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CaseyRune's threat is met with utter silence as the rest of the Zephyr strike force finishes arming up, the commander giving a low growl as he looks over the Village. "When I give the signal we attack."<br> <br>Cookies gives the others one last salute. What a patriot, eh? Eh? True American spirit! "I'll ensure the hall is... well, at least twice as secure as the rest of this dump. No offense, but the board-and-nail method only does one so much good," she murmurs to the promethean before making her way to the hall. She knocks at the door a few times with the butt of her shotgun. "Excuse me, in there? Zephyr will be coming to tear down the walls any minute. I'm here to provide additional support and reinforcement for the barricade, if that's alright," she speaks in soft tones. "I have some spare heavy-duty weapons out here. I don't have enough arms to fire all these myself anyways."<br> <br>Fenris focuses his attention briefly on the nanites around him creating an illusory haze around his position. He won't be much use until the Zephyr operatives get in to close combats, best not to make himself a target. Besides, there might still be a way to avoid combat all together. Zephyr just has to see that this trip isn't worth their resources. There might be an idea there. Fenris hurries back to find Clair, the collie heading up the Promethean side of this mission.<br> <br>Savi looks at the group around her and slides her mass back, allowing the Zephyr agents to take the lead. Marking Edel's position, Savi makes up her mind, with a soft whisper towards the leader of the Zephyr assualt, Savi gently intones "Send in the soldiers, at that point Savi will step in with shock and awe, trust Savi. This will work." Crouching low, the plant reaches behind her with two sets of two vines, each pair grasping around the base of a large tree. With the both trees gripped firmly, Savi tenses her entire body. Ready to put her plan into action and end this battle quickly and with as little civilian life lost as possible. With a look toward the town Zeph is about to assualt, Savi whispers to herself... "I'm so sorry..."<br> <br>Skade takes a deep breath, her ears tilted forwards as she watches the forest through her scope, her finger resting on the trigger, ready to shoot anything that steps out from the protective treeline. Although she had to wonder what that cat girl was up to, opening the doors to the objective like that. Still, she had enough weapons to qualify as a small tank so the human didn't really give it that much thought, turning back her focus to the darkness enveloping the trees. Was that movement in there?<br> <br>Chance was not scared, he was terrified. He had never been on a mission like this, sure he'd done scouting,  few dangerous messenger runs, but this was a stand and defend, this was likely to be a full-on battle. Shaking his head the rat, tiger keeps quiet about his misgivings, no need to bring the morale down. If it came to a fight, well he'd fight, he just hoped no one he knew from Zephyr was out there. Chance finds his eyes drawn to the trees, briefly, just a fleeting thought, he shivers and looks back towards the others, unable to shake the feeling something bad was about to happen.<br> <br>Edel glances at the one that would order the attack and nods. "I'm going to slip around. I'm not a front-liner, yeah?" That said,  her clothes begin changing colour and pattern to help enhance her ability to hide in the darkness as she breaks way from the group and... Sort of just wanders off into the sidelines.<br> <br>CaseyRune is slowly becoming more and more agitated, Zephyr was going to attack soon, and they were not going to get past them unless it was over their corpse. They bring up their pistol, bracing themselves for the first agent that came within their sights. No retreat, no surrender. That was how Casey was operating right now, and no matter what happened, they would make sure Zephyr didn't harm anyone. They let the fire in their hand start growing, if need be a 'firewall' to this server could very much be put in place.<br> <br>As Cookies asks for entrance into the Townhall the doors open, but the three canines inside give her cautious glances as they allow her in. Keeping a close on on the Feline as they weren't being to trustworthy. Fenris would be easily able to find Clair trying to help the villagers fix the fortifications at the front of the village, a small sandbag wall that could be used for cover.  
