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<div></div><br> <br>Nichole settles into a seat behind a table in a neighboring hut. The raccoon has a set of papers down in front of her, ready to refer to anytime she needs a quick reminder. Soon, a guard leads a few people inside. She sits in her seat strait with good posture, her tail laid to the side of her seat as she waits for them to sit down before starting things.<br> <br>Alkain hmmms as he waits to be let into the hut, looking to the others as he waits, &quot;Hope this doesn&#39;t take /too/ long.&quot; he sighs, having just got off but he can feel his rut building... Once let in though he smiles and waves to Nichole, &quot;Hey.&quot; he looks to the others as he takes a seat on the floor, not like he could fit in a chair or anything anyway!<br> <br>Sakura follows in after Alkain, looking up at the giant fox and chuckles quietly. She was wearing her usual clothes, a skirt that does a fairly good job of covering her groin, but doesn&#39;t wear anything over her chest, her breasts dripping milk every now and then. &quot;Hello.&quot; she smiles at Nichole and sits down one a chair.<br> <br>Terrence was used to working with the raccoon, he rather liked the times he took missions of cross faction nature. Clothed in but a vest, he walks in, balls swaying about, twin rods poking from his sheathes and drooling pre. &quot;Good afternoon, how are you today Nicole? Sorry to say, I&#39;m not here for the usual reasons, but instead, got some thing else to discuss. Mother needs to know how you are keeping up the... electricity making things you have, the ones you got recently.&quot; He says. As those quad balls sway around, their fullness makes itself known with a slight sloshing!<br> <br>Reily is the last to enter, a bit shyly for that matter. Shi was assured that it would be okay for hir to show up in hir usual lack of bottom wear, especially since all hir traveling partners seemed to be lacking some sort of basic clothing item, but shi still feels nervous about it. Shi may be bottomless around strangers all the time, but shi knows of New Dawn&#39;s policies. Clearing hir throat a bit after Terrence&#39;s greeting, shi nods along with him. &quot;Y-yes, um... I&#39;m Reily. We&#39;re here to learn about how your solar power works, and how to rig something similar up ourselves.&quot;<br> <br>As the collection of people enters, she puts on a polite smile and nods to Terrence in appreciation. A quick glance reveals that everyone assembled here aside from herself sports some very large endowments. She suppresses a sigh as she conducts herself in a more professional manor. &quot;Good day everyone.&quot; In response to Terrence&#39;s request she nods. &quot;I see. As much as I would love to spread the light, I know that not all share our views.&quot; She looks to Terrence. &quot;I know you&#39;ve been a help with pacifying groups of dangerous ferals, but I want to be sure this information isn&#39;t going to be used against the Promethian ways.&quot;<br> <br>Alkain mphs and sighs as his rut continues to bother him, looking to the others then Nichole, &quot;I&#39;m probably not going to be much use like this, sorry... I&#39;m going to have to find my mate...&quot; as he stands to pad out, tails drooping a little in disappointment<br> <br>Nicole nods and watches Alkain leave. While she can smell the rut in the air, she would guess that he would be why, if partially. &quot;Take care then.&quot; Inwardly, her fears are alleviated slightly should she assume the fox to be telling the truth. As Alkain leaves her attention drifts over to Terrence as she sees the mess Terrence is making. Her professional mannerisms slip as she remarks, &quot;Why does it look like you are a leaking from everywhere?&quot;<br> <br>Sakura tilts her head and looks after Alkain &quot;Well.. have a safe trip.&quot; she says and glances over the other two people she came in with, bfore turning to look at Nichole. &quot;But we are not associated with dangerous feral.&quot; she nods and hmms &quot;Can we prove it somehow? That we are going to use it safely and not give information to bad ferals?&quot; she asks curiously.<br> <br>Giving a growl, Terrence shakes his head, &quot;Nicole, how rude, it isn&#39;t like I can just control much those things leak.&quot; He says, pointing discretely at his cocks, &quot;But no matter, honestly, you think we&#39;d use them in a way to disadvnatage New Dawn? And what would be wrong with helping the ferals out with it? Look, who do I need to talk to about finding out how you keep it all from falling apart?&quot; He asks, tone getting more gruff and demanding as he talks, walking closer to Nicole as speaks!<br> <br>Reily watches Alkain leave, giving a soft whine. However, the speed at which Terrence resorts to intimidation gets hir attention back towards the matter at hand. Panicking a bit, shi tries to put a paw on Terrence&#39;s arm as he moves closer to Nichole, attempting to urge him to stop, without implying that shi was willing to try and force him to stop. &quot;Nichole... I&#39;m speaking on behalf of the Surrogate Brotherhood. We&#39;re a group of mutants living in Glenstock out in Oregon. Our goal is simply to help the town flourish, and our ways are pretty similar to the Promethean ways... You can trust me when I say that nothing we do with your information will jeopardize your way of life here.&quot; shi tries, keeping up professional speech as well as shi can, but freaking out on the inside.<br> <br>Nicole Leans back as Terrence aggressively approaches, her eyes widen at his outburst. She responds quickly and with a wavering tone as the large talakai intimidates her. &quot;I apologize. It&#39;s not often I see someone leak like that.&quot; She sighs, then gets back on track, though weary of Terrence for now. &quot;Look, it&#39;s not the ferals I&#39;m worried about. They need help for sure, but what would they do with technical documentation? Some of the ferals in the training yard can&#39;t even hold a spanner correctly.&quot; She looks to the group. &quot;I don&#39;t want this knowledge to be used for uncontrolled sex.&quot; Looking to Sakura, she says. &quot;The ferals need help.&quot;<br> <br>Nicole Leans back as Terrence aggressively approaches, her eyes widen at his outburst. She responds quickly and with a wavering tone as the large talakai intimidates her. &quot;I apologize. It&#39;s not often I see someone leak like that.&quot; She sighs, then gets back on track, though weary of Terrence for now. &quot;Look, it&#39;s not the ferals I&#39;m worried about. They need help for sure, but what would they do with technical documentation? Some of the ferals in the training yard can&#39;t even hold a spanner correctly.