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(Created page with "=Participants= * Buzamu * Edel * Ebreus * Mokou =Date= 17/08/2017 =Log= Of all the reasons for Agents to get called in, trying to cool tempers between 4 factio...")
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Latest revision as of 03:36, 18 August 2017





Of all the reasons for Agents to get called in, trying to cool tempers between 4 factions, is probably not one of them. There were about 30 people present currently, 15 of them being San Diego Marines, 5 RSX personnel, 5 Zephyr employees, and 5 Prometheans. Of course, the leaders of each of these groups were together, with a lot of yelling and arguing going on between them, though it seemed hte RSX representative of this whole thing was trying hard to calm things down, and failing.

Edel had helped get this entire thing going in the first place. It was only prudent to help see it to the end. It was questionable how she got wind of it, but she apparently did, given she was there. "I am really not sure why there needs to be so many complications in a simple trade agreement," the tanuki murmurs, brushing her fingers through her hair as she wanders closer.

Thelergramor remains cigarette-free. It's an issue. The wyrm, fox on the inside but, wyrm, is around. Watching. Quietly. For now. Standing off to the side of the group, but not more than 5 feet from the nearest upset Zephyragent, leaning against a sign, watching for the first person to say something he deigns important... Or whoever has a cigarette. Both are important. He gives Edel a wave, but remains quiet.

Ebreus flies toward the meeting place, carrying Mokou on his back almost respemblant of how a Dragon would be ridden in movies, as they fly Ebreus says, "It seems like this'll be a tense negotiation. It'll be an interesting endevor to fix relations, if we can." as they glide to the ground. He grabs ahold of Mokou as he rights himself for landing then sets the Fennec on the ground. "Let's check in on the groups to get a sense of what we're dealing with." he says as he walks acrosts the edge of the Bubble.

There was a difference between being called into a mission, and being brought in, or dropping in. An agent herself, Mokou found the situation about this rather... peculiar. Not the least of which was her ride. Looking upon the squabbling ones below, she could but give a quiet nod back to Ebreus as they glided in closer. "Tense is an understatement. Something happened, and noone is happy with it." The ground approached, the fennec shifting slightly in that grasp... before nearly leaping out of that hold, tumbling upon the ground. Wincing for a moment she shook herself, a flick of that tail and a brush of her pants given. Ears flicked as she turned to the mass, a firm nod given. "Alright... So what the devil is going on here?"

The Marine Lieutenant present growled, and stepped away, throwing her hands up in the air. "Tell it to this fucking idiots!" She barks, stepping over to the trucks that had been loaded down with what looked like girders and other construction pieces. The three faction representatives however, sigh and shake their heads. The RSX representative steps back, letting the agents deal with this. Of course, Zephyr's rep shrugs nonchalantly.

"We've deemed that the goods the Marines have brought aren't worth their demanded price." The man says, his lab coat hanging loosely off his body. The Anime babe-formed Promethean grumps. "And they've abused ferals they've come across before dumping them off on us. The poor things were half dead!"

Edel nods politely to Thel, offering a little wave before she looks to the various representatives as they air their grievances. "Is that it?" She takes a deep breath and sets her hands on her hips. "The Prometheans should know by now that battle always happens when the ferals cause a ruckus. Did they go further than needed? Maybe? I wasn't there, I don't know." To the Zephyr one she simply shrugs. "That's just basic economics then. If you don't want it, don't take it. I am sure RSX would be more than happy to take your share. I am sure they'd love to have the lion's share of resources for rebuilding." Stoke their rivalries, perhaps. "In the end for bother of you, I am not sure I see what the fuss is. Do you want the supplies, or not? If you want to find another source... Well, I am sure the marines here can find any number of ready trade agreements for supplies."

Thelergramor eyes the prommy warily. "...Did you finish the job?" Evil grin, shouldn't troll the pacifists... He shrugs a bit, falls quiet again for another couple of seconds. He came unarmed and is regretting it now. He looks over to the marines, then at the zephyr agent, rsx leaderguy gets ignored for leaving his agents to do the work... Glances at Edel, then back to the Zephyrman. "So who exactly deemed them not good enough then? You or...?" Gestures vaguely, a short look at the other agents that arrived.

Ebreus looks over the four faction leaders failing to get along and takes a deep death. Seeing someone, having never met Edel before, starting to handle the situation he smiles a little and aproaches the leader of the San Diego Marines. "Excuse me but may I ask a few questions? I am a negotiator sent here to prevent some of our more... zealus people from ruining relations." he says, making every effort to not say this loud enough for the Promethean leader to easily be able to overhear.

