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* [[Danielle]]
* [[Aleph]]
* [[Miranai]]
* [[Cerris]]
* [[Dervish]]
* [[Naru]]
* [[Nuku]]
* [[Zhen]]
<div></div><br> <br>Daniel looks up at the work his dopplegangers have done so far, nodding with a little smile. "While I'm shocked at how large they've gotten, I'd say we're still making good progress." He continues to nod, setting down the jugs and counting them. 20, probably way more than he'd need, but again, better safe than sorry. He was left with nothing to do though, causing him to shrug and fly into the back room again. He returns wearing a... rather tacky looking swimsuit. "I'm joining in! I'm wearing my LEAST favorite swimsuit for this!" He shouts, before joining his pre-coated clones, more specifically at one of the two tips.<br> <br>Miranai moans out loudly as she hits her full length, twin red rocket cocks sticking out two feet from her, dribbling feely and pooling quiet a mess upon the floor. Her knots swell behind them and she can't help but start rocking very roughtly as if to knot into someone or something, "... D... Dan.iel... g..can't.. hold... long.." she say as she pants and moans, body tensing up and balls pulling in toward her. The pulsing from her rods gives a clear indication that soon there will be a new coat of 'whitewash' all over the good doctor's walls.<br> <br>Daniel can't help but notice this, and with a start he whistles. He remains clinging to the tip of the shaft to continue the stimulation while the army flies off, ready for orders. "Alright, I need you all to focus on those jugs, all of you take one, and hold a pair up to these tips here! When those two fill, alternate to an empty pair! Make sure we get as much as possible!" The group cheers 'Sir yes sir!', and takes off for the jugs, snatching them up and holding them up to the taur's cock heads ... trapping the real Daniel in the process. "... I probably should have let go."<br> <br>Miranai yips out loudly as her balls churn audibly, pushing out a literal torrent of cum though both cock tips. Even between pulses enough seed is coming out to make it seem that she is continusouly cumming without end. She has enough sense left in her to try and help out. NURSE replicates a pair of clamps at the end of its handless arms and when one set of jugs are full, the bot clamps Mira's cocks, just past the knots, till new ones are set up, forcing a painful yip from the taur. She would manage to fill 12 of the jugs before the flow ebates, 6 from each tip, and take about 5 minutes in doing so.<br> <br>The fairies set down the last set of jugs before looking around for their leader, who seems to have vanished entirely. ... Something breaks the surface of one of the jugs! Seems to be some kind of... human shaped golem made of cum. It wipes it's face, and reveals itself to be Daniel, who flashes a thumbs up. "Alright, I th-" He stops to cough, seems he accidentally inhaled the stuff while he was in there. "Whew... sorry... I think we got enough for my tests!" He smiles a bit before eeping, looking down at the cum he's covered in. "No god damn it, I'm not an egg, quit that!" He wipes at himself furiously.<br> <br>Miranai sighs in relief, she'd completely coated her back side in her honey's and seems to have coated Dan in her cream. She can't help but giggle for a bit, and move to lick the fae completely clean. "Umm.. is.. is that everything.. doctor.. or.. did you have more.. you wanted to do?" she asks. Usually this was where those doing an examination of the taur were done. But he has started oddly to the vixen and she wasn't sure if he had more for her or not. "And.. what kinds of.. t.. test?" she asks.<br> <br>Daniel shrugs, appreciating being clean and hugging the taur's muzzle happily. God he was happy he'd decided to be a guy for this, there's little to no doubt he'd be pregnant right now. He sighs, fixes his clothes, and nods. "I suppose we can continue with the previous exam if that's how it usually goes, I'll just have the others test this batch you produced." He sends the small army off to do some tests, and flies to his sink. "And the tests are simple, just tests for how potent the stuff is, the sperm cell count, basically tests that will reveal how easy it is for you to knock things up."<br> <br>Miranai rubs her arm under her bust a bit, and blushes, "O.. ok .. an.. anything you say.. I. guess you changed ... your.. your mind about checking .. my.. my pussies then..." she says very blatently. And she kneels herself down into a breeding position to let Daniel have as good a look and examination as she can. She blushes though, "And.. a.. according to Anbessa... I.. I can't not get someone... p.. pregnate.."<br> <br>Daniel shrugs, flying behind the taur to examine her clefts. "Yeah, according to the info I'm recieving, your sperm count is about three times higher than I normally see. They also seem to be a lot more active as well, like it knows exactly where to go. Every egg sample they tested, they went straight to it and one pierced inside almost immediately." His thoughts about being impregnated were rather reinforced with statistics like that, and he finds himself lucky. "Anyway, for the tests... are you currently carrying a litter?