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"Savi Stop him, we didn't come here for this!"  Almost immediately turn to measure the distance and speed Anbessa is moving, his cloacal slit opening to expose a myriad of shafts ready to fire off bursts of compressed protein to form nets.<br> <br>Aliasi seems to have gotten away with her petty theft, but then, she did it for HER. The rest, well... She returns to the group, acting as if nothing at all is wrong.<br> <br>As Anbessa runs out, the skunks all look toward the open window, and there is suddenly a great chittering of anger everywhere!! Then, the skunks look to Aliasi, her walk, and... even more angry chittering! Weapons are now pointed everywhere, and at every one. "Put them down, put them back, and no one has to be hurt." Says Monique, her M4 pointed at Cerris. An ozzie at Aliasi, one at Savi, and no lacking of M4s for everyone else, except Anbessa, who is too far away, but has 2 skunks going for him as he is hit!<br> <br>Edel puts her hands up again, stepping back from the bookshelf she was perusing. "Calm down, no need for the guns! Against me, anyway. I'm here for my own reasons, and taking books isn't one of them." She flashes a cheery smile and pats her bag, which has been zipped closed the whole time, and still is. "I've got only what I brought in with me."<br> <br>Arms still raised Savi knows she can't follow her orders with weapons pointed at her. Understanding she only has one chance at this, Savi keeps her arms raises and slowly begins sliding her hips back and forth, her torso joing in after a moment. Her body exposing itself through her bondage straps for moments at a time, she slowly sways, her sexual allure building through the aid of the nanites. "Violence is not what you want... Savi knows what you want." Hoping this does the trick, the plant continues to build up and unleash her dance in waves.<br> <br>Aliasi's been playing relatively nice, but she's had enough. "Stupid vermin... You even think you can..." She looks to Saviante, the display distracting even her.<br> <br>Anbessa continues to run, though as he hears the shouting behind him, he glances behind him... Only to be nailed! He yelps as he is sent sliding by the net, his duffel bag of books sent into the air before it skids a bit of ways down the street. Anbessa grunts though as after a few moments he continues to run, albiet at a slower jog, struggling ferociously. "Traitors!" He shouts in anger, flailing around for a moment... Before he gets an idea. He snaps his fingers as a green ball of swamplight bursts onto the net! It begins to work over the fibres well enough, but his thick suit takes most of the burns. He may still be able to run, but an inhibitor does little to stop his charge... Sheesh, though that did tire him out a bit! He at least hopes that ball of fire scared his chasers off though as he charges for his lost books, snatching it up as he sprints.<br> <br>Cerris looks annoyed as a gun is pointed his way, his feathers bristling briefly before he smooths them down with a shrug of his shoulders. Thus he is ready to whisper the words of a politician while everyone is distracted, taking advantage of those weakened minds and wills to ply his trade.  
"Savi Stop him, we didn't come here for this!"  Almost immediately turn to measure the distance and speed Anbessa is moving, his cloacal slit opening to expose a myriad of shafts ready to fire off bursts of compressed protein to form nets.<br> <br>Aliasi seems to have gotten away with her petty theft, but then, she did it for HER. The rest, well... She returns to the group, acting as if nothing at all is wrong.<br> <br>As Anbessa runs out, the skunks all look toward the open window, and there is suddenly a great chittering of anger everywhere!! Then, the skunks look to Aliasi, her walk, and... even more angry chittering! Weapons are now pointed everywhere, and at every one. "Put them down, put them back, and no one has to be hurt." Says Monique, her M4 pointed at Cerris. An ozzie at Aliasi, one at Savi, and no lacking of M4s for everyone else, except Anbessa, who is too far away, but has 2 skunks going for him as he is hit!<br> <br>Edel puts her hands up again, stepping back from the bookshelf she was perusing. "Calm down, no need for the guns! Against me, anyway. I'm here for my own reasons, and taking books isn't one of them." She flashes a cheery smile and pats her bag, which has been zipped closed the whole time, and still is. "I've got only what I brought in with me."<br> <br>Arms still raised Savi knows she can't follow her orders with weapons pointed at her. Understanding she only has one chance at this, Savi keeps her arms raises and slowly begins sliding her hips back and forth, her torso joing in after a moment. Her body exposing itself through her bondage straps for moments at a time, she slowly sways, her sexual allure building through the aid of the nanites. "Violence is not what you want... Savi knows what you want." Hoping this does the trick, the plant continues to build up and unleash her dance in waves.<br> <br>Aliasi's been playing relatively nice, but she's had enough. "Stupid vermin... You even think you can..." She looks to Saviante, the display distracting even her.