Cock Milking Machine

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Cock Milking Machines are found in several places as part of the room description, but are usable with a command. They are used to extract PC's cum to be stored as an item in form of Cum Vials. These vials can be traded just like any other item, and when used after using Artificial Inseminator have a chance to impregnate you.
Found at

[Painted Gel's Retreat]: Living Area, located in New Dawn.

[Skunk Beast Technologies]: Sample Analysis.

[Maplewood Retreat]: Glass Menagerie.

[Mother's Milk Saloon]: Showers.

[Wooden Shack]: Dark Room.

Extra Notes
In order to use a cock milker type cmilk in the room with the cock milker, you also require 95% Mako Battery Energy to use it. Otherwise it will always fail to extract cum. Extracted cum's infection type is always same as player's groin infection, and when used with Artificial Inseminator results in the child being of that infection type.