, tail flicking behind her.

Cerl carefully slots a bolt gauranteed to really ruin someone's day with the nasty chemical cocktail attached to it's explosive head, and then settles down to watch and listen, still cloaked with invisibility.

Ebreus shakes his head and says, "Alright, don't particularly want to be shot. 'Course you know I have orders as well." He begins to back away upon hearing Cerls voice in his head to which he quickly replies, 'Can you reach the Marines Leutenant with telepathy?' He nods a polite greeting to Anagram when the German Shepard passes him and reaches out with telepathy to him as well, 'Hey. Couldn't help but notice you're boredom. I can offer some excitement if you'd like.'

Before Anagram enters, he answers Ebreus with his own telepathy: 'Don't want this to blow up in my face, thank you. If you can get this sorted, I won't stop you from talking.' After entering, he climbs up to stand on the inner-facing wall, looking down at the people outside the walls. He just stands there, waving to ebreus.

After getting herself settled in her sniper nest, Cerl fires a quick radiotelepathic message back to Ebreus. *Of course I can't reach them with telepathy. Noone could. They're out of bubble.*

The Sergeant shrugs. "Just doing my job Miss." He says, and looks over at the situation going on with the other side. Anagram and Gcc of course, get to hear part of the arguement going on. "I'm sorry, but even if you chose another part of the city to enter from, we'd just be obligated to blockade that route too. No, I don't care that you have orders and access to heavy ordinance if need be." Some poor helpless guard on the wall facing the Marines was saying. The reponses from the MArines were a bit fainter, since he was on the wall opposite of them.

"What... If we destroy the blockade?" Edel asks, then, turning her attention back over. "Hypothetically speaking. How many times would we need to break it and send people scattering before they give up? How many til the costs outweigh their stubborness?" Her ear twitches as she regards the sergeant.

Ebreus backs to just under twenty feet from Anagram and nots in aknowledgement of the wave. He sends a telepathic message to Anagram, 'Alright, let's try to resolve this without gunfire.' He then calls to the Zephyr employee who told him to back off the first time, "It I may ask: What, specifically, are your orders?" He then telepathically speaks to Edel, 'I'd estimate three to eight times dependant upon Zephyrs construction standards. It's entirely doable but I think I have a better way of doing it. I need to communicate with the Leutenant in charge of the shipment.'

Anagram thinks a bit, moving his gaze across the crowd of people. He then smiles. Who needs telepathy when you have technology? Using his interfacing nanomagic, he connects to his comm and pages Ebreus: 'I have an idea to get the marine's stuff around the blockade, but it will take a good amount of 'convincing'. Are you up for it?'

Cerl sends a radiotelepathy message to Ebreus, *Why don't you just go down the road a little, and make a tunnel through the buildings with your nanomagics. Might take you awhile to do it, and Z might move to plug the hole, but the current shipment would get through first.*

Gcc looks around for whoever happens to be in charge of the blockade.

Ebreus smiles as he recieves Anagrams message and replies, 'Nice, let's here your plan. I'm concocting one of my own.' Then swapts to responding to Cerl, 'That's my plan B. I've got an idea for this time around though.' And finally switches frequencies to the one used by the Marines, 'Hello? This is Ebreus, the Promethean Negotiator who delt with the last Z problem. Anybody in the convey remember me?'

Anagram keeps his texting to Ebreus: 'Yes I do have a plan. But I require compensation. Make it worth my time.' He keeps smiling, just standing there on the wall looking out at the crowd where Ebreus is.

It doesn't take Gcc long to find the Security Sergeant, who was on teh wall next to Anagram. "Establish a blockade, enforce said blockade. Maintain blockade until such time as the San Diego Marines are willing to accept Zephyr's proposal for a changed deal. I am authorized to use force, up to and including what would be classified as deadly pre-P-Day." He replies, sighing.

On the other side of hte wall, one of hte Marines steps out, growling something into the radio handset she was holding. It's hard to say why, but she doesn't look happy about it at all.

