Business Deals - RPLOG

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It is the dead of night, and what a day it was. Agents were being praised for successfully bringing in a Collie Feral who could bake, and bringing down a group of vagrents who were causing trouble all around the city. That is until a general alert sounds, one of those things that happen, just meant an agent was over their head and needed an extraction. All around nothing too bad until... the extraction team comes back without the Husky in question. Lots of murmering and then, over the COMM a request for experienced agents to assist on of their own!! Out at the Highway, a group of Highway Mice much more powerful then any they have seen before have not incapactiated the agent, but instead taken her captive, and were more then capable of fighting off their basic extraction teams! Anyone willing to take up the call should head to the west side of the highway, under the bridge to assist.

Those who take the call find the region is teaming with the mice, though they seem to make no move against them, yet. It is cold, the dead of the night, about 0212. This far out and under the remaining structures, COMMS are hazy at best, and mutant capacities seem muted slightly. A few barrels with burning trash and other refuse keep the mice themselves warm.

Cookies was feeling like a complete and total badass. She helped punch out a burning bird and then she scared and then beat the bejesus out of a bunch of uppity ferals. When she hears the call for assistance, she can't help but worry about that dumb husky she saw earlier who'd been such a help. Sure, there could be any number of huskies that could be, and it was just a feral after all, but if something happened to /that/ husky and she didn't answer the call, she'd not feel terribly good about herself, feral or not. It was an honor thing! You watch the back of the people who watch your back. So, radio pack slung over her shoulder and pry bar in hand, still clad in her crappy 80s action flick hero outfit from earlier- black leather jacket, jeans and a that blazing red headband- she prepared to enter the fray for the third time today. This would be less easy, she could tell from the goddamned terrifying number of mice around as she approached the bridge.

Another mission? So soon? Dio rolled out of bed and gave his wife a good kiss on the cheek before gather up his shotgun, loading it up with typical twelve gauge shells, and set-out for the sight in question. A slight chill ran down his spine, not too big a fan of cold weather, or being slightly outside of bubble for that matter. Not too long after Cookies arrives, the semi-formally dressed lion strolls up to the bridge and observes the feline's new attire. "Quite an interesting set you're wearing ma'am," he chuckles softly as he looks upon the large number of mice. Cat and mice... Oh my.

Savi is still flying high of the bravado rush from the most recent encounter of her patrol. Unknowingly mimicing someones eles thoughts when the report comes in. "Puppy?" she whispers softly to herself as she begins bounding across the landscape as fast as her vines can take her. Arriving last Savi see's someone she knows and someone she doesn't, fifty/fifty, great odds. Odds for what she isn't sure. As she is about to ponder what she is adding up reality snaps back in and the tiny female views the landscape sourly. "Whats the overall situation." she says to the people she assumes are here to help the weak. "and then just tell me who I'm supposed to eat first."

The husky would of already headed out after her daughter, it getting late and no one had seen her. She didn't know where she was till a distress call went out. Making her give a smal sigh and whimper, her daughter having gone too far from home. She rushes back to her home, grabbing her medkit and Anbessa before rushing out the door, not doughting he has gotten the report that Aimee was lost and in trouble. Quickly heading in the direction of the call, Anbessa in tow behind her.

Anbessa watches behind Miora as the large Talakai stays at her tail, him looking ahead of them as his footpaw's clawclacks are faintly heard down a few streets. Though the man doesn't seem to be wanting to be sneaky, but he seems to be paniced to hear that Miora's daughter got lost. The city ain't safe for a girl like her! The Talakai's red leather and beatifully etched waraxe clinks a bit on his back as he follows after his husky mate, faintly paniced to rescue one of his own family.

The more people who arrive the more the mice seem to get on edge, eventually all of them scurrying away deeper under the bridge. There is no natrual light that reaches under there, total darkness, but, with the keen hearing of mutation, everyone around can hear some soft whining, the rattling of thick chains, followed by a softly whimpered, "Collie Mommy... Husky Dad.." interupted by a very loud slap from the Darkness, and another soft whine. Besides that and the chittering of the mice, all is silent.

Cookies runs right up to Dio when she sees him and gives him a big dumb hug as usual. "Hi again, Dio! Oh, erm... Don't mind the outfit, I was just sorting out some business earlier," she purrrs out nonchalantly. She peers over at Savi and gives her a wave, then flinches slightly at the sound of the whimpering and following slap. Yep, that was the husky. "You know almost as much as I do, but from the sound of it," she nods towards the noises, "Our mutual husky friend is in distress!" She shrugs her shoulders a bit, stretching out. Hmm. Her muscles feel awfully sore now that she's out here... "Oh, and this is my lion, Dio," she mentions to the plant. Wait, /her/ lion?

Savi snarls in a very plantlike fashion. Fumbling on her belt for her weapon she starts to move forward. "They hit puppy!" she squeaks, her tiny voice rising to an almost inaudable whimper. turning towards the others then quickly turning back over and over for a moment, maybe two, savi shakes her head viciously, trying to physically clear the anger that has her mind wrapped in talons of flame and light. Angered nearly to the point of inaction something in the little flower snaps almost with an actual sound. Movement stopping she pulls a metal tube off her belt and, with no more wasted time, straight toward the nearest hole, meaning to follow the rats straight in, and through.

"Ah yes, of course. Business is what I usually call it," Dio chuckles, taking a moment to hug the feline in return. However, he quickly breaks away from the embrace after hearing a solid slap and a whine. Certainly does sounds like a husky. The lion checks over his shotgun and turns off the safety before taking a peek at the bridge where the sound originated. "Violence against a lady! I can never stand for such an awful act. But..." He begins to think about the sheer number of mice down there. While he did have some good firepower for close quarters... "We certainly got to get down there, but rushing in may make matters worse. We must think rationally, as we're dealing with a hostage situation. Don't want them to get scared and kill our husky friend. Perhaps we should stack on the door and lure some out for information."

Miora arrived at teh entrance, looking to the others too, although at the sound she paused and growled, ehr fur standing up and her eyes glowing a bit. That definetly pissed her off. Although she nodded at Dio, rather not having her daughter harmed. With a small exhale and a bit of calming down she focused, her hand glowing and a small sphere appearing in it, a second sphere appearing over her head that glowed bright enough to illuminate the room. The illusionary light bright enough to allow everyone to see wall to wall.