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"You heard Captain Hestis."  He said, her focus on Nekura turning from mild interest to now disappointment as he attempted to shake her off.
"You heard Captain Hestis."  He said, her focus on Nekura turning from mild interest to now disappointment as he attempted to shake her off.
Slowly, the Dragoness, Hestis apparently, lowered Vayne to the ground, and waited to find out if the shotgun was going to be removed from under her jaw.<br> <br>Heywait. Nekura makes a :| face suddenly as she hangs onto the male, declaring, &quot;You&#39;re not a real shadow dragon, you smell like canine and feel like one too!&quot; Not that she stops hanging onto him though now her attention shifted from hopefulness to avoid harm to keeping him from his likely attempt to flee now that he&#39;d been caught. Angry snuggles.<br> <br>Through all of that, Vayne&#39;s voice remained calm, almost mildly lighthearted, meaning one (at least) of three things, she is as good as she thinks she is,  she&#39;s a grade A bluff afficiando, or she was a complete and utter mad woman.  She looks up at the taller dragon once her feet touch the ground her arm had moved in time with her decent to keep the flint lock sawed off 10 gauge pressed nice and snug against Captain Hestis&#39;s neck.  Once down she slides the barrel down the dragons chest between her breasts and stomach in  sultry fashion before taking a step back, the barrel remaining level.  She slowly draws out her sword, an elegant looking thing, a bit long for a cutlass but very sharp and shiney.  Once the blade clears the scabbard it crackles sparks and bursts into Azure flame, the licks of fire dancing along the blade in lovely displays as the weapon humms gently, happy to be shown off.  Flaming sword in one hand, Sawed off 10 gauge in the other , high heeled boots and a tri-corner hat with feather dancing lightly in the breeze, the tigress certainly knows how to look damn impressive if nothing else.  She simply motions with the barrel of her weapon from the dragoness to get on with her duties before turning to the man that had been addressed.  &quot;Cassor was it?  Pleased to meet you.&quot;<br> <br>Myung perks an ear at Simenio&#39;s suggestion, looking about ready to just that - then heaves a sigh of relief as Vayne was lowered to the ground and it seems that he didn&#39;t need to. &quot;... I can&#39;t believe that worked...&quot; he mutters back, barely above a whisper before straightening his posture and putting on a friendly smile, which curls into a very slight frown at Nekura&#39;s rather sudden and peculiar observation, now focusing on Cassor.
Slowly, the Dragoness, Hestis apparently, lowered Vayne to the ground, and waited to find out if the shotgun was going to be removed from under her jaw.<br> <br>Heywait. Nekura makes a :| face suddenly as she hangs onto the male, declaring, &quot;You&#39;re not a real shadow dragon, you smell like canine and feel like one too!&quot; Not that she stops hanging onto him though now her attention shifted from hopefulness to avoid harm to keeping him from his likely attempt to flee now that he&#39;d been caught. Angry snuggles.<br> <br>Through all of that, Vayne&#39;s voice remained calm, almost mildly lighthearted, meaning one (at least) of three things, she is as good as she thinks she is,  she&#39;s a grade A bluff afficiando, or she was a complete and utter mad woman.  She looks up at the taller dragon once her feet touch the ground her arm had moved in time with her decent to keep the flint lock sawed off 10 gauge pressed nice and snug against Captain Hestis&#39;s neck.  Once down she slides the barrel down the dragons chest between her breasts and stomach in  sultry fashion before taking a step back, the barrel remaining level.  She slowly draws out her sword, an elegant looking thing, a bit long for a cutlass but very sharp and shiney.  Once the blade clears the scabbard it crackles sparks and bursts into Azure flame, the licks of fire dancing along the blade in lovely displays as the weapon humms gently, happy to be shown off.  Flaming sword in one hand, Sawed off 10 gauge in the other , high heeled boots and a tri-corner hat with feather dancing lightly in the breeze, the tigress certainly knows how to look damn impressive if nothing else.  She simply motions with the barrel of her weapon from the dragoness to get on with her duties before turning to the man that had been addressed.  &quot;Cassor was it?  Pleased to meet you.&quot;<br> <br>Myung perks an ear at Simenio&#39;s suggestion, looking about ready to just that - then heaves a sigh of relief as Vayne was lowered to the ground and it seems that he didn&#39;t need to. &quot;... I can&#39;t believe that worked...&quot; he mutters back, barely above a whisper before straightening his posture and putting on a friendly smile, which curls into a very slight frown at Nekura&#39;s rather sudden and peculiar observation, now focusing on Cassor.<br> <br>Simenio glances back again as he hears the Hesits&#39; response, and... well, he seems quite genuinely surprised that Vayne&#39;s plan actually worked... or it was working so far, at least....  A small smile appears oon the cat&#39;s muzzle for just a moment before it fades away again and he brings his attention back to the crowd of dragons around them.  His stance didn&#39;t change one bit, and he still looked ready to sprint straight through any openings he could find.  After all, just because things were going well now doens&#39;t mean that will still continue like this.  He glances back at Myung again, seeming... almost ready to relax for a few moments himself before he simply gives a quick shake of his head and he whispers to the Coyote, &quot;I... wouldn&#39;t l-lower your guard just y-yet, if I were you.&quot;  Nekura does get his attention for a moment though, his head tilting slightly to the side as he gazes at both her and the &quot;dragon&quot; she&#39;s clinging onto with a curious expression.  He again shrugs it off after a few moments though, his attention returning to the rest of the dragons once more.<br> <br>Hestis steps back, easing her way towards the tower, before opening her wings and flapping a few times.  Cassor simply looks nonplussed and simply makes more efforts to get Nekura off him.  As Hestis flies off, Cassor looks at those present.  &quot;Just make sure none run.&quot; He says simply, looking bored and rather disappointed by the scene in front of him.  &quot;Thought we were supposed to be guards, not frigging babysitters&quot; he mutters as he finally manages to get Nekura off and shoved back towards teh rest of her friends.  &quot;Hey Tigress, keep your bimbo dragoness in check.  She&#39;s acting loopy.&quot;<br> <br>Why does she even bother? Nekura is rather annoyed when no one seems to pay attention to her observation and goes to release hold of the &#39;dragon&#39;, wandering back the way they came. Maybe they can get this trouble with the dogs done and over yet.<br> <br>Vayne smirks softly Nekura&#39;s plan hadn&#39;t been overburdened with chances for success but would have been vaguely amusing had it sparked off something.  &quot;I think she likes you.  She&#39;s a townie girl you know how much fun those can be right?&quot; she studies the dragons face and notices he&#39;s not really going for it so she shrugs.  &quot;Hey Nekura, why don&#39;t you come over here with the others.&quot; She motions with her sword, the humming of the custom made electric chains sword (on fire) ebbs and flows with the Doppler effect of it being moved.  &quot;If things go sour, I want you three to retreat out,  I&#39;ll cover you.  Just make sure you find some to help....&quot; She eyes each dragon as she speaks, her violet eyes meeting theirs for several long lingering seconds. &quot;...with cleaning up the mess I make.&quot;<br> <br>The coyote&#39;s expression remains a little uncertain, but he brushes the scene off and turns his attention back to Hestis, watching her take off The tension defused just a bit, his eyes fall back on Cassor, looking between him and Vayne, nodding to both Vayne and Simenio in equal parts in confirmation.<br> <br>Simenio glances back at Vayne again, his eyes flicking between her and the Cassor fellow who just gave the orders to ensure no one runs....  He continues to simply glance between the tigress and the dragon for a few moments more before giving Vayne a nod and mumbling, &quot;Understood.&quot;  His eyes then go to Nekura once more as he gestures between himself and Myung.  &quot;If we d-do have to run... follow us... I th-think....&quot;  He... then moves from his current position for just a moment to get closer to both Myung and Nekura, whispering to them both in a tone that... hopefully couldn&#39;t be picked up by any of the nearby dragons, &quot;If we r-run... our best bet is pr-probably to take the same g-gap out, but when we break th-through their line we may need to sc-scatter a bit... they have guns, st-standing and moving in a straight line pr-probably isn&#39;t a good idea.&quot;  He then resumes his runner&#39;s stance, still more than ready to bolt when necesarry.<br> <br>After a short while, a clearly chastised Hestis returns, her fancy armor gone, leaving only the cloth rags that may have been under it to prevent chaffing.  &quot;Everyone, stand down.  Lord Bahenmut wishes to, speak with them.  If only to humor their bravery.&quot; She says, looking like she was ready to rip into someone, and it wasn&#39;t likely any of those present right now.  The dragons present look a little confused, but disperse, since at this point, this was way out of their hands now.  They had other dangers to focus on.  Like the encrouching Wolf Beasts.  Cassor and the other Dragoness who&#39;d arrived with Hestis guide the 4 folks into the building, and lead them up the 6 stories.<br> <br>Nekura just kind of squints at the others who arrived. There&#39;s not much else for her to say.<br> <br>Vayne stands relaxed while she waits, blade pointed at the ground, pistol aimed skyward, typically an inoffensive position to hold a firearm though against flying creatures maybe not so much.  She taps a toe somewhat impatiently the tapping audible in the tense silence of the street.  