Picking Sides - Tea Party in the Rain - RPLOG

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In what would best be described as old asian workmans' clothes, a trio of Tanuki walk along the streets south of Zephyr. With wide brim hats, the light rain and soft wind of the cloudy early evening don't seem to bother them in the slightest. Two males and one female, they seem to be discussing among themselves too quietly to really be heard, though one of them gives a great belly shaking laugh after a few moments. Looking about after, he asks the others something, though the language is unrecognisable!

As soon as she is clear of the lobby and out into the streets of Fairhaven, Rihko's form shifts and shrinks, until she is once more in her more normal kitsune shape. She gives a little tug on her bright red leather jacket to make sure it is settled in place properly, and then she sets a quick pace for the rendevouz site she was given. Sure enough, she spots the trio of Tanuki, and she smiles and calls out a "Hello!" in greeting as she raises her hand and approaches.

The first to show up is a very small hyena, no taller than 4 feet, dressed in workman's clothes. She adjusts her toolbelt as she steps up just after Rihko from the direction of Zephyr, her conductor's hat protecting at least some of her black hair from the rain. "Figured since I don't do much, I ought to help some fellas out." she says to them, hoping that they can understand something other than whatever their language is.

Fenris comes trotting down the road, round belly bouncing before him, though it does not seem to slow him at all. He is overjoyed to finally hear from his otherworldly brethren again, it has been far too long! He thinks fondly back to his brief experience with Lord Tanuki. He wears a bamboo hat of his own and futs right in as he joins the others. "Welcome, Brothers and Sister!" he says, bowing low and smiling happily, an ornate spear bobbing over his shoulder. He is a little sorry he missed the joke!

Trotting the on all fours, though wearing some basic armor, a coyote emerges from an alley near where Fenris stops. He sniffs the air, and recognizing at least one familiar scent, starts towards Rihko. "What's going on here?"

Foxjogging on up all foxily, armed and foxlike... Is Thelergramor. Thelergrafox! He peers around at the people, nods, all happy with the rain. Just keeps glancing between all the other people... Remains quiet for now, standing next to Reddbuddy.

Wandering down the street, Hajime appears to be talking to another entity -- Smith, to be exact. Pointing to a book she's carrying, which appears to be covered in dark red leather, her voice becomes within hearing range to whomever happens to be nearby. "--And that's why biotechnology is related to things like yeast," she says, not seeming to immediately notice the others.

It's hard to say when she got here, but she very clearly did at some point. Dressed up in her typical regal black and gold Chinese robe, Edel offers a wave towards the other tanuki before reaching up to adjust her oversized leaf of a hat. "Always nice to meet more visitors," she says, shuffling to a stop next to Rihko.

The wolf beast walking alongside the Fennec, Hajime, wears a Zephyr jumpsuit, and Zephyr combat armor, FERAL on the back, yellow on dark blue, reminiscent of the collapsed FBI's vests. "Fennec Hajime, that's confusing. What about babies? They're bio-techno-logical, too, right? Cuz the little Nanites are techie and the babies are bio logic-whatsits..." He trails off, looking ahead at the group gathered. "Oh, hi! I am Smith!" He says simply, his voice growl-ish, matching his wolfish appearance. Though, really, he always sounds like that. Standing at 7 feet and muscled, he's a bit imposing, but his loping gait and hunched appearance make him... appear 6 feet, give or take? He's almost comical, standing beside the tiny fennec.

The tanuki give a look to Rihko as the kitsune comes up, but then, two more tanuki join them. Though not true tanuki, it is easy to sense their connection. "Great greetings mortals of the realm. Pleasent weather today." Says the most rotund of them, looking about to those that walk up, "Would you all care to accompany us to our destination?" He asks, the pair behind him nodding along, female giving, "It would be most welcome company." But the smaller male asking, "Wait, did not you, and you..." pointing out Edel and Rihko, "Help Eight Tails?" he asks, though the bigggest gives a wave of his hand, "Come, we can walk and talk well enough." Starting off toward the east, the others joining in walking behind, girl giving a wave for everyone to follow.

Thelergramor perks up at the mention of Eight Tails. "I was there too! Helped." The foxnods, recalls that he asked her to have dinner with him. Glances around, follows after them, acknowledging his friends with nods.