Mokou felt her brow dip, furrowing as she looked betwixt the representatives. Squabbling over prices like farmers over a prized heifer. She flicked her ears at the comments that Edel shared with rest of them, making certain to keep her lips sealed. Little sharp.. but sealed. But perhaps... "Battles are an inevitability... But there is a difference between lashing out, and clearing a path for a time..." Peering over to the others though, she sighed and stepped back, "I can't tell you the good price of any of what you have... So I can't speak to that. But... An agreement might... be reachable, yes?" She perked a brow, glancing betwixt them with a slight smirk. "Or of course, there could be no agreement. I'm certain the goods can be taken to other bubbles... or locals."

The Marine looked over at Ebreus's approach. "Sure. Not sure how much traction you'll get." She gruffs, reaching into the cab of one of the trucks and pulling out a pack of cigarattes. "Want one?" She offered, pulling out one for herself. Minewhile, the Zephyr rep shrugs. "It was judged by those who have degrees in engineering that these materials weren't the right quality. I'm just the messenger." He states, while the Prommie rep huffs, giving a very 'anime' like stopping of her feet with a crossing of her arms. RSX rep though, she just shrugs her shoulders. "Fredric," She states, pointing to the Prommie, "has been throwing a fit over the idea of the Marines protecting themselves and their cargo through teh city. Keeps saying they should just fuck and be fucked. Marines, didn't take too kindly to that. And Brian's literally just a mouthpiece." She says, getting glares from the both of htem. "Seriously, RSX is willing to continue trading with teh Marines. If you two want out, fine by me. We get all the materials, and we've got plenty of food to share. Sure, we don't have nearly as good of nanite experts, but something's better than nothing."

Edel looks to the others that had arrived and offers nods of greeting all around before turning her attention to the RSX representative. After hearing the elaboration, she looks towards Fredric. "You know the world doesn't work like that. Feel free to like it. To hate it. To curse it aaaall you want. Let us be realistic." She jerks a thumb towards the supply vehicle. "The Prometheans are about building a better future right? Is this incident worth turning away those supplies? Those that can be used for the greater good and all that?" To the Zephyr representative she next turns, adjusting her glasses. "They have a point. I am a fairly proficient builder myself, and I can offer appraisal of my own if you want, but even then it doesn't take a genius to know that in the bubble, it's a seller's market for things like this. Does Zephyr really want to see all that go to the competition?"

Thelergramor idly taps a claw against his goggles... If there is no deal he would really have liked to have been armed... Loot and such... "Well, shit if they have degrees then they know what they're talking about better than I do... But you know we need this loot more than the others do. So, uh..." Perks a bit, having lost his thought completely. Twitches his head towards the pack of cigs being offered... To someone other than him! Ebreus! The wyrm looks back at the Zephyrman. "...Give me a minute." He, trying not to look too obvious in his approach, just sidles over to the marine, his tail curling around his leg so as not to drag on the ground. Does his best to look at least a little... smooth. "...Hey, how you doing? Can I get one of those? Can't focus."

No he cannot.

Ebreus shakes his head, "No thank you." he says. He glances a Thel then back to the Marine, "I just need to peice together all the grievences then it shouldn't be too hard to treat them all. Other than what Fredric and Brian have already made apparent do you have any thing to add in terms of problems to solve? And in relation to solving problems you have 40mm Gernade launchers, right?"

The fennec spent a few moments standing back, those wide ears of hers taking every word that was stated, trying to piece together the situation and solution. The RSX lass at the very least recapped the issue well enough. Crossing her arms across her chest, she shook her head with a light sigh. "Of course. Send a radical, mouth piece, and generalist. That's... good." Lifting her hand to her brow, she slowly rubbed her temples before glancing back to the one known as... Fredric, a slight frown given. "They are right on this at least... Pick your battles dearie..." Approaching the anime lass, she shook her head. "Fighting doesn't fix the long term problem... but the short term is the problem."

Fredric huffed. "I don't see why so many of you have to be violent to the Ferals! They're just prometheans that haven't been taught any better yet." She stated, trying to take hte high ground. RSX's rep just sighed and leaned back, waiting for it to all blow over. Brian shrugged. "Go ahead. I'm not qualified to make that kind of call."

