Rubber Tigress Pet
From Flexible Survival
(Redirected from Artemis (SP))
Artemis, as you've called the rubber tigress currently at your side, is built like a feral tiger make of smooth rubber, but with faintly feminine curves. Her skin is a glossy orange with black stripes and flexes and moves as she pads quietly. Malformed or incomplete for some reason, the rubber tigress cannot stand upright and lacks any gender of her own, unlike the rest of her kind. Despite her female curves and strangely sexy booty, she has no genitals under her striped tail, only a small, crinkled hole for her anus. Noticing you looking at her, she rolls onto her back in search of tummy rubs.
- Quantity of Events: 1 (twice)
- Requirements: none
1.) State Fair - "Poor Kitty" - Give her the cup 2.) State Fair - "Poor Kitty" - Feed her again to tame her
- Artemis will respond to tasty plastic treats, such as empty water bottles, empty snack wrappers and the cups from the cup stack you get when finding her.
- When you rest Artemis will merge with Player so she can satisfy her lusts after a few times she will find another rubber tigress to fuck and player will gain Rubber Tigress infection
- When not the active pet, Artemis is available in the Grey Abbey Librarys Courtyard.