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&quot;It heelps to be as close to natural as possible when working in this state...but we may be in for a fight, so I figure bigger fists make for a better fight.  Glad to have your back, missy.&quot;<br> <br>Marathon churrs with a smile as her rump gets a good smack, her fluffy bunny tail twitching in her arousal. She turns back to the officer to greatfully take the map, folding it up neatly once she gets a good look at it. She places it in a pocket of her pretty pink child&#39;s backpack where she can reach it easily before lightly jogging to the heli to depart.<br> <br>As the group board the chopper the pilot finishes up his pre-flight checks and calls back into the cabin, &quot;Alright, fasten yourselves in. The flight will be several minutes. The conditions in the sky are a little worse than the drizzle we&#39;ve got on the ground.&quot; With that he taps a button on the control pannel and the doors to the chopper close. Several moments later the chopper lifts off the ground and ascends into the air.<br> <br>Firecracker pops her forehoof out of her mane, bringing a regular-sized lemon out with it.  &quot;Here it is!&quot; she gleefully announces to the others in the helicopter as she sits on the pilot&#39;s head, starting to squirm a bit in her seat.  &quot;Dunno what squeezing it&#39;s gunna do, but that&#39;s what you&#39;re s&#39;posed to do, right?&quot; she asks the others in the helicopter with a tilt of her head.  &quot;Oh yeah, and what&#39;re your names?&quot; she asks as she starts hugging the yellow citrus against her chest with her forelegs.<br> <br>Arris sits hirself in the seat of the helicopter, pulling out small handful of granola bars from hir pocket before shifting forms into a Math Teacher. &quot;The officer said the guy we&#39;re helping was skittish or something, right? If any of you guys are able to shift into a human form, I&#39;d reccomend you&#39;d do so. Would probably help get him to be more comforted, or something.&quot; Sie unwraps one of the granola bars and takes a bite, holding out the remaining four for the others to take. &quot;My name is Arris. All of you know me already, &#39;cept for the pilot.&quot;<br> <br>Cerris is silent for the flight for the most part, his form kept stable though his nanite production capabilities start ramping up as he prepares to negate the lack of bubble.  But when asked, his voice does roll out as a powerful telepathic radio signal that announces him as  
&quot;It heelps to be as close to natural as possible when working in this state...but we may be in for a fight, so I figure bigger fists make for a better fight.  Glad to have your back, missy.&quot;<br> <br>Marathon churrs with a smile as her rump gets a good smack, her fluffy bunny tail twitching in her arousal. She turns back to the officer to greatfully take the map, folding it up neatly once she gets a good look at it. She places it in a pocket of her pretty pink child&#39;s backpack where she can reach it easily before lightly jogging to the heli to depart.<br> <br>As the group board the chopper the pilot finishes up his pre-flight checks and calls back into the cabin, &quot;Alright, fasten yourselves in. The flight will be several minutes. The conditions in the sky are a little worse than the drizzle we&#39;ve got on the ground.&quot; With that he taps a button on the control pannel and the doors to the chopper close. Several moments later the chopper lifts off the ground and ascends into the air.<br> <br>Firecracker pops her forehoof out of her mane, bringing a regular-sized lemon out with it.  &quot;Here it is!&quot; she gleefully announces to the others in the helicopter as she sits on the pilot&#39;s head, starting to squirm a bit in her seat.  &quot;Dunno what squeezing it&#39;s gunna do, but that&#39;s what you&#39;re s&#39;posed to do, right?&quot; she asks the others in the helicopter with a tilt of her head.  &quot;Oh yeah, and what&#39;re your names?&quot; she asks as she starts hugging the yellow citrus against her chest with her forelegs.<br> <br>Arris sits hirself in the seat of the helicopter, pulling out small handful of granola bars from hir pocket before shifting forms into a Math Teacher. &quot;The officer said the guy we&#39;re helping was skittish or something, right? If any of you guys are able to shift into a human form, I&#39;d reccomend you&#39;d do so. Would probably help get him to be more comforted, or something.&quot; Sie unwraps one of the granola bars and takes a bite, holding out the remaining four for the others to take. &quot;My name is Arris. All of you know me already, &#39;cept for the pilot.&quot;<br> <br>Cerris is silent for the flight for the most part, his form kept stable though his nanite production capabilities start ramping up as he prepares to negate the lack of bubble.  But when asked, his voice does roll out as a powerful telepathic radio signal that announces him as  