Gcc lustily murrs, "So what is the problem? This doesn't seem to be a problem for you, sir. What can I do for you that you or your men cannot do?"

Edel rubs her chin in idle thought. "You know, I have a different idea," she says, surveying the area. She needed to get into a conversation with the marines. The negotiators would have comms, at least. It is with that in mind she sets off to find- Or alternatively make, a path around the blockade. Perhaps through the wall of one of the buildings.

Ebreus smiles and replies to Anagram, 'I can provide compensation, a cover story, a distraction, and potentially actual cover.' He then takes a moment to double-check his comm, as best as his NICE Comm allows it to be checked for faults without brain-surgery and hums a slightly annoyed tune when he finds no problems. Now with the knowledge his comm, at least should be, working he texts Cerl, 'Something's up with Comms to the Marines. Can you reach them?' He turns his attention to Edel when she claims to have an idea and seeing her just back away he texts her as well, 'Care to share with the class?'

Cerl texts back to Ebreus, "Get a spare comm unit from someone, one small enough to be attached to a crossbow bolt, and maybe I can shoot it over to them with a note. It would need to be a really sturdy comm unit to survive the trip though."

Ebreus nods and looks to Allura and telepathies, 'Need to barrow your comm.' and, as covertly as he can, extends a hand to her for the Comm Unit. As he does this he texts Anagram, 'Clever, I'm checking all our options but that would be a great backup plan.' He then calls back to the wall, "I hear Zephyr claims to have better benefits than the Prometheans. Mind elaborating or are there rules about chatting while on blockaid work?" As he does this he tunes his comm to the San Diego Marine HQs frequency and tries to communicate, 'Hello? This is Ebreus, Promethean Negotiator. Zephyr is screwing with things. Checking if this'll go through.'

Anagram double checks in his head that everything would be in order for his plan if his deal succeeds. He then checks the encryption on his comm to make sure that Ebreus is the only one who could possibly receive his next page: 'I have enough underworld connections that all this stuff can be smuggled in and out without any problems. Say the word and I'll organize it all.'

Edel doesn't end up terribly far away. She didn't want to take all day walking around... So she picks a... Relatively close building. Yes, that'll do. It's still in sight of the blockade, but she'd just try to be... Subtle about it.

Cerl frowns to watch Ebreus trying to talk to incompatible systems with Allura's comm unit. She texts him real quick, "Quit screwing around and get a spare comm unit up here for me to send to them if you want to talk to them so bad."

The Sergeant shrugs. "We're doing our job. RSX and Prometheans don't like it. The big wigs were the ones who decided this, I'm just the bastard at teh short end." He states, getting back to making sure things were in order on the blockade.

"This is Camp Pendleton Communications, Marine Headquarters, Private Yanktown speaking. How may I help you Sir or Madam?"

Ebreus texts Cerl, 'I've got communications.' Then returns to speaking with Private Yanktown, 'Sir, and there has been a failure of communications resaulting in a temporary necessity to bounce communications through here for Promethean/Marine Communication. I need to know if the caravan is armed with the tranquilizer gas the design for which was sent home with the last caravan to return to San Diego.' He then looks over to Allura and seeing her a little zoned out checks with the RSX Guys. "Hey, I'm devising a way to defeat the blockaid, I need a physical comm unit. Have any spares?" he says.

Once in a building, Edel reaches out to rest her hand along the wall, applying her nanomagic in small amounts to... Make that small part of the wall not a problem. Unless she could find a window to sneak out of. Or a door. Anything to get her in a position to get around the blockade.

Gcc looks up and down the wall on either side of the outpost, looking for anything worth noting.

Anagram waits, not getting a response from Ebreus. He gets a little impatient, resending the page to Ebreus that he sent before. He thinks on it some more, wonderin gwhy Ebreus is taking so long.

