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"My associate is quite right. If you wish, we can show you our wonderful record should that help. At K&S Solutions, it's our business to help others. Our latest project is to digitize books to preserve them in our wasteland environment and allow anyone with a communicator to download said texts. It's grand, is it not? Cheating poor fellows would destroy our business. And again, I can assure that if you don't find our assistance satisfactory, we'll gladly take our leave. I urge you to try, as we have all your best interests in mind. Helping society regrow, as per our company goals, would fill us with pride and glee."  
"My associate is quite right. If you wish, we can show you our wonderful record should that help. At K&S Solutions, it's our business to help others. Our latest project is to digitize books to preserve them in our wasteland environment and allow anyone with a communicator to download said texts. It's grand, is it not? Cheating poor fellows would destroy our business. And again, I can assure that if you don't find our assistance satisfactory, we'll gladly take our leave. I urge you to try, as we have all your best interests in mind. Helping society regrow, as per our company goals, would fill us with pride and glee."  
With a cough, the lioness gets out of her chair and stands up. "I'd be glad to assist in training to help you defend yourselves. But regardless of what you choose here, we'll make sure we get those communicators and such lined up for you. No trouble at all."<br> <br>Minue Keeps listening and then she softly lets out a silent huff.  Her body then slowly pushing away from the tree as she slowly walks closer to teh gathering.  She still isnt sure what is going on shes not even sure if she belongs to a faction or not but hearing people wanting to be free and to grow does touch something deep inside her. she also wanted to get a better look at what was happening to the taur and the Snake.<br> <br>The Anaconda had been paying attention to the debate that had been going on and not on what he was doing with the taur right beside him.  The sudden slump from the large taur takes him quite off-guard and he turns his attention away from the others to look right to the Ankylotaur he's been petting the entire time.  Even he goes wide-eyed upon noting what has just happened, but those coils only tighten around the rear portion, "Wh-..?  Oh, dear."  He blushes and looks to the others, especially as one of the most plantlike agent storms off.  He clears his throat and simply states, "I..I'm sorry.  I don't know what came over me."  For the Reservation's owner to lose control as he did...  Well, let's just say he is definitely known for being quite stoic and unwilling to do things like this when out in public.  What caused him to do it this time is anyone's guess.  The four tribals, though, take it in stride, though the Kobold can't hide the smirk on its face.  The Stego-taur pays no attention to it, instead speaking without missing a beat, "If we desired to have a store front in our tribe, we would have asked for such a thing.  We have JUST told you that we have NO interest in currency.  We seek to barter, to actually trade one thing for another."  The taur then draws his focus to Dio, "Training our warriors with weapons was not our goal here, and we need to think on this for now."  One hand rises to rub his head, "So we have offered to grow you some food for your agents, all three groups, for assistance with each of your independent agents when we have need of them.  Yes?"<br> <br>Cookies leans back and frowns slightly. This wasn't quite how she was expected to make things go down, but it was better than no success at all. "Awww. Yeah, I guess." She rests her head on a hand and makes an adorable pout that only a catgirl could make, tail flicking about behind her in agitation. "Didn't even get to mumblegrumble" she trails off.<br> <br>Alanis relaxes and takes a deep breath. "Ok, we can inform ours agents that, when they have some free time, they can volunteer to go to your village, to hunt... ehm.. to move out some ferals with the company equipment. And they will get food from the locals. I have to inform to my supervisor about this agreement. Maybe we can get some nanite vials and other interesting resourses from the ferals."<br> <br>CaseyRune glares at Dio again, moving away from the mic "I'm doing that to keep them out of Zephyr's hands, and if my bias is showing then so be it. I'll admit it. But you know exactly why I'm doing that. Nothing more needs to be said." They turn back to the mic with a sigh. "If there can be no consensus then that'll be the best we can do. Though this couldn't have been the best showing of any faction..." They sit back in their seat, mission half accomplished? The tribe might not have made a choice, but at least Zephyr's in no position to move into the village.<br> <br>Luchious had become oblivious and carefree for the time it took for him to be done twitching and panting, the Anaconda's coils being the primary thing that kept him somewhat stable now on his taloned feet. Most of the surrounding guarding Komodos and Iguanas would seem almost demoralized by the senseless act in a crowd, the poor creatures not sure how to react to it all. If any time, then now would be an optimal time for ferals to strike, but nothing happened in the time it took for the Ankylosaurian to finish and catch his breath again, stabilizing to his feet and suckles his own drooling tongue back in.
With a cough, the lioness gets out of her chair and stands up. "I'd be glad to assist in training to help you defend yourselves. But regardless of what you choose here, we'll make sure we get those communicators and such lined up for you. No trouble at all."<br> <br>Minue Keeps listening and then she softly lets out a silent huff.  Her body then slowly pushing away from the tree as she slowly walks closer to teh gathering.  She still isnt sure what is going on shes not even sure if she belongs to a faction or not but hearing people wanting to be free and to grow does touch something deep inside her. she also wanted to get a better look at what was happening to the taur and the Snake.<br> <br>The Anaconda had been paying attention to the debate that had been going on and not on what he was doing with the taur right beside him.  The sudden slump from the large taur takes him quite off-guard and he turns his attention away from the others to look right to the Ankylotaur he's been petting the entire time.  Even he goes wide-eyed upon noting what has just happened, but those coils only tighten around the rear portion, "Wh-..?  Oh, dear."  He blushes and looks to the others, especially as one of the most plantlike agent storms off.  He clears his throat and simply states, "I..I'm sorry.  I don't know what came over me."  For the Reservation's owner to lose control as he did...  Well, let's just say he is definitely known for being quite stoic and unwilling to do things like this when out in public.  What caused him to do it this time is anyone's guess.  The four tribals, though, take it in stride, though the Kobold can't hide the smirk on its face.  The Stego-taur pays no attention to it, instead speaking without missing a beat, "If we desired to have a store front in our tribe, we would have asked for such a thing.  We have JUST told you that we have NO interest in currency.  We seek to barter, to actually trade one thing for another."  The taur then draws his focus to Dio, "Training our warriors with weapons was not our goal here, and we need to think on this for now."  One hand rises to rub his head, "So we have offered to grow you some food for your agents, all three groups, for assistance with each of your independent agents when we have need of them.  Yes?"<br> <br>Cookies leans back and frowns slightly. This wasn't quite how she was expected to make things go down, but it was better than no success at all. "Awww. Yeah, I guess." She rests her head on a hand and makes an adorable pout that only a catgirl could make, tail flicking about behind her in agitation. "Didn't even get to mumblegrumble" she trails off.<br> <br>Alanis relaxes and takes a deep breath. "Ok, we can inform ours agents that, when they have some free time, they can volunteer to go to your village, to hunt... ehm.. to move out some ferals with the company equipment. And they will get food from the locals. I have to inform to my supervisor about this agreement. Maybe we can get some nanite vials and other interesting resourses from the ferals."<br> <br>CaseyRune glares at Dio again, moving away from the mic "I'm doing that to keep them out of Zephyr's hands, and if my bias is showing then so be it. I'll admit it. But you know exactly why I'm doing that. Nothing more needs to be said." They turn back to the mic with a sigh. "If there can be no consensus then that'll be the best we can do. Though this couldn't have been the best showing of any faction..." They sit back in their seat, mission half accomplished? The tribe might not have made a choice, but at least Zephyr's in no position to move into the village.<br> <br>Luchious had become oblivious and carefree for the time it took for him to be done twitching and panting, the Anaconda's coils being the primary thing that kept him somewhat stable now on his taloned feet. Most of the surrounding guarding Komodos and Iguanas would seem almost demoralized by the senseless act in a crowd, the poor creatures not sure how to react to it all. If any time, then now would be an optimal time for ferals to strike, but nothing happened in the time it took for the Ankylosaurian to finish and catch his breath again, stabilizing to his feet and suckles his own drooling tongue back in.<br> <br>"Yes. The opportunity to research new strains of nanites cannot be ignored." Kaede says to Alanis, nodding. "Would that not be payment enough to assist the village with Zephyr agents? I personally do not see a reason to require compensation, but I understand that the owners of Zephyr would think otherwise. Of course, my offer of service still stands, with or without such compensation."<br> <br>The Coyote's mind seems to somewhat wander, not quiet so good at so much politics and discussion and negotiation. She snaps out of it quickly enough though and even manages to stay on topic when she says, "Hm, I've noticed the prometheans certainly need food but in the best interest of the others. Once more I feel it is necessary to bring up that it would be very beneficial to have our help in negotiation as we at K&S will be able to offer guidance as to the individual needs of each group." she also notes, "The topic of training was one i brought up, it was brought up because I figured you might want to start considering such a question early."<br> <br>"Indeed," Dio replies, smoothing out her suit-coat diligently and then moving down to her skirt. "The training suggestion was just a side thing. I understand this is not what you desired, so I won't pursue it. The main crux of our position at K&S is being an intermediate during your bartering deals to prevent scamming. We would require no payment. However, don't feel the need to dwell on it now. Converse among yourselves after this meeting and we'll be in touch."
With a few pats and rubs on her skirt, the awful plague of creases upon the fabric disappeared for the most part, leaving a satisfied smile. "But yes, this sounds quite agreeable. We'll make sure you get what we've settled on. However, the day is fading away and perhaps it would be best to retire for now. I've enjoyed this productive discussion and look forward to your development and future relationships on behalf of myself, Zephyr, and K&S Solutions," she says with a bow.<br> <br>Minue Slowly takes a deep breath and then lets out out again.  teh icy mist of her breath fogging teh air before she inhales once again.  she then slowly reaches into her trenchcoat and to one of its hidden pockets feeling the lareg amounts of spare vials she has and will never use and thinks about just offering them up in the name of Dio or maybe just as a gift in its own right shes not really sure"If everyone would be ok I have alot of vials that i would be willing to give up t help strengthen this i guess it could be called a friendship if thats ok with Miss Dio"<br> <br>The Hydra shakes one of its heads while another speaks, "While we have no interest in those vials, preferring to remain as pure as we can to our chosen forms, we will take them in the spirit that they are offered in.  one thing that we will not accept, however, is having our members become the subjects of research.  Our bodies are our own and there are plenty of other..specimens out there to capture and do as you please."  The Kobold pipes up, "Yes, it is getting late, isn't it?  Hard to tell out here in this part of the forest."<br> <br>Cookies slowly stands up from her seat with another clatter of jingling bells, grabs at Dio's hand and, with a final nod of farewell, moves to depart, ideally with her lioness in tow. "C'mon Dio," she nyas out insistently. She sure seems to be in a hurry, but the same could be said about her at any given time anyways. Weird little jingle-jangly catgirl.<br> <br>Alanis types on her comm her report "New Hunting Ground added. Exotic Forms. Discretion Advised." She stands, takes her catalog and says "It was an interesting chat. I will give you my business card, just in case." She says goodbye to everybody else and depart.<br> <br>CaseyRune stands up, nodding to those leaving, though before she leaves she walks closer to the 4 tribespeople. "As much as it seemed like Corprate mudslinging, I do wish to genuinely warn you about Zephyr. You can talk with our host about the incident if you must, but as soon as you become remotely a liabillity, they will slaughter your entire village without a second thought. I don't care if you outright regect RSX's or the Promethian's offer, don't take Zephyr's for your own safetey." They're completely stone faced as they say this, and once their done, they turn around to leave for the time being. They're not about to let Zephyr win.<br> <br>Luchious was trying to recompose his 'hard' appearance once he had fully recovered, though still found himself coiled and interlocked with Mazurek. So he could still be seen rocks his taur body a few times along with faint whurring rising from his chest. Immobilized but gaining control over his body signals, the other guards begins to calm down again.<br> <br>Enyo yawns, nodding in agreement at the Kobolds statement as begins dozing off, her eyes becoming unfocused. She puts on her sandy-brown cloak and pulls the hood up and says loud enoug to be pickd up and magnified by a speaker "Beannacht." She vanishs into the darkness of the surrounding forest.<br> <br>Kaede begins crinkling up her tentacle again as she realizes what she said. "I apologize if I seemed to imply any experimentation on your tribe. I merely wished to put forth the idea that any ferals who attack your village could help to benefit Zephyr's research as they are being fought off." She curtsies again before growing a pair of rainbow-colored wings through hidden slits in her dress. "I agree that it is late though. It was a pleasure to meet you." Waving them goodbye, she flies off.<br> <br>Dio grasps Cookies' hand and smiles, but she stops the advance and looks towards the speakers. "Thank you again for this productive discussion. I'd also like to thank the group that set all this up." The lioness bows her head slightly and then bends down a bit to help Cookies clamor onto her back. "Be well! I wish everyone the best of luck. And feel free to contact K&S Solutions. We're easy to get a hold of." With the cat girl now secure upon her back, she smiles and looks over her shoulder. "Let's go home." After one final nod, she takes off.<br> <br>Minue Blinks and looks around as everyone simply leaves with her still standing there.  She then softly scuffs her foot her hand still touching all those vials.  Her eyes then close as she lets out a icy huff an settles down in a lotus postion and simply waits hopeing someone will remeber her offer and maybe help her with it.<br> <br>The Anaconda remains tightly coiled around his friend, the Ankylotaur, throughout the exchange, and even goes so far as to actually move his torso up to rest against the taur's back, arms wrapping around for a simulated piggy-back ride.  The Dragonfly speaks up after a long period of being silent, "From what we have heard we will definitely need to think this over completely.  We don't like to be lied to, and at the same time don't like being forced to accept a currency system.  The Zephyrs definitely pushed that, so it is not likely that we will be adopting them.  Yours and the Prometheans, though, do put up a decent argument.  We just might end up remaining neutral for a while and take up the offer your K&S folks are putting out.  Time will tell.  The rest of the tribe must be consulted before our final decision is made.  Fair enough?"<br> <br>CaseyRune nods to the Tribespeople "Take your time. I can see it won't be an easy disicion. When you do, I know I will be able to respond, however it might be different agents for the others. I will await your decision."<br> <br>Not until all of the others had disappeared from the area, Luchious sighed and swatted Mazurek across the serpent muzzle behind his back! "What the hell was all that about?" he asked with a penetrating stare harder than what is still hooked inside the serpent's coils along his underside. In a bit of vengeance, he even strikes a hard thrust straight against Mazurek's coiled body!

