Trust, Safety & You

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There are a number of tools in the game that allows a player to maintain their own personal bubble. Player to player interaction is a large part when it comes to socializing, and it's important to know what permissions you're giving other players as you give them different levels of access to both your information and your virtual body.Not much can grind a fun time to a halt faster than feeling pushed out of your comfort zone without consent. Having your body changed in ways you don't expect can also leave you feeling uncomfortable and dysphoric.

This page sort of has two goals in mind. The first is to be a fairly all-encompassing guide to the Trust system. The second is to make readers aware of common pitfalls that often leave people feeling "the ick". Throughout I'll also mention some current (at the time of this writing) community cultural aspects in regards to it.

Levels of Trust

There are seven levels of trust that another player can have with you. Ignored, Blocked, Untrusted, Read, Write, Transform, and Trusted. Everyone starts out as Untrusted by default. When someone does an action toward you that requires a level of trust that they don't have it will prompt you to grant or deny that trust level. Keep in mind that trust levels are tiered, meaning if you give someone one trust access then they also have the permissions of everything below it as well.
Here's what each trust levels does from lease to most trusted, and you can pull up a list of trust level commands with help Getting Started/Trust.

  • Ignored: Won't see what the other player says or does. Essentially pretends that other person doesn't exist.
  • Blocked: You can still see what they say or do, but effectively sets them to "Untrusted" level while auto-denying any further requests for trust access.
  • Untrusted: The default state everyone starts with.
  • Read: Read allows another player to effectively look at your character sheet. Your stats, powers, perks, quirks, proficiencies, etc. However, it also serves a second purpose in allowing players to do wholesome interactions toward you in the form of hugging, petting, and belly rubbing. I'll go more in depth in this in a later section named Interactive Commands.
  • Write: This is a misnomer. Write does *not* allow someone else to modify your character in any way. Instead what it does is allow more intimate interactions between players with kissing, licking, breast feeding, and marking them with your scent. This will also be talked about more in depth in the Interactive Commands section.
  • Transform: This is what it says on the tin. It allows another player to transform you using any items or abilities they might have. Of particular note is that it also allows the use of the item Nanite Tattoo on you, which can leave semi-permanent descriptions about your body separate from your current mutation (don't worry, they can be erased at any time).
  • Trusted: This is where some of your personal agency can get taken away, often in a lewd way. If you happen to be wearing a collar then someone with the Trusted status can use a leash, making you auto-join their party with them as the leader letting them lead you around. It's also required for activating remote controlled sex toys such as vibrators and shock collars. Lastly, Trusted is required for any commands regarding vore content allowing someone with Trusted to either push you inside or slip inside of you at their own discretion.

You might be wondering where actual sex comes into play here, but the trust system is actually largely seperate from anything revolving the Fuck command and will be covered in depth later.

Interactive Commands

As a whole, these various commands should be considered OOC socializing. If these actions are done with IC intent they're instead written out within an RP pose rather than the automated commands. It's a very quick and easy way to show affection to someone you enjoy!

  • Read commands: Hugging, petting, and belly rubbing are considered largely wholesome. The commands for them are hug PersonName, pet PersonName, and pet PersonName belly. All three commands share a cooldown of a few minutes between you and that person. What that means is if you hug Person A, you won't be able to hug or pet them for a few minutes, but you could still hug Person B (who then goes on their own cooldown). Person C, however, is still free to hug or pet A or B.
  • Write commands: Kissing and Licking can be considered more intimate or invasive and so are given a higher required trust status to do. Kissing and licking notably have no cooldown, but you should use common sense to not excessively spam. The commands for them are kiss PersonName and lick PersonName location. When you kiss someone it cycles through a few pre-canned messages on random to have a bit of variation. It's very straightforward.

    Licking on the other hand is *not* straightforward. Licking can target a large number of places on the body from playful to lewd. Ears, necks, cheeks, elbows, belly buttons, tails, sexual places... All of them are valid location targets for licking. Licking will even take into consideration whether someone even has a body part including plurality (for example, "lick Player ear" will come up differently than "lick Player ears").

    Lastly, licking can also be used to clean either yourself or someone else of sexual fluids after the Fuck command is used (with the exception of thighs, which are currently bugged and requires a shower or an item to manually clean). Scenting *can* mean the typical animal urine territory marking but most players take it to mean when you and them spent a lot of time cuddling (or having sex) and so you smell like them for a couple of days. It should be assumed to mean the urine-less variety unless explicitly stated. Scenting requires 5% of your renewable battery and is done with scent PersonName. To force someone to nurse from you the command is feed PersonName, and to nurse from them instead is suck PersonName.

An important thing to note is that if any specific command from a trust level gives you "the ick" such as thinking petting feels demeaning, but you don't want to block off the entire trust level, you can type in CommandName #off to disallow that command specifically including the Fuck command itself.