<br> <br>Miranai listens as Dan confirms everything she already knew. "I.. I see Doctor... it is .. because ... because of the offering I made..." she says, blushing. "Ad.. and yes, I'm.. with litter...a.. alot of.. of them by the.. feel of things." She says blushing again. As the doctor flys behind her, she spreads her legs as far as she can, balls resting on the ground due to her lower stance.<br> <br>Daniel nods, rubbing his chin. "This should go rather smoothly then, I'll be able to check and see how well they're all coming along and hopefully escape before your womb claims me as one of it's own." He gives a bit of an optimistic smile before pressing up against one of her slits, and squirming his way inside. She can feel him wiggling his way in deeper and deeper as he heads for her womb.<br> <br>Miranai eeps out as Daniel presses into her and feels him squarming in. She starts panting as she feels worked up again, the taur on a hair trigger. "Is.. is everything... ahhhh.. o..ok .. in.. there D.. doct..mmmmm ... er..." she starts starts to rub on her breasts as she can't help the wonderful feeling. "P.. please h.. hurry.." she says feeling far too easily worked up, not having any either way for the last few weeks.<br> <br>Miranai wiggles more and more as Dan works his way though her and back out. She is barely holding back when his sudden increase in speed causes her to yip out loudly, cumming again, though only slightly through her twin missles. Her female sexes actually gush out as she moans long and deep, pressing her hands as tightly into her now leaking breasts as she can. By the time Dan is out again, she is panting and looks much happier, though seeming ready for more at a moment's notice.<br> <br>The fae emerges, coughing up the vixen's femmecum before flashing a thumbs up. "You'll be giving birth to a healthy litter of huskies!" He informs her, flying over to his pack and taking a towel from within. He wipes himself down, and shakes his head, his hair still slick with her juices. God damn he really needs to wear a gas mask when he examines her, her hormones were driving his mind wild, but he was able to shake it off for now. "You also seem to be producing a rather excessive amount of hormones, but that's to be expected with how well the rest of your erogenous zones perform."<br> <br>Miranai pants a bit and seems a bit disappointed at not getting to clean Dan up again. She smiles though and gives a lick anyway, "So.. umm.. any thing else Doctor? Any other tests?" she seems to be relaxing the more Dan does with her. She must be just about done, male parts checked out, female parts checked out, what more was there really? And she hadn't had to call on any of her bots to come save her, so that was a big plus on the doc's side. Her eyes flashes a few times and NURSE turns to Dan, staring at him for a bit, "And.. umm.. mind.. mind if I get.. a.. record of you for.. for NURSE?" she asks.<br> <br>Daniel gives her another little muzzle hug and a kiss on the nose, most likely an apology for not letting her clean him the rest of the way. "Other tests, hm? Well I've got your genitals done, but there's still the usual tests for making sure the rest of you is healthy too." He glances over at NURSE, and gives her a nod. "Sure, I've got a couple documents on myself if it misses anything."<br> <br>Miranai nods and soon NURSE uses the handless end of an arm to scan the doctor, soon saying "USER, DANIEL. CURRENT FORM, FAIRY. MOST COMMON FORM, FARIY. NANOBIOMETRICS ADDED TO DATABASE." And Mira wonders for a moment. "Wasn't.. that the usual tests?" she asks squarming a bit... did he mean to check her ability to give oral too? Or.. maybe the ass as well.. and she shutters at the thoughts.<br> <br>Daniel arches his brow a bit, rubbing his chin before snapping his fingers. The perfect breeder thing, it had to tie into this somehow. "You've never had an actual medical exam, have you? People have always just examined your sexy bits, haven't they?" He laughs a bit, shaking his head. "No no no, usually a medical exam is how a doctor finds how well his patient's bodies are doing, not how well they breed. What I gave you just now was a breeding analysis, but I can give you an actual exam if you'd like to stick around a bit longer."<br> <br>Miranai looks to Dan and shivers a bit, "Yes.. just to see if.. if I was capable. And.. just how capable.." she says. She listens and smiles a bit, feeling suddenly proud. "Oh! I usually just.. umm.. have NURSE do that for me... seeing how no one else would. She has all the information in her." she says "You mean things like my body temprature, height, weight, blood pressure, yeah?" she asks tail starting to wag at the idea of being able to help out with something.<br> <br>Daniel nods and smiles, glad to see she understands what an actual exam consists of. "Yeah, usually that's what I do, though I have done the breeding analysis on request. I'm glad I could have been so thorough for you though." He gives a thumbs up to NURSE, "And thank you for making sure she's been healthy all this time." Sure the chance the bot had some sort of sentience was slim, but he still had to try. "Now then, I've already got everything all checked with your head checked out, let's get your blood pressure taken shall we?" He takes two sphygmomanometers and a stethoscope from his cabinets, and nods.