Revision as of 03:34, 3 December 2013





The eastern forest is alive with activity, much moreso than is usual! The loudspeakers for the factions have boomed out the instructions for their representitives to meet out in the eastern forest. Here the members of the Exotic Reptile Reservation have set up a conference-like atmosphere in view of the gate to the Reservation itself. A clearing has been set up with the manipulation of the nanites to move a number of trees around and to make some of them into one large table, complete with refreshments, microphones and many large speakers so everyone can be heard. A large Anaconda is coiled near the table, speaking quietly with four members of a newly formed tribe. These four are full-mutations of: Emerald Dragonfly, Kobold Herm, Water Hydra, and the Tricerataur. Interesting combinations to say the least, given the great size differences and body types of them all. Some other members of the Reservation are present as well, these having their usual blue bandanas around the necks. A couple of Komodos, Iguanas, and those Crimson Lizards, all with spiked collars, are nearby as well.

Jingle. Jangle. Jinglejanglejingle. It's nothing short of a miracle that the bell-clad catgirl doesn't have a sea of curious ferals behind her, but Cookies arrives on the scene with the clatter of festive bells. She has a real stip in her step, and she practically skips up to the table, beaming a huge smile to all present with a little wave and a jingle-jangle. She takes her seat and puts a hand over the microphone as she seats herself, avoiding letting the bell-clatter get broadcasted over the system, remaining quiet so she doesn't interrupt whatever discussion the people at the table are having at least until the others arrive. Whatever part of Zephyr she's representing, it probably ain't R&D.

How exciting! Fenris is excited to see a new group rising out of the ashes. And such diversity! It shows progress. He stands with his hands in the pockets of his duster and looks over the gathered agents of the various factions. He is happy to see a few familiar faces and gives a friendly wave to those he knows. His smile turns to a frown when he spots Cookies in the crowd. There's a diplomatic disaster waiting to happen.

A new group? That only means one thing. New Clients. With new clients, more sells. With more sells, a bigger commision. So, Alanis takes her Zephir Product Catalog, wears her best costume (and her biggest chainsaw sword, just in case) and she goes to the jungle. When she arrives, there are a bunch of reptiles, erhm... new clients.

