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<div></div><br> <br>It is early as Mira continues to work on the new beam fashioned weapon. It was too strong, no matter what she did, it would end up hurting the user as much as their target. "I could lower the output twenty percent more.. but.. then it would be weaker then the one I use now, and Mistress would probably rather use the grenade launcher I'd built her instead." She looks back to her books, recording the information and analizing it. This one was all about induction and how to use capacators. She shakes her squeeky head, no longer bothered by her own sqeekiness. This wasn't the first time that she'd ran into one of Redd's friends, last time she'd been turned into a Feral Fennic for a week! Fortunately, something kept her mind from ever being effected, but the taur had.... other problems now too. Being full of this warm gel, she had no bones, muscles, or flesh to speak of! Also, her twin cocks were perpetually hard. She didn't know how to deflate them! She... seems unusually used to this though too, as if she'd had to deal with this before as well. Her clothes still worked however, and she was fairly well covered, except for the bludges in the back from the hidden orbs, and the pressing out in the front from where her rod tips hit it.<br> <br>Daniel really didn't want to go into the communication room, he REALLY didn't want to go in there. The last time he did he had a laser pistol pulled out on him with the energy setting switched to MAX. But he had to, he'd figured out what might be the most effective method for curing her of her fear of him. ... He starts to fly in, and stops himself, clenches his teeth, tries again, stops, slaps himself in the face, and then flies right in with his eyes closed. "MIRA I'M HERE TO FIX YOU!" He shouts, not entirely sure if she was even in, but he still carried a look of panic on his face, his eyes still closed tight so he wouldn't have to look his impending death in the face.<br> <br>Miranai looks up as the sliding doors come open quickly and, her eyes go wide. Not full of kits, she is amazingly more agile. "Stay right there! Stop... don't.. don't move.. don't more." She gets on her wetware immediantly. She was linked to her normal bots, and they were powering up. 6 seconds is all they would need to be fully functional, and they were just in the server room. Tod on the other hand, looks up at the distress call, and runs to the sliding door between the craft area and the computer room. The door opens and he rushes in, standing between Mira and Dan. He looks confused though, why would Mira be feel threatened by.. this? He sniffs a bit.. this thing even helped Mira with her kits... but.. these instinctual thoughts are pused aside as Mira continues to exert her minor contorl over him. She starts growling, stancing out. "Please... did.. did Mistress send you... please no.." She says continuing to stare at Dan.<br> <br>Daniel opens his eyes, slowly, so he could shut them again if she were to be dangerous right now. ... Why was she made of rubber? He slowly lowers his tension, and looks around, he needed something to try and lower her guard. "Relax, I'm here to help you. I'm tired of you being scared of me because I'm honestly not that big a threat. Seriously, if I were to try anything, you could just swat me out of the air and stomp me to death, would I be here right now if my intentions were to cause you harm?" He was hoping his words got through to her at least, because honestly, they weren't that far from the truth, he was rather squishy for something made of metal.<br> <br>Miranai continues to look with panic fo Daniel, "Please no.. no.." She had no rational thing to be afraid of. Even her smallest of weapons or bots could probably deal with Danielle, but to her, she was seeing something that would make a Quetzalcoatl quake with fear. Everything she'd ever had done to her flooding into her head as one of her 'clients' flew into the room, "More.... worse then a feral..." the words from Spade, Shirai, and Kilsa echoing to her. She back quickly against the bay door behind the bench she was working, squeeking the whole way. Her bots are fully powered and begin moving to their creator's aid.