When the now demoted looking Hestis returns to deliver her lords commands, Vayne listens politely, her face expressing neither pleasure nor pity at Hestis&#39;s fall from grace, merely lofting a single eyebrow at the woman&#39;s scar.  Her sword powers down, turning back into a mundane and charming little antique blade.  She slides it into the sheath on her back and tucks her pistol away in its cross draw holster at her belt before giving Cassor a respectful nod .  She motions the rest of the party to follow as she heads towards the tower entrance, hips swaying seductively as she walks twoards the new arrivals ready to be guided up the stairs to the presumptive meeting place, obviously it would be the top of the building.  Dragons are like that.  &quot;Lets go.&quot; Is all she says as she follows the escort.  <br> <br>Myung catches sight of the fresh scar, but quickly catches himself staring and jerks his attention back to Cassor, bowing his head slightly in a polite nod without even meeting Hestis&#39; eyes, figuring it best not to risk provoking her. He falls in line and follows after Vayne, looking considerably more wary of the meeting with this Bahenmut after seeing how he&#39;d treated one of his own. &quot;Hopefully he&#39;s more polite to visitors...&quot; Myung mutters under his breath, finishing the thought aloud.<br> <br>Simenio once again seem... quite surprised when he hears the dragons&#39; ordered to let them go.  He... finally relaxes his stance now, standing up straight once more and even straightening his lab coat a bit as he turns to face Myung and Nekura, giving them both a small grin.  &quot;That... turned out... m-much better than I th-thought it would....&quot;  He does cock his head at Hestis for a brief moment though, apparently more curious about how she was so quickly stripped of her rank... so much more curious, in fact, that he didn&#39;t even notice the new scar she apprently had.  He quickly draws his eyes away and takes his place just behind Vayne once more, though, following her and their dragon escorts up the tower.<br> <br>As the group climb the stairs, something not done often by the creaking noise&#39;s statements, it&#39;s clear that most of the &#39;apartments&#39; this building housed were being used, though the pecking order seemed to be that the more important dragons in this tribe had higher apartments, with easier &#39;sky&#39; access via hte windows and less obstructions in the way.  The roof garden however, as they exit the fire excape door that no longer latched close quite right, the area almost looked like a private jungle had been erected on this roof.  There was what looked to be an elevated platform made from scrap wood and such, and the armor HEstis had been wearing is shining dully on this platform.  Near the feet of the much larger than normal Shadow Dragon sitting on what looked to be a throne-like seat.  They had resting agaisnt on armrest an odd blade, which looked like the tool used to scratch Hestis&#39;s hip, as there was fresh blood on it.  At a glance, one would think the Dragon on the throne was female, with the respectably sized brests on their chest, but the semi-erect cock between their legs, which obscured any possible sight of a pussy behind their balls implied that they were either a herm or male.
The &#39;Dragon Lord&#39; was leaning back, fingers steepled in front of them as they watched the four approach.  Their gaze flickered over each of them, though they lingered on Nekura for a short while, a almost predatory leer crossing their features, with the twitches of their growing erection becoming frequent and sharp in motion.<br> <br>Well this is definitely somewhat weird though Nekura couldn&#39;t help thinking she was unsurprised to see how the housing is arranged or the fact the dragoness that was responsible for keeping them at the gates appears to have gotten a case of butthurt. Soon after though her attention turns to the other sexy dragoness, peering intently at their shaft, which is kind of hard to stop staring at. When the herm, or weirdly boobed male, looks her way in that manner she plays the innocent part and looks away bashfully from him, squirming in place, her face turning slightly pink on the cheeks.<br> <br>Vayne walks up the stairs as though her escort were an honor guard.  She meets any inquisitive looks with a lovely yet vaguely predatory little smile that was friendly in all the dangerous sort of ways.  She emerges into the garden glancing around and making no effort to hide that she was impressed with what she saw and seemed to like the style and power of it.  It&#39;s clear she gets what the lord is trying to convey with the display and approves.  She approaches the last dozen her so yards meeting the dragons gaze, if it&#39;s directed at her, with her own.  Deep violet eyes shining slightly in the way cat&#39;s eyes tend to do, her hips swaying as she walks, heels clicking against the roof top and tail swishing behind her in a lazy and off handedly seductive display.  She stops a respectful distance away before having to be instructed to do so, and takes off her hat, sweeping an anachronistic yet oddly fitting bow to the Dragon lord.  &quot;Lord Bahhenmut, You honor us with this audience and we thank you for taking the time to see us.&quot; She stands from the bow, keeping her hat tucked under one arm, her triangular ears flicking slightly in the roof top breeze.  &quot;My name is Vayne, and these are my companions, Nekura, Myung and Simenio.  We have been sent by... &quot; judging by her expression she finds this next bit unpalatable, &quot;...requested by the Zephyr tribe to entreat with you.&quot;  She stands lightly, most of her weight on one leg, the other slightly out in front of her showing off a stance of both exquisite etiquette and a slender, athletic little curve of flank.  She deliberately lets the lord see her gaze slide down to his cock as though she can&#39;t help it, and snaps her attention back to his face, the introductions over she awaits his response.  <br> <br>Myung&#39;s eyes wander around the peculiar redecorating job that the dragons had done on the roof before falling on the Dragon Lord and their throne... well, more their impressive rack, really. He tears his eyes away after a moment, not wanting to make a show of it, and finds a distraction in the dripping blade. The coyote&#39;s eyes narrow, connecting the dots... his ears lay flat against his skull, warier than ever. He steps off to the side of the group, murmuring a short warning in an effort not to draw attention. &quot;... Vayne, you&#39;re not the only one with a scary-ass sword. Be careful around that knife, there&#39;s something more to it...&quot; The coyote moves off to the side, masking the warning with a bow when he is introduced.<br> <br>Simenio continues to stick close behind Vayne as they travel up the stairs, his eyes other down or on the tigress&#39; back for the most part.  When they do enter the rooftop garden, though, he can&#39;t help but let his gaze travel around the room, seeming... in a combination of awe and... simply appreciation for the impressive vegitation the dragons have managed to grow up here.  He was... actually distracted for once in their mission, and he was so much so that he nearly bumped into Vayne when she came to a stop.  He does step off to the side and... actually a bit forward when his name is mentioned, his eyes going down to the ground as he brings one foot behind him once more, his chest going down to just above his other knee.  It isn&#39;t until now that he actually looks at the dragon lord, and... when he does he immediately blushes and looks back down to the ground.  &quot;Yes, we s-simply come as diplomats... as Vayne s-said, thank you for having us, Dr-Dragon Lord Bahenmut&quot;<br> <br>Behenmut smirks.  &quot;Diplomats?  Christ, there&#39;s a term I haven&#39;t heard in, what, nearly a decade?  So, what is it that Zephyr wants me to stop doing?&quot; The voice is mostly masculine, but there&#39;s still a softer inflection to it.  Leaning forward, the Dragon Lord rests an elbow on their knee, and smirks down at the 4 agents.  &quot;Then again, I might well, not let you 4 leave.  I could use some new breeding bitches.  Hestis here seems to enjoy it.  Why else would she be set for a sixth one in only the year I&#39;ve been running this tribe?&quot; They say, grinning.  &quot;Hey, if your really lucky...  You might not be left exclusively as a breeder either.&quot;  The apparent idea of forcibly breaking the four agents to follow his bidding was apparently enough to get his cock to full mast, which gave a possible idea of his state of mind.  Hestis, being the follower she was, just stood to the side, and glared daggers at Bahenmut without actually directly looking at them.  The body language she was giving hinted at something, but it was difficult to say what without actually &#39;feeling&#39; the tension in some fashion.<br> <br>Nnnn, Nekura didn&#39;t want to admit to herself that the idea of being the drake&#39;s relief mechanism was pretty arousing. Despite her attempts though the dragoness ends up going a bit bow-legged and soon her fertile scent reaches out towards Behenmut even as the one making it starts to shuffle towards him. She kind of regrets not having her own hermcock now to help balance out her female self but then again she had been doing the plowing an awful lot. Besides, this isn&#39;t the first prime or prime-like mutant she&#39;s slept with. The dragoness&#39;s movements sashay and wiggle, trying to put on a show for the one whom she&#39;s now infatuated with. If she even sees the eyes that Hestis is giving him she doesn&#39;t indicate such and instead continues her forward movement, eyes locked on the throbbing girth.<br> <br>Vayne never lets her smile waver, in fact she looks almost as though she&#39;s considering the offer of sexual servitude, it wouldn&#39;t be a bad way to kill a weekend.  She looks at Hestis when the woman&#39;s name is mentioned again a face without pleasure or pity at the woman&#39;s plight but perhaps a small degree of understanding.  She looks back to Bahenmut.  &quot;A tempting offer My lord, but unfortunately we must deal with duty before pleasure.  Zephyr wants this war between you and the Bloodfangs to stop, or at the very least stop causing so much wide spread destruction.&quot; She shifts her weight.  &quot;They aren&#39;t too worried about how we accomplish that task, so it comes down to four options.  First, negotiate a peace, everyone goes away grumpy but satisfied, we all hold hands, sing cumby ya.. ecetera ecetera.  We side with one of the tribes to kill the other, that&#39;s two options, or we destroy both of you and call it a day.  Out of respect we&#39;ve have approached you first to find out what has led to this sudden conflict between wolves and dragon.&quot;  She looks the herm up and down with a slow lingering smile, the petite tigress for all the world seeming to be sizing the lord up in internal debate as to which would be more fun, being broken by them, or breaking the lord for her own personal use.  She glances over at Nekura with a lofted eyebrow as though debating offering the dragoness as a gift of good faith.  She tucks that little idea away for later.  She pointedly does not bring up Hestis and the rude reception downstairs, and makes it clear that she is pointedly /not/ mentioning it...yet.<br> <br>Myung&#39;s brow raised at Behenmut&#39;s words - granted, it didn&#39;t come as a surprise that the feral lord might have viewed potential visitors as breeders and little more, but Hestis&#39; reaction to them was far more interesting - a picture was forming. He coughs quietly and averts his eyes from the herm&#39;s erect member.<br> <br>Simenio flicks his ears a bit at the mention of servitude, and... well, the blush on his cheeks deepens, and he simply holds his bow for now.  His eyes do flick up again, going to rest on Hestis now....  He seems to... stare at her quite intently for a few long moments....  Eventually, though, he stands up again, his eyes still on Hestis as he quickly whispers, &quot;Bare with m-me here,&quot; to Vayne and Myung, since... again, Nekura was... a bit distracted at the moment....  He takes a few steps closer to the dragoness now, his head tilted slightly to the side as he mumbles out, &quot;Vayne... I d-don&#39;t think you should be t-talking to him....  This dr-dragoness here... uh... what was y-your name again?  Hestis?  Anyways, H-Hestis here... she&#39;s the one you sh-should be negotiating with... I c-can tell....&quot;  He glances about the room for a moment, saying, &quot;This... Bahenmut fellow... is-isn&#39;t going to bring about a n-nice future for his people... and I th-think that everyone in here, es-especially Hestis, can tell.&quot;  Finally his gaze comes to rest on Hestis again, and he... well, bows in front of her now, mimicing the bow he had done in front of Bahenmut moments before almost exactly.<br> <br>Behenmut seemed to notice two things at this moment, alongside Vayne&#39;s explaination.  The first, was Nekura&#39;s approach, looking ready to jump on his cock and ride him.  To this, he would have simply smirked, if not for the SECOND thing.  This second thing actually got him scowling, reaching down, and grabbing ahold of hte grip of his blade, which when brought up, looks like it was designed to be relfective of the chainswords most agents were issued, but with 2 differences.  Difference one was that it was a single blade, instead of many, and second, that edge looked fine enough to have only been nanite forged.
&quot;Why do you bow to a bitch?!  You don&#39;t!  Do that again, and I&#39;ll have to suffer only three new bitches to breed instead of four.  You get me whore-to-be?!&quot; He growls, pointing his blade right at Simenio, before pointing a finger at Nekura.  &quot;Stay right there whore.  I&#39;ll be dealing with you shortly.&quot;  He orders, glaring at Nekura a moment before focusing on Vayne again.  &quot;As for what lead to this, &#39;conflict&#39;, my dragons need more space.  The wolves weren&#39;t using their&#39;s, so I felt we would take it from them.  They didn&#39;t like this idea.&quot; He states, like it was the most obvious thing in the world.  Which in turn revealed that this guy was far from the brightest bulb in the pack.  IT seemed the only thing he had going for keeping his hold was his immense size and brutal enforcement of his will.<br> <br>Despite the throbbing need in her loins to get impaled on the male&#39;s cock Nekura ends up doing as told and stands there waiting for the male to finish. She was pretty well gone at this point, horny as she is after not getting laid in a long while, but it seems she heard him through the haze.<br> <br>Vayne just blinks her jaw falling open, the quick witted and confident tigress utterly and completely dumbstruck by what her little brother just did.  She gives Simenio a &quot;what dafuq&quot; look but does cast a glance at Hestis, to see if maybe Simenio had seen something she hadn&#39;t.  Hell she&#39;s new here, Hestis could be the wizard behind the curtain merely staging this little game to test them, it&#39;s the kind of needlessly Machiavellian deception Vayne would have tried any way.  She sees nothing to make her think Hestis is a queen in disguise and so dismisses Simenio&#39;s idea.  &quot;Simenio.  Their internal politics are not our concern.&quot; She says, though the pause at the end may have added a silent &quot;yet&quot; to that statement.  She turned back to Bahenmut her gaze on that sword, wary and appreciative, much like the gaze she gave his cock.  She doesn&#39;t seem cowed by his bluster in the slightest, but she carefully conceals her bemusement.  After his explanation she nods her head as though his explanation made perfect sense.  &quot;Seems simple enough.&quot; She says &quot;Here is the deal then.. we can try and get the Wolves to renegotiate your borders for a peaceful solution, orfootage.&quot; she pauses &quot;I can kill their leader and send them packing.  You have one chance to make an offer for this service.. make it a good one because Bloodfang gets one chance to give me a better one.  I, of course, won&#39;t tell him what you offered, he has to guess just like you have to guess what he will offer for your head.&quot;  She draws out a dagger and starts cleaning her nails she does this for a few moments before looking up as though she forgot to mention something.  &quot;You can discuss it with your advisors if you like, I can wait a few minutes.&quot; She goes back to cleaning her nails and motions Simenio over to her. &quot;Myung could you grab Nekura and guide her back over to us please?  I&#39;m not ready to trade her just yet.&quot;  she says without looking up from her nail cleaning.  Apparently the punishment for trying to bully her is to be pointedly and publicly ignored.  Seems the assasin takes the golden rule to ettiquette.<br> <br>Myung would have gone a little pale beneath his fur at Simenio&#39;s extremely bold accusation were such a thing even noticeable, but on seeing Behenmut&#39;s reaction to this, his expression shifted from fear to confusion, and then a slight confident smirk on seeing how little control Behenmut seemed to have over the situation here. He takes a deep breath to steel himself, then presses a little further, mouthing a silent apology to Vayne before shaking his head. &quot;... I agree with Simenio, actually. I&#39;m not sure Behenmut is really fit to negotiate a pack he barely leads and certainly does not have the best interests at heart for.&quot; He takes a step forward and rests a hand on Nekura&#39;s shoulder, lightly tugging her arm and whispering a warning that he certainly hoped would be reached in the stupor he&#39;d scarcely noticed while staring at the two dragons. &quot;Come.&quot; he mutters quietly, keen on keeping his distance from the irate dragon at this point.<br> <br>Simenio does stand up when he&#39;s addressed and... just for a moment there, he seems... almost afraid... but the moment his eyes fall on Bahenmut again... something either snaps or clicks together in the cat&#39;s mind... it&#39;s kind of hard to tell at this point.  His eyes narrow, his posture suddenly becoming... almost weirdly confident, considering his normal behavior.  Whatever he&#39;s about to say... one could be certain that he at least was sure that it was fact.  But... when addressed by Vayne he... pauses and... backs down, quickly returning to his normal self again.  The cat glances over to Myung when the Coyote speaks up, giving a very appreciative grin but... does give a nod in Vayne&#39;s direction, suggesting that he simply listen to her about it... for now at least....  He steps closer to Hestis again, making sure that his voice was too low for Bahenmut to hear him as he whispers, &quot;Lead y-your people... and if you c-can&#39;t lead them, at least g-get rid of Bahenmut and f-find someone who can.  Your tr-tribe deserves better th-than the likes of him.&quot;  With that said, he walks over to Vayne... yep, getting just behind her and turning back to his normal self.<br> <br>Behenmut seems satisified by the &#39;cowing&#39; that happened with most of htem, and settles back into his seat.  &quot;Bitch, don&#39;t listen to the them.  Settle yourself on the tool you&#39;ll be servicing soon until your rounded with a new clutch in your breeding womb.&quot; He says, patting his lap.  Looking over at Vayne, he seems to pause and think for a few moments, and grins.  &quot;One chance huh?  And what could I offer you that would ensure your loyalty, if only long enough to ensure that bastard Greg get&#39;s his just deserts?&quot;  He says, not actually vocalizing his plan to still turn the lot of them into sex slaves.  However, for those paying attention, the fact he calls the leader of the Bloodfangs by a name indicated a history between the two of them, which meant this &#39;turf war&#39; was an extension of something more personal.  Hestis has been eyeing Simineo quietly this whole time, trying to be properly subserviant to hte one who&#39;d taken over her tribe, but gives him a small smile.  That was about all she COULD do.  Anything more would have likely gotten Behenmut&#39;s wrath down on HER head.