Patrol Points

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What are Patrol Points?

Patrol points (pp) or patrol energy is a metric used to measure how much you can spend on performing patrols, social actions, and various other duties and tasks. It is your energy to perform XP and Freecred-earning tasks.
The maximum is defaulted to 60, but that will lower if you have an active Duty down to 48. If you're Professional in that Duty, it is further reduced to 15.
You can increase your maximum with the Patrol Reserves edge by 50% to a total of 90.

How are they used?

When you Search for combat, patrol points are used as follows:

  • 1 for a basic search
  • 2 for a search InfectionName
  • 2 for a search frenzy for 3 times the rewards
  • 10 for a search mega for 11 times the rewards
  • 20 for a search frenzy mega for 23(?) times the reward
    • NOTE: Fighting Prime Specimens takes infection vials and Prime Specimen Primers. NOT patrol!
    • Prime fights that use the frenzy, mega, or both commands consequently take vastly more vials and primers for many more rewards.

Social actions cost pp as well. The amount used is listed per job using the sa list command, or you can spend five times that amount to perform a shift.

The Puzzler has puzzles for you to solve with the cost of 15 pp to invest in the time spent doing them. There is a chance to recover patrol points as a reward for completing his puzzles.

You can also duty push to spend extra time on your duty with 40 patrol points.

How do I recover patrol points?

The default recovery is 1 point per 10 minutes, but this can be augmented postively and negatively.
Anything that lowers your maximum patrol points will also slow down your recovery time.
Patrol points are recovered slower if you've a Duty or are Professional.
Perks like Always Peppy and Expert Navigator are examples of perks that increase the rate of point renewal by a minute a piece.
The subscription tier 'Hiker' available through the Subscription: Hiker mako item or reward reduces this rate by a further minute.
It's possible to regain your patrol energy from the Puzzler, but you're gambling with 15 points per attempt.
In the web interface, you can Restore Patrol Points at a cost of 30% battery for 3 patrol points.
Your battery charge can be seen in +xp, as well as your current patrol point count.
Mako Batteries can return charge to you for a price, or it can be earned through combat. (Most efficiently by fighting a Prime Specimen)