Automated Multiplayer Updates/2019 October
[Update] Nuku says, "Intimidation removed from daunting flames."
[Update] Nuku says, "Discrepencies between what you saw and what you got while cooking resolved."
[Update] Nuku says, "Breastfilled now possible with kitchen crew of 1+"
[Update] Nuku says, "Having chef, major will unlock low level kitchen crew unlocks of statuses. Having chef, master, will unlock advanced statuses in a similar fashion."
[Update] Nuku says, "The tippy top of kitchen crew unlocks, well, you need kitchen crew, sorry."
[Update] Spiffy Code Wizzard Inutt says, "Horny breeders rejoice - a new breeding machine mako toy has been made available in the elite supplies store for 10 mako! The Automama allows you to signal your availability to be bred anytime, any place, by anyone, without needing to ask your permission first! ...well almost anyway. It only applies while you are offline, see +help automama for permissions details."
[Update] Nuku says, "Front row debug removed."