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<div></div><br> <br>The dark-furred coyote with the mauled ear and the one blue eye waited patiently in the open area between the edge of the highway and the common entrance to the edge of the East Wood. She was small-breasted and lean, dressed for hiking and outdoor exertion. However, the coyote also wore a set of RSX-issued improved combat armor, and both a combat knife and a portable flamethrower, of all things, are strapped to her belt. On her back is a rucksack which is obviously full, but she exhibits no sign of discomfort. As the first of the other agents approach, the coyote woman turns her head toward them with interest, allowing the others to make their entrances without interrupting them for the moment.<br> <br>Walking up the highway is....another coyote it seems. Angus tosses a pebble off the highway as he walks up to the RSX Agent, giving her a slight smile in greeting. "Hello there, heard you need help or something?" Angus asked, his hands moving to his pockets as he looks her over. Seems that like all Coyotes he was built lean, but his muscles were rather bulkier then a normal coyote if the massive two-headed hammer hanging off his back meant anything. He was wearing a black Canvas Pea-coat and a pair of jeans, two revolvers holstered at his hip as a Satchel hangs off his right side. With a shrug he crosses his arms and waits to see who else would be joining them on their little adventure.<br> <br>Alkain looks around from above and chuckles as he spots the two who have arrived, he lands nearby and checks his gear with a nod before he looks to the 'yotes "Hey Angus, hello miss." he nods to Delve at that last. He's dressed in jeans and has an armored vest on, also has a chainsword strapped to his back and a gun at his side<br> <br>Smokie poses.<br> <br>Smokie WAS posing, actually.  As in, posing in front of her mirror, minutes before Angus dragged her away for the mission.  She was following behind him, she too being a coyote, though shorter and thinner.  Thinner, except for her belly, which held an unmistakabe curve to it.  Nevertheless, she was advancing, wearing her long skirt and her off-white dirty blouse, with her blue wool jacket over it, looking like something out of the Civil War.<br> <br>Arimia slithers up to the steadily growing group standing around. She looks at those gathered as she fishes in a pocket with one hand, pulling out a lighter and metal cigarette case. She takes a hand rolled cigarette from the case and brings it to her mouth. Once it is lit she transfers it to the mouth of one of the serpents that makes up her 'hair'. She looks between the three coyotes and, unsure of which is which, she simply addresses all three of them. "So you want help tracking a new creature you saw? How about you tell us a little about it."<br> <br>Finally, the last person had arrived not too long after the others. A somewhat tall and broad lion with silver fur and strangely enough, wearing a clean set of semi-formal attire. Though, everyone was stranger and perhaps stranger in their own way, especially when taking just a tiny glance at the team for the current mission. Within his hands lays a common looking pump-action shotgun, ready to deliver the power of the twelve gauge if needed. And then there was that coyote he had killed months back. Angus. Time to finish the job... With a greeting! "Hello ladies and gentleman," Dio says, approaching and joining the group. "And indeed, please give us all the information possible on the target. And also, would you prefer this thing dead or alive?"<br> <br>Delve nods with calm but genuine politeness as each agent in turn arrives and introduces themselves. "Good t'meetcha," the coyote in the RSX gear with the nanite collector states at last, tilting her head slightly to indicate that the greeting includes all present. "We all here?" A quick glance around verifies that no one else is coming. So Delve resettles the nanite collector in one hand so she can reach into her back pocket and withdraw a battered old cigarette package, from which she extracts what looks like a home-rolled cigarette and a lighter.  When she lights the object, though, the sweet smell reveals that it isn't tobacco in there. Although, naturally, old-school drugs don't do much these days, apparently old habits die hard for some. Or maybe she just plain likes the taste and doesn't care about anything else - the look on her face certainly suggests that she's enjoying the drag in spite of its failure to intoxicate her.<br> <br>After exhaling a gout of smoke (politely turning her head so as not to breathe it onto anyone else present), the RSX agent states,  "All right. Here's the straight poop an' nothin' but, folks. Somewhere in this forest," and she jabs a finger at the East Wood. "is one weird sonofabitch. I only saw it once, yesterday, but I have a good idea we might be able to find it if we try. I gotta know what the hell this thing is, if there's more... and as much else as I can learn." Glancing at Dio as she chews the end of her joint, Delve adds, "Ideally, my boss'd rather I come back with a living specimen. But the important thing is, I come back with a specimen, period. If we gotta take it down, so be it. But at minimum I need a bit of undamaged tissue for analysis." The odd-eyed coyote glances around the group with her good eye (the blue eye seems unwilling to move right now, instead drooping with the pupil resting in the far corner of the socket.) "I ain't gonna lie - this ain't a kiddie field trip. Infection's a possibility. Combat's a likelihood. I can't tell you much about what we're up 'gainst. If'n some of ya ain't good with that, I understand. Any questions? I'll answer as best I can from what I learned yesterday."<br> <br>Angus nods, an ear twitching idly as he reaches into his satchel. "How much undamaged tissue are you really going to need? Because honestly." Smiling he pulls a grenade from his satchel, a small yellow smilie face sticker looking rather odd attached to it, and toss it a few inches in the air before he catches it. "I could just throw this at it and we can pick up the pieces?" The Coyote was no stranger to combat, but that doesn't mean he wasn't a little wary when it came to open combat with an unknown mutation.<br> <br>Alkain nods to Smokie in greeting and hmms a bit at Arimia with a small wave, "Hello there." he looks to Dio and nods to the lion, "Hey Dio." he looks to Delve and then around the area as she asks if they are all there, "Eh, looks like that's all of us then." he winces at the cigeratte and frowns a bit before he shakes his head. He blinks at that and ponders, 'Hmm, new mutation... Could be interesting." he frowns in thought but shakes his head, "I'll be fine." he chuckles at the grenade and shakes his head.<br> <br>Smokie stands just beside her husband, hands on her hips as she holds her bayonet's short handle.  A giggle, as she shifts her weight.  She's staring some at the other coyote, ears perked, extremely interested in them.  It's Smokie's purpose in life to be interested in other Coyotes.  Perhaps...  A Cult candidate?  We'll see. 
"The Cult of Coyote is at your service." she states, proudly, putting one hand to hold the bottom hem of her short blue shell jacket.  "I'd like to see this new infection...  And I wouldn't mind getting a new form to spice up my bedroom life with."<br> <br>Arimia reaches up to pluck the cigarette, now half gone, from her snake's mouth, then takes a drag of her own from it. She glances at the grenade then says, "I'll cut a part off first. Then we don't have to worry about trying to make sure that grenade leaves enough of a sample intact." Her eyes look aside toward the forest then, scanning the trees before she looks back at the coyote in RSX armor. Whatever she was about to say however is derailed as smokie's comment about the form finally registers with the metal lamia. Something which prompts a sigh, and one of Arimia's hands rubbing her forehead.

