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Revision as of 00:09, 3 December 2024

Retardant Spray stats
Description Repurposing aerosols with a concocted foam payload to create an explosive discharge of retardant spray that coats over enemies to reduce their damage output with heat, electric, and sonic-based assaults.
Cred Cost 5000 Ingredients Aerosol X 1
Salvage Common Chemical X 7
Common Mechanical X 1
Crafting Skills Chemical of at least 10
Mechanical of at least 3
Item Stats Charge of 800
Cooldown of 6000
Damage of 1
Damage Type of Acid
Energy of 16
100% chance of PowerampHeatDebuff at magnitude 1.5 for 3 rounds.
80% chance of PowerampElectricityDebuff at magnitude 1 for 3 rounds.
80% chance of PowerampSonicDebuff at magnitude 1 for 3 rounds.
Target of Small Enemy AoE
Type of Small AoE Enemy Debuff Pocketable
Upgrade Cost of 20
Upkeep of 5

Retardant Spray/Extra Notes Edit notes