Capturing Wolves - Caged - RPLOG

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Along the chopper ride down to Portland from Washington, the support team seems very very uneasy. The Sergent in charge of them works to give them something else to focus on, tighting up their packs, ensuring everything is prepared. Rifles loaded, TEAMs at the ready, though if it came to using those, it was likely too late anyway. "How are you lot doing? You'll be going into the thick of it." Says the mostly human Sergent. According to his name badge, he's Rothern. "Remember, you will be out of bubble the whole time, I'm not going to risk Asurel there," pointing to his corporal, "out in the field itself. We'll be establishing a cap near the city, about where the last expidition went. Assuming nothing much has changed, it is still clear." He says. The only aspects about him not human, are his tail, some kind of lizard, and the fact he has a pair of small breasts. "Any questions?" He asks.

Astara was just as uneasy as everyone else was; a uniting factor, it seems, between the mutated and non-mutated. The taur was sandwiched into the 'copter, and for once, actually dressed: her top half has a combat vest purpose-made for her, stretched wide over her chest. It is even waterproofed from her prodigious production of milk! "Well, what's going to happen from there?"

The little hyena girl in her tanktop and cargo pants seems to have an anxious expression painted on her face, sensing the general vibe of those around her, tail pinned and ears folded back a bit. Looking to Astara as she speaks, the hyena forces a smile. "Whatever happens, we stick together and we'll be fine." she says to reassure her friends and everyone else present.

Arris puts away a candy bar sie was eating and raises hir hand. "Sir, care to remind us what we can expect to be up against? Any particular weaknesses we can exploit, or strengths we should be wary of?" Sie gives hirself a pat on the back, making sure sie had all sie needed - a triage kit, a bolt-action rifle, and a spear.

Nayru was checking the conditions of her equipment on the chopper ride to Portland. Making sure that everything was in proper operational order on their way over. She seemed relatively calm, though outward appearances were never to be trusted. Especially not with the shadowy hoodie wearing bunny with a flurry of tails behind her. Yet the meditation of doing the last minute condition check on her equipment seemed to be doing well at keeping her mind occupied off the possibilities that could happen on a mission like this. With a small nod, she places her third and final drone back into it's spot into her ducktape backpack and looked at the others that were there. A small confident smile growing on her face while she silently listened to the others talk about what was going to happen on the mission they were about to attempt to do.

Blanche is laying on her side in a corner, avoiding moving too much or being in the way. For a moment, she misses being able to sit on chairs, but shrugs at the thought and stares out the closest window. "How are we supposed to get a live packmind anyway? Ask nicely? I hope someone here can wrestle one of those things down without getting eaten in the process. I don't know much about how those things work, but from what I gather, you don't want to be caught by them. Be careful everyone."

Nekura meanwhile is trying not to simultaneously hump the females in the helicoptor or ride the other herm there due to the fact she's quite Rut AND heat-induced. This will probably make a rather interesting trip considering she'll want to ride (or be ridden) every other mutant they come across. Unlike all the others though she seems to be sans any clothing or armor though she does have an amulet on her neck and a backpack. To no surprise it does nothing to keep her modest from behind. The straps probably won't hold up to a horny mutant pulling on them from that direction either. Scandalous!

Looking around again at the mass of people about, the Sergent gets to answering questions, "Well, when we land, we will be setting up tents and a small post to let everything run smoothly from there. We will have water, food, and a temporary, small bubble set up. Now, as you know, even if you are infested by a packmind, you can't be changed if you aren't in a bubble. Packminds also seem to fight strongly against most any form of vacination we have. You really don't want to be infested by one of them if you are naturally immune to being mutated." He mentions, then goes on, "As for how to capture on, that's up to you all. We have a cage in the back with the larger pieces of gear, but as for how to lure one in, or if it would be better to beat one down, or how ever you all try to do this, that's up to you. We're just here to hold down the camp while you work." He explains.

"Sergent, we will be landing in fifteen minutes, make sure everyone's ready." "Sir, understood." A short talk through the two way comm going to and from the troop section and the cockpit. "You heard the Major, get ready for touch down."

Arris nods, getting up from hir seat and picking the rifle up off from hir back. "Alrighty, sounds good." Sie walks over to the doors, standing by them and waiting for the chopper to land so sie can get off the heli. "Alright team, when we get down, I'm going to find a tall place to shoot from. I'll message you on your comms if I see anything to be wary of. For clarity, what do the rest of you intend to do?" The gator flicks out hir comm unit, checking it and setting up a voice chat on it.

Astara looks over to Nayru, and wraps around her, giving her a little side-hug. "I've got your back, Nayru; we'll be fine. And the same to you, Blanche, and Jaqui!" She smiles, and waits patiently for the helicopter to set down... not that she's particularly patient to get out of this tin-can and get back on the ground.

Between wanting to ride the alligator and ride the other females in the chopper Nekura couldn't think much other than she wanted the chopper to land so she wasn't made to stare at all these nice tits that are at her eye level. Yet at the mention of getting infected by a packmind she doesn't seem to be paying attention, instead staring at Astara's groin and resisting the urge to make grabby paws at it. Being in-heat is pretty much par for the course during missions but being in Rut too was making it real fun. "You could stick me in the cage to use as bait to lure the packmind into it," she snickers.

As the chopper comes down with a thud, and the Sergent's men move out quickly to start unloading the tents and other gear, he continues to answer questions while the rotors slow down to the point that stepping outside wouldn't mean so much wind in the face that it would be hard to breathe for a moment, "Your comms won't work all the way out here, not without a server to bounce off of, and any more than 20' away from camp, they won't find that." He explains, then looks to Nekura, "As... enticing as that seems it might be, that is about the stupidest plan I've ever heard. The moment you came back into a bubble, you'd be ripped apart from the inside out by those ravinous nanites they carry. You think the ones we have in Fairhaven and Woodfield are bad?" He asks, then hops on out himself.