Oil Queen - RPLOG

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A com call crackles in to three individual com links, two of the messages is for Zypher members Dio and Kilsa. "Alright we have reports of a distress call from the Library. Check it out and report back any problem." A seperate message is scent to Noire, "Hey one of our supply Caravans went dark near the library please check it out as soon as possible. Most of the supplies are medical and we would need them as soon as possible please repel any hostile threats." Kilsa nods after checking her bearing and starts to head to the library. "On my way." She starts to run.

A rather large lion beast lounges in the Zypher lobby. Rather relaxed, a brief snore escapes his muzzle as an indication of the feline's fading consciousness. Suddenly, Dio jumps in the air in surprise as a deafening message blasts through his com unit. "Something wrong at the library, hmm? Very well..." he murmurs under his breath. The lion stands at attention from his comfy location, smooths out his rather fancy clothes, and makes his way towards the library with a rather neutral expression.

Elsewhere in Fairhaven, a chimeric woman sits on the edge of a roof, wings folded up neatly behind her as she tinkers with her drone. The noon sun reflects off of her armor and helmet, as well as most of her metallic skin. When she accidentally directs the glare into her eye for the fourth time in a row with her arm, she makes a mental note to find something to dull the sheen a bit later. She diligently returns to work, but just as she does, a radio message assaults her ear, almost causing her to drop the drone entirely. Well. Almost in that it really does make her drop it. She ensures that the ensuing stream of obscenities are not broadcast over the radio before flying down to retrieve the remains of her drone, then quickly takes off in the direction of the library, sincerely hoping that it will be worth it.

Its doesn't take long before the group notices a few skunk girls dressed in military garb laying in neat rows as a Fox boy with a lab coat looks them over carefully. "Not good Not good!" The Fox begins tending to the greatest of the wounded as most of the skunks have the RSX uniform, "Why weren't they innoculated like the rest?" The fox complains as Kilsa is the first to arrive and looks around while whistling, "Wow. What did this?" The fox jumps and starts running away towards the library. "You won't get me!!" He screams Kilsa smacks herself on the forehead.

As Dio casually strides towards his obligation, he observes the bleak image that is the modern times. With large fuzzy paws safely tucked away in his pockets, the feline begins to lose himself in thought. It's hard for him to believe that this city and the country's laws was something he once protected and upheld with honor. Finally reaching the supposedly distressed area, Dio takes a position next to Kilsa. The feline would love to make an introduction to the supposed fellow agent, but it would seem that would have to wait. "Hmmm..." Dio says under his breath, taking in the intriguing scene. A fuzzy paw comes up to his chin as he tries to analyze just what was happening. He watches the fox with a curious gaze and proclaims, "Get? Why would we need to get you?"

Noire sets down off to the side, affording Kilsa and Dio an acknowledging, if confused, glance before turning her attention to the other RSX operative. Looking the most human of those gathered and her face having at least been painted to look like skin, she holds her hands up in a gesture of non-aggression, trying to stop him before he manages to slip away into the library. "Hey, wait! What's going on, what happened here?" She quickly looks over the infected soldiers on the ground with a concerned expression, then looks back at the scientist. "I'm with RSX, there was a call about a supply caravan in this area...?" She gives Dio and Kilsa another look, mouthing "do you know...?" at them.

The fox's running is cut short when out of blue a oily mass strikes the fox with the force of a semi truck. "Grrrrrr....." The creature is a skunk beast with a strange skin mutation, standing over the fox. "No no no no!!" The fox scream as he is covered in black goo and is slowly become a skunk girl. The beast smiles with its dripping face as it tosses the now skunk to the side and look as the group, "GRRRR..." IT charges at the three quickly before launching a spray of black liquid.

As Kilsa delievers her strike to the beast the creature falls to the ground and reaches out at Dio firing a nastly black liquid at the group Kilsa and Noire dodge with practiced ease while a nasty batch hits Dio and flows into his skin turning him into a full skunk before Kilsa kick the beast in the head putting it out for a while. "You ok?" She asked to the fellow agent before sniffing him carefully.