<br> <br>Daniel grits his teeth a little, with those bots after him, this was only going to get harder. And there was no way in hell he'd be able to try and direct control with his own uplink, Mira had better wetware than he did, AND she'd been doing it longer than him. Gah, he had to try SOMETHING at least. He takes a deep breath, watches the movements of those droids carefully, and darts between them and towards the taur. He lunges for her head, intent on doing some comfort petting, hoping to god that this didn't end up killing him.<br> <br>The door opens to the room just before Daniel's death or glory lunge, a familiar equine female stepping into the room with a tray of food in her arms. "Mira, I saw you were working in here again and I thought I'd get you a-" the equine starts with a smile before spotting the drama in the room and more importantly Daniel. She quickly pushes the tray of food onto the table, taking off after the fae. "Doctor! Stop! Mira told me not to let you near her!"<br> <br>Miranai starts to panic even further as what she percieves as a living hell flies toward her. Agile herself, she tries a moment to get away, but the fae is far more so, landing on his intended target. She breaks down, something like tears running from her eyes as she hiccups her breaths. She falls upon her rods and belly, holding herself as tight as she can, skin squicking as she does. "No.. please no..." She says as she reflexively raises her tail. "What... did you.. pay for...?" She finally asks mind flying back to when she was nothing more then a sex slave. The pets don't go unnoticed however, the latex taur being very affectionate, tries to lean her head into them more despite everything else. Tiya goes unnoticed by the panicing girl.<br> <br>Daniel grins a bit as he reaches his target, grappling one of her ears and rubbing it calmly. The boy just sits there, gently running his nails down her ears as he attempts to calm the mostly-broken taur. "Shh... I didn't pay for anything... I'm here to help you. I want to make you better again, I'm not here for sex, I'm here to make you happy." He tried speaking as calmly as he could manage, but even with her in this state, he was still terrified of what she could possibly do to him if she got frightened.<br> <br>Tiya snorts in annoyance as she's ignored, threading her way through the room until she's in arms reach of Daniel, suddenly reaching out to grab the fairy in her large hands, pulling him off the latex taur, gripping in hard. "Leave Mira alone, Doctor. Mira said not to let you near her, I'm not letting you near her," she says, stepping away from the fox pointedly. "Are you okay, Mira? Will you calm down?"<br> <br>Tiya snorts in annoyance as she's ignored, threading her way through the room until she's in arms reach of Daniel, suddenly reaching out to try and grab the fairy in her large hand,  wantingpulling him off the latex taur before she can collapse in fright. "Leave Mira alone, Doctor. Mira said not to let you near her, I'm not letting you near her," she says, tossing her mane in fright for the consequences. "Are you okay, Mira? Will you calm down?"<br> <br>Miranai gasps out a few more times, then, her ears are rubbed... and rubbed.. and rubbed. While the horrors continue in her mind and she whimpers, she stops shaking slowly the more her ears get rubbed. Gradually, she seems to relax greatly, the taur's natural reflex, she'd had this from even before P-Day. Her wimpers slowly turn to murrs, relaxing into a ball of ... latex. She can't stop the images and feelings, but at least her body is no longer responding to them, at least as long as Dan can keep rubbing her ears.<br> <br>Daniel quickly scurries behind the taur's ear, trying to avoid the hand trying to grab him. "No Tiya, I'm going to fix Mira's fear of me, and the first step is to help her trust me again! If I can do that, you won't NEED to pull me away from her!" Meanwhile, he keeps up the petting, hoping this was doing something more than making her relax. He had his doubts, but he had to be hopeful at least. ... He feels lust building up. With a deep breath and a little focus, he manages to flush it from his body, and send out a specific antibody to keep those chemicals away from his mind. Thank god he had that installed, lust would certainly throw a wrench in his plans.<br> <br>Tiya whimpers and squats down in front of Mira, frowning, snorting and tossing her mane in worry. "A-are you sure, doctor? What can I do?" she asks, mutely reaching out to start rubbing over move of the ball of latex, looking upset. "Can I help? I want Mira happy... If Mira's happier without Doctor being around..."