Meanwhile, over with the Marines, the lieutentant chuckled, passed Thel a cigarette. Even as she was lighting hers, she shrugged. "Honestly, the amount of trouble we deal with getting this stuff this far, you'd think they'd be a bit more willing to understand we're just asking for food ot help feed folks back in San Diego, and get people who actually understand the Weapon and it's effects to help us deal with any further headaches it could cause." She says, and the ngestured over to the trio that were half the issue, she sighed. "honestly, if it weren't for how active your weapon is compared to ours, I'm sure if we wanted to go raider, wouldn't be a cohesive enough force to stop us. But we won't. We're Marines, and god damn it, our job is to help people. Not be monsters." She says, ignoring the black furred, muzzled and lowered tail state she was in.

"Not everyone is interested in getting down and dirty with every feral that comes knocking," Edel remarks with a snort. "But that isn't the issue. These are building supplies. Buying them or not buying them doesn't change the fact of what happened. All you are doing is depriving of yourself of resources to start improving life for the ferals you stand up for."

The Zephyr representative gets a frown. "Well, if you can't make that call, why did they send you? If you don't want to buy, that's the end of it, isn't it?"

Thelergramor starts to drool a little, has tobacco... He holds it out for the marine though; he doesn't have a working lighter. "Thanks. If you have time later... Nevermind. I'll be good." Looks over the marine a bit. The goggles help. He shrugs a bit. "Corporate greed. It's kind of an issue here, they don't really care about suffering. Could probably feed the whole city without noticing but, nope, only feed their own agents... Speaking of which I have a couple crates of potatoes back home if you have ti-" Coughs, trying to stop and be good.

He offers Edel his opinion on Zephyr being here. "Really sounds like Z already decided and felt it necessary to send someone to let them know they changed their minds. I mean it makes sense to me. A little.

The wyrm looks back at Fredric. At least he thinks Fred is the prommy, he... was distracted. And in love. "Well... I'm violent to more than just ferals if it makes you feel any better. I'm equal opportunity violence. Just not today." Noone has paid him to today. v.v

Ebreus nods as he takes mental note of what the Marine has told him. "Fredrick, if they have a device that would make ferals unconcious for a few hours would them using that instead of guns be acceptable?" he says the turns his attention back to the Marine, "I'm sure you could be raiders, even in Fairhaven, if you wanted to. But, as you said you're Marines not monsters." he says. He then looks over Brian for a few moments before saying, "Brian, if you don't mind what qualifications do you have?"

Mokou grumbled lightly at the irritating stance of Fredric in the matter. She held her tongue for the moment though, those ears grasping for those words that were shared. Marines... She felt her muzzle pull upward for a moment, something of a smile present... with a few too many teeth. "Marines... That is good to hear... Good to... hear." Glancing back to the anime lass, she raised a hand, opening her muzzle to speak. For a moment, she paused. Eyes locked... and the lass shook her head. "You know what? Shove it. I'd rather have to explain we had to beat up ferals to help them, rather than not help them at all." Feeling her feet brush back against the stones beneath, shook her head, trying to glance back to the others. Enough was spoken of that she couldn't keep up... but enough to listen to. Something that wasn't so blatantly... Stonewalling. "Raiders... I am glad you... do not wish to be as such. We have more than enough of that... in and out of companies."

The Lieutenant is more than happy to light Thel's cigarette. "Hey, I'm just following orders. Normally we just load this stuff onto carts, and start walking them in. Can't risk the trucks getting eaten. Means we have to deal with your rioters. And we go for non-lethal as we can. Meaning tazers."

Brian shrugs. "Computer engineering, computer systems design, and network security." He says. Of course, they sent someone who couldn't be talked into checking and going over the company decision. The RSX laughed. "Told you Brian was a mouthpiece. Zephyr's done this shit before, pre-P-Day. Was always an attempt to improve their end of the bargin without giving more to the other guy."

Edel scratches her cheek, exhaling. "Well, I suppose we'll have to find someone within Promethea more... Reasonable." She offers a shrug. "Otherwise, it'll be on them to explain to eeeveryone else that needs those supplies at New Dawn that he single-handedly cost them the arrangement." She looks towards Brian, then, before nodding to the RSX rep. "Well, it has to bite them in the butt at some point, or they'll never learn."

Thelergramor smokes, and is very pleased by being able to do so. Taps ash off of the smoke, smiling. "Thanks... Didn't get your name?" Looks over the marine, could be id somewhere and... ok now he's just staring at her chest. It takes a moment to stop. Goggles, again, help with at least a little plausible deniability.. Clears his throat, smokes more, looks back to Edel and Ebreous. "...So I'll just say I'm not the best suited to negotiations so I'm glad you're here..." But then back to the Marine. "So, what's the ideal outcome here? Getting what they initially said, sure, but gotta be a way to work out... something that works for... at least one person here. Mouthpiece is a mouthpiece, no offense intended. Fred doesn't know what life is. And RSX gal is... here." Ponders. Has stated the obvious.