<br> <br>It doesn&#39;t seem to be much of a fight with whom Nekura is listening to and soon she moves over towards Behenmut at the patting of his lap. The dragoness makes to grab hold of his lap and, after getting a good grip, lifts herself upwards. Though she might not look too strong she has no trouble hoisting herself upwards all the way into his lap and, after ascending, turns around to face the other dragon. Without a forethought she goes to drop down onto his taper and lets out a sharp cry of pleasure as it invades her lower half and finally itches the heat she&#39;d been dealing with for almost a naggingly long month. Suffice to say she doesn&#39;t hear the others talking but if nothing else Vayne can probably make use of the moment to offer the slutty thing as a temporary egg carrier! Meanwhile she tries to push down more but seems to be having trouble with his girth. &quot;Nnngg...&quot;<br> <br>As the slut eased herself down on his cock, he grins, and with a hand wrapped around her right side, holds her in place.  Grabbing his blade once more, he brings it over, and applies it to her left hip, the blade cutting clean through the scales and into the flesh underneath.  There&#39;s a small hissing sound as it cuts into her, the scar on her hip nearly identical to the ones gracing Hestis&#39;s hip.  Myung just got the confirmation he needed ot know that the blade was the tool used, and the ease it had getting through Nekura&#39;s scales as a Shadow Dragon is moderately frightening.<br> <br>Vayne blinks and looks up at Myung, when one of her party see&#39;s something she doesn&#39;t, she checks again to make sure, but when two see it, that means it might be something they can see but she cannot.  After all despite her confident take over of the group, by all measures her vote counts no more or less than theirs if big decisions are to be made.    She looks over at Hestis, ignoring Bahenmut &quot;Is this true, if that mountain troll with wings were to be gone, would you be more amenable to a peaceful and reasonable solution?&quot;  She looks around at the other shadow dragons trying to gauge which way they were leaning, not being the best at that she looks to Simenio.  &quot;Which way is the crowd leaning?&quot;  She looks back to Bahenmut as Nekura slides down his shaft and seems to be utterly neutral with that cat like expression of having totally meant for this to happen.  Her eyes narrow as her party member is scarred by that blade and her jaw clenches for a moment, but it&#39;s not like Nekura didn&#39;t go willingly, so Vayne didn&#39;t fail to protect her.  That thought would bother her more but that blade fascinated her, If Bahenmut were attentive he&#39;d notice the look of avarice on her face and be wary, he had just come down with a virulent case of &#39;having-something-Vayne-wants&quot; a condition that can very rapidly prove fatal.  She is about to answer when she stops and blinks.. twice.  &quot;Greg? ..  The Lord Bahenmut is at war with a guy named /Greg/?&quot; She lets that little absurdity linger in the air. &quot; Is he your ex boyfriend or something?&quot;  She shakes her head that wasn&#39;t really her business.  &quot;I&#39;m partial to freecreds and salvage myself, though I&#39;m not adverse to Oath&#39;s, future favors, equipment, or sealing the deal with a good shag.&quot; The tigress&#39;s continued cleaning her nails at this point she extends a paw out in front of her, claws extended as she inspects them, brings them to her muzzle and breathes on them before polishing them on her blouse.  The dagger slides away, disappearing into some hidden sheath with the same slight of hand with which it appeared.  When she looks up she&#39;s looking at Hestis, though a single ear is swivled in Bahenmuts direction, and she has the corner of her eye on him.  &quot;Oh and the diplomatic option won&#39;t cost you anything except a thank you and your word you&#39;ll negotiate in good faith.&quot;  She adds reluctantly, her tail swishing behind her a bit irritated, clearly she would personally prefer the murder and profit option, but a reputation for good work is worth more than cash, barely, but still more.  &quot;Wouldn&#39;t mind a tip though.. just sayin.&quot;<br> <br>Myung&#39;s hand falls to his side and he grimaces when his words fail to reach Nekura, wincing at the sight of that peculiar knife cutting through scale like a knife through butter... this was getting messy. He folds his arms and takes a step back, looking between Vayne and Hestis now. The coyote&#39;s ears were laid flat, eyes fixed on the cowed dragoness in a look of pleading. &quot;Negotiation would be preferrable for all of us, I think.&quot; he says quietly before falling silent and leaving negotiating to the negotiators, his gaze making it quite apparent that the statement was more for Hestis than Behenmut.<br> <br>Simenio perks up as Vayne speaks to him again, his eye travelling around the room for a few moments before he... well, just gives a shrug.  He once again puts himself in a place where he could easily whisper to Vayne and Myung at a volume low enough that... hopefully only these two could hear it, &quot;I&#39;m not s-sure which the the r-room is leaning....  But... I th-think most of them are t-too scared to do anything....  Hestis is ar-are best bet, but we sh-should try to avoid sp-speaking with her more... she can&#39;t do m-much to help us in her current p-position.  What we n-need to is... find s-some way to... public sh-shame Bahemut, while also kn-knocking him out of power....  I th-think the Bloodfangs or... erm... &#39;Greg&#39; may b-be our best b-bet for that.  I&#39;ll tell y-you two more when w-we&#39;re out of here.&quot;  He then takes a step back, giving Hestis a slight nod of understanding and nothing more before his eyes go back to Vayne.  He... does spot Nekura yielding to Behenmut, and... almost immediately blushes and looks back to Vayne.  &quot;Actually... f-for now, it... may be b-best if we leave....&quot;<br> <br>As Behenmut groans, slowly forcing Nekura more and more onto his cock, he grins at the agents still at the foot of his platform.  &quot;I can&#39;t offer you any creds or salavage, since we need them as well, I don&#39;t much put much stock in oaths, but favors?  Might be doable.  Of course, if you want ot join this little slut here, you&#39;ll have to wait.  I only give a good fucking.  I won&#39;t ever take it.&quot; He says, grinning.  &quot;And besides, I&#39;d rather pay you when the job is done, not before.  Wouldn&#39;t want you to take what I offer, go to Bloodfang, and get paid by him then come after me.&quot; He states.  He at least had an idea of how a situation like this could go.  He was likely a gang member back before P-Day.  The dragons around them are mostly too scared of Behenmut turning them into breeding tools to really give a, &#39;siding&#39; with feeling, though most seem ot have a simmering hatred of their current leader.  Thankfully, once Nekura had been marked, he&#39;d put his blade away, not having cleaned it before cutting into her, meaning the two women&#39;s blood were now mixed on the edge, and possibly mixed into Nekura&#39;s blood stream as well.<br> <br>Nnn, fuck, he&#39;s even bigger than the collie herms she took. Nekura winces as her hip is marked but doesn&#39;t seem to dissuade from her current actions with Behenmut. Sure, it temporarily makes her stay put while he finishes, but when that&#39;s done the two of them appear to be back to trying to sheath him inside. Then the dragoness gets an idea, digging her clawed feet into his shins, which she uses to pull herself down onto his cock the entire way and lets out a loud groan of finality. Of course she didn&#39;t really think the show of flexibility she just gave the drake might make him even more wantful to violate her now, instead panting laboredly as she leans forward and makes to push her smaller breasts into his larger ones. It&#39;s pretty unusual for the stacked female to be outdone in that department.<br> <br>Vayne looks to Simenio, &quot;I don&#39;t think we&#39;ll be allowed to leave without the Lord Bahenmut&#39;s approval, and I don&#39;t want to hurt his followers if they&#39;re just following orders because they&#39;re scared of him, that&#39;s justgaacky.&quot;  She looks back to Bahenmut with an appraising glance.  &quot;Of course, I don&#39;t demand payment up front.&quot; She says with a bemused smirk.  Clearly she&#39;s not overly concerned with being &#39;stiffed&#39; on the bill, hell, collecting on serviced rendered with interest was half the fun if they tried anything, but she measures the situation and debates being dramatic.  Going to Greg, though could prove more profitable than offing this thugglet right here and now.  &quot;So let me get this straight, you are willing to betgalacticommour lifefothat Greg won&#39;t offer me anything better than maybe a possible future favor.. and of course your intention to make us all slaves?&quot;  She waves a paw dismissively as if that point really didn&#39;t matter, it was just the garnish on his asshattery salad. <br> <br>Myung takes a deep breath and bites his lip, nodding in begrudging agreement. It was clear that they weren&#39;t going to be inciting any riots here. He lowers his breath and replies before turning his back on the scene, &quot;Figures it&#39;d be too easy to solve this war here and now...&quot;  He suppresses a growl.<br> <br>Simenio gives Vayne a slight nod, immediately followed by a quick shake of his head when hurting his followers is mentioned.  &quot;I w-wasn&#39;t suggesting we hurt an-anyone... but... I don&#39;t kn-know....  We&#39;ll just... h-have to see how th-things go and... I&#39;ll th-think things through a bit m-more....&quot;  His eyes fall to his feet now, and he simply shifts around in place a bit as he waits for... some sort of signal that they can leave.<br> <br>Behenmut groans a bit, shifting his hips slightly, making sure to get more of his cock into Nekura, this movement revealing once and force all his herm status.  &quot;Depending on how well you do this job for me, it might be more than just a favor, and if you do well enough, you wouldn&#39;t be slaves.  You might well be people of authority in my tribe.&quot; He manages to groan out, thrusting a few more times before giving Nekura a good thick load into her womb.  &quot;Ahhh.  Anyways, you&#39;re free to go.  But the next time you come back, you best have Bloodfang&#39;s head ready for delivery.&quot; He says, pulling Nekura off and basically throwing her at her fellow agents.  &quot;Maybe the whore&#39;ll have some use to you with those damned wolves.  Now Hestis, it&#39;s your turn.&quot; He says, grinning, and pulling her over.[[Category:RPLogs]]