Your Body and You

For any number of reasons you might be particularly partial to looking a certain way either relating to your sexual characteristics or your mutation type. This section will give you the various tools to lock in different aspects of yourself so you can feel comfortable in your own body, as well as the potential downsides of such. Note that for the purpose of this section, "genitals" also includes your breasts as the game tends to lump all sexual characteristics together for effects of such.

It should be noted before continuing that the combat in this game (if you're interested in such) is heavily based around transforming into different mutations. Different body part mutations carry different powers to be used in combat. You can lock these powers into your toolkit permanently and swap away from that mutation still for freedom in how you look, but you at least need to be able to transform into something to pick up the power and then transform back if you want to make the most of combat. What genitals you have, thankfully, does not relate to the powers you have access to. If you do anything that severely hampers your ability to transform you're also going to severely hamper your ability to add new powers to your toolkit.

There are a lot of perks that can influence your body (and particularly your genitals) in terms of size, style, number, etc. Many do very similar things but with a slightly different twist. Before choosing which perks you want it's heavily suggested that you go through the list on the website and note which ones interest you off to the side before making your decisions. That way you can be sure to choose the correct perks for what you want. There is, however, one of particular note for those who have a specific idea for what they look like: Sexually Stable.

Sexually Stable makes it so that your gential configuration simply can't be changed at all while leaving the actual mutation themselves free to switch around. Whether you're a cow, cat, demon, dog, horse, or human, what genitals you have and their sizes will always stay the same allowing a freedom to swap around your form while still remaining the sex/gender that you're comfortable with. If you ever need to tweak it you can toggle Sexually Stable off whenever you need to and then turn it back on.

In a more general sense, another perk to look for that helps you control how you look is Advanced Inoculation. Advanced Inoculation means that random fights can't transform you at all. The only way to be transformed outside of scripted events (such as quests) is to drink vials or have other players transform you (which requires permission as noted earlier). This means you can be very strategic with when and how you end up transforming, or never if you decide! Another option is known as Nativizing which allows you to revert back to a saved combination of mutations whenever you want. It is very much suggested that you don't do this though as it makes it nearly impossible to transform into other things you might want for the purpose of abilities or to master forms due to the fact that any transformation trigger has a chance to just turn you back into your native form.

Overall, here's a more direct list of pros and cons to help you make your decision (some of which can be combined with others). My personal recommendation for those who are dysphoric, care about looking a certain way, and/or care about looking like a specific gender is one or both of Advanced Inoculation and Sexually Stable.

  • No Limits: Nothing limiting transformations. Only do this if you're truly ok with rolling the dice on what you end up looking like after each fight.
    • Pros: Can fulfill all sorts of transformation fetishes. No cost.
    • Cons: Very hard to plan anything out.
  • Advanced Inoculation: Almost everyone takes this. You only transform when drinking vials or when other players transform you (which requires permission).
    • Pros: Total control of when and what you transform.
    • Cons: It's a lot of perk points, but very worth it according to everyone who has it. Makes you have to farm vials of your favorite forms to turn back.
  • Perks: Choosing various perks to build the exact limitations you want.
    • Pros: You can get very exact with what you want including a bit of wiggle room to get a bit of the random transformation fetishes. Generally lower perk point cost than other options.
    • Cons: It can be very confusing on how to puzzle-piece them together to get what you want, and even then might not get what you exactly want.
  • Sexually Stable: Get your genitals how you want and get the perk.
    • Pros: Full flexibility with form transformations while being able to keep body type/sex consistent. Can toggle it off if you want to tweak something.
    • Cons: Hefty perk point cost. All or nothing with genital transformations (might be a pro depending on personal preference).
  • Nanite Schema Nativizer: Generally the least recommended option. Marks a certain form and body type to be able to transform back at any point you want.
    • Pros: Lets you experiment while knowing you can swap back to a form you enjoy without needing to hoard vials or mess around with perks.
    • Cons: It is *very* difficult to transform into something else since any bodypart being transformed will have a 50% chance of turning your entire body back into your native form. Can't be reversed. It's simultaneously the most restrictive and hardest to plan around.

Sex, both with players and NPCs

You might have wondered at some point what trust level is required to have sex with other players. As briefly noted earlier, the Fuck command actually does not interact with the trust system at all (other than Ignored with auto-blocks any Fuck requests sent your way from them). The reason for this is simple: regardless of your trust level with someone else, you will always have the option to allow or deny the request to have sex. Due to this explicit consent requirement there isn't much reason to lock it behind a trust level. That being said, it's still frowned upon to send fuck requests to people that you haven't spent at least a bit of time building a rapport with. People very much appreciate a conversation to build mutual interest before leaping to that, and not building that connection first often feels very pushy and unwanted.