<br> <br>Anbessa continues to run, though as he hears the shouting behind him, he glances behind him... Only to be nailed! He yelps as he is sent sliding by the net, his duffel bag of books sent into the air before it skids a bit of ways down the street. Anbessa grunts though as after a few moments he continues to run, albiet at a slower jog, struggling ferociously. "Traitors!" He shouts in anger, flailing around for a moment... Before he gets an idea. He snaps his fingers as a green ball of swamplight bursts onto the net! It begins to work over the fibres well enough, but his thick suit takes most of the burns. He may still be able to run, but an inhibitor does little to stop his charge... Sheesh, though that did tire him out a bit! He at least hopes that ball of fire scared his chasers off though as he charges for his lost books, snatching it up as he sprints.<br> <br>Cerris looks annoyed as a gun is pointed his way, his feathers bristling briefly before he smooths them down with a shrug of his shoulders. Thus he is ready to whisper the words of a politician while everyone is distracted, taking advantage of those weakened minds and wills to ply his trade.  
"My people and I didn't come here to steal from you, a fact proven by me detaining that person there.  We are here to make sure you and the knowledge you protect is safe and clearly it is not, wether from inside forces or outside, you can no longer protect this library with confidence and this is proof of it.  You can trust me and mine, allow us to protect you and your's and we'll take the required steps to hold your autonomy until you can get proper help or new protection you can trust."<br> <br>The distraction is nice, but Aliasi takes no chances. She can't get overly large indoors, but she expands her frame as much as she feels is practical, head bumping against the ceiling. Let them shoot at her, she'll shrug it off and tie the barrel in knots...
"My people and I didn't come here to steal from you, a fact proven by me detaining that person there.  We are here to make sure you and the knowledge you protect is safe and clearly it is not, wether from inside forces or outside, you can no longer protect this library with confidence and this is proof of it.  You can trust me and mine, allow us to protect you and your's and we'll take the required steps to hold your autonomy until you can get proper help or new protection you can trust."<br> <br>The distraction is nice, but Aliasi takes no chances. She can't get overly large indoors, but she expands her frame as much as she feels is practical, head bumping against the ceiling. Let them shoot at her, she'll shrug it off and tie the barrel in knots...<br> <br>Stepping back slowly, still pulsing out her swaying dance the Plant soldier draws back to the steps, then starting down. Her wands begins motioning forward, luring all who want the deadly little lure fowrad, to follow, to.. come. Without a sound the plant lets herself back into the street and lowers one hand slowly, pointing at the fleeing thif, Savi lests the power dop as she tuns al looks down the path of her arm. "Don't forget your books." She says softly, looking to any who are watching.<br> <br>Weapons are dropped, books forgotten by most as they pounce at Savi!! 2, 4, 8, 16 skunks girls going for the plant creature, though Monique and a handful resist, looking to Aliasi as she starts to outgrow the library. Those not trying to use Savi for their wilds, cock their weapons, openning fire! The first round is mostly aimed at arms and legs, Cerris' words meaning little to them as their library seems to be under assult. The pair chasing after Anbessa keep after him, unrelenting, though they do shout a 'Stop!' here and there.<br> <br>Edel drops her arms and glances around the library, taking advantage of the confusion to try to slink off through the shelves to find a book on alternative power sources; she was specifically looking for things like wind turbines.<br> <br>Aliasi's solution to the problem is simple; she charges straight towards the problem. It's painful, to be sure, but she knows it'll heal, and she pays little attention to the furniture, people, or skunks that get in her way.<br> <br>Anbessa yips as he continues to sprint, thanking himself for his endurance training as he looks over his shoulder at the two skunkettes. "I'll bring these books back personally! Just making sure they don't get ruined!" He shouts, the human returning to looking ahead as he continues his running. The duffle bag bounces in his hands as he hears the gunshots going off behind him at the Library! Now that he thinks back at it, maybe he should not have shouted... And not take that one HP book bundle. They must love that book! But his general tactic with his escape was running through alley ways, but he does give a wide berth to any ferals. He wants the skunkettes to leave him alone, not feralize!<br> <br>Swarmed in the ocean of Skunks, Savi resigns herself to her chosen path and relents. Having numberous limbs, and pussies, she works steadily, at first trying just to maintain the distraction, but before much time at all, with wild abandon as her own high lust takes over. Her last thought before she succumbs to her inner nature one of hope, hope that this was going to be worth it to the mission.<br> <br>Cerris sighs, rubbing his face as he decides to hold the course.  They came for information and to maintain their community service as protectors of the people, not dogs of the corporation.  That means ALiasi is currently the enemy of the people and the mission.  Entering the libray behind monique he murmurs softly "pardon me dear."