&quot; She looks to the group. &quot;I don&#39;t want this knowledge to be used for uncontrolled sex.&quot; Looking to Sakura, she says. &quot;The ferals need help.&quot;<br> <br>Sakura lets out a surprised yip at Terrence&#39;s outburst. &quot;Why does me keep finding people that have no patience..&quot; she mumbles quietly to herself and moves next to Reily. &quot;We can try and solve this peacefully, ok?&quot; she asks Terrence and glances to Reily to see if shi would agree with her. She hmms and ponders for a bit &quot;So as me see it, you guys at new dawn don&#39;t fully trust us.. &quot; she says and adds &quot;Me don&#39;t blame you, you have no reason to take our word, but me think you could send someone to inspect what we&#39;re doing and why we need this stuff?&quot; she asks.<br> <br>Terrence snorts a bit, some smoke coming free of his nostals, &quot;Do we seem the kind to just fuck around with this kind of thing? And how could more access to power result in more rampent sex?&quot; He asks, still coating his fur and the floor in pre as he walks around, eyeing Reily and Sakura for a while. He snorts out smoke again, &quot;Look, just want to add some stability, that&#39;s it. Want to give us a hand?&quot; He asks a bit more polietly.<br> <br>Reily lets go of Terrence&#39;s arm as he walks around, watching him a bit nervously. Shi&#39;s not so good at negotiations, but shi knows hir stuff when it comes to technology. &quot;N-Nichole... Terrence is right. We&#39;re trying to get a whole city up and running, you can trust us. I understand you wanting to ensure the integrity of the people you&#39;re doing business with, and I&#39;m glad your standards are so reasonable. But at the same time, we won&#39;t be able to take the next step towards sustaining our city without some help.&quot; shi says, hoping to take a more empathetic approach this time.<br> <br>Nichole looks to Terrence and frowns. &quot;I&#39;m trying to think of the worst kind of outcomes here. I don&#39;t know what you are trying to do. Sure, you help out and we&#39;re grateful, but how do I know you aren&#39;t setting up another round-the-clock Husky Den orgy somewhere?&quot; Looking to Reily she pauses a moment. &quot;A city? Why didn&#39;t you say so?&quot; She sits up and scoots her chair to the table. She looks to Sakura then settles her gaze to Terrence. &quot;In that case. What would this city be able to offer New Dawn?&quot; She relaxes a bit as she now knows what people want from this.<br> <br>Terrence gives a slight huff, choosing to go silent. He thinks for a moment before deciding to just let the others do the talking for now, keeping his eyes upon the &#39;coon.<br> <br>Sakura smiles at Nichole &quot;Me glad you ask! Well we could share some of the food we are growing at our fields there. We get more power, you get more food, everyone wins.&quot; she smiles and nods. She turns to Reily and whisper &quot;Do you know anything else we could offer?&quot; she asks.<br> <br>Reily nods hir head as Nichole asks hir about the city, smiling from the raccoon&#39;s returned confidence. &quot;Yeah, um... As I said before, we&#39;re trying to help Glenstock flourish...&quot; shi reminds, glancing to Terrence and giving him an apologetic expression. &quot;There&#39;s not much to it yet, but expanding and improving depend on power... We have plenty of food, but I don&#39;t think you guys need much help with that. How about... Trading favors? If New Dawn is ever in need, you&#39;ll have support from our people. We&#39;ll always be happy to help keep New Dawn safe and running smooth.&quot; shi offers hir group&#39;s support, unsure what else they could offer a faction that already has so much.<br> <br>Nichole pauses a bit as she considers the arguments from the two. &quot;It wouldn&#39;t hurt having some extra food around...&quot; She says quietly. Looking to Reily, then to Sakura she says, &quot;Some extra food to pad our stores wouldn&#39;t hurt.&quot; She pauses again as she considers her options. &quot;It&#39;ll be hard to know how much food you can produce in the future, considering things. Throw in that favor as well and I&#39;ll agree.&quot; Then she looks to Reily, her eyes fix on hir. &quot;Your group had better be okay with the favor when New Dawn calls on it.&quot;<br> <br>Sakura nods to Nichole when she agrees that more food would be helpful. However she hmms &quot;Could you give us a moment?&quot; she asks and turns to Reily, waving her closer, as she seems to want to discuss something with hir, without Nichole. If Reily would agree she would ask &quot;How well do you know people from here? You know what they might ask? Me wants to know if you think they will not ask inresonable thingies?&quot; she would ask quitely.<br> <br>Hearing what Sakura has to say, Reily shakes hir head. &quot;Even if they do, you won&#39;t have to worry about it. I think the Prometheans are good people.&quot; shi whispers back, before turning back to Nichole. &quot;Of course, Nichole! Our farm is growing all the time, and we&#39;ll be good on those favors! If nothing else, I&#39;ll back up my promise myself!&quot; shi promises, hoping that helps fortify hir claims. &quot;It probably won&#39;t need to come to that, the others really like New Dawn. You can rest easy knowing we&#39;ll be here for your community.&quot; shi adds on, smiling as hir tail wags.<br> <br>A small smile grows on Nichole&#39;s face as Reily agrees, though a bit relieved that Terrence hasn&#39;t tried to stop her yet. &quot;Good. I&#39;ll have someone send over some documents and I&#39;ll have someone more knowledgeable help make sure someone gets it learned.&quot; She opens her mouth to add a condition, but Terrence&#39;s previous outburst has her hesitant to push further. &quot;I do hope you put it to good use.&quot; She gives a glance to Terrence with a bit of trepidation and leans forward over the table to hold out her hand. &quot;You&#39;ll give us some food, an amount of which would be discussed later, and a favor of our choosing. In return we&#39;ll teach you how to set up a power plant. I should note that we&#39;ll only teach how. Actually getting generators of some kind isn&#39;t included.&quot;<br> <br>Sakura smiles to Reily &quot;Alright, if you say so, me trust you, me didn&#39;t know these people almost not at all.&quot; she says and nods &quot;We agree to this exchange.&quot; she nods. &quot;Do we need to sign or write something down, so that we have proof of what we talked today?&quot; she asks cautiously. &quot;Like how people used to do it, me found many examples of this kind of stuff happening in old books.