Fenris happily joins the other tanuki. "It is an honor!" he says, "Where is it we are going?" The round tanuki produces a little packet of cookies from a pocket in his long coat and starts passing them around.

"Who, or what, I suppose, is Eight Tails?" The coyote inquires with a glance towards not only the odd Tanukis, but Rihko, Edel and Thelergramor as well. "I've never heard of anything called that." He does follow behind them though.

Surprised to be one of the first, Jaqui looks around to everyone else that starts to show up, but tries to focus mostly on the tanuki. "Yeah, I heard about that. So what if there are kitsune here? What if not ALL kitsune are enemies of Tanukis?" she asks the large male, following along nonetheless, eager to get on with it and deliver them to their destination. "Hey, aren't you guys all powerful and stuff? Can't you get more tanukis here and just go yourselves? Kinda just seems weird you're getting a bunch of us 'mortals' to help you... not... mortals."

Smith blinks, wondering what he just walked into. "Hrm... Hajiiiime..." he whines softly, scooping her up and holding her close, like one would a teddy bear for security, as he follows hesitantly, for better or for worse. "I have bad vibes 'bout this, Fennec..." He sighs, his head tucked low, hunching a bit more, staying towards the back and side of the group...

"I did, yes," Edel says, smiling. "I am kind. Even to our... Rivals," she says with a nod. "It goes a long way to show a bit of politeness. I would not be much of a tanuki priestess if I were to treat them poorly just because they happen to be kitsune."

Rihko smiles at Edel, and gives Redd a small nod. "I was told that we had visiting dignitaries, Redd," she explains, gesturing at the tanukis, "and so I came to make sure nothing untoward happened." The kitsune's tails flick and she gives the visitors a reassuring smile. "I am simply a guardian of the peace, honored guests, here to ensure your travels are safe and smooth," she offers, bowing her head and falling in with the group.

Thelergramor just keeps moving... "Redd, the Eight Tails they mean was this one Kitsune with a name that was... nature sounds. No real words in the name. Helpd 'em clear a building for some reason. I offered her dinner and wasn't given a a definite 'no.'" Glances around again, smiling... Peers at the Fennec and Smith... Shrugs.

Hajime sighs quietly as she's picked up, squirming her arms free so that she can properly hold her book. "Smith... You're seven feet tall and can throw trucks around if you /really needed too. You have nothing to be scared of, am I right?" she offers, coming along with him for better or for worse. Hajime also visibly blushes, embarrassed about how she's being held in front of all these strangers, even more so that 90% of them aren't feral.

Fenris is glad to see Edel here and gives her a friendly wave. "Isn't this great?" he calls out, "I hope that they all stay for a while!" He looks to the three tanuki. "You will stay a while, won't you? Edel makes the best plum wine!"

Smith whimpers softly. "I don't like throwing stuff... poor doors..." He sighs and picks up speed, the middle of the right side, and then towards the front right side, then near the familiar Thel, still muttering about bad vibes. "Trust the vibes... trust the vibes..." His eyes constantly dart around, his nose constantly twitching as he sniffs the air, cradling Hajime protectively.

A look back to everyone, the female tanuki gives, before answering Redd, "Eight Tails is the kitsune put in charge of their works here in your realm. Appointed by Nine Tails." She says, the smaller male looks to Jaqui, "Yes, we could call more of our brothers and sisters to help, but the trip home is long, hard, and tiring. Those of us who are here, it would be best if we stayed until our work was done." He says, the largest giving another laugh, "Relax friends, all should go well." He comments before looking about. Latex foxes, huskies, skunks, all going about doing thier business, until a newer agent comes running out of a run down building, flailing! Shi seems safe once the ferals get a look at the more experienced agents, but the half latex fox, half skunk girl herm struggles with clothes that are hard to tell if they were ripped in the fight, or if they grew to a point that the clothing could no longer contain them... as the agent radios for a pick up, the largest asks, "What of them, and I see we have one alike among us, those who seem to be lost in thier mind, or addled. Some of us have been fighting them, learning of them, but what say you friends of these mortals, and why are you different?"

"Eight Tails," Rihko echoes, nodding at Redd. Then she opens her mouth and makes a sound, like the rustling of leaves in an autumn breeze and a drop of water in a still pond, using a little bit of illusion magic to get it just right. She winks at the Coyote, and then her attention turns to the fleeing agent; she watches for a moment before she answers. "Self control. Choices," she states, tone flat.

