Club Kaleidoscop Grand Opening - RPLOG

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Angus cocks an eyebrow at Anbessa, giving them a smile. "Well, I do seem to have a reputation and all it seems." He murmurs, listening in on the numbers, tapping his claws on the bar counter as he waves to everyone with his free hand. Smiling to everyone before he turns back to the bar. "Now, Anbessa. What do you want to drink?"

Dio takes a close look at Jian, trying to put together some memories. So familiar.... "Jian you say?" He questions, taking the wolf's hand and grasping it within his strong grip and giving it a few solid shakes. "It certainly does sound familiar, but I'm afraid I've been out of the loop for quite awhile now. Although I will admit, you do remind me of a certain husky I've had times with." Releasing his hand, the lion chuckles and rubs the back of his neck. "And I hope you haven't heard any bad things, now!" Within his suit-pocket, a faint buzzing is heard, soon revealed to be his communicator once slid out. Reading the message upon it, he raises an eyebrow and slips it back from which it came.

Zar is a little absorbed in soaking in the atmosphere when suddenly her brain snaps to reality and it occurs to her that the number on her raffle ticket thing came up! Oh boy, already! She turns 'round and all but frolicks up to the stage, beaming a wide grin at Rea. "Meee, that's my number!" she mewls out, waving her arms as she strides up.

Loveblade looks around the bar for more people she might know, and can't find them. Her gleaming black Anaconda body slowly moves forward after she gets her drink, one hand holding the glass and the other the straw to sip with her head a bit down and looking up over her long lashes, a third hand on her belt getting her cherry chapstick and the fourth on her hip as she glides up to Anbessa and Angus, catching their eyes and smiling in welcome "Hey guys, is this place great or what?"

Jian shakes her head. "Good things! I have heard that you are the best negotiator ever! And... I don't know why I remind you of huskies! I'm not a husky. My mother is, sometimes! I don't know. You know Edel, maybe? She's the one that told me you were good with words, so I am assuming you do."

Hasuko giggles and offers her hand to Zar to finish leading her up on the stage and take her over to Rea. Winking a bit at Rea and leaving Zar standing beside the wild haired girl. Moving to literally ruffle Rea's hair right there infront of everyone.

Rea smiles at the lion woman. "Nice to meet you, I'm Rea, and I have to say you're lovely, go ahead and take the mic, introduce yourself to those, and go ahead feel free to state what you're looking for, make sure they know what they're buying be it a good time or a friend for a bit." She laughs "Going of your number they might have, like, a tottally biased idea of whats in store for them tho." She moves the mic, allowing the other woman to speak into it, her eyes amused as she quiets down to let them speak.

Anbessa laughs lightly, him shaking his head for a moment as he watches Angus. "How about just a straight Slo gin?" He asks, chuckling afterwords as he watches Zar go up onto the stage, and also watches Jian for a curious moment. Though as he hears Loveblade, he looks towards her and shrugs, nodding his head. "Place doesn't look too bad. Though I am mainly curious about what is going on... Well, on stage." Anbessa says, him turning his attention towards Zar quietly to watch what is about to happen, him chuckling at Hasuko's teasing.

Hearing the mention of Edel, the gears click in Dio's head. "Ah!" He exclaims, laughing slightly under his breath. "I'm sorry I couldn't remember. You're the daughter of Lady Edel, are you not? She's mentioned your name here and there. You know, I hear she's gotten a brand new tea house out in the forest. I do hope business is doing well?" As the winner heads up to claim her 'prize', Dio squints his eyes. She seemed quite familiar as well! Bringing a hand to his chin, he rubs for a few moments until he finally remembers. "The receptionist," he mutters under his breath.

Angus nods a bit, picks up two Slo gin's, handing one off to Anbessa. "So, how are you liking the place so far?" He asks, turning back to watch the crowd as he smirks, yawning a bit himself as he looks around.

Jian smiles and bobs her head. "Yes! I am her second eldest daughter. The tea house business is pretty good, yes, for such an out of the way place. I am the cook! You would certainly be welcome if you would like to stop by sometime. She speaks highly of you."

Zar nods to Rea, smiling and snickering a bit at her joke. "Thank you! Alright, can do... Er.. Wait, did you say 'what they're buying'?" Before the tiger can get an answer, though, she notices the eyes on her and nearly swallows her heart. She wastes no extra time in stepping up to the microphone and carefully speaking into it. "I'm, uh..." She leans back, clears her throat and leans back in, eyes shut tight. "M-my name is Zar, annnd ummm..." She can feel herself sweat a bit but does her best to regain her composture, opening her eyes and peering at the crowd. "I like... Uhh... I'm..." Oh jeez oh jeez didn't someone mention something about dancing? Yeah, sure, why not. "I'm good at d-daaanciiing? B-bellydancing..." Her feet tap together a bit, and a blush comes over her face. "Among... other things..." Oh, dear, that's probably suggestive... Either way, she calms her thoughts and pipes down, pursing her lips in a sheepish smile.