<br> <br>Miranai nods and waits for Dan to start, making sure that she doesn't move too much. NURSE actually replies, "YOU'RE WELCOME, USER DANIEL, THOUGH NURSE HAS NO RECORD OF COMMANDS ISSUED." Mira just giggles a bit, "I.. don't understand exactly how it works Daniel... just .. just that they all use this.. thing to talk to me and somehow I talk back, telling them what to do." she explains.<br> <br>Daniel is surprised by the reply, but nods to the robo-nurse. "Commands hm? If you could handle the upper human body, I could probably handle the lower tauric one." He hands one of the tools to NURSE with a nod, and gets to work strapping his own around the right forearm of the tauric body. It takes a little time, but he finds the vein, listening in and eyeing the gague.<br> <br>Miranai holds very still and lets Daniel work. NURSE takes the commands and gets information from Mira as to their meaning before doing its work. Forgoing the tools, she raises an arm and scans Mira much as she had Daniel a moment ago. Soon, on her screen is a readout of all the information, including milk production in her four upper breasts, general body temprature, pulse, blood pressure, and BMI of the upper half.<br> <br>Daniel arches his brows in surprise, my that bot was as efficient as him when he did surgery. He had to learn it's secrets sometime, but he couldn't let that distract him for now. Right now he had to get what stats he could from her, which would be pulse and blood pressure. With a nod, he points to the scale while he calculates this data from human to taur... he really needed to write a chart for that.<br> <br>Miranai continues to stand very still, unsure if Daniel was done or not. The read out on the screen would be very clear, showing graphs of all the information as well as touch screen tabs to permit additinal details to be seen. She looks over her shoulder though after a while, "Is.. is everything ok Doctor?"<br> <br>The fae nods, looking up at her with a thoughtful look on his face. "Just going through a calculation process, trying to accomidate the info I have for the much larger lower half you have here." With a little ding, he nods. "Healthy! Now then, if you could just stand on the scale over there? It's plenty large enough for you, I had it custom made so even a dragon's big ole feet. Now then..." He looks over NURSE's display, chuckling a bit to himself as he recalls the first time he had a dragon patient. "Hey NURSE, does this body temperture count for the whole body, or just the upper half?"<br> <br>Miranai nods to Daniel and waddles over to the scale, standing on it, then shifting to sit, letting her balls roll infront of her with a blush. "Is.. this ok Doctor?" she asks. NURSE replies, "TEMPRATURE ACCOUNTS FOR USER MIRA FROM HUMANOID WAIST TO EAR TIPS." Then shows a depiction of Mira, with the parts she mentions in red.<br> <br>Daniel nods, looking over the scale and writing down what he finds. 1200? That's heavier than she looks, but it's probably due to the pregnancy. He rubs his chin hearing the info from NURSE, pondering how to get a reading from her lower body. "Now there's the problem of taking your lower body's temperture. There's two ways I can do it, either using a rectal thermometer, or having you eat me to take it from the inside. Now I know you're surprised about that second option, but honestly, would I be offering that if I wasn't digestion proof?" He knocks on his metal frame with a little smile. "Just choose which one sounds... LESS unpleasant."<br> <br>Miranai yips a bit and thinks, "Umm.. umm.. I.. I don't want to.. umm.. eat you.. but but.. no.. no rectal anything please... please no.." she says almost terrified at the idea. NURSE's screen even turns back to its face and hovers close to Mira, Tod who was waiting back near the entrance yips and is quick to her side, some beeping comes from GBX, who is guarding the door, but at least that one doesn't move, "Please.. no..." and she starts shaking.<br> <br>Daniel blows the bangs out of his eyes and sighs. Welp, didn't see mental trauma coming... poor girl. He flies up and hugs her muzzle again, "There there, it's okay... calm down. I won't use the thermometer, I'll just see if NURSE is okay with pulling the weight of the lower body's temperture." He continues to hug and pet her muzzle, still trying to calm the poor taur down.<br> <br>Miranai continues to shake even as she is hugged on and reassured, "Please... no..." starting to cry. But something inside must have heard that things were not going to proceed, as NURSE hovers back to where it was, and Tod just yawns, looking once more like a lazy fox. Noting the command, NURSE takes a quick scan over Mira's tauric half and the same information is displayed as the upper half. Though she must no longer precieve a threat, she continues crying, "An.. anything else.. just anything else.. not that...."<br> <br>While she's still crying, he sees that she no longer takes him as a threat. He flies into his back room and comes back with a cloth for the vixen to wipe her eyes with, smiling as he peeks out from under it. "Come now, I didn't mean to make you cry... I'll keep your lack of appreciation for butt things in mind though, I didn't know it set you off so violently." He frowns a bit, he didn't like making people cry, especially not his patients!