<br> <br>Miranai simply comtinues to relax more and more. She is little more then a curled up ball, and would normally be in heaven. but.. she can't stop the feelings of having her holes violated time and time again, all day long, all of them, while two more /things/ enjoy her rods. She was her mistress' favorate pet, and most profitable slave. Easiest to control too. She can't respond, her body in ectasy but mind in hell, voice nowhere to be found, she can't even maintain the link to her bots, them stopping and waiting for more commands .... even NURSE.<br> <br>Daniel peers over at NURSE, and an idea hits him. He was still trusted by that little droid, maybe he could use her for some assistance. With his head, he motions for her to come over, quickly loading her with some of the builder nanites he uses to keep his maintenance going. "NURSE, I need you to drug the taur, keep her docile so I can help her out. If I can expose myself to her enough, she just might grow numb to my presence."<br> <br>Tiya whimpers loudly, reaching out to wrap her arms around Enaari, hugging her and licking at her latex flesh, tossing her mane in worry. "What do I do," she asks, Daniel again, plainly worried, nuzzling against the ball of latex that is her friend, looking distraught. "You'll be okay, Mira... Please be okay..."<br> <br>Miranai curls herself up tighter and murrs softly. Her mind races, frantically, as her 'bits' react to the torture in her head, leaking or wetting in responce. NURSE's screen lights back up though and it begins to process. "Recognising User.... User Daniel, Level 2. Command input not found, routing to server..... command recognised, Sedation." She then overs over to Mira and passes and odd green beam over the taur. As the bot does this, Mira slowly stops responding at all, mind slowing, body numbing. NURSE continues to output information, "Estimated level of Sedation, 12% ... 25% .... 45% ... 65% ... 75% ..." The higher the number goes, the less Mira moves and the less sound she makes. Even her leaning into Tiya's nuzzling gets weaker and weaker.
<div></div><br> <br>It is early as Mira continues to work on the new beam fashioned weapon. It was too strong, no matter what she did, it would end up hurting the user as much as their target. "I could lower the output twenty percent more.. but.. then it would be weaker then the one I use now, and Mistress would probably rather use the grenade launcher I'd built her instead." She looks back to her books, recording the information and analizing it. This one was all about induction and how to use capacators. She shakes her squeeky head, no longer bothered by her own sqeekiness. This wasn't the first time that she'd ran into one of Redd's friends, last time she'd been turned into a Feral Fennic for a week! Fortunately, something kept her mind from ever being effected, but the taur had.... other problems now too. Being full of this warm gel, she had no bones, muscles, or flesh to speak of! Also, her twin cocks were perpetually hard. She didn't know how to deflate them! She... seems unusually used to this though too, as if she'd had to deal with this before as well. Her clothes still worked however, and she was fairly well covered, except for the bludges in the back from the hidden orbs, and the pressing out in the front from where her rod tips hit it.<br> <br>Daniel really didn't want to go into the communication room, he REALLY didn't want to go in there. The last time he did he had a laser pistol pulled out on him with the energy setting switched to MAX. But he had to, he'd figured out what might be the most effective method for curing her of her fear of him. ... He starts to fly in, and stops himself, clenches his teeth, tries again, stops, slaps himself in the face, and then flies right in with his eyes closed. "MIRA I'M HERE TO FIX YOU!" He shouts, not entirely sure if she was even in, but he still carried a look of panic on his face, his eyes still closed tight so he wouldn't have to look his impending death in the face.