Reviving Midwifery - RPLOG

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Up upon the mountains, quite a distance from the cities, some strange going ons were a foot, or perhaps a paw or a talon. Humans, normal looking humans, except for their garb and masks, or what one might assume is a mask, carrying spears and strange looking clubs with glass slits in them walk around the mud pyramid, seemingly on guard. A light rain ensures wet skin, fur, and feathers for those venturing outside without protection from the elements, though the humans which stand watch and patrol the area seem to either not notice or not care.

Responding to the call for assistance, despite holding no obligations to any of the factions, a collie in a light white armored suit makes hir way towards the temple. Shi has a sniper rifle held on by a strap, and a few gadgets around hir waist. Deciding these people don't know who shi is or why shi's present, shi stops a ways off from them and holds hir arms up. "Hello, I've come to talk, if you'll spare the time." shi calls to them, attempting to show that shi comes in peace.

It wasn't often Lila left the Saloon for a mission, but this one was different, she knew the location, knew what was there. Ixchel, a being she had dedicated herself to and whom had given her many bountiful children. If there was something wrong there, she would do everything in her power to help ensure the situation was resolved. Granted, she was currently naked, and being a feral mutant in heat, even bare skinned the kemonomini oxen was, it may prove a poor choice, but she felt it was her duty to Ixchel, and even her children, to help. She was slow, heavy breasts sloshing, milk dripping from her teats as water poured down on her, sincerely regretting not wearing clothes as she came to the group of humans standing at the perimeter.

A rather girthy fox-taur keeps a short distance from the collie. The rain has her fur wet and exposed sensitive flesh makes her twitch or yelp as cold drops of rain hits it. She pouts to herself at her predicament and lack of foresight with the weather, but a little rain isn't going to keep her down. The marbled fox's hind legs shift constantly in an attempt to keep her balls from scraping the ground under her. Almost missing the sight of Lila, Blanche huffs from her scent. Despite herself, she finds her libido held down by the unrelenting cold rain. As the collie introduces herself, she keeps an eye on the robed humans.

Fenris trots happily up the mountain path at a steady jog, firm, round belly bouncing ahead of him and gear jingling merrily. The burly tanuki is rather ridiculously wearing a plaid shirt, unbuttoned nearly to the waist tucked into a heavy gun belt with a myriad of pouches on it, a white stetson that does a passable job of keeping off the rain, and absolutely nothing below the waist. Being a tanuki has its own set of challenges. Trousers being one of them.

"Hello!" he says cheerily, "Am I in time for the excitement?" He looks over at the temple. "Hey! Mayan temple guards! That IS exciting!" He waves a pudgy paw toward the prowling guards.

Renaria the dragoness approaches the temple in her full combat gear consisting of a small exoskeleton and strangely-thin grey armor on her arms, and legs, baring her midriff and leaving her chest open, which may be considered poor armor design. Attached to her back coming from her bag over her right shoulder is her 'Heavy' Beam, which is not particularly overbearing or even big for something sounding so hulking. A pair of drones follow her with silent rotors as she approaches the temple where she dedicated herself to the Ixchel Jaguar. She was worried however, as these strange humans did not seem like any other cultists she knew about, what little she did know about the other worshippers dedicated to her goddess of fertility. The rain that is there does not phase her, her sapphire scales providing natural protection from the drizzle in areas her armor did not cover, the cold seeming to be limited in its effect beyond making her considerable chest a bit hard. She was not the stealthiest, and though larger than the average human, her size was not monstrous enough to expose her in the thick brush around the temple. Seeing the collie and Tanuki boldly approach the strange people, Renaria would wait to see how they were received before showing herself.