CaseyRune walks into the clearing, adjusting their tie and jacket Why them? Why would it be a good idea to send someone like them to a diplomoatic meeting. Still, noone else wanted to attend apprently, so what's the worst that can happen? Oh, right, everything. They take their seat wordlessly for the time being. Zephyr is already here, good. That saves them some trouble, especially when one arrives with a catalouge of all things! They simply shake their head, pulling out a flask from under their coat. This was going to be a long day.

First important mission! Yaay! Shiko looks excited but catious and a little nervous as shi approaches the clearing, looking around a bit before shi takes a seat at the table. Shi has a catelog of things, mostly medicines, foods and the like.

Standing the distance between the table and the Reservation gate, one particular form would rise inbetween in a hefty, broad-shouldered shape; an Ankylotaur wearing a blue bandana as a bracer on one of his four bulgy muscular arms, as well a combat vest with an RSX badge embroided on it. The vest looked far too small for Luchious though, the sleeves ripped completely off and the back torn by the armored, spiky bone-scales. The approximately twelve feet tall beast was always wearing a strap harness that had a massive two-handed chainsword holstered on his taur back with the size of a regular human; while the straps also reached below his taur body's underside to likely holster something else... If the glasses he was wearing on the tip of his round beak-like muzzle wasn't odd enough, Luchious also appeared to have a presence over him that made the other spike-collar wearing reptilians look humble at him, whenever they looked his direction or spoke to him. For those who knows their faction lore though, the absolutely weirdest part would then be the fact he is with RSX but also infected, which often would result in not getting work in that particular agency.

Happily humming to herself, Kaede approaches the table. She did not quite understand what Zephyr wanted her to do here, but she felt glad that she would get to meet new people. Giving a friendly wave to the people gathered with the left tentacle hanging down from her bangs, she takes a seat at the table, careful to sit in a way that would not cause undue arousal. Not knowing what to do next, she keeps silent, waiting patiently for someone to explain exactly what is expected of her.

Ryusho would be standing to one side, not at the table, but more off to the side as one of the 'guards' though also one who helped manage the reservation, he had a blue bandanna around his neck, though that was his only clothing other then a form of a lower body robe, as he slowly moves closer to the table, not to sit, but just as a closer watch for the reservation, though it is close enough he may have a say if something comes to mind, even if his shifting can be heard with a odd slosh on occasion depending on how he moves.

The cloaked coyote of chaos arrives on the scene well after the others, her arrival is nothing spectacular except to Alanis perhaps, whom she has snuck up on, she puts her hand gently on their shoulder and asks softly, "Such a shame Harbringer couldnt come isn't it? How are the Daggers treating you?"

Savi arrives sedatedly, her ferver dying slowly the more of these missions she goes on. Disgusted with Zephyr, she arrives more to see of the situation, than to actually represent Zeph, far as she was concerned they would just destroy these villagers somehow anyway. Reaching the table she sits lightly and eyes the gathered people and creatures through her concealed goggled eyes. Raising one hand, the tiny latex flower opens and closes the fingers of one hand quickly. "Hi." she intones in a soft whispered voice.

Liana enters the clearing a little behind the various others, having taken her time finding a safe and secure path, not trusting the one given. She looks around at the many people gathered, brow raising, before quietly moving to an empty seat, sitting next to Enyo. She leans over and quietly whispers, getting what info she can.

A largish golden dragon slowly ambles in from somewhere. A flash of silver flits from his mouth as he peers among those gathered. He lingers in the back, crosses his arms, and generally remains out of the way for the time being.

Rather curious about the developing phenomenon involving various mutants forming tribes and small viallges, Dio makes her way to the east forest and looks about. Quite a turnout for this meeting, filled with familiar and not so familiar faces. And unfortunatly, familiar sounds. Specifically, those damn bells Cookies has been wearing recently. Giving various waves as the lioness goes by, she begins walking up to Cookies and puts a hand upon her shoulder, glaring down at the cat girl and wishing she could burn off those bells with her vision alone.

The Anaconda continues to speak with the tribesmen while everyone is gathering. The table itself is sectioned off with seats labelled for the factions, twenty for each even though there is not likely to be that many ever coming. After everyone has arrived, or at least the trickle of arrivals diminishing to near non-existance, the four-armed Anaconda gestures to the table for the four tribesmen to claim their places. Of course, the hydra is the only one who doesn't have a seat and the Kobold's seat is understandably propped up so it could be seen as well as see everyone around. The Anaconda coils at one of the spots reserved for the hosts, the Reservation. There are only a few seats here, but still twenty spaces like the rest. The ones with the spiked collars do, indeed, speak with low tones to the Dino-taur, and notably with great reverence to their postures and overall demeanor. Soon, though, the Anaconda speaks into his mic, causing the large clearing to resound with his voice and even causing the local ferals and other wildlife to go silent, some even peeking at the gathering from the dark foliage, "Welcome, one and all. We at the Exotic Reptile Reservation are humbled by the choice of all three major organizations to host this gathering. As you all might be aware, we have a new tribe that has formed and they are desiring this audience with everyone in the interest of joining one or the other or the other, provided the terms are right for them. Which one of our illustrious factions would like to begin these talks? Oh, and I would strongly advise that no fighting take place here for the sake of peace if nothing else."

Cookies, for the otherwise violent kleptomanic butcher-cat she is often known as, seems to be... different. In fact, she doesn't even seem to recognize the people who recognize her. She looks around at the others arriving with a curious glint in her shining, purple eyes, doing everything she can not to squirm or squee or clap with excitement. So many new faces! Why- why there's a tiger and some humans and coyotes and lizards and dinosaurtaurs and walking cloaks vaguely shaped like coyotes, oh my was that a dragon and just look at /those/ amazing assets!! If one looks, one can see her with a huge, dumb smile still stuck on her face, almost trembling with anticipation as her tail sways at a slow, content pace behind her and her ears perk straight upwards. She nearly jumps when she feels Dio's hand on her shoulder, though she still beams right up at the lioness. She listens intently to the anaconda when he pipes up, nodding to herself but keeping down in favor of letting someone else go first while she tries to remember what her bit was. Her fuzzy memories briefly fail her once again... She was here because... Z told her something about... about showing them the cool things, and... oh, yeah! Don't talk about THE THING, because then bad things happen to her.

Fenris stands and clears his throat. "As a representative of the Prometheans, I am happy to extend a hand of friendship and welcome to our new friends. We stand for the spiritual progress of all people in this new world and hope that we can be of some service." He does his best to be friendly and inviting and hopes that all of the other Prometheans in attendance feel the same way. It's a pretty open culture after all.

When Alanis feels someone hands on her shoulders, she almost drew her arsenal, but she relaxes, when she look to her back and see Enyo. In a wisper she says "Hello, I'm fine, thanks for asking. I dunno why harb hasn't come here. Isn't this exiting? New people with new ideals, new projects, maybe new information, and new money to spend." greetings done, back to business. Alanis moves closer to the mic, tests it with a finger and says "Zephyr thanks you and your group for this opportunity to talk. We are very intered in every group old and new, after all, we are the main supplier of almost anything in this region. So, please, what can you tell us about your group, your ideals and projects?"

CaseyRune snerks. Taking the mic in front of them they clear their throat. "RSX would also like to thank the hosts for allowing this talk. Though I'm just going to say this outright. Joining Zephyr is a death sentance. I saw a small village, like the one you would be creating, only for it to be destroyed, with little survivors. All so Zephyr could line their pockets with a few more coins. While I can't promise complete acceptance for those more mutated, I can however promise Safety. Not only that We have a framework for a society to build upon. It may be outdated, but it worked for hundreds of years before P-day hit." A chance to publicly denouce Zephyr? Of course they were going to take it.

Luchious stepped closer to the table as the speakers rung with the voice of the massive Anaconda's deep voice, stancing himself a little to the side of the serpent without getting to any particular seat around the table. He must be here as security, as he rests his four arms across his near rock-chiseled chest and fixates on the gathering crowd to ensure there was order amongst the creatures. Though his amber orange gaze would also stroke to the distance at times, to make sure no ferals are sneaking into the gathering either. As he gets more comfortable with the situation, Luchious raises a single scale-knuckled hand and first points two fingers to one direction of the table, followed by another gesture to the other direction. Large spike-collared Komodo and Iguana guards splits and secures the perimeter in a wider circle around the crowd by the table.