"Sadly, you have made the wrong choice there big girl, if I were you, I'd stop what you are doing and just have a seat and talk this out." 
Cerris does not just use words though, his entire form bristles and then with a rippling of his muscles the air before him becomes a live humming storm of rainbow feathers intent on sedating the hooligan.<br> <br>Aliasi is muddled, confused by the toxins. But this doesn't notably improve the situation, since a pissed-off, confused, strong giantess tends to lash out at whatever happens to be close by!<br> <br>Aliasi is hit by lots of tiny, poisoned feathers. Confussion, vision loss, and general weakness fill her as the skunks stop firing and load rocket launcher modifications under their assult rifles. They then continue to open fire on the giantess! Then, the giantess slams down onto the mass of sex in the center of the study area. The skunks scatter after, no longer distracted by the heat in their loins, picking back up their weapons and continuing to fire! Soon after though, they stop, "Shrink back down! Put the books back, and we won't resume firing!" Says Monique. Savi is hurt, but not too badly. Edel's search so far is not successful, and there is so much noise!! Everywhere!<br> <br>Cerris does not like harm coming to his people and he is sworn to protect THE PEOPLE, the AMERICAN PEOPLE, Aliasi does not like the people, Aliasi must therefore like the terrorists, Aliasi wants the terrorists to win!  Aliasi must be shown the error of her ways and the people must be healed of the pain they suffered at the hands of this enemy of FREEDOM!  His coils and claws lash out, not seeking to bind, but too grip, to interface and then to leech, this power belonged to the people she hurt and he was going to give it to them. 
"Stop her, don't hesitate to hit me as well, this is for your freedom ladies, fight for it and I will fight to get you the help and protection you need and deserve!"<br> <br>Edel growls and mumbles and is generally disgruntled, but she continues her search. She'd rather not go out there and get herself involved in the fight. She's been so good, lately, at not attempting to kill her supposed comrades, and she'd rather not break that streak. So books it is! She likes books. They don't get all angry and try to hit things.<br> <br>The skunks continue after Anbessa though, eventually pulling out nets to try and toss over the fleeing human!<br> <br>Rudely, and rather roughly, taken from her mass of sexual pleasure, Savi come off the ground like amousetrap. Snapping up, head swimming she rushes the cause of her interuption, mind thinking of nothing but a return to what her body wants anyway. Any semblence of control lost, the lust filled plant explodes in a flury of vines, some of which are actually her usually concealed peni. Four members that snake toward Aliasi with intent on taking their desire out on they target of attack.<br> <br>Anbessa yips as the nets meet his loafer's heel, but it is quickly shaken off without as he gets a burst of speed from the suprise! With the sounds of footsteps ringing out, he has escaped! He smiles as his duffel bag of books rests in his hands, him still running as he soon enough has ran off and into the Zephyr lobby. May as well turn in that stuff a-... Where is his M4?<br> <br>Aliasi is confused, in pain, and generally not acting nearly as smoothly as she would like. So her response is purely instinctual, thanks to her supernatural dedication: she begins growing rapidly. While not so large as to burst the building, she certainly will be filling up most of the available space in the room, shortly.<br> <br>As Aliasi expands out, pushing the books, bookshelves, and most things out, the skunks resume firing from alchoves, now opening up with their grenades as well! Bullets, grenades, cocks from a Plant Person, and just general chaos everywhere! The skunks will have their work cut out for them from after this is all done. And they don't stop till Aliasi stops moving.<br> <br>At the beginning of the explosions, the plant Decides her time is up and instanly retracts in fear. Sliding to the farthest corner, paying little attention to where the fire may be coming form, Savi runs araw from where it is going. Her lust, while not sated, is overpowered by fear as she tries to remember what is going on. More importantly, why they are here and who is shooting at them.<br> <br>Cerris was wrapped around that damn fatty when she decided to get bigger, that means he had to make a move that didn't mean being smeared on the ceiling or a wall, so he chooses to hide in the fatty, but there is no handy hole to hide in within reach, SO HE MAKES A NEW ONE AND STUFFS HIMSELF IN.