Latest revision as of 10:13, 13 December 2015





Ohgodwhydoesthisalwayshappentoher? Nekura should probably be used to it though since it seems things always deteriorate for one reason or another. With the others not seeming too interested in her the dragoness goes to do what she thinks is best and attempts to meekly cling to the leg of the male who was ogling her. While he might not be showing interest in mounting her his attention was good enough reason for her to do it.

Vayne gets hoisted into the air without even bothering to try and dodge or evade. In the flurry of motion Vayne takes advantage of the dragoness looking away and one hand draws a weapon from her waist. The movement is so quick and minor and the rest of her body language so languid the draw gets lost in the bustle of her being lifted upwards. She dangles there, feet off the ground, her expression one not of anger or fear but of mild bemusement as if she finds the dragonesses behavior whimsically humorous in her ignorance of just exactly who she was fucking with. "I meant no disrespect, an intention I am rapidly deciding is not a mutual one." She raises her voice to carry as the other dragons draw down and move forward. "HOLD! And Listen.." Her voice carries an edge of command like someone that is used to having their instructions followed. "Right now the only one of you at risk of ending up being delivered to Lord Bah-HEN-mut in very small and painful pieces is this handsy bitch right here." At this point the dragoness feels the barrel of a very large shotgun being pressed up against the underside of her jaw. "If a single one of you lays so much as a finger on my friends, two things will happen. First you go on my list, Second this uppity cunt gets to find out whether or not nanites can reassemble a brain that's been scattered over two thirds of Falcon street." Her voice drops down a bit still audible but now clearly addressed to the dragoness. "Now this is what is going to happen, you are going to set me down, march your scaly black ass up that tower and tell Lord Bahenmut that Captain Vayne wishes to speak with him. You will command your men to show more respect than you have and you will do it in the next ten seconds. If you are lucky, and your lord requests it, I /might/ decide to overlook this disrespect. Otherwise I am going to do your lord the favor of removing a particularly disrespectful and tragically stupid subordinate from his ranks." The air is crisply cut by the sound of a hammer being drawn back. "Have I made myself perfectly clear?" her hand strays over her shoulder to rest on the hilt of her saber. "Little pro-tip, the correct answer is 'Yes Ma'am."

Myung's jaw hangs open, eyes darting between the dragon and Vayne in the exchange. He swallowed the lump in his throat and fought back the impulse to attack - or run - or make any sudden movement, instead just choosing to watch, gauging the expressions of the armed dragons carefully.

Simenio goes... wide eyed for a moment as Vayne is lifted off of the ground, and... well, the dragoness' orders certainly don't do anything to calm his nerves. judging by the look in his eyes, and the way his legs were tensed up, he was ready to dash off at any moment. He scans the gathering crowd of dragons, searching for any possible openings that he could slip through, in the event that he needed to escape. His ears flick a bit when he heard Vayne speaking, and a brief glance is thrown back to her and the dragoness that was currenly holding her up. When she finishes speaking, all that can be heard out of the feline is a mumbles, "I r-reeeeally hope Vayne's plan works...." He takes a few steps back and taps Myung on the shoulder, since his other two comrades were... a bit busy right now, leaning in to whisper something to the Coyote that none of the nearby dragons should be able to hear. "If w-worse comes to worst, I'm going t-to attempt to get to the Bloodfangs and s-see if I can... somehow convince th-them to attack the dragons.... Feel fr-free to come with me if y-you'd like, but... be ready to r-run at a moment's notice...."

The Dragoness's eyes can be seen buldging in their sockets, wide open in disbelief. While the threat was very clear, she wasn't fully convinced of his orders. "Cassor, your in charge..." She slowly, carefully says, her jaw not moving that much to avoid causing the shotgun to go off. For all her vaunted power and position, even she wasn't completely stupid. A shotgun blast at that range was sure to ruin someone's day. The Dragon in question, the one that Nekura was now latching herself to the leg of, blinked and nodded.

"You heard Captain Hestis." He said, her focus on Nekura turning from mild interest to now disappointment as he attempted to shake her off.

Slowly, the Dragoness, Hestis apparently, lowered Vayne to the ground, and waited to find out if the shotgun was going to be removed from under her jaw.

Heywait. Nekura makes a :| face suddenly as she hangs onto the male, declaring, "You're not a real shadow dragon, you smell like canine and feel like one too!" Not that she stops hanging onto him though now her attention shifted from hopefulness to avoid harm to keeping him from his likely attempt to flee now that he'd been caught. Angry snuggles.

Through all of that, Vayne's voice remained calm, almost mildly lighthearted, meaning one (at least) of three things, she is as good as she thinks she is, she's a grade A bluff afficiando, or she was a complete and utter mad woman. She looks up at the taller dragon once her feet touch the ground her arm had moved in time with her decent to keep the flint lock sawed off 10 gauge pressed nice and snug against Captain Hestis's neck. Once down she slides the barrel down the dragons chest between her breasts and stomach in sultry fashion before taking a step back, the barrel remaining level. She slowly draws out her sword, an elegant looking thing, a bit long for a cutlass but very sharp and shiney. Once the blade clears the scabbard it crackles sparks and bursts into Azure flame, the licks of fire dancing along the blade in lovely displays as the weapon humms gently, happy to be shown off. Flaming sword in one hand, Sawed off 10 gauge in the other , high heeled boots and a tri-corner hat with feather dancing lightly in the breeze, the tigress certainly knows how to look damn impressive if nothing else. She simply motions with the barrel of her weapon from the dragoness to get on with her duties before turning to the man that had been addressed. "Cassor was it? Pleased to meet you."

Myung perks an ear at Simenio's suggestion, looking about ready to just that - then heaves a sigh of relief as Vayne was lowered to the ground and it seems that he didn't need to. "... I can't believe that worked..." he mutters back, barely above a whisper before straightening his posture and putting on a friendly smile, which curls into a very slight frown at Nekura's rather sudden and peculiar observation, now focusing on Cassor.

Simenio glances back again as he hears the Hesits' response, and... well, he seems quite genuinely surprised that Vayne's plan actually worked... or it was working so far, at least.... A small smile appears oon the cat's muzzle for just a moment before it fades away again and he brings his attention back to the crowd of dragons around them. His stance didn't change one bit, and he still looked ready to sprint straight through any openings he could find. After all, just because things were going well now doens't mean that will still continue like this. He glances back at Myung again, seeming... almost ready to relax for a few moments himself before he simply gives a quick shake of his head and he whispers to the Coyote, "I... wouldn't l-lower your guard just y-yet, if I were you." Nekura does get his attention for a moment though, his head tilting slightly to the side as he gazes at both her and the "dragon" she's clinging onto with a curious expression. He again shrugs it off after a few moments though, his attention returning to the rest of the dragons once more.

Hestis steps back, easing her way towards the tower, before opening her wings and flapping a few times. Cassor simply looks nonplussed and simply makes more efforts to get Nekura off him. As Hestis flies off, Cassor looks at those present. "Just make sure none run." He says simply, looking bored and rather disappointed by the scene in front of him. "Thought we were supposed to be guards, not frigging babysitters" he mutters as he finally manages to get Nekura off and shoved back towards teh rest of her friends. "Hey Tigress, keep your bimbo dragoness in check. She's acting loopy."

Why does she even bother? Nekura is rather annoyed when no one seems to pay attention to her observation and goes to release hold of the 'dragon', wandering back the way they came. Maybe they can get this trouble with the dogs done and over yet.

