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<div></div><br> <br>Antiman grimly looks at hir sister-mate, "Kesai was snatched from our doorstep by what we believe to be agents of RSX. I think information about the Nanites that were being injected into Kesai was leaked and that RSX wants samples to possibly weaponize." Sie flattens hir ears, "You know what the conquences could be if anyone comes up with some kind of mind control weapon."<br> <br>Dio was about to walk out the door, but stopped once Meni came in. The lion simply nods his head while Anti explains the situation. "That about sums everything up. We're going to go down there and check things out. It'd be best if we found her soon before they start doing crazy stuff to our little vixen."<br> <br>Tau asks of anti "What's this about mind control by the way? I'm missing something here." Sie takes a moment to make sure hir weapon is ready, clean, armed, so on and so forth.<br> <br>Meniatz narrows hir eyes as sie de-activates the safety on hir electrified chainsword. "Could you excuse me for a moment? I'll be right back." Sie pads into hir room and comes back with a small brown pouch on hir belt. "Okay. I'm ready." Sie hears Tau's question as sie re-enters the room. "We have reason to believe that a division of RSX injected Kesai with experimental nanites to control her. I also have reason to believe that that division will be divided even further within the next few hours or so." Sie gives Tau a scratch behind the ears and hands him two treats. "You look hungry. Make sure to keep your strength up, love." Sie stretches hir wings and walks half-way out the door. "So, are we ready to go, my beloved brother and sister-mates?"<br> <br>Antiman looks at Tau with hir head cocked in such a way that seems to communicate confusion. Sie had thought that sie had mentioned this in the kitchen. Perhaps sie told Dio about this before Tau had come back into the kitchen. Sie looks at Meni in surprise, "RSX came up with it, love? I found the hypo in Kesai at Zypher after sie escapes from some 'wite coats'. Is there a security problem at Zypher?"<br> <br>Dio longingly looks at the treat, as the lion has been quite hungry himself lately. However, he tries to hide it the best he can. After all, there are more important things at the moment. "From what I've gathered, Zeph experimented and RSX wants. I'm sure we'll figure something out with some investigation."<br> <br>Tau grins as sie took the treats. Sie'd just had some food given by Anti, but sie wasn't about to say no. Certainly not. Sie chomped on one and notices dio staring. Sie really REALLY doesn't want to do this, but sie holds the remaining one out to him and says "Here."<br> <br>Meniatz nods. "Most likely, love. Either this was the result of corporate espionage or collusion between the two factions." Sie growls a softly as sie continues. "Regardless, I've developed several new strains of nanites based off of the samples in Kesai's hypo. I can't wait to test them." Sie says with a wicked grin. Seeing Tau give Dio one of hir treats, Meni's expression softens a bit as sie gives the wolf a hug. "You're so generous, love! It's one of your best qualities~" Sie nibbles at Tau's ear before giving hir a kiss. "If you're hungry, Dio, you don't need to hide it." Sie says with a smile as sie pulls out two more treats. "I've got plenty to go around." Sie tosses one to Dio and gives the other to Tau.<br> <br>Antiman thought that sie could see Dio look hungerly at the treat in Meni's hand but chuckle purs at the thought. The ration that sie gave Dio was enough calories to feed someone for an entire day, "Last night must have taken alot out of you, love. That ration pack is enough to feed someone for an entire day. You were badly hurt though so the nanites might need the energy as well to make deeper repairs." Sie was happy that Tau was able to think beyond his own stomach when it came to treats. Sie give Meni a searching look, "As long as it's a benifit to all love I'll support you in your research." Sie does a quick check on hir pouches including the one with...energetic compounds and devices to make sure that sie has everything that sie thinks that sie might need, "I'm ready to go. Everyone make sure you have everything that you might need because we're not going to have it over there."