Revision as of 05:34, 1 October 2013





A quick mission report, ensure that the books in the library are safe, safe in Z's hands. The skunks seem to be playing around inside the library, their usual selves at least on the outside, but the orders were clear, come in, get some of the books, and bring them back to the tower. The heavy skies overhead promises heavy rains shortly, lighting darting among the clouds.

Aliasi ducks into the library. She's been here on occasion, but normally she's stayed clear. But if the library skunks are turning feral, well... she'll ship most off to Zeph, and look for a few interesting tomes to secret off for her own use.

Anbessa yawns as he turns a nearby corner. When he got the little call from Zephyr to go towards the Library to take some books, he didn't honestly feel like this would be so bad! Just a short trip and meeting with familiar faces, and check out a few books that are asked for. He has came here before, and usually they are quite friendly to him... Except for when he got curious about that one door and had a machine gun aimed at him. Aw well! The human hums happilly as his eyes shut, padding down the streets as the human's M4 softly clatters on his back. Though it doesn't take too much time to get to his destination as his eyes soon meet the front door of the Library. Humming softly, he watches the other entering the Library before he steps up the staircase, the human smiling before he steps into the door as well, leaving the door faintly cracked open behind him.

Savi arrives at the library remembering the time she was here last. Her eyes focused on the impending rain, she understands that taking the books out once the rain hits is crazy at best. Lingering around outside, she waits for the rest of the USHC members she knows to be comming berfore she goes inside, mind formulating a plan, but still a bit unsure if it is feasable.

Cerris arrives rather swiftly upon hearing the notice dictated to him over the radio. Clicking off the convo with Lt. Ripley he drops from the sky , his coils depositing Edel next to Savi before he considers changing his form before going in, but in the end decides that the skunks wont have much bigotry one way or another considering their condition.

Edel dusts herself off upon arriving at the library and takes a deep breath. Knowledge was important, of course, but she was more concerned about the skunks themselves, and hoped this wouldn't end poorly. After taking a moment to run things through in her head, she steps into the library proper.

A curious creature wanders her way through the door seemingly out of no where, armed with a rather oversized tommygun, a magnificent weapon made purely of some manner of black metal complete with drum magazine like out of a 1920 age American gangster film and dressed in a long black leather trench coat with red leather trim, tight form hugging black jeans, and red tinted tea shades over her glowing violet eyes, making her seem like she were ready to murder in a heart beat but perhaps with her looks alone. And she was a fox of some sort no less, of shiny obsidian black fur, and 3 tails, for those familiar with the creature a kitsune, she would sort of scream of it, but not a normal one. She wasn't quite exact for general looks of a kitsune, the eyes and the fur gave the most warning she wasn't a kitsune. Her claws seemed to have a slight crimson tinge to their otherwise black color. And her tails seemed to spark and snap with dark purple flickers of energy for some reason, not something a kitsune would normally possess. But she was however very beautiful for certain, one could almost go half blind and stare into an abyss of her otherworldly, mesmerizing beauty. She was tall, graceful, sleek and thin with an hourglass figure, that only seemed possible in one's dreams. And the scent, for those that recognize it at all was that of a black orchid.

At the library entrance is manned by none other then Monique, still holding her M4, and looking everyone over, "Hi there! Welcome to the Library, here to check out the books... or the skunks?" she asks with a slight giggle, smiling to everyone. Above are a few more skunks looking around, giggling, tails wigging in a very worrying fashion.

Aliasi offers, "Mostly the books, miss. Been stories that you've had a few problems around here of late." She looks at the skunk-girls; their behavior is definitely a concern...

Anbessa curiously looks over the others that follow after him, his eyes sticking to the kitsune for some reason for a lingering amount of time before he looks towards Monique. "Nice to see you again Monique!" He says, smiling towards the skunkette as the human steps over towards her, him looking towards Aliasi before he nods and looks back to Monique. "Same thing here, though it always is a tempting offer." He says, winking towards her before he begins to step towards where the books are. He has been in here many times before, mostly for the benefit of teaching his kids, but it always was nice to visit. Never had any fun with any of the skunkettes around here though.

Cerris observes the situation carefully, his suspicions about the mentality of the skunks brought into question by how happy they are to have visitors en masse...they should be more concerned by his esteem. Maybe he should give them a push and see if they rebuff him or simply give in in the manner that their instincts sugest.

"Savi, keep an eye on Edel...I'm going to see if these girls have it all together out here."

That said, the genetic super soldier puts his body on the line, shifting his skin and thus apparent scent to mactch that of a skunk beast before he begins fanning his wings to make sure the smell spreads. He recalled them getting pretty gun happy and agressive with skunk beasts in the past...how about now?

The black furred Kitsune simply stops a good 10 feet from everyone else, with her heavy submachine gun tossed over her shoulder and she glares at skunk but not appearing mean or angry, but opting to remain silent regardless.

Edel smiles and nods at Monique, and starts to open her mouth when Cerris starts to act. "Wait, what?" She looks quite taken aback and moves back a pace. "I don't think that's a good idea at all..." With a frown she folds her arms and looks around at the skunks.

Aliasi looks about. "So... no objections if I head into the stacks, ladies?" She doesn't wait for a response, heading for the books.

Savi smiles, "it's a good idea Edel, Savi is good at keeping an eye on people.." Watching Cerris enter the building she continues. "Savi also would like to mention something to you... an Idea." Leaning over the plant girl whispers softly into Edel's ear.

When Aliasi says they are here for the books, mentioning the fact that the skunk girls have been having some more troubles of lat, she grips her M4 a bit tighter, "You are free to look, but don't try to take any out." she says, then Anbessa gets closer to her, Aliasi trying to pass by, and Cerris shifting forms! The provative, intimidating show between everyone seems to spook them! Three skunks point their tails toward Cerris, letting go, though he manages to avoid two of them, the third laces the once storm dragon's groin. Monique points her M4 to Aliasi, "Look!! But don't try to take." she says again.

Anbessa flinches some at the outburst, him going tense before he looks backwards at the others that came in with him... Seeing Cerris, and the strange Kitsune's actions, he turns around before he puts his hands on his hips. "You know they were being friendly, right?" He asks, frowning towards the others before he looks towards Monique. "Sorry about that... Just came to lookie lookie at a few books is all." He says, trying to smile genuinely towards the skunkette as he stands still, his hands raised in a sort of submission to the presenting of an M4.

Reaching her hand to the bolt on her Tompson the kitsune cocks the gun and rests it back onto her shoulders as she remains a relatively safe distance away from skunk blasts.

Fanning his wings kept much of the spray from him, but once hit, his nanites spread the infection swiftly, eager to incorporate the distinctiveness of any new infection into his own.

"Urgh...pipe down...I just had to be sure that the smell of beast dick wasn't gonna have these girls sniffing my crotch and rubbing against my legs like a bunch of sex kittens..."

Then he falls silent as his body's new form is weaker to it's own needs than he'd been in a year...it hit him like a freight train, making him almost double over with a burning desire to start lifting tales and filling holes...dear god he didn't have enough cocks for how horny he felt right now! He had to change this, he needed more cocks, more balls, he had to impregnate EVERYTHING...yes, he needed more, bigger...more arms to grab them all, he'd finger the ones he wasn't fucking! He'd do them all!

And the changes began, but thankfully the focus needed to change also made him see the fact that he was out of his mind and he turned his attention and training to calming down.

"Okay...got my answer...need to move on and test the girls inside."

Edel likewise keeps her hands up and frowns. "I won't be doing anything but looking. Promise." She shoots a look to Savi, face growing stern as she moves to whisper back to the plant.

Looking to Aliasi some more, and making sure to never look away from her for more then a bit, Monique looks to Anbessa, "Alright, you can all come in, but no more of that..." she says gesturing to the Tompson held there, "Check your weapons at the door." she says, pointing to a bin, "If you are worried about getting your own back, please use the labels beside it to write down your name." Though many many skunk girl eyes are on Cerris's groin by this point, at least till his form changes again.

Aliasi shrugs and smiles. "I don't carry weapons, aside from myself, and I'll thank you not to point yours at me. I might have to take it away from you, and you wouldn't much want it back after I was done with it. Still, I'll respect your wishes." She holds her hands up. Look, nothing in them!

Savi listens to Edel with a slight frown. Watching the 'attack' on Cerris the plant bristles, weapons outside? that made this decision easier. "Savi will wait here... that lable wont fit." She says in a soft cold voice, stopped fast at the height of the stairs. Knowing she wont take another step into a hostile enviroment without her weapons, as if that was possible without taking her head.

Anbessa smiles towards Monique, the human nodding his head towards her. Common procedure here anyway. After a short thing of putting away his custom built M4 and putting his lock upon it so no one else can use it, the human makes his way towards the books, him looking upwards towards the Kitsune... Before he raises an eyebrow as a faint look of recognition comes across his face. "Don't I know you from somewhere...?" He asks, the human tilting his head like a canine would for a moment... Before he shrugs, looking towards Monique and smiling. "Oh, also. Jayden and Aaron say 'Hi'." He says, relaying the message from his catboy sons as he makes his way towards the books, humming idly as he makes his way. Why is he so passive about this? Isn't he susposed to be taking the books?

Skunk girls walk around, keeping an eye on all those walking in, giggling, a few presenting to everyone, but eventually moving on. They all seem mostly concentrating on doing research for the mutation studies done on the ground floor and above, though more and more it is easy to see that they are slowly giving in a bit, a few times stopping to eat each other out, or spary at the book shelves, careful not to actually hit the books themselves.

Edel removes her sword, still in its scabbard, and flips a switch on the sheath before depositing it by the door. She does keep a few of her throwing knvies tucked away under her cloak, but otherwise moves on towards the books unarmed. "I really am rather conflicted about all of this... I wonder what's causing it? Did something happen that I am not aware of?" She doesn't seem to be speaking to anyone in particular, but to the group in general as she glances over the shelves.

Cerris relaxes slowly, his observations showed him what he needed to know, they were weakeneing, but they hadn't lost it yet, soon the library wouldn't be safe unless something was done. With his coils lengthening and his form bulking up, he approaches Monique after the others have moved on.

"Monique, the last time I was here, the sight or smell of a skunk beast in the air was enough to get that being killed, in this case all I got were a few nervous squirts. You need to admit it to yourselves...you are starting to give in to your bodies...you ladies and the books you are protecting wont be safe for much longer. Let the military take over for a while, get your girls some counseling, maybe even laid, I don't know, but as it is, before the year is out, you'll likely have some skunk beasts wander up in here and then you'll all just be a well prepared harem."

From her viewpoint in the doorway Savi watches quietly, arms crossed, eyes taking in all the movements from the skunks. Ateempting to miss the books or not, accidents happen and there volumes were in danger. The situation was violatile at best.

