− | Hir body is covered in segmented chitin, emphasized at their fore. Hir head is distinct with its gigantic jaw, two large chitinous pincers ready to shred and tear. Two antennae, just as large as the jaws, jut from hir brow, sensitive to pheromonal cues. Hir body is proportionally smaller than normal, compacted internally with limited flexibility. Two additional, insectoid arms jut from the torso's sides, helpful when climbing or scaling walls. Behind hir, a large pair of wings rests, possibly flight capable, but who can be sure? Sie has 42 impossibly huge breasts. Sie has a kind of warm glow around hir. Hir arms are pulled back and rotated slightly, tasked more for walking than use of tools. The two thumblike digits forming each hands keep that option open, however, if with further reduced dexterity. Hir legs are powerful yet lean, though adjusted in hir alignment. The new posture leaves Katalynia with an awkward gait. A rippling, tube shaped abdomen protrudes from hir spine's base, holding most of hir digestive organs and equipment. A private peek would reveal that sie has: Sie has 12 massive thin, vented penises. Sie has 18 seat worthy sized balls. Sie has 12 cum leaking impossibly elastic cunts.
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