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<div></div><br> <br>Everyone who answered the call to join the excursion is briskly ushered into the meeting area and encouraged to pay attention to a man in a simple black suit with shades. Were it not for the tufted leonine tail that swishes behind him, he'd easily be mistakeable for human. "Everyone please be quiet for the debriefing." he states, his tone flat and emotionless. In the middle of the meeting table, there is a smooth, glossy table of varnished 'wood' upon which a film projector sits. It's aimed at a projection screen toward the back - looks like you're in for a slideshow, if you keep your eyes front. "Save all questions for the end of the show." he encourages all of you, as two more men in equally nondescript suits close - but do not lock - the doors behind you all.<br> <br>Anbessa pads into the room with his red and black striped paws in his pockets, stretching his arms casually as he looks to the man in the suit. He nods, quietly just taking a spot near a wall as he stares around the room casually, his silvery eyes glancing to each person that comes into the room after him. He looks casual honestly, if you diden't count the large Claymore sword resting on his back.<br> <br>Onris takes the closest seat sipping off hir thermos as shi wonders what shi got herself into.<br> <br>A lithe Nekomata takes her seat at the meeting table, curious what this mission will be like. She's been in danger before, but with all the armor she's wearing, none of the scars are visible. Her white coloration may seem out of the ordinary, though she's more focused on the projector. Solixis quickly reviews the summons she answered before returning her attention to the leonine-tailed man.<br> <br>Malikai makes his way in, behind the first small group of incoming agents, shifting his rather large frame through the doorway, and ducking down. A quick glance of the room is given, a short "Hrrgh..." rumbling out of his throat while he locates a comfortable seat to flop into, lounging back and raking his claws across the underside of his neck. The other hand casually shifts the laser pistol out of his pocket, idly examining the weapon with one eye, while the other remains fixated on the projection screen. He didn't seem to be paying all that much attention to anyone else entering the area, not even so much as a glance to the ones he'd followed in.<br> <br>Taking a seat next to the nekomata, Redd grins at seeing several familiar figures in the room, before turning towards the the speaker. Always nice to see old friends again.<br> <br>Redd's entrance is closely followed by the soft padding of four paws, the clicking of claws on the floor.  Unassuming, a Coyote makes its way into the room behind him, throwing a slight glance side to side at the other figures in the room.  Perhaps she's Redd's pet, or something?<br> <br>The man who previously smoke gives a brief nod, and the lights in the room dim almost as if in response. He reaches out to turn on the projector, and a single grainy image appears. Those who are familiar with the area might know it as far northern Fairhaven, though they wouldn't be at all familiar with what looks like an entire city block's worth of wreckage beyond its borders. "At 0700 hours - that's 7:00 AM to the uninitiated - this spontaneously appeared close to Fairhaven." the man states, his tailtip twitching in ill-suppressed agitation. "Your task, should you choose to accept it, is threefold: first, you are to ascertain if there is any threat to Zephyr or the citizens of Fairhaven. Second, you are to determine how this wreckage got to its current position, especially how it did so without alerting anyone. And finally, you are to recover any salvage and return it to Zephyr for proper disposal and/or utilization." Upon finishing his mini-speech, he nods once more and the lights come up, though the projector remains on (albeit with a much less visible picture thanks to the lights). "Any questions?"<br> <br>Anbessa smiles to the familiar faces that enter the room, waving to them before he turns his attention back the the presentation. With his tail idly flicking from side to side, he stares at the pictures with slightly suprised, yet curious intent, listening to the explaination with a quiet flick of his ears... After the presentation though, he does speak up a little. "Well, I got no questions, but I am in. Maybe something worth of getting in there... Plus, I am curious what caused it." He says, smiling a little bit as he quietly thinks to himself... Probably thinking about what he may find!<br> <br>Onris glances to each of those that follow hir, a slight nod offered out of politeness. At the sight of Redd shi relaxes visibly, still convinced he is a diety among mortals. She watches the brief brief briefly shrugging. "When we start?" <br> <br>Solixis frowns as she looks over the wreckage, surprised at its size and sudden appearance. "Any sounds reported from that area prior to its appearance? This doesn't look like natural decay by any means. Curious about who did it. You can count me in, by the way."<br> <br>Malikai rocks his head from side to side, eyeing the image with a certain amount of interest all his own, not just because of what might be found, but the entire story surrounding it. "Hrgh... so we're the hired guns, is that it? No special equipment being provided to... collect all that crap?" His voice came out in a low grumble, both hands shifting to the small laser pistol, flicking the safety switch on it on and off, then holding it up - pointed away from others - to give the sights a quick looking through, apparently inspecting the weapon itself for flaws or the like. "... Junk guns..." he muttered, under his breath. "... Need something with more kick..."<br> <br>"Have you got any images of the area prior to this morning? Like, was it suburbs, fields, wooded, what?" Redd taps idly on the table as he speaks. "I mean, something must have been there other than debris, and what sort of material is it? Brick? Metal? Plastic?"<br> <br>The coyote doesn't say anything.  She just watches the screen, and takes a turn to look at each person as they speak.  Certainly puzzling.  It very well did look like the cogs in her head were turning, as she put her forepaws up on the table to support herself, and cocks her head at the screen.<br> <br>Questions are answered, one by one. "The moment you get outside." the man informs Onris, while Solixis gets a slightly more detailed answer: "Nothing was recorded in the area. No witnesses have come forward. It wasn't there, and now it is." Sounds like it's a bit of a mystery. Malikai gets a cold, impassive look. "You *are* the special equipment." states the dark-haired host in a passionless, steady meter. His motions are even and conservative, his expression inscrutable; even a neophyte would be able to tell that this man is a professional. Redd's answer comes, "Fields. Flatland. It's outside city limits. As for what's there, that's what we want *you* to find out. Preferably before something feral - or worse - gets into something dangerous." His answers given, he looks among each agent and asks once again, "Questions?"<br> <br>Anbessa continues to just stand there, watching each of the other agents as they speak out their questions... Though he does see Malikai tinker with that peashooter of a laser pointer they call a gun at Zephyr, making the Talakai raise an eyebrow as he listens in. He then wags his tail, smiling as he gets an idea for later before looking back to the others, already ready to get to work as he waits for any further questions to be voiced.<br> <br>Onris shakes hir head to the lion, as shi more closely surveys each of the others. She starts a mental tally of her perceptions of each figuring hir life we <br> <br>Onris shakes hir head to the lion, as shi more closely surveys each of the others. She starts a mental tally of her perceptions of each figuring hir life will be in there hands soon enough.<br> <br>A frown crosses Solixis's faces as she studies the image. "Last question from me: how overt or covert do you want this operation? doesn't matter to me, I just want a better feel for how to approach the issue." Her twin tails flit about behind her, glowing softly.<br> <br>Malikai snorts, quietly, looking now to each of the other agents - five others, that made six total, including himself. "...Hrh. Funny..." he muttered, straightening up and slipping the little laser pistol into his pocket, giving his clawed fingers a dangerous flex while he let the others speak, apparently finished with his own questioning.<br> <br>"Assuming we're approaching on foot, how should we get this stuff back? Call back and ask for a flatbed or something?" Redd stands, pushing the chair back a bit, and ruffles the other coyote's fur between the ears. "I'm no pack mule, after all."<br> <br>Smokie closes her eyes and leans into the ruffle from Redd's paw.  All very good questions, but still, the Coyote didn't have anything to add.  Watching, quietly scheming.  A well-trained pet, or perhaps maintaining a visage?  A little shake of her scruff, and she was ready to go.  Everyone else was asking the questions for her, after all.<br> <br>The man nods, his brow wrinkling almost imperceptibly as he notes Solixis' question. "A city block just materialized within close view of the north side of town. 'Covert' went out the window the moment this became a situation. Go in guns blazing, sneak in, nuke the site from orbit, we don't much care. The safety of Zephyr and the citizens of Fairhaven comes first, salvageable goods second, everything else after." Redd gets a calm, stoic look in reply to his question. "Prioritize. Bring back the most important items first. Go back for more if and when you can. You've done this before." Smokie is glanced at as well, as if she were being included in that statement.<br> <br>Onris stands quietly as hands move from weapon to weapon and the reassurance the contact with a tried and true friend brings. "Get in, look around, grab the good shit, get out. Sounds easy as pie." hir tone is much more apprehensive then hir words.<br> <br>Solixis nods, getting up from her chair. "Worked with a few of these people before, I think we can handle this." She gently fingers the oversized polearm on her back, the hum of nanites activating surrounds her. "Ready to go when everyone else is."<br> <br>Malikai snaps his attention over to Onris, snorting an amused chuckle while scooting his seat back, and moving up to his feet. He had his 'partner' picked, at the least, taking a stance near Onris while shoving his hands into the pockets of his ACU pants, dragging his tail across the floor in a languid motion. "... Well, let's get this show on the road, already."<br> <br>Smokie yips happily at the suggestion to get the show on the road.  She hops down off the table, tail wagging almost.  Just a short little Ki-yup.  She goes over to the door, where she sits back on her haunches, as if gesturing to hurry up.<br> <br>Seeing that the group is anxious to get moving, the lion-tailed human nods to the door guards, who open the door for the lot of you. "Backup will be sent if necessary and available." he says in parting. "Good luck." Once you've filed out of the meeting room, the doors are again closed after you, leaving you on the third floor of the Zephyr building, entirely up to your own devices. What will you do?<br> <br>Onris adjusts hir mask slightly as shi looks to the other members. "So... Umm.. Should we establish a chain of command or...?"<br> <br>Solixis stretches as she heads for the stairs, everything ready for her job. "I think a chain of command would be best. At least a leader and designation of roles."<br> <br>"We should probably start walking, since it doesn't seem that transportation is provided." Redd pulls a small rifle from his bag and pulls the sling over an arm. "Comeon, it ain't gonna clean itself up!"<br> <br>Smokie trots alongside happily, bobbing her head to a tune only she hears with her oversized ears.  Going on a mission- yeah!  Gonna go for a walk!  Hell, she's so happy, she doesn't think it'd be out of place at all to throw out a couple yips.  Come on, folks, pick up your paws!  (Boundless Coyote optimism?<br> <br>As the group leaves the area, the sounds of other agents can be heard in the lobby, chatting about this and that and occasionally being more than a little intimate. It seems that the sudden appearance of wreckage north of town is a popular topic of the day, and there are even some making plans to go and explore at the earliest opportunity. It seems that if you want to be among the first there, time is of the essence!<br> <br>Onris shrugs and follows behind the coyotes then stops in hir tracks as they approach the lobby. "You guys think we could hitch a ride on the 'copter?"<br> <br>Solixis shakes her head. "Better to approach on foot, since I don't like flying in the choppers. And Redd, you okay with leading or should I? I think between all of us, you and I have the most experience with these kinds of missions."<br> <br>Malikai grumbles, loudly, looking between the entire group, flexing his fingers in his pockets while staying a bit behind and to the right of Onris, briefly flashing his teeth in a faint chuckle. "... Long as I get to chew on a Feral, don't really care how we get there."