<br> <br>Dio chuckles a little when Tau offers him hir treat. He holds out and shakes his paw in response. "I really appreciate the offer, but I'm fine. The ration just hasn't digested yet, so my body still thinks I'm quite hungry." However, he certainly doesn't refuse the treat tossed to him as the lion chomps it down in one go. "Thank you very much, ma'am. It was delicious as always. Anyways..." Dio claps his paws together once. "We should be off before we lose too much time. I'm ready to go when you guys are." <br> <br>Tau grinned again and took the treat. Aw yeah, it really did pay off sometimes to be nice to people. Sie smirks to Dio's reaction. "Oh, so you won't take a treat from me, but you'll take one from Meniatz, I see how it is." Sie says jokingly before eating the treat sie got. "Right then. I got a pack full of ammo and my trigger finger's itchy. Let's move."<br> <br>Meniatz picks up Dio and stretches hir wings as sie pads out the door. "Okay, love. It should be quicker if we fly. Just hold on tight while I carry you. Anti can carry Tau, since you're a bit too big to fly with hir." Sie gives Dio a kiss as sie takes off. <br> <br>Antiman gets down on all fours and crouches down for Tau to climb on, "Don't worry, love. I've carried bigger."<br> <br>"Whoa!" Dio certainly looked surprised as he was scooped up. "Can't say I've been carried before, but I'm sure it'll be more fun than the helicopter." Dio returns the kiss as they fly off.<br> <br>Tau climbs up on Antiman and wraps hir arms and legs around hir. "Okay. Ready."<br> <br>It was a rather long flight from Fairhaven California to Woodfield City Washington; cold, windy, and a little wet but rather uneventful. Strangely, no other creatures had even come within sight on their flight to the RSX headquarters. Until one looked down towards the ground along their flight path where lay broken bodies of flying creatures and, if one's eyes were sharp enough, a glimmering trail of spent chaingun cartridges.  
<div></div><br> <br>Antiman grimly looks at hir sister-mate, "Kesai was snatched from our doorstep by what we believe to be agents of RSX. I think information about the Nanites that were being injected into Kesai was leaked and that RSX wants samples to possibly weaponize." Sie flattens hir ears, "You know what the conquences could be if anyone comes up with some kind of mind control weapon."<br> <br>Dio was about to walk out the door, but stopped once Meni came in. The lion simply nods his head while Anti explains the situation. "That about sums everything up. We're going to go down there and check things out. It'd be best if we found her soon before they start doing crazy stuff to our little vixen."<br> <br>Tau asks of anti "What's this about mind control by the way? I'm missing something here." Sie takes a moment to make sure hir weapon is ready, clean, armed, so on and so forth.<br> <br>Meniatz narrows hir eyes as sie de-activates the safety on hir electrified chainsword. "Could you excuse me for a moment? I'll be right back." Sie pads into hir room and comes back with a small brown pouch on hir belt. "Okay. I'm ready." Sie hears Tau's question as sie re-enters the room. "We have reason to believe that a division of RSX injected Kesai with experimental nanites to control her. I also have reason to believe that that division will be divided even further within the next few hours or so." Sie gives Tau a scratch behind the ears and hands him two treats. "You look hungry. Make sure to keep your strength up, love." Sie stretches hir wings and walks half-way out the door. "So, are we ready to go, my beloved brother and sister-mates?"<br> <br>Antiman looks at Tau with hir head cocked in such a way that seems to communicate confusion. Sie had thought that sie had mentioned this in the kitchen. Perhaps sie told Dio about this before Tau had come back into the kitchen. Sie looks at Meni in surprise, "RSX came up with it, love? I found the hypo in Kesai at Zypher after sie escapes from some 'wite coats'. Is there a security problem at Zypher?"<br> <br>Dio longingly looks at the treat, as the lion has been quite hungry himself lately. However, he tries to hide it the best he can. After all, there are more important things at the moment. "From what I've gathered, Zeph experimented and RSX wants. I'm sure we'll figure something out with some investigation."<br> <br>Tau grins as sie took the treats. Sie'd just had some food given by Anti, but sie wasn't about to say no. Certainly not. Sie chomped on one and notices dio staring. Sie really REALLY doesn't want to do this, but sie holds the remaining one out to him and says "Here."