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<div></div><br> <br>Antiman opens the door with hir beak and walks in, shutting the door with hir tail, "Hi love! I got a few beads for that collar we talked about. I even managed to get a few Native American style ones from some of the coyotes."<br> <br>Cupcake has been in here longer than she can remember... and what she could remember was a little hazy. Not that she was arguing, it was soft, warm, and cozy in here. She smiles subconsciously.<br> <br>Meniatz hugs Anti as shi greets hir. "That's great! I found an old leather collar, some brightly-colored thread, and some shinies for us to use. We're going to make you one of the prettiest collars ever!" Shi cheers as shi takes a sip of mint-flavored coffee, feeding both hirself and Cup as some of the nutrients are transferred into hir womb. Shi hopes hir daughter likes it. "I'll go get them." Shi returns two minutes later with the materials for the collar.<br> <br>Antiman chirp purs, "I like shinies, but I don't want too much shinie. It might detract from the color." Sie walks on all fours to the kitchen table where sie climbs on to a chair and sits two legged style. From a pouch on hir belt sie pulls out an assortment of brightly collored beads, quite a few appear hand made as well as quite a few long white ones made of bone.<br> <br>Cupcake mentally sings to herself as she rests in her mother's womb, smiling cheerily as ever. And then she tastes something faint, was that coffee? Oh my, it had some mint in it too... she loved mint coffee! A couple memories unhaze as she remembers a few mishaps with the coffee machine back at Zephyr.<br> <br>Meniatz smiles and nuzzles up to Anti. "These will look really nice on you. So, I was thinking we could stitch your name onto the collar, and set up some sort of symbolic design that represents you--kind of like mine." Shi points to the serpentine design on either side of the embroidered name on hir own collar.<br> <br>Antiman open beaked smiles at hir mate, "It looks really nice on you love!" Sie thinks about hir collar design, "I think a condor or eagle superimposed over a sun." Sie points to the long wite beads, "I was thinking of aranging these virticaly on the length of the collar to make a kind of neck armor."<br> <br>The little one listens to the muffled voices on the outside, listening to them talk about themselves. She wondered what she was going to be after this... she remembers she went in as a fairy but she has been changed before. It excited her, she loved trying out new forms!<br> <br>Meniatz taps on the beads and smiles. "This should make very nice armor, actually. It's durable, but it won't restrict your movement." Shi smiles as shi feels a...happiness from inside of hir, before examining the collar. "I think an eagle would work better than a condor. They have a prettier face--kind of like yours. So...what color threads do you want for the embroidery?"<br> <br>Antiman immeadiatly answers, "Red, gold and orange. The colors of the sun. The eagle idea does sound nicer. I just hope one of my childern doesn't mind. I named one of my twins Antinanco - Like an eagle of the sun."<br> <br>Cupcakes begins to search her memories, having some downtime again. A few come flooding back... her first day at work, how she got transformed, meeting Meniatz for the first time... Ah, Meniatz... she was such a caring mother, always tried to help her when she needed it and wasn't afraid to protect her despite being much bigger than herself.<br> <br>Meniatz smiles and begins stitching Antimawn's name along the front of the collar in orange thread, leaving enough room in the center and on either side for the beads and adornments that would decorate it. Between each letter, shi sews in a bone plate  with yellow and red thread. "That's a very pretty pallete, love. Would you like to design the sun and eagle while I sew the letters and plates? It would give me something to work off of...I'm not as skilled an artist as the lovely taur who made my collar." Shi blushes. Feeling a warmth inside hir, shi gently strokes hir belly.<br> <br>Antiman selects the yellow and red beads, "I would love to dear." Sie sews the yellow beads into a sun disk with what looks like a silhouette of an eagle with outstreached wings. Ont the outside of the disk sie uses the red beads to make flame like rays along the edge of the sun disk. Sie then selects blue beads that sie sews into the eagle silhouette completing the design.<br> <br>Meniatz sees Anti's work and gives hir a kiss. "That's beautiful, love."<br> <br>Antiman chirp purs and gives Meni a lick and a nuzzel, "Thanks love. I'm not much of an artist myself but I was giving it quit a bit of thought."<br> <br>Meniatz affixes a clasp in the shape of wings with small cat's paws engraved on them to the back of the collar. Shi shows hir the opening mechanism, which requires hir to squeeze the top and bottom of the clasp while pulling it apart. "This way, you'll be able to wear it and take it off easily."<br> <br>Virginia walks into the main room from the room she was given. She still has bed head, and looks like she's wearing the same clothes she's worn the past few days. Had they been washed since she pissed in them that one time? You certainly hope so. At least this time she seems well rested, and when she spots Meniatz and Anti, she says "Hey. What's up?"<br> <br>Antiman accepts the completed collar and observes how to put it on and take it off, "Its beautiful love." Sie puts the collar around hir neck snaping the clasp on in the back. "Hi Virginia. Meni just helped me make a collar neckless for me in a Native American style. What do you think." Sie seems to but does not preen showing Ginny hir new collar.<br> <br>Cupcake smiles as a new voice is heard... at least she thinks it's new. It didn't really sound like the othe- Oh goodness it's getting hotter in here. Not unbearably so, but it was certainly starting to lose it's usual womby comfort, causing little Cupcake to squirm slightly.<br> <br>Meniatz smiles and gives Virginia a small wave before giving Anti a kiss. "It's mostly decorative, but it also symbolizes our connection to one another." Shi giggles as Cupcake squirms inside hir. "It feels like someone's getting a little antsy," Shi muses with a smile as shi rubs hir belly.<br> <br>Virginia sighs a little. "Look...can...can you stop with the nude thing? It's kinda hard to look at your collar when my eyes keep getting drawn downwards." She felt weird living with lesbians...well, sorta lesbians? One had a dick, which really weirded her out. She still couldn't get over the herm thing. How the hell did the hormones work for one, and with the penis and vagina being in the same place during the time of formation, it felt, to her, that things would be really cramped down there. She wasn't gonna check things out, that was for fucking sure. "Yeah...cool." she replies to Meniatz, trying to keep her eyes away from Anti. there was some red on her face under the black area.<br> <br>Meniatz strolls up to Virginia and gives hir a kiss on the cheek. "I'm sorry if my mate is making you uncomfortable, but, well...it /is/ hir home, too. Besides, it's kind of part of hir religious beliefs that the Maternal Beast made hir perfect just the way shi is, and that wearing clothes to conceal hir body is shameful.<br> <br>Antiman returns Meni's kiss as a nuzzel. Sie then gives an extatic expression ears pricked up in excitement, "The Baby's comming?!" Sie flicks an ear at Virginia, "But I'm not nude. The Maternal Beast has clothed me in hir natural splendor."<br> <br>The little fairy bun in the oven continued her squirming. Damn right she was getting antsy, she wanted her comfort back, or to at least stretch or something. Anything would be good at this point.<br> <br>Meniatz strokes Ginny's hair and hands hir a mug of coffee. Turning back to Anti, shi smiles and giggles. "Not exactly, Anti. Cup's been exploring different types of vore, and I've been helping her learn about them. She's resting in my womb right now." Shi feels more squirming in hir body. "Of course, I think she's almost ready to come out."<br> <br>Virginia listens to meniatz and says "Maternal...what the hell is that?" then anti goes on about it. "Oh jesus, you've gotta be fucking kidding me. What the hell're you people talking about?" Then she takes the coffee handed to her and sips as sie talks. Vore? She'd heard that before. "Cup? Where've I heard that name? And what the hell is vore, I keep hearing that word thrown around."<br> <br>Meniatz smiles and pats Virginia on the head. "Well, Vore is a...unique way of having someone inside of you." Shi says with a smile.<br> <br>Antiman open beaked smiles, happy to answer questions about hir faith, "It is God in hir true form without the distortions that humanity chose to place on hir. Sie teaches, nurtures, protects and when necessary disiplines." Sie does not tell Virginia of hir judgement on humanity and the role that hir children are suppose to take up in helping humans to stop being human. Sie knows that Ginny isn't ready to face that reality yet.<br> <br>Virginia narrows her eyes a little at anti. "Riiight." okay, keep some distance from her. She's nuts. Why'd she have to live with these people? Couldn't she find someone more normal to bunk with? Then meniatz speaks, and she gives hir a questioning look. That answer only raised more questions. And sie'd still not said who cup was. Wasn't cup a thing? Come to think of it, a lot of people she ran into had really weirdass names. Did everyone loose their god damned minds in the last five years, or what?<br> <br>... No that voice was definately different. It sounded confused about some things, but she couldn't tell what they were. She wondered if she came into the conversation at some point... having a living fairy in your womb must be quite the conversation starter.<br> <br>Meniatz sees a look of confusion on Virginia's face and offers hir a biscotti to go with hir coffee. "Is something wrong? You look a little...flustered."<br> <br>Antiman guesses what kind of thought is behind Ginnies expression and drawn out words. Sie open beak smiles and flicks an ear. Sies encountered scepticism before and isn't offended in the least. Sie belives in converting by example and that the Maternal Beast will make Hir Will known to all in time.<br> <br>Virginia takes the biscotti and says "What exactly did you mean "another way of being inside someone"? Do I even wanna know? I...don't think I do, now that I think about it."<br> <br>Meniatz offers Virginia a seat on the couch while they enjoy their snack. "Well, Vore is short for Voraphilia and it deals with a fascination or fetishization of consuming or being consumed by others. I taught Cupcake about regular vore, where you are essentially 'eaten' the other day. Right now, my daughter, Cup is in my womb waiting to be born. It's called 'unbirthing,' and it's a kind of...vaginal vore." Shi stops to breathe after giving that long explanation. "Uh...Did that make any sense? I'm sorry. I'm not the best at explaining things."<br> <br>Virginia looks more and more disturbed as sie talks. "Woah woah, shut the fuck up, I didn't wanna hear any of this, god!" She stands up from the couch. So someone named cupcake got inside her womb or something? Ew, what in the living fuck! How was that even *possible*? "Didn't I *just* say I didn't wanna know, what's wrong with you?" She makes a noise of disgust and tries to keep the images out of her head. She wasn't doing a very good job.<br> <br>Antiman gives Meni a courious look, "So your adopted daughter is in your womb waiting to be reborn as your true daughter?" Sie looks undisturbed by all this. In truth sie has no problem with the concept of unbirthing.<br> <br>Meniatz nods to Anti. "Precisely, love." Shi then bows hir head in shame as shi addresses Virginia. "I'm sorry, Ginny. I just thought that if I explainied it it wouldn't bother you as mu-Oh!" Shi grasps hir stomach and lies down on the couch. "She's coming! Cupcake's going to be born--er, reborn!" Shi stretches one of hir cunt's tunnels as hir daughter's hands emerge from hir warm folds, grasping for a handhold she can use to climb out of her mother.<br> <br>Antiman pushes hirself off the chair that sie was sitting at and goes back to all fours. Sie pads to Meni and sits on hir haunches hands aranged in a catching manner in front of the birting vaginia, "Don't worry love. I'm here as midwife."<br> <br>Virginia shoots a pissed glance to Anti. Why the *hell* was sie *still* talking about it? Then she realized she was staring at her nudity again and looked away with a reddened face, annoyed with herself now. Then meniatz starts talking, and before she can be pissed at being called "Ginnie" sie birthing, and Virginia can only stare in complete disgust at the process. It was like watching a twenty car pileup. Couldn't look away.<br> <br>The little sucubbus fairy finally finds the end of her journey, managing to slip her way out of her mother and into Anti's waiting hands. The poor thing was quite dazed, shaking her head for a moment before sitting up. "Oh man... I think I hit something on the way out..." She murmurs, standing to her feet and looking herself over.<br> <br>Antiman admires Cup's new form, "Aww you're so cute!" Sie then presents Cup to hir mate, "Congradulations! Its a herm tribal sucubbus."<br> <br>Meniatz sees hir daughter's new body and squeals with delight. "You're adorable, Cupcake! I love your wings! You're like a mini-me~!" Shi exclaims proudly. "Now, let's get you cleaned up and then we'll see if Virginia wants to hold you. I know how sensitive she can be about some things." Shi strokes Cup's hair and smiles as shi heads over to the bathroom sink to wash hir. "So, did you enjoy your time in my womb, sweetie?"<br> <br>Virginia's brain snapped a little at seeing a little proportionately adult miniature demoness standing up and talking. It defied all logic and reason. This kind of thing shouldn't exist. "No. No no. no. *No*. *Hell* no." She she says as she storms out of the living room and into her bedroom. While inside, she packs what little she considered hers into a pillowcase as she continued shouting "No. No, no, no." And once she came back out, she said "I'm done. I'm fucking *done*, people. I am *Fucking. Done.*" she stops at the door and turns around to say "Look, you people are nice and all, but I'm not gonna deal with shit like this. I'm out." She opens the door.<br> <br>The little succubus fairy watches the human storm off, only to return with a bag. Her mother's praise bounces off of her for now as she flies over, looking rather upset. "No no no, don't blame them... this is my fault. I wanted to learn something and didn't take into consideration the fact that you lived here." She scratches the back of her head as she looks off to the side, a bit of a frown on her face. "Really, they're just nice people and they wanted to help me learn new things, so just give them another chance."<br> <br>Antiman looks at Virginia with consern as sie storms out and opens the door, "Virginia, If you strike out on your own the Maternal Beast may choose a form for you. Think about this carefuly before you leave. I know personaly as one who was used by Hir to carry out Hir choice when I was feral."<br> <br>Meniatz emerges with a freshly washed and dressed Cup only to see Virginia preparing to leave. "Please, Virginia. Wait." Shi approaches Virginia and twists hir tail in hir hands nervously. "I'm really sorry if we freaked you out. We never meant to make you feel uncomfortable or disgusted. Please, give us another chance. I promise we will tone things down for you. We will keep our sex-lives to ourselves, we will try to act more...appropriately while you're here...I'm sure Anti will even be willing to wear clothes if it makes you more comfortable." Shi is staring at the floor, unable to look hir new friend in the eye. Shi should have known that Virginia was not used to their particular lifestyle, and that she must have felt really out of place with them.<br> <br>Meniatz looks up, still averting hir gaze. "We love you--not in like a creepy way or anything--I mean, we want you to be safe and happy, and if that means that we have to hold ourselves back and make some changes for your sake, then, so be it."