Kitsune's 'greet' Priestess of Bastet - RPLOG

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Under a nearly moonless night, fluttered a winged jackel. Sasha wasn't unfamiliar to being up at this time of night, but more and more she was restless and sleepless. Fluttering into the lobby, she heaves a long sigh. She looks about the building, pondering if she should report for work back at RSX early... "But then... Erika would miss me." She says. As she lands though, a curious sloshing is heard, and she wraps an arm around her mysteriously swollen middle, "Oh sush!" She says to herself. "I don't even remember getting into this outfit, was I sleep walking?" She asks herself.

Taya blinks wakefully, looking over toward the one speaking before offering a wave.

Sasha shakes her head and gives a sniff to the room. Of course the usual sex smells. The place always smelled of sex, but, looking over to Taya, she gives a wave back. "Good evening. Or morning. Or whatever it Bastet damned is." She says. She waddle walks her way over to the door of the coffee shop, getting a 'The usual?' from the clerk. Sasha simply nods and closes the door to wait for it to be ready. She shakes her head again, "Am I going nuts?" She says a bit more loudly to herself than she might have intended.

Taya stretches with a yawn and a shake to wake herself back up before looking over to Sasha. She goes to speak, but has to pause it, lifting a hand to hide another yawn before actually speak, "I think its... morning? Really early morning."

Sasha nods a bit to Taya, "Congratulations by the way..." She says, a bit of a snear to her face, showing her teeth, a growl to her voice, and her tail sticking directly out behind her. "So. how are you?" She asks, continuing to wait for her drink to be ready.

Taya perks her ears up, "Hmm?" her groggy mind taking a moment to process the words, "Oh! Umm, thank you." a soft smile spreads on her muzzle, "And, I'm alright. Guess I fell asleep. How are you?" then points at the door, "Order anything good?"

Sasha shakes her head, "I'm fine I guess, just.... up late, couldn't sleep." She says. "And just my usual, a chai tea." She says, yawning a bit herself. "I just wish my.... dreams would be normal for a while." She continues to growl though, looking Taya over, tail bristling behind her.

Taya bobs her head lightly at Sasha's words, though looks a big curious, "What is wrong with your dreams?" her face showing an uncertain look afterward, "And... is there something else wrong?" her ears skewing to the sides at the growling.

Sasha shakes her head some more, "If I told you, you'd probably think I'm absolutely insane." She says. Looking to the door as she waits, she seems to be thinking, "And yes, there are other things wrong." She says before opening up the door and walking into get her drink as she's called for. Returning a moment later, she blows on it a bit and takes a sip. Curiously, that sloshing sound continues as she moves.

Taya chuckles softly at Sasha, "Wont really know unless you tell me, hmm?" her ear flick her right ear, maybe hearing the belly sounds, "Got anything to do with the swish swosh sound?"

getting off the chopper carefully, Blanche walks into the lobby from above with a weary look on her her face. Below that however is a large round belly, the fur on and around it unkempt. Her gait is awkward as well, as if trying to adjust to a new stance. With a careful look it may be able to be seen why as her spade looks particularly large. Once shes on the floor she meanders over to a couch to rest herself a bit, leaving a dripping trail of cum behind her that steadily leaks from her cunt. As she sits she mutters something inaudibly under hear breath, a careful listen would reveal a slightly annoyed tone.

Sasha growls a bit more over a Taya, "NO! It isn't about that 'swish swosh!'" She says, though something about the husky's demenor was a bit disarming. She shakes her head a bit more, "Look... I'm a priestess of Bastet, if that means anything to you. And let's just say that she's very... talkative." She says, but then Blanche comes in, and Sasha looks to her. A few sniffs and her eyes narrow. "Oh great... one of mom's a thousand and one mates." She says, the growl coming back to her throat.

Taya grows a bit bewildered and shakes her head, "No, it doesn't really mean anything to me. Is there... anything I-" pausing once Sasha speaks, looking between her and Blanche for a moment before picking the wrods back up, "...anything I can do to help?"

Blanche blinks at Sasha's reaction. "Your mom? Oh. Well, yes, we did have a bit of a thing earlier. I take it you two aren't exactly on good terms, huh?" She blushes a bit. "Well... I'm Blanche, who are you?" She reaches out a hand to offer a shake in an attempt to placate her.