&quot; she explains with a soft giggle.<br> <br>Nodding eagerly, Reily steps up to the desk to shake Nichole&#39;s hand, hir tail wagging a little faster. &quot;We&#39;ll put it to good use, you have my word. Thank you very much, Nichole. You won&#39;t regret this, and we&#39;ll always be thankful.&quot; shi says happily, waiting here for a reply to Sakura&#39;s question, and for the instructor to arrive.<br> <br>Nichole gives Reily&#39;s hand a shake and leans back. &quot;And yes, we&#39;ll send someone over to see you and put everything in more concrete terms. For right now though, I need your names. I know Terrence, but I&#39;m not familiar with the two of you.&quot; She gets a notebook and quill-ink pen and gets ready to write. &quot;I&#39;ll make a report and put this through the higher ups, then someone will come by to handle the rest.&quot; She holds her pen at a blank page and gets ready to write everyones names down when she gets them. &quot;I&#39;ll also need to know who that fox was that left some time ago.&quot;<br> <br>Sakura moves back closer to Nichole &quot;Me Sakura, and the one that left? Oh he&#39;s Alkain.&quot; she nods and looks to Reily. &quot;Sooo we&#39;re done here? Or do we have to wait more?&quot; she asks curious.<br> <br>Reily smiles and nods understandingly. &quot;My name is Reily Arnsworth. If Alkain has a last name, I&#39;m not sure what it is. And that there is Terrence.&quot; shi introduces hirself and the talakai, looking to Sakura and shrugging, before looking back to Nichole. &quot;Is your person going to be coming back with us? Or will they be sent later?&quot;<br> <br>Nichole starts writing down peoples names, and accounts in detail for the things to happen so far. &quot;I&#39;ll send in someone later with the documents and knoledge you need. As long as everyone agrees we shouldn&#39;t have too much trouble. If theres anything else you&#39;d like to add, now would be a good time while I write things down. It&#39;s more of a matter of finding the right person. Whoever we have that knows how these sort of things work are quite valuable and rare.&quot;<br> <br>Sakura listens to Nichole talk and watches her write, before turning to look at Reily and then at Terrence &quot;Me don&#39;t have anything else to add, how about you?&quot; she asks curiously as she slowly starts making her way towards the exit. &quot;Me glad we could reach a solution.&quot; she smiles at Nichole and waves &quot;Me have something to do at home, bye bye!&quot; she waves and leaves before the other two people.<br> <br>Reily shakes hir head after Sakura&#39;s question, taking Terrence&#39;s hand in hirs to lead him out. &quot;Alright, that sounds great, thank you again Nichole.&quot; shi says, waving to the raccoon as shi and Terrence leave the place, heading back to their own respective rides back to their homes.<br> <br>Terrence is satisfied with how things went, giving a nod and getting up, &quot;A pleasure Nicole, sorry for the rough treatment, just business and all. I look forward working with you in the future even more. Probably going to be heading up to Shady Keep again, anything you need while I&#39;m out there?&quot; He asks, fixing up his vest before heading out as well.<br> <br>Nichole gives a nod to the group as they start to leave. &quot;It was good working with you. It&#39;s nice to see a new city sprout up.&quot; Looking to Terrence, she flicks an uneasy ear. &quot;Yea, but I&#39;m sure you understand that we can&#39;t hand over something as important as this without something in return. Just be sure to rehabilitate some ferals for us, okay? Those poor souls need guidance. Farewell.&quot;
<div></div><br> <br>Nichole settles into a seat behind a table in a neighboring hut. The raccoon has a set of papers down in front of her, ready to refer to anytime she needs a quick reminder. Soon, a guard leads a few people inside. She sits in her seat strait with good posture, her tail laid to the side of her seat as she waits for them to sit down before starting things.<br> <br>Alkain hmmms as he waits to be let into the hut, looking to the others as he waits, &quot;Hope this doesn&#39;t take /too/ long.&quot; he sighs, having just got off but he can feel his rut building... Once let in though he smiles and waves to Nichole, &quot;Hey.&quot; he looks to the others as he takes a seat on the floor, not like he could fit in a chair or anything anyway!<br> <br>Sakura follows in after Alkain, looking up at the giant fox and chuckles quietly. She was wearing her usual clothes, a skirt that does a fairly good job of covering her groin, but doesn&#39;t wear anything over her chest, her breasts dripping milk every now and then. &quot;Hello.&quot; she smiles at Nichole and sits down one a chair.<br> <br>Terrence was used to working with the raccoon, he rather liked the times he took missions of cross faction nature. Clothed in but a vest, he walks in, balls swaying about, twin rods poking from his sheathes and drooling pre. &quot;Good afternoon, how are you today Nicole? Sorry to say, I&#39;m not here for the usual reasons, but instead, got some thing else to discuss. Mother needs to know how you are keeping up the... electricity making things you have, the ones you got recently.&quot; He says. As those quad balls sway around, their fullness makes itself known with a slight sloshing!<br> <br>Reily is the last to enter, a bit shyly for that matter. Shi was assured that it would be okay for hir to show up in hir usual lack of bottom wear, especially since all hir traveling partners seemed to be lacking some sort of basic clothing item, but shi still feels nervous about it. Shi may be bottomless around strangers all the time, but shi knows of New Dawn&#39;s policies. Clearing hir throat a bit after Terrence&#39;s greeting, shi nods along with him. &quot;Y-yes, um... I&#39;m Reily. We&#39;re here to learn about how your solar power works, and how to rig something similar up ourselves.&quot;<br> <br>As the collection of people enters, she puts on a polite smile and nods to Terrence in appreciation. A quick glance reveals that everyone assembled here aside from herself sports some very large endowments. She suppresses a sigh as she conducts herself in a more professional manor. &quot;Good day everyone.&quot; In response to Terrence&#39;s request she nods. &quot;I see. As much as I would love to spread the light, I know that not all share our views.&quot; She looks to Terrence. &quot;I know you&#39;ve been a help with pacifying groups of dangerous ferals, but I want to be sure this information isn&#39;t going to be used against the Promethian ways.