Aliasi figured this wouldnt' be easy, but before she tries more blatant action, she decided to secure what *she* wanted. Looking for the books she was requiring - a big reference work on mythologies of the world, a sociology textbook, and one on architecture and design - she wraps them up in an old plastic bag she'd happened to fetch along, using her nanomagic to seal the plastic around the books so it's fairly air and watertight.

Eri remained where she stood without a sound, waiting for everyone to go inside.

No one seems to notice the keeping of the knives as everyone mills about. As Cerris talks to her, Monique listens carefully, "Well.... we'll be fine, just a hard time, we'll recover and be just fine, need more time researching though, get more skunk beasts and skunk girls to help." she says, though she doesn't seem unswayed, "If.. if things get worse, I'll come find you." she says, though one skunk calls out, "Monique! Hey, what is this one doing?" pointing to Aliasi as she seals up the books!

Anbessa chuckles at a few of the skunkette's actions, winking to a few teasingly as he breaks off from the group, wandering a bit deeper into the library and towards more of the 'Reference' books. Damn dewey decimal system, never could figure it out, but labels help out. Looking off towards where a few skunkettes are, he seems unbothered by the obvious stench in the area. Heck, he uses the skunkette's and skunk beast's musks for his own personal bombs, so there ain't no true problem to him. A few added ingredients and the epicenter becomes a relatively acidic bomb while the rest just stinks to high hell. Though as he hears the yell, he goes tense as he looks back towards where the yelling comes from. At least this is a good time as any! The human reaches into his suit quietly, snatching out what seems to be a folded up duffel bag! Unfolding it, he quickly begins to reach up at the books, snatching a few of the dictionaries and other important books as he hopes all the attention stays off him for now. Fast hands, but hopefully enough that he can do this without getting spotted too quick!

Eri eventually turns around and simply walks away from it all. Swaying her hips and tails, and not looking back as she disappears into the ally way she came out of.

Seing the door guard become alerted to the theft Savi speaks up. "Excuse me," she says softly. "Where does Savi put her weapon again?" Raising the metal tube off her belt, she tries to grab attention away from the books by stepping forward wavinf the tube around, elbowing off anything she can, attempting to spill anything anywhere. "Excuse me." she says softly after every collision.

Cerris sniffs the air around the building, listening to Monique's words carefully before pressing the case further.

"I can smell it...this place smells like a a whorehouse after the rush. And listen to yourself! Get more skunk beasts to help? How many of them sucumbing does it take to turn you all into slaves? Can you honestly say that isn't already starting to happen? You would never have trusted so many amidst you before...Can't you smell it? That is the smell of your sisters inching closer and closer to abandonning knowledge, if you don't believe me..get your scientist friend up here and have her tell me everything is fine."

Aliasi's been discovered. Her intention was to simply claim, after noticing how the skunks are spraying, that she was protecting the books, but she waits to see how successful Saviante might be. If the attempt to distract is successful... Ali shoves the books into the most convienent storage space a cosmic angel possesses; making her sex loose and stretchy, she shoves them... up THERE. If Savi's distraction works, anyway.

True to her word, Edel doesn't seem to be attempting to take any books as she ambles about the isles at a leisurely pace, occasionally stopping to flip through the pages of a book before replacing it on the shelf. Her ears remain open and attentive, however.

It is very quick that many weapons are pointed at Savi, including an ozzie! "Don't move! Stay right there!" They say, lots of weapons, and raised skunk tails! Aliasi's and Anbessa's attempts work out well, for now, but after pointing to the bin behind the counter, some of the skunks' attentions start to move about the place again. After making sure that her sisters have it under control, Monique looks to Cerris, "You... you have a point, those of use that are more gone, I'll send to Z for treatment, or over to the Prommies. But these are our books! And we won't let you just have them." she says.

Savi shugs looking as innocent as she can. "We don't want to hurt your books. We just dont want ANYONE to hurt your books." Looking at the weapons and tails calmly the plant girl wiggles the tube in her upraised hand gently. "What was Savi supposed to do with this again? Savi needs to looks for a book on wind turbines." she says with a soft kind smile.

Anbessa pays no mind to the other agents as he soon has taken a full shelf of books... He even took the Harry Potter book bundle! Nooo! The human smirks as he looks back towards the others, but he pays no mind to the condition of the other agents as he begins to make his run, now with a duffel bag full of books in his hand! He looks towards one of the MANY windows in the building, quickly moving over towards it as he tries to hopefully not catch too much of the eyes of skunkettes... Though with a large duffle bag moving around in his hand... His other hand though tugs up on the bottem of a window! As it slides open, the human takes little time to vault out of the window. Luckilly for him, he is on the first floor. "Nothing personal!" Is heard shouting outside, the loud shout booming from the tall human!