Loveblade smiles and leaves Anbessa and Angus to get reaquainted, making her way over to the big Lion Beast she saw earlier. She's seen him at the Zephyr office often and she could swear they've talked once or twice about things, but never spent time with him or most of the people here. Might as well break the ice! Coming up she stops and waits a moment, then...stops as the mike is tapped, standing right beside the big Lion, warm and sweet, she watches the stage as Zar speaks.

Anbessa picks up his drink as Angus hands it to him, the talakai letting out a light 'wuff' in thanks before he looks back towards the stage, him smiling towards Zar's performance. Stagefright. Still a deadly disease that passes on from before P-day. Ahh. He does try to give Zar a bit of encouragement as he lets out a wolf whistle, him smiling afterwords before he returns his attention to Angus. "Looks pretty good here, to be honest." Anbessa says, watching Loveblade pass by for a moment, giving her side a tickle with his fluffy tail as she passes near him before he chuckles, returning his attention forward, taking a sip from his Slo gin, which makes him quicklet let out a happy sigh. Sweet flavor is what he can mainly taste... Too bad the alchohol gets filtered out for him.

Rea smiles and takes the mic back. "Thats great Zar, you were like, tottaly done and everything right?" She smiles at the tigress "So who's gonna buy the lady here? You heard her, she's here to dance! I'll even throw in one of the cages for whoever purchases this fine tottaly FINE woman." She winks at Zar before leaning over "You did great, sorry to put you on the spot, you seemed like, tottaly surprised, oh and another thing!" Turning back to the audience she flashes a grin "This might be something that doesn't need stated but, any one who tries to force anything gets to spend an hour in a booth with Brutus." She points to a large skunk beast bouncer who grins back and winks. "He's been kinda antsy lately, besides turn about is like, tottally fair play right?" She smiles sweetly, though her eyes are hard as steel as she talks, her stance on it rather firm.

Hasuko facepalms behind Rea and leans over to whisper in her ear. "Good god I thought you were joking about that." Shaking her head a bit while rea talks to the crowd. Tring to keep from bursting into giggles.

"She does, does she? I'm quite honored. Please send lady Edel my highest regards." Dio once again dips into a deep bow, only coming up seconds later. "I will certainly have to visit quite soon. Things have been awfully slow these days, but I'm enjoying my time relaxing and such." Seeing someone new approach him, Dio turns his focus towards the snake. "Why hello there, ma'am. How ar-" The microphone taps cease his speech, muzzle turned towards the disturbance. He couldn't help but feel bad for her predicament. Perhaps he could find a way to help her. "I shall," Dio proclaims with his booming voice, raising his hand in the air.

Zar quiets herself and peers over at Rea. She was still not entirely certain... at all... what was going on, but she stuck to her mantra of sorts: Nod and smile. She murmurs under her breath, "The hell is all this 'buyin' stuff about, meooow...?" Poor clueless Zar.

Jian glances towards the stage, blinking before she smiles to Loveblade. "Hello there! And I will send them for you, yes, Dio. I am glad to hear that you are taking it easy, though! Relaxing is good."

Angus smiles at Anbessa, nodding. "Yep, rather nice place?" He sticks his tongue out at the Talakai, finishing off his drink rather quickly. As Brutus is announced he smiles, giving the skunk beast a wave! "Make sure to make em squirm Brutus!" He teases! Whistling at Zar as she speaks.

Rea smiles as she answer Zar "It's just a fun way to get to meet people, or hang out with people you know, the creds go to you, or to your drink tab if you have one." She pats Zar's shoulder in a friendly manner "Ok, shall we say starting at one thousand credits? I'm sure this lady is worth a good bit more for a night but I like, tottaly don't know how many of you got your creds ready! Remember this goes mostly to the one you "buy" for the moment, or to settle any tab they have open. So, I'm sure I heard a go ahead from the lion in the suit, can anyone top it? Show the lady what she's really worth, come on now!"

Hasuko smiles softly at Zar, "We won't let them force you into anything you don't want dearie." Curling an arm around rea's waist from behind while she baits the crowd giving them a bit more to look at as the redhead hugs the announcer a bit.