That's step 1.

Ebreus nods as Brian lists what he is qualified for. "Thank you, Brian." he says. He composes a letter-like text message explaining the situation to a Promethean who he recalls outranks Fredric explaining the situation and asking for authority to take over the Prometheans side of the negotiation. He then takes a notepad out of his coatpocket along with a pen and begins to sketch something that should be a functional weapon. "If I'm right about this you won't have to rough up ferals or fuck them if you use this, and have gasmasks." he says as he sketches. Once he's done he turns the notebook around and shows the Marine a recipy for a chemical weapon and designs for how to deploy it. "Think you could do this?"

"Lieutenant Terletter." The Marine says, beforel ooking at what Ebreus was showing. "Ehhh, maybe. The main issue is that we'd want to have it mounted on a vehicle of some kind, and we can't get good weapon mounts on the carts." She says, shrugging.

Fredric however, seems to have had enough. "You are all barbarians! No worse than the monsters that caused the SS and the Nazis!" She growls, stopping her foot down in anger. And apparently not as up on her history as some. Which gets a laugh from the RSX rep. "Oooh boy, I think someone skipped history classes at New Dawn. SS were more fanatical Nazi's." She says. Brian shrugged. "Hey, they told me to come out here, say we're denying payment. And hold the goods here until they argee to the new price. I told htem that much. I think ti's crazy, but I'm not even qualified to judge if the engineers were right or wrong." Brian states. "Tyche here can attest to it." He says, gesturing to the RSX rep.

"And if they don't want to pay the new price?" Edel asks, ear flicking. "The way I see it, you pay the price, or you don't get the material. If you don't like the terms of the agreement, you're free to try to renegotiate, but the marines are free to decline entirely." She doesn't even respond to Frederic now, aside from a curious look.

Thelergramor got a name, is content with this. "Thanks Lieutenant. If you need anything they call me Thelergramor. Former Zephyr security. Shit got weird, thus, former." Shrugs, continues to smoke, looking back towards Fred. "...I mean I am pretty bad. Sometimes. Maybe you want to... not antagonize me." He's a bit quiet, would have to listen to hear him. Meaning they probably don't given... shouting. The wyrm sighs, quietly reminds himself to be good. No weapons.

"Back on topic... We can go in circles all day here, what's your leaning here, LT?"

Ebreus smiles as he gets a reply from Fredrics superior. He says to the Marine, "One moment." then walks over to Fredric, not wanting to shout this information, "Excuse me, Fredric, but I have some information to share with you." he says as he removes his headset. "I've been put in charge of the negotiations on the side of the Prometheans. You may see the message yourself if you like." he says, quietly enough that the other leaders shouldn't overhear, and offers them his headset.

He then looks over to Brian again, "So you're here as a messenger. That is well enough. Are you permitted to give me the name and number of someone who would be authorized to aprove payment?" he asks. As he speaks he continues sketching, varius methods of using 40mm weapons for individuals.

Brian stammers, growls and throws the device aside, storming off. Tyche just snorts. "Thank god that's handled. So, since your the new rep, what's your call? You gonna keep stopping the Marines there?" She asked, while Brian wrote down the info. "Not sure what good it'll do you, but that's the head of sales." He says, handing over a piece of paper.

"Me? Fuck Zephyr. Only caused us headaches with each step of the negoations. We'll deliver to RSX and the Prometheans, no problem, if htey cause us none." Lieutenant Terletter says, shrugging.

"Hopefully they cause no problems. If you need help escorting, I'm a free agent. I don't have to worry about getting a scolding by the corporate powers," Edel says with a grin, slowly glancing over towards Ebreus and his work. Being the career arms manufacturer that she is, she can't help but lean over and study it for a moment before pointing at something, offering an alternative suggestion.

Thelergramor nods a bit. "Zephyr's out then. Unless they made a really good offer... They won't." Finishes smoking, tosses cig butt... somewhere. Won't burn anything... Hopefully. "Like Edel, I'm around if you need an escort. Technically not 'free' but Zephyr's basically ignored me for months now." Shrugs. "At least they feed me."

The wyrm glances around a bit, thinking this is going alright overall. Even though his faction fucked themselves. Not his fault.

Ebreus slowly shakes his head as Fredric storms off. He crouches and recovers his headset about when Edel makes her suggestions for imroving the design. "Sounds good to me." he says in response to her suggestions and updates his own sketches. He replies to Tyche, "If they can use the gas I've designed, and I don't believe that will be an issue, then I have no problems with them delivering to New Dawn." he says and passes the improved launcher designs to the Leutenant. "If manufacturing is an issue I believe I may be able to help with that." he says. He then looks down at the note provided to him by Brian. He thinks for a few moments before looking back to the Leutenant and saying, "I'll talk with Zephyr. You don't mind if I apraise the equipment as part of that, right?" he asks.

