Oily Terrors - RPLOG

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Saturday March 9, 2019=Log=

T'was late in the afternoon on a slightly cloudy day, the sun shining brightly from the west, casting the already arid ground below in a vibrant plethora of rich orange and red shades. There, at the edge of the well maintained roads, where wilderness clashed with civilization, one fennec would be leaned against a large and very clearly refurbished desert roamer jeep. The small fox would be sat at the driver's seat, with a small device in his hands, and earphones on his large satelite-like ears. He'd be passing the time, waiting for those willing to take on the dangers of the wastelands to arrive.

Kadir aproaches the jeep, six and a half feet of rippling Saber-Toothed Soldier musculature decked out in power armor and weapons. He double checks his comm to make sure he has the right location before introducing himself. "Kadir, Eureka security opperative and RSX marksman, reporting for duty." He then gives a quick salute and heel-click.

Avoiding the unpleasantry of the rough road up to that point altogether the large Hellhound approaches the meeting place by air, flying on great membranous wings while the bubble is strong and beginning to glide downward as he hears the feline arriving ahead of him introduce himself. With a grin he decides on a bit more impressive an entrance. Landing from a short dive the large 'hound lands, knees bent to mitigate the impact, still creating a noise as expected from three-fourths of a ton of weight hitting the ground. With the landing out of the way and feeling the nanite signal weaken he shrinks down to just a bit above seven feet tall and substantially lighter as he walks up, "Ebreus, Promethean... technically a negotiator but I do this sort of work regularly enough. Nice to meet you Kadir, and nice seeing you again Magnus." he says as he dusts off his coat and checks his colossal shotty over in preparation for leaving the bubble.

A dark-furred kitsune arrives shortly afterward in his combat attire. Having heard the request for aid and potential for rewards, Zen decides this might be a good chance to test his skills. Still, for someone who looks ready to take a hit, there aren't any obvious weapons affixed to his person.

He glances around to the others who have gathered here before him. There he sees a tall Saber-Tooth soldier who looks rather decked out... much more than he is in any case. His eyes wander over the armor to reveal the typical RSX insignia. He also glances over to the Hell Hound, recognizing it as Ebreus. He looks at the massive weapon on his back witha nod. "Ebreus, good to see you again. You certainly look a bit more decked out than the last time I saw you." He then looks between the Sabertooth and the Fennec with a casual wave. "Hey there, I'm Zen. RSX Operative, technically... But I main just hunt.. They haven't given me tasking in some time."

Taking note of the various people already clustering around the jeep, some close enough to touch, a tauric shadow vixen wearing dark armor fades into view already sitting in the back of the jeep totally relaxed.. "Busy with all these salvage operations, aren't you Magnus? Good afternoon." She nods at Kadir, Zen, Ebreus, and the final approaching member of their group. "Since we're apparently doing introductions, " she says, nodding at Kadir, "Cerl, stealth and security expert, scout, and" She pats her crossbow. "Sniper as needed."

A khaki skinned black haired sea angel just jogs in from inside the bubble with an MAS-36 bolt-action rifle slung onto her back and a pouch of bullets for it in clips at her side. Sensuen also wears a sharpened, sheathed spade at her side. Sensuen looks to where the rest of the people are standing, awaiting orders and offers her own services with. "Hello there. I'm Sensuen, mainly a sniper, trapper and survivalist."

"At ease, soldier." Magnus laughs and moves over to give the other a light shoulder-punch. "You're not here to run laps or be barked at by some commander worth half the material costs of their medals." Once Ebreus makes his entrance and does a formal introduction too, the fennec rolls his eyes and flicks his mane from one side of his muzzle to the other. "Jeep, seats, intended to have your butts occupying them." he'd do a jest-introduction as he opens the doors to the vehicle, and moves over to the front of the car.

Popping the bonnet, the fennec would check the state of the engine, muttering something about this 'hunk of junk always leaking oil at the worst of times', before closing the bonnet again and wiping his paws on a rag he'd pull out of his pocket. Once more folks arrive, he'd give Sensuen a greeting nod and a wink, much the same to Zen, a hearty "Heya fella." Once Cerl speaks up, he casts her a cold glance, but answers... "I call these contributions to my walle-I mean to society." He'd stick his tongue out at her.