<br> <br>Meniatz nods. "Most likely, love. Either this was the result of corporate espionage or collusion between the two factions." Sie growls a softly as sie continues. "Regardless, I've developed several new strains of nanites based off of the samples in Kesai's hypo. I can't wait to test them." Sie says with a wicked grin. Seeing Tau give Dio one of hir treats, Meni's expression softens a bit as sie gives the wolf a hug. "You're so generous, love! It's one of your best qualities~" Sie nibbles at Tau's ear before giving hir a kiss. "If you're hungry, Dio, you don't need to hide it." Sie says with a smile as sie pulls out two more treats. "I've got plenty to go around." Sie tosses one to Dio and gives the other to Tau.<br> <br>Antiman thought that sie could see Dio look hungerly at the treat in Meni's hand but chuckle purs at the thought. The ration that sie gave Dio was enough calories to feed someone for an entire day, "Last night must have taken alot out of you, love. That ration pack is enough to feed someone for an entire day. You were badly hurt though so the nanites might need the energy as well to make deeper repairs." Sie was happy that Tau was able to think beyond his own stomach when it came to treats. Sie give Meni a searching look, "As long as it's a benifit to all love I'll support you in your research." Sie does a quick check on hir pouches including the one with...energetic compounds and devices to make sure that sie has everything that sie thinks that sie might need, "I'm ready to go. Everyone make sure you have everything that you might need because we're not going to have it over there."<br> <br>Dio chuckles a little when Tau offers him hir treat. He holds out and shakes his paw in response. "I really appreciate the offer, but I'm fine. The ration just hasn't digested yet, so my body still thinks I'm quite hungry." However, he certainly doesn't refuse the treat tossed to him as the lion chomps it down in one go. "Thank you very much, ma'am. It was delicious as always. Anyways..." Dio claps his paws together once. "We should be off before we lose too much time. I'm ready to go when you guys are." <br> <br>Tau grinned again and took the treat. Aw yeah, it really did pay off sometimes to be nice to people. Sie smirks to Dio's reaction. "Oh, so you won't take a treat from me, but you'll take one from Meniatz, I see how it is." Sie says jokingly before eating the treat sie got. "Right then. I got a pack full of ammo and my trigger finger's itchy. Let's move."<br> <br>Meniatz picks up Dio and stretches hir wings as sie pads out the door. "Okay, love. It should be quicker if we fly. Just hold on tight while I carry you. Anti can carry Tau, since you're a bit too big to fly with hir." Sie gives Dio a kiss as sie takes off. <br> <br>Antiman gets down on all fours and crouches down for Tau to climb on, "Don't worry, love. I've carried bigger."<br> <br>"Whoa!" Dio certainly looked surprised as he was scooped up. "Can't say I've been carried before, but I'm sure it'll be more fun than the helicopter." Dio returns the kiss as they fly off.<br> <br>Tau climbs up on Antiman and wraps hir arms and legs around hir. "Okay. Ready."<br> <br>It was a rather long flight from Fairhaven California to Woodfield City Washington; cold, windy, and a little wet but rather uneventful. Strangely, no other creatures had even come within sight on their flight to the RSX headquarters. Until one looked down towards the ground along their flight path where lay broken bodies of flying creatures and, if one's eyes were sharp enough, a glimmering trail of spent chaingun cartridges.  
As they neared the city, there glimmered not only the RSX building, but a flame and smoke spewing wreckage of one of the helicopters they'd been following. It had made a hard landing in the city streets in a mass of twisted metal just short of the RSX building.<br> <br>Meniatz looks around the area, horrified and disgusted by the shattered remains of the various winged creatures. They had once been human. Some of them probably still had their wits about them--certainly moreso than the animals who did this. "This place reeks of death. Be careful, loves."<br> <br>Dio looks and admires all the wreckage, doing an impressed whistle as he does. "Wow, that's certainly something." Dio uses a paw to point down at all the wreckage not far away from the RSX building. "Perhaps we should begin our investigation there? Could be some more clues in that wreckage."<br> <br>Tau shouts to the others "Jeez, what the hell happened? I hope kesai wasn't in that one!" After dio speaks, sie adds "That makes sense. There should be at least *something*." How many of the flying creatures were there? Did they all rush the copters, or what? And why?