Kaede, lacking even speculation of Zephyr's intentions, softly speaks into her microphone. "Good afternoon. It seems that I am to represent Zephyr. It is embarassing for me to say, but I do not know exactly what Zephyr's goals are, and I will not allow hearsay to modify my behavior." Kaede looks at CaseyRune with this. "I certainly lack information, so I would appreciate a brief explanation of your...tribe before we continue."

Ryusho rumbles quietly to himself as he would slowly make his way towards the table, to carefully take a seat in one of the chairs for the reservation, not too far from mazurek, but as he walked he would nod with a soft smile to the feline that..he noticed giving a rather obvious look that was definately aimed towards his lower half it looked like. AS he sits he would slowly glance to each speaker in turn, though he quirks his brow as Alanis first speaks, and hums as it sounds like a salesman! then again..he probably shouldn't be supprised.....and then can't help but give a look to CaseyRune, as..well, ..This doen't need to degrade into a mud slinging contest -already- he thinks.

Enyo smiles cheerfully and invitingly twoards the creatures of this new tribe, who seem to be the center of attention, "Greetings Codi, I am glad to make your accquaintances. My assistant Liana and I have come in Shirai's stead to welcome you, please... feel free to seek assistance from Kilsa and Shirai Solutions if you have trouble adjusting. If there is anything we can do to make your lives more comfortable, please ask and we would be glad to assist if its within our power." She does her best to sound as polite and kind as posisble.

Liana rolls her eyes at the diplomatic bullshit and ass-kissing. She reaches up to lower her eye-shades and motion tracker, carefully looking around the clearing and those present. In particular she pays attention to the treeline for anyone trying to watch from hiding or lurk in ambush, as well as the newly formed tribe. It's obvious she either doesn't trust the security already in place, or thinks of her own skills as superior. She gives a small nod of respect to the four, feeling a little bit of kinship with the dragonfly and the hydra. Still keeping an eye on the area, her visor made to help her notice movement, she pulls a notepad and pencil from her pack, writing the basic gist of what everyone is saying, along with the names of those she knows, and the appearances of those she doesn't.

Loki rolls his shoulders and yawns wide. He continues to amble about the parimeter of the group - though he noticably scruntches his nose as the other RSX representative speaks, and face meets palm shortly after. There's a sigh, and a small grumble that escapes him as he reviews the information and stnaces of all the representatives so far. His tail twitches and he scratches his chin. Some kind of snack is procured from the coat slung about his waist, and the dragon begins munching upon the morsel as he continues to lurk obviously within the shadows and general vicinity of the gathering.

Dio takes her seat with the Zephyr table right next to Cookies. For awhile, she stares at the cat girl, analyzing her rather odd behavior. The lioness puts a hand over her microphone to block it and talks in a low whisper. "Are you feeling well, my lady? You're acting quite strange. You seem quite excited for such a meeting. I mean sure the enthusiasm is great, but..."

As the other members of the meeting speak, Casey catches her attention the most. She was quite aware of the basics of what happened in the village from Cookies' own testament. As long as she was telling the truth that is. "Please," she says within her microphone while looking at Casey. "It's not the time for such discussion."

After a small cough and waiting for the others to speak, she continues. "I'm Zephyr agent Dio, along with being the current quartermaster of K&S Solutions. It's a pleasure to be able to join such a gathering. I've heard rumor various mutants have been coming together in order to create villages of sorts. This sounds wonderful, but I must wonder what possessed our new friends to suddenly get up and start coming together in such a fashion?"

The little plant crosses her hands over her lap and sits quietly. As someone who despises her faction, she doesn't think she has much, if anything, to add. She wouldn't try to convince people to join a faction, given available choices, if her life depended on it. She momentarilly debates getting up and walking away, but doesn't think that would be polite.

The Anaconda looks from one person to the next when they speak, and there is a momentary break in his stoic visage after Casey speaks, but he waits until everyone has had their share to say before he pipes in, "Yes. I am definitely aware of the fact that Zephyr is wanting to claim things for themselves. One of my sons was a victim of such an attack, one of the first incidents over the last couple months. He had told me he was going to spend some time in a developing village with a bubble close by, get to know them and all, and the next thing I hear from him is that he was attacked and almost killed after being filled with lead. He had to be told what happened to understand it since he was deafened for a while from some sort of bright flashing weapon. He recalls only that the attackers fled after the village rose up against them." He clears his throat softly and shrugs a little, and those close to him would notice his tail is doing something a little ways back with the tip actually hidden from view, "But that is neither here nor there. Please try to refrain from mentioning this subversive war going on, or whatever it is that is happening." With the silent directions being given by the Dino-taur, the lizards with the spiked collars spread out, surrounding the single, large table, all six spacing themselves out equally but facing away from the gathering. They are silent sentinels here but they do look quite ready to defend their territory. The Anaconda nods to the four tribesmen and it is the Trike who speaks, "Our tribe is base off of cooperation. We had all seen what would happen if we were left to our own devices, some of us having been born under the freedom this world shows off, but there are some of us who still remember the old ways, what life was like before the change. The four of us here are of the latter, but do not wish to be left without aid if the time comes. Still, we are self-sufficient for the most part, the Kobolds working to set snares and traps for the faster creatures that us slower hunters cannot kill outright. The Hydras serve as our fisherfolk, while the dragonflies serve as aerial scouts and light combat units."

Cookies glances up at Dio and shrugs with a small jangle. "Everything is neat and awesome and stuff, don't you think?!" She keeps up that saccharine smile and gives the lioness a nudge. Casey's words are met with a slight wince. That would be THE THING. She just keeps acting casual and purrring to herself, not even offering a rebuttal. Once the speaking representitive finishes, the catgirl leans up to the microphone. "I uh... In that case, errr... what is it you're looking for from any of us? It'd- help to know, is all," she nyas out over the system.

Fenris nods. "You embody the Promethean ideals of cooperation and independence," he smiles. "We remember the world as it was, but it can never be the same again." The tiger shoots a quick glance at the strangely oblivious looking cat mayor, then turns back to the tribal spokesman. "I was present at the terrible event that you describe. You and your son have my sympathies. I am sorry that we could not do more for them. By the time we found out about their mass exodus, it was too late." He sighs at the memory. "If we can prevent that sort of loss again, we will gladly help."

Alanis smiles to the tribesmen and ignores all previous provocation. Bad form. Bad for business. "So, you want your independence, that fine with Zephyr. We work with all other factions providing what they need, and all of them are independent organizations. We are not here to conquer, we are here to establish trade relations. We can help you, We can cooperate with you. Obviously, cooperation is should be mutual."

CaseyRune glares at Dio, turning away from the mic for a moment. "This is exactly the time. I am NOT sending innocent lives to their death because Zephyr wants to make a qucik buck." Anyone around Casey could feel that as their temper rose so did the temperature around them. They turn back to the mic, clearing their throat "My apologies, however I cannot in good conscience merely sit on such a glaring issue. Self sufficiance is good, however you wouldn't call us if you didn't need assistance in some way, what Assistance do you need?"

The Ankylotaur continued to stand solid in his quadruple taur stance near Mazurek, frequently eyeing anyone but those actually talking. However, he couldn't help but smirk as the RSX representant spoke up, confidently tossing mud at Zephyr. Although he doesn't move a single muscle along his maw, it was only obvious that he felt the same way; alas why he is also an agent for them as shown from the RSX embroided combat vest. Despite that, he stayed put on his spot like some gargoyle eternally stoned to protect a mansion for its master.

Kaede sighs a bit at their explanation, her smile breaking a bit. She was hoping for a description of the tribe as people instead of as a hunting group. She begins twisting her left tentacle into a little corkscrew as she tries to figure out where to go from there. "I suppose that by aid, you are asking for help from potential aggressors? If you are capable of gathering food alone, that seems to be the next most pressing concern in these times." She looks up before her smile returns. "Could it be that you are searching for assistance with the health of your tribe members?"

Ryusho shakes his head slowly, seemingly disquisted at the fact that some could attack some of these 'tribes' like the one mazureks son had been with when it was assaulted, though he continues to listen, even as he hums to himself, slowly adjusting his position to get comfortable as he glances to mazurek, and then over to the taur that is also representing the reserve before looking back to those who are speaking, humming softly, and nods a bit with a hum, scratching the back of his head as he thinks quietly.