Fenris's frown is interrupted briefly as he contemplates the question. "I am not sure what you mean," he confesses, "The Ferals, which is what we call them, are slaves to their passions. Like any mortals or immortals we are differentiated from these animals by our choices and, as Rhiko says, self control."

Thelergramor peers around, watching the agent call for help... Thinks he should help... "Well, if you want to know why we're different, probably because we're not a bunch of mindless rape monsters?" He shrugs at hearing there was kitsune with nine tails and now can't remember which one he was trying to seduce! Bah, it was one of them. Probably the 9 tailed one. Just lets that sit in his mind for a moment. "Oh, and SUCK units. They help with the control bit." Sniffs at the air, glances about.

Upon Rihko's sounds and such: "Yeah, that was the name! I think." Yup, the 8 tailed one.

Edel falls quiet, turning her eyes to the fleeing agent. She heaves a little sigh and shrugs. "I certainly can't speak for the others. I am 'different' because I choose to be, I suppose." That said, she lapses back into silence, linking her arms at the sleeves as her tail sways back and forth.

Smith blinks at the Tanuki. "The ferals? I'm just like them." He isn't wearing combat armor with "FERAL" on it for show. "I just get lots of tests.... needles hurt, but Dr. Rittz says..." He trails off, realizing that he's rambling, and looks at the latex fox/skunk herm curiously. "Poor lady... I hope she gets a good doctor..." He starts petting the Fennec worryingly, whispering about vibes... "No fighting..... I dun' like fighting..." Mumblemumblemumble... and this is with the wolf beast /taking/ his inoculations today. They must be starting to wear thin.

Jaqui scratches her head a bit as she hears the answer to her questions, not quite understanding. "Wait... what? Other dimensions are... long and far away? I don't... wow, nevermind, I'll take bliss over understanding how that works." she says in an exasperated tone, but then notices the agent comes out of the building flailing, seemingly half transformed. Instincts kick in, and the hyena is immediately heading towards hir. "Hang on, help is on the way!" she calls towards the herm in trouble, pulling a hunting knife from her belt, a clear liquid dripping from the blade... and it isn't rainwater. No matter the distance the agent is from the group, Jaqui reports to hir side, ready to fend off any other ferals dumb enough to strike now. "Are you hurt?" she asks urgently.

"I wouldn't know, but I heard it's because they failed to adapt to their changes, and regressed. Only hearsay though, but I've seen it enough places to believe them." Redd's response is basically the same as the others, but a bit more upbeat. "Sometimes they get better, other times they don't."

Hajime states naught but one line, "Ferals are people too, but different," before sighing quietly and gently petting Smith on the head, trying to calm him down. "C'mon, Smith... You don't want to be seen as a scardy wolf, do you?" After saying those words, she glances across to the tanuki group -- and everyone else for that matter -- saying nothing. Instead, she writes down something in that book of hers, which seems to be physically incapable of leaving her possession. That's a joke, of course, but she still brings it with her everywhere she goes.

Listening to Rihko, the largest Tanuki looks impressed a moment, "I'm shocked a mortal could pronouce that correctly. May haps you could try my own name." Opening his mouth, a sound like the crackle of a fire burning through leaves and pinecones is heard, ending with a low rumble, not unlike an earthquake or land slide. However, listening to each person's answer on the question, the smaller male nods, "Did not adapt, or where over whelmed, sounds as if you don't know all of it yourselves." He says, looking over to Hajime, "Oh, and what are you writting down there?" He asks. Though the female gives a sharp yell! "Look, it seems Five Tails and Two Tails are coming to welcome us..." Though her tone is heavy with sarcasm.

Jackie coming over to help out the agent, shi nods, "I'm... I'm fine, first... first mission run... they could have prepared me more... Zephyr... but they said pick up will be here in a few minutes... t.. thank you.. umm.. do you have some.. water.. or.. or could you take care of that for me?" Shi asks, pointing to hir raging four inch cock and small balls under it, exposed to the world through hir ripped out pants. The ferals keep their distance.

Fenris gives it a shot, tapping into his own tanuki nature and a touch of illusion nano-magic. A crackle of fire through leaves and pinecones and a rumbling of an earthquake. "Like that?" he asks, hoping very much for the approval of his otherworldy brothers. He looks up to watch for approaching kitsune, though he cant imagine what they might want. "Where is it we are going?" he asks.