CaseyRune's threat is met with utter silence as the rest of the Zephyr strike force finishes arming up, the commander giving a low growl as he looks over the Village. "When I give the signal we attack."<br> <br>Cookies gives the others one last salute. What a patriot, eh? Eh? True American spirit! "I'll ensure the hall is... well, at least twice as secure as the rest of this dump. No offense, but the board-and-nail method only does one so much good," she murmurs to the promethean before making her way to the hall. She knocks at the door a few times with the butt of her shotgun. "Excuse me, in there? Zephyr will be coming to tear down the walls any minute. I'm here to provide additional support and reinforcement for the barricade, if that's alright," she speaks in soft tones. "I have some spare heavy-duty weapons out here. I don't have enough arms to fire all these myself anyways."<br> <br>Fenris focuses his attention briefly on the nanites around him creating an illusory haze around his position. He won't be much use until the Zephyr operatives get in to close combats, best not to make himself a target. Besides, there might still be a way to avoid combat all together. Zephyr just has to see that this trip isn't worth their resources. There might be an idea there. Fenris hurries back to find Clair, the collie heading up the Promethean side of this mission.<br> <br>Savi looks at the group around her and slides her mass back, allowing the Zephyr agents to take the lead. Marking Edel's position, Savi makes up her mind, with a soft whisper towards the leader of the Zephyr assualt, Savi gently intones "Send in the soldiers, at that point Savi will step in with shock and awe, trust Savi. This will work." Crouching low, the plant reaches behind her with two sets of two vines, each pair grasping around the base of a large tree. With the both trees gripped firmly, Savi tenses her entire body. Ready to put her plan into action and end this battle quickly and with as little civilian life lost as possible. With a look toward the town Zeph is about to assualt, Savi whispers to herself... "I'm so sorry..."<br> <br>Skade takes a deep breath, her ears tilted forwards as she watches the forest through her scope, her finger resting on the trigger, ready to shoot anything that steps out from the protective treeline. Although she had to wonder what that cat girl was up to, opening the doors to the objective like that. Still, she had enough weapons to qualify as a small tank so the human didn't really give it that much thought, turning back her focus to the darkness enveloping the trees. Was that movement in there?<br> <br>Chance was not scared, he was terrified. He had never been on a mission like this, sure he'd done scouting,  few dangerous messenger runs, but this was a stand and defend, this was likely to be a full-on battle. Shaking his head the rat, tiger keeps quiet about his misgivings, no need to bring the morale down. If it came to a fight, well he'd fight, he just hoped no one he knew from Zephyr was out there. Chance finds his eyes drawn to the trees, briefly, just a fleeting thought, he shivers and looks back towards the others, unable to shake the feeling something bad was about to happen.<br> <br>Edel glances at the one that would order the attack and nods. "I'm going to slip around. I'm not a front-liner, yeah?" That said,  her clothes begin changing colour and pattern to help enhance her ability to hide in the darkness as she breaks way from the group and... Sort of just wanders off into the sidelines.<br> <br>CaseyRune is slowly becoming more and more agitated, Zephyr was going to attack soon, and they were not going to get past them unless it was over their corpse. They bring up their pistol, bracing themselves for the first agent that came within their sights. No retreat, no surrender. That was how Casey was operating right now, and no matter what happened, they would make sure Zephyr didn't harm anyone. They let the fire in their hand start growing, if need be a 'firewall' to this server could very much be put in place.<br> <br>As Cookies asks for entrance into the Townhall the doors open, but the three canines inside give her cautious glances as they allow her in. Keeping a close on on the Feline as they weren't being to trustworthy. Fenris would be easily able to find Clair trying to help the villagers fix the fortifications at the front of the village, a small sandbag wall that could be used for cover.  
