Unlikely Arrangement - RPLOG

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Sunday July 28, 2019=Log=

T'was the late afternoon on a Sunday of all things. The laziest of days for some, though for one fennec fox it'd be a day like any other. The week meant nothing to him, it was just a buncha names to give the days. He had no schedule and his work came whenever he saw fit. Today however, he'd be mixing pleasure with duty as one of the two present blokes, representing a group less known for their crime and more for their efforts in keeping Fairhaven's shadier spots under wraps.

The setting was fairly luxurious, floors washed and the air warm, soft melodies originating from the piano in the corner, where one small fennec girl was expertly showing off her skill on the keys. The bar was wide open, Jade ever-present with that familiar smile on her goo-girl face. There was a sign there that read "Free drinks today, courtesy of the hosts." And Magnus? He would be on one of the leather couches, where he'd be conversing with a german shepherd male about something indistinguishable.

Every so often, a canine in a black suit would wander through the room, and one was ever-present at the bar, holding a shot glass in his right hand, but not really using it all that much. The atmosphere was light, and at the door would be a husky girl with a charismatic smile and a lot of class, welcoming the guests and anticipating the arrival of the local law enforcement. She'd know them by the uniform, and cordially invite them to take a seat on the couch opposite Carter and Magnus.

The paperwork could wait. Someone wanting a bit of time with law enforcement and to discuss how to keep Fairhaven safer? That was much more important, important enough for her to give all but two officers the day off, the two remaining behind to record important calls, call her if something major happened, and to keep an eye on the lock up and evidence storage. Landing just outside, wings fluttering seemingly wildly to keep her heavy body airborn, CPT Sasha Arnswroth carefully wobbles and waddles her way into The Red Court, audibly sloshing from her plug state. "Good early evening, I hope I'm not late." She says, voice barked, carrying an air of authority. In her typical uniform, unfortunately unable to have the lower buttons done up, letting her extremely massive pregnant dome wobble about, Sasha carried with her her side arm, and judging by the under shirt and coverings of that belly, still in her body armor.

Carter leans back in his seat with a subtle creak of the leather beneath him, the sheppy idly resting his paws behind his head as he rests in the couch, eyes closing for the moment as he waits. Business was business, and a job was a job. He wears his usual gear, including an old button-up park ranger shirt. Letting out a growly sigh, he abandons his prior relaxing posture to instead snatch his now-sweating glass of whiskey on the rocks and deliver it to his lips for a sip, soon adopting a much more relaxed position atop the couch. He shares a few more words with the fennec just out of earshot, eyes turning towards the door to watch for their expected guests. Aaand there's the first of 'em.

That bark falls on some massive ears, and Magnus would place two fingers in his muzzle, whistling sharply to draw the officer's attention. He'd wave her over, and return his attention to Carter to continue his conversation. Should they be listened-in on, this is what would be heard: "So anyway, the panda turns around and says, "I BEARELY KNOW HER!"" Ah, a pun. The perfect way to start things. It was so bad that even Magnus looked embarassed. The fox raises his own shot glass and offers a toast to his companion. "Anyway, here's to the future right?"

Stepping into the hall the large Hellhound would survey the current situation, taking in the atmosphere but keeping a watchful eye on the hosts. Ebreus wasn't about to let something like this just happen... at least not without him there to observe and if necessary intervene. Hellhounds not being particularly inconspicuous there was little doubt he'd be seen, and by his own estimation likely recognized, he'd head to the bar... trying to look natural might help him not hold unwanted attention.

Lucas was curious to say the least about the invitation, and as Sasha's second in command he saw it as important to join this meeting of officers and people. Looking heavily pregnant, Lucas entered into the room behind Sasha. He scanned the room then gave an eyeroll and a nod. "Yes Lap, we do know him, no need to get all excited," he said quietly, with an exasperated sigh. He walked over to the bar and ordered himself, and Sasha, a drink, non-alcoholic, naturally, they were on duty.

Carter might as well have had all of his energy sapped by that terrible, unBEARable joke, but he endures it as best he can. He reluctantly lifts his glass up to give the Fennec's own a soft *clink* of a toast before knocking back the remaining contents of his whiskey. Setting the glass of ice cubes down on the arm of the couch. Resting one paw atop his knee, the Sheppy leans forwards in his seat and watches the people filter in. His expression remains rather neutral, though his ears fold down atop his head.

Lilia Lilia hadn't usually attended bars before. However, since joining the police force, she's learned that if she wants to meet new people and rise up in the ranks, going to bars, drinking, and fucking the other officers would have to become second nature. She orders a margarita and sits down next to Carter. "Nice to meet you, I'm Lilia. I'm new to the force!" she says in her usual bubbly attitude. Her bunny ears flicking up to be half bent and she sits on the edge of her seat.

Sasha takes the glass from Lucas, sipping from the juice cocktail as she drums upon her belly, still standing there, not entirely sure where she should sit or whom exactly she should talk to first. For a bit, just keeping a wary eye around, her wings flutting behind her. "Thank you Sergent, and thank you for being here. I assume the two still at the department were doing alright when you left, yes?" She asks, raising her brow, then, looking over to Magnus, her ears catching the whistle and he wave, "Hello, oh, Magnus, I remember you, you were at the training event my department held a while back. How have you been?" She asks, turning to the side to offer her hand.