<br> <br>Virginia looks between everyone incredulously, falling on anti first. "I'm not gonna live outside, stupid, I'm gonna sleep in the zephyr lobby." Then meniatz made her offer. She began weighing the pros and cons of either choice. At the lobby, she'd be away from them, but around *other* freaks she didn't know at all. And from what she'd heard, the lobby wasn't the best place for someone of her sensabilities. If she stayed here...She'd have to keep dealing with them, and who knows when they'd decide to do something weird, and she'd walk in on it. But she got food here. Pretty good food too. She sighs out her nose and says "Fine..." she closes the door and turns back around, catching sight of Cupcake. She grimaces, shudders a little, and heads to her room.<br> <br>Antiman nuzzels Meni, "Dear I love you, but I'm not the only one clothed in what the Spiritual Mother has graced us with. Its something that she'll need to be accustomed to." Sie looks at Ginny and flicks an ear, "Its not sleeping outside Virginia. Its being outside at all thats the risk."<br> <br>Meniatz heads into hir room briefly, changes into a more conservative outfit, and slides a small manilla envelope underneath Virginia's door. The envelope has a slight weight to it, and the only clue to what is inside is the words written on the envelope's surface: "Our doors are always open..."<br> <br>Cupcake continued to keep her frown, still looking off to the side even after Virginia had agreed to stay. "... I don't think she likes me very much." She murmurs, flying to the edge of a nearby table and sitting down. Her body was slumped forward slightly, and she rested her head in her hands.<br> <br>Virginia hears the package being slid as she undoes her packing. she retrieves it, reads, and opens it up. At least sie did whatever it was in a nonconfrontational mannar.<br> <br>Meniatz gives Cupcake a kiss on the cheek. "I think she was just overwhelmed by all the new things she's seen in such a short span of time, hon. I'm sure she likes you."<br> <br>"...to our friends and loved ones." is written on a slip of paper attached to a key. The only other thing in the envelope is a small note that reads: "We wanted you to feel at home and--well--what better way than by giving you a key to the apartment? We know you've been through alot, but we want you to know that we'll always be around if you ever need us. ~Love, Meniatz, Anti, and Cupcake"<br> <br>Antiman sits on hir haunches and does not put on anything more than what sies wearing. "I'm sorry love, but I can't put on anything more concealing than this. Not were I live and not if it isn't for protection."<br> <br>Virginia mutters "Pff...right." and tosses the key on the nightstand. After, she moves to her bed and lays across it, staring at the ceiling. The scene went through her mind again, and she tried to clear it with something else. Then it landed on Anti's body, some slight unwanted attraction welling up in her before she sits up again, trying to find something to distract herself. She wasn't finding much.<br> <br>The tiny succubus smiles a bit at Menis words before shaking her head. "I sure hope so... I mean I would have hated to ruin our relations with her just because I was curious to try something new." He gives another little sigh before her smile returns. "But everything seems to be better for now, and Anti doesn't need to wear clothes! Everyone wins in the end... I hope!"<br> <br>Meniatz nods to Anti as shi undoes the top button of hir blouse. "I understand, Anti. I just thought that it wouldn't be as much of a problem if you were wearing clothes to protect Virginia, but I guess that may have been a bit out of line. I'm sorry, love." Shi pats Cup on the head and smiles. "I hope so, too."<br> <br>Antiman nuzzels Meni and preens hir hair, "The provision for protection is for personal protection, for armor or occupational protection, that kind of thing."<br> <br>Meniatz nuzzles Anti and strokes hir behind the ears. "Okay, love." Hir stomach growls as shi shares this tender moment, and shi gives an embarassed grin. "I think it's about time for dinner." Shi knocks on Virginia's door delicately. "Virginia? Are you awake? I was just wondering what you'd like to have for dinner. Can I come in?"<br> <br>Meniatz buttons up the top button of hir blouse, leaving the collar unbuttoned...shi still wasn't quite used to wearing fancy clothes like this, but...it was for hir friend.<br> <br>Virginia stands up, heads over to the door, unlocks it, and opens. "Yeah? Uh, I don't really know what I want." She takes note of the suit and says "Oh, that's nice." She heads back over to the bed and throws herself on it.<br> <br>Meniatz sits down on the bed next to Virginia. "Thank you. I thought you'd like it." Hir tail slowly swings behind hir for a few moments as shi searches for something to say. "So...what kind of food do you like. You know, what's your favorite food? Is there something that you used to love to eat before..." Shi trails off, realizing that bringing up the past was probably a bad idea.<br> <br>Antiman chirp purs as Meni strokes behind hir ears. Sie then chuckle purs when sie hears Meni's stomach growl, "I think you're right dear." Sie hears Virginia's non decision on dinner and hir assement of what hir mates wearing. It doesn't sound like she's impressed with Meni's choice. Sie pads into the kitchen to retrive sliverware to set the table.<br> <br>Virginia says "Mmm..." as she lies there thinking. After a few moments of silene she says "Chinese food? Like, the american stuff. Once I went to a place on chinese new years, and they were serving *actual* chinese food. Couldn't eat any of it. Don't think you can make that stuff though. No one can. Gotta be chinese to pull it off, I swear." At least she had something distracting her now.<br> <br>Meniatz cleans hir glasses on hir blouse. They were dusty from lack of use, but they really pulled hir look together. More importantly, though, Meni hoped that they would make hir look more...approachable to Virginia. "Hmm...well, I don't think we can get Chinese food, but have you ever had Japanese food? Like sushi? I remember there was a really great sushi place I used to go to all the time. It's closed now, but I have recipes for sushi, and Zero's pretty great at making virtually anything."<br> <br>Antiman forces hirself to stand on two legs when doing anything in the kitchen. Sie washes hir talloned hands in the sink and dries them with a dish towel. Sie then gets plates and silverware for four, one plate much smaller for Cupcake with baby silverware and a thimble for a glass. Sie walks to the dining room table with hir load and sets it down on the table.<br> <br>Virginia says "Well...I had sushi, but...it was never very filling, you know?" She sits up, and looks at her. "Glasses?" She looks the suit over. "How'd you get this tailored for this shape of you, anyway? It's...pretty good, really. Didn't think anyone cared about fashion anymore."<br> <br>Meniatz blushes, "Well, I designed it myself, and I used nanites to make mold the cloth like clay. When you change forms as often as I do, you have to be creative with how you choose to dress yourself. Plus...I like to look nice. I could probably make you something sometime, if you'd like." Shi then contemplates their next meal. "Well, if you'd like something filling, we could always make pasta with chicken and vodka sauce...or maybe alfredo sauce. Depends on whether you feel like a white or red sauce, really." Shi says with a nervous giggle. Were they actually...bonding?<br> <br>Antiman hears what Virginia said about hir mates ensamble. It appears that sie was mistaken about Ginnies assement of hir wardrobe choice. Usualy 'Oh, thats nice.' isn't a complement. Sie places the plates on the four cardinal points of the table. Sie then places the silverware at each place in proper order, fork, knife, spoon. Sie places Cupcakes thimble glass on the right side of hir plate at the top. Sie then waddels back into the kitchen to get the other three glasses.<br> <br>Virginia says "Oh...that...sounds cool actually, making clothes like that. I'd appreciate it." she tugs at her shirt "This stuff is getting old...and threadbare." As for the offer of food "Oh. That sounds really good. Um...I prefer white sauce, really. Red's alright, but...eh." She glances to Meni, looking over her form. "I gotta say...you give me the creeps when I catch you out the corner of my eye every time, but at least you look human...and wear clothes. I mean, so...blue-bird out there has a...whatever it is. Is it a religion? Like a real thing people are doing now? Sure, great, but it really bothers me. I know, its hir home, but..." she didn't know what else to say.<br> <br>Meniatz nods and calls out. "Lucy, could you please make us some pasta with chicken, broccoli, and alfredo sauce for dinner?"<br> <br>The tiny succubus seemed to have dozed off, but the mention of dinner has her spring up rather comedically. Truth be told she was rather hungry, and the nutrients she got from that mint coffee her mother had drank earlier wouldn't last long. "Oh thank goodness, I'm starving!" She cheers, realizing she was on the floor now. "So that's why my face is sore..."<br> <br>Meniatz then puts hir hand on Virginia's knee. "Well, I'm glad you're getting used to my body." Shi looks over Virginia. "Hmm...we're about the same size--well, okay, you're a little taller than me, but I think I might have some clothes that might fit you. I think they'll look really nice, too."<br> <br>Zero One calls back "Okaaay, sounds great!" and gets to work. She'd make the best she could.<br> <br>Virginia flinched a little at the touch, but nothing else. "Okay then, sounds great." Well, at least she had someplace to get away from the circus of insanity outside. The clowns were here, but at least they promised to stop juggling while she was around.<br> <br>Antiman hurries out of the kitchen as fast as hir belly allows with the three full size glasses in hir hand as Lucy preps the kitchen for Itailian. Sie places the glasses at each of the full sized plates like sie did for Cupcake's plate, top right of the plate. Satisified with the place settings sie goes back to all fours and walks back into the living room.<br> <br>Meniatz pulls hir hand back. "Oh! My apologies! I should have known better. You still aren't entirely comfortable with my current shape. I shouldn't have touched you without warning like that." Shi then gets up and offers to help Virginia to her feet. "Would you like to look through my wardrobe now? Dinner should still take a little while to get ready, so we have some time to find or modify something that will make you feel more human--more comfortable, y'know?" Shi feels hir tail wrap around hir leg while shi waits for Virginia's answer. Shi then stares down to hir outstretched hand before loking back up to Virginia. "*Tch* I did it again, didn't I? Sorry. You don't have to touch me if you don't want..."<br> <br>Cupcake stretches slightly, giving her face a little rub before flying back up onto the table she fell off. She gives the room a quick look around before finally noticing Meni's new outfit. She gives a little whistle, and a thumbs up in here direction before calling to her, "Nice suit mom, really fits you well!" before giggling a bit.<br> <br>Virginia looks apologetic to meniatz's apologies. "No no, I really shouldn't be..." God damn it, you're making her all upset and shit. Can't you get over yourself for one minute? You can be weird about it when she's not here, you fuck up. Then Meniatz starts fretting over the offered hand. Take it. You don't like touching her, but take it, you're in her damn home, show some respect. She reaches out, takes the hand, and pulls herself up, immediately letting go. "It's fine."<br> <br>Meniatz leads Virginia to hir bedroom and opens hir walk, in closet. "Feel free to take what you'd like. Don't worry too much about size or shape, either. I can alter pretty much anything in here to fit you perfectly." Shi sits on the bed and allows Virginia to have free reign to raid hir wardrobe. <br> <br>Antiman follows Cup with hir eyes. Sie flicks an ear in a silent laugh but gives no other sign of hir mates outfit being funny. Personaly sie thinks it looks too restrictive, but has no real objection of clothing on a human like form. The human types, afterall are usualy the more vunerable to the elements.<br> <br>Virginia looks through the closet, trying to find things she'd like. She ends up finding things that are close to her style, but not quite. After discussing alterations with Meni, they come to a close. "If you want me to pay you for stuff, I can figure out how to repay you. Not...quite sure how, but I'll get it."<br> <br>Meniatz smiles at Virginia's offer. "Well, that's very noble of you, but you don't need to do that. Though, I suppose if you'd like to do something for me, I could always use an assistant. I mean, I'm already my boss' assistant, but we're a bit shorthanded right now, so he probably won't mind hiring you. Basically, we just need someone to keep and organize records--nothing too weird or dangerous. It's more or less secretarial work, really."<br> <br>Cupcakes decides to stop being so idle, flying towards Antiman with a little smile on her face. "Hey, is there anything you need help with while we wait for dinner? I feel like I'm a part of the background at the moment and need something to do." She says, scratching the back of her head a bit.<br> <br>Virginia shrugs and says "Sounds boring, but money is money I guess. Who's your boss? Wha'does he do?" She asks as she leaves the bedroom towards the kitchen.<br> <br>Antiman open beak smiles, "I know what you mean." Sie thinks for a moment, "I was wondering. Where were you from before everything changed?"<br> <br>Meniatz adjusts hir glasses. "Well, my boss' name is Angus, and we do science. I specialize in working with researching and developing nanites and nanite-based products that would be beneficial to society or that would be desireable to consumers. Angus' experiments have a somewhat broader range, and I don't fully understand all of them, but he--or sometimes she...or shi--is very nice."<br> <br>Virginia says "Wait...what? Which one is..."he"?<br> <br>Cupcake shrugs, looking off to the side. "Well my hometown was back in Ohio, but I moved here to California when I got a better job offer here at Zephyr Inc. Needless to say I probably would have stayed back in Ohio if I knew this shit would happen. Though to be honest, I'm actually pretty happy I didn't since I met you guys." The little succubus smiles happily before looking down at herself, admiring her new tattoos.<br> <br>Meniatz smacks hirself in the head. "Right! Well, I was talking about Angus. He transforms into other things sometimes, but, while I'm always a herm, regardless of what I turn into, his gender will occasionally change when he becomes something new. So, I don't really know what his gender is right now."<br> <br>Virginia says "Oh god, the gender changes with the form? Ugh...God, I can't imagine having a penis. Why would...Wait, you have...you're herm?" Damn it, she thought she had another girl around.<br> <br>Antiman looks at Cup with surprise, "Ohio, really? This is a small world. I was from there myself. Came over here for a family reunion. My immeadiate family and my a couple of my moms aunts were here when everything happened." Sie bobs hir head in a quadraped shrug, "I'm actualy glad I was here when it happened in the end. I wasn't too fond of being human from what I recall."<br> <br>Meniatz blushes and nods hir head "I...am. I'm sorry. I probably should have told you earlier. Um...the penis is actually...kind of nice to have sometimes." Hir face gets even redder. "I could tell you more about it, but I wouldn't want to make you feel uncomfortable or grossed out."<br> <br>Virginia shakes her head. "Ugh...No thanks. I mean seriously, why would you want something dangling between your legs like that? What the fuck..." She then realized who, and what, she was talking to. "Um...I mean, it's cool with you I guess, but..." Jesus, how many times are you gonna fuck up today? Just keep making yourself look bad, watch it get you thrown out on the street with the mutants...or the demons.