&quot;<br> <br>Alkain mphs and sighs as his rut continues to bother him, looking to the others then Nichole, &quot;I&#39;m probably not going to be much use like this, sorry... I&#39;m going to have to find my mate...&quot; as he stands to pad out, tails drooping a little in disappointment<br> <br>Nicole nods and watches Alkain leave. While she can smell the rut in the air, she would guess that he would be why, if partially. &quot;Take care then.&quot; Inwardly, her fears are alleviated slightly should she assume the fox to be telling the truth. As Alkain leaves her attention drifts over to Terrence as she sees the mess Terrence is making. Her professional mannerisms slip as she remarks, &quot;Why does it look like you are a leaking from everywhere?&quot;<br> <br>Sakura tilts her head and looks after Alkain &quot;Well.. have a safe trip.&quot; she says and glances over the other two people she came in with, bfore turning to look at Nichole. &quot;But we are not associated with dangerous feral.&quot; she nods and hmms &quot;Can we prove it somehow? That we are going to use it safely and not give information to bad ferals?&quot; she asks curiously.<br> <br>Giving a growl, Terrence shakes his head, &quot;Nicole, how rude, it isn&#39;t like I can just control much those things leak.&quot; He says, pointing discretely at his cocks, &quot;But no matter, honestly, you think we&#39;d use them in a way to disadvnatage New Dawn? And what would be wrong with helping the ferals out with it? Look, who do I need to talk to about finding out how you keep it all from falling apart?&quot; He asks, tone getting more gruff and demanding as he talks, walking closer to Nicole as speaks!<br> <br>Reily watches Alkain leave, giving a soft whine. However, the speed at which Terrence resorts to intimidation gets hir attention back towards the matter at hand. Panicking a bit, shi tries to put a paw on Terrence&#39;s arm as he moves closer to Nichole, attempting to urge him to stop, without implying that shi was willing to try and force him to stop. &quot;Nichole... I&#39;m speaking on behalf of the Surrogate Brotherhood. We&#39;re a group of mutants living in Glenstock out in Oregon. Our goal is simply to help the town flourish, and our ways are pretty similar to the Promethean ways... You can trust me when I say that nothing we do with your information will jeopardize your way of life here.&quot; shi tries, keeping up professional speech as well as shi can, but freaking out on the inside.<br> <br>Nicole Leans back as Terrence aggressively approaches, her eyes widen at his outburst. She responds quickly and with a wavering tone as the large talakai intimidates her. &quot;I apologize. It&#39;s not often I see someone leak like that.&quot; She sighs, then gets back on track, though weary of Terrence for now. &quot;Look, it&#39;s not the ferals I&#39;m worried about. They need help for sure, but what would they do with technical documentation? Some of the ferals in the training yard can&#39;t even hold a spanner correctly.&quot; She looks to the group. &quot;I don&#39;t want this knowledge to be used for uncontrolled sex.&quot; Looking to Sakura, she says. &quot;The ferals need help.&quot;<br> <br>Sakura lets out a surprised yip at Terrence&#39;s outburst. &quot;Why does me keep finding people that have no patience..&quot; she mumbles quietly to herself and moves next to Reily. &quot;We can try and solve this peacefully, ok?&quot; she asks Terrence and glances to Reily to see if shi would agree with her. She hmms and ponders for a bit &quot;So as me see it, you guys at new dawn don&#39;t fully trust us.. &quot; she says and adds &quot;Me don&#39;t blame you, you have no reason to take our word, but me think you could send someone to inspect what we&#39;re doing and why we need this stuff?&quot; she asks.<br> <br>Terrence snorts a bit, some smoke coming free of his nostals, &quot;Do we seem the kind to just fuck around with this kind of thing? And how could more access to power result in more rampent sex?&quot; He asks, still coating his fur and the floor in pre as he walks around, eyeing Reily and Sakura for a while. He snorts out smoke again, &quot;Look, just want to add some stability, that&#39;s it. Want to give us a hand?&quot; He asks a bit more polietly.<br> <br>Reily lets go of Terrence&#39;s arm as he walks around, watching him a bit nervously. Shi&#39;s not so good at negotiations, but shi knows hir stuff when it comes to technology. &quot;N-Nichole... Terrence is right. We&#39;re trying to get a whole city up and running, you can trust us. I understand you wanting to ensure the integrity of the people you&#39;re doing business with, and I&#39;m glad your standards are so reasonable. But at the same time, we won&#39;t be able to take the next step towards sustaining our city without some help.&quot; shi says, hoping to take a more empathetic approach this time.<br> <br>Nichole looks to Terrence and frowns. &quot;I&#39;m trying to think of the worst kind of outcomes here. I don&#39;t know what you are trying to do. Sure, you help out and we&#39;re grateful, but how do I know you aren&#39;t setting up another round-the-clock Husky Den orgy somewhere?&quot; Looking to Reily she pauses a moment. &quot;A city? Why didn&#39;t you say so?&quot; She sits up and scoots her chair to the table. She looks to Sakura then settles her gaze to Terrence. &quot;In that case. What would this city be able to offer New Dawn?&quot; She relaxes a bit as she now knows what people want from this.<br> <br>Terrence gives a slight huff, choosing to go silent. He thinks for a moment before deciding to just let the others do the talking for now, keeping his eyes upon the &#39;coon.<br> <br>Sakura smiles at Nichole &quot;Me glad you ask! Well we could share some of the food we are growing at our fields there. We get more power, you get more food, everyone wins.&quot; she smiles and nods. She turns to Reily and whisper &quot;Do you know anything else we could offer?&quot; she asks.<br> <br>Reily nods hir head as Nichole asks hir about the city, smiling from the raccoon&#39;s returned confidence. &quot;Yeah, um... As I said before, we&#39;re trying to help Glenstock flourish...&quot; shi reminds, glancing to Terrence and giving him an apologetic expression. &quot;There&#39;s not much to it yet, but expanding and improving depend on power... We have plenty of food, but I don&#39;t think you guys need much help with that. How about... Trading favors? If New Dawn is ever in need, you&#39;ll have support from our people. We&#39;ll always be happy to help keep New Dawn safe and running smooth.