Thelergramor just kind of sits and waits... Smiling, as he tends to do. A brief movement of his head drops his binocular-goggles over his eyes. Peers at the approaching Kitsunes. Flips them back atop his head. "Yep."

Jaqui widens her eyes at the sight of that smallish shaft, suddenly getting a bit uneasy. "Errr, sorry... I'm spoken for." she replies, sheathing her knife and producing a small bottle of water for the agent. "You'll have to take care of that yourself, but here's this." she says, handing over the bottle and using that paw to scratch at the back of her head nervously, before whispering in the skunk's ear.

Hajime looks up from her writing, her gaze fixing her gaze on the smaller tanuki, seemingly a bit caught off-guard on being responded too. "E-erm... I'm afraid what I'm writing is for my own eyes only. I... Value privacy," she says, her own words backed up by the fact that she book she's writing in has a built-in lock. It is most likely that she has the key somewhere on her person. Hajime also seems to be making an effort not to look directly at the latex fox / skunk chimera, being the slight prude she is.

Smith looks at Jackie's... problem, and looks around. "Er... I used my last pill for that the other day, Dr. Rittz hasn't given me a refill yet..." He looks around again, peering at the largest Tanuki, Tryin to copy him but falling woefully short, and simply sounding like a low crackling sort of growl, before shaking his head. "Thinking wolfie, thinking wolfie... no fire... wolves..." He shakes his head, hunching, now appearing about 5 feet tall. "I shouldn't be changing, it messes with my shots... sidewise effects, Dr. Rittz says..." He looks ahead of the tanuki, sniffing and peering around. "Vibes..."

Rihko gives the Tanuki a small smile. "I would not be much of a kitsune if I did not have at least one trick up my sleeve," she offers, then digs into her bag for a bottle of water. She projects an aura of calm towards the rookie agent, and offers the water.

"Kitsunes? What're kitsunes, hell, what're actual tanuki doing here?" The coyote gives a sideways glance at Thelergramor, "If you haven't had that dinner yet, I could probably make some good pulled pork barbecue at the warehouse..."

Edel chuckles softly and rolls her shoulders for a moment, watching the proceedings before listening to the 'name' presented. She doesn't attempt to pronounce it, but she toes take note of it for later. "This should be an interesting little trip, certainly. Always interesting around our visitors from other places."

Thelergramor shrugs and turns to Redd. "It was a few weks or months ago, the proposal, but sure, if she says 'yes.'" His response given, he turns back to the direction from which Kitsunes be approaching.

The agent gives a nod to Jaqui, looking down to hir hard cock, the knot of it pulsing there. "Thanks, you know, I don't know why some people have a problem with this. Yeah, the thing is annoying there, but I'm not feeling like I have to thrust it into something." Shi comments sipping from the water, watching the kitsune slowly approching. The five tailed one looks particularly to Thelergramor, "Eight tails said she wanted to see you again, little fox, but we have other business. We cannot let these tanuki pass, we can't let them take claim of the lands east of here." He says, the female two tails nodding along with. The largest tanuki looks impressed to Fenris, though frowns at what the five tailed one has to say, "And by what right did you claim the land north? What right have you to impeed our mission?" He asks, looking about the agents accompanying him. The agent nods again to Jaqui, "I.. I think I might do that.." Shi says to the whisper. Hearing Redd's question though, the five tailed one answers, "We are here to assist in your realm, and to learn of it." Though the tanuki collectively laugh, "And we are sure that is all, that is all indeed!" Being denied access to the book though, the male looks back to the rest of the group, then over to Smith for a moment. Finally, his eyes settle on the kitsune pair.

Hajime perks up slightly at the mentions of kitsunes approaching; she had recently made friends with a kitsune dedicate, so her opinions of them as a whole were quite high. The names were also rather peculiar to her, both the tanuki's and the kitsunes'; this prompts her to resume scribing away, almost ferociously.

Edel frowns at that and tips the brim of her hat up. "Well. I, a tanuki, did help the kitsune group to their place. I think it would paint a rather poor image of you if you were to impede us, in return! Besides. It's already rather too late," she says with a shrug. "I mean, even IF you are able to deny them land -here-... I can always offer them a place at my tea house in the forest just east of here."

