Brimstone Barrier

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Brimstone Barrier stats
Type Emergency Buff Target Large AoE Ally
Description Mastery over your dark arts permits you to empower your brimstone aura, extending its reach where your will directs for a few precious moments. Destabilizing it so harshly doesn't come without consequence, mind...
Cooldown 5000 Charge time
Energy 40 Accuracy 75%
Damage 0 Healing at level 0
100% chance of CritHPBuffer at magnitude 10 for 3 rounds.
100% chance of HPBuffer at magnitude 20 for 3 rounds.
Training Upgrades
Secondary Effects
Secondary Damage 0 Heat at level 0
Secondary Type Debuff Self NoAoE Secondary Target Self NoAoE
Secondary Statuses
100% chance of NegativeDamageImmunity at magnitude -10 for 3 rounds.
100% chance of HeatDamageImmunity at magnitude -10 for 3 rounds.
100% chance of Energybreak at magnitude -5 for 3 rounds.

Brimstone Barrier/Extra Notes Edit notes

Mutant powers Based on this power: