Exotic Reptile Reservation Hosts A Meeting Of The Tribes - RPLOG

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The eastern forest is alive with activity, much moreso than is usual! The loudspeakers for the factions have boomed out the instructions for their representitives to meet out in the eastern forest. Here the members of the Exotic Reptile Reservation have set up a conference-like atmosphere in view of the gate to the Reservation itself. A clearing has been set up with the manipulation of the nanites to move a number of trees around and to make some of them into one large table, complete with refreshments, microphones and many large speakers so everyone can be heard. A large Anaconda is coiled near the table, speaking quietly with four members of a newly formed tribe. These four are full-mutations of: Emerald Dragonfly, Kobold Herm, Water Hydra, and the Tricerataur. Interesting combinations to say the least, given the great size differences and body types of them all. Some other members of the Reservation are present as well, these having their usual blue bandanas around the necks. A couple of Komodos, Iguanas, and those Crimson Lizards, all with spiked collars, are nearby as well.

Jingle. Jangle. Jinglejanglejingle. It's nothing short of a miracle that the bell-clad catgirl doesn't have a sea of curious ferals behind her, but Cookies arrives on the scene with the clatter of festive bells. She has a real stip in her step, and she practically skips up to the table, beaming a huge smile to all present with a little wave and a jingle-jangle. She takes her seat and puts a hand over the microphone as she seats herself, avoiding letting the bell-clatter get broadcasted over the system, remaining quiet so she doesn't interrupt whatever discussion the people at the table are having at least until the others arrive. Whatever part of Zephyr she's representing, it probably ain't R&D.

How exciting! Fenris is excited to see a new group rising out of the ashes. And such diversity! It shows progress. He stands with his hands in the pockets of his duster and looks over the gathered agents of the various factions. He is happy to see a few familiar faces and gives a friendly wave to those he knows. His smile turns to a frown when he spots Cookies in the crowd. There's a diplomatic disaster waiting to happen.

A new group? That only means one thing. New Clients. With new clients, more sells. With more sells, a bigger commision. So, Alanis takes her Zephir Product Catalog, wears her best costume (and her biggest chainsaw sword, just in case) and she goes to the jungle. When she arrives, there are a bunch of reptiles, erhm... new clients.

CaseyRune walks into the clearing, adjusting their tie and jacket Why them? Why would it be a good idea to send someone like them to a diplomoatic meeting. Still, noone else wanted to attend apprently, so what's the worst that can happen? Oh, right, everything. They take their seat wordlessly for the time being. Zephyr is already here, good. That saves them some trouble, especially when one arrives with a catalouge of all things! They simply shake their head, pulling out a flask from under their coat. This was going to be a long day.

First important mission! Yaay! Shiko looks excited but catious and a little nervous as shi approaches the clearing, looking around a bit before shi takes a seat at the table. Shi has a catelog of things, mostly medicines, foods and the like.

Standing the distance between the table and the Reservation gate, one particular form would rise inbetween in a hefty, broad-shouldered shape; an Ankylotaur wearing a blue bandana as a bracer on one of his four bulgy muscular arms, as well a combat vest with an RSX badge embroided on it. The vest looked far too small for Luchious though, the sleeves ripped completely off and the back torn by the armored, spiky bone-scales. The approximately twelve feet tall beast was always wearing a strap harness that had a massive two-handed chainsword holstered on his taur back with the size of a regular human; while the straps also reached below his taur body's underside to likely holster something else... If the glasses he was wearing on the tip of his round beak-like muzzle wasn't odd enough, Luchious also appeared to have a presence over him that made the other spike-collar wearing reptilians look humble at him, whenever they looked his direction or spoke to him. For those who knows their faction lore though, the absolutely weirdest part would then be the fact he is with RSX but also infected, which often would result in not getting work in that particular agency.

Happily humming to herself, Kaede approaches the table. She did not quite understand what Zephyr wanted her to do here, but she felt glad that she would get to meet new people. Giving a friendly wave to the people gathered with the left tentacle hanging down from her bangs, she takes a seat at the table, careful to sit in a way that would not cause undue arousal. Not knowing what to do next, she keeps silent, waiting patiently for someone to explain exactly what is expected of her.