Smith blinks, scritching Hajime's head worryingly again. "Uhm... no fighting... the kitsunes have a factory, it's only fair that the Tanuki get one too, right? Please? No fighting, I can't... can't fight... my..." He trails over, then picks up again. "The kitsunes are to the north, thataways, why can't Tanuki have a place in the opposite direction?"

Jaqui chuckles and pats the agent on the back, nodding. "Good, you do that... and that. What's your name?" she asks, head tilted briefly. "I'm Jaqui, your local Promethean mechanic. Well, less local now." she introduces herself, but, while still listening to the agent, looks over towards the kitsune. "Hey, you guys already got one place. It's only fair that the tanukis get a place too, right? All you gotta do is back off and sit this one out. Maybe go grab another place somewhere else so you have 2 buildings. Or go to Woodfield, the tanukis aren't setting up over there!" she calls out to the supernatural vixen.

Fenris only smiles at the kitsune. "Why should we fight?" he asks pleasantly, "Please come along and let us talk!" The round tanuki fumbles about in his pockets. "I am sure I have enough cookie packets to share," he says, "and it is not much, but I did find several boxes of tea packets!" He holds up three boxes of what seem to be Celestial Seasonings(tm) tea bags.

Thelergramor grins at the kitsunes. "Glorious. Tell her whenever she wants to see me, I'm not hard to find. And rarely busy..." Though he does fall silent at the negotiations; is singularly useless for those. His vulpine gaze just roams over everyone... Stops to lick at a forelimb, still enjoying the rain...

The coyote edges closer to the newcomers, sniffing curiously at the kitsunes. "Why the animosity between you and the tanuki?" The coyote glances up at the kitsunes, expecting an answer.

Rihko coughs once, looking over at Jaqui and the agent. "If you are going to play, do it somewhere private. We're not animals," she points out. Then she turns a smile on the kitsunes, and bows her head. "Why do you object?" she asks, tone curious.

The agent looks to Rihko, "She already said she wasn't going to help me." She humphs out, looking over to Jaqui, "Thanks again though." However, pick up is soon there, and escorting hir away... a few blocks away though a long loud moan is heard from the 'girl' and the pick up agents have to restrain hir!

The kitsune look to Smith and over to Fenris, Edel, all around the agents, "No fighting is needed at all, even more so if the tanuki would be so kind as to turn right around and head back for the shrine." Says the five tailed one. The female tanuki steps forward, "We have every right to advance our cause as you do!" She says, getting a lock from the largest one. Though as Redd walks up, the kitsune take a few steps back, "Careful now, we have our reasons, the tanuki cannot be allowed a foothold here, if they do, it will almost assuredly lead to disaster." Says the five tailed one. "It isn't about use having more, it is about preventing catastraphy!" He says, "Catastraphy!?" Answers the smaller tanuki, though says little after.

Thelergramor just kind of huffs at the argument. "Right... So, you both have something extremely important going on. Why do the tanuki need to be over here, specifically? I mean, it's a big hellhole of a city."

Smith's ears perk up. "The vibes, trust the vibes..." He speaks up. "Cat-tas-fi-tree are we talking...?" Mumblemumblemumble, cats taking over the world, mumblemumble. He whispers to Hajime, looking at the kitsunes. Then perks up. "OH NO, NOT DOOM!" He whimpers, looking around. "What'll happen, f-f-five tails? Why can't they have that factory?"

Fenris frowns sadly and pockets his tea bags. "We deserve a place just as much as you do!" he says, lumping himself in with he rest of the Tanuki and stepping up to join them, "I am sure you are welcome to come along, but why stop us!? What kind of threat do you think such civilized beings could pose?" He has not quite drawn his spear, but he looks like he might if the kitsune decide to fight.

After the rescued agent is picked up, the hyena turns back towards the conflict between kitsune and tanuki, folding her arms under her bust. "What you think is catastrophe could be something good to others. Just what in the hell are you talking about? Before you get all high and superior, you gotta let us in. If you can't give us three good reasons we should believe you, we're gonna have to whoop some foxy ass today." she says, brows furrowing. "As far as I know, these tanukis are chill, but kistunes like you always got some trick. You could just be lying."