Brian nods. "Not stopping you guys. I'm just hte messenger, and I know it." he says, waving an arm to the trucks. The lieutenant however, shrugs. "Sadly, I don't have the authority to cut Zephyr out of the deal. That's above my head."

Edel looks over the cargo now that... The negotiations on her end were pretty much over. "They look in pretty good shape honestly... I'm almost tempted to make an offer myself... My out of the bubble building projects could use some more supplies." She strokes her chin as she muses to herself. "Oh, and you are welcome. It is rare that I get to use my less violent talents out in the field."

Thelergramor is taller than the marine, probably. Is also above her head, if so. "...So I think we kind of have this mostly worked out, eh? I mean I wasn't exactly helpful but... Nice to get out sometimes. Get to, uh, meet people." Who have cigarettes... Which is good. "I'll just... quiet down while you work for a bit." Stands next to the lieutenant; tail unwrapping from his leg. Completely unintentionally, by accident, not at all on purpose... Taps the marine one time on the leg with a tail tip. Just acts like he didn't notice.

Ebreus walks over to the trucks as begins to examine the cargo. He hums as he goes through everything that the Marines have brought. "This is some pretty good stuff. I'm sure the Head of Sales will want acess to this." he says. He pauses a moment and looking to the Luetenant he asks, "How much was the agreed upon price?" he asks then, once he has the answer, composes a similarly letter-like text message to the Zephyr Head of Sales describing the oppertunity that one bad message might cut them out of. "Alright, sent a message to the Head of Sales. With luck we'll soon have a reply saying the deal can go ahead as planned."

Terletter shrugs. "This is just the stuff we had for work on the base. We haven't even hit the warehouses and such in San Diego proper." She says, watching folks look over the girders and other building materials. "As for what we're supposed to be getting, this is about... 7 and a half tons of material. We were supposed to get the same amount in food. The experts a couple are down in Diego now, so it's not as much needed." She says, finishing off her cigarette, and pointedly putting it out on Thel's tail. "If you want to keep that, you'll stop hitting me." She states flately.

Tyche nods. "That is indeed the agreed upon amounts. Seems the Marines have been focusing on keeping the people down there with water over food, mostly cause food is water-intensive and people are not. But even so, they don't got enough food ot go around. Which is why they wanted food. The experts are just to figure out what they're dealing with down there. Seems to be a large bubble, but not nearly as potent as the ones here or in Woodfield." She explains.

Edel stretches out, shuffling over next to Thel. "How have you been, anyway? It has been a while. You should come by the tea house more. Gets lonely without friends visiting," she says by way of smalltalk, though she doesn't fully take attention off negotiation. "I do not have the resources myself to match the trade of the big three, sadly."

Thelergramor has failed. He starts a bit at the tail being burnt, jumps a couple feet away. While he'd admit some people are into that... He just found that he is not. "Ack! Sorry. Didn't mean that." Yes he did. He goes back to being good again, tail wrapping around his leg. "...That is a lot of food." Tries to figure out how many crates of potatoes that would be... Gives up; alot. He looks down at his tail, looks back up and answers Edel, smiling. "I've been busy, but I'll stop by soon. Nice seeing you though."

"So, larger bubble, less potent. Fun." Starts plotting.

Ebreus recieves the negative from the Zephyr Head of Sales and his ears dropp. "Edel, Thel, could I speak with the two of you for a moment?" he asks as he walks to a location he beleives to be suitibly far from the others that he could speak with them. Once they've gathered around he says, "I got a reply from the Head of Sales. They said that they're not accepting requests, offers, or demands, from other groups. Not sure if I was just dismissed because I'm a Promethean or what but we need some way to get them in on the deal. You heard the Leutenant if Zephyr is out the deal is off, since she can't cut them out."

"Sure, sure," Edel says, turning to follow. Once she hears what has to besaid, she offers a frown and a flick of her tail. "Well, there are a few ways to do it. Either get them to get the proper permission, or... I'm not sure. Those military types have always been too much of a stickler to their chain of command for me for this kind of reason."

Thelergramor scratches at his neck a bit, nods... throws a glance back at the marine, then back to Ebreus and Edel. "Still employed by Zephyr. I could ask, I guess. I mean if there was a totem pole, I'm not even on it..." Ponders. "Want me to talk to whoever's in charge anyway?"