As they neared the city, there glimmered not only the RSX building, but a flame and smoke spewing wreckage of one of the helicopters they'd been following. It had made a hard landing in the city streets in a mass of twisted metal just short of the RSX building.<br> <br>Meniatz looks around the area, horrified and disgusted by the shattered remains of the various winged creatures. They had once been human. Some of them probably still had their wits about them--certainly moreso than the animals who did this. "This place reeks of death. Be careful, loves."<br> <br>Dio looks and admires all the wreckage, doing an impressed whistle as he does. "Wow, that's certainly something." Dio uses a paw to point down at all the wreckage not far away from the RSX building. "Perhaps we should begin our investigation there? Could be some more clues in that wreckage."<br> <br>Tau shouts to the others "Jeez, what the hell happened? I hope kesai wasn't in that one!" After dio speaks, sie adds "That makes sense. There should be at least *something*." How many of the flying creatures were there? Did they all rush the copters, or what? And why?<br> <br>Antiman found the flight to Wood field to be erily silent. Given hir catbird eyesight sie could see the broken bodies of fliers whos only crime was being in the choppers flight path. Sie was horrified and pissed at the sight, "How meny that could have been brought back from being lost have they killed? How meny brothers, sisters and spouses?" Sie nods at hir siste mate. Sie took grim satafaction at seeing on of the helecopters in flame but hoped that it wasn't the one that Kesai was in, "Good idea Dio. We need to know if that was the one that Kesai was in. We need to assume that they rescued survivors, but if not we need to be careful. I hope no one has a problem with rigourious questioning?"<br> <br>Meniatz sniffs the air, hoping to get Kesai's scent as sie tosses a large chunk of scrap metal out of the way. "Kesai!? Are you in there?" Sie then turns to Tau. "Could you be a good guard wolf and make sure we don't get taken by surprise while Anti, Dio, and I clear out some of this wreckage?"<br> <br>Whomever had reached the wreckage first hadn't even bothered to strip the vehicle, but that was a moot point since the vehicle was burning rather vigorously. However, the rope that had carried the soldiers and Kesai under the aircraft lay almost neatly laid out east to west on the street. By the position of the aircraft, it was apparent that the pilots and crew had given their lives to ensure the safe landing of the troops and vixen that were attached to the craft. Other than two sets of boot prints leading up to and away from the aircraft, all other foot prints lead north towards the RSX building... except for one drag trail that lead into a building not immediately in danger of burning or collapsing.
The scent of Kesai, especially the strong scent of her heat, lead right up to the rope that had been attached to the helicopter and due north to the RSX building. No troops or aircraft were in sight.<br> <br>Meniatz examines the boot prints and sniffs the air, finding Kesai's scent. Sie smiles and guides hir sibling-mates north towards the scent, taking great care not to catch the attention of any RSX agents in the area.<br> <br>"Rigorous questioning is one of my specialties," Dio says with an awfully large grin. The lion's previous life of various criminal activities often called for acts of intimidation and the occasional bluff. Dio helps to sort through the wreckage until the footprints are found. He sniffs around in the air and also catches Kesai's scent. In a loud whisper, the lion murmurs, "You guys smell that too? Let's follow it." He waves to the others and follow behind Meni.<br> <br>Tau follows after Meni, and makes sure to keep a close eye on their surrounding so nothing could sneak up on them. Sie couldn't smell what dio did, Sie wasn't very proficient in animal matters, despite the hold hir instincts had on hir. "I can't. I can't really...pick out smells too well."