<br> <br>Miranai looks up as the sliding doors come open quickly and, her eyes go wide. Not full of kits, she is amazingly more agile. "Stay right there! Stop... don't.. don't move.. don't more." She gets on her wetware immediantly. She was linked to her normal bots, and they were powering up. 6 seconds is all they would need to be fully functional, and they were just in the server room. Tod on the other hand, looks up at the distress call, and runs to the sliding door between the craft area and the computer room. The door opens and he rushes in, standing between Mira and Dan. He looks confused though, why would Mira be feel threatened by.. this? He sniffs a bit.. this thing even helped Mira with her kits... but.. these instinctual thoughts are pused aside as Mira continues to exert her minor contorl over him. She starts growling, stancing out. "Please... did.. did Mistress send you... please no.." She says continuing to stare at Dan.<br> <br>Daniel opens his eyes, slowly, so he could shut them again if she were to be dangerous right now. ... Why was she made of rubber? He slowly lowers his tension, and looks around, he needed something to try and lower her guard. "Relax, I'm here to help you. I'm tired of you being scared of me because I'm honestly not that big a threat. Seriously, if I were to try anything, you could just swat me out of the air and stomp me to death, would I be here right now if my intentions were to cause you harm?" He was hoping his words got through to her at least, because honestly, they weren't that far from the truth, he was rather squishy for something made of metal.<br> <br>Miranai continues to look with panic fo Daniel, "Please no.. no.." She had no rational thing to be afraid of. Even her smallest of weapons or bots could probably deal with Danielle, but to her, she was seeing something that would make a Quetzalcoatl quake with fear. Everything she'd ever had done to her flooding into her head as one of her 'clients' flew into the room, "More.... worse then a feral..." the words from Spade, Shirai, and Kilsa echoing to her. She back quickly against the bay door behind the bench she was working, squeeking the whole way. Her bots are fully powered and begin moving to their creator's aid.<br> <br>Daniel grits his teeth a little, with those bots after him, this was only going to get harder. And there was no way in hell he'd be able to try and direct control with his own uplink, Mira had better wetware than he did, AND she'd been doing it longer than him. Gah, he had to try SOMETHING at least. He takes a deep breath, watches the movements of those droids carefully, and darts between them and towards the taur. He lunges for her head, intent on doing some comfort petting, hoping to god that this didn't end up killing him.<br> <br>The door opens to the room just before Daniel's death or glory lunge, a familiar equine female stepping into the room with a tray of food in her arms. "Mira, I saw you were working in here again and I thought I'd get you a-" the equine starts with a smile before spotting the drama in the room and more importantly Daniel. She quickly pushes the tray of food onto the table, taking off after the fae. "Doctor! Stop! Mira told me not to let you near her!"<br> <br>Miranai starts to panic even further as what she percieves as a living hell flies toward her. Agile herself, she tries a moment to get away, but the fae is far more so, landing on his intended target. She breaks down, something like tears running from her eyes as she hiccups her breaths. She falls upon her rods and belly, holding herself as tight as she can, skin squicking as she does. "No.. please no..." She says as she reflexively raises her tail. "What... did you.. pay for...?" She finally asks mind flying back to when she was nothing more then a sex slave. The pets don't go unnoticed however, the latex taur being very affectionate, tries to lean her head into them more despite everything else. Tiya goes unnoticed by the panicing girl.<br> <br>Daniel grins a bit as he reaches his target, grappling one of her ears and rubbing it calmly. The boy just sits there, gently running his nails down her ears as he attempts to calm the mostly-broken taur. "Shh... I didn't pay for anything... I'm here to help you. I want to make you better again, I'm not here for sex, I'm here to make you happy." He tried speaking as calmly as he could manage, but even with her in this state, he was still terrified of what she could possibly do to him if she got frightened.