<br> <br>"I'll lead the way then. Onward!" At this, the coyote starts to run at a decent rate. "Doubt we need a heli to go a half dozen blocks at most. Or hell, take the heli, we'll make it a race!" Redd yells back over his shoulder at those who were still standing in place.<br> <br>Smokie blinks for a moment, before tilting her muzzle down and chasing after Redd, her four legs rolling and her blunt claws pulling herself forward over the ground.  Damn Coyotes, always such unpredictable things, always having their good intentions go wrong.<br> <br>Time passes, a few of the people in the lobby leave, including some of them that were discussing paying these new 'ruins' a visit. Whatever you decide upon, it's clear that if you don't pick something soon and go, there might not be anything left to pick up...and considering the obviously lackluster skills of some of the more bombastic new recruits, you might be saving more lives than you had originally intended! Redd, at the very least, makes a decent beacon to follow. Even a few other agents start following him, based on the premise of following someone who looks like he knows what he's doing!<br> <br>Anbessa also is easilly able to follow Redd on his two feet, the silent Talakai staying quiet throughout the run as he keeps up with the Coyote with ease. Even with lugging around the massive sword on his back, he finds ease in his movements as he keeps up side by side with Redd, his eyes sometimes glancing to the other agents before keeping his eyes ahead and on the job. <br> <br>Solixis runs after Redd, glad for the exercise and that she's not the one in charge. She takes to a higher vatage point whenever able to scout the ruins better.<br> <br>Onris follows at a run until they leave the building then leaps into the air and spreads her wings. Powerful flaps bring hir over Redd shortly. Shi keeps pace two stories above the party eyes scanning constantly for danger.<br> <br>Malikai puts his own powerful legs into motion, gradually building speed until his feet are driving into the ground, propelling the lumbering wall of muscle into a sprint fast enough to catch up with the 'yote's. Once he's up with them, he's able to drop the pace enough to conserve his energy, maw left open to allow deep breaths to pull in, and flow out in practiced rhythm.<br> <br>Smokie continues to pump along at a steady pace next to Redd, four paws over the asphalt and aging concrete of the city.  Her tongnue hangs out the side of her mouth and her tail  flails to keep her balance.  Just a coyote running with the wind.<br> <br>Once the group arrives on the scene - which doesn't take too long, since many of the local ferals know to give everyone present their berth and instead go after the weaker agents - they find a small cadre of Zephyr officials working to keep people at bay. Apparently, there's been a call put out for an official team to enter and research the site, and if everyone would just calm down and be patient, that group is the only one cleared to enter, and surely there are other places to go and ferals to fight...of course, they haven't taken notice of the PCs' group yet, too busy with the rabble (and the occasional agent who sneaks, slithers, flows, or otherwise gets past them) to have realized that the coyotes, komodo, nekomata, angel, and talakai they're waiting for have arrived to begin their 'expedition'. Nobody else seems to be paying too much mind, either...<br> <br>Anbessa sighs in an annoyed tone at the crowd ahead, slowing down for a moment, though only a little to put his paws up to his lips. With a slightly silly, yet loud whistle, he quickly begins to pad into the crowd, easilly beginning to pass some of the other agents that are being general meddlers as he brushes through the crowd with outstretched paws. Though he is easy to spot, being bigger than the average person, and also having the trademarked Talakai's fangs and black fur.<br> <br>Onris turns a tight circle over the party lowering altitude slightly to be able to hear any orders sent hir direction.<br> <br>Solixis catches up to Redd, frowning at the group gathered. "Well, covert is definitely out of the question." She approaches the Zephyr agents. "We're the expedition team sent by Zephyr. Here's proof of our mission. Thanks for trying to keep them out. The less disturbed this mess is, the better for the investigation."<br> <br>Malikai breaks into the group with the rest of the crew, rolling his shoulders once while he peers at the mass of gathered agents, easily standing over a good deal of them, even those larger than the average person. He doesn't need to use his size to push them away, however - Anbessa did a good enough job of that. He maintains absolute silence while Solix explains their presence, one eye peering over the Zephyr officials with a distinct lack of emotion.<br> <br>"We should probably get started with sorting the debris, actually could probably get some of the people in the crowd to help with that, if somebody keeps an eye on them." Redd's thinking aloud, but starts pulling chunks of concrete to the side.<br> <br>Smokie stops short upon the sight of the crowd, but soon wastes no time in throwing herself into it, clearing a way at Anbessa's paws, running to and fro, growling and snapping at the stubborn agents who would not get out of her way.  She's pretty small, but no one wants to get bit with by a little snarly, skinny mass of fur and fangs.<br> <br>The Zephyr officials holding the line greet Solixis with a nod once the crowd parts, with Anbessa's attention-getting and Malakai's imposing physique doing wonders to get across a certain "we're in charge, now move or we'll throw you clear to Woodfield" message. The actual wreckage is a little bit past the border of the city (mercifully), but Redd will find evidence of computers, furniture, feathers, carpeting, wires, lights, and all sorts of other goodies. Whatever this is, it was modern, and somebody was using it. The first little bit, though, reveals nothing more than that.<br> <br>Anbessa quietly pads up to the many different items strewn about after passing by the crowd, curiously looking at the many different things Redd finds with a curious raised eyebrow... Though when he spots the computer, he curiously pads up to the machine, crouching down next to it to get a little bit of a close inspection of it... If it still works, or if there is anything left of a harddrive, maybe some information could be found about what this may have came from?<br> <br>After clearing details with the agents on the field, Solixis catches up to Redd, searching the wreckage for identifying marks. She's a little edgy that something this large came out of nowhere.<br> <br>Onris wings back to the gathered mob after hearing Redd's musing, she hovers just over head high between the mob and the site. A quick survey of those present produce a few likely candidates, new enough to be controllable but seasoned enough to not blow the whole place. "You four and you three, Your with me." Hir tone and glance to the guards make it evident it's not a request.<br> <br>Malikai pushes along the crowd along with Solixis and the others, letting out a loud, annoyed rumble when he looks over the mass of metal and just general -junk-, as far as he was concerned. He didn't really go looking through the junk pile for anything in particular, except to dig around near the main group for scraps of metal that look relatively sharp and straight, if a bit jagged. "Hrgh... this is all worthless. Should just blow it up."<br> <br>"Solixis, see if you can find anything like a server rack. I'm willing to bet there's at least the remains of one out here." Searching for a power cord, or any cord really, Redd attempts to trace connections between parts.<br> <br>Smokie sniffs on ahead, trying to pick up any scents, any smells beyond that of the obvious decay and dust.  Come to think of it, sniffing up concrete dust probably isn't a very good idea.  But it's the best she can do, in her current state.  After all, she can't really dig around in the debris with her paws, she'd just mess up her claws...<br> <br>Everyone is able to find at least *something* that isn't entirely ruined, whether it's cords or hard drives, agents or Cloud Strife-esque hunks of metal...but what exactly you find will vary depending on how you've been checking. (Each of you will receive a page shortly.)<br> <br>Each of you has now received a page about what you find.<br> <br>Anbessa seems to find a few Computers that seem to be salvageable in a way, and also carries out a few harddrives that he finds. Though he seems a bit annoyed, pulling out even more than a few broken ones... With how much they look smashed, it looks like a massive freight train fell on the building! He drags out the few recoverable computer gear, putting them together in a pile to be taken away before he gets curious... He looks around for a moment before he begins to pad around, walking away from the group to investigate on the other side of the wreckage in search of more salvage or evidence.<br> <br>Onris crosses back to the wreckage with hir 'cleaning crew'. Quick orders place them to work. Shi looks around then closes hir eyes in an attempt to remember something. "Can someone watch these guys for a bit? I got a notion."<br> <br>Solixis nods to Redd, frowning as the logos aren't recognizable. AT ALL. She then takes up Redd's suggestion and looks for server evidence, hoping Redd has a plan for what to do once they've found some.<br> <br>Malikai growls, quietly, sniffing and snuffling around a massive slab. Bending down, and kneeling, he grabs something that looks a lot like an arm, exclaiming "Food!" before opening wide, and closing his maw around the hand, chuckling at his incredibly good luck.<br> <br>Redd smacks the back of Malikai's head. "Spit that out! We need to bring it back with us." Grumbling, Redd follows a cord to a somewhat emptier area, before returning with a smashed router from a rack. Several thick data cords hang off the ruined machine, but some text is legible on the case itself.<br> <br>Smokie sniffing around, smells something interesting.  She begins to try and trace it, but it's everywhere.  Everywhere, and faint.  She begins to get a vague idea...  Her stillness is then proceeded by a fit of hopping and yipping, barking and yowling, as she's trying to get attention.  And shit, she's too close to the crowds...  She doesn't want to drop her pretense...<br> <br>What could that crazy coyote be barking and howling about? Who can say? Crazy coyotes. Of course, Malikai will find that the hand that he was nomming is quite cold, thank you very much - not rotting yet, but definitely deceased for quite some time. Routers, racks, a mysterious logo...and screeches. Screeches from further into the rubble and off to the left! Screeches that are really only close to one person. Hey, where did Anbessa go?<br> <br>Malikai growls, in annoyance, but releases the hand after chewing the thumb off, swallowing regardless of the fact the hand is clearly deceased. Not like anybody would miss a thumb. Screeches and such happening in the rubble were cause for him to perk up a bit, lumbering first to the screeches, then to the constant yipping and howling from Smokie. And, rather suddenly, he just froze up. On one hand, -where the fuck was Anbessa-, on the other hand, -what the fuck was Smokie yipping about-?! So, he did what any Komodo would do. He went for the screeching. Screeching meant -fun times-.<br> <br>Solixis frowns and makes a mental note of where she was in her search, abandoning it to head over to see what's gotten Anbessa. As she runs, her form begins to vanish as she activates her camouflage.<br> <br>A loud yelp comes from the other side of the area, obviously having came from the Talakai that ventured off alone! Accompanying it is the sounds of wings flapping, though soon, the group can see a bright light come from the other side, a great burst of heat coming from the other side of the wreckage, out of sight of the group, though obviously showing signs of some sort of attack!<br> <br>Onris leaps straight up then wings higher to check out the wreckage better. Shi circles the area quickly trying to build on the thought that struck hir moments ago. As shi flies she mutters to hirself "A small city... but where is the Hub. every city has a hub."<br> <br>Dropping the router, Redd's hands move towards his slung rifle. With the gun in one hand, Redd appears ready to rush towards Anbessa, but stops, as he realizes then Smokie would be left alone. Sighing in resignation, he scrambles towards the other coyote instead, glancing back constantly to see how things were going.<br> <br>Smokie jumps and faces the noise,  Whatever she's found, she sure thinks it's important, and she looks at Redd concerned.  She opens her mouth, but does not growl, only her words come lightly to the other Coyote.  "Could be an ambush..." She says softly.  "But can you smell it?  Gryphons everywhere..."