Enyo muses on the words of the representatives and chooses her words carefully before saying, "We arent just here on behalf of the factions, or so I sould hope, we are here as your fellow sentient beings. We wish to welcome you and make you feel at home among us in our society. I do not know too much of what happened to you before today but see that no matter how dark it may have been, it has been enough to unite these three factions of ours. In light of that, you should smile and be filled with cheer at how already a great good has spawned from where once was despair, this truely is a sign of good things to come for your people, dont you think?" She speaks twoards those who may still be mourning at the implied loss.

Having listened to the words offered by both sides, Saviante leans forward and places her hands upon the table. "They will all help you, as long as they get something for it. Control, prestige, money." Shaking her head sadly Savi turns her gaze across the assembled spokesmen. "They will tell you whatever sweet words they think you want to hear." sitting back she returns her look to the tribe. "You have been doing fine until now, Savi suggests you keep doing fine and leave the large factions to wallow in their greed. You will find little else but pain and suffering here." Arms crossed and whisper soft voice falling silent, the plant girl leans back, Feeling these people needed to know they weren't walking into the land of milk and honey.

Liana leans foreward as she hears and sees things beginning to go downhill, leting out a little sigh before speaking, a bit reluctantly, into her own mic. "What it really comes down to, is that nothing in life, nothing at all, is truly free. The choice that you have as a tribe is what are you willing to pay, and to who? Zephyr will want money, or some means to turn a profit for helping you. RSX will want information or to do research on you. And the Prometheans will want you to behave and be perfect representitives of, excuse the term, mutant forms. What would be nice is if you could get assistance from all three factions, but they, or at least the high-ups in them, are childish and bitter and refuse to work with eachother except for extreme situations. So what it all boils down to is, what do you want for help? And what are you willing to give for it, be it material payment or something else.

Yawning, Loki continues to munch on his snack. Most of what he could say has already been said, and he remains silent. Theres a little snap of his fingers when Liana finishes speaking, and he points to her. "This is a universal constant this day in age. The factions largely refuse to work together in certain aspects, yet will freely aid eachother in others. It is all in what you want and what can be provided." he says in agreement. "I will disagree with that assessment of RSX though. Yes, information and research are always fantastic, as it allows us to aid eachother and others with the knowledge gleaned, our primary purpose and goal is to once again establish communal order, stability, safety, and progress like the age before P-Day. To make the world less like the ruinous shambles it lies within now. If you can control yourselves and be a productive member of society, you would find a partnership with RSX to be a mutually benificial agreement." he smiles, finally taking a seat at the table.

Dio turns her microphone around and leans her muzzle closer to Cookies. "Do you think you could get rid of those bells, my lady? You see, they're quite distracting and could end up unwanted attraction one day." Watching Cookies wince while THE THING was being discussed, she puts a reassuring hand over the cat girl's head and scratches behind her ears in her typical routine.

As the Zephyr mudslinging continues, the lioness sighs and turns her microphone around. "I'm sorry all of this awful squabbling has been brought here. I'm sure you didn't call us here to hear all that. Regardless, it's wonderful to see communities start gathering up rather than run wild and free in the streets with no rhyme or reason. However, if the rumors are correct, this tribe isn't the only gathering out there in these wastelands. As your small society grows, the demands for resources will increase considerably. If other tribes are created and their needs increase as well, I'd hate to see conflict. However, perhaps this is what you desired to talk about."

A clockwork fox girl wearing army fatigues shuffles up behind Enyo carrying some papers that she straightens in her hands. After some rustling around, she quickly puts on a name plate that reads 'Kennish'. Hearing Enyo's words, she chimes up a bit. "Yes, K&S has been very helpful to me in adapting to my mutations, I'm sure that they would offer you the same kindness and respect in terms of the assistance they render."

"The assistance that we need is rather obvious. While this conflict between you three is all well and good, it leaves those who wish to remain true to our ideals in something of a pinch." The Trike looks to the other three members of his tribe and speaks to them. The exchange is brief and in the end it is the Kobold who speaks next, "The health of our tribe is not a concern to us, provided we stay within the confines of the bubble. It is a concern, however, that the ferals and wild animals that decide to encroach upon our territory not prove to be a nuisance or overrun our defenders. Your three-way conflict aside, what we are seeking has nothing to do with submitting to anyone's research studies, nor are we desiring anything in the way of money. Money is only the source of the trouble that befell the world before the event that changed all of our lives. Other tribes will no doubt see us as a threat while we barter for goods that we cannot grow or hunt ourselves. Everyone has a place within the tribe, be it hunting, gathering, or farming." For the present time, the Anaconda has chosen to remain silent, settling back on his coils and even resting both right hands on the Ankylo-taur beside him, petting the taur half slowly, almost like he wasn't even thinking about it.

Cookies looks up at Dio like she's stupid or something. "Uh.. Nooo," she replies as though it were the most obvious thing in the world that the bells simply /had/ to stay. Duh! More or less ignoring the squabble going on largely for her own wellbeing, she gets a little anxious as she waits for the lotsa-horns-saur to finish talking- though she does listen to him intently, if only to help drown out the other conversation. She leans into the mic, "Um... I would love to... try and change your mind, but... If- if you don't want to trade for goods or protection or anything, what exactly do you want? ... A handout?" She tilts her head slightly and squints. It would not bode well for her little bit she was so eager to do if they weren't interested in bargaining. "You can hunt, gather and farm for yourselves, so you've got food covered... You seem to have a pretty impressive defense between the dragon-fliers and the horny-sauruses... You seem pretty self sufficient, if not even well off! If you don't wanna bargain for better stuff, what do you want?"

"I applaud your independence." Fenris says. "Though I cannot speak for all Prometheans, or any of the other factions represented here," he nods to the others, "and knowing that Saviante speaks truly, these groups do not have the cures to all ills, I CAN pledge my own help." The tiger has hazy memories of the time he spent in the wild, at the mercy of the ferals and would not wish that on anyone. "Whatever your decisions may be," he continues, "There will always be those willing to help, even if they are just individuals with powerful convictions." Someone was there when he needed help, he would be there for others. Best not to think about how often that had turned out badly.

Alanis thinks a moment. "So, Do you need help with ferals? Do you want a protection service? We could send some Zephyr operatives to help you with that, It shouldn't be cheap but we can give you a credit line. Just to be clear. Zephyr is a business corporation. We do not do charity. What they said about our interest in money or other kind of payment, is true. And I hope, you understand that. We can work together if you want."

Luchious did not react much beyond smiling at the stroking Anaconda for a brief moment, otherwise just remaining static on his spot. All he really needed was some form of shades and an earsnail to look like a... Saurian bodyguard, one would suppose? In any case, so far the area remained secure and quiet, the speakers and large gathering keeping most wildlife off for now. Though it's only time that can tell what might happen - The longer they stay here, the more available time a pack has to gather in strength. So he got to stay sharp and constantly on guard.

CaseyRune nods to the Kobold "If its protection you want, you've asked the right people.Even if you decide to side with the Promethians. I can assist. The more people like you that come together into some semblance of civilization the better. RSX may want knowledge and research, but we will protect any who choose civility over the chaos the Ferals bring."

Ryusho finally leans forward as he mrphs a bit about to speak, then realises others did understand as he hums slowly looking around, Though he lets his tail slither out of sight, towrads mazurek for a moment, though of course not having noticed mazureks tail slinked out of sight towards a certain taur.

Enyo grins twoards kennish scratching her head and whispering something softly into her ear, having nothing to say otherwise.

Sitting silently with her arms crossed since her last statement, Savi brightens when she hers someone back her up, even in passing. "I find it hard to understand. You want us to wage war on the ferals for you?" tilting her head to the side a little she smiles under her shemagh. "You are aware many consider YOU ferals?" with a look of confusion, thankfully hidden by her fully covered face, the plant takes a deep breath. "ets try this again, you want no part in any of the groups, or their ways.. but want protection from the ravages of the land?" With a nod and sharp move forward Savi reaches up and pulls her goggles down. "You don't need the factions for that. "Savi will help you, no further questions asked." with this the little plant reclines again.

Liana chuckles softly as several of the people gathered pledge their services, rolling her eyes behind her visor. She keeps watching the various others, her visor highlighting their movements for her to easily spot. She stays silent as her turn to speak arrives, simply nodding towards Loki as she continues writing what everyone says and does.