<br> <br>Miranai sniffles and tries to stop, completely missing most of what Daniel says, "What... what could.. could I offer instead..? Anything.. just anything but that..." she says though her sniffles, "I.. I want to please... but .. not that.. ok, anything else.." She squarms a bit, waiting for his answer, and looking as if the fae might cause her serious harm at a moments notice. The automated systems however, must know better.<br> <br>Daniel looks confused, "Please me? No no, I think you have the wrong idea! You're not here to please me, I'm here to make sure you're feeling alright." He smirks a bit, shaking his head, "This was never once about my pleasure you silly." He gives her another hug, trying to further calm her down so they could continue with the procedure.<br> <br>Miranai sniffles a few more times and tries to convince Daniel otherwise still, locked in her trap, "Please... Mistress would be upset if Pet didn't do something.... let Pet do something else.. please..?" And she seems lost for the moment, eyes glassed over and unblinking, pupals wide. Lost in her own little world of horrers.<br> <br>The doctor sighs, rubbing the back of his neck. Looks like he'd have to do this, she was too far gone at the moment. "Alright, I have an idea." He offers her the same rag he did earlier, "Think you could wipe up that little mess you made earlier? Use this rag here, don't need you licking the floor... goodness knows what's on the bottom of my patient's feet."<br> <br>Miranai nods a few times, smiling very wide, "Yes Master! Pet could do that..." and she takes the rag. It take the slightly swollen taur a few tries to bend/kneel properly to reach the floor with the cloth, but soon gets to work on it, she has to get up and wring it out a few times in the sink, wishing the cloth off, and going back to it, but after a few more times she sighs a moment, "Daniel... what exactly am I doing right now?" she asks, currently bent over and kneeling to clean up the last parts of the mess.<br> <br>Daniel shrugs, "You seem to have gone through some kind of PTSD, all other attempts at waking you seemed to be unsuccessful, so in the end I just had you do something simple." He points to the remains of the cum stain on the floor, and the rag in her hand. "Much better than taking advantage of you in my opinion, cleaning is a pain in the ass when you're this small!"<br> <br>Miranai looks to the fae with a concerned look on her face. "Last.. thing I remember .. remember doing... was.. was to take off... my clothes.. t.. to start..t.. the physical?" she says looking around very confused. "And... c.. cleaning is.. no problem... j.. just ask.. ok.., what do you.. mean taking advantage of?" she asks. She rubs as close to her own ass as she can get, which is about halfway down her flank.. "and... why does it.. feel like.. my ass hurts?" she says with a whimper and whine.<br> <br>Daniel shrugs again, "Well I won't say what caused it, lest I go about causing it again... but you went into some kinda crazy need-to-please state that I couldn't break you out of no matter how hard I tried. You were for some reason hell-bent on the concept that I wanted to fuck your butt, and trying to convince me to do otherwise. Maybe your butt hurts because of the memories of... whatever caused that?" He shrugs, "I can offer help for past trauma sometime if you need, I wouldn't mind at all."<br> <br>Miranai shivers and looks very very concerned, her breathing shallows and pulse jumps up at the mention of such things, she stammers a bit worse then normal, "... just.. don't... ok.. never... please.." and though it is a struggle to keep the memories away, she is a bit more prepared for things this time. "Please, just.... do.. do we need to start.. the exam... what's going on exactly..?" she asks as she tries to scrunch herself up and holds her head.<br> <br>Daniel raises a finger, "I... forgot to address this... but the exam is already over. We went through everything, but it was the last task that set you off. Eventually I just had NURSE over there do it for me in a much less complicated way... thank goodness it was around huh?" He shakes his head, letting out a little sigh. "Last thing I wanna do is break one of my patients, I'd feel terrible then."<br> <br>Miranai nods and continues to shiver.. "I.. I don't.. re. recall.." she says. She continues to look around untrustingly of something as her mind tries to relive things for her, but she struggles to not let it. "If.. if ..w.. we're done.. then.. p..Pet will.. just wait for Mistress Kilsa... t.. to take me.. h. home again." she says, and stumbles a bit as she walks back over to the main entrance way. "T.. thank you... P.. pet hopes she... p.. preformed well..." dropping off the rag on a counter top as she goes back toward the door.<br> <br>Daniel flies over, motioning the taur towards his bedroom. "Now now, you don't NEED to leave. I have a bed you could use until Kilsa returns, I honestly wouldn't mind letting you stay for a bit considering how much you hate Zephyr lobby... or Zephyr in general." He rolls his eyes a bit, "Not like I can use the bed anyway, the fuckers don't believe in tinier furnishings."<br> <br>Miranai looks back to Daniel, still breathing very shallow, "O.. ok.. p.. Pet could.. could use some.. some rest.. some sleep... Pet.. w.. will wait.. in .. in there.." and she turns around shaking her head fairly violently a moment, "...m.. my head hurts..." she complains as she staggers past and practically falls into the bed versus laying. She shivers a bit, and but, is easily asleep in little time, mutter and mumble ... "Please... any... anywhere ... else..." exhausted from her mental struggle.<br> <br>Daniel smiles a bit, pulling the covers over her with a grunt and some physical strain. Resting them over her, he sighs a bit before nodding, flying up to her face and giving her one last muzzle hug. "Hang in there you, I won't let nothing happen to ya while ya sleep, promise." And with that, he flies off to go record the data in his medical logs.