"Sir, I'm sorry, but the RSX Comm relay is not for general use. And I'm afraid I cannot speak about that." Private Yanktown replies, sounding a bit upset at this message going on.

RSX's folks shrugs, none brought an extra comm unit, there wasn't any need till now. Same with the Promethean group present. Of course, over on Zephyr's blockcade, the mage that only Gcc and Anagram were aware of, due to his being inside the blockade's camp, as opposed to in plain side, growls. "Someone's using nanomagic to get around!" He says, pointing in the general direction of Edel's activity. But it was more a vague wave than any kind of pin-pointing. Meanwhile, the tension between the Marines and the Zephyr folks was definitely mounting, as several of the guards and marines over there were tightening their grips on their weapons.

Anagram stops. 'backup plan?' he thinks to himself. He looks up and down the wall and sees nothing at all. But knowing what Nanomagic can do (and having a good deal of it himself) his adrenaline rises. And once the nano mage points out its potential use, he starts off running in that direction.

Cerl sends a quick text to Ebreus again. "We technically outrank the prommies waiting to load the cart, order one of them to hand over their comm unit and get it up to me."

Ebreus takes a calm breath as he gets the response over the comm and says to the RSX Guys, "Alright." then moves over to the Promethean group and says, "I've got a plan for defeating the blockaid. I'm afraid I must ask for a Comm Unit from one of you. You have my word I will make every effort to see it returned, in as good condition as when it was taken, once the plan is complete."

Edel rubs her chin as she surveys the exit she has made, and the path to the marines. She sifts her fingers through her robe, touching upon a leaf. Ideas spring to mind and she starts scanning the room. First, near the makeshift exit, she builds a small ramp with landing... And then she is quickly about to try to put together a contraption that would provide a push...

Ebreus smiles as he gets the comm from the Promethean and then texts Cerl over his NICE Comm, 'I've got a comm. Where should I put it so that you can launch it?' He then sends a message to Anagram, 'Could you open the gates if there was a reasonable garantee no one would see you do it?'

Cerl texts back, "climb up the 3rd building to your right that has a destroyed wall overlooking the Zephyr blockade. If they order you back down, just leave the comm behind and I'll retrieve it." She then pulls out one of her bolts, removing the head and preparing it to receive the comm unit instead.

Anagram starts looking around for any sign that someone with nanomagic could have gotten through the blockade, but finds no trace. He's getting frustrated that someone is outsmarting him, but if he can't do anything then back to standing on the wall again...

Edel gets to work, building up her ridiculous contraption near the ramp, all within the confines of the building. Were she not trying to be sneaky, she might be cackling with mad glee. Instead, her striped tail flicks to and fro, kicking up, and collecting, dust as it often did.

Ebreus nods when he recieves Cerls text and walks to the building along a curved rout. Once at the building Cerl designated he leaps onto the building and begins to climb rollowing his instructions as he plans out a message to send to this comm, and of course checks it's number. 'Greetings Marines. We have devized a plan to defeat the blockaid. Assuming you have the tranquilizer gas gernades designed for use in our Weapon-bubble.' He then texts Cerl and Edel, 'My plan needs a distraction, big one. Either of you have such a thing?'

With all that was going on, there wasn't exactly a lot of traction seeming to go with dislodging Zephyr peacefully or forceably. Of course, that was harder to judge with how folks couldn't see all the angles. The Marines were arguing with Zephyr, and spoiling for a fight at this point, the RSX and Prometheans that weren't agents were well past teh 20 foot 'no-go' zone. As for the Agents? Well, that's where it gets interesting, what with Edel planning her rube goldberg machine, Cerl and Ebreus preparing their means of contacting the Marines, and Anagram doing his job in trying to help Zephyr enforce their enacted blockade.

The device was set! Now to put it into motion... And herself. She ticks off the start of it and quickly takes her place atop the ramp, invoking the powers of her objectifying leaf. To take the form of... A globe. Without the stand. Just the globe. Ready, waiting... For the contraption to knock into her to send her rolling off down the ramp... And hopefully towards the parking lot! She was glad she didn't eat before coming.