&quot;Voss, Colonel Cerris Voss, US military.  Here to cover your pretty little asses and get this job done right.&quot;<br> <br>Marathon picked up Firecracker from the pilot&#39;s head as to not disturb him, taking her seat with the tiny pony on her lap. she gives a happy churr and takes a granola bar from Arris, fumbling with the wrapper a bit before tearing it in half and sticking both halves in her mouth to suck on (without the wrapper, of course. She isn&#39;t that stupid). A few crumbs do fall on the pony in her lap though...
&quot;Voss, Colonel Cerris Voss, US military.  Here to cover your pretty little asses and get this job done right.&quot;<br> <br>Marathon picked up Firecracker from the pilot&#39;s head as to not disturb him, taking her seat with the tiny pony on her lap. she gives a happy churr and takes a granola bar from Arris, fumbling with the wrapper a bit before tearing it in half and sticking both halves in her mouth to suck on (without the wrapper, of course. She isn&#39;t that stupid). A few crumbs do fall on the pony in her lap though...<br> <br>The pilot focuses on keeping the chopper flying smoothly through the bad weather. Once there is a calm spot he says, &quot;Name&#39;s Burt Neeley.&quot; not taking his eyes of what he&#39;s doing an instant as he pilots the chopper to an intersection of roadway about fifty yards from where the nanites begin to loose connection to the server that maintains the bubble. He presses the button for the doors again and they open. &quot;Good luck checking on Mr. Greaves.&quot; Burt says as the doors open and he waits for his passangers to disembark before he can take off again. r% r% The landing zone is mostly barren. Several derilect building are lined up along the road but there is nothing about them that draws attention other than their presance on the flat ground. The most noteworthy thing is the forrest beginning just outside of the bubble.<br> <br>&quot;Oh yeah!  I can do that!&quot; Firecracker says as she angles her head up to catch some falling crumbs as she is seated in Marathon&#39;s lap with her lemon, wiggling her little bottom into the bunny&#39;s fur as she sits.  She inhales a deep breath through her mouth, plugs it with a forehoof, then blows.  At first, her cheeks puff out with the effort, then the rest of her body follows suit as she expands, growing larger and larger until she is human-sized!  With her new size, she squishes her lemon quite easily between her forehooves, even as she continues to wiggle in her bunny seat.  &quot;There!&quot; she says with a smile, &quot;All squeezied!&quot;  Seeing the offering of granola, the not-so-mini pony reaches over with her mouth and snaps one up with her mouth, wrapping and all!  &quot;Mmmmm, plasticky!&quot;
Once the chopper lands, the pink pegasus hops right on out to land on all fours.  She thrusts a foreleg out towards the distance and announces, &quot;Onward to adve-Oh wait!  Humany!&quot; she remembers, standing up on her hindlegs to thrust an &quot;arm&quot; out in front of her once again, &quot;Onward to adventure!  Let&#39;s find that well guy and search him again!  Which way?!&quot;<br> <br>Arris hops down from the chopper as it lands, pulling hir rifle off hir back and peering through hir scope, scanning the distance for anything of interest. Not seeing anything, sie lowers hir sights. &quot;Alrighty, Marathon, you have the map. Lead on.&quot; Sie begins following after the bunny, doing a bit of a double-take once sie passes by Firecracker standing on her hindlegs, but continues walking.<br> <br>Cerris disembarks immediately so as to no longer be claustrophobic with his situation.  Watching the others ready themselves, he focuses instead on helping his escort get free before sending her out to scout around.
&quot;If anyone other than me can keep the our abilities burning, speak up now, I&#39;d rather boost you than maintain it myself as I&#39;ll be needed for any fights that may come up.&quot; 