&quot; shi offers hir group&#39;s support, unsure what else they could offer a faction that already has so much.<br> <br>Nichole pauses a bit as she considers the arguments from the two. &quot;It wouldn&#39;t hurt having some extra food around...&quot; She says quietly. Looking to Reily, then to Sakura she says, &quot;Some extra food to pad our stores wouldn&#39;t hurt.&quot; She pauses again as she considers her options. &quot;It&#39;ll be hard to know how much food you can produce in the future, considering things. Throw in that favor as well and I&#39;ll agree.&quot; Then she looks to Reily, her eyes fix on hir. &quot;Your group had better be okay with the favor when New Dawn calls on it.&quot;<br> <br>Sakura nods to Nichole when she agrees that more food would be helpful. However she hmms &quot;Could you give us a moment?&quot; she asks and turns to Reily, waving her closer, as she seems to want to discuss something with hir, without Nichole. If Reily would agree she would ask &quot;How well do you know people from here? You know what they might ask? Me wants to know if you think they will not ask inresonable thingies?&quot; she would ask quitely.<br> <br>Hearing what Sakura has to say, Reily shakes hir head. &quot;Even if they do, you won&#39;t have to worry about it. I think the Prometheans are good people.&quot; shi whispers back, before turning back to Nichole. &quot;Of course, Nichole! Our farm is growing all the time, and we&#39;ll be good on those favors! If nothing else, I&#39;ll back up my promise myself!&quot; shi promises, hoping that helps fortify hir claims. &quot;It probably won&#39;t need to come to that, the others really like New Dawn. You can rest easy knowing we&#39;ll be here for your community.&quot; shi adds on, smiling as hir tail wags.<br> <br>A small smile grows on Nichole&#39;s face as Reily agrees, though a bit relieved that Terrence hasn&#39;t tried to stop her yet. &quot;Good. I&#39;ll have someone send over some documents and I&#39;ll have someone more knowledgeable help make sure someone gets it learned.&quot; She opens her mouth to add a condition, but Terrence&#39;s previous outburst has her hesitant to push further. &quot;I do hope you put it to good use.&quot; She gives a glance to Terrence with a bit of trepidation and leans forward over the table to hold out her hand. &quot;You&#39;ll give us some food, an amount of which would be discussed later, and a favor of our choosing. In return we&#39;ll teach you how to set up a power plant. I should note that we&#39;ll only teach how. Actually getting generators of some kind isn&#39;t included.&quot;<br> <br>Sakura smiles to Reily &quot;Alright, if you say so, me trust you, me didn&#39;t know these people almost not at all.&quot; she says and nods &quot;We agree to this exchange.&quot; she nods. &quot;Do we need to sign or write something down, so that we have proof of what we talked today?&quot; she asks cautiously. &quot;Like how people used to do it, me found many examples of this kind of stuff happening in old books.&quot; she explains with a soft giggle.<br> <br>Nodding eagerly, Reily steps up to the desk to shake Nichole&#39;s hand, hir tail wagging a little faster. &quot;We&#39;ll put it to good use, you have my word. Thank you very much, Nichole. You won&#39;t regret this, and we&#39;ll always be thankful.&quot; shi says happily, waiting here for a reply to Sakura&#39;s question, and for the instructor to arrive.<br> <br>Nichole gives Reily&#39;s hand a shake and leans back. &quot;And yes, we&#39;ll send someone over to see you and put everything in more concrete terms. For right now though, I need your names. I know Terrence, but I&#39;m not familiar with the two of you.&quot; She gets a notebook and quill-ink pen and gets ready to write. &quot;I&#39;ll make a report and put this through the higher ups, then someone will come by to handle the rest.&quot; She holds her pen at a blank page and gets ready to write everyones names down when she gets them. &quot;I&#39;ll also need to know who that fox was that left some time ago.&quot;<br> <br>Sakura moves back closer to Nichole &quot;Me Sakura, and the one that left? Oh he&#39;s Alkain.&quot; she nods and looks to Reily. &quot;Sooo we&#39;re done here? Or do we have to wait more?&quot; she asks curious.<br> <br>Reily smiles and nods understandingly. &quot;My name is Reily Arnsworth. If Alkain has a last name, I&#39;m not sure what it is. And that there is Terrence.&quot; shi introduces hirself and the talakai, looking to Sakura and shrugging, before looking back to Nichole. &quot;Is your person going to be coming back with us? Or will they be sent later?&quot;<br> <br>Nichole starts writing down peoples names, and accounts in detail for the things to happen so far. &quot;I&#39;ll send in someone later with the documents and knoledge you need. As long as everyone agrees we shouldn&#39;t have too much trouble. If theres anything else you&#39;d like to add, now would be a good time while I write things down. It&#39;s more of a matter of finding the right person. Whoever we have that knows how these sort of things work are quite valuable and rare.&quot;<br> <br>Sakura listens to Nichole talk and watches her write, before turning to look at Reily and then at Terrence &quot;Me don&#39;t have anything else to add, how about you?&quot; she asks curiously as she slowly starts making her way towards the exit. &quot;Me glad we could reach a solution.&quot; she smiles at Nichole and waves &quot;Me have something to do at home, bye bye!&quot; she waves and leaves before the other two people.<br> <br>Reily shakes hir head after Sakura&#39;s question, taking Terrence&#39;s hand in hirs to lead him out. &quot;Alright, that sounds great, thank you again Nichole.&quot; shi says, waving to the raccoon as shi and Terrence leave the place, heading back to their own respective rides back to their homes.<br> <br>Terrence is satisfied with how things went, giving a nod and getting up, &quot;A pleasure Nicole, sorry for the rough treatment, just business and all. I look forward working with you in the future even more. Probably going to be heading up to Shady Keep again, anything you need while I&#39;m out there?&quot; He asks, fixing up his vest before heading out as well.<br> <br>Nichole gives a nod to the group as they start to leave. &quot;It was good working with you. It&#39;s nice to see a new city sprout up.&quot; Looking to Terrence, she flicks an uneasy ear. &quot;Yea, but I&#39;m sure you understand that we can&#39;t hand over something as important as this without something in return. Just be sure to rehabilitate some ferals for us, okay? Those poor souls need guidance. Farewell.&quot;[[Category:RPLogs]]

