The Pregnancy Gauntlet - RPLOG

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A researcher welcomes any and all potential participants into the research room. Potential canidates are allowed to sit or stand or however they want to in the lab room. A lab-coated fox stands at the head of the room, waiting for everyone to get in and settled.

Miralda steps in the room just in time to hear the researcher speaking, she nods and looks around for a chair, but finding nothing she just sit on the ground, in place that she is almost certain that will not bother anyone, in a soft and polite tone she asks "So... What is this about? I've heard the broadcast and came here..." her hands slightly rubbing her belly.

Bleu follows in not long after, looking around curiously. "Um, hello? I heard there is some kind of research needing pregnant people going on. Is this the right place?" He looks around at the others giving a little wave.

Morten strides into the room, looking around as she hears the researcher speaking, she looks at the other pair and shrugs, not saying a word before she sits up on the nearest object she can, folding her legs and looking slightly bored.

Lunamaria slowly walks in, and looks around ,not saying too much before finding a spot to sit in where she can watch the whole room. Judging by the way otehr peopel looked, this was the right spot.

Once everyone is inside, the fox speaks up. "Welcome! I'm so glad that you all volunteered for this project. We here at Zephyr are always interested in learning more about this weird and twisted world we live in now." The fox nods to a person in the back. The lights dim and a projector turns on. A diagram of a maze-like obsticle course pops up. "Today we will be testing the effects of a large pregnancy on your ability to manuver and adapt to certain situations. The tests will not kill you, dont worry, but they can hurt a lot if you do happen to run afoul of them. The only monitoring we will be doing is your vitals and a wireless camera you would wear." The fox says, the slide clicking to to a image of several different models of tracking device. A collar, a wristband, a ankle band, and a few others. "One other note." The fox starts to shift from foot to foot nervously. "We....tried to test it on some ferals first..... They got loose. Shook off the tracking devices and the cameras. They are still contained inside, but how they might interfere with the tests.... we dont know. Anyway, I'm sure you can deal with them."

Miralda cocks and eyebrow and says while adjusting herself "I see... But.. If something get out of control inside there? What could you guys do?" the kitsune tails waggings slowly on her back, her eyes locked at the fox as she wait for an answer.

Bleu frowns slightly. "Wait just a second... Ferals, loose in the maze? And you want us to do *what*, exactly?" He starts to wonder why it was wise to check out the announcement in the first place. "Will we get paid for our trouble?" He rubs his belly protectively. "Is there any danger?"

Morten perks her ears up and grins "Oh sounds fun~.. well not the exercise part! the part with the fer-... never mind" she shakes her head "So... what kinda payment we talking about here then?" she asks with a grin.

Lunamaria slowlly raises an eyebrow. "ferals? I'm not worried. I can still out jump most any i would be worried if i had to actually fight them..." She yawns a little, having only woken up a few minute s before the announcement was sent out. This would be a good way to wake up.

"The ferals were just a few huskies and such, nothing you shouldnt be able to handle." The fox says as the lights brighten back up. "We will give out rewards at the end of the course." the fox says, walking over to a door. "Through here you will be outfitted with the tracking device of your choosing and then sent into one of the maze entrances. You will be separated at first, but might come across your peers. Now, who wants to go first?"

Miralda gets up streches her body, then walks close to the fox, saying while removing the dust from her lower body "The collar, yes? And also, you haven't told us your name..." she keep walking and when reaching the door she waits for the collar being given to her or placed around her neck.

"Hmmm?" The fox looks to Miralda. "Oh! I'm Dr. Sanders." The fox says as an assistant brings up the collar and fastens it around Miralda's throat. The dvice is turned on and she gives Miralda a thumbs up and opens the door, revealing a hallway with 5 doors. "Go in door number 1, miss, and good luck!" Sanders says

Bleu puts his hand up next. "Umm, I'll go second, I guess... Is there another collar, or...?" He stands up uncertainly. "How long with take, do you know?"

"No clue! Not to horribly long, assuming if you dont screw up." Sanders says, another collar brought up and fastened, and once it was turned on, Sanders gave a thumbs up. "Good to go!

"Door number two is for you!" Sanders says, opening the door.

Morten frowns "Third place? well bugger, bronze for me then" she shrugs and jumps to her feet, moving over to the fox, "Collar please love" she states with a smirk, removing her own current collar and wraps it around her arm as a band.

Sandra nods and the collar is fastened on. She gives a thumbs up and allows Morten in. "Door three for you, dear!" Sanders says, smiling.