Kaede nods at Alanis. "I can vouch for the effectiveness of Zephyr's agents. They defended me expertly when they rescued me from my safe room. Of course, I cannot say what they will charge for their services. That is, I suppose, something you will have to weigh against that strength."

"Any help any faction can give you will undoubtably give you some edge over the other tribes in the area. Even if it is simply culling ferals for you, or preventing attacks. It would allow you to grow and prosper far more easily than the others." he says with a frown. "Raw numbers and prosperity can be considered a threat as well - not just technology. Even siding with a group could be considered such." he adds, and then raises a finger. "Another here had said that you all may be considered feral. That is true from some perspectives and interperetation of such things." The dragon advises. "Still, despite it all, I do not think RSX would have any problems assisting your endeavours in a way that you should see fit. It does help foster our goals of bringing civilization back." he smiles. "Also, I do believe you are wrong about money. Such a thing in many ways is a measurement of a concept. A concept that will continue to exist in any form of civilisation."

No! That damn cat girl and her bells... Dio clenches and unclenched her fists, preparing for an eternity of those awful jingles followed by jangles, but with a few deep breaths, she starts to recover. They'll have to talk about attire later.

"I see... Protection is what you desire, is it? Quite a valid concern. I'm sure you understand the futility of having twenty-four seven bodyguards. People claim they will help you, which is wonderful, but how many can really sacrifice so much of their time out of their day to help one village? And then what about the other villages sprouting up? Do we ignore them? And if you'll need to rely so heavily on guards from any faction, it's not quite independence now is it? You'll never have gained true freedom from the three factions. But if you really want to make it happen, I have a few proposals.."

The lioness digs her communicator out of her breast pocket and sticks it on the table. "Number one: It wouldn't be difficult to supply tribes with communicator devices. This allows anyone to send public calls of distress, alerting agents to take action and assist. Two: It's possible to supply weapons for you to defend yourself when the time arrives. Training can also be provided. Three: Zephyr may or may not help and or supply guards for free. Perhaps RSX or the Promies will, but who's to say how reliable this service will be 100% of the time? While you don't believe in the concept of money, bartering food and goods might satisfy Zephyr. Rather, I propose that the three factions create a sort of new force created by a contract. A neutral force where agents are free to take up guard duty alongside members of other factions. There would be a coordinator making sure other villages are safe along with organizing a rotation. Because this is neutral and contractual, the force will be filled with like-minded people and shouldn't cause too much squabble."

The clockwork fox chimes a little as she is whispered to. "All my company need do is say the word, and I will fight with the best of my abilities! Surely some type of bartering can be beneficial, food is always needed by all." Kennish says, finishing settling in with the coyote.

Minue Slowly blinks and tilts her head. she was not sure what was going on and so she just slipped against a wall near teh back and watched the room. her icy body giving off a soft mist thanks to teh tempature differance.

The Quartet turns their attention to Dio when she speaks out, and it is the Dragonfly's turn to finally speak. For a voice reference, if there is an interest in such, think of Waspinator from Transformers, "Cooperation is what we are seeking, not simply protection. We seek to supply everyone with what we have to give, bartering for what we need in trade. We will not accept a monetary system like the world was dependent upon before." The insect rests a hand on one of the trike's shoulders, who does the same with the Kobold, though the spiked tail rests on the Hydra's flanks since it does not have arms. They seem to be in agreement over this, and the Trike pipes up next, "The offer for independant agents to come to our assistance at a time of need is welcome, and if those communicators can be made where we might contact anyone without restriction, that would definitely be acceptable."

Cookies slaps her hand against her forehead and lets out a long sigh of relief. "Okay, so you ARE willing to trade, just not freedom-credit-bucks. Wow, that's way different!" She smiles at the four representatives with the beaming grin she had on to begin with. "I can personally prove to you that Zephyr, while more demanding about compensation, has a lot more to offer you in mutual cooperation than RSX and the Prometheans could!" She taps on her head briefly. "I have a... a... Nano... interfacey..." She trails off briefly and then pipes back up. "I have a NICE unit, something that lets me tell nanites to do really neat tricks. I can make buildings out of the very rocks beneath your feet! I can confuse a pack of attacking ferals with a thought, sculpt furniture with my bare hands, fix machines on a whim and view the information on them! I can even make chemicals in my own body!" She flexes a little bit as though to emphasize. "And I have the power to back up all of these claims, if you want. Imagine what our agents can do for you together if just I alone can do all those things!" She claps slightly in her excitement, jingle jangle, giggling a bit. "Granted, NICE units are available to everyone for a reasonable fee... but Zephyr made them to begin with. Wouldn't you want those guys on your side?"

Fenris is satisfied with Dio's proposition. He nods his approval. "For myself, I think Dio's idea is the best solution we could ask for right now. You maintain your independence and can call for help when it is needed." The tiger leans back in his seat and listens, his part finished for now.

Alanis complements Cookies offer "Truly independet agents would have the same problems that you have right now. They will need support from one of the big companies. But we could send you our agents as you need them. Not a stationary guard, but a service like the old 911. So if you get a incident that you can not manage, We can deliver our forces very fast at your call."

CaseyRune shakes their head "Independant Agents wouldn't need assistance. I know for a fact that merely one agent can be nigh indestructable. If they can't decide who's help they want then giving them the resources to call upon individuals to aid them is better than simply leaving them against the elements. They have said they are self sufficiant and all they need is extra security, not trading partners or some kind of shoping center. RSX or the Promethians can supply them with that just as much as Zephyr can, NICEs or no."


Luchious appeared almost unnaturally immovable by this point despite how the otherwise heavy Anaconda was practically coiled on him by this point. Nothing but the occasional facial twitch could be spotted, even despite how Dio's constant glare at Cookies could be seen at something a bit more threatening. Though no violence had errupted in the crowd yet, so he continued the statuesque presence of his, with Mazurek still stroking along his strap harness fitted tightly across his buff pegs, beneath the open combat vest.

Kaede stands up before saying, "Even if I dislike conflict, it would be my pleasure to assist you if called. Even if I cannot fight, I can think of a few things I could do to help. I imagine my most useful talent would be the ability to become...armor for someone else," finishing by performing a curtsey with her white dress. "As for the question of money, I have noticed that in these days, the right kind of trade can be worth more than currency. Certainly, there are things that cannot truly be bought.

Enyo contemplates the words in silence for a moment. She takes a deep breath and states, "If you are interested in bartering and not money you will most likely recquire a go-between to make sure you arent getting ripped off and exploited by the factions, KIlsa and Shirai Solutions has the kind of contacts, business minded thinkers and sense of fair play that will be crucial to successful bartering. I am confident that my superiors would be more than glad to assist in this endeavor." She tries to convey as much enticement in her voice as possible, to compliment the hopefully already enticing offer she just made. "Quartermaster Dio, from what i've seen youve picked up a few contants. Would not they love such an oppertunity as this?" Again she asks with a voice sweeter than honey. She then openly confirms, "We don't want you being exploited and getting less than you deserve for any services you offer."

Realizing the villagers want the best of both worlds, all their freedom and all the protection of a faction with no give on their way of life, Savi sits back again. Sadly she understands their desires, but doesn't know how to tell them the world simply doesn't work that way. So she just waits.

Loki crosses his arms. "The option of being able to broadcast a help signal is a good standard." he says, rising from his seat. "I help people in my wanderings, regardless of faction. If you needed aid, your allegiance would not matter to me." he smiles. With a stretch the dragon ruffles his wings and looks outwards. Not much seems to need to be discussed, and he has things to do elsewhere anyways.

Dio picks up her communicator and starts poking around on it, perhaps taking notes or looking something up on her contacts. Her eyes briefly pass over to the rather excited Cookies, which draws a small chuckle from her muzzle. Perhaps she's just eager to help, or maybe looking for a chance to make up for what happened with the server. Regardless, a hand reaches over to pat Cookies on the back a few times before she coughs and turns to speak.

"Each faction gives out communicators to their agents for free, even if they somehow manage to lose theirs. With a bit of string pulling, it should be relatively simple to request some communicators from the factions. It'll even allow you to converse easily with other tribes should they choose to accept communicators. Consider it done. It would be wonderful to see if we could get a contract signed between all three factions, but I'm afraid that'll have to wait. We'll have to see if we can get some higher-ups of all factions to sit down and converse. Don't hold your breath on that one."