<br> <br>Antiman looks around for survivors as they approach the downed helecopter. Sie hopes that there is one to question. Sie doubts it though given the proximity to RSX headquarters and how sevear the crash appeard to be, but it doesn't keep hir from hoping. And if the RSX agent shoud be uncoprerative that's one of the reasons sie has a few infection vials. Sie takes no pleasure in mutating some one against their will but it can be effective in getting someone to answer questions. As they get closer to the wreckage hir suspisions are confirmed no survivors present. Sie could read to trails and the scents just as well as hir sister-mate. Sie follows hir sister-mate with all due caution. Sie wishes not for the first time that sie had a firearm. Sie remembers that sie had quite a collection of them before P-day. For some reason the memory brings up resentment for some organization called TSA. Sie open beak grins at Dio's response, "Hir scent is unmistakable," Sie wispers back. *As is the scent of fear on it as well.* sie thinks. Flicks an ear at Tau, "We'll help teach you how latter love." Sie wispers, "It's a great advantage that we have over the humans but it needs to be trained."<br> <br>Whomever had planted the mines... probably should have gone back to basic training. Three claymore mines that would have filled the street with a cloud of death and pain faced down the street. All three claymore mines were very poorly hidden and it was obvious the detonator lead into a building watching the street. There was an audible click to those with sharp ears followed by... nothing. Then, even those without sharp ears could hear a string of curses.<br> <br>Meniatz pats Tau on the head and gives hir a hug. "That's okay, love." Sie whispers something to Tau and nuzzles hir before returning to Kesai's trail. Hearing a loud *click*, Meni perks up hir ears and looks at the mines near hir feet. Scanning the from the detonator to the building, and hearing the profanities from within, sie grins as sie draws skyfang and pads slowly to the entrance. Without charging hir chainsword, Meni severs the exposed detonation line in case the architect of this little death-trap isn't completely incompetent. "I think we found them!"<br> <br>Dio continues to search and sniff around until he notices all the rather obviously placed traps. He chuckles slightly in amusement until he hears the very distinct clicking noise and explosion. "I think we did indeed," the lion says with a grin in agreement. He chases after Meni making sure not to trigger any of the traps.<br> <br>Tau looks to Meniatz after the whisper. Hir expression is kind of unreadable, but sie nods. Sie jumps a little at the click and then looks to the source of the curses. After a chuckle, sie says "Oh jeez. You gotta be kidding. The boys with bomb disposal would have a riot." And then follows after Meni and Dio.<br> <br>Antiman using hir skills as an IED specialist spots the claymore mines with ridiclous ease. In fact sie was sure that a hapless kindergartener coud have done a better job. Sie opened hir beak to warn Meni who was getting way too close to the directional mines when sie heard the click of the detonator and nothing happened. Sie was professionaly discusted at the poor job. Sie pulled hir bolo blade out, "Rember love we'll need them alive." Sie said this to remind hirself as much as hir sister-mate. Sie crouch runs to the building that the detonator line came from. *Another thing to add to their list of incompentance.* Sie thinks, *Wireless command detonation would have been a lot more secure in the event of a failuar.*<br> <br>Leading inside the building were drag marks from earlier, craving a trail through the dust and detritus of an unmaintained city but streaks of dried blood added to the trail. The drag marks continued into the building along with the blood, streaked across the tiled floor of what had been some sort of clothing shop and behind the counters. Inside, the smell of blood was quite evident along with the labored breaths of a lone RSX agent.
The human operative lay in a small, but growing pool of blood and her clothing was soaked in blood amidst her mangled lower legs. She was stripped of armor, weapons, and equipment save the detonator. It was apparent she was injured in the crash and was left behind as a suicidal rear guard for the rest of the troops.

