Badger Fight Club - RPLOG

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It doesn't take long for people to crowd the little grocery store in, There are four large badgers standing together each one wearing riot gear. The largest of the group is a male with only a sweet shirt and jogging pants on. "Alright, Everyone this is the grocery store and we really like it here so try not to blow the roof off the place. I am the leader of the Rapid Advance Positioning Ecounter Unit." The male chuckles, " We are hosting a small battle to show my rookies that there are better way of dealing with anger. There will be a grand prize of 10000 cred and a special gift." He wink, "We are glad to have such strong looking challengers, now the rules are simple, weapons are allowed and any fighting techinque to win is all right EXCEPT you may not kill your opponent. I want these brat to see what it take to survive not die against elite members of the big three. If you want to fight please sign up on this clip board and I'll pair you off. Say your name when you come up so I can have you added to the roster."

A lanky mall rat approaches the clipboard and signs it. "Aescher," he murmurs. He quietly wanders off to the side and starts to make his preperations.

an overly endowed herm pegasus signs next by taking a pen in hir mouth and using it to write. Herma here

Arimia had entered the store just planning to sell a few trinkets and the like. At the announcement and all, however, she decides to stick around. When the clipboard is shown she slithers over and signs onto the clipboard, saying, "Arimia."

A small being of metal lands on the clipboard, everything below it's head was made of a rather tough looking ebon-black metal, with a pair of glowing energy wings on the back to allow flight. Taking the pen, he scribbles his name down with a surgeon's finesse. "Daniel, fairy cyborg, reporting for duty!"

Several more badger look over the group as the area fill with powerful looking mutants and humans. Each of them dressed in everything from tee shirts to a living cloud of nanites hissing angryly. "Alright Alright. Good we have eight guys and gals lining up. Mixing up the line up. one person to one of my badgers. First up lets have this Daniel fella take on Melissa." At the sound of her name a very large and exteremly buff female badger covered in football gear with a steel pipe walk to the center. "I hope I don't knock your Eye sockets out. Tiny.." She says with a grin that tells of nothing but violence. Meanwhile some of the humans are taking bets on how fast the fairy will go down.

Daniel sits lazily in the back, a cigarette clenched between his natural upper, and robotic lower lips. He grimaces a bit as he hears he's the first to be called, and flies up to his opponent. He snuffs out the cigarette against himself, no need to fear pain due to his cold, metalic exterior. "Hey..." He begins, looking up at the rather cocky badger. "Big things come in small packages, so don't be surprised if you get your ass handed to you." And with that, he takes a fighting stance, a visor of energy forming in front of his eyes, acting as a little HUD.

The lamia moves to a clear section and coils her tail about, so she can settle into a comfortable, seated position. She turns her attention toward the fighters as she removes her coat, folding it carefully. The removal reveals an exosuit-like exterior on Arimia, keeping her modest, even if it does seem a bit form-fitting. She sets her coat to the side, then secures the belt and sheathe for her sword back around her waist. That done she gives the fighters her full attention.

Herma giggled and pulled off hir panties, and then took off hir water flask. instead equiping a Sword made by a friend of hirs that sie made notable improvements to.

Wearing nothing but his fatigues, Aescher squeezes into a spot in the front row, looking uncomfortable amongs the jostling crowd. The rat sets a shiny disk-shaped shield at his feet and crosses his arms as the fight begins, twitching ever so slightly. An onlooker whispers something into one of his dishy ears and a cocky grin flashes across his muzzle for just a second before it vanishes.

Herma whistled as sie watched a fight end in seconds.

Melissa groans and is sent tumbling away, her eyes read with bloodlust she stands up anf growls like a demon. "Heh. Your alright fairy. I'll train harder and next time I'll knock you to the -" A quick bop on the head from the male quiets her, "If your strong enogh to talk then run laps." The males looks over the roster, "Next up is herman, er.. Herma and Gary." A large male badger with massive tits smiles at Herma, "Er um..." He presses his fingers together, "Oh I gotta, THE DYYYYYNAMIC GARY IS GOING TO DO A SMACKDOWN ON THIS WEENIE." He says like a cheesy wrestler but people just laugh at him as he sighs, "It sounded cool in my head...." He whimper and clang his claws together, "I'LL FUCK YOU ALL UP AND YOU WON'T LAUGH AT ME AGAIN!!!!" He growls waiting on the go from the older male badger. Outside everyone can hear the clangs of Melissa running laps very slowly around the building, her steps are almost like drum beats to a deadly competition. Everyone is getting pumped at the sound, "Go! Go! Goooo!"

Daniel flashes a thumbs up to the badger. He admits, he shouldn't have used the cheap trick that is opening his combustion chamber and singing her fur, but hey, whatever you can do to win. "Best of luck with your laps, I look forward to fighting with you again!" He calls off to her, returning to his idle position with the rest of the waiting contestants, lighting up another cigarette and collapsing his visor.

Arimia starts to reach for a pocket, only to remember she isn't wearing her coat. She then reaches over to fish about in her pockets, pulling out a pack of cigarettes and a matchbook. She takes out a smoke and raises it to her lips. She then tears off a match and strikes it, preparing to light the cigarette. Before she does, however, she glances toward the fairy and says, "Good job. That was fast."

Herma gIggled and licked hir lips as shi looked as Gary "How about we make a little bet Gary. If you win, make a weapon for you that will drive fear into the hearts of either the innocent or the wicked... your choice. But if you lose, I infect you and you join my herd. Deal?" Herma smirked and stomped a foreleg on the ground

Aescher remains as stoic as ever, apparently unmoved by Daniel's victory. He scratches idly at his chest ruff.

Herma gloriously neighs, "Stay down!!"

The breasted male crashed down on his back. The group goes wild then the sound of sniffling occurs, "Did you have to hit so hard? My tits hurt." He start to tear up and the older male sighs, "Really...Gary, Run some laps with melissa, if I catch you slacking I'll defur you both with a spoon." He cries a bit as her runs out of the area and the male sighs, "Rookies.... Any way Next up is Army er... Arimia.... get in there with Runt." A very large and timid looking badger looks up at her, "T-This is my first fight... Don't kill me."

Daniel looks up to Arimia and tips an imaginary hat, "Many thanks to you, miss." He says with a friendly smile, taking a hit of his own cigarette as he watches the fight. Longer than his, but the outcome was the same, the people he arrived behind seemed pretty damn likely to win the preliminaries. He congratulates Herma with a friendly smile and a thumbs up, "Good job, you fought well out there." He says before he hears Arimia's name called. He turns to the lamia and nods, "Best of luck."