Ebreus leaves the Comm on the nearest windowsill as he's called out for climbing the building and drops, slowly, to the ground with the assistance of his wings. He walks away from the building as he wonders if Anagram will be helping, and how difficult it would be to instigate a controlled demolition of the nearby buildings onto the blockaid.

Cerl shifts slowly until she can grab the abandoned comm unit w/o someone spotting it just vanish from sight. Taking the time to affix the comm to the head of the shaft, and binding it there with leather straps, she then risks detection for the brief few moments it takes to sear the word "COMMS" into the leather straps on all sides. Fitting the bolt onto her crossbow, she watches and waits again for the perfect moment to shoot, when noone is looking in her general direction, arcing the comm bolt out into the parking lot a short distance from the marines...but far enough that they won't view it as a threat.

Anagram gets tired as the time wears on, finally getting around to answering Ebreus's page: 'If the doors get opened then there will be problems, even if I'm not responsible.' Anagram then decides that his time is better spent watching the marine's side of the walls, as the Promethians don't look like they'll cause any trouble any time soon. He doesn't see Ebreus anywhere in the crowd though, which is concerning but possibly because he isn't that perceptive.

Anagram, moving over to the Marine side of hte blockade, finally was in a position to finally hear what was going on. "Listen here you corporate asshole. The longer these materials sit here, and we don't get teh food, the more severe our retaliation will be. We got a lot of people down in San Diego needing that food, and we don't want to send military force up here to secure it, but as you DO have working farms and such, we will in order to reduce the number of rioters we're dealing with." The Marine in charge states, while the Zephyr guard sighs.

"You keep saying that, and I'm aware you've been keeping in touch with your superior's Lieutenant Terletter, but my orders are clear. Your materials do not move into hte city until your commanding officer agrees to Zephyr's demands. We'll provide the same amount of food as we're already slated to do so per the original agreement, but you're to provide us twice the amount of material." The Guard replies, double checking the sheet he had for the demands Zephyr was making.

"That's not a rearranging of the fucking deal, and I've told you that several times! That's fucking fleecing!"

Edel's plan worked! Uhhh, well, it would have if she had gotten those last two parts to work right. She did want to go flying through the air like a football, right? Into the HMMWV's windshield at that, right? Yeah, of coruse she did!

The bolt shot was right where it needed to be. Impacting into the mostly flat grass and dirt of the parking lot shrubbery. Sadly, the shot was timed so well, that the Marines didn't even see it sail through the air or notice it hit the ground.

The good news is she wasn't dizzy from the long trip over. The bad news is that hurt. But she made it! The disguise is dropped and she lays sprawled out over the hood of the vehicle. "My friends!" She proclaims groggily. "I have arrived." She lays her head down for a moment, eyes closed. "I come with ideas."

Ebreus hums as he considers his options. Going through the list he finds them getting prgressively more likely to kill the Zephyr security and less reasonably possible. He takes a look at the blockaid and sighs. 'Edel, were you responsible for that orb?' he texts her. He then sends a text to one of the organizers at New Dawn, 'Hello, letting you know ahead of time we might need backup to deal with this blockaid.'

Cerl sends a quick text to Ebreus. "That silly git Edel distracted the marines, noone saw the comm unit land. She's out there with them now though. Get on your comm, make it make some noise, attract attention. It's near the marines now they just have to pick it up, or have Edel point it out to them." She then preps her crossbow with the bolt gauranteed to ruin someone's day and returns to watching the soldiers on the barricade, ready to fire if necessary.

Anagram looks out at the Marines, disapointed that Zephyr doesn't know how to run a proper trade racket. He sighs, thinking over a means to solve the problem... A lot of ideas come to mind, but none of them result in his upper hand and everyone unharmed unless Ebreus agrees to his original idea.

