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Available from Robert at Zephyr Requisitions, as well as his counterparts in the other factions.

Revision as of 08:23, 12 June 2011

| Item [Improved Nanite Collector     ]  Type [                   Recipe]|
|______________________[        Description       ]______________________|
| Not as compact as the mako fueled option, it makes up for it with      |
| adapatbility. The fact that it's smaller than the basic one isn't a    |
| bad thing either. Collects builder nanites from defeated enemies.      |
|______________________[        Recipe Info       ]______________________|
| Cred Cost           [20000                                        ]    |
| Ingredients         [Basic Nanite Collector/1                     ]    |
| Salvage Amount                                                         |
| *\-Common Electronic   [2                                         ]    |
| *\-Uncommon Energy     [1                                         ]    |
| Salvage Level       [6                                            ]    |
| Skills              [Electronic/25                                ]    |
| XP Cost             [150                                          ]    |
|______________________[         Item Info        ]______________________|
| Loadout             [60                                           ]    |
| Status                                                                 |
| *\-NaniteCollection    [100/1/1                                   ]    |
| *\-NaniteCollectRate   [100/120/1                                 ]    |
| Target              [Self                                         ]    |
| Type                [Passive                                      ]    |
| Upgrade Cost        [40                                           ]    |
| Upkeep              [10                                           ]    |

Available from Robert at Zephyr Requisitions, as well as his counterparts in the other factions.