Revision as of 06:52, 25 March 2013





Antiman grimly looks at hir sister-mate, "Kesai was snatched from our doorstep by what we believe to be agents of RSX. I think information about the Nanites that were being injected into Kesai was leaked and that RSX wants samples to possibly weaponize." Sie flattens hir ears, "You know what the conquences could be if anyone comes up with some kind of mind control weapon."

Dio was about to walk out the door, but stopped once Meni came in. The lion simply nods his head while Anti explains the situation. "That about sums everything up. We're going to go down there and check things out. It'd be best if we found her soon before they start doing crazy stuff to our little vixen."

Tau asks of anti "What's this about mind control by the way? I'm missing something here." Sie takes a moment to make sure hir weapon is ready, clean, armed, so on and so forth.

Meniatz narrows hir eyes as sie de-activates the safety on hir electrified chainsword. "Could you excuse me for a moment? I'll be right back." Sie pads into hir room and comes back with a small brown pouch on hir belt. "Okay. I'm ready." Sie hears Tau's question as sie re-enters the room. "We have reason to believe that a division of RSX injected Kesai with experimental nanites to control her. I also have reason to believe that that division will be divided even further within the next few hours or so." Sie gives Tau a scratch behind the ears and hands him two treats. "You look hungry. Make sure to keep your strength up, love." Sie stretches hir wings and walks half-way out the door. "So, are we ready to go, my beloved brother and sister-mates?"

Antiman looks at Tau with hir head cocked in such a way that seems to communicate confusion. Sie had thought that sie had mentioned this in the kitchen. Perhaps sie told Dio about this before Tau had come back into the kitchen. Sie looks at Meni in surprise, "RSX came up with it, love? I found the hypo in Kesai at Zypher after sie escapes from some 'wite coats'. Is there a security problem at Zypher?"

Dio longingly looks at the treat, as the lion has been quite hungry himself lately. However, he tries to hide it the best he can. After all, there are more important things at the moment. "From what I've gathered, Zeph experimented and RSX wants. I'm sure we'll figure something out with some investigation."

Tau grins as sie took the treats. Sie'd just had some food given by Anti, but sie wasn't about to say no. Certainly not. Sie chomped on one and notices dio staring. Sie really REALLY doesn't want to do this, but sie holds the remaining one out to him and says "Here."

Meniatz nods. "Most likely, love. Either this was the result of corporate espionage or collusion between the two factions." Sie growls a softly as sie continues. "Regardless, I've developed several new strains of nanites based off of the samples in Kesai's hypo. I can't wait to test them." Sie says with a wicked grin. Seeing Tau give Dio one of hir treats, Meni's expression softens a bit as sie gives the wolf a hug. "You're so generous, love! It's one of your best qualities~" Sie nibbles at Tau's ear before giving hir a kiss. "If you're hungry, Dio, you don't need to hide it." Sie says with a smile as sie pulls out two more treats. "I've got plenty to go around." Sie tosses one to Dio and gives the other to Tau.

Antiman thought that sie could see Dio look hungerly at the treat in Meni's hand but chuckle purs at the thought. The ration that sie gave Dio was enough calories to feed someone for an entire day, "Last night must have taken alot out of you, love. That ration pack is enough to feed someone for an entire day. You were badly hurt though so the nanites might need the energy as well to make deeper repairs." Sie was happy that Tau was able to think beyond his own stomach when it came to treats. Sie give Meni a searching look, "As long as it's a benifit to all love I'll support you in your research." Sie does a quick check on hir pouches including the one with...energetic compounds and devices to make sure that sie has everything that sie thinks that sie might need, "I'm ready to go. Everyone make sure you have everything that you might need because we're not going to have it over there."

Dio chuckles a little when Tau offers him hir treat. He holds out and shakes his paw in response. "I really appreciate the offer, but I'm fine. The ration just hasn't digested yet, so my body still thinks I'm quite hungry." However, he certainly doesn't refuse the treat tossed to him as the lion chomps it down in one go. "Thank you very much, ma'am. It was delicious as always. Anyways..." Dio claps his paws together once. "We should be off before we lose too much time. I'm ready to go when you guys are."

Tau grinned again and took the treat. Aw yeah, it really did pay off sometimes to be nice to people. Sie smirks to Dio's reaction. "Oh, so you won't take a treat from me, but you'll take one from Meniatz, I see how it is." Sie says jokingly before eating the treat sie got. "Right then. I got a pack full of ammo and my trigger finger's itchy. Let's move."