Ryusho would be standing to one side, not at the table, but more off to the side as one of the 'guards' though also one who helped manage the reservation, he had a blue bandanna around his neck, though that was his only clothing other then a form of a lower body robe, as he slowly moves closer to the table, not to sit, but just as a closer watch for the reservation, though it is close enough he may have a say if something comes to mind, even if his shifting can be heard with a odd slosh on occasion depending on how he moves.

The cloaked coyote of chaos arrives on the scene well after the others, her arrival is nothing spectacular except to Alanis perhaps, whom she has snuck up on, she puts her hand gently on their shoulder and asks softly, "Such a shame Harbringer couldnt come isn't it? How are the Daggers treating you?"

Savi arrives sedatedly, her ferver dying slowly the more of these missions she goes on. Disgusted with Zephyr, she arrives more to see of the situation, than to actually represent Zeph, far as she was concerned they would just destroy these villagers somehow anyway. Reaching the table she sits lightly and eyes the gathered people and creatures through her concealed goggled eyes. Raising one hand, the tiny latex flower opens and closes the fingers of one hand quickly. "Hi." she intones in a soft whispered voice.

Liana enters the clearing a little behind the various others, having taken her time finding a safe and secure path, not trusting the one given. She looks around at the many people gathered, brow raising, before quietly moving to an empty seat, sitting next to Enyo. She leans over and quietly whispers, getting what info she can.

A largish golden dragon slowly ambles in from somewhere. A flash of silver flits from his mouth as he peers among those gathered. He lingers in the back, crosses his arms, and generally remains out of the way for the time being.

Rather curious about the developing phenomenon involving various mutants forming tribes and small viallges, Dio makes her way to the east forest and looks about. Quite a turnout for this meeting, filled with familiar and not so familiar faces. And unfortunatly, familiar sounds. Specifically, those damn bells Cookies has been wearing recently. Giving various waves as the lioness goes by, she begins walking up to Cookies and puts a hand upon her shoulder, glaring down at the cat girl and wishing she could burn off those bells with her vision alone.

The Anaconda continues to speak with the tribesmen while everyone is gathering. The table itself is sectioned off with seats labelled for the factions, twenty for each even though there is not likely to be that many ever coming. After everyone has arrived, or at least the trickle of arrivals diminishing to near non-existance, the four-armed Anaconda gestures to the table for the four tribesmen to claim their places. Of course, the hydra is the only one who doesn't have a seat and the Kobold's seat is understandably propped up so it could be seen as well as see everyone around. The Anaconda coils at one of the spots reserved for the hosts, the Reservation. There are only a few seats here, but still twenty spaces like the rest. The ones with the spiked collars do, indeed, speak with low tones to the Dino-taur, and notably with great reverence to their postures and overall demeanor. Soon, though, the Anaconda speaks into his mic, causing the large clearing to resound with his voice and even causing the local ferals and other wildlife to go silent, some even peeking at the gathering from the dark foliage, "Welcome, one and all. We at the Exotic Reptile Reservation are humbled by the choice of all three major organizations to host this gathering. As you all might be aware, we have a new tribe that has formed and they are desiring this audience with everyone in the interest of joining one or the other or the other, provided the terms are right for them. Which one of our illustrious factions would like to begin these talks? Oh, and I would strongly advise that no fighting take place here for the sake of peace if nothing else."

Cookies, for the otherwise violent kleptomanic butcher-cat she is often known as, seems to be... different. In fact, she doesn't even seem to recognize the people who recognize her. She looks around at the others arriving with a curious glint in her shining, purple eyes, doing everything she can not to squirm or squee or clap with excitement. So many new faces! Why- why there's a tiger and some humans and coyotes and lizards and dinosaurtaurs and walking cloaks vaguely shaped like coyotes, oh my was that a dragon and just look at /those/ amazing assets!! If one looks, one can see her with a huge, dumb smile still stuck on her face, almost trembling with anticipation as her tail sways at a slow, content pace behind her and her ears perk straight upwards. She nearly jumps when she feels Dio's hand on her shoulder, though she still beams right up at the lioness. She listens intently to the anaconda when he pipes up, nodding to herself but keeping down in favor of letting someone else go first while she tries to remember what her bit was. Her fuzzy memories briefly fail her once again... She was here because... Z told her something about... about showing them the cool things, and... oh, yeah! Don't talk about THE THING, because then bad things happen to her.