<br> <br>Well, maybe not everywhere. As Malikai lumbers toward Anbessa to help, he'll find that eyes are watching him...feral eyes from the darkness of the wreckage, hidden away from clear view. Anbessa will come away with only minor bruises and scratches, though the air around him is nice and toasty-warm. Now, those gryphons that tear ass away from him, they're going to go after easier prey. Maybe something that's high up so their wings can help them? From one agent to another, the gryphons swarm onto Onris, who's had just enough time to make an interesting observation (which will be paged to hir) before getting clawed and pecked and scratched! That alone might not be so bad, except for the agents at a distance who see aerial fire and help out! With guns! Gunfire is going everywhere in the air, some of them getting very close to the gryphons, a few getting very close to Onris!<br> <br>Anbessa growls softly as pants, staring down at the burned ground beneath his feet before looking over to Malikai... His outfit is ripped a little bit, some of Anbessa's body showing under his grey long sleeve shirt. He then looks back upwards to the fleeing gryphons, 4 of them showing obvious and heavy burn marks. "D-damn it..." He says as he looks up at Onris, though as he hears the gunfire from the damn agents! He growls, quickly turning to Malikai. "I'm fine. We gotta stop the agents before they hit Onris instead of Gryphons!" He says with a growl in his voice, making a turn before making a run back the way he came so he can get back to the agents and get them to stop!<br> <br>Malikai paused, looking from Anbessa, to the shadows, his throat rumbling in a low growling noise that grows in intensity, maw parting to flash his toxic teeth while he turns to face the mass of feral eyes. His hands flex, closing, then snapping open, jagged claws and massive frame making him a threatening image to begin with. "...Hrgh... you go take care of that. I have a -meal- to take care of." he grumbles, taking a step towards whatever's hidden in that wreckage. With his uncanny -sidevision-, he can keep an eye on the fight overhead by cocking his head just so, the other eye focused on the shadowy creatures. More Gryphons, maybe?<br> <br>Onris screams as the gryphons close on hir, catching hir off guard due to hir musings. Wings flap hard to send a wave of air at the assailants, then stop sending hir in a dive toward Malikai.<br> <br>A ripple in the air is all that is seen as Solixis leaps up at the Gryphons, trying to grab at least one and drag it to earth. She's got powerful hind legs, and pouncing is natural to her, even trying to pounce UP.<br> <br>Malikai paused, looking from Anbessa, to the shadows, his throat rumbling in a low growling noise that grows in intensity, maw parting to flash his toxic teeth while he turns to face the mass of feral eyes. His hands flex, closing, then snapping open, jagged claws and massive frame making him a threatening image to begin with. "...Hrgh... you go take care of that. I have a -meal- to take care of." he grumbles, taking a step towards whatever's hidden in that wreckage. With his uncanny -sidevision-, he can keep an eye on the fight overhead by cocking his head just so, the other eye focused on the shadowy creatures. More Gryphons, maybe? And that's about the time he sees the fight take a turn for the worse, at least in Onris' condition. He turns around, abruptly, swinging his tail threateningly while reaching up to catch Onris in his arms, or at least use his body to soften the impact. Or, if she veers off... maybe he'll catch a nice Gryphon for a meal?<br> <br>"Stop shooting! You aren't going to hit an airborne target like that!" Redd chides the agents on the ground with their guns aimed upwards. "You don't shoot birds with slugs, you use birdshot! Like so." Redd's rifle returns to it's sling, to be replaced by a pump action shotgun, he aims, and fires a load of birdshot at one of the ascending gryphons.<br> <br>Smokie whines loudly, pinning her ears.  Shit, stuck on the ground and unable to do shit, except...  What are those?  Oh man, oh man.  Ferals in the wreckage.  She begins to growl, slowly circling Redd.  That little yote couldn't hold all of them off.<br> <br>Now, that's different. Whatever the gryphons were expecting, it certainly wasn't for one of the land-things to pounce up at them! The one Solixis catches by a leg screeches and flails in protest as it's dragged down to earth, wide-eyed and panicked. Malikai's antics earn him hissed tones of aggression from the shadows, though none of them seem to advance. This keeps them out of Anbessa's way, though the firing doesn't stop, especially now that there's no more Onris to hit; if anything, it intensifies, two of the gryphons finally getting wounded badly enough by some lucky shots - including Redd's - to fall to the ground. The remaining survivor flies deeper into the wreckage, presumably to tend to its wounds. Suddenly, POP! POP POP! Something from the server room Redd was checking starts to make harshly jolting sounds, enough to scare away the ferals near Malikai and coax them further into...nothing? One moment they're there, the next...gone. How odd.
<div></div><br> <br>Everyone who answered the call to join the excursion is briskly ushered into the meeting area and encouraged to pay attention to a man in a simple black suit with shades. Were it not for the tufted leonine tail that swishes behind him, he'd easily be mistakeable for human. "Everyone please be quiet for the debriefing." he states, his tone flat and emotionless. In the middle of the meeting table, there is a smooth, glossy table of varnished 'wood' upon which a film projector sits. It's aimed at a projection screen toward the back - looks like you're in for a slideshow, if you keep your eyes front. "Save all questions for the end of the show." he encourages all of you, as two more men in equally nondescript suits close - but do not lock - the doors behind you all.<br> <br>Anbessa pads into the room with his red and black striped paws in his pockets, stretching his arms casually as he looks to the man in the suit. He nods, quietly just taking a spot near a wall as he stares around the room casually, his silvery eyes glancing to each person that comes into the room after him. He looks casual honestly, if you diden't count the large Claymore sword resting on his back.<br> <br>Onris takes the closest seat sipping off hir thermos as shi wonders what shi got herself into.<br> <br>A lithe Nekomata takes her seat at the meeting table, curious what this mission will be like. She's been in danger before, but with all the armor she's wearing, none of the scars are visible. Her white coloration may seem out of the ordinary, though she's more focused on the projector. Solixis quickly reviews the summons she answered before returning her attention to the leonine-tailed man.<br> <br>Malikai makes his way in, behind the first small group of incoming agents, shifting his rather large frame through the doorway, and ducking down. A quick glance of the room is given, a short "Hrrgh..." rumbling out of his throat while he locates a comfortable seat to flop into, lounging back and raking his claws across the underside of his neck. The other hand casually shifts the laser pistol out of his pocket, idly examining the weapon with one eye, while the other remains fixated on the projection screen. He didn't seem to be paying all that much attention to anyone else entering the area, not even so much as a glance to the ones he'd followed in.<br> <br>Taking a seat next to the nekomata, Redd grins at seeing several familiar figures in the room, before turning towards the the speaker. Always nice to see old friends again.<br> <br>Redd's entrance is closely followed by the soft padding of four paws, the clicking of claws on the floor.  Unassuming, a Coyote makes its way into the room behind him, throwing a slight glance side to side at the other figures in the room.  Perhaps she's Redd's pet, or something?<br> <br>The man who previously smoke gives a brief nod, and the lights in the room dim almost as if in response. He reaches out to turn on the projector, and a single grainy image appears. Those who are familiar with the area might know it as far northern Fairhaven, though they wouldn't be at all familiar with what looks like an entire city block's worth of wreckage beyond its borders. "At 0700 hours - that's 7:00 AM to the uninitiated - this spontaneously appeared close to Fairhaven." the man states, his tailtip twitching in ill-suppressed agitation. "Your task, should you choose to accept it, is threefold: first, you are to ascertain if there is any threat to Zephyr or the citizens of Fairhaven. Second, you are to determine how this wreckage got to its current position, especially how it did so without alerting anyone. And finally, you are to recover any salvage and return it to Zephyr for proper disposal and/or utilization." Upon finishing his mini-speech, he nods once more and the lights come up, though the projector remains on (albeit with a much less visible picture thanks to the lights). "Any questions?"<br> <br>Anbessa smiles to the familiar faces that enter the room, waving to them before he turns his attention back the the presentation. With his tail idly flicking from side to side, he stares at the pictures with slightly suprised, yet curious intent, listening to the explaination with a quiet flick of his ears... After the presentation though, he does speak up a little. "Well, I got no questions, but I am in. Maybe something worth of getting in there... Plus, I am curious what caused it." He says, smiling a little bit as he quietly thinks to himself... Probably thinking about what he may find!<br> <br>Onris glances to each of those that follow hir, a slight nod offered out of politeness. At the sight of Redd shi relaxes visibly, still convinced he is a diety among mortals. She watches the brief brief briefly shrugging. "When we start?" <br> <br>Solixis frowns as she looks over the wreckage, surprised at its size and sudden appearance. "Any sounds reported from that area prior to its appearance? This doesn't look like natural decay by any means. Curious about who did it. You can count me in, by the way."<br> <br>Malikai rocks his head from side to side, eyeing the image with a certain amount of interest all his own, not just because of what might be found, but the entire story surrounding it. "Hrgh... so we're the hired guns, is that it? No special equipment being provided to... collect all that crap?" His voice came out in a low grumble, both hands shifting to the small laser pistol, flicking the safety switch on it on and off, then holding it up - pointed away from others - to give the sights a quick looking through, apparently inspecting the weapon itself for flaws or the like. "... Junk guns..." he muttered, under his breath. "... Need something with more kick..."<br> <br>"Have you got any images of the area prior to this morning? Like, was it suburbs, fields, wooded, what?" Redd taps idly on the table as he speaks. "I mean, something must have been there other than debris, and what sort of material is it? Brick? Metal? Plastic?"<br> <br>The coyote doesn't say anything.  She just watches the screen, and takes a turn to look at each person as they speak.  Certainly puzzling.  It very well did look like the cogs in her head were turning, as she put her forepaws up on the table to support herself, and cocks her head at the screen.<br> <br>Questions are answered, one by one. "The moment you get outside." the man informs Onris, while Solixis gets a slightly more detailed answer: "Nothing was recorded in the area. No witnesses have come forward. It wasn't there, and now it is." Sounds like it's a bit of a mystery. Malikai gets a cold, impassive look. "You *are* the special equipment." states the dark-haired host in a passionless, steady meter. His motions are even and conservative, his expression inscrutable; even a neophyte would be able to tell that this man is a professional. Redd's answer comes, "Fields. Flatland. It's outside city limits. As for what's there, that's what we want *you* to find out. Preferably before something feral - or worse - gets into something dangerous." His answers given, he looks among each agent and asks once again, "Questions?"<br> <br>Anbessa continues to just stand there, watching each of the other agents as they speak out their questions... Though he does see Malikai tinker with that peashooter of a laser pointer they call a gun at Zephyr, making the Talakai raise an eyebrow as he listens in. He then wags his tail, smiling as he gets an idea for later before looking back to the others, already ready to get to work as he waits for any further questions to be voiced.<br> <br>Onris shakes hir head to the lion, as shi more closely surveys each of the others. She starts a mental tally of her perceptions of each figuring hir life we <br> <br>Onris shakes hir head to the lion, as shi more closely surveys each of the others. She starts a mental tally of her perceptions of each figuring hir life will be in there hands soon enough.<br> <br>A frown crosses Solixis's faces as she studies the image. "Last question from me: how overt or covert do you want this operation? doesn't matter to me, I just want a better feel for how to approach the issue." Her twin tails flit about behind her, glowing softly.