Paws still dug in his pockets, Dio shrugs at the troubled fox. The sound of a new arrival perks the lion's ears, causing him to rotate his torso towards Noire. An eyebrow raises in curiosity as he observes the Valkyrie. "Did you say you're from RSX? That's a strange coincidence." Dio pauses, not noticing the commotion taking place and says, "Can't say I'm sure I know what's going on here. Regardless my nam-" Introduction cut short, the lion snaps back to witness a strange mass convert the troubled fox boy. The paws fly out of his pockets as they take attempt a defensive stance. Unfortunately, the lion was caught off guard. The mysterious liquid nails his torso and knocks him to the ground before spreading throughout his body. He grunts in pain as his former lion form is quickly replaced by that of a skunk. With the changes finally complete, Dio props himself up on his hands and rubs his head. "Yeah, I think I'm okay..." He takes a short pause to breath and continues, "Just what the hell was that?"

The brief but decisive fight has Noire a little out-of breath, her stun lance still crackling with electricity. It's not enough to keep her from jumping out of the way of that black gunk like it were pure acid, though. "Shit!" She shakes her head and tries to calm herself down. She touches back down on the ground and puts her weapon away. "Just /what/ was that supposed to be? Do skunk beasts normally... drip like that?" A glance at Dio reminds her of the further issue, and she quickly runs over. "Are you hurt? I've got a medkit." She tries to bite back the distaste on her face, the prospect of being turned into a skunk an unpleasant one indeed, let alone by such disgusting means. But she recognizes a friend, and isn't about to not help him because of something like that.

The former fox in the labcoat is wheezing on the ground before a convo full of skunkgirls drive up and load him up in the truck. The are armed to the teeth and one of the them is sitting on top of a mounted gun. "Hey. Your the help we requested? Its a shame we couldn't any quicker assistance for those RSX guys." She pointed a finger at the laid out skunk girls in military gear. "This fox is ours so we will take him we will send another convoy to atleast get those gals to Zphyer since we don't have a chopper ourselves." The skunk girl smiles, "I'm Lisa. I'm the one who send the call out. Luckly you only came across this one, we been repeling these things in groups of five or six at a time. Can I have you come with me so we can stop this before it more than just our problem?" She says while opening the back of the truck to allow the group to get in. Kilsa smiles and nods, "Alright Lisa, I'm not used to be called to a mission rather than just looking for request. This must be big." She grins ferally.

The new skunk cranes his head upwards to meet Noire's eyes. "I think I'm fine. Thank you for the offer though, ma'am." With a bit of a wobble, Dio gets back on his feet by pushing himself up with his hands. He pats his clothing free of any dirt and smooths out the creases. He gives a satisfied tuck on the jacket and scans his view across the scene. "Thanks for the help, I could've been in much more danger if you guys hadn't saved me. I'll try not to get caught off guard again." Dio bows in his new smaller form and says, "Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Dio. It would seem that we'll be comrades for the time being." Suddenly, a rather large convoy appears on the scene, capturing Dio's interest. He makes his way towards the new skunk with his hands in his pockets once more and says, "Lisa, was it? It seems you know a lot about this situation." Taking a seat on the truck, he proclaims, "I hope you have an explanation for what's going on." In his seat, Dio leans back and crosses his legs.

Looking a little ruffled by the development, Noire just nods and follows along. Even without breathing, the skunk smell is hard to ignore. Deciding discretion is the better part of valor, she valiantly refrains from saying anything about it. "I can't say I'm in any position to know how commonplace things like this are, but if it's getting worse, then I agree that it needs to stop sooner rather than later." She folds her wings behind her, and her hands in her lap, scanning her eyes over the rest of those present. "Should we stock up on tomato juice before we go any further?"

A quick nods from Lisa to Dio before she begins speaking, "We've been for the most part well maintained against threats to our little slice of heaven." She chuckled grimly, "Then about a week ago we got attacked by a latex fox filled with black liquid. The creatures seems to be coming from fairhaven chemical. We don't think it a feral since they black liquid creature only target the library but what is worse is that dozens of liqiud creatures will follow up the attack with mass kidnapping which is why we need to get out of here and get a convo back there as soo as possible." Lisa glares at Noire, "Listen, I don't find you funny. I didn't ask to be a giant skunk but you are asking for me to show you how much spray I can give off in a tightly packed truck." She growl as they arrived at the library and dropped off the injured former fox. "Now I can drive you to the Chemical plant myself or you can walk and take out any foes that might be heading for that poor group of RSX agents."