As Saviante and Edel get ready the Commanding officer gives the order to attack, the soldiers pressing forward through the trees. One targets CaseyRune opening fire with their rifle, managing to clip the Human with about two rounds before he is able to drop to cover. "Attack!"<br> <br>"Clair!" Fenris calls out as he draws near the collie. "Can the server be moved? Or shut down?" he pants, "If they think it is destroyed, they will leave. No server, no profit, no fight." He jerks around at the sound of gunfire. "Quick! Can it work? If not, say so and I'll get back into the fray!"<br> <br>Cookies turns her back to the prometheans the moment the doors shut, then looks at the doors. "Hmmm. Yeah, looks... pretty secure... How long do you think this measures out?" She looks over her shoulder for a brief moment before looking back and running one hand through the crease between the double doors. They seal together and to the frame, silently and subtly. She backs away from them and peers over to the three canines, grunting at the sounds of combat beginning outside. "Sounds like we have company..." She unholsters her shotgun and backs up away from the door, gun trained straight on it. "Keep your weapons to the door. I think we're about to have uninvited guests," she whispers cautiously to the others as she steps behind them. "I'll get out the heavy weapons." She shrugs her pack halfway down her arm as though to emphasize she was totally about to do it, honest. "Just keep them out for a second..."<br> <br>Waiting just long enough for the shock troops to move forward, Savi applies the full force of her superhuman strength into one fluid motion. Rather than spring herself forward, She pulls up, pulling the treees up, or shearing them off. In one full fluid arc The enormous plant trails the giant clubs high, aiming very carefully, the plant charges her thrown and whips the logs into the air!  .....In a directly downward slam, the logs never actually leaving her grasp. Saviante Scythe's them right towards the massed grouping of Zephyr soldiers. Having seen one sever go down in her life was enough. "This ends here!" she bellows, turning her fury on her own side.<br> <br>Skade breathes out in a fluid motion as she fires at the first threat that steps out from the shelter. Her unshielded gauss rifle making a high, loud whining sound as it discharges with a whoomph, sending a slug of supercharged molten metal down range at an unfortunate soldier if she manages to hit her target.<br> <br>Chance was severely worked up, you know that weird calm before a big storm, that's what this felt like, exactly like that. He couldn't take this stress, he needed at least some action so he could move. Hmm, that cat what was she doing...wasn't that the door to the objective? The gunfire rips through the night, he turns towards it, eyes wide. looking back the cat's back in room, no hesitating he runs towards the fray, suspicious or not the cat was not the priority here. With a horrifed yowel he watches the trees slam down into the village. Running towards the impact he spots the plant hulk, thingy start to run amok among Zephyr. He backs up a bit, he was not in for this, maybe he should just head back towards that suspicious feline who opened the door to the server. Yeah she seemed shady, and less painfully berserk, he makes a beeline for those doors.<br> <br>Edel hangs back for a moment, watching Savi. She certainly wasn't expecting that. "Well, damn." She gives a quiet applause before leaning against a tree to watch the rest of the proceedings, still not drawing a weapon.<br> <br>CaseyRune jerks to the side, shifting their fire hand to the back and their pistol hand to the front, just barely avoiding two rifle rounds coming at them which clip their shoulder. Luckily the wounds start healing as soon as their made, suit healing with them. Casey manages to hold onto the fireball they were holding. They need that for later, not going to drop it this time. A split second later they open fire with their pistol letting loose a return volley of 3 shots at the agent in front. Hopefully that was the leader.<br> <br>All three of the Canines turn to look at Cookies, their ears folding as they turn back to the door. They didn't know what they were really doing, they were just villagers not soldiers. r% r% Outside it was utter chaos, the Zephyr soldiers charge utterly broken as two go down under Saviante's onslaught. "We have been Double-crossed, return fire!" Shouts the officer, before two rounds from Casey's gun sends him spinning. Another soldier screams as Skade's gauss rifle severs his leg and sends him crashing to the ground. Those still standing turn and open fire on Saviante, who manages to evade and move behind covoer.