<br> <br>Malikai snorts, quietly, looking now to each of the other agents - five others, that made six total, including himself. "...Hrh. Funny..." he muttered, straightening up and slipping the little laser pistol into his pocket, giving his clawed fingers a dangerous flex while he let the others speak, apparently finished with his own questioning.<br> <br>"Assuming we're approaching on foot, how should we get this stuff back? Call back and ask for a flatbed or something?" Redd stands, pushing the chair back a bit, and ruffles the other coyote's fur between the ears. "I'm no pack mule, after all."<br> <br>Smokie closes her eyes and leans into the ruffle from Redd's paw.  All very good questions, but still, the Coyote didn't have anything to add.  Watching, quietly scheming.  A well-trained pet, or perhaps maintaining a visage?  A little shake of her scruff, and she was ready to go.  Everyone else was asking the questions for her, after all.<br> <br>The man nods, his brow wrinkling almost imperceptibly as he notes Solixis' question. "A city block just materialized within close view of the north side of town. 'Covert' went out the window the moment this became a situation. Go in guns blazing, sneak in, nuke the site from orbit, we don't much care. The safety of Zephyr and the citizens of Fairhaven comes first, salvageable goods second, everything else after." Redd gets a calm, stoic look in reply to his question. "Prioritize. Bring back the most important items first. Go back for more if and when you can. You've done this before." Smokie is glanced at as well, as if she were being included in that statement.<br> <br>Onris stands quietly as hands move from weapon to weapon and the reassurance the contact with a tried and true friend brings. "Get in, look around, grab the good shit, get out. Sounds easy as pie." hir tone is much more apprehensive then hir words.<br> <br>Solixis nods, getting up from her chair. "Worked with a few of these people before, I think we can handle this." She gently fingers the oversized polearm on her back, the hum of nanites activating surrounds her. "Ready to go when everyone else is."<br> <br>Malikai snaps his attention over to Onris, snorting an amused chuckle while scooting his seat back, and moving up to his feet. He had his 'partner' picked, at the least, taking a stance near Onris while shoving his hands into the pockets of his ACU pants, dragging his tail across the floor in a languid motion. "... Well, let's get this show on the road, already."<br> <br>Smokie yips happily at the suggestion to get the show on the road.  She hops down off the table, tail wagging almost.  Just a short little Ki-yup.  She goes over to the door, where she sits back on her haunches, as if gesturing to hurry up.<br> <br>Seeing that the group is anxious to get moving, the lion-tailed human nods to the door guards, who open the door for the lot of you. "Backup will be sent if necessary and available." he says in parting. "Good luck." Once you've filed out of the meeting room, the doors are again closed after you, leaving you on the third floor of the Zephyr building, entirely up to your own devices. What will you do?<br> <br>Onris adjusts hir mask slightly as shi looks to the other members. "So... Umm.. Should we establish a chain of command or...?"<br> <br>Solixis stretches as she heads for the stairs, everything ready for her job. "I think a chain of command would be best. At least a leader and designation of roles."<br> <br>"We should probably start walking, since it doesn't seem that transportation is provided." Redd pulls a small rifle from his bag and pulls the sling over an arm. "Comeon, it ain't gonna clean itself up!"<br> <br>Smokie trots alongside happily, bobbing her head to a tune only she hears with her oversized ears.  Going on a mission- yeah!  Gonna go for a walk!  Hell, she's so happy, she doesn't think it'd be out of place at all to throw out a couple yips.  Come on, folks, pick up your paws!  (Boundless Coyote optimism?<br> <br>As the group leaves the area, the sounds of other agents can be heard in the lobby, chatting about this and that and occasionally being more than a little intimate. It seems that the sudden appearance of wreckage north of town is a popular topic of the day, and there are even some making plans to go and explore at the earliest opportunity. It seems that if you want to be among the first there, time is of the essence!<br> <br>Onris shrugs and follows behind the coyotes then stops in hir tracks as they approach the lobby. "You guys think we could hitch a ride on the 'copter?"<br> <br>Solixis shakes her head. "Better to approach on foot, since I don't like flying in the choppers. And Redd, you okay with leading or should I? I think between all of us, you and I have the most experience with these kinds of missions."<br> <br>Malikai grumbles, loudly, looking between the entire group, flexing his fingers in his pockets while staying a bit behind and to the right of Onris, briefly flashing his teeth in a faint chuckle. "... Long as I get to chew on a Feral, don't really care how we get there."<br> <br>"I'll lead the way then. Onward!" At this, the coyote starts to run at a decent rate. "Doubt we need a heli to go a half dozen blocks at most. Or hell, take the heli, we'll make it a race!" Redd yells back over his shoulder at those who were still standing in place.<br> <br>Smokie blinks for a moment, before tilting her muzzle down and chasing after Redd, her four legs rolling and her blunt claws pulling herself forward over the ground.  Damn Coyotes, always such unpredictable things, always having their good intentions go wrong.<br> <br>Time passes, a few of the people in the lobby leave, including some of them that were discussing paying these new 'ruins' a visit. Whatever you decide upon, it's clear that if you don't pick something soon and go, there might not be anything left to pick up...and considering the obviously lackluster skills of some of the more bombastic new recruits, you might be saving more lives than you had originally intended! Redd, at the very least, makes a decent beacon to follow. Even a few other agents start following him, based on the premise of following someone who looks like he knows what he's doing!<br> <br>Anbessa also is easilly able to follow Redd on his two feet, the silent Talakai staying quiet throughout the run as he keeps up with the Coyote with ease. Even with lugging around the massive sword on his back, he finds ease in his movements as he keeps up side by side with Redd, his eyes sometimes glancing to the other agents before keeping his eyes ahead and on the job. <br> <br>Solixis runs after Redd, glad for the exercise and that she's not the one in charge. She takes to a higher vatage point whenever able to scout the ruins better.<br> <br>Onris follows at a run until they leave the building then leaps into the air and spreads her wings. Powerful flaps bring hir over Redd shortly. Shi keeps pace two stories above the party eyes scanning constantly for danger.<br> <br>Malikai puts his own powerful legs into motion, gradually building speed until his feet are driving into the ground, propelling the lumbering wall of muscle into a sprint fast enough to catch up with the 'yote's. Once he's up with them, he's able to drop the pace enough to conserve his energy, maw left open to allow deep breaths to pull in, and flow out in practiced rhythm.<br> <br>Smokie continues to pump along at a steady pace next to Redd, four paws over the asphalt and aging concrete of the city.  Her tongnue hangs out the side of her mouth and her tail  flails to keep her balance.  Just a coyote running with the wind.<br> <br>Once the group arrives on the scene - which doesn't take too long, since many of the local ferals know to give everyone present their berth and instead go after the weaker agents - they find a small cadre of Zephyr officials working to keep people at bay. Apparently, there's been a call put out for an official team to enter and research the site, and if everyone would just calm down and be patient, that group is the only one cleared to enter, and surely there are other places to go and ferals to fight...of course, they haven't taken notice of the PCs' group yet, too busy with the rabble (and the occasional agent who sneaks, slithers, flows, or otherwise gets past them) to have realized that the coyotes, komodo, nekomata, angel, and talakai they're waiting for have arrived to begin their 'expedition'. Nobody else seems to be paying too much mind, either...<br> <br>Anbessa sighs in an annoyed tone at the crowd ahead, slowing down for a moment, though only a little to put his paws up to his lips. With a slightly silly, yet loud whistle, he quickly begins to pad into the crowd, easilly beginning to pass some of the other agents that are being general meddlers as he brushes through the crowd with outstretched paws. Though he is easy to spot, being bigger than the average person, and also having the trademarked Talakai's fangs and black fur.<br> <br>Onris turns a tight circle over the party lowering altitude slightly to be able to hear any orders sent hir direction.<br> <br>Solixis catches up to Redd, frowning at the group gathered. "Well, covert is definitely out of the question." She approaches the Zephyr agents. "We're the expedition team sent by Zephyr. Here's proof of our mission. Thanks for trying to keep them out. The less disturbed this mess is, the better for the investigation."<br> <br>Malikai breaks into the group with the rest of the crew, rolling his shoulders once while he peers at the mass of gathered agents, easily standing over a good deal of them, even those larger than the average person. He doesn't need to use his size to push them away, however - Anbessa did a good enough job of that. He maintains absolute silence while Solix explains their presence, one eye peering over the Zephyr officials with a distinct lack of emotion.<br> <br>"We should probably get started with sorting the debris, actually could probably get some of the people in the crowd to help with that, if somebody keeps an eye on them." Redd's thinking aloud, but starts pulling chunks of concrete to the side.<br> <br>Smokie stops short upon the sight of the crowd, but soon wastes no time in throwing herself into it, clearing a way at Anbessa's paws, running to and fro, growling and snapping at the stubborn agents who would not get out of her way.  She's pretty small, but no one wants to get bit with by a little snarly, skinny mass of fur and fangs.<br> <br>The Zephyr officials holding the line greet Solixis with a nod once the crowd parts, with Anbessa's attention-getting and Malakai's imposing physique doing wonders to get across a certain "we're in charge, now move or we'll throw you clear to Woodfield" message. The actual wreckage is a little bit past the border of the city (mercifully), but Redd will find evidence of computers, furniture, feathers, carpeting, wires, lights, and all sorts of other goodies. Whatever this is, it was modern, and somebody was using it. The first little bit, though, reveals nothing more than that.<br> <br>Anbessa quietly pads up to the many different items strewn about after passing by the crowd, curiously looking at the many different things Redd finds with a curious raised eyebrow... Though when he spots the computer, he curiously pads up to the machine, crouching down next to it to get a little bit of a close inspection of it... If it still works, or if there is anything left of a harddrive, maybe some information could be found about what this may have came from?<br> <br>After clearing details with the agents on the field, Solixis catches up to Redd, searching the wreckage for identifying marks. She's a little edgy that something this large came out of nowhere.<br> <br>Onris wings back to the gathered mob after hearing Redd's musing, she hovers just over head high between the mob and the site. A quick survey of those present produce a few likely candidates, new enough to be controllable but seasoned enough to not blow the whole place. "You four and you three, Your with me." Hir tone and glance to the guards make it evident it's not a request.<br> <br>Malikai pushes along the crowd along with Solixis and the others, letting out a loud, annoyed rumble when he looks over the mass of metal and just general -junk-, as far as he was concerned. He didn't really go looking through the junk pile for anything in particular, except to dig around near the main group for scraps of metal that look relatively sharp and straight, if a bit jagged. "Hrgh... this is all worthless. Should just blow it up."<br> <br>"Solixis, see if you can find anything like a server rack. I'm willing to bet there's at least the remains of one out here." Searching for a power cord, or any cord really, Redd attempts to trace connections between parts.<br> <br>Smokie sniffs on ahead, trying to pick up any scents, any smells beyond that of the obvious decay and dust.  Come to think of it, sniffing up concrete dust probably isn't a very good idea.  But it's the best she can do, in her current state.  After all, she can't really dig around in the debris with her paws, she'd just mess up her claws...