<div></div><br> <br>A fine April afternoon. The waters are calm and cold, the breeze is warming with promises of the coming summer. Faintly visible on the horizon, a dot rapidly approaches the wary agents. For the moment, its approach is silent, perhaps too far yet.<br> <br>Naru stares out into the ocean scared of the dot. She mutters to herself saying how she <br> <br>Aleph paces along the beach, making good time in the rut he's slowly wearing in the sand. He's still divided on if this was a good idea, seeing so few show up. "Why would they invade here? Here be mutated, insane, sex addict dragons. Not exactly what I'd call invadable."<br> <br>Naru stares out into the ocean scared of the dot. She mutters to herself saying something about how this was a bad idea, she stops for a second waiting on a response from herself."I dont know "she says get voice shaking slightly" maybe they fought they could handle the infection. "<br> <br>Dervish awkwardly cups one gauntlet over his forehead and stares out across the coast.  "Never heard what tonnage it was," he rasps, gritting his teeth as he speaks. His hulking armor's motor hums softly, occasionally audible as the waves recede on the beachfront. He glances over at his companions on the beach and disgustedly grumbles to himself before he tends to his wargear.<br> <br>Cerris had come when alerted of an object spotted off the coast and approaching. With four of his agents at his side, he was determined to know if this was a strggler of the pacific fleet, a refugee ship from another state or nation or if this was some hostile force. No matter what the answer was, the US HARD Corps. military contingent would be ready to respond. 
"This might seem redundant to say, but...be on your toes people.  This could be a good day or a nightmare and we don't want to be the cause of the latter."
With his own soldier trained to be disciplined, his words are mainly for the others...all unknown factors just like the approaching object.<br> <br>The ship skirts along the water, approaching at a clearly fast clip. It looks more like a yacht than any military boat, which may be how it slipped the blockade mentioned in the broadcast. Built for speed, it appears to be powering for the shore at full pace, leaving disturbed water to either side as it slices the waves.<br> <br>Dervish gives a throaty chortle. "Small boat. Dinky, fasty. Probably don't intend to leave any time soon... this is no invasion force. This is a scout. A saboteur." He looks to Cerris, and laps his lips. "Nah. This is gonna be a real good day..."<br> <br>Aleph stops his pacing as soon as he hears the ship getting closer. Turing to the shore he makes sure he was well out of the path of the boat. "Somehow I really doubt that. I wonder how many they stuffed on the dinghy."<br> <br>Naru checks her stuff seeing if she had everything once she is sure, she starts to hum to try and calm her nerves. She seems to relax a little after hearing Dervish's thoughts on the ship. <br> <br>Cerris rumbles ominously, the sound, while very feral, comes through a broadcast relay system giving it both a monstrous and mechanised feel to it. He hoped this wasn't really what was going down, that would mean the boat was likely rigged to be scuttled and that would deprive them of valuable salvage. Gesturing to his people, they fan out whilst he moves toward the estimated point of first contact, intent on being the vangaurd or greeting force as required.<br> <br>As the ship gets close to shore, a large figure emerges from below deck, followed by another. They look like large people, skin gleaming in the light. Armor? Hard to say from the distance, but they are noticably larger than the crowd of smaller people around them. The boat suddenly does a hard turn, and the two armored individuals are thrown clear, others included. Rather than splashing into the water, the dull sound of rockets are heard as they begin to jet across the water, finishing the approach with the other men being pulled in behind. If it wasn't hostile, it would be an impressive skiing demonstration.<br> <br>Dervish says, "Shit," and gives a light chuckle as he ignites the primer on his flamethrower wrist-mount, "I haven't gotten to kill anything that well equipped since Iraq."<br> <br>Aleph draws his sword and unsilngs his SMG, dropping into a crouch. Not to hide, but to at least be a little more unnoticeable since going toe to toe with the what look like heavily armored ones would be supremely stupid. Maybe he can surprise one of the unarmored ones.<br> <br>Naru takes a deep breath and draws her Pistol with her left hand and carries her crowbar in the other. she mutters something to herself her left hand going from a slight shake to being steady. She watches the figures "that's not good" she says  watching the boat turn, then looks to the two flying people.