CompSci Part 2 - RPLOG

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When we last saw the party they had natigated to the campus. Having exited the bubble with no trouble at all, disarmed or avoided the traps in the woodland between them and their destination and arrived on campus to encounter a small group of armed, unmuted, humans. The humans, whom the party decided to both try sneaking around and talking to, said to those who talk to them that their names were James, Benjamin, and Jack.

Now the trio of humans leads the party through the building they entered and up a staircase to the second floor. James explains, "We keep everything off the first floor so it's harder for the crazies... what you called ferals to raid." as he ascends the stairs. They lead the party down another hallway to a large room.

Looking around this room it is apparent this was once a classroom. The room is large and still has desks and a few intact chairs in it though they're not positioned as would be for a lecture. Instead they're used to create sub-rooms within the classroom, at least two of them obviously bedrooms. In the center of the room is something that almost appears to be a jurry-rigged stove made largely of bunson burners.

An older man looks up from making some adjustment to the stove and seeing the trio of humans leading a group of mutants to him he raises an eyebrow, "Why have you three brought a group of mutants into our home?" he asks, he sounds moderately annoyed but moreso curious to hear their answer.

Otto is the first to speak up. He steps forward confidently and begins to explain, "I assure you, we are simply passing through, sir. We are interested in retaking the CompSci building, our benefactors back in Fairhaven are very interested in its contents, so they've sent us to see if it is quite possible to dispose of the erm... undesirables." the otter's paws move as his words flow out. "I understand that my group may appear a bit... well... inhuman, much like myself, but rest assured we will be out of your hair in no time. However, in light of the circumstances, perhaps we could be of assistance to one another in doing what needs doing to dispose of the 'crazies' as you call them?"

Nekura had conveniently shrunken her male parts! Conviently because Nekura would probably be trying to lewd Firecracker right now due to having been in the middle of Rut when she removed it. Besides, if all else fails and she needs to lewd the hyenas into submission it's not like the Nightmare can't return it with the same device. As the human talks she just ~_~ faces, waiting for Otto (and the others) to finish.

Firecracker rides around on Otto's head throughout the little tour, still keeping her Distributed Nanomagic active as the group travels. Once they arrive at their final destination, she hops right off Otto's head to zip on over to the man who addressed them, stoppping in a hover only a foot from his face. "Hiya! I'm Firecracker! And those're my friends! We're in here for some dinner!" she says excitedly before quickly adding, "Aaand to see how we're gunna go to that other building or something! But dinner for sure! Do ya have any chimichangas?"

Setrian just follws the rest of the group, taking position by the staircase just in case, being both guard and lookout. one of his ears swivel to listen in on the conversation, but for the most part he is keeping watch. Perhaps he was being overly cautious, but these lands were far from friendly to them after all.

The older man smiles when Otto steps forward and speaks. He is momentarily distracted by Firecracker when she flutters over to him he examines her with the practiced eyes of a biologist. He humms lightly as he examines the tiny creature in front of him then once it appears he's done examining her he turns his attention back to Otto. He smiles and says, "It is good to hear that you want to help. I am Professor Shultz. I've been helping keep the survivors here safe." He gestures for the group to aproach and says, "We have some vegitables and anything you'd want to contribute." he sits in front of this makeshift stove and adds, "If you're going to be retaking the building we should probably talk about how best to do so. You've gotten a glimpse of it, yes? The three story building just down the path."

"Well..." the otter rubs the nape of his neck, a smirk still tugging his lips after seeing Firecracker's antics. He turns to his team for a moment, unsure if they'd all seen the structure, then looks back towards the esteemed professor. Placing his metallic suitcase atop the nearest usable surface, Otto opens it up. The locking mechanisms clack and release the lid, internal workings click click clicking as he opens it up, revealing several small compartments within, and one larger one where he'd stashed the file. *clank* the case is shut, and the file is once more within Otto's hands. He opens it up and rubs his chin for a moment,

"We have a lot on it here, our scouts were diligent, though nothing about the interior. I saw plenty of damage on the first floor, lots of openings we could get in through, but we can't be sure where we'll encounter the undesirables." he sighs quietly and offers Shultz the file. "My guess is we'll have to just run them out of the area. We're well armed and ready for such a thing, though we're not doing anything that might endanger a life until we know just how many we are dealing with. Maybe you folks can clue us in on that? You must have been dealing with them for a while now. A rough estimate would help too."

Meanwhile Nekura is dreaming of possible lewdness to come. Then again she's pretty sure she's never done anything with a hyena, either, so this should be most interesting if it comoes to that kind of result. The ~_~ remains as Otto and the human talk.

Firecracker quickly looks around for the mentioned veggies, darting over to land next to them and grab up a carrot! She then plops down on her rump and starts munching away, not really caring about boring things like coming up with a plan! "Yuh! It'sh that big one wid all da wuhndahs obah dat way!" she affirms through a mouthful of food, waving a foreleg in the general direction of the computer science building even as she continues to munch and crunch little bites out of the carrot longer than her whole body.

Setrian continues his watch, but calls over to the humans "Do you have more men posted outside? I saw some movement." He states, it being the first time he spoke around them. His axe is drawn while he speaks, again with his overly cautious nature.

Prof. Shultz takes the document provided to him by Otto and begins to look it over, "These are desturbingly acurrate." he comments. "We hadn't known about your scouts... give the one our traps injured our apologies." he says as he examines the document. Prof. Shultz looks through the document quietly for a few moments longer.

James looks over when Setrian calls to them. He walks over to the big fox and shakes his head, "We have a few more people but none of them should be on this side of the building... they can't be that clever, can they?" he says looking down the staircase with his rifle prepared.