Reviving Midwifery - RPLOG

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Up upon the mountains, quite a distance from the cities, some strange going ons were a foot, or perhaps a paw or a talon. Humans, normal looking humans, except for their garb and masks, or what one might assume is a mask, carrying spears and strange looking clubs with glass slits in them walk around the mud pyramid, seemingly on guard. A light rain ensures wet skin, fur, and feathers for those venturing outside without protection from the elements, though the humans which stand watch and patrol the area seem to either not notice or not care.

Responding to the call for assistance, despite holding no obligations to any of the factions, a collie in a light white armored suit makes hir way towards the temple. Shi has a sniper rifle held on by a strap, and a few gadgets around hir waist. Deciding these people don't know who shi is or why shi's present, shi stops a ways off from them and holds hir arms up. "Hello, I've come to talk, if you'll spare the time." shi calls to them, attempting to show that shi comes in peace.

It wasn't often Lila left the Saloon for a mission, but this one was different, she knew the location, knew what was there. Ixchel, a being she had dedicated herself to and whom had given her many bountiful children. If there was something wrong there, she would do everything in her power to help ensure the situation was resolved. Granted, she was currently naked, and being a feral mutant in heat, even bare skinned the kemonomini oxen was, it may prove a poor choice, but she felt it was her duty to Ixchel, and even her children, to help. She was slow, heavy breasts sloshing, milk dripping from her teats as water poured down on her, sincerely regretting not wearing clothes as she came to the group of humans standing at the perimeter.

A rather girthy fox-taur keeps a short distance from the collie. The rain has her fur wet and exposed sensitive flesh makes her twitch or yelp as cold drops of rain hits it. She pouts to herself at her predicament and lack of foresight with the weather, but a little rain isn't going to keep her down. The marbled fox's hind legs shift constantly in an attempt to keep her balls from scraping the ground under her. Almost missing the sight of Lila, Blanche huffs from her scent. Despite herself, she finds her libido held down by the unrelenting cold rain. As the collie introduces herself, she keeps an eye on the robed humans.

Fenris trots happily up the mountain path at a steady jog, firm, round belly bouncing ahead of him and gear jingling merrily. The burly tanuki is rather ridiculously wearing a plaid shirt, unbuttoned nearly to the waist tucked into a heavy gun belt with a myriad of pouches on it, a white stetson that does a passable job of keeping off the rain, and absolutely nothing below the waist. Being a tanuki has its own set of challenges. Trousers being one of them.

"Hello!" he says cheerily, "Am I in time for the excitement?" He looks over at the temple. "Hey! Mayan temple guards! That IS exciting!" He waves a pudgy paw toward the prowling guards.

Renaria the dragoness approaches the temple in her full combat gear consisting of a small exoskeleton and strangely-thin grey armor on her arms, and legs, baring her midriff and leaving her chest open, which may be considered poor armor design. Attached to her back coming from her bag over her right shoulder is her 'Heavy' Beam, which is not particularly overbearing or even big for something sounding so hulking. A pair of drones follow her with silent rotors as she approaches the temple where she dedicated herself to the Ixchel Jaguar. She was worried however, as these strange humans did not seem like any other cultists she knew about, what little she did know about the other worshippers dedicated to her goddess of fertility. The rain that is there does not phase her, her sapphire scales providing natural protection from the drizzle in areas her armor did not cover, the cold seeming to be limited in its effect beyond making her considerable chest a bit hard. She was not the stealthiest, and though larger than the average human, her size was not monstrous enough to expose her in the thick brush around the temple. Seeing the collie and Tanuki boldly approach the strange people, Renaria would wait to see how they were received before showing herself.

Renaria is actually just standing at the edge of the brush in plain view watching the front of the temple (hope this addendum is okay)

Trecking through the rain and underbrush Ebreus is off the trail navigating by a memorized map and landmarks. He isn't bothered by the wet, cold, conditions covered by his Dermal Denticals (aka Shark Skin) most weather conditions don't bother him. His large testicals cutting through the underbrush as he goes. Wearing nothing but a Targeting Visor and carrying his Sword in one hand and Axe in the other he makes his way toward the temple the Prometheans asked him to investigate. Seeing agents near his destination he decides to apporach and see if he might colaborate with them. "Hello. Seems I am not the only one drawn to investigate the occurances here. We likely stand to benefit from colaboration. How 'bout it?" He says to Fenris and Renaria

Astara certainly didn't look out of the place as the half-human half-foxtaur herm waddled in from the outside after several of her family members. She's absolutely, unequivocably pregnant: her tauric underbelly was distended enough to be mere inches above the ground, and even her normal human-positioned belly was gravid! Though, that one was significantly less so than the one below. She isn't donned in any sort of coat or clothing, so the rain just makes her pale, tattooed skin glisten, and wets her fur down. It also manages to help wash away all the mess her body is leaking in copious ammounts be it milk, pussyjuice, or precum!

"Hey, wait up for me!" The foxtaur calls out, hardly seeming happy with this weather, or the fact that she's the least speedy of them all. She even had even had a head start, and still was last to arrive several minutes after Selyra and Blanche, even a whole minute after the unfamiliar Ebreus... when there, she walks up behind Selly and Blanche. "What's..." she pauses to take a deep breath - she's clearly out of breath. "...what's going on?"

Looking over the strange assembly of persons, the guards at frist cross spears over the entrance as they contemplate. For a while they speak in a language that was lost to time ages upon ages ago. After a while one asks, "What brings you mortals here? And why do you approch armed?" For a while many of them look upon the group, seemingly with hostility. A recognition flashes across eyes though as they glare, though the spears stay crossed, "Weapons are not to be brought into these hallowed halls any longer, save for the guardians. The dedicated are always welcome." A glance to Fenris and to Ebreus though, then a quick look upon Astara as she works her way up! Spears are uncrossed and a shout given to the inside, "Prepare the sweethouse chambers, someone bring a cart, immediately!" Within, there is a short bustle of activity! "Pardon, I did not know you were escorting one so laided with the warriors of tomorrow, please, set weapons aside and enter."