Even without an answer the air around the soldier is thick with nanites just waiting for a job to do already idly enhancing his muscles and scent just by proximity.<br> <br>Marathon doesn&#39;t seem to mind the tiny pony suddenly becoming a big pony in her lap, or the antics Firecracker does on the trip. What Marathon does mind however is the shudder she feels as the chopper lands. The faltering nanite signal gives her a bad feeling, but she is a strong and cute bunny, such a thing is no problem for her! She pulls out the map for a minute, double checking the route to take before leading the way down a short cut with another happy churr. The rain won&#39;t stop this courier rabbit!<br> <br>As the group disembarks and looks around they see the crumbling infrastructure of the previus world. The broken blacktop of the road reduced to gravel in some places, displaced bricks from the walls of the derilect buildings, grass and other weeds growing through anywhere the pavement is broken. The area is quiet as they look around and prepare to venture forth out of the bubble.<br> <br>The scilence is broken by the sound of the chopper&#39;s engine starting up again as it ascends into the sky leaving the group to their task.<br> <br>Firecracker follows right behind the mail bunny as she walks or jogs or runs on her hindlegs, rubbing her thighs together with each step as her heat continues to make itself known.  Spotting a certain little keychain-sized plushie on the bunny&#39;s bag, the pony leans in really close as she &quot;Oooooo&quot;s, eyes sparkling, literally, at the sight before she throws her forelegs over the bunny&#39;s shoulders in a warm hug.  &quot;You didn&#39;t tell me you had onea those mes, Mary!&quot; she says joyfully as they continue to walk along.<br> <br>Arris keeps walking with the group, giving the occasional backwards glance to Firecracker&#39;s odd bipedal posture. Drifting slowly towards Cerris, sie whispers to him: &quot;Is it just me, or is seeing a Puny Pegasus on two feet odd? With other forms, I guess I could take it, but with the bright solid-color fur and stub-ended limbs, it just looks... unsettling. ...I don&#39;t mean to be rude to her, though.&quot;<br> <br>Cerris sniffs the air as he begins to move away from the dropzone, time to find out where food and water was going to be coming from if they had to spend any real amount of time out here. 
The woods had him a touch worried as the close quarters meant his future attempts at stealth were going to be shitty, but it also meant they couldn&#39;t get mobbed by anything big.  His focus snaps back to Arris when she closes in on him and he chuckles and replies
&quot;She looks unreal, but then I&#39;m talking to a lab coat of a woman whom was rather toothy a while back.  Funny thing, I kinda wanna flirt more now just to see what strange quirks that normal looking form tries to force you into...&quot;<br> <br>Marathon stops for a moment and leans into Firecracker&#39;s hug, churring a bit with her eyes closed. The distraction lasts for a few moments before Marathon remembers what she was doing, hopping through the fields with exuberant energy before leading the group into the forest.<br> <br>The forest starts of thin, a few trees here and there, but quickly grows thicker. After a minute or so there is a thick canopy above them, not quite thick enough to block out light but with it the weather is not so much light rain but small streems falling from the trees here and there. As Cerris begins to look and smell around it becomes apparent to him that water won&#39;t be a problem and there is small game that could be hunted here. With the short rout that marathon had found they begin to scale a small hill that shaves a few minutes off their trip. The sound of people ahead tells them they will soon be at their destination.<br> <br>Firecracker clings onto Marathon&#39;s back as she starts hopping around, piggy-backing on the bunny as she makes her way around.  &quot;Weee!&quot; she giggles as she wiggles, rubbing her groin on whatever she can as she&#39;s being transported.  Once she leaves the bubble, she almost immediately throws up a massive bubble of her own, ranging 140 feet in all directions.  &quot;Oh hey!  Peoples!&quot; she cheers out to her little group before cupping her forehooves in front of her mouth and shouting out loudly, &quot;Hiya peoples!&quot; ready to greet the peoples they were sure to meet soon!