<br> <br>Easier to miss in the collected group, a smaller, six-armed figure wrapped in mildly obscuring robes and veils is amongst the defenders. Seeing the rapid approach, the multi-armed fem-figure lifts her arms, poised as if ready, and there comes the soft murmur of chanting from her... She... might be a little loopy amonst those here. However, Zhen seems ready, in any case.<br> <br>Dervish lazily turns his head, and then his upper body, to the new arrival while he locks a clip into his Steyr. "Another Zephyr punk? Either the Company underestimated the threat, or you Corporate nuts really were pissing your pants over this boat."<br> <br>Cerris shook his head slowly as his heads up display showing him the entire scene in perfect clarity.  A small alert windows itself with a copy of Dervish's words for later investigation. For now though he listens to the dull whine of his suit's projection systems warming up, hypersonic blades starting to hum on a rising pitch toward their vibrant death wail.
"Looks like whoever these guys are, they aren't here for an ice cream social...Lock and load."
As an after thought he pulls out a small orb and drops it on the ground, a little distracting surprise...he hoped.<br> <br>The soldiers hit the beach, guns already firing. The battle is underway without hesitation as both sides clash intensely. It seems the soldier's weapons are quite well made, and their discipline is considerable as they attack in formation, using the armored soldiers as shields to fire from behind in relative safety.<br> <br>Smoke becomes thick in the air as the soldiers deploy grenades to obscure the battlefield, trying to disorganize the mutant resistance even as one of their own collapses from their wounds.<br> <br>The boat, almost forgotten in the midst of the raging conflict, zips away from the shore line, all too soon lost as the dot it began as, seemingly headed northwards.<br> <br>Dervish roars as he empties a clip into one of the armor units, "The bastards are trying to redeploy!"<br> <br>A smooth but very audible voice emits from the shrouded figure, "Don't let them get out of sight!"<br> <br>One of the mechanized soldiers is forced back, going to a knee. There is a muffled thumping from inside, the other soldiers glancing that way for just a moment before refocusing on the task at hand. The suit gives a loud, but still muffled, fwoosh of a noise before it falls to pieces, nothing but scrap left behind, and no sign of the pilot to be seen.<br> <br>Dervish pauses. "What the?..."<br> <br>Naru softly churrs, "wher...where did he go"<br> <br>With the enemy combatants whittled down to one powered suit, the pilot within grows desperate. The suit gives out a violent plume of sparkling something, and the suit begins to move with frightening speed and strength, gaining a second wind in a desperate bid for survival.<br> <br>Staggering back, The suit collapses over backwards. That loud fwoosh is heard as it tumbles, and the suit hits the ground in a jumble, small bits of metal spreading across the sound with no hints of pilot or even circuitry left behind. The beach becomes still and relatively peaceful, the invaders neutralized.<br> <br>* across the sand<br> <br>Dervish kicks a piece of scrap and watches it tumble away into the damp sand. "That boat's still running around," he notes.<br> <br>Pointing northwards, Zhen barks out, "Did anyone follow after that retreating boat?" Even as she moves towards the metal pieces for closer examination.<br> <br>The metal, at a glance and casual inspection, appears to be steel, cut far too finely to be the work of anything but nanite manufacture. Who taught the Chinese how to work with nanites?<br> <br>"i don't think so" Naru says to Zhen Putting her crowbar away<br> <br>Cerris would spit on the ground if he could, but for now, after a cursory examining of the remains of the power armor, the super soldier moves for the coastline, if need be he would swim after the ship in an aquatic form, but he had to figure they weren't planning to go far...right?  Either way...it was time to act.
"Col. Voss, in pursuit." <br> <br>Dervish slings his assault gun and mumbles into his radio set's mouthpiece.<br> <br>Plucking up some of the more carry-able pieces for later inspection, the six-armed figure swivels, "Is anyone in need of immediate medical attention? I'm a doctor. If not, we best be heading after that boat. Who knows if they have another bevy of bullies bound for our boundaries?"<br> <br>"Maybe we could folow the direction it went if anyone saw it" Naru suggest searching one of the dead soldiers.<br> <br>The soldiers don't look very dead. Well, mostly dead? Breathing has basically stopped, sure, but that's as dead as the average Zephyr agent looks after a rough day. None are bleeding out from their many open wounds.<br> <br>Aleph peers at the piles of dead and scrap. Occasonally poking at one to see if any have some life still in them "I don't think their screwing around... Something tells me that one of them could give us information."<br> <br>Dervish steps up to one of the soldiers, and kicks them over onto their back. "I think," he grunts as he leans over to pick the invader up, "I'll be taking this little piggy... back to Woodfield with me."<br> <br>Rolling several pairs of shoulders, Zhen HE couples her digits together and cracks them in succession, "Time to patch one of these fellows up for interrogation..."[[Category:RPLogs]]