The lioness opens up her breast pocket and slips her communicator back inside while she listens to Enyo. "I would be delighted for the K&S organization to be an intermediate for regular bartering trade. My skills in business management are keen, perhaps evident by my solo upkeeping of it for a rather long period until we experienced a resurgence. With your new communicators, you may contact our organization with ease and we'll make sure you're getting a fair deal. And perhaps we can even add a bit more to our staff to help regulate this. I know it's difficult to suddenly trust an organization you just heard of, but all I ask is for a trial run of sorts. No charge, no strings attached. I have the utmost confidence we'll deliver quality service like always. And also..."

She leans forward for a moment, putting her elbows on the table and folding her hands. "Would do you say about the prospect of weapons? In my personal opinion, having some weapons to defend yourselves with from ferals would be optimal, even if only to buy time before agents arrive."

Kennish agrees with Dio's idea with a look and a nod of confirmation. "I think an independent group of people would be the best bet, you seem to have people here willing to fight for you." she chimes, sizing up the key speakers in the room.

Minue Keeps listening and slowly ajusts herself against the tree she is leaning against. She then slowly leans a bit closer as she is finding this coverstion to be of intrest, Her icy tailfeathers slowly fluffing up with each breath she takes.

The Anaconda has indeed been slipping more and more of his coils around the taur during the transaction. It has come to the point where the forty foot serpent has almost completely covered the Ankylo-taur in his coils even though the rest of his attention is on the meeting. What is happening along the underside of the taur just might be easy to guess even though it is..well...not QUITE hitten from sight. Meanwhile the Hydra is speaking up, still speaking a partial phrase with one head and moving on to the others one at a time like before, "So what you are suddenly suggesting is that we put our trust in another group entirely, one that has had no major power at all and is therefore new, to help us with our needs? One who will be a mediator between us and everyone else? Also, while weapons would be all fine and dandy, what about those of us who cannot use them? I doubt I would be able to hold anything in my mouths for very long, much less keep my teeth. I don't relish the thought of regrowing teeth constantly."

Cookies rests her head on a hand and peers up at Dio, then over at Enyo, then back to the representatives. "And that's why you hire somebody else to do it. Somebody with the tools. NICE units aren't the only product Zephyr makes, definitely not the only thing we have at our disposal. We can provide better food, better shelter, better tools and better agents, all for a reasonable cost- we're flexible enough to figure out how to deal through something other than modern currencies, certain goods and even simple deeds mean a lot to us. I don't think anyone else can provide even a quarter of what we have to offer and certainly not for what little we ask. And that's being generous!" She seems to be as silver-tongued as ever. ... Maybe she's reading off some sort of script.

Alanis, again, support her partner "If you go for that independent agent idea, we can place a store in your village. We can sell weapons and equipment to the agents and to your community, as individuals, if you do not want to contract all our services as a cominity. Field agents could benefit from NICE unist, natine colectors, weapons, armors and your people could purchase, with the monetary system of their choise, food, medicine and other stuffs that they can not make or get by their own."

CaseyRune sighs, "Who gave the walking advertisements a mic? I thought this was a debate, not the Home Shopping Network. Besides They've already said they don't want commerce, they want security.All your trying to do is shove a Zephyr outpost into their village. So either fuck off with the store, and bring a real argument or leave." They huff, more in annoyance than in disgust. "But secuurity is one thing. Growth is another. If you do get larger than just this Tribe what to you intend to do? Cohearance and Communication are vital to civilization, you must know this."

The wall of a saur-taur had stood motionless through the entire meeting by now, the attention the Anaconda so eagerly shares with him appears to have started getting to him, his fists clenching on all four hands and his expression crumbling like an iced over lake slowly cracking to pressure. It is only then he completely breaks to the will of the giant serpent that Luchious' front legs collapses to kneel, his black giraffe-like tongue pants out from his maw and he tries his best to choke on his own growling moan, only resulting in his eyes rolling back a bit... Good grief, how ruthlessly abused infront of everyone! It even appeared to induce some disturbing effects in the surrounding reptilian guards to see him and Mazurek like this...

"I cannot offer you some sort of deal like my fellow Zephyr agents." Kaede says, glancing at Cookies. "I can only hope that we can establish some sort of trust, and that you do not remain isolated from the assistance of others," Kaede says as her face takes on a rare solemn appearance.

Enyo briefly considers these but then states in a somewhat uninterested tone, though she partially succeeds in masking it, "Weapons can be custom made to suit your needs Codi. As for the trust issue, that can't quite be helped. You may have been human before but times have changed, if you put too much faith in your own skills and abilities, you might come up short and end up doing more than you should. Kilsa and Shirai solutions has a long-standing history of providing quality service to those who need it, our reputation speaks for itself. Yes, its entirely possible that we might TRY to cheat you from your perspective, but its pretty much a certainty that the factions WILL try to cheat you, trusting people with a good reputation like ours is in your best interest. We won't force our help on you but I urge you to accept this offer." She yawns for a moment and then adds on a side note, "Another matter of interest, we have facilities that we can allow you to use for training if you so desire, I doubt there would be much objection to letting you use them, right?" She looks questioningly at Dio for a moment before turning to Casey and casually saying, "I know you're insecure at your inability to be effective in the discussion but could you try not to take that out on the girl. People who just lash out at others to cover up their own inadequacies arent even worth labeling human, they're mainly just scum..." She grins cleverly.

Looking on with distace at the inabilty for these villagers to control themselves, Savi stands. The aggression in the voices starting to rise around the table running through her mind. Waving one hand towards the other people there Savi frowns. "You see your options. Desire, greed and control." pulling her goggles back over her face She almost spits the last words. "Savi will leave you to your choices, pick your devil, Savi will not be responsible. May there be mercy on your souls." With that, she turns and walks away, done with the ferals AND the bickering. This entire situation emphasizing all her issues with the factions.

Dio expected the villagers to be skeptical of the offer K&S put on the table. It was only natural for a group of strangers to be weary of another group of strangers, especially in this day in time.

"Sir," the lioness says, leaning back from her microphone and looking at Casey. "Or ma'am, or whatever you wish to be called. I don't mind if one wishes to play Devil's Advocate, or even disagree with everything that is offered. You have a right after all. However, what you've been doing this entire time is mudslinging, attacking, and being overall antagonistic without actually contributing to what you'd call a debate. If you're an adult, now's the time to act like one instead of using foul language in neutral ground." The lioness peels herself back to her microphone and chuckles a bit as Enyo also gets a shot in. No need to pursue the matter any further. Instead, back to the business at hand.

"My associate is quite right. If you wish, we can show you our wonderful record should that help. At K&S Solutions, it's our business to help others. Our latest project is to digitize books to preserve them in our wasteland environment and allow anyone with a communicator to download said texts. It's grand, is it not? Cheating poor fellows would destroy our business. And again, I can assure that if you don't find our assistance satisfactory, we'll gladly take our leave. I urge you to try, as we have all your best interests in mind. Helping society regrow, as per our company goals, would fill us with pride and glee."

With a cough, the lioness gets out of her chair and stands up. "I'd be glad to assist in training to help you defend yourselves. But regardless of what you choose here, we'll make sure we get those communicators and such lined up for you. No trouble at all."

Minue Keeps listening and then she softly lets out a silent huff. Her body then slowly pushing away from the tree as she slowly walks closer to teh gathering. She still isnt sure what is going on shes not even sure if she belongs to a faction or not but hearing people wanting to be free and to grow does touch something deep inside her. she also wanted to get a better look at what was happening to the taur and the Snake.

The Anaconda had been paying attention to the debate that had been going on and not on what he was doing with the taur right beside him. The sudden slump from the large taur takes him quite off-guard and he turns his attention away from the others to look right to the Ankylotaur he's been petting the entire time. Even he goes wide-eyed upon noting what has just happened, but those coils only tighten around the rear portion, "Wh-..? Oh, dear." He blushes and looks to the others, especially as one of the most plantlike agent storms off. He clears his throat and simply states, "I..I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me." For the Reservation's owner to lose control as he did... Well, let's just say he is definitely known for being quite stoic and unwilling to do things like this when out in public. What caused him to do it this time is anyone's guess. The four tribals, though, take it in stride, though the Kobold can't hide the smirk on its face. The Stego-taur pays no attention to it, instead speaking without missing a beat, "If we desired to have a store front in our tribe, we would have asked for such a thing. We have JUST told you that we have NO interest in currency. We seek to barter, to actually trade one thing for another." The taur then draws his focus to Dio, "Training our warriors with weapons was not our goal here, and we need to think on this for now." One hand rises to rub his head, "So we have offered to grow you some food for your agents, all three groups, for assistance with each of your independent agents when we have need of them. Yes?"