Lunamaria gets up and goes to the next door in line with a small sound of amusement. "Bracelet please~" On receiving said bracelet and managing to get it on, and walking towards the door

she looks back and smiles "bet i'll be fastest~"

Sanders smiles and gives them all a thumbs up. "Alright. We will be monitoring you remotely from now on." She says, the 5 doors opening to reveal a small room with another door. Sanders' voice is heard on the intercom. "Step inside and then the doors will be lifted simulaneously and the timers will be started! Good luck everyone!"

Bleu hesitates a moment, then heads into his door, looking around somewhat suspiciously.

Miralda give the other two that haven't entered the maze yet a friendly smile and says "Good luck in there!" the kitsune steps into the maze and looks around, the maze cause, in her at least, a strange feeling that there is not a exit in the place, except by the one that is behind her, her mind tells her to go back, but she keep going forth, waiting for further words from the fox, she murmurs for herself "Nice... We are now lab-rats..."

Morten hmms and tilts her head as she enters the maze, looking around before calling out "Is this a bad time to mention Im awful at mazes!... well bugger" she sighs, moving to a position and waiting for some further instructions... if there are any.

Lunamaria waits for the door to open , her intent was to then slip under it before it even finishes opening and quickly strides through, though she'd refrain from running as she wants to due to her extra weight she's carrying. Hers was only a recent pregnancy so she didn't have to hold back as much as some others might.

A little way into the maze, each testee is presented with a challenge. Miralda is presented long hallway with a narrow balance bridge over a shallow pool of water. Bleu is presented with a series of hurdles in a corridor. Nothing fancy to start with. Morten is presented with a loooooong corridor, with a finish line at the end. A big red timer is visible, a stopwatch clock. Lunamaria got door 5, the most difficult of the challenges. A bunch of bright red rubber barriers are randomly arranged along the corridor. At the end of each is a left turn, a set of stairs leading up, a set of stairs leading down, another set of stairs heading up, or a right turn, 1-5 respectively. The walls have a few scattered clear panels in them, allowing the testees to see eachother.

Miralda eyes the brigde and take a deep-breath, afraid that her extra weight caused by the pregnancy might make her lose her balance, she take step after step, the bridge slightly shake, making her stop at the middle, but when it is back to normal, she keep going, after a few more steps she reaches the other side of the room, she sighs, it wasn't so bad afterall.

Bleu smiles. "I'm a bunny. Hurdles are *easy*." And with that, he promptly begins hopping over each hurdle, hop-hop-hop, clearing them all in practically no time at all.

Morten runs as fast as she can, panting as she does "God I need to lay off the cake, sodding..hell" she complains to herself but she makes it to the other end rather quickly, rubbing her brow and frowning "Hmm, not so bad... guess I can keep eating cake" she smiles and cheers quietly to herself.

Lunamaria quickly navigates the obstacle course, using her claws on her finger tips to sometimes help her with a tight turn, even though this leaves marks on the rubber walls set up. No one said a little damage to them wasn't allowed right? AS she reached the end she came to slow top, rather than making it a sudden one looking at the stairs and the turn each. "...More choices."

The next section gets dark and consists of twists and turns and dead ends. Each is left to their own devices as the observers only monitor their progress. Something is lurking in the dark....

Miralda blinks, adjust her eyes to the darkness that surround her, steps can be heard from somewhere and the feeling that someone or something watchin her is undeniable, nothing wanting to find out what it is, she walks away, without a main direction, the only thing that is guiding her are the sounds that can be heard around the maze, her breathing, footsteps, and slightly a few moans and pants, she keep walking randomly, trying to find her way out.

Bleu frowns. He hates darkness. The bunny makes his way slowly, no idea where he's headed. The noises of not being alone are not exactly the most comforting, either. "Damn, I'm gonna get raped, aren't?"

Morten looks about and scowls, "Naturally, no lights... nothing is ever easy, how exactly does this test have anything to with pregnancy and ev-..forget it" she sighs, shaking her head and walking into the darkness, she having decent enough night vision to see at least a few steps in front of her, she starting to try and make her way to the end of the darkened area.