Latest revision as of 20:24, 24 April 2013





A fine April afternoon. The waters are calm and cold, the breeze is warming with promises of the coming summer. Faintly visible on the horizon, a dot rapidly approaches the wary agents. For the moment, its approach is silent, perhaps too far yet.

Naru stares out into the ocean scared of the dot. She mutters to herself saying how she

Aleph paces along the beach, making good time in the rut he's slowly wearing in the sand. He's still divided on if this was a good idea, seeing so few show up. "Why would they invade here? Here be mutated, insane, sex addict dragons. Not exactly what I'd call invadable."

Naru stares out into the ocean scared of the dot. She mutters to herself saying something about how this was a bad idea, she stops for a second waiting on a response from herself."I dont know "she says get voice shaking slightly" maybe they fought they could handle the infection. "

Dervish awkwardly cups one gauntlet over his forehead and stares out across the coast. "Never heard what tonnage it was," he rasps, gritting his teeth as he speaks. His hulking armor's motor hums softly, occasionally audible as the waves recede on the beachfront. He glances over at his companions on the beach and disgustedly grumbles to himself before he tends to his wargear.

Cerris had come when alerted of an object spotted off the coast and approaching. With four of his agents at his side, he was determined to know if this was a strggler of the pacific fleet, a refugee ship from another state or nation or if this was some hostile force. No matter what the answer was, the US HARD Corps. military contingent would be ready to respond.

"This might seem redundant to say, but...be on your toes people. This could be a good day or a nightmare and we don't want to be the cause of the latter."

With his own soldier trained to be disciplined, his words are mainly for the others...all unknown factors just like the approaching object.

The ship skirts along the water, approaching at a clearly fast clip. It looks more like a yacht than any military boat, which may be how it slipped the blockade mentioned in the broadcast. Built for speed, it appears to be powering for the shore at full pace, leaving disturbed water to either side as it slices the waves.

Dervish gives a throaty chortle. "Small boat. Dinky, fasty. Probably don't intend to leave any time soon... this is no invasion force. This is a scout. A saboteur." He looks to Cerris, and laps his lips. "Nah. This is gonna be a real good day..."

Aleph stops his pacing as soon as he hears the ship getting closer. Turing to the shore he makes sure he was well out of the path of the boat. "Somehow I really doubt that. I wonder how many they stuffed on the dinghy."

Naru checks her stuff seeing if she had everything once she is sure, she starts to hum to try and calm her nerves. She seems to relax a little after hearing Dervish's thoughts on the ship.

Cerris rumbles ominously, the sound, while very feral, comes through a broadcast relay system giving it both a monstrous and mechanised feel to it. He hoped this wasn't really what was going down, that would mean the boat was likely rigged to be scuttled and that would deprive them of valuable salvage. Gesturing to his people, they fan out whilst he moves toward the estimated point of first contact, intent on being the vangaurd or greeting force as required.

As the ship gets close to shore, a large figure emerges from below deck, followed by another. They look like large people, skin gleaming in the light. Armor? Hard to say from the distance, but they are noticably larger than the crowd of smaller people around them. The boat suddenly does a hard turn, and the two armored individuals are thrown clear, others included. Rather than splashing into the water, the dull sound of rockets are heard as they begin to jet across the water, finishing the approach with the other men being pulled in behind. If it wasn't hostile, it would be an impressive skiing demonstration.

Dervish says, "Shit," and gives a light chuckle as he ignites the primer on his flamethrower wrist-mount, "I haven't gotten to kill anything that well equipped since Iraq."

Aleph draws his sword and unsilngs his SMG, dropping into a crouch. Not to hide, but to at least be a little more unnoticeable since going toe to toe with the what look like heavily armored ones would be supremely stupid. Maybe he can surprise one of the unarmored ones.

