A Visit with Our Grandmother - RPLOG

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Late in the night, or, well, evening at least, the Ixchel Temple is once again full of activity. Within a ritual is started, one to widen the gate between the planes a bit more to allow more than just the strings that connected a dedicate to their powers. Lots of smells from herbal to floral fill the area around the altar as those called return once more, this time with the intention to see the Eternal Midwife herself.

Ebreus returns to the temple after his last time he arrives as he normally is, a large fluffy Margay Taur in cofterable attire for his form. Upon reaching the temple he does his best to make use of the time he has had for research and greets the faithful with his best imitation of what the Mayans considered polite before entering and heading to the room the ritual is taking place in.

Astara plods slowly back into the temple, in no rush; she's leaking milk and all other sorts of unmentionable fluids, but that's just normal for her! Her pregnancy was starting to encumber her once more, but she was still mobile. For now.

Fenris arrived early in the evening, excited to meet a god. He had met one or two already and was excited to add another to his bingo card. The tubby tanuki has divested himself of his usual weapons and is wearing only a loose, saffron colored robe, like a tibetan monks, only tied at the waist with a thick rope. Other than that, he wears nothing but a contented smile as he sits on the floor in the altar room. He even let some of the nice temple people paint him up for the occasion. Something about occult energies or something. For niw he relaxes and meditates, enjoying the scents that float through the air.

Responding to the call to return to the temple, Selyra makes the trek back to it, glad to get another chance to complete hir obligation. Dressed in hir white armor once again, the collie disarms just as shi had before, making hir way into the open temple to watch people move around hastily. Shi makes a point to stay out of the way, knowing shi'll get hir chance before too long. Spotting Astara, shi shoots the taur a wave and smile.

Firecracker flies through the temple on tiny pink wings as she looks around at all the shiny things to be seen! She too, is wearing the most comfortable attire for her form, her birthday suit! As she flits from one thing to the next, she only stops for fractions of a second to greet whoever she may be flying by with a cheery, "Hiya! I'm Firecracker! What's your name?" Once she is answered, she immediately darts off to the next shiny! During her explorations, she begins to wiggle her little hindlegs together in the air absent-mindedly.

Returning to temple, now with balls meant more for walking, Blanche slowly and carefully trots to the Ixchel temple and into the altar. Her pregnant belly sways under her chubby vulpine form as she looks around and sniffs in the scents. Once there she looks around to see everyone gathering about. "Hello, come to investigate the temple too?"

Nekura came along with her daughter to the temple though it was quite some time later than she expected. Not that it matters a whole lot when you've got the whole 'live for a long time' thing going on. Meanwhile the Nightmares wander towards the opening where the scents come from though it might be a little odd seeing the entirely female Ebony next to her herm mother. "Are you sure about this?" asks the filly. "Of course! The worst that can really happen is both of us going home pregnant this time!" snickrs the taller mare. This makes her daughter facepalm.

Renaria would return, much similarly to how she was the previous time, but now sporting a small pudge of a baby bump on her bared midriff. Her blue scales bulge slightly, but otherwise nicely cover her up as she attends the temple. She nods to the guards as she enters the temple happily, her drones not accompanying her this time, and her ray is retracted into her pack. She seems to come in a lot less worrisome manner. She nods happily as she enters the altar room, offers her thanks, and continues to the ritual room. She is still nervous about the happenings in the temple recently, but reassured that her goddess only has good intent.

Anbessa follows after Selyra as his paws rest behind his head, the bun wiggling his tail excitedly behind him as he glances around the walkway as they enter. It has been far too long since he has been in this place, and it felt... Homely, to him. The dedication probably is what is making it that way to him, but it was great to be here again. Walking alongside Selyra, he smiles to the collie as he squeaks to her. "So, what happened last time you were here?" The bunny asks, having not been here for the last part of the ritual. He wanted to be up to speed on things. Though as they go, he looks and notices the others coming in... His ears raise as he notices Renaria out of the others, waving a paw to her with a wide smile on his face before continuing after Selyra with his tail flickering behind him.

With the arrival of the guests, it wouldn't be much longer! As more and more the room seems to glow, the chanting becoming distant, the smells weaker. Bright... then dark, slowly one world fading out and another fading in, or so it felt. The air becoming hotter and hotter, the feeling of a bright sun upon fur, skin, feather, and scale. A rough feeling below as the world fades back in! Standing in what seemed to be the middle of a grassy field, with large stone buildings surrounding around the area! Many persons, humans, walking about, most females seeming in various stages of pregnancy, males looking ready to fight to keep what they have here, or ready to assist in 'making more warriors'. One stands before everyone, "Ixchel has summoned you, this way." She says, cradling her middle as she waddles.

Ebreus, quite surprized by the change in scenery, looks around before looking to the sky and estimating it to be about the middle of the day he then absentmindedly says "European timezone..." before looking over to the woman who has requested that he follow her then back to his friends and decides to oblige staying close to Fenris.

Renaria would wave back to the bunny that fathered her new child happily and warmly. She follows the gravid guide, smiling happy at her maternal bulge, and the many others around. She wonders what Ixchel has gathered her champions for now. She looks happily ahead to meet her goddess!

Fenris cracks an eye, brought out of his meditation by the sudden change in scenery and the invitation. The tanuki grins and springs lightly to his feet, despite his size. He looks around intently at this new place. "That was a lot less jarring than traveling to Tanuki's realm," he says to Erbeus, "This your first time in another world?" He wanders along, following the guide and scratching at the strange purple marks giggling temple maidens had painted on him earlier. With all the soft, pleasant grass, he can't help but turn a cartwheel. . . then he remembers that he is supposed to be putting his best foot forward. So obviously, he turns his little cartwheel into an impressive tumbling run of flips and twists. Not bad for a fatty!

"Oooooo!" Firecracker exclaims with wonder as the area shifts and changes around her, landing her in an old-timey village in the middle of the day. "Neat!" Watching the tanuki doing all sorts of tumbles and flips, she follows suit in the air beside him with her own aerial display of acrobatics, even as she is hit with another wave of heat and some strange scent in the air. "Weeee!"