Renaria is actually just standing at the edge of the brush in plain view watching the front of the temple (hope this addendum is okay)

Trecking through the rain and underbrush Ebreus is off the trail navigating by a memorized map and landmarks. He isn't bothered by the wet, cold, conditions covered by his Dermal Denticals (aka Shark Skin) most weather conditions don't bother him. His large testicals cutting through the underbrush as he goes. Wearing nothing but a Targeting Visor and carrying his Sword in one hand and Axe in the other he makes his way toward the temple the Prometheans asked him to investigate. Seeing agents near his destination he decides to apporach and see if he might colaborate with them. "Hello. Seems I am not the only one drawn to investigate the occurances here. We likely stand to benefit from colaboration. How 'bout it?" He says to Fenris and Renaria

Astara certainly didn't look out of the place as the half-human half-foxtaur herm waddled in from the outside after several of her family members. She's absolutely, unequivocably pregnant: her tauric underbelly was distended enough to be mere inches above the ground, and even her normal human-positioned belly was gravid! Though, that one was significantly less so than the one below. She isn't donned in any sort of coat or clothing, so the rain just makes her pale, tattooed skin glisten, and wets her fur down. It also manages to help wash away all the mess her body is leaking in copious ammounts be it milk, pussyjuice, or precum!

"Hey, wait up for me!" The foxtaur calls out, hardly seeming happy with this weather, or the fact that she's the least speedy of them all. She even had even had a head start, and still was last to arrive several minutes after Selyra and Blanche, even a whole minute after the unfamiliar Ebreus... when there, she walks up behind Selly and Blanche. "What's..." she pauses to take a deep breath - she's clearly out of breath. "...what's going on?"

Looking over the strange assembly of persons, the guards at frist cross spears over the entrance as they contemplate. For a while they speak in a language that was lost to time ages upon ages ago. After a while one asks, "What brings you mortals here? And why do you approch armed?" For a while many of them look upon the group, seemingly with hostility. A recognition flashes across eyes though as they glare, though the spears stay crossed, "Weapons are not to be brought into these hallowed halls any longer, save for the guardians. The dedicated are always welcome." A glance to Fenris and to Ebreus though, then a quick look upon Astara as she works her way up! Spears are uncrossed and a shout given to the inside, "Prepare the sweethouse chambers, someone bring a cart, immediately!" Within, there is a short bustle of activity! "Pardon, I did not know you were escorting one so laided with the warriors of tomorrow, please, set weapons aside and enter."

Renaria would look shocked as this taur just walks up to her in her hidden overlook position "Shhh, get down! We don't know what these people are here doing!" she says in a hushed but urgent tone, not trying to move the larger agent but hoping he gets down with her. She whispers to him "I'd be glad to work with you, and possibly these others once I have a better understanding of the situation." from her crouched position.

Fenris blinks a few times as he lines up his brain cells. "Weapons?" he asks, then realizes that he does, in fact, carry a number of them, "Oh! Yeah, sure!" he says, happily disarming himself. He waves to one of the masked warriors and says, loudly and slowly, just in case they only spoke ancient foreign speak, "YOU WATCH THESE! VERY SPECIAL! NO LOSE EM MAGIC SWORD!" Satisfied that he has made himself understood and having no idea what is going on, the tanuki grins around at the other operatives.

After a second, he snaps his fingers and disarms himself of another strange weapon. "Almost forgot the udderizer," he says before skipping along toward the open path.

Selyra keeps her paws held up in a show of peace as the spears come up to block them, the collie not even thinking to try and walk in so simply. Her firt intent is simply to talk to the guards, but then the ruckus begins, and slight confusion sets in. At least until the phrase 'laided with the warriors of tomorrow' is spoken. Glancing between Astara and the guards, she soon removes her sniper rifle and hesitantly hands it over. "I'll need this back when we're done, but... Thank you for letting us inside. Is there someone in charge that I can talk to?" she asks them, keeping to the plan of figuring out what's going on. Even without her rifle, she has other means of defending herself may the need arise. For now, she decides to head into the temple now that she's disarmed, in order to figure out what's going on here.

Lila cannot help herself but to look around at all the people, eyes lingering on more masculine traits in such a way that makes her squeeze her legs together, eyes lingering on large cocks and balls. She exhales a moo and crosses her arms over her chest, teats quite erect from the cold water splashing onto her expose breasts. She looks to the guard and furrows her brow. "I come to see Ixchel, and I carry no weapons but mah own body," she says in a thick southern drawl. She offers a bow and curtsey. "Please, may I enter so I can meet her and pay tribute to the goddess one again? I am one of her dedicants."