Climbing onto the roof of the car, Magnus would clear his throat and start to speak... an impressive speech perhaps? An inspiring monologue? A mission briefing? "RIGHT! You know why we're here. We're gonna drive off about five or so clicks Eastward, find some smelly armed bandits, end a couple of lives and grab the stolen loot. I mean c'mon, let's just have fun with this. Try not to get shot though, I hear it's bad for your health." he'd wink, then grab the upper rim of the open jeep window, and turn the ignition. The engine sput-sput-sput-put-put-pu-pu-pu-putters, then roars to life like a beast, roused from its nap. "TIME TO GO, LADS! GET IN!"

Kadir quickly and efficiently hops in to the Jeep, double checking his rifles, crossbow, ammo pouches, and miscellaneous gear. "Just because I don't need to salute, doesn't mean I don't like doing it." He says with a smile. "Any chance we'd get to interogate any of them? I love it when I get to do interogations." He gives a deep, hearty laugh and waves to the other occupants of the jeep before turning on his regulation nanomagic, prepared for the trip out of the bubble.

Ebreus smiles as he hears Zen arrive and can't help but snicker when he Cerl reveals herself to have, apparently, hitched a ride to the meeting place with Magnus without being detected. Leaving his shotty to hang by its strap for a moment as he cracks his knuckles, "Lookin' like we've got just about all the relevant skill sets covered... so long as nobody slips and gives us a wanting for a Phoenix." he says. The large 'hound climbs into the back of the jeep and says, "So, how was the ride out here? Or did you sneak in after it parked?" to their Shadow Vixen stealth expert.

Sensuen nods to Magnus and climbs in the jeep, she's cleaned and serviced her rifle on the way here. Sensuen elaborates with, "Heh. I guess I was quite busy with salvage missions a few weeks before this. Still, I can understand that these bandits are a problem." before asking, "What do we stand to gain by removing these bandits?" and wondering why she doesn't get out more.

Zen nods and looks around at the others who have gathered, giving a nod to those he hadn't noticed before. "Right, don't want someone to snatch the loot before we do... or have it moved out before we even show." He doesn't waste any time in jumping into the bed of the jeep, leaving the more comfortable seats for the others.

"Well, I'm sure I might make a decent infiltrator... but it looks like someone might give me a run for my money." Zen says with a glance to the other dark-furred fox-taur. "Anyway, the rest of you look to be packing some pretty heavy weaponry. Planning to just riddle their hideout with lead?" He looks back to the Fennec and asks, "So, what kind of information do we have on the theives? What kind of armaments are they packing? Any advanced-tech security, or are they just using some beaten down structure? Do they have any particular attire or insignias that will give them away?

"Nope, flew in. Road is too rough to want to ride out here, it'll be bad enough out of the bubble." Cerl laughs softly. "Nope, flew in after Magnus parked, and slipped into the jeep before anyone started showing up." She moves around to give Ebreus and Zen more room in the back. "Surprised one of you aren't claiming one of the seats...though I guess one of you would have to ride back here with me regardless." She turns her head to look over at Magnus. "When one can pad their wallet at the same time as contributing to society, all the better. And if such a contribution to society is just a small thing while the contribution to my coffers is much bigger? Well, all the better for me." She snickers, and sticks her tongue out back at Magnus.

Sensuen nods to Magnus and climbs in the jeep, she's cleaned and serviced her rifle on the way here. Sensuen elaborates with, "Heh. I guess I was quite busy with salvage missions a few weeks before this. Still, I can understand that these bandits are a problem." before asking, "What do we stand to gain by removing these bandits?" and wondering why she doesn't get out more.

"No music this time! Last time Zephyr swiped my sound system, claiming it came with the car I rented. Effing A." Magnus huffs as he adjusts the mirrors. Upon hearing Kadir's question, he shrugs deeply and casts him an odd look. "Do I look like a soothsayer to you? If you wanna interrogate one of them, grab one up and break their bones one at a time for all I care. If it means we get our haul, that's where my concerns end." he'd wave it off, then perk an ear towards Sensuen. "From what I hear, industrial autoassembly machinery, for the most part. S'why I got this thing here. Gonna be a hefty load, and this old girl can carry upwards of three thousand kilos!"

