Author- Kernog
There are actually four different descriptions for Roman depending on the route the player takes in his content.
1. Default
This is the captain of the Tenvale Gorillas. You hear some of the apes address him as 'Captain Roman'. Roman stands out from the rest of the players. He looks more mature, and in opposition to his teammates, who strut on the field with only a helmet and a shoulder-pad, he wears a tank-top and a pair of shorts, who outline his strong body and the large bulge of his crotch.
2. Secret Known
Roman stands out from the rest of the players. He looks more mature, and in opposition to his teammates, who strut on the field with only a helmet and a shoulder-pad, he wears a tank-top and a pair of shorts, which are simply padded with cotton in order to hide his gynomorphism, as you now know.
3. Confident
Roman stands out from the rest of the players. He looks more mature, and in opposition to his teammates, who strut on the field with only a helmet and a shoulder-pad, and nothing else. He now lets out his feminine parts proudly, for everyone to see.
4. Team Toy
You look at the former team captain. Roman is tied on his back to one of the benches. Old jerseys are pinning his arms under the bench, and pulling his legs up against his chest, exposing his pussy to everyone. Someone has covered his entire body in writings with a red marker. Dirty names, like 'bitch', 'whore', or 'team pet', an arrow pointing down to his crotch, with the mention 'For public use', and another on his head, pointing at his mouth, saying 'Feed the monkey'. Roman's eyes meet yours, but he looks absent. He tries to mumble something, but his mouth has been filled with socks, and only a muffled whisper escapes his lips.
Roman has two big events that tie into his content. The first being to join the Tenvale Gorillas team and the other has to do with learning his secret and how you deal with the situation, So let's just dive in.
Joining The Team:
1. Let's Play Some Football!!!!!
First you want to head on over to the Astroslide Football Field. To reach this area from the campus entrance head west, southwest and then west one more time. You will find Roman here and can talk to him to either just have a chat or to attempt to join the team. After asking to join the team he will inform you about "try-outs" and that you will have to come back tomorrow, you may either rest until the appropriate time or find other things to do while you wait.
2. Making The Cut
Now that it is time to try-out you will need to pass a series of stat checks, that will decide if you are on the the team and if so what kind of player you will be. I will list the stat checks in a box for easy reference.
Dexterity vs. 21 Strength vs. 21 Stamina vs. 16
Talk to Roman after to receive your results.Depending on how you do you will either "not make the team", "become a basic player", or "become the star player". This will also open four new options in Romans talk menu, these all have to do will the player being on the team and most lead to being able to meet some of the other players. I will add more info about these options in the notes section.
A Secret Life:
1. Jeepers Creepers Where'd You Get Those Peeping-Toms
To get to this event to pop you will need to head west from the Astroslide Football Field into the locker-room. It is random but you can also leave and enter the locker-room until it pops. When it does eventually play out the player will be presented with a choice on whether to keep peeping or to respect his privacy. If you keep watching you will learn Romans secret that he has kept hidden from the other players. Now you may go back to Roman and confront him about your peeping and seeing his cunt.
2. Creamy Confidence Or Sadistic Tart Pick Your Flavor
After confronting him (added to his talk menu) you must try to convince him as well (also added to his talk menu)followed by a charisma stat check of 20. After you will be presented with two hints, "encourage him to come out" or "divulge the captains secret to the team".
3a. A Judgement Free Zone (good route)
This route takes you down the path of helping Roman come to terms with his genital situation. You will need to go into Romans talk menu and select "convince" from his menu and pass a charisma check of 20, which will lead to a heartfelt scene. This route will also open Roman up to vaginal sex and having 69.
3b. Boys And Their Toys (bad route)
So far Roman has no interactions with any other NPCs.
As of yet Roman is not infectious.
- Teamwork: this will list the different jobs and players you can meet by helping your team members.
-Laundry: This allows you to have a "scent" scene involving a random gorillas jockstrap and getting busted which is always fun -Water-boy: This give you the choice to play the sub to a very dominant as of yet unnamed gorilla champ, a perfect option for players that love being submissive. You will also be given the option of joining a pair of incestuous brothers named Zach and Mike who are more than interested in having a third join them, a wonderful addition and a must see for fans of incest content. -Training: This option introduces us to a new player named Burt and we also have Zach returning as well. You will be offered the options of either being on top or on bottom. If you choose top you will have a scene involving the talented mouth Zach has and if you choose bottom you will have make use of his cock and your ass. -Match: This is basically you playing a football game with stat checks to decide how you do in the match. The stat checks themselves are Perception&Dexterity at 16 and Stamina&Strength at 20.
Ideas of Potential Growth
To be added later