Ebreus cocks his head sideways for a moment and thinks about the guards's demand. He then walks up to the guard, standing nearly twice his height, carrying similarly over-sized weapons. He then leans over in front of the guard, smiles as warmly as is possible in his Horror form and says "Of course. I will not, knowingly, bring any weapons with me but if you would please define what you concider to be a weapon that would ensure there is no confusion." He rests the base of his pole-axe's haft on the ground and similarly sinks the tip of the blade of his sword into the mud.

Fenris actually stops by a guard to lean forward and consider his mask. What might be a mask. Possibly. "Is Ixchel here?" he asks, "Is that why you are all here? Should I wipe my paws before I go in? I mean, I can't really take off my shoes. And can I wear my hat inside? It's a nice hat."

Blanche is alarmed by the reaction of the guards. "Whoa there, didn't mean to disrespect anyone." She raises her hands to try and make a calming gesture. "Let me stash my stuff with that racoon's stuff, alright?" backtracking a moment she gets her weapons and sets them in a pile next to Fenris's stuff. She returns next to Selyra's side and nods. As she move around she spots Astara and waves. "Astara! Good to see you around, bad luck with all the pointy things around, huh?" Settling into place, she checks for the others and looks them over, but pays them little mind aside from Fenris. "No stealing my stuff either, I may not be able to run, but I can manage something." Then finally, she returns her attention to Selyra. "Don't worry grandma, if trouble happens I can toss you out of the way."

Astara did happen to have her laser pistol in a little hostler at her hip... she looked at one of the temple guard, then to the holster again bregrugingly, and handed it over to him, turning to Selyra afterwards and waddling to hir side. "Good to see you again, uh... Grandma." She finds that phrase a little awkward, and glances to Blanche briefly; "You too, sis." Without further ado, she attempts to make her way into the temple! "I didn't expect the special treatment because of my pregnancy... though, perhaps I should have, given Ixchel."

Renaria, upon the acceptance of all the people in, she would decide to get out of her crouching position and approach, drones following her as she looks to all the unfamiliar faces. She hopes to be recognized as a member of the dedicated as she begins walking in to take in the sights. She looks to the pregnant fox creature sympathetically, having just delivered thirty children last night. She would ask the guard "What is the purpose of the ceremony here?"

Lila brings a hand to her head, nibbling her lower lip as the scents fill her nostrils. She cannot help but breathe in deep, turning to look around, eyes focused on to each cock, until her eyes come to rest on Ebreus. Nostrils flare and her moos once again, tail flicking aside arms pulling back to expose her breasts, squeezing them together in a proud display. She reaches to her collar, rubbing along it's rim as her legs pry apart. "Poor bull's all deep in rut and 'ere I am with a fertile womb. I got some pills stashed away 'ere if ya wanna relieve that rut the right way hon," she said in a smokey drawl, her feral mind unable to resist the urge.

Before much longer a simple cart is procured, pulled by a pair of quite burly humans. It is small enough to fit through the door, and JUST large enough for someone such as Astara to lay upon it. A glance around to everyone, "Your things will be safe here, unless they are prone to breaking in the rain." Says the same guard as the two who pulled the cart out prepare to assist Astara up and into her new mode of transport. Eyes flast to Lila and Ebreus, "You are welcome to work upon a new generation of warriors yourself if you wish, though please, do use one of the lower rooms." More looks over Ebreus, "Assuming you can fit... as for what are weapons? Anything that can be used to shoot, slash, bash, or otherwise cause harm and isn't a tool for other use. Why do you ask?" More attention is upon the amaglimation than before, though otherwise, it seems everyone is welcome to enter, "Strange dog, Ixchel is of course here, not upon your simple plane. Perhaps she will wish a talk, but for now, please, enter. The sweatlounge will be prepared for you shortly, four legged one, and you, our leader is Ixchel, one and only, perhaps she will wish to speak to you sometime."