Edel folds her arms, not seemingly entirely impressed. "That's not a very good reason. I'm afraid I'll need specifics if you want to make a case of this. But so far, threat of possible 'misfortune' is no reason to deny them a place here. I think they're fully entitled to it. And like I said, if you insist on giving them flak over it, -I- will give them a place to go. It really is quite a waste of time!"

Smith blinks in alarm at Fenris. "Sir, n-no need for such violence! So angry..." He scritches Hajime nervously, glancing around, leaning to the side, to see this factory. How's it look, does it look doom-worthy?

Rihko presses her hands together, and her ear flicks. She takes a moment to gather herself, then sighs and speaks up louder. "Ladies, gentlemen. Please. *Honored* *guests* to our city," she says, stressing the words. She pauses, her steady gaze taking in both sets of extraplanar beings and the full compliment of agents. "I will not tolerate a fight here. Please. We can settle this matter with a civil discourse. I believe explanations are in order."

"Maybe this humble servant of Coyote can help you both, if you can explain what the trouble is?" Redd trots to be halfway between the two parties, sitting down and giving a long stare at each party. "Surely there's something we can do to settle this." He glances at Rihko and nods.

Thelergramor shifty eyes around, doesn't want no violence. "Right, violence, not necessary. Really not needed so I'm just gonna... tell you all to calm the fuck down." Walks over and stands next to Rihko... "I really don't want to fight anyone here."

Hajime shuts her book, tucking it away into a pocket of sorts. She's still in Smith's arms, so she's limited to just her shirt pocket. "Smith... Calm down..." she whispers to him, before raising her voice really for the first time since she's shown up, "I know not a majority of you here, though I do agree completely. I propose we have a little 'mock trial' to try and settle the dispute. Nothing too elaborate, but a simple setting for a logical debate over an obviously important topic should suffice, am I correct?"

Hajime gives Smith another plushie of herself.

NOTE: Ignore the last pose. T'was meant to be OOC.

Looking over to Jaqui first, then to Edel, Rhiko, finally around to everyone, the kitsune start again, "Once more, no fighting should be needed, our tanuki friends can simply return to the shrine and await." Says the five tails, his partner, two tails nodding again. The tanuki laugh once more though, "Oh, so it would be horrible for ours to make progress! Enough." Looking to Smith though, "Do you believe everything a kitsune tells you? If so, you must be a favored pet of theirs." He says, the female tanuki stepping up, "Good Coyote, maybe you could help, one who is definately not of our side or theirs, and perhaps you too hyena, fennec." She says, finally the smaller male, "Perhaps, I know we both were talked to by Great Leaf and Nine Tails, Inari came to both of them and gave us a mission." He says, but it is two tails who chimes in! "And only one of them will go back to Inari successful!" The five tailed one looks sharply at her after! A look is given to the agents around, a sharp one in particular given to Redd!

Thelergramor yawns and just kinda watches them speak... Holds his words for a few moments... "Tanuki, kitsune, I'm a neutral party, here. Mostly. I've got friends on one side, something, possibly, on the other... How hard would it be to just work together? Sounds like you have the same mission, but what the fuck do I know?"

Fenris is growing rather tired of being ignored and decides that the best way to retaliate is to do what he does best! The pudgy tanuki reaches into hus coat and produces another packet of cookies and what seems to be a gourd with some sort of wine and starts to snack. "I have not heard any goid reason to stop," he says, contented smile returning to his face, "Let's carry on!" He starts walking ahead, unsure of where to go, but hoping others will follow.

Smith blinks. "I-I'm not a pet..." He mumbles something about his mate being Kitsune before looking at Two Tails. "What do you mean by that, miss?" He hunches, a worried, scared wolf, his eyes darting between the Tanuki and the Kitsune. "I... I really don't like my vib-" He blinks at Fenris, his eyes widening. "Wh-what're you doing?! Wait before you wander off!" He calls to the Tanuki!

Rihko spreads her hands, then rolls her shoulders in a small shrug. "That hardly sounds like a catastrophe," she says. "And this sort of confrontation ill suits the children of the Nine-Tailed One. It is little wonder that Eight Tails is not here." She settles her gaze on the other kitsunes, then slips her hands into her pockets.

"I'll play referee, it's a role Coyote played many a time before. Shall we find a place out of this rain?" The coyote stands from his position, moving for the nearest warehouse.