Vayne smirks softly Nekura's plan hadn't been overburdened with chances for success but would have been vaguely amusing had it sparked off something. "I think she likes you. She's a townie girl you know how much fun those can be right?" she studies the dragons face and notices he's not really going for it so she shrugs. "Hey Nekura, why don't you come over here with the others." She motions with her sword, the humming of the custom made electric chains sword (on fire) ebbs and flows with the Doppler effect of it being moved. "If things go sour, I want you three to retreat out, I'll cover you. Just make sure you find some to help...." She eyes each dragon as she speaks, her violet eyes meeting theirs for several long lingering seconds. "...with cleaning up the mess I make."

The coyote's expression remains a little uncertain, but he brushes the scene off and turns his attention back to Hestis, watching her take off The tension defused just a bit, his eyes fall back on Cassor, looking between him and Vayne, nodding to both Vayne and Simenio in equal parts in confirmation.

Simenio glances back at Vayne again, his eyes flicking between her and the Cassor fellow who just gave the orders to ensure no one runs.... He continues to simply glance between the tigress and the dragon for a few moments more before giving Vayne a nod and mumbling, "Understood." His eyes then go to Nekura once more as he gestures between himself and Myung. "If we d-do have to run... follow us... I th-think...." He... then moves from his current position for just a moment to get closer to both Myung and Nekura, whispering to them both in a tone that... hopefully couldn't be picked up by any of the nearby dragons, "If we r-run... our best bet is pr-probably to take the same g-gap out, but when we break th-through their line we may need to sc-scatter a bit... they have guns, st-standing and moving in a straight line pr-probably isn't a good idea." He then resumes his runner's stance, still more than ready to bolt when necesarry.

After a short while, a clearly chastised Hestis returns, her fancy armor gone, leaving only the cloth rags that may have been under it to prevent chaffing. "Everyone, stand down. Lord Bahenmut wishes to, speak with them. If only to humor their bravery." She says, looking like she was ready to rip into someone, and it wasn't likely any of those present right now. The dragons present look a little confused, but disperse, since at this point, this was way out of their hands now. They had other dangers to focus on. Like the encrouching Wolf Beasts. Cassor and the other Dragoness who'd arrived with Hestis guide the 4 folks into the building, and lead them up the 6 stories.

Nekura just kind of squints at the others who arrived. There's not much else for her to say.

Vayne stands relaxed while she waits, blade pointed at the ground, pistol aimed skyward, typically an inoffensive position to hold a firearm though against flying creatures maybe not so much. She taps a toe somewhat impatiently the tapping audible in the tense silence of the street. When the now demoted looking Hestis returns to deliver her lords commands, Vayne listens politely, her face expressing neither pleasure nor pity at Hestis's fall from grace, merely lofting a single eyebrow at the woman's scar. Her sword powers down, turning back into a mundane and charming little antique blade. She slides it into the sheath on her back and tucks her pistol away in its cross draw holster at her belt before giving Cassor a respectful nod . She motions the rest of the party to follow as she heads towards the tower entrance, hips swaying seductively as she walks twoards the new arrivals ready to be guided up the stairs to the presumptive meeting place, obviously it would be the top of the building. Dragons are like that. "Lets go." Is all she says as she follows the escort.

Myung catches sight of the fresh scar, but quickly catches himself staring and jerks his attention back to Cassor, bowing his head slightly in a polite nod without even meeting Hestis' eyes, figuring it best not to risk provoking her. He falls in line and follows after Vayne, looking considerably more wary of the meeting with this Bahenmut after seeing how he'd treated one of his own. "Hopefully he's more polite to visitors..." Myung mutters under his breath, finishing the thought aloud.

Simenio once again seem... quite surprised when he hears the dragons' ordered to let them go. He... finally relaxes his stance now, standing up straight once more and even straightening his lab coat a bit as he turns to face Myung and Nekura, giving them both a small grin. "That... turned out... m-much better than I th-thought it would...." He does cock his head at Hestis for a brief moment though, apparently more curious about how she was so quickly stripped of her rank... so much more curious, in fact, that he didn't even notice the new scar she apprently had. He quickly draws his eyes away and takes his place just behind Vayne once more, though, following her and their dragon escorts up the tower.

As the group climb the stairs, something not done often by the creaking noise's statements, it's clear that most of the 'apartments' this building housed were being used, though the pecking order seemed to be that the more important dragons in this tribe had higher apartments, with easier 'sky' access via hte windows and less obstructions in the way. The roof garden however, as they exit the fire excape door that no longer latched close quite right, the area almost looked like a private jungle had been erected on this roof. There was what looked to be an elevated platform made from scrap wood and such, and the armor HEstis had been wearing is shining dully on this platform. Near the feet of the much larger than normal Shadow Dragon sitting on what looked to be a throne-like seat. They had resting agaisnt on armrest an odd blade, which looked like the tool used to scratch Hestis's hip, as there was fresh blood on it. At a glance, one would think the Dragon on the throne was female, with the respectably sized brests on their chest, but the semi-erect cock between their legs, which obscured any possible sight of a pussy behind their balls implied that they were either a herm or male.

The 'Dragon Lord' was leaning back, fingers steepled in front of them as they watched the four approach. Their gaze flickered over each of them, though they lingered on Nekura for a short while, a almost predatory leer crossing their features, with the twitches of their growing erection becoming frequent and sharp in motion.

Well this is definitely somewhat weird though Nekura couldn't help thinking she was unsurprised to see how the housing is arranged or the fact the dragoness that was responsible for keeping them at the gates appears to have gotten a case of butthurt. Soon after though her attention turns to the other sexy dragoness, peering intently at their shaft, which is kind of hard to stop staring at. When the herm, or weirdly boobed male, looks her way in that manner she plays the innocent part and looks away bashfully from him, squirming in place, her face turning slightly pink on the cheeks.

Vayne walks up the stairs as though her escort were an honor guard. She meets any inquisitive looks with a lovely yet vaguely predatory little smile that was friendly in all the dangerous sort of ways. She emerges into the garden glancing around and making no effort to hide that she was impressed with what she saw and seemed to like the style and power of it. It's clear she gets what the lord is trying to convey with the display and approves. She approaches the last dozen her so yards meeting the dragons gaze, if it's directed at her, with her own. Deep violet eyes shining slightly in the way cat's eyes tend to do, her hips swaying as she walks, heels clicking against the roof top and tail swishing behind her in a lazy and off handedly seductive display. She stops a respectful distance away before having to be instructed to do so, and takes off her hat, sweeping an anachronistic yet oddly fitting bow to the Dragon lord. "Lord Bahhenmut, You honor us with this audience and we thank you for taking the time to see us." She stands from the bow, keeping her hat tucked under one arm, her triangular ears flicking slightly in the roof top breeze. "My name is Vayne, and these are my companions, Nekura, Myung and Simenio. We have been sent by... " judging by her expression she finds this next bit unpalatable, "...requested by the Zephyr tribe to entreat with you." She stands lightly, most of her weight on one leg, the other slightly out in front of her showing off a stance of both exquisite etiquette and a slender, athletic little curve of flank. She deliberately lets the lord see her gaze slide down to his cock as though she can't help it, and snaps her attention back to his face, the introductions over she awaits his response.

Myung's eyes wander around the peculiar redecorating job that the dragons had done on the roof before falling on the Dragon Lord and their throne... well, more their impressive rack, really. He tears his eyes away after a moment, not wanting to make a show of it, and finds a distraction in the dripping blade. The coyote's eyes narrow, connecting the dots... his ears lay flat against his skull, warier than ever. He steps off to the side of the group, murmuring a short warning in an effort not to draw attention. "... Vayne, you're not the only one with a scary-ass sword. Be careful around that knife, there's something more to it..." The coyote moves off to the side, masking the warning with a bow when he is introduced.

Simenio continues to stick close behind Vayne as they travel up the stairs, his eyes other down or on the tigress' back for the most part. When they do enter the rooftop garden, though, he can't help but let his gaze travel around the room, seeming... in a combination of awe and... simply appreciation for the impressive vegitation the dragons have managed to grow up here. He was... actually distracted for once in their mission, and he was so much so that he nearly bumped into Vayne when she came to a stop. He does step off to the side and... actually a bit forward when his name is mentioned, his eyes going down to the ground as he brings one foot behind him once more, his chest going down to just above his other knee. It isn't until now that he actually looks at the dragon lord, and... when he does he immediately blushes and looks back down to the ground. "Yes, we s-simply come as diplomats... as Vayne s-said, thank you for having us, Dr-Dragon Lord Bahenmut"

Behenmut smirks. "Diplomats? Christ, there's a term I haven't heard in, what, nearly a decade? So, what is it that Zephyr wants me to stop doing?" The voice is mostly masculine, but there's still a softer inflection to it. Leaning forward, the Dragon Lord rests an elbow on their knee, and smirks down at the 4 agents. "Then again, I might well, not let you 4 leave. I could use some new breeding bitches. Hestis here seems to enjoy it. Why else would she be set for a sixth one in only the year I've been running this tribe?" They say, grinning. "Hey, if your really lucky... You might not be left exclusively as a breeder either." The apparent idea of forcibly breaking the four agents to follow his bidding was apparently enough to get his cock to full mast, which gave a possible idea of his state of mind. Hestis, being the follower she was, just stood to the side, and glared daggers at Bahenmut without actually directly looking at them. The body language she was giving hinted at something, but it was difficult to say what without actually 'feeling' the tension in some fashion.