"Ooh! A sweatlodge!" Fenris says, grinning from ear to ear, "And it is pronounced tan-OO-kee! Tanuki! Not dog, not raccoon, Tanuki!" With that, the tubby coon-dog makes his way happily inside.

Renaria would be happy to enter as she understands that this must be a holy time for Ixchel she did not know about. Perhaps she should spend more time learning about the fertile jaguar rather than just screwing and fulfilling her will. Her beam cannon would retract into her bag, and she would have her drones remain outside, knowing that those who worship ixchel don't hold machines in very high regard. She thinks she remembers meeting Astara once at Zephyr, but most of the others she was unfamiliar with.

Astara looks at the cart presented, her eyes widening a bit. She points to herself, and says "...For me?", but she clearly gets the message being put across! She raises her forelegs up onto the cart, and slowly, carefully pulls herself up onto the cart.

Selyra nods to the guards as shi's told who shi is to speak to, feeling more than slightly intimidated by the idea of talking to a deity. In shi goes, at least ot get out of the rain, before stopping to seek out one of the guards inside. "Excuse me. I've come to talk to Ixchel, if she is available. If she's not, I'll just... wait in the sweatlodge until she's ready." shi says, a nagging feeling in the back of hir mind telling hir not to get too comfortable, but realizing that fighting against them and their ways would be a bad idea.

"I ask because anything could be a weapon to someone cruel enough." Ebreus says as he hands his oversided great-weapons to the guard and removes a Knife hidden in a compartment in his Visor "This, for example, could be a weapon or a tool. I use it as a weapon but my father would use it for woodworking." He continues as he flips the kife so that he is holding is by the blade and entending the handle to the guard. "And then there are some who would consider a trained soldier to be themself a weapon but now that I know your meaning I can give you all that you consider to be weapons that are on my person." He then rises back to full standing height and turns to look at Lia. "Relief from this rut would be great. Now that they've offered us a room it would be rude not to use it. Lets have some fun." He finnishes.

Selyra also hears that Astara and Blanche are behind hir, looking over hir shoulder and smiling to them. "I'm glad you guys could make it." shi says, hir tail beginning to wag. "I just want you to be careful, alright? Especially you, Astara." shi says, watching the taur being carted off into the temple, unable to avoid worrying over her.

Renaria looks to the worrying collie and says "It will be okay, the followers of Ixchel would never dare to hurt a pregnant woman, as long as she does not try to hurt them." she reassures happily, "I am Renaria, nice to meet you."

Blanche decides to walks with Selyra to the sweatlodge. Her oversized ear flicks towards Ebreus's direction to catch what he's saying and rolls her eyes. "Be a good boy and disarm, completely, I don't know about you, but they outnumber us and have a god on their side. I'd rather enjoy Ixchel's more pleasant aspects, so don't ruin this for us." Resuming her course inside she looks to the pair carrying Astara around and cracks a small smile as she hurries her way inside out of the cold. While her arousal is suppressed by the cold raid, her giant-sized spade is pressed around by her legs, giving anyone behind her a nice show of her feminine sex with her balls taking almost all the room under her.

Lila smiles wide, limp bovine tail swishing back and forth. She walks up to the tall, well endowed hybrid, then looks at the guards. She flinches and shakes her head. Her eyes linger over him and she softly moos under her breath. "Hmm, maybe later hon. I do desperately want to sate this damnedable heat between mah legs, and that delightful smellin' rut is so enticin', but I'm 'ere fer mah goddess. She's givin' me so many calves, I need tah see her again with all this fussin' goin' on." She turns away and wiggles her rear, winking back at him. "See me afterward and I'd have no problem lettin' ya empty those massive balls in me."

Ebreus, still holding his kife out to the guard, growls and states clearly to Blanche "I'm going to. I just needed to know what all was a weapon as far as he is concerned. I prefer not to make unnecessary enemies." he then turns back to adress Lila "Sounds good, business then pleasure." And turning back to the guard he asks "So is the knife a weapon or not?"