Meniatz picks up Dio and stretches hir wings as sie pads out the door. "Okay, love. It should be quicker if we fly. Just hold on tight while I carry you. Anti can carry Tau, since you're a bit too big to fly with hir." Sie gives Dio a kiss as sie takes off.

Antiman gets down on all fours and crouches down for Tau to climb on, "Don't worry, love. I've carried bigger."

"Whoa!" Dio certainly looked surprised as he was scooped up. "Can't say I've been carried before, but I'm sure it'll be more fun than the helicopter." Dio returns the kiss as they fly off.

Tau climbs up on Antiman and wraps hir arms and legs around hir. "Okay. Ready."

It was a rather long flight from Fairhaven California to Woodfield City Washington; cold, windy, and a little wet but rather uneventful. Strangely, no other creatures had even come within sight on their flight to the RSX headquarters. Until one looked down towards the ground along their flight path where lay broken bodies of flying creatures and, if one's eyes were sharp enough, a glimmering trail of spent chaingun cartridges.

As they neared the city, there glimmered not only the RSX building, but a flame and smoke spewing wreckage of one of the helicopters they'd been following. It had made a hard landing in the city streets in a mass of twisted metal just short of the RSX building.

Meniatz looks around the area, horrified and disgusted by the shattered remains of the various winged creatures. They had once been human. Some of them probably still had their wits about them--certainly moreso than the animals who did this. "This place reeks of death. Be careful, loves."

Dio looks and admires all the wreckage, doing an impressed whistle as he does. "Wow, that's certainly something." Dio uses a paw to point down at all the wreckage not far away from the RSX building. "Perhaps we should begin our investigation there? Could be some more clues in that wreckage."

Tau shouts to the others "Jeez, what the hell happened? I hope kesai wasn't in that one!" After dio speaks, sie adds "That makes sense. There should be at least *something*." How many of the flying creatures were there? Did they all rush the copters, or what? And why?

Antiman found the flight to Wood field to be erily silent. Given hir catbird eyesight sie could see the broken bodies of fliers whos only crime was being in the choppers flight path. Sie was horrified and pissed at the sight, "How meny that could have been brought back from being lost have they killed? How meny brothers, sisters and spouses?" Sie nods at hir siste mate. Sie took grim satafaction at seeing on of the helecopters in flame but hoped that it wasn't the one that Kesai was in, "Good idea Dio. We need to know if that was the one that Kesai was in. We need to assume that they rescued survivors, but if not we need to be careful. I hope no one has a problem with rigourious questioning?"

Meniatz sniffs the air, hoping to get Kesai's scent as sie tosses a large chunk of scrap metal out of the way. "Kesai!? Are you in there?" Sie then turns to Tau. "Could you be a good guard wolf and make sure we don't get taken by surprise while Anti, Dio, and I clear out some of this wreckage?"

Whomever had reached the wreckage first hadn't even bothered to strip the vehicle, but that was a moot point since the vehicle was burning rather vigorously. However, the rope that had carried the soldiers and Kesai under the aircraft lay almost neatly laid out east to west on the street. By the position of the aircraft, it was apparent that the pilots and crew had given their lives to ensure the safe landing of the troops and vixen that were attached to the craft. Other than two sets of boot prints leading up to and away from the aircraft, all other foot prints lead north towards the RSX building... except for one drag trail that lead into a building not immediately in danger of burning or collapsing.

The scent of Kesai, especially the strong scent of her heat, lead right up to the rope that had been attached to the helicopter and due north to the RSX building. No troops or aircraft were in sight.

Meniatz examines the boot prints and sniffs the air, finding Kesai's scent. Sie smiles and guides hir sibling-mates north towards the scent, taking great care not to catch the attention of any RSX agents in the area.

"Rigorous questioning is one of my specialties," Dio says with an awfully large grin. The lion's previous life of various criminal activities often called for acts of intimidation and the occasional bluff. Dio helps to sort through the wreckage until the footprints are found. He sniffs around in the air and also catches Kesai's scent. In a loud whisper, the lion murmurs, "You guys smell that too? Let's follow it." He waves to the others and follow behind Meni.