As Saviante and Edel get ready the Commanding officer gives the order to attack, the soldiers pressing forward through the trees. One targets CaseyRune opening fire with their rifle, managing to clip the Human with about two rounds before he is able to drop to cover. "Attack!"<br> <br>"Clair!" Fenris calls out as he draws near the collie. "Can the server be moved? Or shut down?" he pants, "If they think it is destroyed, they will leave. No server, no profit, no fight." He jerks around at the sound of gunfire. "Quick! Can it work? If not, say so and I'll get back into the fray!"<br> <br>Cookies turns her back to the prometheans the moment the doors shut, then looks at the doors. "Hmmm. Yeah, looks... pretty secure... How long do you think this measures out?" She looks over her shoulder for a brief moment before looking back and running one hand through the crease between the double doors. They seal together and to the frame, silently and subtly. She backs away from them and peers over to the three canines, grunting at the sounds of combat beginning outside. "Sounds like we have company..." She unholsters her shotgun and backs up away from the door, gun trained straight on it. "Keep your weapons to the door. I think we're about to have uninvited guests," she whispers cautiously to the others as she steps behind them. "I'll get out the heavy weapons." She shrugs her pack halfway down her arm as though to emphasize she was totally about to do it, honest. "Just keep them out for a second..."<br> <br>Waiting just long enough for the shock troops to move forward, Savi applies the full force of her superhuman strength into one fluid motion. Rather than spring herself forward, She pulls up, pulling the treees up, or shearing them off. In one full fluid arc The enormous plant trails the giant clubs high, aiming very carefully, the plant charges her thrown and whips the logs into the air!  .....In a directly downward slam, the logs never actually leaving her grasp. Saviante Scythe's them right towards the massed grouping of Zephyr soldiers. Having seen one sever go down in her life was enough. "This ends here!" she bellows, turning her fury on her own side.<br> <br>Skade breathes out in a fluid motion as she fires at the first threat that steps out from the shelter. Her unshielded gauss rifle making a high, loud whining sound as it discharges with a whoomph, sending a slug of supercharged molten metal down range at an unfortunate soldier if she manages to hit her target.<br> <br>Chance was severely worked up, you know that weird calm before a big storm, that's what this felt like, exactly like that. He couldn't take this stress, he needed at least some action so he could move. Hmm, that cat what was she doing...wasn't that the door to the objective? The gunfire rips through the night, he turns towards it, eyes wide. looking back the cat's back in room, no hesitating he runs towards the fray, suspicious or not the cat was not the priority here. With a horrifed yowel he watches the trees slam down into the village. Running towards the impact he spots the plant hulk, thingy start to run amok among Zephyr. He backs up a bit, he was not in for this, maybe he should just head back towards that suspicious feline who opened the door to the server. Yeah she seemed shady, and less painfully berserk, he makes a beeline for those doors.<br> <br>Edel hangs back for a moment, watching Savi. She certainly wasn't expecting that. "Well, damn." She gives a quiet applause before leaning against a tree to watch the rest of the proceedings, still not drawing a weapon.<br> <br>CaseyRune jerks to the side, shifting their fire hand to the back and their pistol hand to the front, just barely avoiding two rifle rounds coming at them which clip their shoulder. Luckily the wounds start healing as soon as their made, suit healing with them. Casey manages to hold onto the fireball they were holding. They need that for later, not going to drop it this time. A split second later they open fire with their pistol letting loose a return volley of 3 shots at the agent in front. Hopefully that was the leader.<br> <br>All three of the Canines turn to look at Cookies, their ears folding as they turn back to the door. They didn't know what they were really doing, they were just villagers not soldiers. r% r% Outside it was utter chaos, the Zephyr soldiers charge utterly broken as two go down under Saviante's onslaught. "We have been Double-crossed, return fire!" Shouts the officer, before two rounds from Casey's gun sends him spinning. Another soldier screams as Skade's gauss rifle severs his leg and sends him crashing to the ground. Those still standing turn and open fire on Saviante, who manages to evade and move behind covoer.<br> <br>Cookies takes a deep breath, lifts her gun a little higher, aims a little lower... and promptly launches a coned, focused energy blast into all three of the poor bastard rookies' backs, lighting the front of her suit on fire and doing far, far worse to the canines. She doesn't even take a moment to look at the result of her pulling the trigger. No time, no time to even think about it. She spins the fuck around and beats her chest like a savage, trying to pat out the flames. She only keeps the futile effort up for a couple seconds before she peels off the front of her armor, throwing it to the ground besides her and leaving her chest quite exposed. That function was more for comfort for those fat cow tits of hers than utility, but hey, it worked out in the end! This would be way hotter if it didn't also mean being quite vulnerable to gunfire. With that she begins the search of the hall, taking one of the two open doors first. She starts rooting and searching around... What she's looking for probably isn't there, but damned if she isn't wasting time searching for it! NO STONE UNTURNED!