Jaqui lets out a surprisingly loud laugh after the kitsune respond, shaking her head. "Yeah, 'course you don't even give half a reason! I knew it, this is just a stupid ruse!" she says, keeping her eyes on the kitsune as she waves them off. "Tanukis, let's just go. We don't have to put up with this crap. There'd be no conflict if you jokes would just step off." she directs that last bit at the kitsunes, ready to either fight or head on.

As Fenris and Jaqui attempt to continue on, the kitsune give a loud, "Stop!" a brestle to their tails, "Choose now mortals, you cannot help them and ally yourselves with us. It is not us who wish this a confrontation, but a confrontation is what it will be, by hands other than ours." The large tanuki turns and looks at the five tailed one, "Quite, cooperation is out of the question, after all that has been done, and all that is yet to be done. So do choose mortals, an ally of Nine Tails is no ally of ours, though we will reward any assistance given us." The five tails nods, "And a great reward to any ally of ours as well." He says. Though both look down to Redd as he talks of going somewhere inside. The pair eye one another, and nod. "Perhaps these future allies of Nine Tails..." starts the kitsune, "Great Leaf." corrects the taunki female, "ahem," continues the kitsune, "would do us the honors of clearing choosing a neutral ground for talk?" The tanuki nod, "After we have our new home." The kitsune look less than happy about that. A look to Fenris, another back to Rihko. Finally both sides nod, "That building right there." They say, pointing to the one the agent had come out of earlier!

Hajime quietly mumbles something about fallacies to herself as she listens to the goings-on of the conversation, largely keeping to herself, though. She dislikes the apparent childishness of how these two arguing parties go about things, though is visibly relieved when the lot find some sort of neutral ground to stand on. "Well, that's a start..." she mumbles.

Smith whimpers. "I just wanted to learn 'bout babies and bio stuffs, I didn't ask for this..." He looks between the two groups. "Wh-what's so special about this area, this factory? You're not giving us all the information... I-I smells lies..." he ducks his head a little more. Really, how could this beast ever be threatening, imposing? It's a disgrace to wolves everywhere. He glances at the building, and blinks. "Sirs and Missus, that's a dangerous place!"

Jaqui looks angrily at the kitsune for telling them to choose, stopping in her tracks. "Why the hell would we ally ourselves with you? You never even started treating us as allies, even though we treated you good at first. No, it IS you who wants a battle, 'cause if we try to go on our merry way, YOU'LL be getting at US! You're asking us to follow you blindly wothout even giving us a reason to care what you think. If we're supposed to be on your side, you're shitty allies. I'm picking the tanuki side." she says, her voice still firm despite her size. However, as the location for the meeting is revealed, she looks at it skeptically. "That building? The same that Ray came from? Uhhh... is it just me, or does that seem really... obviously trap-worthy? I'm not going in there."

Fenris shrugs, happily snacking. "I made my choice long ago," he says around a cookie, "I choose the tanuki way." He polishes off his cookie and takes one more swig of his drink. He brushes the crumbs from his belly and shrugs. "Alright," he says, unslinging his spear and trotting off toward the indicated building. "Knock, Knock!" he cries at the door, "Special meeting incoming! clear out!"

Thelergramor sighs and shakes his head... "I'm tempted to not pick a side..." But, the fox glances between them, watching for what his friends say or don't say... "Never thought I'd end up hating having friends again. Makes decisions like this difficult, yeah?" As he does want to be part of this, for... reasons, but doesn't want to be against his friends.

Rihko's ears start to pin back, and the kitsune starts to growl quietly. She cuts it off though with a shake of her head, and then sighs, rubbing at her muzzle. "I meant it. Quite seriously. When I said I was here to guard the peace." She stops, and eyes both groups of extraplanars in turn. "And if either of you decide to start something, I -will- remember which one it was." She nods towards the building. "Right then. And while they are securing a meeting room, why don't you tell me why this is such a big deal?" she adds, her voice dropping as she moves to stand near the leaders of both groups. "The kitsunes were long the chosen guardians of Inari's shrines. What is so important that it has both of you out here in our world?"

Smith blinks, looking at everyone, and sighs. "No choice... bad vibes... shots... stress..." Continued mumbling as he trudges towards the building, fear and worry in his eyes.

Edel raises her brow as she looks at the building. "That really is a poor choice, yes," she says, not much minding the rain. Her large leaf-hat did wonders for keeping it mostly off of her. "It's likely filled with ferals. Latex ones at that. Mmmh. I haven't been latex in a long time, either."