<br> <br>Everyone is able to find at least *something* that isn't entirely ruined, whether it's cords or hard drives, agents or Cloud Strife-esque hunks of metal...but what exactly you find will vary depending on how you've been checking. (Each of you will receive a page shortly.)<br> <br>Each of you has now received a page about what you find.<br> <br>Anbessa seems to find a few Computers that seem to be salvageable in a way, and also carries out a few harddrives that he finds. Though he seems a bit annoyed, pulling out even more than a few broken ones... With how much they look smashed, it looks like a massive freight train fell on the building! He drags out the few recoverable computer gear, putting them together in a pile to be taken away before he gets curious... He looks around for a moment before he begins to pad around, walking away from the group to investigate on the other side of the wreckage in search of more salvage or evidence.<br> <br>Onris crosses back to the wreckage with hir 'cleaning crew'. Quick orders place them to work. Shi looks around then closes hir eyes in an attempt to remember something. "Can someone watch these guys for a bit? I got a notion."<br> <br>Solixis nods to Redd, frowning as the logos aren't recognizable. AT ALL. She then takes up Redd's suggestion and looks for server evidence, hoping Redd has a plan for what to do once they've found some.<br> <br>Malikai growls, quietly, sniffing and snuffling around a massive slab. Bending down, and kneeling, he grabs something that looks a lot like an arm, exclaiming "Food!" before opening wide, and closing his maw around the hand, chuckling at his incredibly good luck.<br> <br>Redd smacks the back of Malikai's head. "Spit that out! We need to bring it back with us." Grumbling, Redd follows a cord to a somewhat emptier area, before returning with a smashed router from a rack. Several thick data cords hang off the ruined machine, but some text is legible on the case itself.<br> <br>Smokie sniffing around, smells something interesting.  She begins to try and trace it, but it's everywhere.  Everywhere, and faint.  She begins to get a vague idea...  Her stillness is then proceeded by a fit of hopping and yipping, barking and yowling, as she's trying to get attention.  And shit, she's too close to the crowds...  She doesn't want to drop her pretense...<br> <br>What could that crazy coyote be barking and howling about? Who can say? Crazy coyotes. Of course, Malikai will find that the hand that he was nomming is quite cold, thank you very much - not rotting yet, but definitely deceased for quite some time. Routers, racks, a mysterious logo...and screeches. Screeches from further into the rubble and off to the left! Screeches that are really only close to one person. Hey, where did Anbessa go?<br> <br>Malikai growls, in annoyance, but releases the hand after chewing the thumb off, swallowing regardless of the fact the hand is clearly deceased. Not like anybody would miss a thumb. Screeches and such happening in the rubble were cause for him to perk up a bit, lumbering first to the screeches, then to the constant yipping and howling from Smokie. And, rather suddenly, he just froze up. On one hand, -where the fuck was Anbessa-, on the other hand, -what the fuck was Smokie yipping about-?! So, he did what any Komodo would do. He went for the screeching. Screeching meant -fun times-.<br> <br>Solixis frowns and makes a mental note of where she was in her search, abandoning it to head over to see what's gotten Anbessa. As she runs, her form begins to vanish as she activates her camouflage.<br> <br>A loud yelp comes from the other side of the area, obviously having came from the Talakai that ventured off alone! Accompanying it is the sounds of wings flapping, though soon, the group can see a bright light come from the other side, a great burst of heat coming from the other side of the wreckage, out of sight of the group, though obviously showing signs of some sort of attack!<br> <br>Onris leaps straight up then wings higher to check out the wreckage better. Shi circles the area quickly trying to build on the thought that struck hir moments ago. As shi flies she mutters to hirself "A small city... but where is the Hub. every city has a hub."<br> <br>Dropping the router, Redd's hands move towards his slung rifle. With the gun in one hand, Redd appears ready to rush towards Anbessa, but stops, as he realizes then Smokie would be left alone. Sighing in resignation, he scrambles towards the other coyote instead, glancing back constantly to see how things were going.<br> <br>Smokie jumps and faces the noise,  Whatever she's found, she sure thinks it's important, and she looks at Redd concerned.  She opens her mouth, but does not growl, only her words come lightly to the other Coyote.  "Could be an ambush..." She says softly.  "But can you smell it?  Gryphons everywhere..."<br> <br>Well, maybe not everywhere. As Malikai lumbers toward Anbessa to help, he'll find that eyes are watching him...feral eyes from the darkness of the wreckage, hidden away from clear view. Anbessa will come away with only minor bruises and scratches, though the air around him is nice and toasty-warm. Now, those gryphons that tear ass away from him, they're going to go after easier prey. Maybe something that's high up so their wings can help them? From one agent to another, the gryphons swarm onto Onris, who's had just enough time to make an interesting observation (which will be paged to hir) before getting clawed and pecked and scratched! That alone might not be so bad, except for the agents at a distance who see aerial fire and help out! With guns! Gunfire is going everywhere in the air, some of them getting very close to the gryphons, a few getting very close to Onris!<br> <br>Anbessa growls softly as pants, staring down at the burned ground beneath his feet before looking over to Malikai... His outfit is ripped a little bit, some of Anbessa's body showing under his grey long sleeve shirt. He then looks back upwards to the fleeing gryphons, 4 of them showing obvious and heavy burn marks. "D-damn it..." He says as he looks up at Onris, though as he hears the gunfire from the damn agents! He growls, quickly turning to Malikai. "I'm fine. We gotta stop the agents before they hit Onris instead of Gryphons!" He says with a growl in his voice, making a turn before making a run back the way he came so he can get back to the agents and get them to stop!<br> <br>Malikai paused, looking from Anbessa, to the shadows, his throat rumbling in a low growling noise that grows in intensity, maw parting to flash his toxic teeth while he turns to face the mass of feral eyes. His hands flex, closing, then snapping open, jagged claws and massive frame making him a threatening image to begin with. "...Hrgh... you go take care of that. I have a -meal- to take care of." he grumbles, taking a step towards whatever's hidden in that wreckage. With his uncanny -sidevision-, he can keep an eye on the fight overhead by cocking his head just so, the other eye focused on the shadowy creatures. More Gryphons, maybe?<br> <br>Onris screams as the gryphons close on hir, catching hir off guard due to hir musings. Wings flap hard to send a wave of air at the assailants, then stop sending hir in a dive toward Malikai.<br> <br>A ripple in the air is all that is seen as Solixis leaps up at the Gryphons, trying to grab at least one and drag it to earth. She's got powerful hind legs, and pouncing is natural to her, even trying to pounce UP.<br> <br>Malikai paused, looking from Anbessa, to the shadows, his throat rumbling in a low growling noise that grows in intensity, maw parting to flash his toxic teeth while he turns to face the mass of feral eyes. His hands flex, closing, then snapping open, jagged claws and massive frame making him a threatening image to begin with. "...Hrgh... you go take care of that. I have a -meal- to take care of." he grumbles, taking a step towards whatever's hidden in that wreckage. With his uncanny -sidevision-, he can keep an eye on the fight overhead by cocking his head just so, the other eye focused on the shadowy creatures. More Gryphons, maybe? And that's about the time he sees the fight take a turn for the worse, at least in Onris' condition. He turns around, abruptly, swinging his tail threateningly while reaching up to catch Onris in his arms, or at least use his body to soften the impact. Or, if she veers off... maybe he'll catch a nice Gryphon for a meal?<br> <br>"Stop shooting! You aren't going to hit an airborne target like that!" Redd chides the agents on the ground with their guns aimed upwards. "You don't shoot birds with slugs, you use birdshot! Like so." Redd's rifle returns to it's sling, to be replaced by a pump action shotgun, he aims, and fires a load of birdshot at one of the ascending gryphons.<br> <br>Smokie whines loudly, pinning her ears.  Shit, stuck on the ground and unable to do shit, except...  What are those?  Oh man, oh man.  Ferals in the wreckage.  She begins to growl, slowly circling Redd.  That little yote couldn't hold all of them off.<br> <br>Now, that's different. Whatever the gryphons were expecting, it certainly wasn't for one of the land-things to pounce up at them! The one Solixis catches by a leg screeches and flails in protest as it's dragged down to earth, wide-eyed and panicked. Malikai's antics earn him hissed tones of aggression from the shadows, though none of them seem to advance. This keeps them out of Anbessa's way, though the firing doesn't stop, especially now that there's no more Onris to hit; if anything, it intensifies, two of the gryphons finally getting wounded badly enough by some lucky shots - including Redd's - to fall to the ground. The remaining survivor flies deeper into the wreckage, presumably to tend to its wounds. Suddenly, POP! POP POP! Something from the server room Redd was checking starts to make harshly jolting sounds, enough to scare away the ferals near Malikai and coax them further into...nothing? One moment they're there, the next...gone. How odd.<br> <br>Anbessa rounds about the corner as he goes to the front, though as he spots that Onris is safe and out of the line of fire, he smiles. He then growls softly, looking up at the skies for a moment as he sees Solixis, watching with wide eyed suprise at the high leap she pulls off... Though he does quickly move over near Redd, nodding to him before looking down to Smokie, noticing her growling and circling before looking towards the wreckage... Where did most of the gryphons go? It seemed like there were more...<br> <br>A quick glance over her shoulder lets Onris know the pursuit has ended. A glance back to the ground let's hir now hir troubles have not. As the ground rushes towards hir onris changes into a goo girl to splash into a puddle at Malikai's feet.<br> <br>After knocking out the gryphon she caught and scattering the rest, Solixis heads over to Redd and Smokie, curious what they've found and hoping that they hace some answers. "What in the world was that?"<br> <br>Malikai takes a few steps forward back, from Onris, turning to face the Ferals - or, rather where they were, then takes a few steps forward. Stopping, however, he hears the pitiful wailing of a Gryphon being dragged down, then whips around, deciding that another prey might be more valuable for now. He lumbers over to the screeching creature, steps slowly turning into a thumping charge when he kicks off himself, once Gryphon is within range and height for his own leap. While unconscious, it probably won't be able to struggle when his teeth sink into its neck, biting down viciously, venom from his maw soaking into it. Abandoning himself to a wild frenzy, he tears into the Grpyhon, biting feather and flesh out, carving his claws into it to drain the life out of its body in a most brutal manner.<br> <br>With a swing of an arm, the butt of the shotgun makes impact with Malikai's head before he gets a second bite into the gryphon. "Damn it, hope a medkit is enough to stabilize this one. Somebody call Mike to get this gryphon to the triage fast, we need a live specimen." Pulling the (hopefully) unconscious lizard away, Redd wraps bandages around the bite wounds.<br> <br>Smokie whines and yips angrily at Redd!  Well, maybe at Malikai, too!  Damn, she wanted some of that.  Whatever, fuck, she'll do just okay on that grimy, slimy husky cut earlier.  Whatever.  She tilts her nose skyward, and picks up a soft burning  sound, from the area Redd came from.  Not good, no, she decides, and without a sound, follows her snout to the source of the scent.<br> <br>Pop. Pop POP POP! Fsssssst. For a long moment, the far edge of the wreckage looks very much like one of those wavy heat mirages you get in the dregs of summer, with the distortion of the horizon. And then...WHOAH. There's a lot more city rubble all of a sudden! The image of the horizon sputters in and out a few more times before finally giving up the ghost; turns out there's a lot more to this than you were initially told, plausibly because there's a lot more to this than anyone initially knew. There's a lot more wreckage to check, a lot more salvage to be had, and hopefully a lot more answers than you currently have. Where did the gryphons come from? Why are they here? How did this city suddenly show up, and why is there more of it without warning? You'll just have to find out!