Cookies leans back and frowns slightly. This wasn't quite how she was expected to make things go down, but it was better than no success at all. "Awww. Yeah, I guess." She rests her head on a hand and makes an adorable pout that only a catgirl could make, tail flicking about behind her in agitation. "Didn't even get to mumblegrumble" she trails off.

Alanis relaxes and takes a deep breath. "Ok, we can inform ours agents that, when they have some free time, they can volunteer to go to your village, to hunt... ehm.. to move out some ferals with the company equipment. And they will get food from the locals. I have to inform to my supervisor about this agreement. Maybe we can get some nanite vials and other interesting resourses from the ferals."

CaseyRune glares at Dio again, moving away from the mic "I'm doing that to keep them out of Zephyr's hands, and if my bias is showing then so be it. I'll admit it. But you know exactly why I'm doing that. Nothing more needs to be said." They turn back to the mic with a sigh. "If there can be no consensus then that'll be the best we can do. Though this couldn't have been the best showing of any faction..." They sit back in their seat, mission half accomplished? The tribe might not have made a choice, but at least Zephyr's in no position to move into the village.

Luchious had become oblivious and carefree for the time it took for him to be done twitching and panting, the Anaconda's coils being the primary thing that kept him somewhat stable now on his taloned feet. Most of the surrounding guarding Komodos and Iguanas would seem almost demoralized by the senseless act in a crowd, the poor creatures not sure how to react to it all. If any time, then now would be an optimal time for ferals to strike, but nothing happened in the time it took for the Ankylosaurian to finish and catch his breath again, stabilizing to his feet and suckles his own drooling tongue back in.

"Yes. The opportunity to research new strains of nanites cannot be ignored." Kaede says to Alanis, nodding. "Would that not be payment enough to assist the village with Zephyr agents? I personally do not see a reason to require compensation, but I understand that the owners of Zephyr would think otherwise. Of course, my offer of service still stands, with or without such compensation."

The Coyote's mind seems to somewhat wander, not quiet so good at so much politics and discussion and negotiation. She snaps out of it quickly enough though and even manages to stay on topic when she says, "Hm, I've noticed the prometheans certainly need food but in the best interest of the others. Once more I feel it is necessary to bring up that it would be very beneficial to have our help in negotiation as we at K&S will be able to offer guidance as to the individual needs of each group." she also notes, "The topic of training was one i brought up, it was brought up because I figured you might want to start considering such a question early."

"Indeed," Dio replies, smoothing out her suit-coat diligently and then moving down to her skirt. "The training suggestion was just a side thing. I understand this is not what you desired, so I won't pursue it. The main crux of our position at K&S is being an intermediate during your bartering deals to prevent scamming. We would require no payment. However, don't feel the need to dwell on it now. Converse among yourselves after this meeting and we'll be in touch."

With a few pats and rubs on her skirt, the awful plague of creases upon the fabric disappeared for the most part, leaving a satisfied smile. "But yes, this sounds quite agreeable. We'll make sure you get what we've settled on. However, the day is fading away and perhaps it would be best to retire for now. I've enjoyed this productive discussion and look forward to your development and future relationships on behalf of myself, Zephyr, and K&S Solutions," she says with a bow.

Minue Slowly takes a deep breath and then lets out out again. teh icy mist of her breath fogging teh air before she inhales once again. she then slowly reaches into her trenchcoat and to one of its hidden pockets feeling the lareg amounts of spare vials she has and will never use and thinks about just offering them up in the name of Dio or maybe just as a gift in its own right shes not really sure"If everyone would be ok I have alot of vials that i would be willing to give up t help strengthen this i guess it could be called a friendship if thats ok with Miss Dio"

The Hydra shakes one of its heads while another speaks, "While we have no interest in those vials, preferring to remain as pure as we can to our chosen forms, we will take them in the spirit that they are offered in. one thing that we will not accept, however, is having our members become the subjects of research. Our bodies are our own and there are plenty of other..specimens out there to capture and do as you please." The Kobold pipes up, "Yes, it is getting late, isn't it? Hard to tell out here in this part of the forest."

Cookies slowly stands up from her seat with another clatter of jingling bells, grabs at Dio's hand and, with a final nod of farewell, moves to depart, ideally with her lioness in tow. "C'mon Dio," she nyas out insistently. She sure seems to be in a hurry, but the same could be said about her at any given time anyways. Weird little jingle-jangly catgirl.

Alanis types on her comm her report "New Hunting Ground added. Exotic Forms. Discretion Advised." She stands, takes her catalog and says "It was an interesting chat. I will give you my business card, just in case." She says goodbye to everybody else and depart.

CaseyRune stands up, nodding to those leaving, though before she leaves she walks closer to the 4 tribespeople. "As much as it seemed like Corprate mudslinging, I do wish to genuinely warn you about Zephyr. You can talk with our host about the incident if you must, but as soon as you become remotely a liabillity, they will slaughter your entire village without a second thought. I don't care if you outright regect RSX's or the Promethian's offer, don't take Zephyr's for your own safetey." They're completely stone faced as they say this, and once their done, they turn around to leave for the time being. They're not about to let Zephyr win.

Luchious was trying to recompose his 'hard' appearance once he had fully recovered, though still found himself coiled and interlocked with Mazurek. So he could still be seen rocks his taur body a few times along with faint whurring rising from his chest. Immobilized but gaining control over his body signals, the other guards begins to calm down again.

Enyo yawns, nodding in agreement at the Kobolds statement as begins dozing off, her eyes becoming unfocused. She puts on her sandy-brown cloak and pulls the hood up and says loud enoug to be pickd up and magnified by a speaker "Beannacht." She vanishs into the darkness of the surrounding forest.

Kaede begins crinkling up her tentacle again as she realizes what she said. "I apologize if I seemed to imply any experimentation on your tribe. I merely wished to put forth the idea that any ferals who attack your village could help to benefit Zephyr's research as they are being fought off." She curtsies again before growing a pair of rainbow-colored wings through hidden slits in her dress. "I agree that it is late though. It was a pleasure to meet you." Waving them goodbye, she flies off.

Dio grasps Cookies' hand and smiles, but she stops the advance and looks towards the speakers. "Thank you again for this productive discussion. I'd also like to thank the group that set all this up." The lioness bows her head slightly and then bends down a bit to help Cookies clamor onto her back. "Be well! I wish everyone the best of luck. And feel free to contact K&S Solutions. We're easy to get a hold of." With the cat girl now secure upon her back, she smiles and looks over her shoulder. "Let's go home." After one final nod, she takes off.

Minue Blinks and looks around as everyone simply leaves with her still standing there. She then softly scuffs her foot her hand still touching all those vials. Her eyes then close as she lets out a icy huff an settles down in a lotus postion and simply waits hopeing someone will remeber her offer and maybe help her with it.

The Anaconda remains tightly coiled around his friend, the Ankylotaur, throughout the exchange, and even goes so far as to actually move his torso up to rest against the taur's back, arms wrapping around for a simulated piggy-back ride. The Dragonfly speaks up after a long period of being silent, "From what we have heard we will definitely need to think this over completely. We don't like to be lied to, and at the same time don't like being forced to accept a currency system. The Zephyrs definitely pushed that, so it is not likely that we will be adopting them. Yours and the Prometheans, though, do put up a decent argument. We just might end up remaining neutral for a while and take up the offer your K&S folks are putting out. Time will tell. The rest of the tribe must be consulted before our final decision is made. Fair enough?"

CaseyRune nods to the Tribespeople "Take your time. I can see it won't be an easy disicion. When you do, I know I will be able to respond, however it might be different agents for the others. I will await your decision."

Not until all of the others had disappeared from the area, Luchious sighed and swatted Mazurek across the serpent muzzle behind his back! "What the hell was all that about?" he asked with a penetrating stare harder than what is still hooked inside the serpent's coils along his underside. In a bit of vengeance, he even strikes a hard thrust straight against Mazurek's coiled body!