Lieutenant Terletter is more shocked by the globe that hit the windshield turning into a tanuki, than the fact that the globe had sailed out and impacted the windshield in the first place. Zephyr's Security, was surprised as well, since, well, that sort of thing didn't normally happen.

Edel wiggles forward and slides off the hood onto unstead paws. "Ugh. Going to feel that in the morning. Yes, yes. I come bringing ideas!" She adjusts her glasses, which were fortunately spared due to her transformative state at time of impact. Though she does reply to the message. '... You could say that.' "Yes, ideas! So. Lieutenant. They won't let supplies through the city, right? What if... What if you just... Don't take supplies into the city?" She asks, gesturing around vaguely. "The world is large! The state is large. Maybe you can move the dropoff location to somewhere -not- on the city border. Without letting Zephyr know where. Then... Then! You can give the supplies to the other two and it's up to -them- to get it where it needs to go. Further, if Zephyr tries to stop them personally, there will be ~issues~!"

Ebreus grins when he gets the text from Cerl. He texts Edel, 'Glad you're over there. Give the Marines the Comm Cerl launched over. I need to talk to Lt. Terletter' He then switches to texting Cerl, 'Ok, now it is up to us to make the distraction since Edel is over there. It's the last thing we need. I might knock down one of the buildings.'

Cerl considers the options for creating a diversion, and considers firing an explosive bolt somewhere. Opting not to, preferring to just remain hidden and ready for now, she decides to leave it up to Ebreus to create the diversion.

Anagram facepalms as Edel is with the marines. He says to the guard next to him "That tanuki out there with the marines is a Promethian." He then wonders where Ebreus went, and gets concerned. "Something is not right."

The Zephyr guard rolls his eyes. "No, I doubt that much... Not with that kind of crazy stunt, especially leaving teh bubble like that." Still, the Zephyr security folks look more bored over this than dedicated, if only because they've been going at this for hours now and nothing's changed.

"Uhhh, what? Wait, hold on. Aren't you Miss Edel?" Terletter says, before nodding. "Right, you are. And we could, it'd get us out of this cluster fuck, but I can't even reach HQ now, something blew out the radio."

"I am, I am," Edel says, brushing her sleeve off. "I can take a look at your radio if you want, but no promises," she says, looking around. She was supposed to find something- Was that it? She wanders over the bush, presumably to fetch the pack to ferry it to the LT. "But! Yes. I would say just bypass those stingy sticks-in-the-mud with their corporate... Corporating."

Ebreus waits after sending his last text and takes a look at the buildings around him. He then texts Cerl, 'Let me know when Edel has given them the comm. Also move from that building I'm going to collapse it as our distraction.' He then spends the next few moments telling the rest of the Prometheans and RSX guys, via telepathy and texts, that the building is coming down and not to be alarmed in addition to preparing himself to bring it down.

Cerl texts back, "It's delivered, and you're leaving my building alone. It's the only one in the area with a good overlook on the barricade."

Terletter nods. "Sure. Got a massive squelch of static than something popped. Ain't none of us commo. We'd already radioed in another vehicle to help us on this end from FOB Redway. Called them in about 2 hours ago, so in about an hour we'll have commo for sure." She explained, then gestured to the Zephyr blockade. "And dealing with these assholes has been driving me up a wall. Fucking corporate bloodsuckers." The RSX and Prometheans present, when told to not be alarmed, well, it had hte opposite effect, most quietly starting to shuffle their way away from teh blockade area even more than they already were.

Edel rubs her chin, pondering. "It has been a while since I was doing contract work for military branches. I will have to remind myself of the terms later." She waves the comm around, smiling. "Take this. I think someone wanted to talk to you. I can take a look at your radio while you deal with that. I have shared my ideas."

Ebreus calls the Comm, "Hello? Ok, this should be working. I have a means around this blockade that should give them pause for setting up a new one next week. When the distraction hits gas them and charge the blockade before they can wake up. You have Gas Grenades, right?" he says.