Within, the upper floor is being cleaned up, the old vines and plants removed, damaged stone reworked or replaced. There are stairs leading downward into other parts ofthe temple, and a ramp to allow the cart to move around. It is down right HUGE! Astara is shuttled away though, down the ramp, "The sweetlodge is down below, two stories." Says one of the helpful attendants as Astara is pulled down that way, "We are still warming up the rocks, but if you wish to offer prayer or a sacrifice for Ixchel at this time, please approche the alter." Names exchanged, though none of the workers or guards seem to give theirs, lots of eeys still upon Ebreus, "Yes, the knife will need stay with us, if you need something cut, ask." One of them says. "As for relief, it would seem you will need to wait for another time." Though the entrance looks quite small for someone of Ebreus' sizes, between breasts, balls, and everything else, bigger than the cart that was moved through! "An apology, Tanuki, we are not used to seeing ones of your kind. And, a grandmother, your granddaughter is in good hands, you need not worry."

"Forgiven!" Fenris says, bouncing toward the altar and carefully, reverently placing a package of Oreo brand cookies on it, fished from one of his pouches, then stepping back and placing his palms together before bowing. "Thank you for the hospitality," he says sincerely, then pops right back up, diving for the ramp to the lower levels, grabbing his toes, and rolling like a ball downward!

Renaria approaches the alter and leaves a bottle of milk at it. "May what I produce sate you, my goddess." she murmurs under her breath as she continues to the lower level

Astara looks on in awe of the temple; she hadn't ever actually visited it properly before, having been carried in (and out) by her mother when she initially dedicated! She looks to an attendant as she's ferried along, stating "Uhm... just let me know what is required of me, I guess. I'm a newer dedicant to Ixchel..." in a slightly timid tone. There's a trail of fluid left in the cart's wake, mostly composed of Astara's always-dripping milk.

Selyra looks towards Renaria, giving her a nod and smile. "I'm Selyra, likewise." shi greets the dragon, hir attention turning back towards the guard who speaks about hir granddaughter. Hir question was notably not answered, and after a slight huff, shi figures hir best bet is to try to enjoy the sweatlodge provided for them until the time is right. Watching others place things upon the alter, the collie can't help but giggle a little at Fenris' sacrifice, but doesn't say anything about it. Without further ado, shi proceeds on downstairs to take a look around, but not without admiring the heated scents of those around hir, filling hir nostrils with the pleasant aroma of fertility.

Lila's cheeks blush and she giggles at the hybrid's response, following the guard and the various other mutants. "An offerin'? Well, I do wish I had brought a bottle of milk with me, but if ya don't mind me milkin' mahself inta a bowl I can offer some fresh milk." She grabs her breasts and bounces them up and down. "I got more than enough ta offer to the goddess and it's quality stuff too," she said almost proudly, walking up to the altar and kneling down in front of one of the bowls.

"Might as well introduce myself. My name is Ebreus." he says adressing everyone whom he thinks has a reasonable chance of hearing him before aproaching Renaria and bending over so that he may speak in hushed voices while still being heard "I am not a man of faith though I see that faith is important here. If it is not an imposition could you help me understand?" Then he rises back to full height and stairs at the alter.

Astara watches the others make offerings. She hadn't thought of that herself! "I could make an offering of milk, or uh... cum, if desired," she mentions.

Blanche approaches the alter and thinks. Quietly, she makes a small prayer and an offering of a bottle of wine. "Thanks Ixchel, without your blessing I wouldn't have near as much fun. I don't know what kind of things gods like, but I sometimes like some wine on the side to get things going, if you know what I mean." After her prayer and offering, she continues to the sweathouse. As she overhears Selyra, she looks over and to Renaria. "I'm Blanche... I figured I'd tag along with grandma. How'd you end up in a place like this?"

Renaria looks to blanche and listens to her explanation "There was a call for investigation, this isnt a usual occurance, but I worship ixchel, and I figured it would be appropriate I investigate."

Renaria would explain to the large taur "Its tradition when visiting to present something to the goddess, usually food, or some other sign of good health and virility." She is not the most knowledgeable, but that is what she generally does.