At the time of this writing, there is one opt-in way that allows a bypass of the explicit consent, and it works by wearing a specific item called a Spreader Bar that. When you wear it it makes any Fuck command sent your way be auto-accepted. This is an all or nothing option: regardless of what hole, who the other person is, and whether you're topping or bottoming you will automatically accept the fuck command and all of the possible repercussions of such. As an FS cultural note, just because someone is wearing one doesn't mean they want to be fucked all the time by anyone. People often wear them just to streamline the process between people they're already in that sort of dynamic with, so it's always good to build familiarity with someone before going for the deed.

Sex with NPCs can be much more automatic though, especially with ferals in combat. By default any enemy that you fight can activate a sex scene automatically including both losing (which is expected from games such as this) but also winning (which often isn't). This can cause pregnancy, loss of virginity, etc. If you don't want to have sex with random enemies the perks you want are Self Control (which prevents victory scenes) and Graceful in Defeat (which prevents defeat scenes).

When activating the Fuck command toward a player you're first given a list of body parts to have sex with. Some of these body parts have hidden mechanics so it's prudent to go over each one. The options are Ass, Asscheeks, Balls, Breasts, Cunt, Feet, Hand, Mouth, Nipple, Raincatcher, Tail, Thighs, and Urethra. Many of the locations will also produce badges if you get the area completely covered or filled, so beware that if you're broadcasting your earned badges, then everyone who has that chat channel active will know what you're doing when you first earn the badge. The Fuck command always assumes that a penis is acting on the chosen location. During the command it will ask if you're giving or receiving so you can initiate the command whether you're the top or the bottom in the situation!

  • Ass: Typical anal. Will give a badge if 100% filled.
  • Asscheeks: Hotdogging. Strangely, this will also fill your ass internally so can also produce a badge.
  • Balls: This is a major one that catches people off guard. This is not someone rubbing someone's penis on someone else's ballsack. This is insertion into the urethra to cum inside the other person's ballsack. This also has the added effect where the reciever's next cumshot counts as the giver's cum in terms of parenthood, mutations of child, etc.
  • Breasts: Boobjob with a pearl necklace finish. This can give a badge.
  • Cunt: Exactly what you'd expect. Can give a badge.
  • Feet: Footjob. Can give a badge.
  • Hand: Handjob. Can give a badge.
  • Mouth: Oral. Can give a badge. This also has the added mechanic that you can spit or swallow the load! "Spit" and "swallow", respectively, for the commands. With large fillings you'll possibly have to do it multiple times but with "swallow all" or "spit all" you'll do it all in one command to cut down on spam. Also can give a badge.
  • Nipple: This is nipple-penetration into the milk sack, and can activate a badge.
  • Raincatcher: By purchasing the Raincatcher with Reward Tokens you can program a custom hole. Ears, armpits, belly buttons, your imagination is the limit. This can be manually toggled to carry a pregnancy chance or not. Read "+toy #help" on how it works.
  • Tail: Tailjob, like you'd expect. Can give a badge.
  • Thighs: Thighjob. At the time of this writing, this location is bugged and can't be licked clean like anywhere else. Moist Towelette or a shower will be required to manually clean it.
  • Urethra: Insertion into the urethra to cum inside the bladder.

Naturally, sex can have a few different potential outcomes. Messes, pregnancies, badges, and losing your virginity if you've elected to start as a virgin. The game runs (mostly) on Christian Loophole rules on virginity loss, meaning by default the only thing that will make someone lose their virgin status is a penis in a vagina.

Technically what the game looks for is a pregnancy chance so if you have any perks or items that modify how you can get pregnant, know that it will also apply to this, but mostly speaking only P in V will tick the box. This is important to note because if you lose your virginity to a player then their name will be permanently displayed on your public badge list so make sure you lose it to someone that you don't mind being there forever (or lose it to an NPC for a different badge altogether).

Any messes from doing the deed will leave the body part used in various levels of mess depending on the giver's cum production and will naturally clean over time or can be manually cleaned via licking, use of an item, or finding a shower in the world and other players can and will see the cum dribbling from your body if you're messy.

Sometimes going through the full Fuck request will lead to one more confirmation required on your own end. This will appear if the other player has any items or abilities that activate from sex that might affect you. These can include cum that sends you into Rut or Heat, auto-scenting either you or them, and other such effects. This is to make sure you're aware of everything that can possibly happen from the interaction before going through with it.


It's surprising to many when they learn how long pregnancy lasts in Flexible Survival. Without anything modifying the rate a single pregnancy can easily last multiple months. There are some ways to prevent or eliminate pregnancy. The easiest is the "Birth Control" consumable you can purchase from an NPC shop (most easily found on the website). Taking one eliminates any pregnancies you currently have ongoing and leaves you infertile for three IRL days. If the giver in the act has a condom in their inventory then one will be used to prevent the pregnancy automatically.

There's a Flaw you can take at character creation called Sterile that will leave you unable to carry children at all but keep in mind this is irreversible. Those with male equipment can also take a perk called Shooting Blanks that leave them unable to concieve as well. Pregnancy can be moderately quickened with the right perks and other abilities, but also by spending a resource called Builder Nanites to hyper-speed a pregnancy along.