"Also scale of one to ten, think I have any chance of getting a date with the Lieutenant?"

Ebreus thinks for a moment after Thel makes his offer. "Alright. Would you want any assistance composing the letter? I'm a trained Negotiator I could help you come up with something pretty convincing. If that doesn't work I have a plan B... in the meantime we should work out maybe three or four more plans." he says. He looks back over to the Leutenant then to Thel. "Maybe a six if you get the deal to go through."

Edel stares at Thel for a moment, then swats at him with her tail. "I don't think you're her type. I'm probably not the best person to get on the line with them after I left all those years ago. I wish you luck, though. My best bet would be convincing the marines to change the terms, since I've been working with them for a while now."

Thelergramor is somewhat motivated to get this deal through now, despite being swatted. He just smirks at Edel. "Trying anyway... Eh, maybe not..." He gets on his comm unit, trying to get a line through to the... whoever was in charge, he was distracted...

Of course, this... won't probably go well but he tries. "Yo. Buying guy. We're at an impasse here, noone is cleared to do anything and if we don't get in on this now, RSX is getting all of it. And we both know what they get up to. You're a zephyr type, and probably mutated to hell and back, probably doing your secretary and three other people right now. RSX don't like that. They get these materials, they're winning. Losers don't make it far in this company. I know from experience. I'm at the bottom for a reason."

"...Anyone got anything to add?"

Ebreus blinks and stairs at Thel for a moment. "It's seven tons of materials that's better than anything that exists in bubble and they only want the equal weight in food... I'm not sure how we can... embellish the details to make it more acceptable." he says. He then turns his attention to Edel, how difficult do you think it would be to get a renegotiation of the deal on the Marines side? I'm ok with going to San Diego to do it if necessary."

Edel stares at Thel for a moment at that particular attempt at negotiation before snickering. "He's got a point. They're getting a pretty good deal as it is."

Thelergramor just quietly waits for a response, assuming that this will have worked out fine... Sniffs a bit, plots. "Just need to wait for a response..."

Ebreus stairs at Thel, "Did... did you just send that as you narrated?" he asks. He blinks and continues, "Plan C was renegotiate on the side of the Marines right?" he asks Edel. "Well this will be an interesting negotiation... at least I'm qualified to buy more on behalf of the Prometheans."

"I suppose so," Edel says with a small smile accompanied by a nod. "I can't imagine how to convince Zephyr at this point, so I have a feeling we'll have to... Convince the marines to just sell to the two factions interested, and they can take up negotiations with Zephyr again later."

Thelergramor just sort of stares at his comm unit... Taps a claw against his googles, then looks up from that to Ebreus. "...Well, uh, yeah. I did. Anyway, I've got their response, they're... mad at me again. Which is great." Thinks a bit. "I do have... Give me a moment."

The wyrm wanders back over to the marine, tail flicking then wrappign around his leg again. Sidles up. "So I do have something from Zephyr here for you..."

Ebreus nods, "I have one ploy left. Beyond that then we'll just be in for a ride to San Diego to negotiate a new deal." he continues. When Thel excuses himself and walks in the direction of the Lt. Terletter his eyes go wide and he moves to grab Thels arm, "Let me try one thing then you can show that to the Leutenant." he says.

The figures remaining look over as Thel begins his approach, and is stopped by Ebreus, getting quirked eyebrows from Tyche and Terletter. After all, they wished for privacy while they handled something, and now were, what, almost ready to share with the class? Hard to guage at this point.

"Unfortunately, since I have taken my leave of Zephyr's employment some many years ago, my words do not carry much weight with them. I hope you have something to work with, though, because I do not."

Thelergramor peers at Ebreus from behind his goggles. Sniffs once. "Yeah, sure, no rush on my part go ahead." Waits then, will let Ebreus go before speaking to Terletter again.

Ebreus smiles at Edel, "Potentially. They sent Brian to stall for a better deal so off the bat they've admitted they want the materials, just not at the agreed upon price. So now they say they won't buy? I'm calling their bluff." he says. He smiles and says, "I'll be only a moment." He then walks over to Brian and says, "Brian if I may ask one more thing of you I believe we may be able to resolve this without consuming the remainder of the day. I just need you to report to whomever it is who ordered you out here to deny payment that the denial of payment is being considered a termination of the deal on behalf of Zephyr and the negotiators present are preparing to buy Zephyrs share."

Brian looked at Ebreus, and pondered that for several moments, before bringing up his comm and sending the message. It wasn't like he was in a position of authority for this whole thing. "Not sure what you're playing at... I mean, it makes sense. Force the higher ups to want this deal more... but why not just cut Zephyr out? As I speak being a Zephyr employee. I've seen a lot of folks get screwed over for hte bottom line... But I also like to have food."