Revision as of 04:21, 25 September 2012





Everyone who answered the call to join the excursion is briskly ushered into the meeting area and encouraged to pay attention to a man in a simple black suit with shades. Were it not for the tufted leonine tail that swishes behind him, he'd easily be mistakeable for human. "Everyone please be quiet for the debriefing." he states, his tone flat and emotionless. In the middle of the meeting table, there is a smooth, glossy table of varnished 'wood' upon which a film projector sits. It's aimed at a projection screen toward the back - looks like you're in for a slideshow, if you keep your eyes front. "Save all questions for the end of the show." he encourages all of you, as two more men in equally nondescript suits close - but do not lock - the doors behind you all.

Anbessa pads into the room with his red and black striped paws in his pockets, stretching his arms casually as he looks to the man in the suit. He nods, quietly just taking a spot near a wall as he stares around the room casually, his silvery eyes glancing to each person that comes into the room after him. He looks casual honestly, if you diden't count the large Claymore sword resting on his back.

Onris takes the closest seat sipping off hir thermos as shi wonders what shi got herself into.

A lithe Nekomata takes her seat at the meeting table, curious what this mission will be like. She's been in danger before, but with all the armor she's wearing, none of the scars are visible. Her white coloration may seem out of the ordinary, though she's more focused on the projector. Solixis quickly reviews the summons she answered before returning her attention to the leonine-tailed man.

Malikai makes his way in, behind the first small group of incoming agents, shifting his rather large frame through the doorway, and ducking down. A quick glance of the room is given, a short "Hrrgh..." rumbling out of his throat while he locates a comfortable seat to flop into, lounging back and raking his claws across the underside of his neck. The other hand casually shifts the laser pistol out of his pocket, idly examining the weapon with one eye, while the other remains fixated on the projection screen. He didn't seem to be paying all that much attention to anyone else entering the area, not even so much as a glance to the ones he'd followed in.

Taking a seat next to the nekomata, Redd grins at seeing several familiar figures in the room, before turning towards the the speaker. Always nice to see old friends again.

Redd's entrance is closely followed by the soft padding of four paws, the clicking of claws on the floor. Unassuming, a Coyote makes its way into the room behind him, throwing a slight glance side to side at the other figures in the room. Perhaps she's Redd's pet, or something?

The man who previously smoke gives a brief nod, and the lights in the room dim almost as if in response. He reaches out to turn on the projector, and a single grainy image appears. Those who are familiar with the area might know it as far northern Fairhaven, though they wouldn't be at all familiar with what looks like an entire city block's worth of wreckage beyond its borders. "At 0700 hours - that's 7:00 AM to the uninitiated - this spontaneously appeared close to Fairhaven." the man states, his tailtip twitching in ill-suppressed agitation. "Your task, should you choose to accept it, is threefold: first, you are to ascertain if there is any threat to Zephyr or the citizens of Fairhaven. Second, you are to determine how this wreckage got to its current position, especially how it did so without alerting anyone. And finally, you are to recover any salvage and return it to Zephyr for proper disposal and/or utilization." Upon finishing his mini-speech, he nods once more and the lights come up, though the projector remains on (albeit with a much less visible picture thanks to the lights). "Any questions?"

Anbessa smiles to the familiar faces that enter the room, waving to them before he turns his attention back the the presentation. With his tail idly flicking from side to side, he stares at the pictures with slightly suprised, yet curious intent, listening to the explaination with a quiet flick of his ears... After the presentation though, he does speak up a little. "Well, I got no questions, but I am in. Maybe something worth of getting in there... Plus, I am curious what caused it." He says, smiling a little bit as he quietly thinks to himself... Probably thinking about what he may find!

Onris glances to each of those that follow hir, a slight nod offered out of politeness. At the sight of Redd shi relaxes visibly, still convinced he is a diety among mortals. She watches the brief brief briefly shrugging. "When we start?"

Solixis frowns as she looks over the wreckage, surprised at its size and sudden appearance. "Any sounds reported from that area prior to its appearance? This doesn't look like natural decay by any means. Curious about who did it. You can count me in, by the way."

Malikai rocks his head from side to side, eyeing the image with a certain amount of interest all his own, not just because of what might be found, but the entire story surrounding it. "Hrgh... so we're the hired guns, is that it? No special equipment being provided to... collect all that crap?" His voice came out in a low grumble, both hands shifting to the small laser pistol, flicking the safety switch on it on and off, then holding it up - pointed away from others - to give the sights a quick looking through, apparently inspecting the weapon itself for flaws or the like. "... Junk guns..." he muttered, under his breath. "... Need something with more kick..."

"Have you got any images of the area prior to this morning? Like, was it suburbs, fields, wooded, what?" Redd taps idly on the table as he speaks. "I mean, something must have been there other than debris, and what sort of material is it? Brick? Metal? Plastic?"

The coyote doesn't say anything. She just watches the screen, and takes a turn to look at each person as they speak. Certainly puzzling. It very well did look like the cogs in her head were turning, as she put her forepaws up on the table to support herself, and cocks her head at the screen.

Questions are answered, one by one. "The moment you get outside." the man informs Onris, while Solixis gets a slightly more detailed answer: "Nothing was recorded in the area. No witnesses have come forward. It wasn't there, and now it is." Sounds like it's a bit of a mystery. Malikai gets a cold, impassive look. "You *are* the special equipment." states the dark-haired host in a passionless, steady meter. His motions are even and conservative, his expression inscrutable; even a neophyte would be able to tell that this man is a professional. Redd's answer comes, "Fields. Flatland. It's outside city limits. As for what's there, that's what we want *you* to find out. Preferably before something feral - or worse - gets into something dangerous." His answers given, he looks among each agent and asks once again, "Questions?"

Anbessa continues to just stand there, watching each of the other agents as they speak out their questions... Though he does see Malikai tinker with that peashooter of a laser pointer they call a gun at Zephyr, making the Talakai raise an eyebrow as he listens in. He then wags his tail, smiling as he gets an idea for later before looking back to the others, already ready to get to work as he waits for any further questions to be voiced.

Onris shakes hir head to the lion, as shi more closely surveys each of the others. She starts a mental tally of her perceptions of each figuring hir life we

Onris shakes hir head to the lion, as shi more closely surveys each of the others. She starts a mental tally of her perceptions of each figuring hir life will be in there hands soon enough.

A frown crosses Solixis's faces as she studies the image. "Last question from me: how overt or covert do you want this operation? doesn't matter to me, I just want a better feel for how to approach the issue." Her twin tails flit about behind her, glowing softly.

Malikai snorts, quietly, looking now to each of the other agents - five others, that made six total, including himself. "...Hrh. Funny..." he muttered, straightening up and slipping the little laser pistol into his pocket, giving his clawed fingers a dangerous flex while he let the others speak, apparently finished with his own questioning.

"Assuming we're approaching on foot, how should we get this stuff back? Call back and ask for a flatbed or something?" Redd stands, pushing the chair back a bit, and ruffles the other coyote's fur between the ears. "I'm no pack mule, after all."

Smokie closes her eyes and leans into the ruffle from Redd's paw. All very good questions, but still, the Coyote didn't have anything to add. Watching, quietly scheming. A well-trained pet, or perhaps maintaining a visage? A little shake of her scruff, and she was ready to go. Everyone else was asking the questions for her, after all.