<br> <br>Cupcake looks a little surprised herself, "Really now? It really is a small world isn't it." She chuckles a bit, listening to the rest of the gryphon's story. "You know, I can't really blame you for not wanting to be human. Life back then was just so... mundane." She turns her head to Virginia for a moment, giggling a bit. "I feel the same way to be honest... it's weird NOT having something dangling between my legs right now... It's so alien!"<br> <br>Meniatz giggles, "It's okay, Virginia. I used to be just as confused about why someone would want a hole in their crotch that they bleed out of every month. Basically, it's something that you don't quite understand unless you are used to it." Shi shrugs, "Besides, even now, there are some people who just don't like the idea of being herm, and I can respect that."<br> <br>Antiman chuckle purs at the descusion thats developing about equipment, "I never had an issue with gaining a vaginia. Then again I was feral for so long befor I met my brother again it became natural."<br> <br>Virginia looks surprised. "You mean you were...!" She says towards meniatz. Her mannar seemed so female, she'd assumed she'd started out as one. Every time she thought she had a handle on things, things got switched up again. She finds a seat at the table and says "Ugh...too much." Then anti speaks up and she puts her head in her hands and shakes it a little.<br> <br>Cupcake is surprised at Meniatz's reveiled original gender as well, widening her eyes slightly in hir direction. "Well god damn, you were a guy before this all started? Hell, you could have fooled me!" She reclines on the counter, scratching her cheek. "I mean, at least everyone can tell I was a guy... but you!"<br> <br>Meniatz is twisting hir tail in hir hands, hir face as red as a well-cooked lobster, "I'm really sorry. If it helps you to think of me as female, then by all means, feel free to do so. It's not like I'll be walking around the apartment naked, so you'll never have to see my...um...maleness." pose hears hir daughter's surprise and holds hir face in hir hands. "Yes...I've just been a herm for so long, I just...got into it."<br> <br>Antiman for some reason the information that Meni was male before doesn't really surprise hir, "It doesn't surprise me really. I think the nanites pushed us hard to become maternal. They may have altered some brain structures that control gender behavior."<br> <br>Virginia turns and looks to Antiman. "What? I thought the zephyr...antidote things or whatever, the shots, they made it so the nanites couldn't screw with your head anymore."<br> <br>Cupcake quirks a brow at Anti, shaking her head a little. "Hey, no offense, but I really don't want to go around getting knocked up by anything right now." She scratches her cheek a bit, looking into the air with thought. "There was that time where I tried getting filled by Meni though, but I think that was mostly just the combination of lust and nanite influence."<br> <br>Antiman chuckle purs, "I'm a Promeathian, dear. I never got them. Its a matter of finding a mental pathway that brings you back to yourself. For me it was my brother."<br> <br>Meniatz sighs. "They keep nanites from making you feral, but they don't always work quite right, and even when they do, changes to your body chemistry can still cause slight alterations to your mental faculties. I actually did some part-time research for Zephyr to make some extra cash, so I got to learn a great deal about their technology and its limitations." Shi blushes again as Cupcake mentions trying to get knocked up by hir. "Cup, would you like to wear this pretty dress I made you?" Shi holds up an elegant, fairy-sized, purple Victorian-style dress.<br> <br>Virginia looks disturbed at meniatz. "I...don't think I wanna live in this city anymore." Her form was at risk, and so was her mind if she didn't have safe passage to and from home to places. She hated it here, she really did.<br> <br>Cupcake looks over the dress she was presented, a smile forming on her face soon after. "Goodness, I usually just wear my doctor's uniform all the time... but this sure beats the hell out of that!" The little fairy cheers, flying up to her mother's cheek to give it a kiss before flying under and into the dress, doing a little mid-air spin to look herself over. "Ooh, and it's quite comfy too! Much better than those starchy scrubs."<br> <br>Antiman shakes hir head, "Its like this everywhere Virginia. If it wasn't things wouldn't still be as much into collapse as they are right now. I hear things are worse in the national parks, for instance. In Las Vegas everyone turned into a pile of nanite goo." Sie chuckle purs at Cupcake's reaction to hir new dress, "You look cute in it Cup. I think you need a monocle to complete the look."<br> <br>Meniatz pats hir daughter on the head. "I'm glad you like it. It really suits you well, and Virginia will not have to worry about seeing a tiny naked demon flitting about the house." Shi puts a hand on Virginia's shoulder. "I know that Fairhaven can be scary, but the whole world is kind of scary. At least here, there is some semblance of civilization, and you are surrounded by people who care about you. That's something, right?"<br> <br>Meniatz pets Anti and chuckles. "Or maybe a little top-hat and parasol?"<br> <br>Virginia looks at the happy fairy tiredly. "Watch it "mister" you're starting to like girl clothes too much." The idea that someone could be changed from who they were disgusted her. As long as she was careful, that wouldn't happen to her. She looks to Antiman "Wait, what? What happened to Las Vegas?" to Meniatz's reassurance, she sighs. "I...guess?" Lucy calls out from the kitchen "It's reeeaaaady~" as she comes out with a serving tray and spoon.
<div></div><br> <br>Antiman opens the door with hir beak and walks in, shutting the door with hir tail, "Hi love! I got a few beads for that collar we talked about. I even managed to get a few Native American style ones from some of the coyotes."<br> <br>Cupcake has been in here longer than she can remember... and what she could remember was a little hazy. Not that she was arguing, it was soft, warm, and cozy in here. She smiles subconsciously.<br> <br>Meniatz hugs Anti as shi greets hir. "That's great! I found an old leather collar, some brightly-colored thread, and some shinies for us to use. We're going to make you one of the prettiest collars ever!" Shi cheers as shi takes a sip of mint-flavored coffee, feeding both hirself and Cup as some of the nutrients are transferred into hir womb. Shi hopes hir daughter likes it. "I'll go get them." Shi returns two minutes later with the materials for the collar.<br> <br>Antiman chirp purs, "I like shinies, but I don't want too much shinie. It might detract from the color." Sie walks on all fours to the kitchen table where sie climbs on to a chair and sits two legged style. From a pouch on hir belt sie pulls out an assortment of brightly collored beads, quite a few appear hand made as well as quite a few long white ones made of bone.<br> <br>Cupcake mentally sings to herself as she rests in her mother's womb, smiling cheerily as ever. And then she tastes something faint, was that coffee? Oh my, it had some mint in it too... she loved mint coffee! A couple memories unhaze as she remembers a few mishaps with the coffee machine back at Zephyr.<br> <br>Meniatz smiles and nuzzles up to Anti. "These will look really nice on you. So, I was thinking we could stitch your name onto the collar, and set up some sort of symbolic design that represents you--kind of like mine." Shi points to the serpentine design on either side of the embroidered name on hir own collar.<br> <br>Antiman open beaked smiles at hir mate, "It looks really nice on you love!" Sie thinks about hir collar design, "I think a condor or eagle superimposed over a sun." Sie points to the long wite beads, "I was thinking of aranging these virticaly on the length of the collar to make a kind of neck armor."<br> <br>The little one listens to the muffled voices on the outside, listening to them talk about themselves. She wondered what she was going to be after this... she remembers she went in as a fairy but she has been changed before. It excited her, she loved trying out new forms!<br> <br>Meniatz taps on the beads and smiles. "This should make very nice armor, actually. It's durable, but it won't restrict your movement." Shi smiles as shi feels a...happiness from inside of hir, before examining the collar. "I think an eagle would work better than a condor. They have a prettier face--kind of like yours. So...what color threads do you want for the embroidery?"<br> <br>Antiman immeadiatly answers, "Red, gold and orange. The colors of the sun. The eagle idea does sound nicer. I just hope one of my childern doesn't mind. I named one of my twins Antinanco - Like an eagle of the sun."<br> <br>Cupcakes begins to search her memories, having some downtime again. A few come flooding back... her first day at work, how she got transformed, meeting Meniatz for the first time... Ah, Meniatz... she was such a caring mother, always tried to help her when she needed it and wasn't afraid to protect her despite being much bigger than herself.<br> <br>Meniatz smiles and begins stitching Antimawn's name along the front of the collar in orange thread, leaving enough room in the center and on either side for the beads and adornments that would decorate it. Between each letter, shi sews in a bone plate  with yellow and red thread. "That's a very pretty pallete, love. Would you like to design the sun and eagle while I sew the letters and plates? It would give me something to work off of...I'm not as skilled an artist as the lovely taur who made my collar." Shi blushes. Feeling a warmth inside hir, shi gently strokes hir belly.<br> <br>Antiman selects the yellow and red beads, "I would love to dear." Sie sews the yellow beads into a sun disk with what looks like a silhouette of an eagle with outstreached wings. Ont the outside of the disk sie uses the red beads to make flame like rays along the edge of the sun disk. Sie then selects blue beads that sie sews into the eagle silhouette completing the design.<br> <br>Meniatz sees Anti's work and gives hir a kiss. "That's beautiful, love."<br> <br>Antiman chirp purs and gives Meni a lick and a nuzzel, "Thanks love. I'm not much of an artist myself but I was giving it quit a bit of thought."<br> <br>Meniatz affixes a clasp in the shape of wings with small cat's paws engraved on them to the back of the collar. Shi shows hir the opening mechanism, which requires hir to squeeze the top and bottom of the clasp while pulling it apart. "This way, you'll be able to wear it and take it off easily."<br> <br>Virginia walks into the main room from the room she was given. She still has bed head, and looks like she's wearing the same clothes she's worn the past few days. Had they been washed since she pissed in them that one time? You certainly hope so. At least this time she seems well rested, and when she spots Meniatz and Anti, she says "Hey. What's up?"<br> <br>Antiman accepts the completed collar and observes how to put it on and take it off, "Its beautiful love." Sie puts the collar around hir neck snaping the clasp on in the back. "Hi Virginia. Meni just helped me make a collar neckless for me in a Native American style. What do you think." Sie seems to but does not preen showing Ginny hir new collar.<br> <br>Cupcake smiles as a new voice is heard... at least she thinks it's new. It didn't really sound like the othe- Oh goodness it's getting hotter in here. Not unbearably so, but it was certainly starting to lose it's usual womby comfort, causing little Cupcake to squirm slightly.<br> <br>Meniatz smiles and gives Virginia a small wave before giving Anti a kiss. "It's mostly decorative, but it also symbolizes our connection to one another." Shi giggles as Cupcake squirms inside hir. "It feels like someone's getting a little antsy," Shi muses with a smile as shi rubs hir belly.<br> <br>Virginia sighs a little. "Look...can...can you stop with the nude thing? It's kinda hard to look at your collar when my eyes keep getting drawn downwards." She felt weird living with lesbians...well, sorta lesbians? One had a dick, which really weirded her out. She still couldn't get over the herm thing. How the hell did the hormones work for one, and with the penis and vagina being in the same place during the time of formation, it felt, to her, that things would be really cramped down there. She wasn't gonna check things out, that was for fucking sure. "Yeah...cool." she replies to Meniatz, trying to keep her eyes away from Anti. there was some red on her face under the black area.<br> <br>Meniatz strolls up to Virginia and gives hir a kiss on the cheek. "I'm sorry if my mate is making you uncomfortable, but, well...it /is/ hir home, too. Besides, it's kind of part of hir religious beliefs that the Maternal Beast made hir perfect just the way shi is, and that wearing clothes to conceal hir body is shameful.<br> <br>Antiman returns Meni's kiss as a nuzzel. Sie then gives an extatic expression ears pricked up in excitement, "The Baby's comming?!" Sie flicks an ear at Virginia, "But I'm not nude. The Maternal Beast has clothed me in hir natural splendor."<br> <br>The little fairy bun in the oven continued her squirming. Damn right she was getting antsy, she wanted her comfort back, or to at least stretch or something. Anything would be good at this point.<br> <br>Meniatz strokes Ginny's hair and hands hir a mug of coffee. Turning back to Anti, shi smiles and giggles. "Not exactly, Anti. Cup's been exploring different types of vore, and I've been helping her learn about them. She's resting in my womb right now." Shi feels more squirming in hir body. "Of course, I think she's almost ready to come out."<br> <br>Virginia listens to meniatz and says "Maternal...what the hell is that?" then anti goes on about it. "Oh jesus, you've gotta be fucking kidding me. What the hell're you people talking about?" Then she takes the coffee handed to her and sips as sie talks. Vore? She'd heard that before. "Cup? Where've I heard that name? And what the hell is vore, I keep hearing that word thrown around."<br> <br>Meniatz smiles and pats Virginia on the head. "Well, Vore is a...unique way of having someone inside of you." Shi says with a smile.<br> <br>Antiman open beaked smiles, happy to answer questions about hir faith, "It is God in hir true form without the distortions that humanity chose to place on hir. Sie teaches, nurtures, protects and when necessary disiplines." Sie does not tell Virginia of hir judgement on humanity and the role that hir children are suppose to take up in helping humans to stop being human. Sie knows that Ginny isn't ready to face that reality yet.<br> <br>Virginia narrows her eyes a little at anti. "Riiight." okay, keep some distance from her. She's nuts. Why'd she have to live with these people? Couldn't she find someone more normal to bunk with? Then meniatz speaks, and she gives hir a questioning look. That answer only raised more questions. And sie'd still not said who cup was. Wasn't cup a thing? Come to think of it, a lot of people she ran into had really weirdass names. Did everyone loose their god damned minds in the last five years, or what?<br> <br>... No that voice was definately different. It sounded confused about some things, but she couldn't tell what they were. She wondered if she came into the conversation at some point... having a living fairy in your womb must be quite the conversation starter.<br> <br>Meniatz sees a look of confusion on Virginia's face and offers hir a biscotti to go with hir coffee. "Is something wrong? You look a little...flustered."<br> <br>Antiman guesses what kind of thought is behind Ginnies expression and drawn out words. Sie open beak smiles and flicks an ear. Sies encountered scepticism before and isn't offended in the least. Sie belives in converting by example and that the Maternal Beast will make Hir Will known to all in time.<br> <br>Virginia takes the biscotti and says "What exactly did you mean "another way of being inside someone"? Do I even wanna know? I...don't think I do, now that I think about it."<br> <br>Meniatz offers Virginia a seat on the couch while they enjoy their snack. "Well, Vore is short for Voraphilia and it deals with a fascination or fetishization of consuming or being consumed by others. I taught Cupcake about regular vore, where you are essentially 'eaten' the other day. Right now, my daughter, Cup is in my womb waiting to be born. It's called 'unbirthing,' and it's a kind of...vaginal vore." Shi stops to breathe after giving that long explanation. "Uh...Did that make any sense? I'm sorry. I'm not the best at explaining things."