Revision as of 05:42, 13 April 2017





Standing on the helipad of RSX Solutions building in woodfield Officer Strefeler, as identified by his tags, stands aparantly unaffected by the light drizzle of this gloomy day. He awaits the arrival of the Agents who had accepted the contract as the chopper pilot preps the helicopter.

Firecracker, like usual, flies in from above to land atop the officer's head, like usual, while wearing nothing at all, like usual, out in the rain. "Hiya!" the puny pale pink pretty pony pegasus chirps out happily as she lands, "I'm Firecracker! What's your name? And is this the place for the Hide-and-Seek thingy?"

Arris approaches the helipad. Sie fails to notice the tiny pegasus flying around in the rain, but does notice the RSX officer, giving him a salute. "Good evening, sir. Uh, I hear RSX was in need of some help with finding a lost researcher?"


Coming from the prison in the south east is a true giant of a man, his every step heavy, but carefull enough not to be loud, shuddering or ponderous. No this big man moves with easy grace and agility as loong as he doesn't need to scratch his nose or anything.

His gear is loosely military in the sense that it is tactical gear darkened for use in an urban environment with a removable namebadge on his chest that reads a faded 'VOSS' when his bulging muscles angle it toward the eyes of smaller people.

"Okay, Felicia, take a break, I gotta play nice with the locals."

That said, the abyss lioness following him like an escort steps back to allow him to nod to the RSX operative before he pas Arris on the shoulder and winks.

Marathon comes hopping up to the RSX officer, the rain making her sporty outfit and fuzzy bunny fur a bit wet and shiny. She takes a deep breath before announcing herself: "HimynameisMarathonandIheardyouwereaskingforpeopletogooutofthebubbleI'veneverbeenoutthatfarbutI'mskilledattrackingrunningandbeingreallyreallyfast!" She then gives what looks like a salute and makes a happy churring sound.

Strefeler brushes a hand through his hair shortly after Firecracker lands on his head. He watches the group aproach and once they are all there he says, "That is correct. Your mission is to go to the reported location of the laboratory of one of our researchers, an Erick Greaves, he was recently spooked in an encounter with a feral while trying to bring his findings to us." He removes a map from one of his pockets and holds it, folded, in front of him. "This map will lead you from the edge of the bubble to where he reported his laboratory as being. The chopper will take you to the edge of the bubble. Retrieving his research is your primary mission but the secondary mission is to see if he is well. He is a nervous man prone to scaring easily. Don't give him a heart attack." he says as he waits, arm outstretched, for someone to take the map.

"Okie dokie lokie!" Firecracker says with a bright smile as she looks to the map from atop the officer's head. "Use the map to find a bubble and the guy with the re-searching and see he's a well without attacking his heart!" Firecracker summarizes quite astutely before shaking herself off like a dog, spraying rainwater in arcs all around her from her body and outstretched wings. "Easy peasy lemon squeezy!" she says as she hops off the officer to enter the helicopter and place herself on the pilot's head instead. "Now I just gotta find where I put that lemon!" she announces as she starts digging around in her mane with a forehoof.

Arris nods, and adjusting the position of hir rifle on hir back. "Sounds simple enough. Marathon, you're good at navigating things, right? I think it's best if you took the map." Sie gives the bunny a light smack on the bottom towards the officer. Briefly sniffing the air, sie directs hir attention to Cerris. "Oh, hey, Cerris. Different form again?"

Cerris considers the coming situation and frowns, at his size, they are gonna have to hook his harness to the underside of the helo and choplift his ass out there.

"Right, so everyone here is likely to scare the life out of the egg head...that's great..."

When Arris addresses him he nods, grinning toothily seeing as there is little danger of that scaring anyone in this form.

"It heelps to be as close to natural as possible when working in this state...but we may be in for a fight, so I figure bigger fists make for a better fight. Glad to have your back, missy."