"That makes sense. I'm used to Zephyr's marketing... Tactics. I usually just drop the deal entirely if they don't want to play ball." Edel rubs at one of her ears, tail flicking. "But since I do not get to call the shots for the marines here, we must go through the motions like this. I'm putting my trust in your plan."

Thelergramor rubs his jaw... Well his surprise for the marine is gone now. Instead tries to make a joke. "I've been screwed for a bottom line before." He's not funny. "...I'm joking. And not funny... Still, I'm pretty much out of ideas now. May as well just cut Zephyr out, since they're just stalling for a better deal anyway. Wasting everyone's time." Idles next to Lt Terletter anyway, despite not having anything for her now.

Ebreus nods in response to Brian, "Yeah. I'm hoping this just works and we don't have to drive you, us, and Tyche out to San Diego to renegotiate. Military sorts would want there to be an actual rep. from Z to cancel the deal, wich denial of payment is." he says.

A few moments later, Brian has to look at his comm as a reply came in. "I'm being told mantain teh party line here. My advice? Offload the goods, and skip Zephyr." Brian says, huffing. "This is taking too long, and let's be honest... The only one's hurting right now are the people in San Diego." Terletter chuckles hearing that. "Technically speaking, if you want me to give Zephyr's shares to the others, it would count as delivery of goods. We'd just need the 7 tons of food as payment."

Edel folds her arms and leans against the nearest structure, listening for a moment. "I would agree, honestly. But then, I have said that already. If Zephyr doesn't want to budge, then... Well. Then they lose out, honestly."

Thelergramor shifty eyes. Looks over the group. "Yeah, that's three and a half more tons of food from both of you. No idea what your logistics are, but, uh... Way beyond my ability to get..." Ponders. "Or we hack up one kaiju. Cannibalism. The meaty bits'll grow back.." Shrugs. Might be joking. "Eh, at any rate, I guess you can keep Zephyr's share for now, maybe them not getting it at all will get you a better deal later. Which is their fault."

"Either way, there's options... Feel like I'm repeating myself. Not sure."

Ebreus shrugs, "Well we tried." he says. He then spins on his heals and says, "Well Leutenant, Tyche-" he cuts himself of when he hears Thels suggestion, "Thel, you know I have the authority to make deals on behalf of the entire Promethean Organization, right? I can send a few texts and get a few more tons ready." He then looks back to Tyche and the Leutenant, "Well let's plan out whos buying how much this time then we can take Zephyrs refusal to pay as a withdraw and negotiate how we move forward before the next shipment. How much was Zs share?"

Terletter shrugs. "Original arrangement was 7 tons of material to be brought in, divided between teh three major factions. That's about 2 and a third tons a peice. In return, each faction would provide 2 and a third tons of food. If we're cutting it to two factions, that means it's 3 and a half tons each, both ways." She states, already mathing it out." She said, which Tyche nodded.

"RSX will be more than happy to work on increasing our yeild of food to pay full half of the cost. Getting that much material will help Woodfield greatly. I would request some of the vehicles as well, but that's a much longer trip than can be sustained at the moment, and we need to show that this deal can work." Tyche says, standing up and walking over.

"Unfortunately, my needs for food outweight my needs for building supplies. And I do not have THAT much food to spare in trade. New Dawn has its farms, though, so they may be willing and able to offer enough," Edel ponders, rubbing her chin.

Thelergramor nods at Ebreus. "I heard, yeah. Figure you're in a position to send the Lieutenant here home happy..." Gestures vaguely. "...Which is what's important to me here. Supplies and food and all sure..." The wyrm starts to get just a little carried away, turning to the marine and making an ass out of himself. "So if we get the Prommies to throw up a few more tons of food, RSX already said they would- I think, I kind of got lost in your eyes- then that make the deal work for you?" Has a moment of realization but doesn't let it show on his face that he's disappointed with himself.

Ebreus nods, "Alright I'll just send a message ahead to New Dawn and the Prometheans will be buying three and a half tons of materials." he says. He then composes a message to the head of material distribution for the Prometheans letting them know the change. He then looks over to the Leutenant, "You wouldn't by any chance have functional boats of any sort would you? If so I believe we would be interested in the acquisition of one." he says.

Terletter snorts. "This 'bout that radio broadcast from Japan?" She asked. "Navy has some ships, but not a one of them are safe ot take outside the San Diego bay. Sure, this material would help us fix 'em now, but let's be honest, we need your folks Weapon experts to keep 'em from being degraded again. It's not like Marine equipment which has tons of spare parts to use. Navy ships are kind of set and go."