<br> <br>Virginia looks more and more disturbed as sie talks. "Woah woah, shut the fuck up, I didn't wanna hear any of this, god!" She stands up from the couch. So someone named cupcake got inside her womb or something? Ew, what in the living fuck! How was that even *possible*? "Didn't I *just* say I didn't wanna know, what's wrong with you?" She makes a noise of disgust and tries to keep the images out of her head. She wasn't doing a very good job.<br> <br>Antiman gives Meni a courious look, "So your adopted daughter is in your womb waiting to be reborn as your true daughter?" Sie looks undisturbed by all this. In truth sie has no problem with the concept of unbirthing.<br> <br>Meniatz nods to Anti. "Precisely, love." Shi then bows hir head in shame as shi addresses Virginia. "I'm sorry, Ginny. I just thought that if I explainied it it wouldn't bother you as mu-Oh!" Shi grasps hir stomach and lies down on the couch. "She's coming! Cupcake's going to be born--er, reborn!" Shi stretches one of hir cunt's tunnels as hir daughter's hands emerge from hir warm folds, grasping for a handhold she can use to climb out of her mother.<br> <br>Antiman pushes hirself off the chair that sie was sitting at and goes back to all fours. Sie pads to Meni and sits on hir haunches hands aranged in a catching manner in front of the birting vaginia, "Don't worry love. I'm here as midwife."<br> <br>Virginia shoots a pissed glance to Anti. Why the *hell* was sie *still* talking about it? Then she realized she was staring at her nudity again and looked away with a reddened face, annoyed with herself now. Then meniatz starts talking, and before she can be pissed at being called "Ginnie" sie birthing, and Virginia can only stare in complete disgust at the process. It was like watching a twenty car pileup. Couldn't look away.<br> <br>The little sucubbus fairy finally finds the end of her journey, managing to slip her way out of her mother and into Anti's waiting hands. The poor thing was quite dazed, shaking her head for a moment before sitting up. "Oh man... I think I hit something on the way out..." She murmurs, standing to her feet and looking herself over.<br> <br>Antiman admires Cup's new form, "Aww you're so cute!" Sie then presents Cup to hir mate, "Congradulations! Its a herm tribal sucubbus."<br> <br>Meniatz sees hir daughter's new body and squeals with delight. "You're adorable, Cupcake! I love your wings! You're like a mini-me~!" Shi exclaims proudly. "Now, let's get you cleaned up and then we'll see if Virginia wants to hold you. I know how sensitive she can be about some things." Shi strokes Cup's hair and smiles as shi heads over to the bathroom sink to wash hir. "So, did you enjoy your time in my womb, sweetie?"<br> <br>Virginia's brain snapped a little at seeing a little proportionately adult miniature demoness standing up and talking. It defied all logic and reason. This kind of thing shouldn't exist. "No. No no. no. *No*. *Hell* no." She she says as she storms out of the living room and into her bedroom. While inside, she packs what little she considered hers into a pillowcase as she continued shouting "No. No, no, no." And once she came back out, she said "I'm done. I'm fucking *done*, people. I am *Fucking. Done.*" she stops at the door and turns around to say "Look, you people are nice and all, but I'm not gonna deal with shit like this. I'm out." She opens the door.<br> <br>The little succubus fairy watches the human storm off, only to return with a bag. Her mother's praise bounces off of her for now as she flies over, looking rather upset. "No no no, don't blame them... this is my fault. I wanted to learn something and didn't take into consideration the fact that you lived here." She scratches the back of her head as she looks off to the side, a bit of a frown on her face. "Really, they're just nice people and they wanted to help me learn new things, so just give them another chance."<br> <br>Antiman looks at Virginia with consern as sie storms out and opens the door, "Virginia, If you strike out on your own the Maternal Beast may choose a form for you. Think about this carefuly before you leave. I know personaly as one who was used by Hir to carry out Hir choice when I was feral."<br> <br>Meniatz emerges with a freshly washed and dressed Cup only to see Virginia preparing to leave. "Please, Virginia. Wait." Shi approaches Virginia and twists hir tail in hir hands nervously. "I'm really sorry if we freaked you out. We never meant to make you feel uncomfortable or disgusted. Please, give us another chance. I promise we will tone things down for you. We will keep our sex-lives to ourselves, we will try to act more...appropriately while you're here...I'm sure Anti will even be willing to wear clothes if it makes you more comfortable." Shi is staring at the floor, unable to look hir new friend in the eye. Shi should have known that Virginia was not used to their particular lifestyle, and that she must have felt really out of place with them.<br> <br>Meniatz looks up, still averting hir gaze. "We love you--not in like a creepy way or anything--I mean, we want you to be safe and happy, and if that means that we have to hold ourselves back and make some changes for your sake, then, so be it."<br> <br>Virginia looks between everyone incredulously, falling on anti first. "I'm not gonna live outside, stupid, I'm gonna sleep in the zephyr lobby." Then meniatz made her offer. She began weighing the pros and cons of either choice. At the lobby, she'd be away from them, but around *other* freaks she didn't know at all. And from what she'd heard, the lobby wasn't the best place for someone of her sensabilities. If she stayed here...She'd have to keep dealing with them, and who knows when they'd decide to do something weird, and she'd walk in on it. But she got food here. Pretty good food too. She sighs out her nose and says "Fine..." she closes the door and turns back around, catching sight of Cupcake. She grimaces, shudders a little, and heads to her room.<br> <br>Antiman nuzzels Meni, "Dear I love you, but I'm not the only one clothed in what the Spiritual Mother has graced us with. Its something that she'll need to be accustomed to." Sie looks at Ginny and flicks an ear, "Its not sleeping outside Virginia. Its being outside at all thats the risk."<br> <br>Meniatz heads into hir room briefly, changes into a more conservative outfit, and slides a small manilla envelope underneath Virginia's door. The envelope has a slight weight to it, and the only clue to what is inside is the words written on the envelope's surface: "Our doors are always open..."<br> <br>Cupcake continued to keep her frown, still looking off to the side even after Virginia had agreed to stay. "... I don't think she likes me very much." She murmurs, flying to the edge of a nearby table and sitting down. Her body was slumped forward slightly, and she rested her head in her hands.<br> <br>Virginia hears the package being slid as she undoes her packing. she retrieves it, reads, and opens it up. At least sie did whatever it was in a nonconfrontational mannar.<br> <br>Meniatz gives Cupcake a kiss on the cheek. "I think she was just overwhelmed by all the new things she's seen in such a short span of time, hon. I'm sure she likes you."<br> <br>"...to our friends and loved ones." is written on a slip of paper attached to a key. The only other thing in the envelope is a small note that reads: "We wanted you to feel at home and--well--what better way than by giving you a key to the apartment? We know you've been through alot, but we want you to know that we'll always be around if you ever need us. ~Love, Meniatz, Anti, and Cupcake"<br> <br>Antiman sits on hir haunches and does not put on anything more than what sies wearing. "I'm sorry love, but I can't put on anything more concealing than this. Not were I live and not if it isn't for protection."<br> <br>Virginia mutters "Pff...right." and tosses the key on the nightstand. After, she moves to her bed and lays across it, staring at the ceiling. The scene went through her mind again, and she tried to clear it with something else. Then it landed on Anti's body, some slight unwanted attraction welling up in her before she sits up again, trying to find something to distract herself. She wasn't finding much.<br> <br>The tiny succubus smiles a bit at Menis words before shaking her head. "I sure hope so... I mean I would have hated to ruin our relations with her just because I was curious to try something new." He gives another little sigh before her smile returns. "But everything seems to be better for now, and Anti doesn't need to wear clothes! Everyone wins in the end... I hope!"<br> <br>Meniatz nods to Anti as shi undoes the top button of hir blouse. "I understand, Anti. I just thought that it wouldn't be as much of a problem if you were wearing clothes to protect Virginia, but I guess that may have been a bit out of line. I'm sorry, love." Shi pats Cup on the head and smiles. "I hope so, too."<br> <br>Antiman nuzzels Meni and preens hir hair, "The provision for protection is for personal protection, for armor or occupational protection, that kind of thing."<br> <br>Meniatz nuzzles Anti and strokes hir behind the ears. "Okay, love." Hir stomach growls as shi shares this tender moment, and shi gives an embarassed grin. "I think it's about time for dinner." Shi knocks on Virginia's door delicately. "Virginia? Are you awake? I was just wondering what you'd like to have for dinner. Can I come in?"<br> <br>Meniatz buttons up the top button of hir blouse, leaving the collar unbuttoned...shi still wasn't quite used to wearing fancy clothes like this, but...it was for hir friend.<br> <br>Virginia stands up, heads over to the door, unlocks it, and opens. "Yeah? Uh, I don't really know what I want." She takes note of the suit and says "Oh, that's nice." She heads back over to the bed and throws herself on it.<br> <br>Meniatz sits down on the bed next to Virginia. "Thank you. I thought you'd like it." Hir tail slowly swings behind hir for a few moments as shi searches for something to say. "So...what kind of food do you like. You know, what's your favorite food? Is there something that you used to love to eat before..." Shi trails off, realizing that bringing up the past was probably a bad idea.<br> <br>Antiman chirp purs as Meni strokes behind hir ears. Sie then chuckle purs when sie hears Meni's stomach growl, "I think you're right dear." Sie hears Virginia's non decision on dinner and hir assement of what hir mates wearing. It doesn't sound like she's impressed with Meni's choice. Sie pads into the kitchen to retrive sliverware to set the table.<br> <br>Virginia says "Mmm..." as she lies there thinking. After a few moments of silene she says "Chinese food? Like, the american stuff. Once I went to a place on chinese new years, and they were serving *actual* chinese food. Couldn't eat any of it. Don't think you can make that stuff though. No one can. Gotta be chinese to pull it off, I swear." At least she had something distracting her now.<br> <br>Meniatz cleans hir glasses on hir blouse. They were dusty from lack of use, but they really pulled hir look together. More importantly, though, Meni hoped that they would make hir look more...approachable to Virginia. "Hmm...well, I don't think we can get Chinese food, but have you ever had Japanese food? Like sushi? I remember there was a really great sushi place I used to go to all the time. It's closed now, but I have recipes for sushi, and Zero's pretty great at making virtually anything."<br> <br>Antiman forces hirself to stand on two legs when doing anything in the kitchen. Sie washes hir talloned hands in the sink and dries them with a dish towel. Sie then gets plates and silverware for four, one plate much smaller for Cupcake with baby silverware and a thimble for a glass. Sie walks to the dining room table with hir load and sets it down on the table.<br> <br>Virginia says "Well...I had sushi, but...it was never very filling, you know?" She sits up, and looks at her. "Glasses?" She looks the suit over. "How'd you get this tailored for this shape of you, anyway? It's...pretty good, really. Didn't think anyone cared about fashion anymore."<br> <br>Meniatz blushes, "Well, I designed it myself, and I used nanites to make mold the cloth like clay. When you change forms as often as I do, you have to be creative with how you choose to dress yourself. Plus...I like to look nice. I could probably make you something sometime, if you'd like." Shi then contemplates their next meal. "Well, if you'd like something filling, we could always make pasta with chicken and vodka sauce...or maybe alfredo sauce. Depends on whether you feel like a white or red sauce, really." Shi says with a nervous giggle. Were they actually...bonding?<br> <br>Antiman hears what Virginia said about hir mates ensamble. It appears that sie was mistaken about Ginnies assement of hir wardrobe choice. Usualy 'Oh, thats nice.' isn't a complement. Sie places the plates on the four cardinal points of the table. Sie then places the silverware at each place in proper order, fork, knife, spoon. Sie places Cupcakes thimble glass on the right side of hir plate at the top. Sie then waddels back into the kitchen to get the other three glasses.<br> <br>Virginia says "Oh...that...sounds cool actually, making clothes like that. I'd appreciate it." she tugs at her shirt "This stuff is getting old...and threadbare." As for the offer of food "Oh. That sounds really good. Um...I prefer white sauce, really. Red's alright, but...eh." She glances to Meni, looking over her form. "I gotta say...you give me the creeps when I catch you out the corner of my eye every time, but at least you look human...and wear clothes. I mean, so...blue-bird out there has a...whatever it is. Is it a religion? Like a real thing people are doing now? Sure, great, but it really bothers me. I know, its hir home, but..." she didn't know what else to say.<br> <br>Meniatz nods and calls out. "Lucy, could you please make us some pasta with chicken, broccoli, and alfredo sauce for dinner?"<br> <br>The tiny succubus seemed to have dozed off, but the mention of dinner has her spring up rather comedically. Truth be told she was rather hungry, and the nutrients she got from that mint coffee her mother had drank earlier wouldn't last long. "Oh thank goodness, I'm starving!" She cheers, realizing she was on the floor now. "So that's why my face is sore..."<br> <br>Meniatz then puts hir hand on Virginia's knee. "Well, I'm glad you're getting used to my body." Shi looks over Virginia. "Hmm...we're about the same size--well, okay, you're a little taller than me, but I think I might have some clothes that might fit you. I think they'll look really nice, too."<br> <br>Zero One calls back "Okaaay, sounds great!" and gets to work. She'd make the best she could.<br> <br>Virginia flinched a little at the touch, but nothing else. "Okay then, sounds great." Well, at least she had someplace to get away from the circus of insanity outside. The clowns were here, but at least they promised to stop juggling while she was around.<br> <br>Antiman hurries out of the kitchen as fast as hir belly allows with the three full size glasses in hir hand as Lucy preps the kitchen for Itailian. Sie places the glasses at each of the full sized plates like sie did for Cupcake's plate, top right of the plate. Satisified with the place settings sie goes back to all fours and walks back into the living room.<br> <br>Meniatz pulls hir hand back. "Oh! My apologies! I should have known better. You still aren't entirely comfortable with my current shape. I shouldn't have touched you without warning like that." Shi then gets up and offers to help Virginia to her feet. "Would you like to look through my wardrobe now? Dinner should still take a little while to get ready, so we have some time to find or modify something that will make you feel more human--more comfortable, y'know?" Shi feels hir tail wrap around hir leg while shi waits for Virginia's answer. Shi then stares down to hir outstretched hand before loking back up to Virginia. "*Tch* I did it again, didn't I? Sorry. You don't have to touch me if you don't want..."