Cerris is trying to get the whole damn library, and Anbessa taking a shelf is putting that in danger, he isn't having it, this is about the long game, not petty wins.

"Savi Stop him, we didn't come here for this!" Almost immediately turn to measure the distance and speed Anbessa is moving, his cloacal slit opening to expose a myriad of shafts ready to fire off bursts of compressed protein to form nets.

Aliasi seems to have gotten away with her petty theft, but then, she did it for HER. The rest, well... She returns to the group, acting as if nothing at all is wrong.

As Anbessa runs out, the skunks all look toward the open window, and there is suddenly a great chittering of anger everywhere!! Then, the skunks look to Aliasi, her walk, and... even more angry chittering! Weapons are now pointed everywhere, and at every one. "Put them down, put them back, and no one has to be hurt." Says Monique, her M4 pointed at Cerris. An ozzie at Aliasi, one at Savi, and no lacking of M4s for everyone else, except Anbessa, who is too far away, but has 2 skunks going for him as he is hit!

Edel puts her hands up again, stepping back from the bookshelf she was perusing. "Calm down, no need for the guns! Against me, anyway. I'm here for my own reasons, and taking books isn't one of them." She flashes a cheery smile and pats her bag, which has been zipped closed the whole time, and still is. "I've got only what I brought in with me."

Arms still raised Savi knows she can't follow her orders with weapons pointed at her. Understanding she only has one chance at this, Savi keeps her arms raises and slowly begins sliding her hips back and forth, her torso joing in after a moment. Her body exposing itself through her bondage straps for moments at a time, she slowly sways, her sexual allure building through the aid of the nanites. "Violence is not what you want... Savi knows what you want." Hoping this does the trick, the plant continues to build up and unleash her dance in waves.

Aliasi's been playing relatively nice, but she's had enough. "Stupid vermin... You even think you can..." She looks to Saviante, the display distracting even her.

Anbessa continues to run, though as he hears the shouting behind him, he glances behind him... Only to be nailed! He yelps as he is sent sliding by the net, his duffel bag of books sent into the air before it skids a bit of ways down the street. Anbessa grunts though as after a few moments he continues to run, albiet at a slower jog, struggling ferociously. "Traitors!" He shouts in anger, flailing around for a moment... Before he gets an idea. He snaps his fingers as a green ball of swamplight bursts onto the net! It begins to work over the fibres well enough, but his thick suit takes most of the burns. He may still be able to run, but an inhibitor does little to stop his charge... Sheesh, though that did tire him out a bit! He at least hopes that ball of fire scared his chasers off though as he charges for his lost books, snatching it up as he sprints.

Cerris looks annoyed as a gun is pointed his way, his feathers bristling briefly before he smooths them down with a shrug of his shoulders. Thus he is ready to whisper the words of a politician while everyone is distracted, taking advantage of those weakened minds and wills to ply his trade.

"My people and I didn't come here to steal from you, a fact proven by me detaining that person there. We are here to make sure you and the knowledge you protect is safe and clearly it is not, wether from inside forces or outside, you can no longer protect this library with confidence and this is proof of it. You can trust me and mine, allow us to protect you and your's and we'll take the required steps to hold your autonomy until you can get proper help or new protection you can trust."

The distraction is nice, but Aliasi takes no chances. She can't get overly large indoors, but she expands her frame as much as she feels is practical, head bumping against the ceiling. Let them shoot at her, she'll shrug it off and tie the barrel in knots...

Stepping back slowly, still pulsing out her swaying dance the Plant soldier draws back to the steps, then starting down. Her wands begins motioning forward, luring all who want the deadly little lure fowrad, to follow, to.. come. Without a sound the plant lets herself back into the street and lowers one hand slowly, pointing at the fleeing thif, Savi lests the power dop as she tuns al looks down the path of her arm. "Don't forget your books." She says softly, looking to any who are watching.

Weapons are dropped, books forgotten by most as they pounce at Savi!! 2, 4, 8, 16 skunks girls going for the plant creature, though Monique and a handful resist, looking to Aliasi as she starts to outgrow the library. Those not trying to use Savi for their wilds, cock their weapons, openning fire! The first round is mostly aimed at arms and legs, Cerris' words meaning little to them as their library seems to be under assult. The pair chasing after Anbessa keep after him, unrelenting, though they do shout a 'Stop!' here and there.

Edel drops her arms and glances around the library, taking advantage of the confusion to try to slink off through the shelves to find a book on alternative power sources; she was specifically looking for things like wind turbines.

Aliasi's solution to the problem is simple; she charges straight towards the problem. It's painful, to be sure, but she knows it'll heal, and she pays little attention to the furniture, people, or skunks that get in her way.