Loveblade looks back and smiles "Hi! I've seen you around" turning toward Jian as Dio adresses the stage and raising her voice as the noise rises "I've seen you around, and wanted to meet you! My name's Love," holding out one of her hands and you notice her face is human and her four arms are well toned, her sari riding high on her bosom as she blushes excitedly at the energy from the room, and sports a definite six-pack. "I haven't been to a club in, well, forever!"

Anbessa flicks the underside of Angus' tounge with his finger as the 'yote sticks his tounge at him, him smirking as he wags his tail. "Rather." He responds, chuckling afterwords before he looks towards Dio, him chuckling playfully as he hears the starting of the auction. Man oh man, he hasn't been in one in a long tiiiime! So, Anbessa does the sensible thing. "Two thousand." Anbessa shouts, raising a paw for a moment until he spots Rea's confirmation, him wiggling his tail behind him as he smirks in Dio's direction, sipping his Slo Gin as he looks towards the lion.

Rea smiles and nods "Got a two thousand from the talakai there! Can we get two thousand five hundred? Wait, Brutus! Fine, fine, two thousand five hundred from Brutus!" She leans over to Zar "Don't worry, he's a softy, probably just thinks your cute." Putting back on her announcer smile, grinning wide "Can we get three? Anyone? Come on now, this lovely lady is worth more then three even, this is a steal, let me see those bids!"

"It certainly is, my lady," Dio responds, nodding his head. When Loveblade begins speaking, the lion turns his muzzle and delivers a warm and gentle smile. "Quite! I'm often around the Zephyr building doing various tasks, or simply eating in the cafeteria when no one's around to assist me in cooking. I'm not too great in that department I'm afraid," he chuckles, grabbing Love's hand softly and raising it to his lips for a short kiss. "It's wonderful to meet you, my lady." But it would seem pleasentries would be cut short! Another bid leaves Dio rubbing at his chin. If anything, he could at least raise the price a little. "Eight thousand," he says, raising his hand for attention.

Rea blinks "I have an eight! Anyone else? This lovely lady is worth at least ten! Come on everyone!" She leans over to Zar again "You're good at dancing right? Show off, prove how much you're worth, trust me, confidence boost is amazing, you're worth it, show em!" She grins and winks going back to trying to get more bids from the crowd after that bit of advice.

Jian gives a little bow to Loveblade. "I am Jian! It is a pleasure to meet you miss! At least... I don't think we've met before?" Introduction done, she falls quiet and turns her attention towards the stage.

Oh that cheeky little... Anbessa cannot help but chuckle as his own bid is shot down by Brutus, and then Dio by a landslide with a reraise! The Talakai can hardly help but give Dio a bit of a competitive gaze, him waving to Loveblade as he does so before he looks back up to the stage. "Sure, ten thousand!" Anbessa shouts, smiling widely with a playful mirth filling him as a small bit of nostalgia pokes at his head. But enough of that! A dance is on the line!

Loveblade smiles and looks down at Dio, blushing a bit at the gallant feline, her long tail coming up to make a couch behind her so she can rest supported by her body, room for at least 5 more sitting and more laying, but coiling tight to avoid tripping "Charmed, Mr. Dio, I'm sure" she says at the interruption and turns back to Jian as he goes back to his heated haggle "I think I could definitely come to enjoy it here. But did I hear correctly, you have a cafe outside of town? That sounds wonderful, and chic." taking a sip of her drink and padding her rest silk-scaled rest with feathered wings, smiling slyly at the commerce taking place, wondering what is next on the order, and looking forward to seeing the results! "

Angus blinks as Anbessa bets ten thousand, hip bumping him a bit as he squints. "Now, that's a lot of cred." He teases, smirking a little as he buys another drink, sipping slowly at a glass of Vodka as he watches the crowd, making sure that no one decides to get carried away.

Zar blushes up brightly once it all finally dawns on her. They're betting on /her/. She didn't win jack! Although... "The credits go to meee? ... Well it isn't SO bad." She claps her hands together a bit and giggles, practically bouncing in place for a moment before she remembers she's in front of a crowd, then going still with embarrassment. Still smiling, though! What a model Zephyr employee. "... The BOUNCER is betting on me?!" At Rea's reccommendation, she shakes her paws briefly. "O-oh no no no I couldn't. Not without the music or the clothes or- or... Well, I guess these would /barely/ suffice, but..." She scratches at the back of her head and mewls quietly.

Hasuko giggles a bit and pat's Zar's shoulder lightly, "Well the clothes would need a change but music, that we can do." Waving over toward the DJ to get the music turned up a bit to try and stroke more bids for the girl. "Better?" Still up on the stage with Zar and Rea.