<br> <br>Cupcake stretches slightly, giving her face a little rub before flying back up onto the table she fell off. She gives the room a quick look around before finally noticing Meni's new outfit. She gives a little whistle, and a thumbs up in here direction before calling to her, "Nice suit mom, really fits you well!" before giggling a bit.<br> <br>Virginia looks apologetic to meniatz's apologies. "No no, I really shouldn't be..." God damn it, you're making her all upset and shit. Can't you get over yourself for one minute? You can be weird about it when she's not here, you fuck up. Then Meniatz starts fretting over the offered hand. Take it. You don't like touching her, but take it, you're in her damn home, show some respect. She reaches out, takes the hand, and pulls herself up, immediately letting go. "It's fine."<br> <br>Meniatz leads Virginia to hir bedroom and opens hir walk, in closet. "Feel free to take what you'd like. Don't worry too much about size or shape, either. I can alter pretty much anything in here to fit you perfectly." Shi sits on the bed and allows Virginia to have free reign to raid hir wardrobe. <br> <br>Antiman follows Cup with hir eyes. Sie flicks an ear in a silent laugh but gives no other sign of hir mates outfit being funny. Personaly sie thinks it looks too restrictive, but has no real objection of clothing on a human like form. The human types, afterall are usualy the more vunerable to the elements.<br> <br>Virginia looks through the closet, trying to find things she'd like. She ends up finding things that are close to her style, but not quite. After discussing alterations with Meni, they come to a close. "If you want me to pay you for stuff, I can figure out how to repay you. Not...quite sure how, but I'll get it."<br> <br>Meniatz smiles at Virginia's offer. "Well, that's very noble of you, but you don't need to do that. Though, I suppose if you'd like to do something for me, I could always use an assistant. I mean, I'm already my boss' assistant, but we're a bit shorthanded right now, so he probably won't mind hiring you. Basically, we just need someone to keep and organize records--nothing too weird or dangerous. It's more or less secretarial work, really."<br> <br>Cupcakes decides to stop being so idle, flying towards Antiman with a little smile on her face. "Hey, is there anything you need help with while we wait for dinner? I feel like I'm a part of the background at the moment and need something to do." She says, scratching the back of her head a bit.<br> <br>Virginia shrugs and says "Sounds boring, but money is money I guess. Who's your boss? Wha'does he do?" She asks as she leaves the bedroom towards the kitchen.<br> <br>Antiman open beak smiles, "I know what you mean." Sie thinks for a moment, "I was wondering. Where were you from before everything changed?"<br> <br>Meniatz adjusts hir glasses. "Well, my boss' name is Angus, and we do science. I specialize in working with researching and developing nanites and nanite-based products that would be beneficial to society or that would be desireable to consumers. Angus' experiments have a somewhat broader range, and I don't fully understand all of them, but he--or sometimes she...or shi--is very nice."<br> <br>Virginia says "Wait...what? Which one is..."he"?<br> <br>Cupcake shrugs, looking off to the side. "Well my hometown was back in Ohio, but I moved here to California when I got a better job offer here at Zephyr Inc. Needless to say I probably would have stayed back in Ohio if I knew this shit would happen. Though to be honest, I'm actually pretty happy I didn't since I met you guys." The little succubus smiles happily before looking down at herself, admiring her new tattoos.<br> <br>Meniatz smacks hirself in the head. "Right! Well, I was talking about Angus. He transforms into other things sometimes, but, while I'm always a herm, regardless of what I turn into, his gender will occasionally change when he becomes something new. So, I don't really know what his gender is right now."<br> <br>Virginia says "Oh god, the gender changes with the form? Ugh...God, I can't imagine having a penis. Why would...Wait, you have...you're herm?" Damn it, she thought she had another girl around.<br> <br>Antiman looks at Cup with surprise, "Ohio, really? This is a small world. I was from there myself. Came over here for a family reunion. My immeadiate family and my a couple of my moms aunts were here when everything happened." Sie bobs hir head in a quadraped shrug, "I'm actualy glad I was here when it happened in the end. I wasn't too fond of being human from what I recall."<br> <br>Meniatz blushes and nods hir head "I...am. I'm sorry. I probably should have told you earlier. Um...the penis is actually...kind of nice to have sometimes." Hir face gets even redder. "I could tell you more about it, but I wouldn't want to make you feel uncomfortable or grossed out."<br> <br>Virginia shakes her head. "Ugh...No thanks. I mean seriously, why would you want something dangling between your legs like that? What the fuck..." She then realized who, and what, she was talking to. "Um...I mean, it's cool with you I guess, but..." Jesus, how many times are you gonna fuck up today? Just keep making yourself look bad, watch it get you thrown out on the street with the mutants...or the demons.<br> <br>Cupcake looks a little surprised herself, "Really now? It really is a small world isn't it." She chuckles a bit, listening to the rest of the gryphon's story. "You know, I can't really blame you for not wanting to be human. Life back then was just so... mundane." She turns her head to Virginia for a moment, giggling a bit. "I feel the same way to be honest... it's weird NOT having something dangling between my legs right now... It's so alien!"<br> <br>Meniatz giggles, "It's okay, Virginia. I used to be just as confused about why someone would want a hole in their crotch that they bleed out of every month. Basically, it's something that you don't quite understand unless you are used to it." Shi shrugs, "Besides, even now, there are some people who just don't like the idea of being herm, and I can respect that."<br> <br>Antiman chuckle purs at the descusion thats developing about equipment, "I never had an issue with gaining a vaginia. Then again I was feral for so long befor I met my brother again it became natural."<br> <br>Virginia looks surprised. "You mean you were...!" She says towards meniatz. Her mannar seemed so female, she'd assumed she'd started out as one. Every time she thought she had a handle on things, things got switched up again. She finds a seat at the table and says "Ugh...too much." Then anti speaks up and she puts her head in her hands and shakes it a little.<br> <br>Cupcake is surprised at Meniatz's reveiled original gender as well, widening her eyes slightly in hir direction. "Well god damn, you were a guy before this all started? Hell, you could have fooled me!" She reclines on the counter, scratching her cheek. "I mean, at least everyone can tell I was a guy... but you!"<br> <br>Meniatz is twisting hir tail in hir hands, hir face as red as a well-cooked lobster, "I'm really sorry. If it helps you to think of me as female, then by all means, feel free to do so. It's not like I'll be walking around the apartment naked, so you'll never have to see my...um...maleness." pose hears hir daughter's surprise and holds hir face in hir hands. "Yes...I've just been a herm for so long, I just...got into it."<br> <br>Antiman for some reason the information that Meni was male before doesn't really surprise hir, "It doesn't surprise me really. I think the nanites pushed us hard to become maternal. They may have altered some brain structures that control gender behavior."<br> <br>Virginia turns and looks to Antiman. "What? I thought the zephyr...antidote things or whatever, the shots, they made it so the nanites couldn't screw with your head anymore."<br> <br>Cupcake quirks a brow at Anti, shaking her head a little. "Hey, no offense, but I really don't want to go around getting knocked up by anything right now." She scratches her cheek a bit, looking into the air with thought. "There was that time where I tried getting filled by Meni though, but I think that was mostly just the combination of lust and nanite influence."<br> <br>Antiman chuckle purs, "I'm a Promeathian, dear. I never got them. Its a matter of finding a mental pathway that brings you back to yourself. For me it was my brother."<br> <br>Meniatz sighs. "They keep nanites from making you feral, but they don't always work quite right, and even when they do, changes to your body chemistry can still cause slight alterations to your mental faculties. I actually did some part-time research for Zephyr to make some extra cash, so I got to learn a great deal about their technology and its limitations." Shi blushes again as Cupcake mentions trying to get knocked up by hir. "Cup, would you like to wear this pretty dress I made you?" Shi holds up an elegant, fairy-sized, purple Victorian-style dress.<br> <br>Virginia looks disturbed at meniatz. "I...don't think I wanna live in this city anymore." Her form was at risk, and so was her mind if she didn't have safe passage to and from home to places. She hated it here, she really did.<br> <br>Cupcake looks over the dress she was presented, a smile forming on her face soon after. "Goodness, I usually just wear my doctor's uniform all the time... but this sure beats the hell out of that!" The little fairy cheers, flying up to her mother's cheek to give it a kiss before flying under and into the dress, doing a little mid-air spin to look herself over. "Ooh, and it's quite comfy too! Much better than those starchy scrubs."<br> <br>Antiman shakes hir head, "Its like this everywhere Virginia. If it wasn't things wouldn't still be as much into collapse as they are right now. I hear things are worse in the national parks, for instance. In Las Vegas everyone turned into a pile of nanite goo." Sie chuckle purs at Cupcake's reaction to hir new dress, "You look cute in it Cup. I think you need a monocle to complete the look."<br> <br>Meniatz pats hir daughter on the head. "I'm glad you like it. It really suits you well, and Virginia will not have to worry about seeing a tiny naked demon flitting about the house." Shi puts a hand on Virginia's shoulder. "I know that Fairhaven can be scary, but the whole world is kind of scary. At least here, there is some semblance of civilization, and you are surrounded by people who care about you. That's something, right?"<br> <br>Meniatz pets Anti and chuckles. "Or maybe a little top-hat and parasol?"<br> <br>Virginia looks at the happy fairy tiredly. "Watch it "mister" you're starting to like girl clothes too much." The idea that someone could be changed from who they were disgusted her. As long as she was careful, that wouldn't happen to her. She looks to Antiman "Wait, what? What happened to Las Vegas?" to Meniatz's reassurance, she sighs. "I...guess?" Lucy calls out from the kitchen "It's reeeaaaady~" as she comes out with a serving tray and spoon.<br> <br>Cupcake smiles, looking down at her dress. "To be honest I think the old timey kindsa dresses really flatter my look, though I never thought purple would be my color." She quirks her brow at Virginia, "Hey, I gotta wear something that fits the look! Besides, I've had one too many a costume slip with the scrubs. They're too big on this frame!"<br> <br>Antiman chirp purs as Meni pets hir, "The nanites were more misprogrammed there than usual from what I've been told. They simply turned people into more nanites. No one goes to Vegas and comes back."<br> <br>Meniatz shrugs. "I don't really see a problem with Cup liking her new dress. I mean, if women can like wearing 'men's' clothes, why can't men wear clothing intended for women?" Shi hears Lucy call the family to dinnier. "Anyway, we should probably go eat. Lucy works hard on these dinners, and it would be rude not to enjoy them."<br> <br>Virginia replies "Right." to Cupcake. It made enough sense she guessed. "Oh..." She to the vegas explanation. "I...had a cousin out there. I mean, I know he lived as a professional gambler, but...shit. He could have been somewhere else, but chances are..." She lets it end there, following Meni's call to go to the table.<br> <br>The fairy throws her arms into the air with a little cheer, following the group to the table. She didn't know what they were having, must have been asleep at the time, but hey if Lucy was making it it MUST be good, all of her cooking usually was!<br> <br>Meniatz invites Virginia to sit next to hir as shi stabs a piece of broccoli with hir fork and plaes it into hir mouth. "Mmm~ This is really tasty!"<br> <br>Virginia looked at her plate with a manic view. She really loved this dish, and it'd been years since she'd had it. She attacked it with ferocity.<br> <br>Antiman follows Meni and Virginia to the table on all fours. Sie finds hir place and climbs onto the chair and sits two legged style, "I'm sorry to hear about your cousin, Virginia. Everyone's lost family from this. Its best not to dwell on this too much." Sie bows hir head in prayer, "Spiritual Mother bless this food we are about to eat and besow your blessings on those here and elsewhere. In your name, let it be done."<br> <br>Meniatz adds, "And please keep Virginia safe from harm."<br> <br>Hoho, Cupcake remembered this dish! The memory was from her childhood, but she remembered it like it was yesterday! Sure, it didn't taste just like how her mom used to make... and she wasn't currently male... but she wasn't going to let that ruin the meal, it tasted too damn good! "Lucy, you've outdone yourself again!" She says with a mouthful, yep... she still had that guyish charm.<br> <br>Virginia disliked religion in general. Didn't believe in the stuff, the promises, the claims. Then again, she'd spent five years under the thumbs...and other parts, of demons. Maybe she should rethink things. Lucy meanwhile was beaming from the compliment. "Thank you Miss Cupcake, I did my best."<br> <br>Meniatz thanks Lucy as shi enjoys hir meal. "So, Virginia, would you like some wine to go with your meal? We don't have much right now, but I've kept a stash in the apartment, and I've been learning to make wine in my spare time."<br> <br>Antiman spun some noodles onto a fork and stabbed some brocoli on the end. Sie puts it in hir beak and pulls it off hir fork. Sie tilts hir head back and swallows noodles and brocoli whole, "Very good. Lucy you've outdone yourself."<br> <br>The little fairy raises her hand at her mother's offer, "Ooh! Ooh! I want some!" She calls, a grin on her face that stretched from ear to ear. With how much she drank, one would think she ran on alcohol or something. ... Maybe she does? They have helicoptors that run on the stuff, who says she can't.<br> <br>Virginia smiled lightly and shrugged. "Honestly, I never had a taste for wine...tasted like vinigar to me. But...hell, I'll give it another shot. It might go good with the food."<br> <br>Antiman chucke purs at how cup is acting like a kid with an answer for the teacher. "I'll have a glass if we can spare it, Please."<br> <br>Meniatz goes into the pantry and returns with two bottles of wine. The first was a sweet desert wine, and the other was a crisp white wine. Shi sets it on the table and allows everyone to serve themselves. "I'm glad you're so open-minded, Virginia. Maybe someday you'll be able to eventually get over your anxiety towards us." Shi says with a smile as shi pours hirself a glass of the dessert wine.<br> <br>Excited, the fairy bounces slightly with anticipation... until she saw how big the bottles were. Oh boy... she could pick heavy things up... but this had smooth ridges. Her eyebrows furrow, and she removes her gloves, clenching her hands with a grin as she remembers they're lined with rubber. With a cry, she grapples the bottle, flying into the air and suplexing the neck of the wine bottle over her thimble.<br> <br>Meniatz yawns and stretches out hir wings. Shi prepares to go to bed and gives hir mate and daughter each a kiss and offers a hug to Virginia. "Goodnight, everyone." Shi whispers to Virginia, "If you need me to be your dreamcatcher again, you know where to find me~."<br> <br>Virginia replies "Then go for it, because I think I might have nightmares for the rest of my life." She shudders a bit.