With everyone in the car, he'd press the gas pedal, and with a loud roar of the engine, they'd be off. The trires screech and raise a large dust cloud behind them, the road ahead looking inviting, in a way... Hearing Zen's question earlier, the fox shouts over the sounds of the engine to answer. "Whaddya think? Kinetic weapons, clubs, knives, the standard fare for highwaymen and wasteland thugs! If it's anything else, well... we roll back empty-handed and tell big Z to send in the supreme league of hoity toity professionals. I ain't being paid enough to bother with anything else, and neither are you!" To reply to Sensuen, he'd shrug deeply. "You find anything worth taking off of their flea-bitten bodies, have it. Wasteland rules, finders keepers." he'd wave dismissively and lean back in his seat, before casting Cerl a glance. "Everyone has their priorities, eh?"

The trip was relatively short, given their usual excursions would last for the better span of several hours, a mere half-dozen miles beyond the bubble's edge prove... well, easily handled. Within a half hour, Magnus would honk the horn to draw the other's attention. "Right! We're nearing the encampment. Those filthy thieving rats have their base set up..." the jeep would come to a sudden halt, the tires digging into the ground as he grounds them to a standstill right before a tall and very steep cliff leading upwards to a plateau some hundred or so feet above them. "...up there." Looks like they'd need to find a way up~

Kadir spends the trip in silence, making sure his regulation nanomagic stays up so he doesn't have to worry. But when they reach a tall cliff to climb at the end of their journey, he starts worrying. "I can't climb." He growls, marginally frustrated that all of his fun is on the other side of such as trial. "Can anyone lift upwards of 370 pounds? Or have a way I can fly?"

Ebreus shakes his head as Kadir comments on wanting to interrogate them, "If they're the same band that tried to rob one of our groups a while ago and burnt down a farmhouse, farming family and all, then interrogation will be a euphemism for what we'd need to do to get information... as for what we're getting from it? Well this band stole stuff from us and are likely terrorizing the countryside. They couldn't do either in the future if they're six feet under." Ebreus shakes his head as Magnus says they're not being paid enough for the bandit group, "If they're the same group from a while ago I've got a score to settle... if they've got heavy industrial machinery then they've got a path for moving it and likely somethin' big and powerful to move it for 'em.... big, powerful, and valuable." he says with a grin.

As the truck comes to a stop and the horn blows Ebreus looks over the cabin of the truck out toward where their encampment should be as Kadir asks, "Don't think flying will be needed. Heavy gear and bandits... my money is on a truck path and large truck. Don't see a mechanical crane for them to be using instead."

Having arrived at the destination, Zen looks up at the cliff and huffs. "Well, I guess this'll make things fun. Looks like we will be getting a lot of exercise hauling everything back down this cliff." He looks around to see if there are any more managable approaches. "Well, I guess we can always clear out the camp and hopefully find some way do drive this thing up there." He adds with a few taps on the jeep.

Hearing the concern about scaling the cliff he adds, "Maybe one of us could take a rope up with them and anchor it down for the rest of us? Maybe do so discreetly, we don't know what is at the top of the cliff from down here." He gives Ebreus a nod, "Thats right, there would certainly have to be another path, but it might also be true that it is one they are monitoring. If we find the compound, we can probably follow the tracks away to see their normal route."

"Like Ebreus said, they've got to have some way of hauling their loot up to their camp easily. I seriously doubt they block and tackle the loot up the cliff face. While I might be able to fly up if we were in the bubble, there's no way I can climb up there." Cerl starts looking around, trying to spot any alternate paths up. "I would assume that Magnus stopped HERE so that the bandits don't hear us coming, and that the way up is going to be further down the road." Hopping out of the jeep, she starts trotting down the road while examining the cliff face and road ahead for any way to ascend to the top of the cliffs easily.

"All I got is the location as told by the scouts, folks." Magnus would climb out of the jeep, then open the trunk to reveal a grapple shot and several lengths of rope, among other utilities that may prove useful, such as a winch, some bandages, a large water bottle full of water, and one full of spare fuel, a spare tire and some basic mechanic's utilities, the rest too deep down to see. "I am guessing there IS a path that they could have legged, but here's the thing..." he'd pick up the grapple shot and twirl it between his fingers. "Bad idea to mosey our exposed asses over the same road that they were able to topple a caravan onto. I ain't risking landmines, and those are very much possible." His finger rises and shoots towards Zen. "Someone gets it." Handing he grapple shot to Kadir, the fennec would smirk and wink. "Alright mister RSX Marksman. You know what to do. Alternatively, if you lot want to take the path that would leave you wide open and easy to see from a mile away, go right ahead! Personally I'd rather not risk being shot at."