"Rihko, you stay here and keep an eye on that wolf, I don't want him inside yet, I heard something about being out of medicine." The coyote trots up the building's steps and inside, sniffing for any scent of the ferals from earlier.

Fenris waves his spear experimentally at the door, then trots in to go to waork chasing off unruly ferals. "And I expect to learn more about these magic wars when I get back!" he says. He seems remarkably unconcerned for a tubby coon-dog entering a den of latex nightmares.

Hajime sighs softly, brought along with Smith as he walks, not having much of a motive to actually leave his arms. "Smith, seriously... Just calm down. Everything will be okay," she insists, trying to calm the poor Smith down, though keeping one eye trained on the building that the group is supposedly going to be entering. "...Huh," she simply states, watching the tanuki barge right in there, "Guy's got metaphorical balls, too."

Thelergramor sits down, stands back up, peers about... remains with Rihko, for now. Until she goes anywhere... "I'll... just let them handle it. Latex ferals should be no issue for them. Besides, I like the rain." The fox remains smiling, slightly uneasy about this whole situation.

The knocking done by Fenris, or rather, talking, is enough to get most of the ferals running instead of fighting. If this building was about to be used by them, they would vacate. Odds are they would have their home back shortly. With a raise of brows, the kitsune and tanuki start toward the building, "Thank you, much a pleasure." Both sides say as they walk into the crumbling building. Fenris' entrence is enough to get the stragglers running out the back. The Kitsune pin their ears back though at what Fenris and Jaqui say, "Then your choices are made, but what of the rest of you?" Asks the five tails, looking at his 'adversary' "And what kind of propsition would you make back?" He asks, the tanuki's answer isn't much better, "The Kitsune can return to the shrine, and we will carry out Inari's work." He says.

Smith looks up at Redd. "Oh, that's our rutting medicine, Dr. Rittz won't refill it. Says w- I... don't need it." He hunches, holding the Fennec protectively. "I already had my shots for today, I'm good 'til tomorrow." He heads slowly for the door, looking around cautiously before calling back, "And I'm not fighting my mate, Mr. and Missus Tanuki! That's not nice!" With that, he turns back around, calmed by Hajime as he enters the building.

Rihko follows the extraplanar envoys inside, tongue sucking at one of her canine teeth as she ponders. "Yea, but what -is- Inari's work?" she asks. "If I don't care for it, I might just send you -all- back to the shrine. And by not telling me, yer making me think I won't like it," she adds, tails flicking.

Fenris snorts and looks around in satisfaction, then turns and plops down on his plush backside. "So what is this all about?" he asks, then adds something in the gibberish that the tanuki were using earlier.

Jaqui crosses her arms once more, not liking the way things are going at all. As everyone starts to pile into the building, she sighs a little. It's abundantly clear that just about every point she makes falls on deaf ears, and that the kitsune only listen to the most direct words. Shaking her head, she props herself up against the wall next to the door, waiting, listening, watching. She waits for this meeting to be over, having decided that she wasn't going to set foot into that building. She listens for anything that reveals whether things go smooth or rough inside, readying herself to spring into action if it's called for. She keeps an eye on things outside the building, just to keep their surroundings in check. "Frickin'... damned superiority complex foxes..." she grumbles, feeling indignant over the ease of her dismissal.

Redd spends 500 builder mass to: Clearing conference room for extraplanar negotiations.

Thelergramor heads on in there, all foxlike... Sits next to Rihko, who seems to have a better handle on this than himself. Or, anyone else he's been hearing speak. "So... Uh, yeah. Stuff and things." Nods, sagely.

The coyote finds a sufficiently large room, and pushes all the debris to the side, though leaving a fallen fragment of concrete floor in the middle to use as a small table. "In here, I think you'll find it suitable, should I go find some tea for you all?" Redd grins as he points the Tanuki and Kitsune into the makeshift meeting room.

Smith shoots a glance at Jaqui, before sniffing and looking around. "There are still ferals... what if they try to attack...?" He looks over at Redd, poking his head into the room. "Ferals?"

Fenris's ears perk at the mention of tea and he fishes out his tea bags and a pair of little tin cups. His attention, however, remains on the otherworldy visitors, awaiting an answer.