Revision as of 05:24, 3 February 2013





Antiman opens the door with hir beak and walks in, shutting the door with hir tail, "Hi love! I got a few beads for that collar we talked about. I even managed to get a few Native American style ones from some of the coyotes."

Cupcake has been in here longer than she can remember... and what she could remember was a little hazy. Not that she was arguing, it was soft, warm, and cozy in here. She smiles subconsciously.

Meniatz hugs Anti as shi greets hir. "That's great! I found an old leather collar, some brightly-colored thread, and some shinies for us to use. We're going to make you one of the prettiest collars ever!" Shi cheers as shi takes a sip of mint-flavored coffee, feeding both hirself and Cup as some of the nutrients are transferred into hir womb. Shi hopes hir daughter likes it. "I'll go get them." Shi returns two minutes later with the materials for the collar.

Antiman chirp purs, "I like shinies, but I don't want too much shinie. It might detract from the color." Sie walks on all fours to the kitchen table where sie climbs on to a chair and sits two legged style. From a pouch on hir belt sie pulls out an assortment of brightly collored beads, quite a few appear hand made as well as quite a few long white ones made of bone.

Cupcake mentally sings to herself as she rests in her mother's womb, smiling cheerily as ever. And then she tastes something faint, was that coffee? Oh my, it had some mint in it too... she loved mint coffee! A couple memories unhaze as she remembers a few mishaps with the coffee machine back at Zephyr.

Meniatz smiles and nuzzles up to Anti. "These will look really nice on you. So, I was thinking we could stitch your name onto the collar, and set up some sort of symbolic design that represents you--kind of like mine." Shi points to the serpentine design on either side of the embroidered name on hir own collar.

Antiman open beaked smiles at hir mate, "It looks really nice on you love!" Sie thinks about hir collar design, "I think a condor or eagle superimposed over a sun." Sie points to the long wite beads, "I was thinking of aranging these virticaly on the length of the collar to make a kind of neck armor."

The little one listens to the muffled voices on the outside, listening to them talk about themselves. She wondered what she was going to be after this... she remembers she went in as a fairy but she has been changed before. It excited her, she loved trying out new forms!

Meniatz taps on the beads and smiles. "This should make very nice armor, actually. It's durable, but it won't restrict your movement." Shi smiles as shi feels a...happiness from inside of hir, before examining the collar. "I think an eagle would work better than a condor. They have a prettier face--kind of like yours. So...what color threads do you want for the embroidery?"

Antiman immeadiatly answers, "Red, gold and orange. The colors of the sun. The eagle idea does sound nicer. I just hope one of my childern doesn't mind. I named one of my twins Antinanco - Like an eagle of the sun."

Cupcakes begins to search her memories, having some downtime again. A few come flooding back... her first day at work, how she got transformed, meeting Meniatz for the first time... Ah, Meniatz... she was such a caring mother, always tried to help her when she needed it and wasn't afraid to protect her despite being much bigger than herself.

Meniatz smiles and begins stitching Antimawn's name along the front of the collar in orange thread, leaving enough room in the center and on either side for the beads and adornments that would decorate it. Between each letter, shi sews in a bone plate with yellow and red thread. "That's a very pretty pallete, love. Would you like to design the sun and eagle while I sew the letters and plates? It would give me something to work off of...I'm not as skilled an artist as the lovely taur who made my collar." Shi blushes. Feeling a warmth inside hir, shi gently strokes hir belly.

Antiman selects the yellow and red beads, "I would love to dear." Sie sews the yellow beads into a sun disk with what looks like a silhouette of an eagle with outstreached wings. Ont the outside of the disk sie uses the red beads to make flame like rays along the edge of the sun disk. Sie then selects blue beads that sie sews into the eagle silhouette completing the design.

Meniatz sees Anti's work and gives hir a kiss. "That's beautiful, love."

Antiman chirp purs and gives Meni a lick and a nuzzel, "Thanks love. I'm not much of an artist myself but I was giving it quit a bit of thought."

Meniatz affixes a clasp in the shape of wings with small cat's paws engraved on them to the back of the collar. Shi shows hir the opening mechanism, which requires hir to squeeze the top and bottom of the clasp while pulling it apart. "This way, you'll be able to wear it and take it off easily."

Virginia walks into the main room from the room she was given. She still has bed head, and looks like she's wearing the same clothes she's worn the past few days. Had they been washed since she pissed in them that one time? You certainly hope so. At least this time she seems well rested, and when she spots Meniatz and Anti, she says "Hey. What's up?"

Antiman accepts the completed collar and observes how to put it on and take it off, "Its beautiful love." Sie puts the collar around hir neck snaping the clasp on in the back. "Hi Virginia. Meni just helped me make a collar neckless for me in a Native American style. What do you think." Sie seems to but does not preen showing Ginny hir new collar.

Cupcake smiles as a new voice is heard... at least she thinks it's new. It didn't really sound like the othe- Oh goodness it's getting hotter in here. Not unbearably so, but it was certainly starting to lose it's usual womby comfort, causing little Cupcake to squirm slightly.

Meniatz smiles and gives Virginia a small wave before giving Anti a kiss. "It's mostly decorative, but it also symbolizes our connection to one another." Shi giggles as Cupcake squirms inside hir. "It feels like someone's getting a little antsy," Shi muses with a smile as shi rubs hir belly.

Virginia sighs a little. "Look...can...can you stop with the nude thing? It's kinda hard to look at your collar when my eyes keep getting drawn downwards." She felt weird living with lesbians...well, sorta lesbians? One had a dick, which really weirded her out. She still couldn't get over the herm thing. How the hell did the hormones work for one, and with the penis and vagina being in the same place during the time of formation, it felt, to her, that things would be really cramped down there. She wasn't gonna check things out, that was for fucking sure. "Yeah...cool." she replies to Meniatz, trying to keep her eyes away from Anti. there was some red on her face under the black area.

Meniatz strolls up to Virginia and gives hir a kiss on the cheek. "I'm sorry if my mate is making you uncomfortable, but, well...it /is/ hir home, too. Besides, it's kind of part of hir religious beliefs that the Maternal Beast made hir perfect just the way shi is, and that wearing clothes to conceal hir body is shameful.

Antiman returns Meni's kiss as a nuzzel. Sie then gives an extatic expression ears pricked up in excitement, "The Baby's comming?!" Sie flicks an ear at Virginia, "But I'm not nude. The Maternal Beast has clothed me in hir natural splendor."

The little fairy bun in the oven continued her squirming. Damn right she was getting antsy, she wanted her comfort back, or to at least stretch or something. Anything would be good at this point.

Meniatz strokes Ginny's hair and hands hir a mug of coffee. Turning back to Anti, shi smiles and giggles. "Not exactly, Anti. Cup's been exploring different types of vore, and I've been helping her learn about them. She's resting in my womb right now." Shi feels more squirming in hir body. "Of course, I think she's almost ready to come out."

Virginia listens to meniatz and says "Maternal...what the hell is that?" then anti goes on about it. "Oh jesus, you've gotta be fucking kidding me. What the hell're you people talking about?" Then she takes the coffee handed to her and sips as sie talks. Vore? She'd heard that before. "Cup? Where've I heard that name? And what the hell is vore, I keep hearing that word thrown around."

Meniatz smiles and pats Virginia on the head. "Well, Vore is a...unique way of having someone inside of you." Shi says with a smile.

Antiman open beaked smiles, happy to answer questions about hir faith, "It is God in hir true form without the distortions that humanity chose to place on hir. Sie teaches, nurtures, protects and when necessary disiplines." Sie does not tell Virginia of hir judgement on humanity and the role that hir children are suppose to take up in helping humans to stop being human. Sie knows that Ginny isn't ready to face that reality yet.

Virginia narrows her eyes a little at anti. "Riiight." okay, keep some distance from her. She's nuts. Why'd she have to live with these people? Couldn't she find someone more normal to bunk with? Then meniatz speaks, and she gives hir a questioning look. That answer only raised more questions. And sie'd still not said who cup was. Wasn't cup a thing? Come to think of it, a lot of people she ran into had really weirdass names. Did everyone loose their god damned minds in the last five years, or what?

... No that voice was definately different. It sounded confused about some things, but she couldn't tell what they were. She wondered if she came into the conversation at some point... having a living fairy in your womb must be quite the conversation starter.

Meniatz sees a look of confusion on Virginia's face and offers hir a biscotti to go with hir coffee. "Is something wrong? You look a little...flustered."

Antiman guesses what kind of thought is behind Ginnies expression and drawn out words. Sie open beak smiles and flicks an ear. Sies encountered scepticism before and isn't offended in the least. Sie belives in converting by example and that the Maternal Beast will make Hir Will known to all in time.

Virginia takes the biscotti and says "What exactly did you mean "another way of being inside someone"? Do I even wanna know? I...don't think I do, now that I think about it."

Meniatz offers Virginia a seat on the couch while they enjoy their snack. "Well, Vore is short for Voraphilia and it deals with a fascination or fetishization of consuming or being consumed by others. I taught Cupcake about regular vore, where you are essentially 'eaten' the other day. Right now, my daughter, Cup is in my womb waiting to be born. It's called 'unbirthing,' and it's a kind of...vaginal vore." Shi stops to breathe after giving that long explanation. "Uh...Did that make any sense? I'm sorry. I'm not the best at explaining things."

Virginia looks more and more disturbed as sie talks. "Woah woah, shut the fuck up, I didn't wanna hear any of this, god!" She stands up from the couch. So someone named cupcake got inside her womb or something? Ew, what in the living fuck! How was that even *possible*? "Didn't I *just* say I didn't wanna know, what's wrong with you?" She makes a noise of disgust and tries to keep the images out of her head. She wasn't doing a very good job.