Lunamaria starts wto walk through the maze , her feline eyes working in the darkness. Since it was near perfect darkness her own vision was limited as well, but she could at least see a few feet in front of her. Her belly rumbled a bit and she sighed. Maybe she'd find one of those huskies..she could hear SOMETHING nearby she just coudln't tell from where. the walls of this place made the sounds bounce all weirdly. Stopping at a crossroads she looked in each direction. She was beginning to hate the number of choices here. Truly she was. Then she heard something from the sounded like a person. Well if it was a huskie it was a free meal if it was a person....She'd worry about that afterwords. backing around hte corner she made as loud little mewl, as if wanting help, waiting for whatever it was to come investigate, her mouth watering just a little.

Suddently there is something grabbing Miralda by the collar, and something else pressing against her that throbbed faintly. The husky male lustly panted and tries to wrestle his prey to the floor. Bleu turns a corner and runs right into... Lunamaria! Morten hears sounds and noises but otherwise doesnt run into anything bad.

Miralda struggles as her collar is grabbed, with a pounch she break free from her wrestler, the kitsune jumps back and eyes the husky, that now is angered by the pounch, it jumps over her one more time, and with a great strenght she kick it body, making it fall on the ground, his knotted shaft still hard, but resisting the temptation she kick his head, knocking out the husky with a final blow, and keep making her way through the shadows, her baby slightly moves inside her, she take a deep breath and rub her belly, trying to calm it down.

Bleu hears a strange mewing sound, and, against his better judgement, he makes his way toward it slowly. Rounding the corner, he would walk right into Lunamaria if she isn't out of the way. "Hello? Who's there? I can't see. Are you feral or not?" As if a feral would be able to say they were a feral. He shakes his head. "Umm...who or whatever you are, I come in peace...ok?" He would try to back away a little if possible.

Morten perks her ears up, hearing the struggle somewere out in the dark.. she frowns "Well sod that, life waits for no woman!" she nods, ignoring the distress and continuing to try and make her way through the dark maze, grinning as she can hear voices in the distance, muttering quietly to herself "Thats right... let them know right where you are~ make this easier for me"

Lunamaria pounces Bleu to the ground right as They start to speak, before stopping. "awww..not a feral...." sighing with disappointment, her belly growls again, still staring at Bleu. She could, but she shouldn't. She really could, buuuuuut she shouldn't. As her mind won ver her belly she let bleu up with a small mewl. "why aren't you feral." This was more of a rhetorical question than anything else, as she didn't actually expect an answer, immediatly figuring the left path was not a good one to follow, either for food or for the exit.

They continue deeper into the darkness, the sound of panting and pawsteps still audible. Bleu and Lunamaria are together, Morten and Miralda still apart and Miralda having dispatched one of the huskies. The scientists mark that spot and will send a pickup team later. For now.... onward is the only way to go!

Miralda walks onward, having nothing else to be done with the feral, she walks for a few minutes, her ears hear what looks like two people chatting, the other peoples that are in the maze must have found each other, what a luck, but not for her anway, her stomach gurgles and she remebers that she haven't eat yet... Her nose catch a strange scent.

Bleu sighs a bit. "Well, I don't know, I could ask you the same question. Why aren't *you* feral?" He decides to follow Lunamaria, having no other better idea of moving forward. Hearing her stomach growl, he asks, "You're starving, aren't you?" He thinks for a few minutes in silence, then puts 2 and 2 together. "You were going to eat me, weren't you? That's why you were disappointed I wasn't a feral..." He sounds somewhat appalled at the idea.

Morten sighs and shakes her head, still hearing the voices but they are getting closer... she not really wanting to bump into people making noise when there are ferals around so she tries to make her way in another direction.

Suddently, a husky male and a pregnant skunk girl pounce out of the shadows and land on Bleu and Lunamaria. Miralda walk in on this, hearing scuffling and moans.

Miralda notices the two other preggers and hides from them as they are attacked by two ferals, she watches the scene and end up stumbling on something, making a loud noise, she is pounces by something that jumps out of the shadows, pouncing the kitsune back, she falls on the ground, her hips lifted up, and something rubbing agains her tights, she looks up and notices what looks like to be a skunk, a herm to be exactly, ready to fuck her, and with no further warning she is roughly fucked by skunk, as if she was a little bitch to the skunk fill with hir seed.

Bleu eeps as he knocked down rather roughly by the two ferals. He begins to yell loudly, hoping to scare them off. "GET OFF ME! NOW!" He starts kicking at the ferals with his strong bunny feet, but in the darkness, he's not entirely sure just who he's really kicking.

Lunamaria is knocked down by the male huskie, though she manages to turn so shes facing it before it can pin her down. She looks up at it with almost predatory eyes, attempting to lock her arms and legs around it to prevent it from escaping her.