Those down below can easily notice the large floor dedicated to the making of steam for the sweating ceremonies. The rocks are nearly ready, and the rain barrels being brought in. With Astara's arrival, they begin, adding water over the heated rocks, raising the temprature in the room consiterably! "The heat will help, just relax, with the offerings being given above, this shouldn't be too long." They say. Above the gifts are graciously accepted, then disappear each in turn into nothing. "Thank you, I'm sure your friend will apprieate these gifts, and the gift Ixchel will provide in return."

Below, the steam is quickly gathering, "Ixchel, mother and midwife to all, we ask your blessing for Astara," seems some of them caught her mentioning her name, "and give her an easy birthing, to see new warriors for your city brought to us." As the request is finished, Astara's belly swells...

Within the sweatlodge area, a, to some familiar, feelilng of presence can be felt!

"A tradition of good will... very well." Ebreus says as he sets down his pack and removes a case in which he stores his medicines. Withdrawing a small box of penicillin and setting it upon the alter. "Ixchel, I do not know if you can hear me but I am, freely, sharing my medicine supplies with your followers." He says adressing the alter. He steps back and rezippers and shoulders his pack before asking "It that an acceptable gift?" to Renaria.

Renaria looks to him "Medicine like that is very appreciated, I am certain that Ixchel is happy to take such an offering." she assures, beginning to head down to watch the ritual

Lila kneels down in front of the bowl, hands at her wet teats as she milks herself into it. She moos and goosebumps raise from her skin as milk expresses into the bowl, the smell rich, pouring freely from her breasts, so generously that it overflows and she loses herself for a momenbt. It's not until she hears the words that she stops and looks up. Her eyes widen and she pulls back, then pads forward towards the Vixen. "Oh dear hon, you look ready to blow," she said, a hand reaching out to stroke over tha taut dome. She giggles and looks to the expecting mother. "You lucky girl you!"

Fenris rolls to a stop at the bottom of the ramp, springing to his feet and giving a little hop to catch his balance. He looks around with interest at the steam room, stripping off his shirt and belt, but leaving his hat on. "Where are the showe-" he starts to ask, then stops when he sees the ceremonial preparation, "Oh. Oh! Mayan sweathouse. Right!" He doesn't bother putting his clothes back on, though, opting to simply fold them up neatly and enjoy the steam, finding an available bench.

Lila arrives swiftly at the sweatlodge, feeling the sudden explode of steam and following the booming voice to find the large, heavily pregnant vixen.

When Selyra reaches the sweatlodge and the water is poured over the rocks, the increase in temperature immediately hits her. A rough collie herm, covered in such a thick layer of fur, wearing armor on top of that. Huffing, shi makes quick work of all hir clothes, placing it in a small pile near the door. Lila showed up naked, hir own fur-covered body isn't anything special in comparison. After taking a seat on one of the benches, shi watches as Astara is taken in and the ritual begins, hir newest family member's belly seeming to expand. Hir eyes widen, but shi watches in awe. She still feels a sense of concern for Astara, but keeps faith that she's in good hands here.

Astara grunts as she feels her belly expand, followed by a gasp as she feels unseen, inmaterial hands rub over her belly... her breathing goes from a relaxed pace, becoming more irregular and harsh as her body expands with Ixchel's supernatural touch! Her underbelly just gets bigger and bigger, then bigger yet - she'd be completely beached and incapable of moving right now from the spot if it were not for the cart, her legs raised far off of the ground, belly starting to dwarf the rest of the taur's already-large body. The vixen's breasts even get larger and leak thicker streams of milk, keeping apace as what they'd be "I... ohhh, Ixchel, take care of me..." She's quickly becoming unaware of those around her - wholly absorbed by her body, and the easing of the pressure building up in her womb... Astara certainly looks like she's been touched by a fertility goddess now!

Larger thand larger Astara swells, until the offerings given above, the worth of them is exchanged into her instead. There are quite a few looks around, even as the cart crumbles under the weight, though Astara is carefully placed upon the ground instead of falling upon her belly and likely causing great pain! And then... it happens, an outpouring of fluid from a parsed cunt, the wonder of birth!