<br> <br>Fenris whips around as the sounds of combat reach his ears. "Never mind," he shouts, wrapping his illusion around himself again, "too late for cleverness I guess." The tiger dashes for the front line, long-bladed spear in hand, ready to help however he can. Why did that last explosion sound so close?<br> <br>Dropping the logs in order to to avoid being riddled with bullets in her favorite face, Savi considers her options. While considering, she spins around from her tree and unleashes a volly of strikes at the remaining Zephyr soldiers with lashing vines whipping out from below her flower petal-like dress. A rapid fire set of bashings, blunted, but with her full strength behind the strikes. In for a pence in for a pound she decides, already in action as the thought comes through. Tearing into the group with reckless abandon, Savi growls and hopes the sounds in the distance, the ones that sound like explosions and screaming, are the good kinds of explosions and screaming.<br> <br>"What the.." the redhead exclaims as she hears the explosion from the town hall. She was just starting the rather ardeous reloading of her complicated rifle but it seems it'd have to wait. Besides, seemed like the front was somewhat secure as it was. Skade decides to simply ditch her rifle, leaving it on the rooftop and making her way down to the ground as quickly as she can and drawing her two automatic guns. "Report! What's going on!?" she shouts into her microphone.<br> <br>Edel glances towards the village at the sounds and starts in that direction before she stops and reconsiders. She doesn't want to be taken for an enemy, so instead she kneels down and draws her pistol, preparing to aid Savi from her position. Should that even be required.<br> <br>CaseyRune lets loose, hurling the fireball at the broken charge letting it arc into the field, then when it gets to where they want it to be they snap their fingers, detonating the it. The moment the fireball explodes, Casey readies up for another attack, going on the cold left behind to freeze moisture, creating throwing daggers of pure hardened ice. They whip around hearing the explosion from behind them, wasting no time in making a mad dash towards its source. The wounds have already sealed, like they had never been hit at all. Which is good. Noone needs to see the odd colors Casey now has for blood.<br> <br>All three Canines go down with the blast, falling limp to the floor as a massive hole is blown through the door. "I don't know, Someones inside the Town hall!" Shouts the RSX officer into his mike as he heads towards the source of the explosion.
Saviante's onslaught takes the Zeyphr troopers still standing by surprise, there was no point to their charge anymore. "Fuck this, if they want to keep that server so badly they can have it! Retreat!" They weren't going to be able to do anymore, grabbing their wounded as they try and break away from the conflict.<br> <br>Cookies tunes everything out. There's only her and the goal in the eye of her mind. She hauls ass to the next door over, jiggles the handle. Locked. Good, maybe. She lifts her shotgun and rams the butt into the deadbolt lock, smashing it into the room and shouldering that door open with an urgency that burns in her mind. She shuts the door behind her and seals it with nanomagic, picking up the smashed lock and handle- one knob falls right off and, followed by a series of cursing, she hastily slaps the rest on in a way that leaves only small cracks to see through. No time. She tosses and turns things, makes an absolute racket that would lead any seekers right to her position, then she opens a drawer in the desk, and... Was that... It? "No way," she says with an almost snarky tone to her voice.<br> <br>Moving forward over the zephyr agents with no real malice, Savi moves her mass across the battle field toward the Server. Closing in on the ring of guards the plant looks down. "If you are going to stop her, Savi suggests you go as a group. Cookies will not show you mercy." Nodding her head towards the town hall Savi continues, raising her viciously bladed cannon (currently rather pistol sized) "And Savi suggests you hurry. You will be covered from out here." With that she flips thetoggle on the cannon, lights that run up the side join a loud and teeth shaking humm that signals the weapon is live.<br> <br>Skade gets to her feet with a groan. Damn that ankle is going to be sore in the morning! What was supposed to be a graceful dismount into a dead run had turned into an ugly fall thankfully cushioned by a hay bale. Still, no one saw her. Right? RIGHT? Alright. Drawing her guns and pushing the pain into the back of her mind she advances along with Casey, albit at a slightly slower pace.<br> <br>Edel tilts her head as she watches Savi approach the village. Ears picking up the name, she scowls a little and hops up to rush over. "What? She's here, too? If that little trollop destroys this server, too, I'm going to have her head!" She shakes her head vigorously and glances around for a moment before chasing after the others.<br> <br>CaseyRune runs at full speed toward the church doors, leaping right though the hole with little effort. The first thing they see is the downed guards... Damn thats 3 down, and 3 too many. Their next move is to keep moving into the church, looking for anything out of place. and a bashed in door is very much so. They move to the door taking cover on the frame, ready to breach and clear the room. Whoever is in there is going to get a nasty shock. They look at the door. Sealed, but that will soon change.<br> <br>As Casey takes the the door with his shoulder it creaks, the seal Cookies made starting to give way. Once Skade gives a hand the door comes crashing down, revealing Cookies and her prize.
