Youth Liberation Device(Mako Item)

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Youth Liberation Device
In-Game Desc What a strange device! Just wave it at a child and they lose the overwhelming urge to remain close to their provider. The child will have their current form Nativized and the powers of that form mastered. This mastery can only be removed with a Nanite Adaption Cleanser, but it comes with a small bonus to the effectiveness of these powers! Use the device, select a child object, and follow prompts to create a PC object based on it (one use).
Cost 10

From Nuku:

Give it, and your child, to the person you want to play your kid.

They use it and point it at the child, BOOM, a PC is created based on it.

The child will start play with ALL powers it should have, mastered.

Native powers CAN NOT be un mastered(gasp). (Except for with the Nanite Adaptation Cleanser, added later.)

Native infections(what they start with) are durable. You will find yourself always sliding back towards that state over time as you fight. You're not immune, you just have a tendancy.


As of August 18 2011, children can use 'shift native' to return to the form of their birth at a cost of 7% mako battery charge. Edit notes