Sasha growls a bit more, looking between Taya and Blanche. She narrows her eyes, showing her teeth! "We are on good terms, except when she knocking up strangers!" She says, looking down at the hand offered. She looks back up to Blanche sniffing her, "Shi could have been so much more, so so much more, but now, she is just practically a cum dump and recycling plant!" She says, swinging her arms about, fluttinger her wings, and sloshing around quite a lot. She sighs eventually though, and grabs that hand with quite a bit of force! Shaking it a moment she lets go. "Fuck it all..." She says looking over to Taya again, "It means I'm Bastet's best friend, or one of them. Given... so much knowledge about her, and she fucking talks to me in my sleep! I dream about her at least every third night! Yeah, congratulating me on being such a good protector to my mate and family, but constantly asking me when I'm going to get a massive, pup filled belly of my own!" She says, taking a moment and actually breathing fire at no one in particular! But the guards give her a long look, and she stops. She hurmphs, breathing some smoke out her nose, she sips her tea to try and calm down.

Taya blinks twice, a bit surprised by the fire, "Oh! Hey, no need to do that!" letting out a sigh once Sasha has stopped before looks at Sasha a bit unsure before bringing up a question, "So... wHy does she want you to get pregnant? Its not really her choice after all... and I guess why do you dream of her talking about that?"

Blanche is taken back by Sasha and the fire and the ranting. Blanche looks over to Taya and tries to explain "Supernatural creatures do weird things. If shes a disciple and those dreams are influenced by Bastet? Maybe Bastet is trying to do something with her or spread her ideology. I've had my own run in with something about Ixchel myself, an avatar anyway. I don't get a dreams though, but thats probably because I never really did anything to earn Ixchel's attention?" She shrugs and turns her attention to Sasha. "Well, I'm willing to listen." she pats a seat next to her. "It may do you some good to yell at me about whatever you want."

Sasha shakes her head some more, growling, balling up her fists, "What do I dream about!? First, I'm always congratulated for doing such a good job keeping Erika safe, and Marcus, and everyone else I've helped! That... feels so nice... the praise. Then she starts talking about starting a family, spreading her ideas through my children... and I couldn't be happier to do it. Then I look down, and I have a gut thrice the size of hers! If not more!" She says, barking and pointing at Blanche! "And the worst part is! I'm fucking over joyed! I couldn't be happier! I wake up panting, and look, disappointed for what seems like a Bastet damned eternity that I'm actually empty! And I can never get back to sleep!" She says. "I fucking want it! Yes! I do! But I don't want to fucking be like mom!" She says, though a growing look of discomfort graces her features. "FUCK!" She says, going into the coffee shop and into its female bathroom....

Meanwhile a pair of Kitsune walk in. These two look... different, one is a two tails, the other four... full cerimonal dress. Their eyes don't look like they glow, they DO glow. These are not mortal agents... Though they look to Blanche and Taya, "Excuse us, but, we are interested in knowing, has any priests of those whom live in other planes come through here?" Asks the four tailed one.

Taya lowers her ears back after listening to the yelling. Almost going to mention something to Blanche, but holds it off upon hearing and seeing the pair of Kitsune. She gives them a rather odd look at the question, "Kind of a strange question... no?" then looks back over at Blanche after saying such.

Blanche stares at the Kitsune for a moment in confusion, the pregnant pause giving way to internal conflict about being truthful and protecting others. "On behalf of whom do you ask, if I may? I don't think I see your kind around here much. I'm just happy I'm not getting bent over. I mean, you guys work under an organization of some sort, right?"

Having been inside the coffee shop himself, Luchious noticed a jackal stomp through to the toilet. Considering how early it was for there to even be life, save the few guards and late shifting scientists, the massive anaconda's interest and boredom got the better of him. He finished the last of the whole pot he had ordered, which was scarcely a mouthful to the huge bulky beast of a man and awaited to see if Sasha came back out with just as fuming presence around her. Although it wasn't an RSX agent's job to assure the safety in Zephyr Inc, Luchious still felt obliged to pay attention to what was going on, patiently bundled up in a bed of his own black scaled tail, ferocious orange eyes glowing as they looked over at the women's bathroom door.

While Sasha is in doing whatever it is she was needing to do, the Kitsunes look between the two out in the lobby itself. "We come in the name of the nine-tailed one, who bids us bring back the magic of your realm to Enari." The two tailed one says, four tails nodding. "Indeed, and we wish mearly to speak with those whom have heard from others. To know and understand why they are chosen." Finishes the four tails.