The man nods, his brow wrinkling almost imperceptibly as he notes Solixis' question. "A city block just materialized within close view of the north side of town. 'Covert' went out the window the moment this became a situation. Go in guns blazing, sneak in, nuke the site from orbit, we don't much care. The safety of Zephyr and the citizens of Fairhaven comes first, salvageable goods second, everything else after." Redd gets a calm, stoic look in reply to his question. "Prioritize. Bring back the most important items first. Go back for more if and when you can. You've done this before." Smokie is glanced at as well, as if she were being included in that statement.

Onris stands quietly as hands move from weapon to weapon and the reassurance the contact with a tried and true friend brings. "Get in, look around, grab the good shit, get out. Sounds easy as pie." hir tone is much more apprehensive then hir words.

Solixis nods, getting up from her chair. "Worked with a few of these people before, I think we can handle this." She gently fingers the oversized polearm on her back, the hum of nanites activating surrounds her. "Ready to go when everyone else is."

Malikai snaps his attention over to Onris, snorting an amused chuckle while scooting his seat back, and moving up to his feet. He had his 'partner' picked, at the least, taking a stance near Onris while shoving his hands into the pockets of his ACU pants, dragging his tail across the floor in a languid motion. "... Well, let's get this show on the road, already."

Smokie yips happily at the suggestion to get the show on the road. She hops down off the table, tail wagging almost. Just a short little Ki-yup. She goes over to the door, where she sits back on her haunches, as if gesturing to hurry up.

Seeing that the group is anxious to get moving, the lion-tailed human nods to the door guards, who open the door for the lot of you. "Backup will be sent if necessary and available." he says in parting. "Good luck." Once you've filed out of the meeting room, the doors are again closed after you, leaving you on the third floor of the Zephyr building, entirely up to your own devices. What will you do?

Onris adjusts hir mask slightly as shi looks to the other members. "So... Umm.. Should we establish a chain of command or...?"

Solixis stretches as she heads for the stairs, everything ready for her job. "I think a chain of command would be best. At least a leader and designation of roles."

"We should probably start walking, since it doesn't seem that transportation is provided." Redd pulls a small rifle from his bag and pulls the sling over an arm. "Comeon, it ain't gonna clean itself up!"

Smokie trots alongside happily, bobbing her head to a tune only she hears with her oversized ears. Going on a mission- yeah! Gonna go for a walk! Hell, she's so happy, she doesn't think it'd be out of place at all to throw out a couple yips. Come on, folks, pick up your paws! (Boundless Coyote optimism?

As the group leaves the area, the sounds of other agents can be heard in the lobby, chatting about this and that and occasionally being more than a little intimate. It seems that the sudden appearance of wreckage north of town is a popular topic of the day, and there are even some making plans to go and explore at the earliest opportunity. It seems that if you want to be among the first there, time is of the essence!

Onris shrugs and follows behind the coyotes then stops in hir tracks as they approach the lobby. "You guys think we could hitch a ride on the 'copter?"

Solixis shakes her head. "Better to approach on foot, since I don't like flying in the choppers. And Redd, you okay with leading or should I? I think between all of us, you and I have the most experience with these kinds of missions."

Malikai grumbles, loudly, looking between the entire group, flexing his fingers in his pockets while staying a bit behind and to the right of Onris, briefly flashing his teeth in a faint chuckle. "... Long as I get to chew on a Feral, don't really care how we get there."

"I'll lead the way then. Onward!" At this, the coyote starts to run at a decent rate. "Doubt we need a heli to go a half dozen blocks at most. Or hell, take the heli, we'll make it a race!" Redd yells back over his shoulder at those who were still standing in place.

Smokie blinks for a moment, before tilting her muzzle down and chasing after Redd, her four legs rolling and her blunt claws pulling herself forward over the ground. Damn Coyotes, always such unpredictable things, always having their good intentions go wrong.

Time passes, a few of the people in the lobby leave, including some of them that were discussing paying these new 'ruins' a visit. Whatever you decide upon, it's clear that if you don't pick something soon and go, there might not be anything left to pick up...and considering the obviously lackluster skills of some of the more bombastic new recruits, you might be saving more lives than you had originally intended! Redd, at the very least, makes a decent beacon to follow. Even a few other agents start following him, based on the premise of following someone who looks like he knows what he's doing!

Anbessa also is easilly able to follow Redd on his two feet, the silent Talakai staying quiet throughout the run as he keeps up with the Coyote with ease. Even with lugging around the massive sword on his back, he finds ease in his movements as he keeps up side by side with Redd, his eyes sometimes glancing to the other agents before keeping his eyes ahead and on the job.

Solixis runs after Redd, glad for the exercise and that she's not the one in charge. She takes to a higher vatage point whenever able to scout the ruins better.

Onris follows at a run until they leave the building then leaps into the air and spreads her wings. Powerful flaps bring hir over Redd shortly. Shi keeps pace two stories above the party eyes scanning constantly for danger.

Malikai puts his own powerful legs into motion, gradually building speed until his feet are driving into the ground, propelling the lumbering wall of muscle into a sprint fast enough to catch up with the 'yote's. Once he's up with them, he's able to drop the pace enough to conserve his energy, maw left open to allow deep breaths to pull in, and flow out in practiced rhythm.

Smokie continues to pump along at a steady pace next to Redd, four paws over the asphalt and aging concrete of the city. Her tongnue hangs out the side of her mouth and her tail flails to keep her balance. Just a coyote running with the wind.

Once the group arrives on the scene - which doesn't take too long, since many of the local ferals know to give everyone present their berth and instead go after the weaker agents - they find a small cadre of Zephyr officials working to keep people at bay. Apparently, there's been a call put out for an official team to enter and research the site, and if everyone would just calm down and be patient, that group is the only one cleared to enter, and surely there are other places to go and ferals to fight...of course, they haven't taken notice of the PCs' group yet, too busy with the rabble (and the occasional agent who sneaks, slithers, flows, or otherwise gets past them) to have realized that the coyotes, komodo, nekomata, angel, and talakai they're waiting for have arrived to begin their 'expedition'. Nobody else seems to be paying too much mind, either...

Anbessa sighs in an annoyed tone at the crowd ahead, slowing down for a moment, though only a little to put his paws up to his lips. With a slightly silly, yet loud whistle, he quickly begins to pad into the crowd, easilly beginning to pass some of the other agents that are being general meddlers as he brushes through the crowd with outstretched paws. Though he is easy to spot, being bigger than the average person, and also having the trademarked Talakai's fangs and black fur.

Onris turns a tight circle over the party lowering altitude slightly to be able to hear any orders sent hir direction.

Solixis catches up to Redd, frowning at the group gathered. "Well, covert is definitely out of the question." She approaches the Zephyr agents. "We're the expedition team sent by Zephyr. Here's proof of our mission. Thanks for trying to keep them out. The less disturbed this mess is, the better for the investigation."

Malikai breaks into the group with the rest of the crew, rolling his shoulders once while he peers at the mass of gathered agents, easily standing over a good deal of them, even those larger than the average person. He doesn't need to use his size to push them away, however - Anbessa did a good enough job of that. He maintains absolute silence while Solix explains their presence, one eye peering over the Zephyr officials with a distinct lack of emotion.

"We should probably get started with sorting the debris, actually could probably get some of the people in the crowd to help with that, if somebody keeps an eye on them." Redd's thinking aloud, but starts pulling chunks of concrete to the side.

Smokie stops short upon the sight of the crowd, but soon wastes no time in throwing herself into it, clearing a way at Anbessa's paws, running to and fro, growling and snapping at the stubborn agents who would not get out of her way. She's pretty small, but no one wants to get bit with by a little snarly, skinny mass of fur and fangs.

The Zephyr officials holding the line greet Solixis with a nod once the crowd parts, with Anbessa's attention-getting and Malakai's imposing physique doing wonders to get across a certain "we're in charge, now move or we'll throw you clear to Woodfield" message. The actual wreckage is a little bit past the border of the city (mercifully), but Redd will find evidence of computers, furniture, feathers, carpeting, wires, lights, and all sorts of other goodies. Whatever this is, it was modern, and somebody was using it. The first little bit, though, reveals nothing more than that.

Anbessa quietly pads up to the many different items strewn about after passing by the crowd, curiously looking at the many different things Redd finds with a curious raised eyebrow... Though when he spots the computer, he curiously pads up to the machine, crouching down next to it to get a little bit of a close inspection of it... If it still works, or if there is anything left of a harddrive, maybe some information could be found about what this may have came from?

After clearing details with the agents on the field, Solixis catches up to Redd, searching the wreckage for identifying marks. She's a little edgy that something this large came out of nowhere.

Onris wings back to the gathered mob after hearing Redd's musing, she hovers just over head high between the mob and the site. A quick survey of those present produce a few likely candidates, new enough to be controllable but seasoned enough to not blow the whole place. "You four and you three, Your with me." Hir tone and glance to the guards make it evident it's not a request.

Malikai pushes along the crowd along with Solixis and the others, letting out a loud, annoyed rumble when he looks over the mass of metal and just general -junk-, as far as he was concerned. He didn't really go looking through the junk pile for anything in particular, except to dig around near the main group for scraps of metal that look relatively sharp and straight, if a bit jagged. "Hrgh... this is all worthless. Should just blow it up."

"Solixis, see if you can find anything like a server rack. I'm willing to bet there's at least the remains of one out here." Searching for a power cord, or any cord really, Redd attempts to trace connections between parts.

Smokie sniffs on ahead, trying to pick up any scents, any smells beyond that of the obvious decay and dust. Come to think of it, sniffing up concrete dust probably isn't a very good idea. But it's the best she can do, in her current state. After all, she can't really dig around in the debris with her paws, she'd just mess up her claws...

Everyone is able to find at least *something* that isn't entirely ruined, whether it's cords or hard drives, agents or Cloud Strife-esque hunks of metal...but what exactly you find will vary depending on how you've been checking. (Each of you will receive a page shortly.)

Each of you has now received a page about what you find.

Anbessa seems to find a few Computers that seem to be salvageable in a way, and also carries out a few harddrives that he finds. Though he seems a bit annoyed, pulling out even more than a few broken ones... With how much they look smashed, it looks like a massive freight train fell on the building! He drags out the few recoverable computer gear, putting them together in a pile to be taken away before he gets curious... He looks around for a moment before he begins to pad around, walking away from the group to investigate on the other side of the wreckage in search of more salvage or evidence.