Keeping an eye on Lisa, Dio listens intently to her explanation. He leans forward and slams a fist into his open palm. "Fairhaven Chemical, eh? Thank you for the explanation, ma'am. I hope there aren't any more side effects of the liquid besides being transformed." Getting up from his seat to stand and look back at the Valkerye. Using his hands to make a "come here" gesture, Dio says with an increased enthusiasm, "It was just a little joke to ease the tension. Now if you don't mind, I'd love to get started. This was just a job at first, but now I have quite the personal investment." The skunk's former carefree gaze replaces itself with a determined fire, eager to get back at what transformed him.

Noire holds up her hands in a somewhat apolagetic gesture. "Yeah. Sorry. I didn't mean anything personally about it." So much for valiantly managing to not say anything about it. She looks reluctant to stand up and make herself even more conspicuous (as if all her paint didn't accomplish that well enough on its own), but in the interest of cooperation she obliges him... Hir. "I'm here to help, and that's what I intend to do. I can fly if I have to but I'd rather go with you." She glances at Kilsa and Dio, nodding in confirmation. "Though, we should probably sit back down before we start moving."

The frowning Lisa sighs, "Sorry I'm just a little touchy about being a skunk, I get cock hungry when a skunk beast shows up, I'm considered bottom tier infected. Why couldn't I have got lucky and atleast been a Skunk beast." She growls as she begins driving, Kilsa smirks to herself, "Because the library would kick you out. Now please drive us there so that we can do some good and stop your complaining." She says curtly as the they are driven outside of the Chemical plant. "Here we are be very careful." She says before a growling is heard, "Out OUT!" She dives out the car before three large hyena run out infront of the vehicle and another standing behind it. "Grrr." Three of them begin attacking the vehical. The one from behind is armed with a rocket launcher and is currently preparing to fire.

The skunk sits back down in his seat as the conversations continue on. Listening to Kilsa, he couldn't help but let out a little chuckle at her bluntness. Dio props his skunky head up with a paw and looks towards her. "I like your personality, ma'am. I think we'll get along just fine." Giving a relieved sigh, the skunk sinks into his seat as the truck finally begins to move. While normally he would take this opportunity for a fine cat nap, Dio is much more determined to get back at whatever hit him. He looks on edge and alert, ready for anything at anytime. Immediately after hearing the loud shouts from the other skunk, Dio springs from his seat and dives out the back of the truck and picks himself up. Ready for a fight, he brings up his fists and growls.

Noire spent the rest of the trip in silence, looking over her designs on her hands idly. She's almost lost in thought when they arrive, but she has a hard time ignoring the noise when they're suddenly attacked. She spreads her wings and takes off, stun lance at the ready. She notices the rocketeer skunk and tries to swoop down on it, the back of her mind screaming at her about charging anything bearing an exlposives launcher.

Lisa withdraws a firearm from her hips while rising and fires wildy at the Hyena with a rocket launcher. "No you don't." One of the bullets catches him in the eye and drop him before he has a chance to fire. "Alright I'll leave everything up to you guys." She climbs back in the vehicle, she drives the car over the dead creature and drives back to the library leaving the group. Kilsa growls, "How courageous, I'm sure she is a hero amoung skunks. Come on lets deal with these weaklings."

The hyena's go down hard as the bigger ones scurry off, the smallest and weakest of the group whimpers while holding hir broken leg as hir friends leave hir. A closer looks show a small collar around his neck, "No!" He tries to crawl away from the group as Kilsa calmly walks up while gasping from the fight and stomps on hir back pinning him to the grown. "You just spoke...." She stats calmly, "And the dead one just used a weapon, you aren't ferals are you?" the Herm just whimpers harder and stuggles more..

Obviously not very happy about being attacked twice, Dio stomps his way towards the weakened foe. He glares at the hyena and growls viciously. Looking towards Kilsa with a fiery gaze, he loudly proclaims, "I'll restrain this one if you don't mind." Putting his days of law enforcement to use, Dio slams himself on the hyena's back and pulls up his right arm, putting him in a traditional restraint hold used by police when necessary. In show of intimidation, he pulls on the arm some more, making sure to cause pain but not enough to pull the shoulder out of the socket. Curiously, he looks at the collar and determines that there is definitely someone higher up calling the shots. With another growl, Dio says, "What the hell was that for? Who told you to attack us? Are you guarding something?"