Revision as of 20:28, 15 August 2013





The dark-furred coyote with the mauled ear and the one blue eye waited patiently in the open area between the edge of the highway and the common entrance to the edge of the East Wood. She was small-breasted and lean, dressed for hiking and outdoor exertion. However, the coyote also wore a set of RSX-issued improved combat armor, and both a combat knife and a portable flamethrower, of all things, are strapped to her belt. On her back is a rucksack which is obviously full, but she exhibits no sign of discomfort. As the first of the other agents approach, the coyote woman turns her head toward them with interest, allowing the others to make their entrances without interrupting them for the moment.

Walking up the highway is....another coyote it seems. Angus tosses a pebble off the highway as he walks up to the RSX Agent, giving her a slight smile in greeting. "Hello there, heard you need help or something?" Angus asked, his hands moving to his pockets as he looks her over. Seems that like all Coyotes he was built lean, but his muscles were rather bulkier then a normal coyote if the massive two-headed hammer hanging off his back meant anything. He was wearing a black Canvas Pea-coat and a pair of jeans, two revolvers holstered at his hip as a Satchel hangs off his right side. With a shrug he crosses his arms and waits to see who else would be joining them on their little adventure.

Alkain looks around from above and chuckles as he spots the two who have arrived, he lands nearby and checks his gear with a nod before he looks to the 'yotes "Hey Angus, hello miss." he nods to Delve at that last. He's dressed in jeans and has an armored vest on, also has a chainsword strapped to his back and a gun at his side

Smokie poses.

Smokie WAS posing, actually. As in, posing in front of her mirror, minutes before Angus dragged her away for the mission. She was following behind him, she too being a coyote, though shorter and thinner. Thinner, except for her belly, which held an unmistakabe curve to it. Nevertheless, she was advancing, wearing her long skirt and her off-white dirty blouse, with her blue wool jacket over it, looking like something out of the Civil War.

Arimia slithers up to the steadily growing group standing around. She looks at those gathered as she fishes in a pocket with one hand, pulling out a lighter and metal cigarette case. She takes a hand rolled cigarette from the case and brings it to her mouth. Once it is lit she transfers it to the mouth of one of the serpents that makes up her 'hair'. She looks between the three coyotes and, unsure of which is which, she simply addresses all three of them. "So you want help tracking a new creature you saw? How about you tell us a little about it."