<br> <br>Tiya snorts in annoyance as she's ignored, threading her way through the room until she's in arms reach of Daniel, suddenly reaching out to grab the fairy in her large hands, pulling him off the latex taur, gripping in hard. "Leave Mira alone, Doctor. Mira said not to let you near her, I'm not letting you near her," she says, stepping away from the fox pointedly. "Are you okay, Mira? Will you calm down?"<br> <br>Tiya snorts in annoyance as she's ignored, threading her way through the room until she's in arms reach of Daniel, suddenly reaching out to try and grab the fairy in her large hand,  wantingpulling him off the latex taur before she can collapse in fright. "Leave Mira alone, Doctor. Mira said not to let you near her, I'm not letting you near her," she says, tossing her mane in fright for the consequences. "Are you okay, Mira? Will you calm down?"<br> <br>Miranai gasps out a few more times, then, her ears are rubbed... and rubbed.. and rubbed. While the horrors continue in her mind and she whimpers, she stops shaking slowly the more her ears get rubbed. Gradually, she seems to relax greatly, the taur's natural reflex, she'd had this from even before P-Day. Her wimpers slowly turn to murrs, relaxing into a ball of ... latex. She can't stop the images and feelings, but at least her body is no longer responding to them, at least as long as Dan can keep rubbing her ears.<br> <br>Daniel quickly scurries behind the taur's ear, trying to avoid the hand trying to grab him. "No Tiya, I'm going to fix Mira's fear of me, and the first step is to help her trust me again! If I can do that, you won't NEED to pull me away from her!" Meanwhile, he keeps up the petting, hoping this was doing something more than making her relax. He had his doubts, but he had to be hopeful at least. ... He feels lust building up. With a deep breath and a little focus, he manages to flush it from his body, and send out a specific antibody to keep those chemicals away from his mind. Thank god he had that installed, lust would certainly throw a wrench in his plans.<br> <br>Tiya whimpers and squats down in front of Mira, frowning, snorting and tossing her mane in worry. "A-are you sure, doctor? What can I do?" she asks, mutely reaching out to start rubbing over move of the ball of latex, looking upset. "Can I help? I want Mira happy... If Mira's happier without Doctor being around..."<br> <br>Miranai simply comtinues to relax more and more. She is little more then a curled up ball, and would normally be in heaven. but.. she can't stop the feelings of having her holes violated time and time again, all day long, all of them, while two more /things/ enjoy her rods. She was her mistress' favorate pet, and most profitable slave. Easiest to control too. She can't respond, her body in ectasy but mind in hell, voice nowhere to be found, she can't even maintain the link to her bots, them stopping and waiting for more commands .... even NURSE.<br> <br>Daniel peers over at NURSE, and an idea hits him. He was still trusted by that little droid, maybe he could use her for some assistance. With his head, he motions for her to come over, quickly loading her with some of the builder nanites he uses to keep his maintenance going. "NURSE, I need you to drug the taur, keep her docile so I can help her out. If I can expose myself to her enough, she just might grow numb to my presence."<br> <br>Tiya whimpers loudly, reaching out to wrap her arms around Enaari, hugging her and licking at her latex flesh, tossing her mane in worry. "What do I do," she asks, Daniel again, plainly worried, nuzzling against the ball of latex that is her friend, looking distraught. "You'll be okay, Mira... Please be okay..."<br> <br>Miranai curls herself up tighter and murrs softly. Her mind races, frantically, as her 'bits' react to the torture in her head, leaking or wetting in responce. NURSE's screen lights back up though and it begins to process. "Recognising User.... User Daniel, Level 2. Command input not found, routing to server..... command recognised, Sedation." She then overs over to Mira and passes and odd green beam over the taur. As the bot does this, Mira slowly stops responding at all, mind slowing, body numbing. NURSE continues to output information, "Estimated level of Sedation, 12% ... 25% .... 45% ... 65% ... 75% ..." The higher the number goes, the less Mira moves and the less sound she makes. Even her leaning into Tiya's nuzzling gets weaker and weaker.[[Category:RPLogs]]