Nnnn, Nekura didn't want to admit to herself that the idea of being the drake's relief mechanism was pretty arousing. Despite her attempts though the dragoness ends up going a bit bow-legged and soon her fertile scent reaches out towards Behenmut even as the one making it starts to shuffle towards him. She kind of regrets not having her own hermcock now to help balance out her female self but then again she had been doing the plowing an awful lot. Besides, this isn't the first prime or prime-like mutant she's slept with. The dragoness's movements sashay and wiggle, trying to put on a show for the one whom she's now infatuated with. If she even sees the eyes that Hestis is giving him she doesn't indicate such and instead continues her forward movement, eyes locked on the throbbing girth.

Vayne never lets her smile waver, in fact she looks almost as though she's considering the offer of sexual servitude, it wouldn't be a bad way to kill a weekend. She looks at Hestis when the woman's name is mentioned again a face without pleasure or pity at the woman's plight but perhaps a small degree of understanding. She looks back to Bahenmut. "A tempting offer My lord, but unfortunately we must deal with duty before pleasure. Zephyr wants this war between you and the Bloodfangs to stop, or at the very least stop causing so much wide spread destruction." She shifts her weight. "They aren't too worried about how we accomplish that task, so it comes down to four options. First, negotiate a peace, everyone goes away grumpy but satisfied, we all hold hands, sing cumby ya.. ecetera ecetera. We side with one of the tribes to kill the other, that's two options, or we destroy both of you and call it a day. Out of respect we've have approached you first to find out what has led to this sudden conflict between wolves and dragon." She looks the herm up and down with a slow lingering smile, the petite tigress for all the world seeming to be sizing the lord up in internal debate as to which would be more fun, being broken by them, or breaking the lord for her own personal use. She glances over at Nekura with a lofted eyebrow as though debating offering the dragoness as a gift of good faith. She tucks that little idea away for later. She pointedly does not bring up Hestis and the rude reception downstairs, and makes it clear that she is pointedly /not/ mentioning it...yet.

Myung's brow raised at Behenmut's words - granted, it didn't come as a surprise that the feral lord might have viewed potential visitors as breeders and little more, but Hestis' reaction to them was far more interesting - a picture was forming. He coughs quietly and averts his eyes from the herm's erect member.

Simenio flicks his ears a bit at the mention of servitude, and... well, the blush on his cheeks deepens, and he simply holds his bow for now. His eyes do flick up again, going to rest on Hestis now.... He seems to... stare at her quite intently for a few long moments.... Eventually, though, he stands up again, his eyes still on Hestis as he quickly whispers, "Bare with m-me here," to Vayne and Myung, since... again, Nekura was... a bit distracted at the moment.... He takes a few steps closer to the dragoness now, his head tilted slightly to the side as he mumbles out, "Vayne... I d-don't think you should be t-talking to him.... This dr-dragoness here... uh... what was y-your name again? Hestis? Anyways, H-Hestis here... she's the one you sh-should be negotiating with... I c-can tell...." He glances about the room for a moment, saying, "This... Bahenmut fellow... is-isn't going to bring about a n-nice future for his people... and I th-think that everyone in here, es-especially Hestis, can tell." Finally his gaze comes to rest on Hestis again, and he... well, bows in front of her now, mimicing the bow he had done in front of Bahenmut moments before almost exactly.

Behenmut seemed to notice two things at this moment, alongside Vayne's explaination. The first, was Nekura's approach, looking ready to jump on his cock and ride him. To this, he would have simply smirked, if not for the SECOND thing. This second thing actually got him scowling, reaching down, and grabbing ahold of hte grip of his blade, which when brought up, looks like it was designed to be relfective of the chainswords most agents were issued, but with 2 differences. Difference one was that it was a single blade, instead of many, and second, that edge looked fine enough to have only been nanite forged.

"Why do you bow to a bitch?! You don't! Do that again, and I'll have to suffer only three new bitches to breed instead of four. You get me whore-to-be?!" He growls, pointing his blade right at Simenio, before pointing a finger at Nekura. "Stay right there whore. I'll be dealing with you shortly." He orders, glaring at Nekura a moment before focusing on Vayne again. "As for what lead to this, 'conflict', my dragons need more space. The wolves weren't using their's, so I felt we would take it from them. They didn't like this idea." He states, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. Which in turn revealed that this guy was far from the brightest bulb in the pack. IT seemed the only thing he had going for keeping his hold was his immense size and brutal enforcement of his will.

Despite the throbbing need in her loins to get impaled on the male's cock Nekura ends up doing as told and stands there waiting for the male to finish. She was pretty well gone at this point, horny as she is after not getting laid in a long while, but it seems she heard him through the haze.

Vayne just blinks her jaw falling open, the quick witted and confident tigress utterly and completely dumbstruck by what her little brother just did. She gives Simenio a "what dafuq" look but does cast a glance at Hestis, to see if maybe Simenio had seen something she hadn't. Hell she's new here, Hestis could be the wizard behind the curtain merely staging this little game to test them, it's the kind of needlessly Machiavellian deception Vayne would have tried any way. She sees nothing to make her think Hestis is a queen in disguise and so dismisses Simenio's idea. "Simenio. Their internal politics are not our concern." She says, though the pause at the end may have added a silent "yet" to that statement. She turned back to Bahenmut her gaze on that sword, wary and appreciative, much like the gaze she gave his cock. She doesn't seem cowed by his bluster in the slightest, but she carefully conceals her bemusement. After his explanation she nods her head as though his explanation made perfect sense. "Seems simple enough." She says "Here is the deal then.. we can try and get the Wolves to renegotiate your borders for a peaceful solution, orfootage." she pauses "I can kill their leader and send them packing. You have one chance to make an offer for this service.. make it a good one because Bloodfang gets one chance to give me a better one. I, of course, won't tell him what you offered, he has to guess just like you have to guess what he will offer for your head." She draws out a dagger and starts cleaning her nails she does this for a few moments before looking up as though she forgot to mention something. "You can discuss it with your advisors if you like, I can wait a few minutes." She goes back to cleaning her nails and motions Simenio over to her. "Myung could you grab Nekura and guide her back over to us please? I'm not ready to trade her just yet." she says without looking up from her nail cleaning. Apparently the punishment for trying to bully her is to be pointedly and publicly ignored. Seems the assasin takes the golden rule to ettiquette.

Myung would have gone a little pale beneath his fur at Simenio's extremely bold accusation were such a thing even noticeable, but on seeing Behenmut's reaction to this, his expression shifted from fear to confusion, and then a slight confident smirk on seeing how little control Behenmut seemed to have over the situation here. He takes a deep breath to steel himself, then presses a little further, mouthing a silent apology to Vayne before shaking his head. "... I agree with Simenio, actually. I'm not sure Behenmut is really fit to negotiate a pack he barely leads and certainly does not have the best interests at heart for." He takes a step forward and rests a hand on Nekura's shoulder, lightly tugging her arm and whispering a warning that he certainly hoped would be reached in the stupor he'd scarcely noticed while staring at the two dragons. "Come." he mutters quietly, keen on keeping his distance from the irate dragon at this point.

Simenio does stand up when he's addressed and... just for a moment there, he seems... almost afraid... but the moment his eyes fall on Bahenmut again... something either snaps or clicks together in the cat's mind... it's kind of hard to tell at this point. His eyes narrow, his posture suddenly becoming... almost weirdly confident, considering his normal behavior. Whatever he's about to say... one could be certain that he at least was sure that it was fact. But... when addressed by Vayne he... pauses and... backs down, quickly returning to his normal self again. The cat glances over to Myung when the Coyote speaks up, giving a very appreciative grin but... does give a nod in Vayne's direction, suggesting that he simply listen to her about it... for now at least.... He steps closer to Hestis again, making sure that his voice was too low for Bahenmut to hear him as he whispers, "Lead y-your people... and if you c-can't lead them, at least g-get rid of Bahenmut and f-find someone who can. Your tr-tribe deserves better th-than the likes of him." With that said, he walks over to Vayne... yep, getting just behind her and turning back to his normal self.