Latest revision as of 22:52, 7 March 2016





Nichole settles into a seat behind a table in a neighboring hut. The raccoon has a set of papers down in front of her, ready to refer to anytime she needs a quick reminder. Soon, a guard leads a few people inside. She sits in her seat strait with good posture, her tail laid to the side of her seat as she waits for them to sit down before starting things.

Alkain hmmms as he waits to be let into the hut, looking to the others as he waits, "Hope this doesn't take /too/ long." he sighs, having just got off but he can feel his rut building... Once let in though he smiles and waves to Nichole, "Hey." he looks to the others as he takes a seat on the floor, not like he could fit in a chair or anything anyway!

Sakura follows in after Alkain, looking up at the giant fox and chuckles quietly. She was wearing her usual clothes, a skirt that does a fairly good job of covering her groin, but doesn't wear anything over her chest, her breasts dripping milk every now and then. "Hello." she smiles at Nichole and sits down one a chair.

Terrence was used to working with the raccoon, he rather liked the times he took missions of cross faction nature. Clothed in but a vest, he walks in, balls swaying about, twin rods poking from his sheathes and drooling pre. "Good afternoon, how are you today Nicole? Sorry to say, I'm not here for the usual reasons, but instead, got some thing else to discuss. Mother needs to know how you are keeping up the... electricity making things you have, the ones you got recently." He says. As those quad balls sway around, their fullness makes itself known with a slight sloshing!

Reily is the last to enter, a bit shyly for that matter. Shi was assured that it would be okay for hir to show up in hir usual lack of bottom wear, especially since all hir traveling partners seemed to be lacking some sort of basic clothing item, but shi still feels nervous about it. Shi may be bottomless around strangers all the time, but shi knows of New Dawn's policies. Clearing hir throat a bit after Terrence's greeting, shi nods along with him. "Y-yes, um... I'm Reily. We're here to learn about how your solar power works, and how to rig something similar up ourselves."