Latest revision as of 03:02, 3 March 2013





It is early as Mira continues to work on the new beam fashioned weapon. It was too strong, no matter what she did, it would end up hurting the user as much as their target. "I could lower the output twenty percent more.. but.. then it would be weaker then the one I use now, and Mistress would probably rather use the grenade launcher I'd built her instead." She looks back to her books, recording the information and analizing it. This one was all about induction and how to use capacators. She shakes her squeeky head, no longer bothered by her own sqeekiness. This wasn't the first time that she'd ran into one of Redd's friends, last time she'd been turned into a Feral Fennic for a week! Fortunately, something kept her mind from ever being effected, but the taur had.... other problems now too. Being full of this warm gel, she had no bones, muscles, or flesh to speak of! Also, her twin cocks were perpetually hard. She didn't know how to deflate them! She... seems unusually used to this though too, as if she'd had to deal with this before as well. Her clothes still worked however, and she was fairly well covered, except for the bludges in the back from the hidden orbs, and the pressing out in the front from where her rod tips hit it.

Daniel really didn't want to go into the communication room, he REALLY didn't want to go in there. The last time he did he had a laser pistol pulled out on him with the energy setting switched to MAX. But he had to, he'd figured out what might be the most effective method for curing her of her fear of him. ... He starts to fly in, and stops himself, clenches his teeth, tries again, stops, slaps himself in the face, and then flies right in with his eyes closed. "MIRA I'M HERE TO FIX YOU!" He shouts, not entirely sure if she was even in, but he still carried a look of panic on his face, his eyes still closed tight so he wouldn't have to look his impending death in the face.

Miranai looks up as the sliding doors come open quickly and, her eyes go wide. Not full of kits, she is amazingly more agile. "Stay right there! Stop... don't.. don't move.. don't more." She gets on her wetware immediantly. She was linked to her normal bots, and they were powering up. 6 seconds is all they would need to be fully functional, and they were just in the server room. Tod on the other hand, looks up at the distress call, and runs to the sliding door between the craft area and the computer room. The door opens and he rushes in, standing between Mira and Dan. He looks confused though, why would Mira be feel threatened by.. this? He sniffs a bit.. this thing even helped Mira with her kits... but.. these instinctual thoughts are pused aside as Mira continues to exert her minor contorl over him. She starts growling, stancing out. "Please... did.. did Mistress send you... please no.." She says continuing to stare at Dan.

Daniel opens his eyes, slowly, so he could shut them again if she were to be dangerous right now. ... Why was she made of rubber? He slowly lowers his tension, and looks around, he needed something to try and lower her guard. "Relax, I'm here to help you. I'm tired of you being scared of me because I'm honestly not that big a threat. Seriously, if I were to try anything, you could just swat me out of the air and stomp me to death, would I be here right now if my intentions were to cause you harm?" He was hoping his words got through to her at least, because honestly, they weren't that far from the truth, he was rather squishy for something made of metal.

Miranai continues to look with panic fo Daniel, "Please no.. no.." She had no rational thing to be afraid of. Even her smallest of weapons or bots could probably deal with Danielle, but to her, she was seeing something that would make a Quetzalcoatl quake with fear. Everything she'd ever had done to her flooding into her head as one of her 'clients' flew into the room, "More.... worse then a feral..." the words from Spade, Shirai, and Kilsa echoing to her. She back quickly against the bay door behind the bench she was working, squeeking the whole way. Her bots are fully powered and begin moving to their creator's aid.

Daniel grits his teeth a little, with those bots after him, this was only going to get harder. And there was no way in hell he'd be able to try and direct control with his own uplink, Mira had better wetware than he did, AND she'd been doing it longer than him. Gah, he had to try SOMETHING at least. He takes a deep breath, watches the movements of those droids carefully, and darts between them and towards the taur. He lunges for her head, intent on doing some comfort petting, hoping to god that this didn't end up killing him.

The door opens to the room just before Daniel's death or glory lunge, a familiar equine female stepping into the room with a tray of food in her arms. "Mira, I saw you were working in here again and I thought I'd get you a-" the equine starts with a smile before spotting the drama in the room and more importantly Daniel. She quickly pushes the tray of food onto the table, taking off after the fae. "Doctor! Stop! Mira told me not to let you near her!"

Miranai starts to panic even further as what she percieves as a living hell flies toward her. Agile herself, she tries a moment to get away, but the fae is far more so, landing on his intended target. She breaks down, something like tears running from her eyes as she hiccups her breaths. She falls upon her rods and belly, holding herself as tight as she can, skin squicking as she does. "No.. please no..." She says as she reflexively raises her tail. "What... did you.. pay for...?" She finally asks mind flying back to when she was nothing more then a sex slave. The pets don't go unnoticed however, the latex taur being very affectionate, tries to lean her head into them more despite everything else. Tiya goes unnoticed by the panicing girl.

Daniel grins a bit as he reaches his target, grappling one of her ears and rubbing it calmly. The boy just sits there, gently running his nails down her ears as he attempts to calm the mostly-broken taur. "Shh... I didn't pay for anything... I'm here to help you. I want to make you better again, I'm not here for sex, I'm here to make you happy." He tried speaking as calmly as he could manage, but even with her in this state, he was still terrified of what she could possibly do to him if she got frightened.