Edel adjusts her glasses, looking up to the sky and giving a quiet sigh. "I do not know much about sailing or boats, to be honest. I hope... Well, I hope whatever is going on over there does not spread to China. I might still have family there, for all I know."

Thelergramor smiles innocently, is not put off by the snort... Which is probably a bad thing. Glances to Edel quickly. "I can do boats. Ships. Whichever... I mean assuming they run already." That said... who can't drive a boat? The wyrm goes back to drooling over the marine without actually drooling. Yet. "..." He opens his mouth to speak but shuts himself up, falls quiet and just stands next to the marine hoping his presence might do... something for her or... His brain is slowly shutting off.

Ebreus nods in response to Lt. Terletters guess, "Yes, the Promethean Organization is a humanitarian group... and some of our people are origionally from Japan. It pains us to have not already sent help." he says. He takes a breath and smiles, "I'm sure I could get a few more of our Nanite specialists to head to San Diego if you could promise us a vessle that once running would be capable of making the trip acrost the Pacific." he says.

Terletter shrugged. "I'll kick the recommendation up the chain, see what my superior's feel about it. Right now they're kind of focused on reducing the number of rioter's we deal with because of the current food shortages. Once we can get things moving again, city-wise, we can look at beyond. At least, that's my understanding of it at the moment." She says. "Anyways, we can get started unloading these materials and get back to work. And we'll try not to hurt your rioters any more than nessecary to make sure this stuff makes it."

"Well, that's a fair bit easier," Edel replies to Thel, batting at him with tailfluff again. "Well. I suppose that's the best we can get at this point, isn't it? I hope you can get your food issues... Under hand. If you want, I have some seeds I could share if you wanted to try to get your own agriculture going. Assuming you don't already."

Thelergramor rubs at his jaw again, looks over the materials, looks over the marine... gets batted at, doesn't mind, smirking a bit. "I can hang around as security if you want. Honestly I really have nothing going on right now and I want to spen- *cough* make it up to you for being a bit of an ass all night." Yeah let's go with that. "If you'd rather I not... I'd get why." Shrugs a bit, steps away from Terletter, and stands next to Edel now.

Ebreus nods, "Alright. We should be good to buy three and a half tons in the future as well. Just remember to use the gas-weapon Edel and I designed on subsiquent trips. It should be a bit more effective and won't hurt the 'rioters' too much." he says. He takes a breath as he mauls over a thought. After a moment or so he says, "If another promlem like this happens I'm pretty sure the organization would accept a specific request for me."

Terletter nodded, and then gave a whistle, which is surprising considering her muzzle. "Let's get this stuff unloaded and onto the carts people! And you, big guy... Not a fan of the macho thing." She orders, before looking at Thel. Once that was said, she focused on her job. Tyche chuckled, already lifting her radio mic to give her report. Brian of course, was now pointedly ignoring the movement of the materials. "I can't say Zephyr will appreciate this, but they told me the line, and to maintain it. Not to allow others to circumvent it." He says, giving a wave as he walked off.

"You'll win one someday," Edel says, offering an apologetic shoulderpat to Thel. "And you did most of the design. I just offered efficiency tips is all," she says, shaking her head. "I am glad this was all able to be resolved in some fashion though that didn't require... Scrapping the whole negotiation. This is a good outcome I think, all things considered."

Thelergramor continues to get nowhere with Terletter... Maybe next time... "Yeah, sorry. I'm not good at this." Clearly. The wyrm lets her get back to her job then, nods a bit at Edel... And tries to slip an arm around her waist. Barely notices he's doing it. It's not a good day. "...Yeah this did go better than I expected, really. I expected more gunfire and explosions." Still came unarmed. "But, overall, I think everyone else did a good job."

Ebreus shrugs in responce to Brian, "Welp the Zephyr higher-ups were given ample oppertunity to change their minds. At this point it's their fault." he says. He then turns his attention back to the Lt. Terletter, "May I offer my assistance in unloading the Cargo?" he asks.

Terletter shakes her head. "Nah, we got this. And we'll see what we can do about those plans you lot gave us. Can't promise we'll have them soon, but we'll do what we can. Adept, Survive, Overcome." She says, before focusing on the job of organizing the mess. Soon RSX and the Prommies would have more resources which which to improve their parts of the two cities, and Zephyr would be left high and dry, all because of a decision by those in authority. How this will affect Big Three and San Diego relations, well, we all get to wait and see.