Marathon churrs with a smile as her rump gets a good smack, her fluffy bunny tail twitching in her arousal. She turns back to the officer to greatfully take the map, folding it up neatly once she gets a good look at it. She places it in a pocket of her pretty pink child's backpack where she can reach it easily before lightly jogging to the heli to depart.

As the group board the chopper the pilot finishes up his pre-flight checks and calls back into the cabin, "Alright, fasten yourselves in. The flight will be several minutes. The conditions in the sky are a little worse than the drizzle we've got on the ground." With that he taps a button on the control pannel and the doors to the chopper close. Several moments later the chopper lifts off the ground and ascends into the air.

Firecracker pops her forehoof out of her mane, bringing a regular-sized lemon out with it. "Here it is!" she gleefully announces to the others in the helicopter as she sits on the pilot's head, starting to squirm a bit in her seat. "Dunno what squeezing it's gunna do, but that's what you're s'posed to do, right?" she asks the others in the helicopter with a tilt of her head. "Oh yeah, and what're your names?" she asks as she starts hugging the yellow citrus against her chest with her forelegs.

Arris sits hirself in the seat of the helicopter, pulling out small handful of granola bars from hir pocket before shifting forms into a Math Teacher. "The officer said the guy we're helping was skittish or something, right? If any of you guys are able to shift into a human form, I'd reccomend you'd do so. Would probably help get him to be more comforted, or something." Sie unwraps one of the granola bars and takes a bite, holding out the remaining four for the others to take. "My name is Arris. All of you know me already, 'cept for the pilot."

Cerris is silent for the flight for the most part, his form kept stable though his nanite production capabilities start ramping up as he prepares to negate the lack of bubble. But when asked, his voice does roll out as a powerful telepathic radio signal that announces him as

"Voss, Colonel Cerris Voss, US military. Here to cover your pretty little asses and get this job done right."

Marathon picked up Firecracker from the pilot's head as to not disturb him, taking her seat with the tiny pony on her lap. she gives a happy churr and takes a granola bar from Arris, fumbling with the wrapper a bit before tearing it in half and sticking both halves in her mouth to suck on (without the wrapper, of course. She isn't that stupid). A few crumbs do fall on the pony in her lap though...

The pilot focuses on keeping the chopper flying smoothly through the bad weather. Once there is a calm spot he says, "Name's Burt Neeley." not taking his eyes of what he's doing an instant as he pilots the chopper to an intersection of roadway about fifty yards from where the nanites begin to loose connection to the server that maintains the bubble. He presses the button for the doors again and they open. "Good luck checking on Mr. Greaves." Burt says as the doors open and he waits for his passangers to disembark before he can take off again. r% r% The landing zone is mostly barren. Several derilect building are lined up along the road but there is nothing about them that draws attention other than their presance on the flat ground. The most noteworthy thing is the forrest beginning just outside of the bubble.

"Oh yeah! I can do that!" Firecracker says as she angles her head up to catch some falling crumbs as she is seated in Marathon's lap with her lemon, wiggling her little bottom into the bunny's fur as she sits. She inhales a deep breath through her mouth, plugs it with a forehoof, then blows. At first, her cheeks puff out with the effort, then the rest of her body follows suit as she expands, growing larger and larger until she is human-sized! With her new size, she squishes her lemon quite easily between her forehooves, even as she continues to wiggle in her bunny seat. "There!" she says with a smile, "All squeezied!" Seeing the offering of granola, the not-so-mini pony reaches over with her mouth and snaps one up with her mouth, wrapping and all! "Mmmmm, plasticky!"

Once the chopper lands, the pink pegasus hops right on out to land on all fours. She thrusts a foreleg out towards the distance and announces, "Onward to adve-Oh wait! Humany!" she remembers, standing up on her hindlegs to thrust an "arm" out in front of her once again, "Onward to adventure! Let's find that well guy and search him again! Which way?!"

Arris hops down from the chopper as it lands, pulling hir rifle off hir back and peering through hir scope, scanning the distance for anything of interest. Not seeing anything, sie lowers hir sights. "Alrighty, Marathon, you have the map. Lead on." Sie begins following after the bunny, doing a bit of a double-take once sie passes by Firecracker standing on her hindlegs, but continues walking.