Tiya snorts in annoyance as she's ignored, threading her way through the room until she's in arms reach of Daniel, suddenly reaching out to grab the fairy in her large hands, pulling him off the latex taur, gripping in hard. "Leave Mira alone, Doctor. Mira said not to let you near her, I'm not letting you near her," she says, stepping away from the fox pointedly. "Are you okay, Mira? Will you calm down?"

Tiya snorts in annoyance as she's ignored, threading her way through the room until she's in arms reach of Daniel, suddenly reaching out to try and grab the fairy in her large hand, wantingpulling him off the latex taur before she can collapse in fright. "Leave Mira alone, Doctor. Mira said not to let you near her, I'm not letting you near her," she says, tossing her mane in fright for the consequences. "Are you okay, Mira? Will you calm down?"

Miranai gasps out a few more times, then, her ears are rubbed... and rubbed.. and rubbed. While the horrors continue in her mind and she whimpers, she stops shaking slowly the more her ears get rubbed. Gradually, she seems to relax greatly, the taur's natural reflex, she'd had this from even before P-Day. Her wimpers slowly turn to murrs, relaxing into a ball of ... latex. She can't stop the images and feelings, but at least her body is no longer responding to them, at least as long as Dan can keep rubbing her ears.

Daniel quickly scurries behind the taur's ear, trying to avoid the hand trying to grab him. "No Tiya, I'm going to fix Mira's fear of me, and the first step is to help her trust me again! If I can do that, you won't NEED to pull me away from her!" Meanwhile, he keeps up the petting, hoping this was doing something more than making her relax. He had his doubts, but he had to be hopeful at least. ... He feels lust building up. With a deep breath and a little focus, he manages to flush it from his body, and send out a specific antibody to keep those chemicals away from his mind. Thank god he had that installed, lust would certainly throw a wrench in his plans.

Tiya whimpers and squats down in front of Mira, frowning, snorting and tossing her mane in worry. "A-are you sure, doctor? What can I do?" she asks, mutely reaching out to start rubbing over move of the ball of latex, looking upset. "Can I help? I want Mira happy... If Mira's happier without Doctor being around..."

Miranai simply comtinues to relax more and more. She is little more then a curled up ball, and would normally be in heaven. but.. she can't stop the feelings of having her holes violated time and time again, all day long, all of them, while two more /things/ enjoy her rods. She was her mistress' favorate pet, and most profitable slave. Easiest to control too. She can't respond, her body in ectasy but mind in hell, voice nowhere to be found, she can't even maintain the link to her bots, them stopping and waiting for more commands .... even NURSE.

Daniel peers over at NURSE, and an idea hits him. He was still trusted by that little droid, maybe he could use her for some assistance. With his head, he motions for her to come over, quickly loading her with some of the builder nanites he uses to keep his maintenance going. "NURSE, I need you to drug the taur, keep her docile so I can help her out. If I can expose myself to her enough, she just might grow numb to my presence."

Tiya whimpers loudly, reaching out to wrap her arms around Enaari, hugging her and licking at her latex flesh, tossing her mane in worry. "What do I do," she asks, Daniel again, plainly worried, nuzzling against the ball of latex that is her friend, looking distraught. "You'll be okay, Mira... Please be okay..."

Miranai curls herself up tighter and murrs softly. Her mind races, frantically, as her 'bits' react to the torture in her head, leaking or wetting in responce. NURSE's screen lights back up though and it begins to process. "Recognising User.... User Daniel, Level 2. Command input not found, routing to server..... command recognised, Sedation." She then overs over to Mira and passes and odd green beam over the taur. As the bot does this, Mira slowly stops responding at all, mind slowing, body numbing. NURSE continues to output information, "Estimated level of Sedation, 12% ... 25% .... 45% ... 65% ... 75% ..." The higher the number goes, the less Mira moves and the less sound she makes. Even her leaning into Tiya's nuzzling gets weaker and weaker.