Ebreus follows Renaria down whispering (mostly inconciquential) questions about the faith to her as he has opertunities to until they reach the sweatlodge where he then asks the first serious question since the alter room "What is this?" with a look of surprize and excitement upon his face.

Renaria would enter, looking at the increasingly gravid taur as she is blessed by the fertility goddess, reaching a size she was familiar with twenty four hours ago. She would enjoy the heat getting under her scales, the feel of heat and moisture permeating her. She looks upon Astara with a certain amount of reverance, lust, and jealousy. She could have been there had it not been for her impatience and willingness to use nanites. Regardless, she would look on happy for Astara and her massivly growing brood.

Renaria would answer "It is the birthing chamber of the temple, reserved for very special births."

As Blanche makes her way down, the heat starts to make her pant, her tongue loling out the side of her mouth. The sudden reversal of temperatures from a cool outdoors to a steamy room in the ground causes her parts to sting for a moment, but slowly stir her to arousal. She pants as she places herself in an open part of the room and relaxes herself, however, she relaxes too much. Some of her attributes swell as her concentration fades. Further, as she watches Astara, her eyes go wide. "Whoa..." Then Astara's water breaks, causing her eyes to widen further as her jaw drops. "Whoa!" Behind her, her balls swell out to unmanagably sized orbs, even causing her hind legs to struggle to touch the ground, though for the moment, Blanche doesn't seem to notice herself.

Lila's eyes widen further and she moos in surprise at the sudden gush of fluids from Astara's cleft. "Oh honey! Yer going to give birth! Ixchel's being awfully generous today!" She looks around then at the Vixen. "Um anyone of ya'll know this miss enough to comfort her? I don't want to impose and be the one delivin' her youngin's or be strokin' her head if she's got someone who knows her well can do it instead." She kneels down next to the shattered cart. "I hope yer used ta this many calves comin' out, because it looks like yer carryin' an awful lot of them!"

Fenris has a rare look of embarrassment on his round, furry face. "Oh, gee," he says, tipping his white stetson's brim over his eyes, "I thought this was the gents' room." The burly tanuki averts his eyes from the miracle of life and looks around hopefully for a distraction. He has never witnessed a birth before. Not that he remembers at least. And it seems like something you would not forget.

Ebreus stairs on in awe... internally wishing he had a camera or other means of recording this beyond failable organic memory. He pays as close attention to the birthing as possible.

Astara's eyes flutter briefly before they force shut, and the expecting mother takes a deep breath, concentrating... and pushes! With a rather feminine grunt, the first of her children is pushed out into the world through her oversized pussy, which makes the whole process a relative breeze. Interestingly enough, what comes out of isn't a kit... but instead, a kit-sized egg! Then and another, and another. First a dozen, then another dozen, and then 6 more to total in 30! Astara would have burst into a sweat for the exertion even if she wasn't in a sweathouse, and with a weary (but contented) sigh, she begins to relax lying there on her side.

Selyra stands back up off the bench after hearing Lila's call for someone who knows Astara, nodding to the bovine girl and heading closer. "Of course, I'd be happy to." shi says, moving around to Astara's front and holding a paw out for her to take. "Don't worry hun, I'm here." shi says, gently taking one of Astara's hands and gently petting it, ready and able to comfort the poor girl when the birthing begins. "I won't leave you, okay?" shi adds on, smiling up to her reassuringly. Despite all the smells and arousal around, the collie's infertility allowing hir to refuse the effects of those around hir.

Renaria would decide that she should help in the delivery, getting between the fox-creature's legs as the egg begins bulging her lower lips. She would be sure to speak reassuring words, not knowing that Astara was detached from reality as she begins grabbing the eggs and placing them nearby their mother as they come out. Before long, the foxtaur has birthed all thirty of her children

Eggs delievered and soon situated off to the side, the attendents bemoan their cart for a while, though only for a while, "A great and wonderous thing, these will hatch and be part of our growing army." One of them says, "And thank you all who give strength to our beloved matron. She has said she'd like to talk with some of those close to the magic of this world, and close to her. Though, please, rest mother of so many. And those who traveled with her. Another day, soon, we will welcome you to our true home, for a visit with she who makes this all possible. We can offer food, hospitality, an easy trip back home, and to bring you back, when the time is right." All of Astara's eggs loaded into a seperate cart, to be taken back down the mountain for her, so much care given to them there is no chance of a single one being dropped.