Taya probably doesn't really know much about this magic mumbo jumbo, so she plays ignorant, "Well, I'm not really sure who you might exactly be looking for or this Enari, so... maybe you're looking in the wrong place?" giving a light shrug of her shoulders with the ending.

Blanche perks up as they explain themselves, a memory coming to her mind. "Oh yea! Enari! I met one of yours a while ago. Gave me an udder for a bit. Had a few tails on her too. Introduced me to being milked like a cow, subsequently. Lets see..." She tries to remember more of her conversation. "...Not much pertaining to the general who-is about being a Kitsune, interested in it myself. She said if I devote myself to the Enari, I may get tails too? I like what I am though." She blinks realizing her rambling and tries to get on point. She looks around a bit and asks the Kitsunes. "What do you know of the magic entering this realm?"

Luchious drummed a few claws on his tough smooth scales and waited quite a while, before it dawned on him that the jackal had stomped out from the lobby. Still beyond curious of the situation, he uncoils from himself and slithers his massive form into the lobby. The sound of his serpentine form heavily stroking along the ground was like the noise of someone constantly brushing their hand on rough parchment, oddly loud yet silent. As he came into the lobby and saw the small gathering, he approached them despite towering over them in height, "Hey, do you people know why a jackal just went through the shop looking like she was about to explode? I swear, I think I saw fire coming out of her mouth too..." Not knowing who the Kitsune were, he was ignorant that they were potentially looking for Sasha.

The kitsune look at one another, then back to Blanche a moment, "Enari? Here? You must be mistaken. Nine Tails wouldn't pass the portal, of course Enari wouldn't. All who are of Enari would risk losing their connection to the great goddess if she did." The two tails says, but is quickly shushed by the four tails! She looks to Taya, "As my most esteemed friend was saying though, we look only to talk. Now, are you sure you haven't seen one?" She asks again. Though two tails look to Luchious, tilting his head to him, "Oh? A jackal?" He asks.

Taya sort of rolls her eyes when she hear's Luchious, pipping up when the two tails ask about it, "Oh, its... probably no one important. So whats an Enari?" trying to make an attempt at bringing the focus back to other things.

Blanche looks down and furrows her brows. "Enari.... is the deity that the Kitsune and Tanuki are related to, right? If that one Kitsune said is true, then the deities thing is about civilization, isn't it?" She looks confused for a moment before shrugging. "I should probably go read up on my myths." Looking up at the two Kitsunes she asks them. "So wait, what about the other people I see around from time to time with these supernatural abilities or connections?"

As nobody actually answered the anaconda's question, Luchious arched his scalie brows crooked and only looked at the kitsune who replied with another question. He gave a nod to the ceremonially clad person, "I think so, yeah. She had these weird wings though. I didn't get a thorough look at her." With a shrug, he figured that perhaps it wasn't such a big situation, since none of the others seemed entirely worried about how Sasha had charged out of the lobby. "She's been in the toilet for a while now. I wonder if she's okay."

The kitsunes look oddly to Taya a moment, but looking at each other again they nod, two tails looks aobut ready to spill a bit more, but the four tails taps him on his shoulder. "Thank you, oh scaled one, you have been most helpful." She looks to the two tailed one and shakes her head, giving off a sound from her muzzle that seems to be the noise of branches crecking in a storm, she continues, "I'll head in to check on her, make sure she is ok." She says, walking toward the coffee shop. Meanwhile, the two tailed one stands and waits.

Taya casts her gaze over to Luchious, staring at him for several moments with before dropping her head with a sigh, the corner of her gaze off at the door out of the lobby.

Blanche watches with a bit of disappointment as the three-tailed Kitsune walks off to investigate. Turning her attention to the two tailed kitsune, she idly asks, "Can I touch touch your tails?"

Leaving the others to their conversation about Enari and magic, Luchious turned his beefy body after the four tails and slithered along behind the female. His pre p-day formalities had the better of him, as he didn't exactly see it fitting for him to enter the women's bathroom, being entirely male himself. So he made a seat out of his own huge tail and waited outside as the Kitsune disciple went inside to check on Sashsa.

Sasha was just walking out as the four tailed kitsune was starting to walk in. The jackal had a deep deep blush to her features, adjusting her dress, only to be confronted by the Kitsune. "Good day." The four tails starts, "Could you come with us to the factory up north, we'd love to have a discussion with you." Sasha, though shakes her head! "Fuck off, I'm not in the mood." But the kitsune seems... insistant, moving to block her way, "Please, you would be our guest."