Sensuen looks to Kadir and says, "Don't worry, I couldn't climb up a yacht without the ladder a few years ago." then considers Ebreus's assessment of the situation. So they drove into the wrong end of this camp basically, at least they're safe down here for the time being so they should be able to plan without being overheard or spotted, so long as they keep their voices down. Sensuen ends up nodding to Cerl in agreement then turns more generally to ask the group as a whole "So where to approach from? I'm mostly already camoflagued already."

"All I got is the location as told by the scouts, folks." Magnus would climb out of the jeep, then open the trunk to reveal a grapple shot and several lengths of rope, among other utilities that may prove useful, such as a winch, some bandages, a large water bottle full of water, and one full of spare fuel, a spare tire and some basic mechanic's utilities, the rest too deep down to see. "I am guessing there IS a path that they could have legged, but here's the thing..." he'd pick up the grapple shot and twirl it between his fingers. "Bad idea to mosey our exposed asses over the same road that they were able to topple a caravan onto. I ain't risking landmines, and those are very much possible." His finger rises and shoots towards Zen. "Someone gets it." Handing he grapple shot to Kadir, the fennec would smirk and wink. "Alright mister RSX Marksman. You know what to do. Alternatively, if you lot want to take the path that would leave you wide open and easy to see from a mile away, go right ahead! Personally I'd rather not risk being shot at."

Kadir takes the grapple and rope that is tossed to him and measures the distance in his head for the throw, winding up. With a heave the grapple hooks the top of the cliff face and Kadir makes his way up the rope, doing a lot better climbing than he expected. He stays quiet as he accends, focusing on not messing up.

Ebreus nods lightly as Zen and Magnus comment about the danger of the enemies monitoring &/or mining the rout up to their base, "Yeah... Cerl might be able to make the path up without too much trouble but the rest of us would have some trouble... course the climbing rout also has problems." He hops out of the back of the jeep, "We'd likely need to haul Cerl up... and possibly myself as well as neither of us are much for rock climbing." he explains. Taking a few steps closer to the cliff he says, "A bit too big for a bubble to reach from bottom to top... unless Kadir made it halfway up." he says. Reaching the cliff he leans back against it and says, "Once you're up there I'll start climbin'. Don't want to move or strain the rope with someone else on it... If someone brought a filiment kit we'd just about have the range to fly if they burnt it." he comments as he takes the rope and slowly tries to find footholds.

Zen nods, "Yeah, we could probably manage more if we could catch them by surprise. I doubt anyone would actively be monitoring an approach like this." As Magnus digs out a grapple shot, he smirks and says, "That'll do the trick, having a nice rope to climb will make things tremendously easier." His tails filt behind him as he watches Kadir line up the throw, hoping for his own sake that the grapple-end anchors well. "Right, I'll be adding some pitons along the way to create different anchor points. Don't want to have everything hanging on a single point of failure." He says as he starts his accent too, carefully securing the rope to aid those who follow after. "As far as a 'plan of attack'... I think we should try for a stealth approach. Maybe have a team try to get on the inside while another is prepared to support from a secured position."

"Climbing. Ugh. Taurs don't climb." Cerl stares at the rope while everyone else climbs up, then sighs. Grabbing onto the rope, she leans her full weight into it to ensure it'll hold against her nearly 3/4 ton of weight before slowly trying to haul herself up the cliff. After several long, torturous minutes she finally manages haul her heavy taur body up to the top, where she rolls off to the side breathing heavy. "I almost think I should have tried their main route and just made sure they couldn't see me. That climb. Ugh."

Sensuen nods to Magnus, landmines or IEDs or snipers firing on them in open ground, if they don't crawl through the scrub using it as concealment, nor have wholly appropriate camoflague, and even then landmines, snakes, scorpions could all be waiting. The cliff is the safest route, and now that even Sensuen can climb up via a rope shot up there that she hopes the bandits didn't hear the grapple hitting some part of their structure that it now seems to cling to quite securely. Sensuen offers. "I'm nearly 190 or so pounds with gear on so I might be one of the lighter ones if you don't want to stress the rope. If not we could always throw more grapples up there. Or I could go up and secure more grapples if you want."