Blanche blinks out of her stupor at Lila's insistance. "Oh right, she's my sister. It's hard to keep track of which thousand of foxes are siblings..." She sighs as she places weight on her forepaws, then tries to push forward. Her attempts at walking are hindered by her hind legs. "Huh?" Looking back, she immediately sees why: Her balls have swollen to a size that stands taller than she does! She stares a moment, then sighs in defeat as her paws clack against the stone floor as they scrape. "Oh come on! I didn't relax THAT much!" Now immobile, she looks to Astara. "Uhh.. Hang in there sis! You can do it! Make Mommy and Ixchel proud!"

Lila nods at Selyra, passing off comforting to the Collie as she hurries to help the dragoness with the delivery, rubbing the trembling belly and taking an egg when Renaria is busy with another. She's left a little winded, the plush bovine's skin wet with sweat, least of all because of the sweatlodge, but sighing and smiling at the sight. "Quite a litter young miss! I'm sure Ixchel would be mighty proud about givin' birth tah such a big family!"

Renaria would decide to just help gently pat and rub the tired mother, empathetic, thankful that there were eggs in there rather than the bloody afair 30 live young dragons going through her passage was. She wonders what army her lady is rising, but is ultimately more concerned now with the foxtaur.

Fenris perks up instantly at the mention of food! Though he is somewhat less enthused about an almost simultaneous mention of armies. "Food?" he asks, deciding to keep his priorities straight, "Oh! And a visit with the jaguar? That sounds exciting!"

"I'd... really love to meet with Ixchel sometime, yes..." Astara murmurs, in a bit of a stupor. Part exhaution, part pleasure, but all of it is tiredness! At least she isn't encumbered by her body anymore. She does laugh that Blanche's befuddlement about her circumstances, and calls out "Maybe I can help you out with that later, Blanche! After I... get a little rest."

Ebreus stands there, still a bit stunned, at what just happened. He recovers as the cart full of eggs passes him. Looking at Astara, then at the egg cart, then back at Astara before walking over to Blanche to ask "Where are the eggs being taken and whats this about an army?"

Renaria would also express interest at meeting her goddess

Selyra smiles up to Astara, shi giggles at the taur's comment to Blanche. "Sorry for the sweat..." shi says softly, wrapping hir arms around Astara to give hir a fluffy, yet sweaty, hug. "You did a great job, birthing all those eggs. I'll stay here with you while you rest, hmm?" shi offers, gently brushing a paw along Astara's tauric shoulder, willing to wait in the sweatlodge for as long as it takes Astara to regain her strength.

Lila gives Astara's tauric stomach a gentle petting. "And you will my dear, when you're rested. We'll all come back and meet her, she's a lovely lady, and she'd be very proud of you today," she says in a sweet maternal tone. "If ya really need somethin' ta recover I can offer you some nice milk, I can even make it nice and cold fer ya, then we can go see yer calves."

When Ebreus approaches, she looks over to him and listens to his query. "I don't know, somewhere? Why are you asking me? Don't you know about Ixchel? This place is a little familiar somehow, but I don't recal being here..." Still panting, she turns her attention to Astara. "Good job Astara, I'd hug you... but I have a ball problem here. My belly isn't helping things along either." She squirms in place for a moment, propped in an uncomfortable position on her balls and pregnant swell of a belly under her. "Little help?"

Astara laughs and gives Selyra a big hug back. "We *are* in a sauna, you don't need to appologize for being sweaty! Wouldn't mind the company, for sure... thank you." She gives a smile to Lila, replying "Thank you, too - I think I'm good, for now." The taur can't help but to break into a gigglefit for her sister's predicament, one that goes on for a while... and most likely joined in by others. Well, except for Blanche, probably.