Antiman gives Meni a courious look, "So your adopted daughter is in your womb waiting to be reborn as your true daughter?" Sie looks undisturbed by all this. In truth sie has no problem with the concept of unbirthing.

Meniatz nods to Anti. "Precisely, love." Shi then bows hir head in shame as shi addresses Virginia. "I'm sorry, Ginny. I just thought that if I explainied it it wouldn't bother you as mu-Oh!" Shi grasps hir stomach and lies down on the couch. "She's coming! Cupcake's going to be born--er, reborn!" Shi stretches one of hir cunt's tunnels as hir daughter's hands emerge from hir warm folds, grasping for a handhold she can use to climb out of her mother.

Antiman pushes hirself off the chair that sie was sitting at and goes back to all fours. Sie pads to Meni and sits on hir haunches hands aranged in a catching manner in front of the birting vaginia, "Don't worry love. I'm here as midwife."

Virginia shoots a pissed glance to Anti. Why the *hell* was sie *still* talking about it? Then she realized she was staring at her nudity again and looked away with a reddened face, annoyed with herself now. Then meniatz starts talking, and before she can be pissed at being called "Ginnie" sie birthing, and Virginia can only stare in complete disgust at the process. It was like watching a twenty car pileup. Couldn't look away.

The little sucubbus fairy finally finds the end of her journey, managing to slip her way out of her mother and into Anti's waiting hands. The poor thing was quite dazed, shaking her head for a moment before sitting up. "Oh man... I think I hit something on the way out..." She murmurs, standing to her feet and looking herself over.

Antiman admires Cup's new form, "Aww you're so cute!" Sie then presents Cup to hir mate, "Congradulations! Its a herm tribal sucubbus."

Meniatz sees hir daughter's new body and squeals with delight. "You're adorable, Cupcake! I love your wings! You're like a mini-me~!" Shi exclaims proudly. "Now, let's get you cleaned up and then we'll see if Virginia wants to hold you. I know how sensitive she can be about some things." Shi strokes Cup's hair and smiles as shi heads over to the bathroom sink to wash hir. "So, did you enjoy your time in my womb, sweetie?"

Virginia's brain snapped a little at seeing a little proportionately adult miniature demoness standing up and talking. It defied all logic and reason. This kind of thing shouldn't exist. "No. No no. no. *No*. *Hell* no." She she says as she storms out of the living room and into her bedroom. While inside, she packs what little she considered hers into a pillowcase as she continued shouting "No. No, no, no." And once she came back out, she said "I'm done. I'm fucking *done*, people. I am *Fucking. Done.*" she stops at the door and turns around to say "Look, you people are nice and all, but I'm not gonna deal with shit like this. I'm out." She opens the door.

The little succubus fairy watches the human storm off, only to return with a bag. Her mother's praise bounces off of her for now as she flies over, looking rather upset. "No no no, don't blame them... this is my fault. I wanted to learn something and didn't take into consideration the fact that you lived here." She scratches the back of her head as she looks off to the side, a bit of a frown on her face. "Really, they're just nice people and they wanted to help me learn new things, so just give them another chance."

Antiman looks at Virginia with consern as sie storms out and opens the door, "Virginia, If you strike out on your own the Maternal Beast may choose a form for you. Think about this carefuly before you leave. I know personaly as one who was used by Hir to carry out Hir choice when I was feral."

Meniatz emerges with a freshly washed and dressed Cup only to see Virginia preparing to leave. "Please, Virginia. Wait." Shi approaches Virginia and twists hir tail in hir hands nervously. "I'm really sorry if we freaked you out. We never meant to make you feel uncomfortable or disgusted. Please, give us another chance. I promise we will tone things down for you. We will keep our sex-lives to ourselves, we will try to act more...appropriately while you're here...I'm sure Anti will even be willing to wear clothes if it makes you more comfortable." Shi is staring at the floor, unable to look hir new friend in the eye. Shi should have known that Virginia was not used to their particular lifestyle, and that she must have felt really out of place with them.

Meniatz looks up, still averting hir gaze. "We love you--not in like a creepy way or anything--I mean, we want you to be safe and happy, and if that means that we have to hold ourselves back and make some changes for your sake, then, so be it."

Virginia looks between everyone incredulously, falling on anti first. "I'm not gonna live outside, stupid, I'm gonna sleep in the zephyr lobby." Then meniatz made her offer. She began weighing the pros and cons of either choice. At the lobby, she'd be away from them, but around *other* freaks she didn't know at all. And from what she'd heard, the lobby wasn't the best place for someone of her sensabilities. If she stayed here...She'd have to keep dealing with them, and who knows when they'd decide to do something weird, and she'd walk in on it. But she got food here. Pretty good food too. She sighs out her nose and says "Fine..." she closes the door and turns back around, catching sight of Cupcake. She grimaces, shudders a little, and heads to her room.

Antiman nuzzels Meni, "Dear I love you, but I'm not the only one clothed in what the Spiritual Mother has graced us with. Its something that she'll need to be accustomed to." Sie looks at Ginny and flicks an ear, "Its not sleeping outside Virginia. Its being outside at all thats the risk."

Meniatz heads into hir room briefly, changes into a more conservative outfit, and slides a small manilla envelope underneath Virginia's door. The envelope has a slight weight to it, and the only clue to what is inside is the words written on the envelope's surface: "Our doors are always open..."

Cupcake continued to keep her frown, still looking off to the side even after Virginia had agreed to stay. "... I don't think she likes me very much." She murmurs, flying to the edge of a nearby table and sitting down. Her body was slumped forward slightly, and she rested her head in her hands.

Virginia hears the package being slid as she undoes her packing. she retrieves it, reads, and opens it up. At least sie did whatever it was in a nonconfrontational mannar.

Meniatz gives Cupcake a kiss on the cheek. "I think she was just overwhelmed by all the new things she's seen in such a short span of time, hon. I'm sure she likes you."

"...to our friends and loved ones." is written on a slip of paper attached to a key. The only other thing in the envelope is a small note that reads: "We wanted you to feel at home and--well--what better way than by giving you a key to the apartment? We know you've been through alot, but we want you to know that we'll always be around if you ever need us. ~Love, Meniatz, Anti, and Cupcake"

Antiman sits on hir haunches and does not put on anything more than what sies wearing. "I'm sorry love, but I can't put on anything more concealing than this. Not were I live and not if it isn't for protection."

Virginia mutters "Pff...right." and tosses the key on the nightstand. After, she moves to her bed and lays across it, staring at the ceiling. The scene went through her mind again, and she tried to clear it with something else. Then it landed on Anti's body, some slight unwanted attraction welling up in her before she sits up again, trying to find something to distract herself. She wasn't finding much.

The tiny succubus smiles a bit at Menis words before shaking her head. "I sure hope so... I mean I would have hated to ruin our relations with her just because I was curious to try something new." He gives another little sigh before her smile returns. "But everything seems to be better for now, and Anti doesn't need to wear clothes! Everyone wins in the end... I hope!"

Meniatz nods to Anti as shi undoes the top button of hir blouse. "I understand, Anti. I just thought that it wouldn't be as much of a problem if you were wearing clothes to protect Virginia, but I guess that may have been a bit out of line. I'm sorry, love." Shi pats Cup on the head and smiles. "I hope so, too."

Antiman nuzzels Meni and preens hir hair, "The provision for protection is for personal protection, for armor or occupational protection, that kind of thing."

Meniatz nuzzles Anti and strokes hir behind the ears. "Okay, love." Hir stomach growls as shi shares this tender moment, and shi gives an embarassed grin. "I think it's about time for dinner." Shi knocks on Virginia's door delicately. "Virginia? Are you awake? I was just wondering what you'd like to have for dinner. Can I come in?"

Meniatz buttons up the top button of hir blouse, leaving the collar unbuttoned...shi still wasn't quite used to wearing fancy clothes like this, but...it was for hir friend.

Virginia stands up, heads over to the door, unlocks it, and opens. "Yeah? Uh, I don't really know what I want." She takes note of the suit and says "Oh, that's nice." She heads back over to the bed and throws herself on it.

Meniatz sits down on the bed next to Virginia. "Thank you. I thought you'd like it." Hir tail slowly swings behind hir for a few moments as shi searches for something to say. "So...what kind of food do you like. You know, what's your favorite food? Is there something that you used to love to eat before..." Shi trails off, realizing that bringing up the past was probably a bad idea.

Antiman chirp purs as Meni strokes behind hir ears. Sie then chuckle purs when sie hears Meni's stomach growl, "I think you're right dear." Sie hears Virginia's non decision on dinner and hir assement of what hir mates wearing. It doesn't sound like she's impressed with Meni's choice. Sie pads into the kitchen to retrive sliverware to set the table.

Virginia says "Mmm..." as she lies there thinking. After a few moments of silene she says "Chinese food? Like, the american stuff. Once I went to a place on chinese new years, and they were serving *actual* chinese food. Couldn't eat any of it. Don't think you can make that stuff though. No one can. Gotta be chinese to pull it off, I swear." At least she had something distracting her now.

Meniatz cleans hir glasses on hir blouse. They were dusty from lack of use, but they really pulled hir look together. More importantly, though, Meni hoped that they would make hir look more...approachable to Virginia. "Hmm...well, I don't think we can get Chinese food, but have you ever had Japanese food? Like sushi? I remember there was a really great sushi place I used to go to all the time. It's closed now, but I have recipes for sushi, and Zero's pretty great at making virtually anything."

Antiman forces hirself to stand on two legs when doing anything in the kitchen. Sie washes hir talloned hands in the sink and dries them with a dish towel. Sie then gets plates and silverware for four, one plate much smaller for Cupcake with baby silverware and a thimble for a glass. Sie walks to the dining room table with hir load and sets it down on the table.

Virginia says "Well...I had sushi, but...it was never very filling, you know?" She sits up, and looks at her. "Glasses?" She looks the suit over. "How'd you get this tailored for this shape of you, anyway? It's...pretty good, really. Didn't think anyone cared about fashion anymore."

Meniatz blushes, "Well, I designed it myself, and I used nanites to make mold the cloth like clay. When you change forms as often as I do, you have to be creative with how you choose to dress yourself. Plus...I like to look nice. I could probably make you something sometime, if you'd like." Shi then contemplates their next meal. "Well, if you'd like something filling, we could always make pasta with chicken and vodka sauce...or maybe alfredo sauce. Depends on whether you feel like a white or red sauce, really." Shi says with a nervous giggle. Were they actually...bonding?

Antiman hears what Virginia said about hir mates ensamble. It appears that sie was mistaken about Ginnies assement of hir wardrobe choice. Usualy 'Oh, thats nice.' isn't a complement. Sie places the plates on the four cardinal points of the table. Sie then places the silverware at each place in proper order, fork, knife, spoon. Sie places Cupcakes thimble glass on the right side of hir plate at the top. Sie then waddels back into the kitchen to get the other three glasses.

Virginia says "Oh...that...sounds cool actually, making clothes like that. I'd appreciate it." she tugs at her shirt "This stuff is getting old...and threadbare." As for the offer of food "Oh. That sounds really good. Um...I prefer white sauce, really. Red's alright, but...eh." She glances to Meni, looking over her form. "I gotta say...you give me the creeps when I catch you out the corner of my eye every time, but at least you look human...and wear clothes. I mean, so...blue-bird out there has a...whatever it is. Is it a religion? Like a real thing people are doing now? Sure, great, but it really bothers me. I know, its hir home, but..." she didn't know what else to say.

Meniatz nods and calls out. "Lucy, could you please make us some pasta with chicken, broccoli, and alfredo sauce for dinner?"

The tiny succubus seemed to have dozed off, but the mention of dinner has her spring up rather comedically. Truth be told she was rather hungry, and the nutrients she got from that mint coffee her mother had drank earlier wouldn't last long. "Oh thank goodness, I'm starving!" She cheers, realizing she was on the floor now. "So that's why my face is sore..."

Meniatz then puts hir hand on Virginia's knee. "Well, I'm glad you're getting used to my body." Shi looks over Virginia. "Hmm...we're about the same size--well, okay, you're a little taller than me, but I think I might have some clothes that might fit you. I think they'll look really nice, too."

Zero One calls back "Okaaay, sounds great!" and gets to work. She'd make the best she could.

Virginia flinched a little at the touch, but nothing else. "Okay then, sounds great." Well, at least she had someplace to get away from the circus of insanity outside. The clowns were here, but at least they promised to stop juggling while she was around.

Antiman hurries out of the kitchen as fast as hir belly allows with the three full size glasses in hir hand as Lucy preps the kitchen for Itailian. Sie places the glasses at each of the full sized plates like sie did for Cupcake's plate, top right of the plate. Satisified with the place settings sie goes back to all fours and walks back into the living room.

Meniatz pulls hir hand back. "Oh! My apologies! I should have known better. You still aren't entirely comfortable with my current shape. I shouldn't have touched you without warning like that." Shi then gets up and offers to help Virginia to her feet. "Would you like to look through my wardrobe now? Dinner should still take a little while to get ready, so we have some time to find or modify something that will make you feel more human--more comfortable, y'know?" Shi feels hir tail wrap around hir leg while shi waits for Virginia's answer. Shi then stares down to hir outstretched hand before loking back up to Virginia. "*Tch* I did it again, didn't I? Sorry. You don't have to touch me if you don't want..."

Cupcake stretches slightly, giving her face a little rub before flying back up onto the table she fell off. She gives the room a quick look around before finally noticing Meni's new outfit. She gives a little whistle, and a thumbs up in here direction before calling to her, "Nice suit mom, really fits you well!" before giggling a bit.