Anbessa yips as he continues to sprint, thanking himself for his endurance training as he looks over his shoulder at the two skunkettes. "I'll bring these books back personally! Just making sure they don't get ruined!" He shouts, the human returning to looking ahead as he continues his running. The duffle bag bounces in his hands as he hears the gunshots going off behind him at the Library! Now that he thinks back at it, maybe he should not have shouted... And not take that one HP book bundle. They must love that book! But his general tactic with his escape was running through alley ways, but he does give a wide berth to any ferals. He wants the skunkettes to leave him alone, not feralize!

Swarmed in the ocean of Skunks, Savi resigns herself to her chosen path and relents. Having numberous limbs, and pussies, she works steadily, at first trying just to maintain the distraction, but before much time at all, with wild abandon as her own high lust takes over. Her last thought before she succumbs to her inner nature one of hope, hope that this was going to be worth it to the mission.

Cerris sighs, rubbing his face as he decides to hold the course. They came for information and to maintain their community service as protectors of the people, not dogs of the corporation. That means ALiasi is currently the enemy of the people and the mission. Entering the libray behind monique he murmurs softly "pardon me dear."

"Sadly, you have made the wrong choice there big girl, if I were you, I'd stop what you are doing and just have a seat and talk this out."

Cerris does not just use words though, his entire form bristles and then with a rippling of his muscles the air before him becomes a live humming storm of rainbow feathers intent on sedating the hooligan.

Aliasi is muddled, confused by the toxins. But this doesn't notably improve the situation, since a pissed-off, confused, strong giantess tends to lash out at whatever happens to be close by!

Aliasi is hit by lots of tiny, poisoned feathers. Confussion, vision loss, and general weakness fill her as the skunks stop firing and load rocket launcher modifications under their assult rifles. They then continue to open fire on the giantess! Then, the giantess slams down onto the mass of sex in the center of the study area. The skunks scatter after, no longer distracted by the heat in their loins, picking back up their weapons and continuing to fire! Soon after though, they stop, "Shrink back down! Put the books back, and we won't resume firing!" Says Monique. Savi is hurt, but not too badly. Edel's search so far is not successful, and there is so much noise!! Everywhere!

Cerris does not like harm coming to his people and he is sworn to protect THE PEOPLE, the AMERICAN PEOPLE, Aliasi does not like the people, Aliasi must therefore like the terrorists, Aliasi wants the terrorists to win! Aliasi must be shown the error of her ways and the people must be healed of the pain they suffered at the hands of this enemy of FREEDOM! His coils and claws lash out, not seeking to bind, but too grip, to interface and then to leech, this power belonged to the people she hurt and he was going to give it to them.

"Stop her, don't hesitate to hit me as well, this is for your freedom ladies, fight for it and I will fight to get you the help and protection you need and deserve!"

Edel growls and mumbles and is generally disgruntled, but she continues her search. She'd rather not go out there and get herself involved in the fight. She's been so good, lately, at not attempting to kill her supposed comrades, and she'd rather not break that streak. So books it is! She likes books. They don't get all angry and try to hit things.

The skunks continue after Anbessa though, eventually pulling out nets to try and toss over the fleeing human!

Rudely, and rather roughly, taken from her mass of sexual pleasure, Savi come off the ground like amousetrap. Snapping up, head swimming she rushes the cause of her interuption, mind thinking of nothing but a return to what her body wants anyway. Any semblence of control lost, the lust filled plant explodes in a flury of vines, some of which are actually her usually concealed peni. Four members that snake toward Aliasi with intent on taking their desire out on they target of attack.

Anbessa yips as the nets meet his loafer's heel, but it is quickly shaken off without as he gets a burst of speed from the suprise! With the sounds of footsteps ringing out, he has escaped! He smiles as his duffel bag of books rests in his hands, him still running as he soon enough has ran off and into the Zephyr lobby. May as well turn in that stuff a-... Where is his M4?

Aliasi is confused, in pain, and generally not acting nearly as smoothly as she would like. So her response is purely instinctual, thanks to her supernatural dedication: she begins growing rapidly. While not so large as to burst the building, she certainly will be filling up most of the available space in the room, shortly.

As Aliasi expands out, pushing the books, bookshelves, and most things out, the skunks resume firing from alchoves, now opening up with their grenades as well! Bullets, grenades, cocks from a Plant Person, and just general chaos everywhere! The skunks will have their work cut out for them from after this is all done. And they don't stop till Aliasi stops moving.

At the beginning of the explosions, the plant Decides her time is up and instanly retracts in fear. Sliding to the farthest corner, paying little attention to where the fire may be coming form, Savi runs araw from where it is going. Her lust, while not sated, is overpowered by fear as she tries to remember what is going on. More importantly, why they are here and who is shooting at them.

Cerris was wrapped around that damn fatty when she decided to get bigger, that means he had to make a move that didn't mean being smeared on the ceiling or a wall, so he chooses to hide in the fatty, but there is no handy hole to hide in within reach, SO HE MAKES A NEW ONE AND STUFFS HIMSELF IN.