Meanwhile in the lobby itself, the two tails looks Blanche up and down a moment, "Well... I guess? I mean, there wouldn't be any harm in it." He says to the wolfess.

Taya, not really having any pressing things to do or say, simply looks between Blanche and mister two-tails.

Blanche with a labored push from her arms she gets up off the couch and starts walking towards the kitsune, slowly, but with a smile. "Thanks, not everybody gets to say they hugged Kitsune tails." She says as she approaches and makes her way around to his backside and does just that. As she bends down to hug the tails, trying her best not to pull them or cause their owner discomfort. From the corner of her eye however, she watches the direction that Sasha went. "I hope you don't mind!" she says to him.

Luchious obviously sat and saw how the two clashed, his immense presence filling most of the space behind the Kitsune, like a stalwart guardian watching children fret over a toy. However, as the air got thicker with the tension of Sasha's discomfort and the Kitsune blatantly ignoring this, the anaconda tensed his upper body's muscles to the point that his RSX-logoed kevlar vest could be heard stretch and creak, as if it was screaming in warning that it would break if the monster flexed any further. Thankfully, it was sleeveless and open by his chest, so it survived the endeavor. He did nothing so far though.

Shaking her head Sasha looks over the four tails, "No, I don't think I will. Now, get out of my way, or..." she looks up to Luchious, "things might be a bit ... rough. I don't think RSX would be too happy hearing about any harrasment of a pair of their agents. I'd absolutely haaate to have to report back such a travesty." She says, grinning quite wide, and pointing back to Luchious. The kitsune looks between the two, "My appologies then, perhaps, at another time, when it isn't so early, you obviously have a lot on your mind." She sasy before heading back out into the lobby. She look to her complanion, "Come along, you can't bring your new pet with you." She says, just as the two tails was looking to Blanche, "Aww... but she is... cute, and she hugs tails well." He says. The four tails shakes her head and departs. Reluctantly, the two tailed one reaches to pat on Blanche's head, before removing his tails and heading out with her.

Shortly after, Sasha looks up to Luchious, "Thanks for the assist, but, if you'll pardon me?" She asks, no where near as nimble as a kitsune.

Taya watches as the kitsunes depart from the area before casting her gaze to where the others should be. Walking over and peeking inside for Sasha and Luchious to see whats what, "Everything turn out okay? I saw them leaving."

Blanche blinks as the tails leave her grasp while shes patted on the head. her ears perk up and her tail sways a bit. "Pet? You guys take pets? me later, two-tailed fox! I'll hug those tails any time!" As they get out of earshot, even considering the ears she puts on a stupid grin. "Yes! I hugged a kitsune's tail! A cute one too. He even pet me!"

Although it took him a while to shift the dense hurdle of muscular tail, the anaconda eventually unravelled and looked at the Kitsune leave. Looking down at Sasha as she spoke up to him, Luchious didn't smile or grin. His orange slitted eyes were practically flaring with the dormant ferocity inside of him. glowing faintly down at the jackal. Before she could leave, he held a large strong hand down infront of her, "Page me if they bother you again. I am Luchious Cornelius." He expected no respond from Sasha, removing his wall of a hand once he had said what he wanted and simply followed behind the woman to the lobby with the others, noticing the two Kitsune leave the facility. He was a bit surprised by the blissful outburst from Blanche. The anaconda couldn't help but smile from how much she reminded him of a dog that had just been praised by its owner and given a snack.

Sasha looks to Taya, and sighs, giving a nod. "I'm fine, but tired." Though she looks at Blanche. "Typical." Is all she says. She doesn't say much up to Luchious, simply nods, and a few words, "See you in the field." Before she too heads for the door, a few flutter of her wings, and she is off.

Blanche watches Sasha and huffs. "You don't even know me!" She looks to Taya and pouts. "I'm not a slut. I just like fluffy tails sometimes. Who could pass up hugging a kitsune tail, of all things?"

Luchious looked the others over to briefly confirm that the situation was all solved now, "Tails are great. Just be careful with the Kitsune, alright?" With those being his final words, he gave a salute with two clawed digits and slithered along upstairs. (He can't fit into the elevator.)

Taya lifts a pawhand to Blanche as to say she could resist hugging a fluffy foxy tail.