Cerris disembarks immediately so as to no longer be claustrophobic with his situation. Watching the others ready themselves, he focuses instead on helping his escort get free before sending her out to scout around.

"If anyone other than me can keep the our abilities burning, speak up now, I'd rather boost you than maintain it myself as I'll be needed for any fights that may come up."

Even without an answer the air around the soldier is thick with nanites just waiting for a job to do already idly enhancing his muscles and scent just by proximity.

Marathon doesn't seem to mind the tiny pony suddenly becoming a big pony in her lap, or the antics Firecracker does on the trip. What Marathon does mind however is the shudder she feels as the chopper lands. The faltering nanite signal gives her a bad feeling, but she is a strong and cute bunny, such a thing is no problem for her! She pulls out the map for a minute, double checking the route to take before leading the way down a short cut with another happy churr. The rain won't stop this courier rabbit!

As the group disembarks and looks around they see the crumbling infrastructure of the previus world. The broken blacktop of the road reduced to gravel in some places, displaced bricks from the walls of the derilect buildings, grass and other weeds growing through anywhere the pavement is broken. The area is quiet as they look around and prepare to venture forth out of the bubble.

The scilence is broken by the sound of the chopper's engine starting up again as it ascends into the sky leaving the group to their task.

Firecracker follows right behind the mail bunny as she walks or jogs or runs on her hindlegs, rubbing her thighs together with each step as her heat continues to make itself known. Spotting a certain little keychain-sized plushie on the bunny's bag, the pony leans in really close as she "Oooooo"s, eyes sparkling, literally, at the sight before she throws her forelegs over the bunny's shoulders in a warm hug. "You didn't tell me you had onea those mes, Mary!" she says joyfully as they continue to walk along.

Arris keeps walking with the group, giving the occasional backwards glance to Firecracker's odd bipedal posture. Drifting slowly towards Cerris, sie whispers to him: "Is it just me, or is seeing a Puny Pegasus on two feet odd? With other forms, I guess I could take it, but with the bright solid-color fur and stub-ended limbs, it just looks... unsettling. ...I don't mean to be rude to her, though."

Cerris sniffs the air as he begins to move away from the dropzone, time to find out where food and water was going to be coming from if they had to spend any real amount of time out here.

The woods had him a touch worried as the close quarters meant his future attempts at stealth were going to be shitty, but it also meant they couldn't get mobbed by anything big. His focus snaps back to Arris when she closes in on him and he chuckles and replies

"She looks unreal, but then I'm talking to a lab coat of a woman whom was rather toothy a while back. Funny thing, I kinda wanna flirt more now just to see what strange quirks that normal looking form tries to force you into..."

Marathon stops for a moment and leans into Firecracker's hug, churring a bit with her eyes closed. The distraction lasts for a few moments before Marathon remembers what she was doing, hopping through the fields with exuberant energy before leading the group into the forest.

The forest starts of thin, a few trees here and there, but quickly grows thicker. After a minute or so there is a thick canopy above them, not quite thick enough to block out light but with it the weather is not so much light rain but small streems falling from the trees here and there. As Cerris begins to look and smell around it becomes apparent to him that water won't be a problem and there is small game that could be hunted here. With the short rout that marathon had found they begin to scale a small hill that shaves a few minutes off their trip. The sound of people ahead tells them they will soon be at their destination.

Firecracker clings onto Marathon's back as she starts hopping around, piggy-backing on the bunny as she makes her way around. "Weee!" she giggles as she wiggles, rubbing her groin on whatever she can as she's being transported. Once she leaves the bubble, she almost immediately throws up a massive bubble of her own, ranging 140 feet in all directions. "Oh hey! Peoples!" she cheers out to her little group before cupping her forehooves in front of her mouth and shouting out loudly, "Hiya peoples!" ready to greet the peoples they were sure to meet soon!