Naru takes a deep breath and draws her Pistol with her left hand and carries her crowbar in the other. she mutters something to herself her left hand going from a slight shake to being steady. She watches the figures "that's not good" she says watching the boat turn, then looks to the two flying people.

Easier to miss in the collected group, a smaller, six-armed figure wrapped in mildly obscuring robes and veils is amongst the defenders. Seeing the rapid approach, the multi-armed fem-figure lifts her arms, poised as if ready, and there comes the soft murmur of chanting from her... She... might be a little loopy amonst those here. However, Zhen seems ready, in any case.

Dervish lazily turns his head, and then his upper body, to the new arrival while he locks a clip into his Steyr. "Another Zephyr punk? Either the Company underestimated the threat, or you Corporate nuts really were pissing your pants over this boat."

Cerris shook his head slowly as his heads up display showing him the entire scene in perfect clarity. A small alert windows itself with a copy of Dervish's words for later investigation. For now though he listens to the dull whine of his suit's projection systems warming up, hypersonic blades starting to hum on a rising pitch toward their vibrant death wail.

"Looks like whoever these guys are, they aren't here for an ice cream social...Lock and load."

As an after thought he pulls out a small orb and drops it on the ground, a little distracting surprise...he hoped.

The soldiers hit the beach, guns already firing. The battle is underway without hesitation as both sides clash intensely. It seems the soldier's weapons are quite well made, and their discipline is considerable as they attack in formation, using the armored soldiers as shields to fire from behind in relative safety.

Smoke becomes thick in the air as the soldiers deploy grenades to obscure the battlefield, trying to disorganize the mutant resistance even as one of their own collapses from their wounds.

The boat, almost forgotten in the midst of the raging conflict, zips away from the shore line, all too soon lost as the dot it began as, seemingly headed northwards.

Dervish roars as he empties a clip into one of the armor units, "The bastards are trying to redeploy!"

A smooth but very audible voice emits from the shrouded figure, "Don't let them get out of sight!"

One of the mechanized soldiers is forced back, going to a knee. There is a muffled thumping from inside, the other soldiers glancing that way for just a moment before refocusing on the task at hand. The suit gives a loud, but still muffled, fwoosh of a noise before it falls to pieces, nothing but scrap left behind, and no sign of the pilot to be seen.

Dervish pauses. "What the?..."

Naru softly churrs, "wher...where did he go"

With the enemy combatants whittled down to one powered suit, the pilot within grows desperate. The suit gives out a violent plume of sparkling something, and the suit begins to move with frightening speed and strength, gaining a second wind in a desperate bid for survival.

Staggering back, The suit collapses over backwards. That loud fwoosh is heard as it tumbles, and the suit hits the ground in a jumble, small bits of metal spreading across the sound with no hints of pilot or even circuitry left behind. The beach becomes still and relatively peaceful, the invaders neutralized.

* across the sand

Dervish kicks a piece of scrap and watches it tumble away into the damp sand. "That boat's still running around," he notes.

Pointing northwards, Zhen barks out, "Did anyone follow after that retreating boat?" Even as she moves towards the metal pieces for closer examination.

The metal, at a glance and casual inspection, appears to be steel, cut far too finely to be the work of anything but nanite manufacture. Who taught the Chinese how to work with nanites?

"i don't think so" Naru says to Zhen Putting her crowbar away

Cerris would spit on the ground if he could, but for now, after a cursory examining of the remains of the power armor, the super soldier moves for the coastline, if need be he would swim after the ship in an aquatic form, but he had to figure they weren't planning to go far...right? Either way...it was time to act.

"Col. Voss, in pursuit."

Dervish slings his assault gun and mumbles into his radio set's mouthpiece.

Plucking up some of the more carry-able pieces for later inspection, the six-armed figure swivels, "Is anyone in need of immediate medical attention? I'm a doctor. If not, we best be heading after that boat. Who knows if they have another bevy of bullies bound for our boundaries?"

"Maybe we could folow the direction it went if anyone saw it" Naru suggest searching one of the dead soldiers.

The soldiers don't look very dead. Well, mostly dead? Breathing has basically stopped, sure, but that's as dead as the average Zephyr agent looks after a rough day. None are bleeding out from their many open wounds.

Aleph peers at the piles of dead and scrap. Occasonally poking at one to see if any have some life still in them "I don't think their screwing around... Something tells me that one of them could give us information."

Dervish steps up to one of the soldiers, and kicks them over onto their back. "I think," he grunts as he leans over to pick the invader up, "I'll be taking this little piggy... back to Woodfield with me."

Rolling several pairs of shoulders, Zhen HE couples her digits together and cracks them in succession, "Time to patch one of these fellows up for interrogation..."