Virginia looks apologetic to meniatz's apologies. "No no, I really shouldn't be..." God damn it, you're making her all upset and shit. Can't you get over yourself for one minute? You can be weird about it when she's not here, you fuck up. Then Meniatz starts fretting over the offered hand. Take it. You don't like touching her, but take it, you're in her damn home, show some respect. She reaches out, takes the hand, and pulls herself up, immediately letting go. "It's fine."

Meniatz leads Virginia to hir bedroom and opens hir walk, in closet. "Feel free to take what you'd like. Don't worry too much about size or shape, either. I can alter pretty much anything in here to fit you perfectly." Shi sits on the bed and allows Virginia to have free reign to raid hir wardrobe.

Antiman follows Cup with hir eyes. Sie flicks an ear in a silent laugh but gives no other sign of hir mates outfit being funny. Personaly sie thinks it looks too restrictive, but has no real objection of clothing on a human like form. The human types, afterall are usualy the more vunerable to the elements.

Virginia looks through the closet, trying to find things she'd like. She ends up finding things that are close to her style, but not quite. After discussing alterations with Meni, they come to a close. "If you want me to pay you for stuff, I can figure out how to repay you. Not...quite sure how, but I'll get it."

Meniatz smiles at Virginia's offer. "Well, that's very noble of you, but you don't need to do that. Though, I suppose if you'd like to do something for me, I could always use an assistant. I mean, I'm already my boss' assistant, but we're a bit shorthanded right now, so he probably won't mind hiring you. Basically, we just need someone to keep and organize records--nothing too weird or dangerous. It's more or less secretarial work, really."

Cupcakes decides to stop being so idle, flying towards Antiman with a little smile on her face. "Hey, is there anything you need help with while we wait for dinner? I feel like I'm a part of the background at the moment and need something to do." She says, scratching the back of her head a bit.

Virginia shrugs and says "Sounds boring, but money is money I guess. Who's your boss? Wha'does he do?" She asks as she leaves the bedroom towards the kitchen.

Antiman open beak smiles, "I know what you mean." Sie thinks for a moment, "I was wondering. Where were you from before everything changed?"

Meniatz adjusts hir glasses. "Well, my boss' name is Angus, and we do science. I specialize in working with researching and developing nanites and nanite-based products that would be beneficial to society or that would be desireable to consumers. Angus' experiments have a somewhat broader range, and I don't fully understand all of them, but he--or sometimes she...or shi--is very nice."

Virginia says "Wait...what? Which one is..."he"?

Cupcake shrugs, looking off to the side. "Well my hometown was back in Ohio, but I moved here to California when I got a better job offer here at Zephyr Inc. Needless to say I probably would have stayed back in Ohio if I knew this shit would happen. Though to be honest, I'm actually pretty happy I didn't since I met you guys." The little succubus smiles happily before looking down at herself, admiring her new tattoos.

Meniatz smacks hirself in the head. "Right! Well, I was talking about Angus. He transforms into other things sometimes, but, while I'm always a herm, regardless of what I turn into, his gender will occasionally change when he becomes something new. So, I don't really know what his gender is right now."

Virginia says "Oh god, the gender changes with the form? Ugh...God, I can't imagine having a penis. Why would...Wait, you have...you're herm?" Damn it, she thought she had another girl around.

Antiman looks at Cup with surprise, "Ohio, really? This is a small world. I was from there myself. Came over here for a family reunion. My immeadiate family and my a couple of my moms aunts were here when everything happened." Sie bobs hir head in a quadraped shrug, "I'm actualy glad I was here when it happened in the end. I wasn't too fond of being human from what I recall."

Meniatz blushes and nods hir head "I...am. I'm sorry. I probably should have told you earlier. Um...the penis is actually...kind of nice to have sometimes." Hir face gets even redder. "I could tell you more about it, but I wouldn't want to make you feel uncomfortable or grossed out."

Virginia shakes her head. "Ugh...No thanks. I mean seriously, why would you want something dangling between your legs like that? What the fuck..." She then realized who, and what, she was talking to. "Um...I mean, it's cool with you I guess, but..." Jesus, how many times are you gonna fuck up today? Just keep making yourself look bad, watch it get you thrown out on the street with the mutants...or the demons.

Cupcake looks a little surprised herself, "Really now? It really is a small world isn't it." She chuckles a bit, listening to the rest of the gryphon's story. "You know, I can't really blame you for not wanting to be human. Life back then was just so... mundane." She turns her head to Virginia for a moment, giggling a bit. "I feel the same way to be honest... it's weird NOT having something dangling between my legs right now... It's so alien!"

Meniatz giggles, "It's okay, Virginia. I used to be just as confused about why someone would want a hole in their crotch that they bleed out of every month. Basically, it's something that you don't quite understand unless you are used to it." Shi shrugs, "Besides, even now, there are some people who just don't like the idea of being herm, and I can respect that."

Antiman chuckle purs at the descusion thats developing about equipment, "I never had an issue with gaining a vaginia. Then again I was feral for so long befor I met my brother again it became natural."

Virginia looks surprised. "You mean you were...!" She says towards meniatz. Her mannar seemed so female, she'd assumed she'd started out as one. Every time she thought she had a handle on things, things got switched up again. She finds a seat at the table and says "Ugh...too much." Then anti speaks up and she puts her head in her hands and shakes it a little.

Cupcake is surprised at Meniatz's reveiled original gender as well, widening her eyes slightly in hir direction. "Well god damn, you were a guy before this all started? Hell, you could have fooled me!" She reclines on the counter, scratching her cheek. "I mean, at least everyone can tell I was a guy... but you!"

Meniatz is twisting hir tail in hir hands, hir face as red as a well-cooked lobster, "I'm really sorry. If it helps you to think of me as female, then by all means, feel free to do so. It's not like I'll be walking around the apartment naked, so you'll never have to see my...um...maleness." pose hears hir daughter's surprise and holds hir face in hir hands. "Yes...I've just been a herm for so long, I just...got into it."

Antiman for some reason the information that Meni was male before doesn't really surprise hir, "It doesn't surprise me really. I think the nanites pushed us hard to become maternal. They may have altered some brain structures that control gender behavior."

Virginia turns and looks to Antiman. "What? I thought the zephyr...antidote things or whatever, the shots, they made it so the nanites couldn't screw with your head anymore."

Cupcake quirks a brow at Anti, shaking her head a little. "Hey, no offense, but I really don't want to go around getting knocked up by anything right now." She scratches her cheek a bit, looking into the air with thought. "There was that time where I tried getting filled by Meni though, but I think that was mostly just the combination of lust and nanite influence."

Antiman chuckle purs, "I'm a Promeathian, dear. I never got them. Its a matter of finding a mental pathway that brings you back to yourself. For me it was my brother."

Meniatz sighs. "They keep nanites from making you feral, but they don't always work quite right, and even when they do, changes to your body chemistry can still cause slight alterations to your mental faculties. I actually did some part-time research for Zephyr to make some extra cash, so I got to learn a great deal about their technology and its limitations." Shi blushes again as Cupcake mentions trying to get knocked up by hir. "Cup, would you like to wear this pretty dress I made you?" Shi holds up an elegant, fairy-sized, purple Victorian-style dress.

Virginia looks disturbed at meniatz. "I...don't think I wanna live in this city anymore." Her form was at risk, and so was her mind if she didn't have safe passage to and from home to places. She hated it here, she really did.

Cupcake looks over the dress she was presented, a smile forming on her face soon after. "Goodness, I usually just wear my doctor's uniform all the time... but this sure beats the hell out of that!" The little fairy cheers, flying up to her mother's cheek to give it a kiss before flying under and into the dress, doing a little mid-air spin to look herself over. "Ooh, and it's quite comfy too! Much better than those starchy scrubs."

Antiman shakes hir head, "Its like this everywhere Virginia. If it wasn't things wouldn't still be as much into collapse as they are right now. I hear things are worse in the national parks, for instance. In Las Vegas everyone turned into a pile of nanite goo." Sie chuckle purs at Cupcake's reaction to hir new dress, "You look cute in it Cup. I think you need a monocle to complete the look."

Meniatz pats hir daughter on the head. "I'm glad you like it. It really suits you well, and Virginia will not have to worry about seeing a tiny naked demon flitting about the house." Shi puts a hand on Virginia's shoulder. "I know that Fairhaven can be scary, but the whole world is kind of scary. At least here, there is some semblance of civilization, and you are surrounded by people who care about you. That's something, right?"

Meniatz pets Anti and chuckles. "Or maybe a little top-hat and parasol?"

Virginia looks at the happy fairy tiredly. "Watch it "mister" you're starting to like girl clothes too much." The idea that someone could be changed from who they were disgusted her. As long as she was careful, that wouldn't happen to her. She looks to Antiman "Wait, what? What happened to Las Vegas?" to Meniatz's reassurance, she sighs. "I...guess?" Lucy calls out from the kitchen "It's reeeaaaady~" as she comes out with a serving tray and spoon.

Cupcake smiles, looking down at her dress. "To be honest I think the old timey kindsa dresses really flatter my look, though I never thought purple would be my color." She quirks her brow at Virginia, "Hey, I gotta wear something that fits the look! Besides, I've had one too many a costume slip with the scrubs. They're too big on this frame!"

Antiman chirp purs as Meni pets hir, "The nanites were more misprogrammed there than usual from what I've been told. They simply turned people into more nanites. No one goes to Vegas and comes back."

Meniatz shrugs. "I don't really see a problem with Cup liking her new dress. I mean, if women can like wearing 'men's' clothes, why can't men wear clothing intended for women?" Shi hears Lucy call the family to dinnier. "Anyway, we should probably go eat. Lucy works hard on these dinners, and it would be rude not to enjoy them."

Virginia replies "Right." to Cupcake. It made enough sense she guessed. "Oh..." She to the vegas explanation. "I...had a cousin out there. I mean, I know he lived as a professional gambler, but...shit. He could have been somewhere else, but chances are..." She lets it end there, following Meni's call to go to the table.

The fairy throws her arms into the air with a little cheer, following the group to the table. She didn't know what they were having, must have been asleep at the time, but hey if Lucy was making it it MUST be good, all of her cooking usually was!

Meniatz invites Virginia to sit next to hir as shi stabs a piece of broccoli with hir fork and plaes it into hir mouth. "Mmm~ This is really tasty!"

Virginia looked at her plate with a manic view. She really loved this dish, and it'd been years since she'd had it. She attacked it with ferocity.

Antiman follows Meni and Virginia to the table on all fours. Sie finds hir place and climbs onto the chair and sits two legged style, "I'm sorry to hear about your cousin, Virginia. Everyone's lost family from this. Its best not to dwell on this too much." Sie bows hir head in prayer, "Spiritual Mother bless this food we are about to eat and besow your blessings on those here and elsewhere. In your name, let it be done."

Meniatz adds, "And please keep Virginia safe from harm."

Hoho, Cupcake remembered this dish! The memory was from her childhood, but she remembered it like it was yesterday! Sure, it didn't taste just like how her mom used to make... and she wasn't currently male... but she wasn't going to let that ruin the meal, it tasted too damn good! "Lucy, you've outdone yourself again!" She says with a mouthful, yep... she still had that guyish charm.

Virginia disliked religion in general. Didn't believe in the stuff, the promises, the claims. Then again, she'd spent five years under the thumbs...and other parts, of demons. Maybe she should rethink things. Lucy meanwhile was beaming from the compliment. "Thank you Miss Cupcake, I did my best."

Meniatz thanks Lucy as shi enjoys hir meal. "So, Virginia, would you like some wine to go with your meal? We don't have much right now, but I've kept a stash in the apartment, and I've been learning to make wine in my spare time."

Antiman spun some noodles onto a fork and stabbed some brocoli on the end. Sie puts it in hir beak and pulls it off hir fork. Sie tilts hir head back and swallows noodles and brocoli whole, "Very good. Lucy you've outdone yourself."

The little fairy raises her hand at her mother's offer, "Ooh! Ooh! I want some!" She calls, a grin on her face that stretched from ear to ear. With how much she drank, one would think she ran on alcohol or something. ... Maybe she does? They have helicoptors that run on the stuff, who says she can't.

Virginia smiled lightly and shrugged. "Honestly, I never had a taste for wine...tasted like vinigar to me. But...hell, I'll give it another shot. It might go good with the food."

Antiman chucke purs at how cup is acting like a kid with an answer for the teacher. "I'll have a glass if we can spare it, Please."

Meniatz goes into the pantry and returns with two bottles of wine. The first was a sweet desert wine, and the other was a crisp white wine. Shi sets it on the table and allows everyone to serve themselves. "I'm glad you're so open-minded, Virginia. Maybe someday you'll be able to eventually get over your anxiety towards us." Shi says with a smile as shi pours hirself a glass of the dessert wine.

Excited, the fairy bounces slightly with anticipation... until she saw how big the bottles were. Oh boy... she could pick heavy things up... but this had smooth ridges. Her eyebrows furrow, and she removes her gloves, clenching her hands with a grin as she remembers they're lined with rubber. With a cry, she grapples the bottle, flying into the air and suplexing the neck of the wine bottle over her thimble.

Meniatz yawns and stretches out hir wings. Shi prepares to go to bed and gives hir mate and daughter each a kiss and offers a hug to Virginia. "Goodnight, everyone." Shi whispers to Virginia, "If you need me to be your dreamcatcher again, you know where to find me~."

Virginia replies "Then go for it, because I think I might have nightmares for the rest of my life." She shudders a bit.