Fenris stands and clears his throat. "As a representative of the Prometheans, I am happy to extend a hand of friendship and welcome to our new friends. We stand for the spiritual progress of all people in this new world and hope that we can be of some service." He does his best to be friendly and inviting and hopes that all of the other Prometheans in attendance feel the same way. It's a pretty open culture after all.

When Alanis feels someone hands on her shoulders, she almost drew her arsenal, but she relaxes, when she look to her back and see Enyo. In a wisper she says "Hello, I'm fine, thanks for asking. I dunno why harb hasn't come here. Isn't this exiting? New people with new ideals, new projects, maybe new information, and new money to spend." greetings done, back to business. Alanis moves closer to the mic, tests it with a finger and says "Zephyr thanks you and your group for this opportunity to talk. We are very intered in every group old and new, after all, we are the main supplier of almost anything in this region. So, please, what can you tell us about your group, your ideals and projects?"

CaseyRune snerks. Taking the mic in front of them they clear their throat. "RSX would also like to thank the hosts for allowing this talk. Though I'm just going to say this outright. Joining Zephyr is a death sentance. I saw a small village, like the one you would be creating, only for it to be destroyed, with little survivors. All so Zephyr could line their pockets with a few more coins. While I can't promise complete acceptance for those more mutated, I can however promise Safety. Not only that We have a framework for a society to build upon. It may be outdated, but it worked for hundreds of years before P-day hit." A chance to publicly denouce Zephyr? Of course they were going to take it.

Luchious stepped closer to the table as the speakers rung with the voice of the massive Anaconda's deep voice, stancing himself a little to the side of the serpent without getting to any particular seat around the table. He must be here as security, as he rests his four arms across his near rock-chiseled chest and fixates on the gathering crowd to ensure there was order amongst the creatures. Though his amber orange gaze would also stroke to the distance at times, to make sure no ferals are sneaking into the gathering either. As he gets more comfortable with the situation, Luchious raises a single scale-knuckled hand and first points two fingers to one direction of the table, followed by another gesture to the other direction. Large spike-collared Komodo and Iguana guards splits and secures the perimeter in a wider circle around the crowd by the table.

Kaede, lacking even speculation of Zephyr's intentions, softly speaks into her microphone. "Good afternoon. It seems that I am to represent Zephyr. It is embarassing for me to say, but I do not know exactly what Zephyr's goals are, and I will not allow hearsay to modify my behavior." Kaede looks at CaseyRune with this. "I certainly lack information, so I would appreciate a brief explanation of your...tribe before we continue."

Ryusho rumbles quietly to himself as he would slowly make his way towards the table, to carefully take a seat in one of the chairs for the reservation, not too far from mazurek, but as he walked he would nod with a soft smile to the feline that..he noticed giving a rather obvious look that was definately aimed towards his lower half it looked like. AS he sits he would slowly glance to each speaker in turn, though he quirks his brow as Alanis first speaks, and hums as it sounds like a salesman! then again..he probably shouldn't be supprised.....and then can't help but give a look to CaseyRune, as..well, ..This doen't need to degrade into a mud slinging contest -already- he thinks.

Enyo smiles cheerfully and invitingly twoards the creatures of this new tribe, who seem to be the center of attention, "Greetings Codi, I am glad to make your accquaintances. My assistant Liana and I have come in Shirai's stead to welcome you, please... feel free to seek assistance from Kilsa and Shirai Solutions if you have trouble adjusting. If there is anything we can do to make your lives more comfortable, please ask and we would be glad to assist if its within our power." She does her best to sound as polite and kind as posisble.