Onris crosses back to the wreckage with hir 'cleaning crew'. Quick orders place them to work. Shi looks around then closes hir eyes in an attempt to remember something. "Can someone watch these guys for a bit? I got a notion."

Solixis nods to Redd, frowning as the logos aren't recognizable. AT ALL. She then takes up Redd's suggestion and looks for server evidence, hoping Redd has a plan for what to do once they've found some.

Malikai growls, quietly, sniffing and snuffling around a massive slab. Bending down, and kneeling, he grabs something that looks a lot like an arm, exclaiming "Food!" before opening wide, and closing his maw around the hand, chuckling at his incredibly good luck.

Redd smacks the back of Malikai's head. "Spit that out! We need to bring it back with us." Grumbling, Redd follows a cord to a somewhat emptier area, before returning with a smashed router from a rack. Several thick data cords hang off the ruined machine, but some text is legible on the case itself.

Smokie sniffing around, smells something interesting. She begins to try and trace it, but it's everywhere. Everywhere, and faint. She begins to get a vague idea... Her stillness is then proceeded by a fit of hopping and yipping, barking and yowling, as she's trying to get attention. And shit, she's too close to the crowds... She doesn't want to drop her pretense...

What could that crazy coyote be barking and howling about? Who can say? Crazy coyotes. Of course, Malikai will find that the hand that he was nomming is quite cold, thank you very much - not rotting yet, but definitely deceased for quite some time. Routers, racks, a mysterious logo...and screeches. Screeches from further into the rubble and off to the left! Screeches that are really only close to one person. Hey, where did Anbessa go?

Malikai growls, in annoyance, but releases the hand after chewing the thumb off, swallowing regardless of the fact the hand is clearly deceased. Not like anybody would miss a thumb. Screeches and such happening in the rubble were cause for him to perk up a bit, lumbering first to the screeches, then to the constant yipping and howling from Smokie. And, rather suddenly, he just froze up. On one hand, -where the fuck was Anbessa-, on the other hand, -what the fuck was Smokie yipping about-?! So, he did what any Komodo would do. He went for the screeching. Screeching meant -fun times-.

Solixis frowns and makes a mental note of where she was in her search, abandoning it to head over to see what's gotten Anbessa. As she runs, her form begins to vanish as she activates her camouflage.

A loud yelp comes from the other side of the area, obviously having came from the Talakai that ventured off alone! Accompanying it is the sounds of wings flapping, though soon, the group can see a bright light come from the other side, a great burst of heat coming from the other side of the wreckage, out of sight of the group, though obviously showing signs of some sort of attack!

Onris leaps straight up then wings higher to check out the wreckage better. Shi circles the area quickly trying to build on the thought that struck hir moments ago. As shi flies she mutters to hirself "A small city... but where is the Hub. every city has a hub."

Dropping the router, Redd's hands move towards his slung rifle. With the gun in one hand, Redd appears ready to rush towards Anbessa, but stops, as he realizes then Smokie would be left alone. Sighing in resignation, he scrambles towards the other coyote instead, glancing back constantly to see how things were going.

Smokie jumps and faces the noise, Whatever she's found, she sure thinks it's important, and she looks at Redd concerned. She opens her mouth, but does not growl, only her words come lightly to the other Coyote. "Could be an ambush..." She says softly. "But can you smell it? Gryphons everywhere..."

Well, maybe not everywhere. As Malikai lumbers toward Anbessa to help, he'll find that eyes are watching him...feral eyes from the darkness of the wreckage, hidden away from clear view. Anbessa will come away with only minor bruises and scratches, though the air around him is nice and toasty-warm. Now, those gryphons that tear ass away from him, they're going to go after easier prey. Maybe something that's high up so their wings can help them? From one agent to another, the gryphons swarm onto Onris, who's had just enough time to make an interesting observation (which will be paged to hir) before getting clawed and pecked and scratched! That alone might not be so bad, except for the agents at a distance who see aerial fire and help out! With guns! Gunfire is going everywhere in the air, some of them getting very close to the gryphons, a few getting very close to Onris!

Anbessa growls softly as pants, staring down at the burned ground beneath his feet before looking over to Malikai... His outfit is ripped a little bit, some of Anbessa's body showing under his grey long sleeve shirt. He then looks back upwards to the fleeing gryphons, 4 of them showing obvious and heavy burn marks. "D-damn it..." He says as he looks up at Onris, though as he hears the gunfire from the damn agents! He growls, quickly turning to Malikai. "I'm fine. We gotta stop the agents before they hit Onris instead of Gryphons!" He says with a growl in his voice, making a turn before making a run back the way he came so he can get back to the agents and get them to stop!

Malikai paused, looking from Anbessa, to the shadows, his throat rumbling in a low growling noise that grows in intensity, maw parting to flash his toxic teeth while he turns to face the mass of feral eyes. His hands flex, closing, then snapping open, jagged claws and massive frame making him a threatening image to begin with. "...Hrgh... you go take care of that. I have a -meal- to take care of." he grumbles, taking a step towards whatever's hidden in that wreckage. With his uncanny -sidevision-, he can keep an eye on the fight overhead by cocking his head just so, the other eye focused on the shadowy creatures. More Gryphons, maybe?

Onris screams as the gryphons close on hir, catching hir off guard due to hir musings. Wings flap hard to send a wave of air at the assailants, then stop sending hir in a dive toward Malikai.

A ripple in the air is all that is seen as Solixis leaps up at the Gryphons, trying to grab at least one and drag it to earth. She's got powerful hind legs, and pouncing is natural to her, even trying to pounce UP.

Malikai paused, looking from Anbessa, to the shadows, his throat rumbling in a low growling noise that grows in intensity, maw parting to flash his toxic teeth while he turns to face the mass of feral eyes. His hands flex, closing, then snapping open, jagged claws and massive frame making him a threatening image to begin with. "...Hrgh... you go take care of that. I have a -meal- to take care of." he grumbles, taking a step towards whatever's hidden in that wreckage. With his uncanny -sidevision-, he can keep an eye on the fight overhead by cocking his head just so, the other eye focused on the shadowy creatures. More Gryphons, maybe? And that's about the time he sees the fight take a turn for the worse, at least in Onris' condition. He turns around, abruptly, swinging his tail threateningly while reaching up to catch Onris in his arms, or at least use his body to soften the impact. Or, if she veers off... maybe he'll catch a nice Gryphon for a meal?

"Stop shooting! You aren't going to hit an airborne target like that!" Redd chides the agents on the ground with their guns aimed upwards. "You don't shoot birds with slugs, you use birdshot! Like so." Redd's rifle returns to it's sling, to be replaced by a pump action shotgun, he aims, and fires a load of birdshot at one of the ascending gryphons.

Smokie whines loudly, pinning her ears. Shit, stuck on the ground and unable to do shit, except... What are those? Oh man, oh man. Ferals in the wreckage. She begins to growl, slowly circling Redd. That little yote couldn't hold all of them off.

Now, that's different. Whatever the gryphons were expecting, it certainly wasn't for one of the land-things to pounce up at them! The one Solixis catches by a leg screeches and flails in protest as it's dragged down to earth, wide-eyed and panicked. Malikai's antics earn him hissed tones of aggression from the shadows, though none of them seem to advance. This keeps them out of Anbessa's way, though the firing doesn't stop, especially now that there's no more Onris to hit; if anything, it intensifies, two of the gryphons finally getting wounded badly enough by some lucky shots - including Redd's - to fall to the ground. The remaining survivor flies deeper into the wreckage, presumably to tend to its wounds. Suddenly, POP! POP POP! Something from the server room Redd was checking starts to make harshly jolting sounds, enough to scare away the ferals near Malikai and coax them further into...nothing? One moment they're there, the next...gone. How odd.

Anbessa rounds about the corner as he goes to the front, though as he spots that Onris is safe and out of the line of fire, he smiles. He then growls softly, looking up at the skies for a moment as he sees Solixis, watching with wide eyed suprise at the high leap she pulls off... Though he does quickly move over near Redd, nodding to him before looking down to Smokie, noticing her growling and circling before looking towards the wreckage... Where did most of the gryphons go? It seemed like there were more...

A quick glance over her shoulder lets Onris know the pursuit has ended. A glance back to the ground let's hir now hir troubles have not. As the ground rushes towards hir onris changes into a goo girl to splash into a puddle at Malikai's feet.

After knocking out the gryphon she caught and scattering the rest, Solixis heads over to Redd and Smokie, curious what they've found and hoping that they hace some answers. "What in the world was that?"

Malikai takes a few steps forward back, from Onris, turning to face the Ferals - or, rather where they were, then takes a few steps forward. Stopping, however, he hears the pitiful wailing of a Gryphon being dragged down, then whips around, deciding that another prey might be more valuable for now. He lumbers over to the screeching creature, steps slowly turning into a thumping charge when he kicks off himself, once Gryphon is within range and height for his own leap. While unconscious, it probably won't be able to struggle when his teeth sink into its neck, biting down viciously, venom from his maw soaking into it. Abandoning himself to a wild frenzy, he tears into the Grpyhon, biting feather and flesh out, carving his claws into it to drain the life out of its body in a most brutal manner.

With a swing of an arm, the butt of the shotgun makes impact with Malikai's head before he gets a second bite into the gryphon. "Damn it, hope a medkit is enough to stabilize this one. Somebody call Mike to get this gryphon to the triage fast, we need a live specimen." Pulling the (hopefully) unconscious lizard away, Redd wraps bandages around the bite wounds.

Smokie whines and yips angrily at Redd! Well, maybe at Malikai, too! Damn, she wanted some of that. Whatever, fuck, she'll do just okay on that grimy, slimy husky cut earlier. Whatever. She tilts her nose skyward, and picks up a soft burning sound, from the area Redd came from. Not good, no, she decides, and without a sound, follows her snout to the source of the scent.

Pop. Pop POP POP! Fsssssst. For a long moment, the far edge of the wreckage looks very much like one of those wavy heat mirages you get in the dregs of summer, with the distortion of the horizon. And then...WHOAH. There's a lot more city rubble all of a sudden! The image of the horizon sputters in and out a few more times before finally giving up the ghost; turns out there's a lot more to this than you were initially told, plausibly because there's a lot more to this than anyone initially knew. There's a lot more wreckage to check, a lot more salvage to be had, and hopefully a lot more answers than you currently have. Where did the gryphons come from? Why are they here? How did this city suddenly show up, and why is there more of it without warning? You'll just have to find out!