Animal Kin(Quirk)

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Name Animal Kin
Description Animals that are similar to what you appear as (say a rabbit-person and an actual rabbit) can both understand you and be understood by you. Those watching you see you making noises and motions as the animal would, unless this is magic or technological in origin (in which case magic glows or speaking into a microphone are far more likely). This cannot be a natural quirk, alas. This does not make the animal any more friendly towards you, but they are less likely to bolt if you announce your benign intent clearly.
Note: This does not elevate the animal(s) to human intelligence. Even if an animal saw a sign you want to know about, it wouldn't be able to tell you what was on it, because it could not read, nor would it even know what a sign is.
Animal Kin(Quirk) icon
Tags Unknown/Unspecified
Requires Nothing
Excludes None

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