Finally, the last person had arrived not too long after the others. A somewhat tall and broad lion with silver fur and strangely enough, wearing a clean set of semi-formal attire. Though, everyone was stranger and perhaps stranger in their own way, especially when taking just a tiny glance at the team for the current mission. Within his hands lays a common looking pump-action shotgun, ready to deliver the power of the twelve gauge if needed. And then there was that coyote he had killed months back. Angus. Time to finish the job... With a greeting! "Hello ladies and gentleman," Dio says, approaching and joining the group. "And indeed, please give us all the information possible on the target. And also, would you prefer this thing dead or alive?"

Delve nods with calm but genuine politeness as each agent in turn arrives and introduces themselves. "Good t'meetcha," the coyote in the RSX gear with the nanite collector states at last, tilting her head slightly to indicate that the greeting includes all present. "We all here?" A quick glance around verifies that no one else is coming. So Delve resettles the nanite collector in one hand so she can reach into her back pocket and withdraw a battered old cigarette package, from which she extracts what looks like a home-rolled cigarette and a lighter. When she lights the object, though, the sweet smell reveals that it isn't tobacco in there. Although, naturally, old-school drugs don't do much these days, apparently old habits die hard for some. Or maybe she just plain likes the taste and doesn't care about anything else - the look on her face certainly suggests that she's enjoying the drag in spite of its failure to intoxicate her.

After exhaling a gout of smoke (politely turning her head so as not to breathe it onto anyone else present), the RSX agent states, "All right. Here's the straight poop an' nothin' but, folks. Somewhere in this forest," and she jabs a finger at the East Wood. "is one weird sonofabitch. I only saw it once, yesterday, but I have a good idea we might be able to find it if we try. I gotta know what the hell this thing is, if there's more... and as much else as I can learn." Glancing at Dio as she chews the end of her joint, Delve adds, "Ideally, my boss'd rather I come back with a living specimen. But the important thing is, I come back with a specimen, period. If we gotta take it down, so be it. But at minimum I need a bit of undamaged tissue for analysis." The odd-eyed coyote glances around the group with her good eye (the blue eye seems unwilling to move right now, instead drooping with the pupil resting in the far corner of the socket.) "I ain't gonna lie - this ain't a kiddie field trip. Infection's a possibility. Combat's a likelihood. I can't tell you much about what we're up 'gainst. If'n some of ya ain't good with that, I understand. Any questions? I'll answer as best I can from what I learned yesterday."

Angus nods, an ear twitching idly as he reaches into his satchel. "How much undamaged tissue are you really going to need? Because honestly." Smiling he pulls a grenade from his satchel, a small yellow smilie face sticker looking rather odd attached to it, and toss it a few inches in the air before he catches it. "I could just throw this at it and we can pick up the pieces?" The Coyote was no stranger to combat, but that doesn't mean he wasn't a little wary when it came to open combat with an unknown mutation.

Alkain nods to Smokie in greeting and hmms a bit at Arimia with a small wave, "Hello there." he looks to Dio and nods to the lion, "Hey Dio." he looks to Delve and then around the area as she asks if they are all there, "Eh, looks like that's all of us then." he winces at the cigeratte and frowns a bit before he shakes his head. He blinks at that and ponders, 'Hmm, new mutation... Could be interesting." he frowns in thought but shakes his head, "I'll be fine." he chuckles at the grenade and shakes his head.

Smokie stands just beside her husband, hands on her hips as she holds her bayonet's short handle. A giggle, as she shifts her weight. She's staring some at the other coyote, ears perked, extremely interested in them. It's Smokie's purpose in life to be interested in other Coyotes. Perhaps... A Cult candidate? We'll see.

"The Cult of Coyote is at your service." she states, proudly, putting one hand to hold the bottom hem of her short blue shell jacket. "I'd like to see this new infection... And I wouldn't mind getting a new form to spice up my bedroom life with."

Arimia reaches up to pluck the cigarette, now half gone, from her snake's mouth, then takes a drag of her own from it. She glances at the grenade then says, "I'll cut a part off first. Then we don't have to worry about trying to make sure that grenade leaves enough of a sample intact." Her eyes look aside toward the forest then, scanning the trees before she looks back at the coyote in RSX armor. Whatever she was about to say however is derailed as smokie's comment about the form finally registers with the metal lamia. Something which prompts a sigh, and one of Arimia's hands rubbing her forehead.