Tau follows after Meni, and makes sure to keep a close eye on their surrounding so nothing could sneak up on them. Sie couldn't smell what dio did, Sie wasn't very proficient in animal matters, despite the hold hir instincts had on hir. "I can't. I can't really...pick out smells too well."

Antiman looks around for survivors as they approach the downed helecopter. Sie hopes that there is one to question. Sie doubts it though given the proximity to RSX headquarters and how sevear the crash appeard to be, but it doesn't keep hir from hoping. And if the RSX agent shoud be uncoprerative that's one of the reasons sie has a few infection vials. Sie takes no pleasure in mutating some one against their will but it can be effective in getting someone to answer questions. As they get closer to the wreckage hir suspisions are confirmed no survivors present. Sie could read to trails and the scents just as well as hir sister-mate. Sie follows hir sister-mate with all due caution. Sie wishes not for the first time that sie had a firearm. Sie remembers that sie had quite a collection of them before P-day. For some reason the memory brings up resentment for some organization called TSA. Sie open beak grins at Dio's response, "Hir scent is unmistakable," Sie wispers back. *As is the scent of fear on it as well.* sie thinks. Flicks an ear at Tau, "We'll help teach you how latter love." Sie wispers, "It's a great advantage that we have over the humans but it needs to be trained."

Whomever had planted the mines... probably should have gone back to basic training. Three claymore mines that would have filled the street with a cloud of death and pain faced down the street. All three claymore mines were very poorly hidden and it was obvious the detonator lead into a building watching the street. There was an audible click to those with sharp ears followed by... nothing. Then, even those without sharp ears could hear a string of curses.

Meniatz pats Tau on the head and gives hir a hug. "That's okay, love." Sie whispers something to Tau and nuzzles hir before returning to Kesai's trail. Hearing a loud *click*, Meni perks up hir ears and looks at the mines near hir feet. Scanning the from the detonator to the building, and hearing the profanities from within, sie grins as sie draws skyfang and pads slowly to the entrance. Without charging hir chainsword, Meni severs the exposed detonation line in case the architect of this little death-trap isn't completely incompetent. "I think we found them!"

Dio continues to search and sniff around until he notices all the rather obviously placed traps. He chuckles slightly in amusement until he hears the very distinct clicking noise and explosion. "I think we did indeed," the lion says with a grin in agreement. He chases after Meni making sure not to trigger any of the traps.

Tau looks to Meniatz after the whisper. Hir expression is kind of unreadable, but sie nods. Sie jumps a little at the click and then looks to the source of the curses. After a chuckle, sie says "Oh jeez. You gotta be kidding. The boys with bomb disposal would have a riot." And then follows after Meni and Dio.

Antiman using hir skills as an IED specialist spots the claymore mines with ridiclous ease. In fact sie was sure that a hapless kindergartener coud have done a better job. Sie opened hir beak to warn Meni who was getting way too close to the directional mines when sie heard the click of the detonator and nothing happened. Sie was professionaly discusted at the poor job. Sie pulled hir bolo blade out, "Rember love we'll need them alive." Sie said this to remind hirself as much as hir sister-mate. Sie crouch runs to the building that the detonator line came from. *Another thing to add to their list of incompentance.* Sie thinks, *Wireless command detonation would have been a lot more secure in the event of a failuar.*

Leading inside the building were drag marks from earlier, craving a trail through the dust and detritus of an unmaintained city but streaks of dried blood added to the trail. The drag marks continued into the building along with the blood, streaked across the tiled floor of what had been some sort of clothing shop and behind the counters. Inside, the smell of blood was quite evident along with the labored breaths of a lone RSX agent.

The human operative lay in a small, but growing pool of blood and her clothing was soaked in blood amidst her mangled lower legs. She was stripped of armor, weapons, and equipment save the detonator. It was apparent she was injured in the crash and was left behind as a suicidal rear guard for the rest of the troops.