Cerl just maintains her overwatch, crossbow aimed and ready just in case.

Terletter took the offered comm unit, and when it starts squawking, she rolls her eyes. "Negative. Still producing them. Getting some of the materials we need hasn't been easy." She replies, looking at what was going on. "Advise holding off one your 'plan'. Because I'd rather avoid a shooting war right now, if you respect my position. Me and mine are exposed, we ain't got enough armor to take any of the missiles tehy've got pointed at us, and I'd rather not loose the materials to begin with." she says, was gesturing for Edel to get into the HMMWV to fix the radio. there was a hint of electronic smoke smell in teh cabin, and opening the case mounted on the dash of hte vehicle revealed several popped safety measures for hte radio itself. At least THOSE did their jobs and kept the whole thing from exploding!

Edel clambers into the vehicle, tail curling up an around into her lap as she leans forward to get to work. Corporate politics were never her thing, but this? This suited her just fine. She gets out a few small tools she keeps on hand and fiddles, doing what she can until she eventually pops a hand out of the vehicle and gives a thumbs up.

Ebreus begins muttering curses to himself to hear that they don't have the Gas Grenades yet. He responds, "Alright, Plan B then." He then surveys the area for somewhere he could make an alternate rout for the caravan. Once done surveying he texts the head of personell dispatching, "Change of plans. Reinforcements likely will not be needed but at this point it is apparent that a rout to New Dawn that Zephyr cannot seize control over will be important to our ability to trade with San Diego." He sends the message and then texts Cerl, "Okay we're officially on Plan B. Can you obscure my actions while I tunnel through the buildings?"

Cerl responds to Ebreus with a text, "Only if you want me shooting explosive bolts around. No, I didn't bring any smoke grenades...besides which, that would just draw attention to you. We should withdraw from here and just go around the barrier out of reach of Zephyr then come back on the other side to deal with the San Diego group."

There was the sound of an engine rumbling, and soon a M2 Bradley is seen rolling up the road. Terletter nods to Edel, picking up the radio. "This is Hauler Actual. Advising we divert DZ. Zephyr Blockade not changing any time soon." She reports into the radio, and spends the next few minutes explaining herself, and why she'd gone radio silent when she did. Still, soon the Marines won't be here much longer. Bringing the comm unit up, Terletter turned it on. "Whoever's on the other end of this, we're pulling back. We'll be at FOB Redway, advise you find some route we can use to bypass teh blockade, or use as a DZ for these goods. We need that food too much to just kill the deal outright over this." She says, before slidding into the cabin of the vehicle, and directing the convoy back south. Zephyr however, seems less than pleased. And have taken to shooting at anyone who isn't flying Zephyr colors, and can prove they work for Zephyr, should they enter the blockade area. Seemed after reporting what happened, their bosses aren't too happy.

"My work here is done! For now." Edel hops back out of the vehicle, tail flicking. "I'm going to be taking the long way home, it seems, since they've gotten rather trigger-happy. I will keep my eyes open for any good routes or locations," she says, making her way off the freeway to skirt the city limits. It was only a matter of time til she reached the forest this way, and she did so love being out of the bubble like this.

Ebreus sighs when he hears he'd get no illusary cover and then upon hearing Terletter say the convoy was leaving he takes a deep breath before responding, 'Alright, we'll try to keep Z out of the area of the next drop.' He brings his top right hand to the pase of his snout in an annoyed expressen when he hears gunfire. "Alright let's get out of here before it becomes too temping to drop the building to their east on them." he texts Cerl and begins to walk away, filing his report to the Prometheans via text-message as he has no interest in returning to New Dawn at this point.

Cerl packs away her crossbow, then stands up. Snapping her wings open she launches into the air, a fast moving ripple that might get noticed if anyone sufficient perceptive were looking her way. With a few more powerful wingbeats, she turns for home.