Kai is a tall, athletic-looking man with a six pack and muscular arms. He's shirtless, which shows off his black and gray koi fish tattoo on his left arm, and wears super low rise board shorts. The surfer boy has ocean blue-eyes, shoulder-length sandy-blonde hair, and tan skin that glistens in the sun from sweat and wearing tanning lotion. He has large-sized gill slits on both sides of his throat and blue tiger-like stripes running down the nape of his neck and back. When he sees you, he smiles, showing off his razor-sharp pearly-whites.
Kai is first encountered upon the player moving to the public beach leading them to see Kai wipe out against a strong wave. The player is then given the option to rescue or leave him. Leaving him will have Kai return to the beach with no trouble disabling future interactions, choosing to swim out and help will allow the player to be pranked by Kai, who later out of guilt will reveal the location of Kai's Campsite where the player can then chat with him.
- Kai currently has no sexual interactions.