As the collection of people enters, she puts on a polite smile and nods to Terrence in appreciation. A quick glance reveals that everyone assembled here aside from herself sports some very large endowments. She suppresses a sigh as she conducts herself in a more professional manor. "Good day everyone." In response to Terrence's request she nods. "I see. As much as I would love to spread the light, I know that not all share our views." She looks to Terrence. "I know you've been a help with pacifying groups of dangerous ferals, but I want to be sure this information isn't going to be used against the Promethian ways."

Alkain mphs and sighs as his rut continues to bother him, looking to the others then Nichole, "I'm probably not going to be much use like this, sorry... I'm going to have to find my mate..." as he stands to pad out, tails drooping a little in disappointment

Nicole nods and watches Alkain leave. While she can smell the rut in the air, she would guess that he would be why, if partially. "Take care then." Inwardly, her fears are alleviated slightly should she assume the fox to be telling the truth. As Alkain leaves her attention drifts over to Terrence as she sees the mess Terrence is making. Her professional mannerisms slip as she remarks, "Why does it look like you are a leaking from everywhere?"

Sakura tilts her head and looks after Alkain "Well.. have a safe trip." she says and glances over the other two people she came in with, bfore turning to look at Nichole. "But we are not associated with dangerous feral." she nods and hmms "Can we prove it somehow? That we are going to use it safely and not give information to bad ferals?" she asks curiously.

Giving a growl, Terrence shakes his head, "Nicole, how rude, it isn't like I can just control much those things leak." He says, pointing discretely at his cocks, "But no matter, honestly, you think we'd use them in a way to disadvnatage New Dawn? And what would be wrong with helping the ferals out with it? Look, who do I need to talk to about finding out how you keep it all from falling apart?" He asks, tone getting more gruff and demanding as he talks, walking closer to Nicole as speaks!

Reily watches Alkain leave, giving a soft whine. However, the speed at which Terrence resorts to intimidation gets hir attention back towards the matter at hand. Panicking a bit, shi tries to put a paw on Terrence's arm as he moves closer to Nichole, attempting to urge him to stop, without implying that shi was willing to try and force him to stop. "Nichole... I'm speaking on behalf of the Surrogate Brotherhood. We're a group of mutants living in Glenstock out in Oregon. Our goal is simply to help the town flourish, and our ways are pretty similar to the Promethean ways... You can trust me when I say that nothing we do with your information will jeopardize your way of life here." shi tries, keeping up professional speech as well as shi can, but freaking out on the inside.

Nicole Leans back as Terrence aggressively approaches, her eyes widen at his outburst. She responds quickly and with a wavering tone as the large talakai intimidates her. "I apologize. It's not often I see someone leak like that." She sighs, then gets back on track, though weary of Terrence for now. "Look, it's not the ferals I'm worried about. They need help for sure, but what would they do with technical documentation? Some of the ferals in the training yard can't even hold a spanner correctly." She looks to the group. "I don't want this knowledge to be used for uncontrolled sex." Looking to Sakura, she says. "The ferals need help."

Sakura lets out a surprised yip at Terrence's outburst. "Why does me keep finding people that have no patience.." she mumbles quietly to herself and moves next to Reily. "We can try and solve this peacefully, ok?" she asks Terrence and glances to Reily to see if shi would agree with her. She hmms and ponders for a bit "So as me see it, you guys at new dawn don't fully trust us.. " she says and adds "Me don't blame you, you have no reason to take our word, but me think you could send someone to inspect what we're doing and why we need this stuff?" she asks.

Terrence snorts a bit, some smoke coming free of his nostals, "Do we seem the kind to just fuck around with this kind of thing? And how could more access to power result in more rampent sex?" He asks, still coating his fur and the floor in pre as he walks around, eyeing Reily and Sakura for a while. He snorts out smoke again, "Look, just want to add some stability, that's it. Want to give us a hand?" He asks a bit more polietly.

Reily lets go of Terrence's arm as he walks around, watching him a bit nervously. Shi's not so good at negotiations, but shi knows hir stuff when it comes to technology. "N-Nichole... Terrence is right. We're trying to get a whole city up and running, you can trust us. I understand you wanting to ensure the integrity of the people you're doing business with, and I'm glad your standards are so reasonable. But at the same time, we won't be able to take the next step towards sustaining our city without some help." shi says, hoping to take a more empathetic approach this time.

Nichole looks to Terrence and frowns. "I'm trying to think of the worst kind of outcomes here. I don't know what you are trying to do. Sure, you help out and we're grateful, but how do I know you aren't setting up another round-the-clock Husky Den orgy somewhere?" Looking to Reily she pauses a moment. "A city? Why didn't you say so?" She sits up and scoots her chair to the table. She looks to Sakura then settles her gaze to Terrence. "In that case. What would this city be able to offer New Dawn?" She relaxes a bit as she now knows what people want from this.

Terrence gives a slight huff, choosing to go silent. He thinks for a moment before deciding to just let the others do the talking for now, keeping his eyes upon the 'coon.

Sakura smiles at Nichole "Me glad you ask! Well we could share some of the food we are growing at our fields there. We get more power, you get more food, everyone wins." she smiles and nods. She turns to Reily and whisper "Do you know anything else we could offer?" she asks.