Morten is recieved by the scientists at the end of the maze! The skunk fucking Miralda moans lustily and shoves hir hard skunk cock into Miralda repeatedly, fucking her hard, hir plump balls slapping against Miralda's ass until shi cries out in orgasm, hir hornyness and pent up need pouring out into Miralda's cunt, carrying its infection with it. The male husky whimpers as it is pinned down by Lunamaria, and the female skunk is thrown into the dark with a sickening *crunch* by Bleu's powerful kick, probably hurting herself badly on impact with a wall.

Miralda cries out as she is wildly fucked, but the pleasure that she is feeling undeniable as she moans together with her crying, the kitsune form changing as she is filled with the hot seed of the herm, even knowing she shouldn't the new skunk girl pushes her hips against the skunk pelvis, eagerly wanting more of the feral member, she forget the couple next to her. Her willpower is weakned by the skunk strain, but she still sane, just a "bit" horny.

Bleu doesn't move for a moment, half expecting some new feral to jump out of nowhere to pounce him. Slowly, he gets up, then feels around, his hands eventually coming into contact with a wall. "Um, Miss, whatever your name is, are you still there?" The bunny is extremely disoriented by now, and is not entirely sure what direction Lunamarie was located. He could hear his attacker moaning and whimpering painfully somewhere nearby, but he was not about to get any closer. Instead, he needed to try and figure out the correct way to the exit, and fast.

Lunamaria giggles a little at Bleu's inquiry. "just a moment~" Opening her mouth wide, she attempts to nom the huskies head, her belly rumbling again. This would make for a good meal, or at least shut her belly up if she had to spit him out later for the silly scientists. Which was most likely since this was..FOR SCIENCE! All silly ness aside, she would quickly swallow him whole despite her petite frame if she could get his head in her mouth, being a nekomata.

The herm skunk cuddles with Miralda and strokes her new skunky body, murring in her ear. There is a faint light that can be seen by Bleu around a corner, probably the way out. The husky is easily swallowed and ingested by Lunamaria, ending up being an extra bulge in her belly.

Miralda moans louder, her pregnant womb filled with the skunk seed, she raises her hips and pushes her hips even further, like a good bitch would do, she roll her eyes and happily accept the embrace of the skunk, her mind slowly slipping away...

Bleu stumbles toward the light. As he does, he comes across two skunks breeding. "God, do ferals never stop fucking each other?" Alas, the rabbit doesn't even recognize poor Miralda, and he starts to pass on by, until something catches his attention. "Is of the tracking collars? But we didn't have any skunks with us..." He makes a quick decision anyway, attempting to kick the one the collarless skunk hard.

Lunamaria gets up and starts to follow blues scent, before noticing he's helping anothrr skunk. Well she wasn't sure why, but she supposed she owed the bunny for nearly EATING him, and thus pounced at the skunk with her claws out, making sure to come at it from the SIDE rather than its behind.

The herm skunk is torn off of hir conquest by the combind power of the bunny kicking hir and the cat pouncing on hir. Shi collapsed to the ground, moaning in pain and creaming hirself from the sensation of getting hir cock yanked out of Miralda's folds. Which probably caused a spike in pleasure in Miralda as well. Now, with Lunamaria on top of hir, shi whimpered as the cat could now do whatever she wanted to. The light was just around a corner at the end of the hall!

Miralda whimpers as her formerly mate is pounced away, standing on all fours she assumes a attack position against the nekomata, then she realises what she is just doing and shakes her head, trying to clear her thoughts, she blinks a few times and stand up, trying to adjust herself with her new form. Her body still dripping with cum. and the scent of a female in heat spread across the place, filling everyone's nose "So... What have happened? The last thing I remember is this marvelous and hot skunk... I mean, this skunk, fucking me wildly..." her hand slightly rubbing over her breasts, and the other over her belly, slip down to her wet tights

Bleu sighs. "We saved you, that's what happened. You were nearly fucked senseless, it would seem." He then points toward the light. "Come on, let's all get the hell out of here, this place is a mad house! They better pay well after all this trouble." He starts heading in the direction of light, with, or without, the others.

Lunamaria looks at the skunk herm and grins to show her teeth, before punching it in the face and hoping up, not wanting to get sprayed in the mouth if she tries to eat it. She kept one ear perked back though to listen for any sneak attacks, not wanting to be caught off guard if it decided to press its luck. "It was fun though, wasn't it?"