Behenmut seems satisified by the 'cowing' that happened with most of htem, and settles back into his seat. "Bitch, don't listen to the them. Settle yourself on the tool you'll be servicing soon until your rounded with a new clutch in your breeding womb." He says, patting his lap. Looking over at Vayne, he seems to pause and think for a few moments, and grins. "One chance huh? And what could I offer you that would ensure your loyalty, if only long enough to ensure that bastard Greg get's his just deserts?" He says, not actually vocalizing his plan to still turn the lot of them into sex slaves. However, for those paying attention, the fact he calls the leader of the Bloodfangs by a name indicated a history between the two of them, which meant this 'turf war' was an extension of something more personal. Hestis has been eyeing Simineo quietly this whole time, trying to be properly subserviant to hte one who'd taken over her tribe, but gives him a small smile. That was about all she COULD do. Anything more would have likely gotten Behenmut's wrath down on HER head.

It doesn't seem to be much of a fight with whom Nekura is listening to and soon she moves over towards Behenmut at the patting of his lap. The dragoness makes to grab hold of his lap and, after getting a good grip, lifts herself upwards. Though she might not look too strong she has no trouble hoisting herself upwards all the way into his lap and, after ascending, turns around to face the other dragon. Without a forethought she goes to drop down onto his taper and lets out a sharp cry of pleasure as it invades her lower half and finally itches the heat she'd been dealing with for almost a naggingly long month. Suffice to say she doesn't hear the others talking but if nothing else Vayne can probably make use of the moment to offer the slutty thing as a temporary egg carrier! Meanwhile she tries to push down more but seems to be having trouble with his girth. "Nnngg..."

As the slut eased herself down on his cock, he grins, and with a hand wrapped around her right side, holds her in place. Grabbing his blade once more, he brings it over, and applies it to her left hip, the blade cutting clean through the scales and into the flesh underneath. There's a small hissing sound as it cuts into her, the scar on her hip nearly identical to the ones gracing Hestis's hip. Myung just got the confirmation he needed ot know that the blade was the tool used, and the ease it had getting through Nekura's scales as a Shadow Dragon is moderately frightening.

Vayne blinks and looks up at Myung, when one of her party see's something she doesn't, she checks again to make sure, but when two see it, that means it might be something they can see but she cannot. After all despite her confident take over of the group, by all measures her vote counts no more or less than theirs if big decisions are to be made. She looks over at Hestis, ignoring Bahenmut "Is this true, if that mountain troll with wings were to be gone, would you be more amenable to a peaceful and reasonable solution?" She looks around at the other shadow dragons trying to gauge which way they were leaning, not being the best at that she looks to Simenio. "Which way is the crowd leaning?" She looks back to Bahenmut as Nekura slides down his shaft and seems to be utterly neutral with that cat like expression of having totally meant for this to happen. Her eyes narrow as her party member is scarred by that blade and her jaw clenches for a moment, but it's not like Nekura didn't go willingly, so Vayne didn't fail to protect her. That thought would bother her more but that blade fascinated her, If Bahenmut were attentive he'd notice the look of avarice on her face and be wary, he had just come down with a virulent case of 'having-something-Vayne-wants" a condition that can very rapidly prove fatal. She is about to answer when she stops and blinks.. twice. "Greg? .. The Lord Bahenmut is at war with a guy named /Greg/?" She lets that little absurdity linger in the air. " Is he your ex boyfriend or something?" She shakes her head that wasn't really her business. "I'm partial to freecreds and salvage myself, though I'm not adverse to Oath's, future favors, equipment, or sealing the deal with a good shag." The tigress's continued cleaning her nails at this point she extends a paw out in front of her, claws extended as she inspects them, brings them to her muzzle and breathes on them before polishing them on her blouse. The dagger slides away, disappearing into some hidden sheath with the same slight of hand with which it appeared. When she looks up she's looking at Hestis, though a single ear is swivled in Bahenmuts direction, and she has the corner of her eye on him. "Oh and the diplomatic option won't cost you anything except a thank you and your word you'll negotiate in good faith." She adds reluctantly, her tail swishing behind her a bit irritated, clearly she would personally prefer the murder and profit option, but a reputation for good work is worth more than cash, barely, but still more. "Wouldn't mind a tip though.. just sayin."

Myung's hand falls to his side and he grimaces when his words fail to reach Nekura, wincing at the sight of that peculiar knife cutting through scale like a knife through butter... this was getting messy. He folds his arms and takes a step back, looking between Vayne and Hestis now. The coyote's ears were laid flat, eyes fixed on the cowed dragoness in a look of pleading. "Negotiation would be preferrable for all of us, I think." he says quietly before falling silent and leaving negotiating to the negotiators, his gaze making it quite apparent that the statement was more for Hestis than Behenmut.

Simenio perks up as Vayne speaks to him again, his eye travelling around the room for a few moments before he... well, just gives a shrug. He once again puts himself in a place where he could easily whisper to Vayne and Myung at a volume low enough that... hopefully only these two could hear it, "I'm not s-sure which the the r-room is leaning.... But... I th-think most of them are t-too scared to do anything.... Hestis is ar-are best bet, but we sh-should try to avoid sp-speaking with her more... she can't do m-much to help us in her current p-position. What we n-need to is... find s-some way to... public sh-shame Bahemut, while also kn-knocking him out of power.... I th-think the Bloodfangs or... erm... 'Greg' may b-be our best b-bet for that. I'll tell y-you two more when w-we're out of here." He then takes a step back, giving Hestis a slight nod of understanding and nothing more before his eyes go back to Vayne. He... does spot Nekura yielding to Behenmut, and... almost immediately blushes and looks back to Vayne. "Actually... f-for now, it... may be b-best if we leave...."

As Behenmut groans, slowly forcing Nekura more and more onto his cock, he grins at the agents still at the foot of his platform. "I can't offer you any creds or salavage, since we need them as well, I don't much put much stock in oaths, but favors? Might be doable. Of course, if you want ot join this little slut here, you'll have to wait. I only give a good fucking. I won't ever take it." He says, grinning. "And besides, I'd rather pay you when the job is done, not before. Wouldn't want you to take what I offer, go to Bloodfang, and get paid by him then come after me." He states. He at least had an idea of how a situation like this could go. He was likely a gang member back before P-Day. The dragons around them are mostly too scared of Behenmut turning them into breeding tools to really give a, 'siding' with feeling, though most seem ot have a simmering hatred of their current leader. Thankfully, once Nekura had been marked, he'd put his blade away, not having cleaned it before cutting into her, meaning the two women's blood were now mixed on the edge, and possibly mixed into Nekura's blood stream as well.

Nnn, fuck, he's even bigger than the collie herms she took. Nekura winces as her hip is marked but doesn't seem to dissuade from her current actions with Behenmut. Sure, it temporarily makes her stay put while he finishes, but when that's done the two of them appear to be back to trying to sheath him inside. Then the dragoness gets an idea, digging her clawed feet into his shins, which she uses to pull herself down onto his cock the entire way and lets out a loud groan of finality. Of course she didn't really think the show of flexibility she just gave the drake might make him even more wantful to violate her now, instead panting laboredly as she leans forward and makes to push her smaller breasts into his larger ones. It's pretty unusual for the stacked female to be outdone in that department.

Vayne looks to Simenio, "I don't think we'll be allowed to leave without the Lord Bahenmut's approval, and I don't want to hurt his followers if they're just following orders because they're scared of him, that's justgaacky." She looks back to Bahenmut with an appraising glance. "Of course, I don't demand payment up front." She says with a bemused smirk. Clearly she's not overly concerned with being 'stiffed' on the bill, hell, collecting on serviced rendered with interest was half the fun if they tried anything, but she measures the situation and debates being dramatic. Going to Greg, though could prove more profitable than offing this thugglet right here and now. "So let me get this straight, you are willing to betgalacticommour lifefothat Greg won't offer me anything better than maybe a possible future favor.. and of course your intention to make us all slaves?" She waves a paw dismissively as if that point really didn't matter, it was just the garnish on his asshattery salad.

Myung takes a deep breath and bites his lip, nodding in begrudging agreement. It was clear that they weren't going to be inciting any riots here. He lowers his breath and replies before turning his back on the scene, "Figures it'd be too easy to solve this war here and now..." He suppresses a growl.

Simenio gives Vayne a slight nod, immediately followed by a quick shake of his head when hurting his followers is mentioned. "I w-wasn't suggesting we hurt an-anyone... but... I don't kn-know.... We'll just... h-have to see how th-things go and... I'll th-think things through a bit m-more...." His eyes fall to his feet now, and he simply shifts around in place a bit as he waits for... some sort of signal that they can leave.

Behenmut groans a bit, shifting his hips slightly, making sure to get more of his cock into Nekura, this movement revealing once and force all his herm status. "Depending on how well you do this job for me, it might be more than just a favor, and if you do well enough, you wouldn't be slaves. You might well be people of authority in my tribe." He manages to groan out, thrusting a few more times before giving Nekura a good thick load into her womb. "Ahhh. Anyways, you're free to go. But the next time you come back, you best have Bloodfang's head ready for delivery." He says, pulling Nekura off and basically throwing her at her fellow agents. "Maybe the whore'll have some use to you with those damned wolves. Now Hestis, it's your turn." He says, grinning, and pulling her over.