Reily nods hir head as Nichole asks hir about the city, smiling from the raccoon's returned confidence. "Yeah, um... As I said before, we're trying to help Glenstock flourish..." shi reminds, glancing to Terrence and giving him an apologetic expression. "There's not much to it yet, but expanding and improving depend on power... We have plenty of food, but I don't think you guys need much help with that. How about... Trading favors? If New Dawn is ever in need, you'll have support from our people. We'll always be happy to help keep New Dawn safe and running smooth." shi offers hir group's support, unsure what else they could offer a faction that already has so much.

Nichole pauses a bit as she considers the arguments from the two. "It wouldn't hurt having some extra food around..." She says quietly. Looking to Reily, then to Sakura she says, "Some extra food to pad our stores wouldn't hurt." She pauses again as she considers her options. "It'll be hard to know how much food you can produce in the future, considering things. Throw in that favor as well and I'll agree." Then she looks to Reily, her eyes fix on hir. "Your group had better be okay with the favor when New Dawn calls on it."

Sakura nods to Nichole when she agrees that more food would be helpful. However she hmms "Could you give us a moment?" she asks and turns to Reily, waving her closer, as she seems to want to discuss something with hir, without Nichole. If Reily would agree she would ask "How well do you know people from here? You know what they might ask? Me wants to know if you think they will not ask inresonable thingies?" she would ask quitely.

Hearing what Sakura has to say, Reily shakes hir head. "Even if they do, you won't have to worry about it. I think the Prometheans are good people." shi whispers back, before turning back to Nichole. "Of course, Nichole! Our farm is growing all the time, and we'll be good on those favors! If nothing else, I'll back up my promise myself!" shi promises, hoping that helps fortify hir claims. "It probably won't need to come to that, the others really like New Dawn. You can rest easy knowing we'll be here for your community." shi adds on, smiling as hir tail wags.

A small smile grows on Nichole's face as Reily agrees, though a bit relieved that Terrence hasn't tried to stop her yet. "Good. I'll have someone send over some documents and I'll have someone more knowledgeable help make sure someone gets it learned." She opens her mouth to add a condition, but Terrence's previous outburst has her hesitant to push further. "I do hope you put it to good use." She gives a glance to Terrence with a bit of trepidation and leans forward over the table to hold out her hand. "You'll give us some food, an amount of which would be discussed later, and a favor of our choosing. In return we'll teach you how to set up a power plant. I should note that we'll only teach how. Actually getting generators of some kind isn't included."

Sakura smiles to Reily "Alright, if you say so, me trust you, me didn't know these people almost not at all." she says and nods "We agree to this exchange." she nods. "Do we need to sign or write something down, so that we have proof of what we talked today?" she asks cautiously. "Like how people used to do it, me found many examples of this kind of stuff happening in old books." she explains with a soft giggle.

Nodding eagerly, Reily steps up to the desk to shake Nichole's hand, hir tail wagging a little faster. "We'll put it to good use, you have my word. Thank you very much, Nichole. You won't regret this, and we'll always be thankful." shi says happily, waiting here for a reply to Sakura's question, and for the instructor to arrive.

Nichole gives Reily's hand a shake and leans back. "And yes, we'll send someone over to see you and put everything in more concrete terms. For right now though, I need your names. I know Terrence, but I'm not familiar with the two of you." She gets a notebook and quill-ink pen and gets ready to write. "I'll make a report and put this through the higher ups, then someone will come by to handle the rest." She holds her pen at a blank page and gets ready to write everyones names down when she gets them. "I'll also need to know who that fox was that left some time ago."

Sakura moves back closer to Nichole "Me Sakura, and the one that left? Oh he's Alkain." she nods and looks to Reily. "Sooo we're done here? Or do we have to wait more?" she asks curious.

Reily smiles and nods understandingly. "My name is Reily Arnsworth. If Alkain has a last name, I'm not sure what it is. And that there is Terrence." shi introduces hirself and the talakai, looking to Sakura and shrugging, before looking back to Nichole. "Is your person going to be coming back with us? Or will they be sent later?"

Nichole starts writing down peoples names, and accounts in detail for the things to happen so far. "I'll send in someone later with the documents and knoledge you need. As long as everyone agrees we shouldn't have too much trouble. If theres anything else you'd like to add, now would be a good time while I write things down. It's more of a matter of finding the right person. Whoever we have that knows how these sort of things work are quite valuable and rare."

Sakura listens to Nichole talk and watches her write, before turning to look at Reily and then at Terrence "Me don't have anything else to add, how about you?" she asks curiously as she slowly starts making her way towards the exit. "Me glad we could reach a solution." she smiles at Nichole and waves "Me have something to do at home, bye bye!" she waves and leaves before the other two people.

Reily shakes hir head after Sakura's question, taking Terrence's hand in hirs to lead him out. "Alright, that sounds great, thank you again Nichole." shi says, waving to the raccoon as shi and Terrence leave the place, heading back to their own respective rides back to their homes.

Terrence is satisfied with how things went, giving a nod and getting up, "A pleasure Nicole, sorry for the rough treatment, just business and all. I look forward working with you in the future even more. Probably going to be heading up to Shady Keep again, anything you need while I'm out there?" He asks, fixing up his vest before heading out as well.

Nichole gives a nod to the group as they start to leave. "It was good working with you. It's nice to see a new city sprout up." Looking to Terrence, she flicks an uneasy ear. "Yea, but I'm sure you understand that we can't hand over something as important as this without something in return. Just be sure to rehabilitate some ferals for us, okay? Those poor souls need guidance. Farewell."