Outside the Village the Zeyphr soldiers are gone, all but vanished as they pulled out and left the Village to themselves. That is...until the Officer Casey had shot walks out of the treeline, his arm still dripping blood as he pulls the pin on the rpg's warhead. "Should of taken our deal when you had the chance!" He shouts, as he takes aim and lets the rpg fly...right towards the Townhall.

Revision as of 05:38, 19 November 2013





The light faded as the sun started to sink behind the hill that the Village was sitting on, casting the place in an eriee twilight as the Villagers prepare along side the RSX and Promethean helpers. What little fortifications the farming community could put up strewn across the streets, the villagers themselves reading what they can find to arm themselves with as the RSX officer walks up to the Village Leader. "Zephyr will be attacking at any moment, lets just hope a few operatives respond to the call."

<Space> While out in the woods the Zephyr forces gather, checking equipment, dawning body armor as the commander speaks. "On my command we attack."

Cookies shows up in her relatively bulky artillery suit. She stalks her way up to the meager fortifications and grunts... First things first, she reports to her commanding officer. She does a flash of her RSX operative badge and a salute. "Sir. I am carrying high-powered or otherwise volatile weaponry, sir, and I'd like to make sure it stays pointed wherever the server /isn't/, sir- in the best interests of everyone involved. Helps to know what we're guarding, too. Where is the server being secured?"

Fenris stands waiting for the inevitable attack. "Stupid Zephyr," he mutters under his breath. He had been part of the group that scouted this place for Zephyr. He sincerely hopes that none of the villagers realize that. It was shameful that the corporation felt like they could take what they wanted. The (most of the time) tiger doesn't mind helping them acquire resources from mad ferals who can't use them, but this was a peaceful village of PEOPLE, not the wild animals they had told him were here. Fenris secures his long coat and preps his weapons. The server isn't so important to him, but he WILL protect the people he helped endanger. Even if they are mostly dogs.

Having arrived with her pair of 'pets', the loyal attack plant Billy, and the brainless walking shield Bob, Savi looks over the battle field outside of the forested area. Prepping her large bladed canon, she sighs softly. Looking toward her teamate for guidance, she turns to face the comming battle with a worried look burried beneath her combat gear. Petting the little billy at her side, Savi closes her eyes. For the first time in public, the little plant taps into her earthen affinity and begins to grow. Becoming the not-so-little plant. Knowing in her heart what she must do, she knows only Edels presence on the battle field stops her from it, forced to protect her group-mates first and formost. A long standing order than cannot be broken. Looking between the sides carefully, Savi waits as she finishes her transformation.

After some climbing exercises, Skade has finally reached her position, as high up as she could possibly get, looking out towards the forest. Her trusty long-range gauss rifle set up in a sniping position. She's quite covered in various technical devices to help her get an edge on the various mutants. Targeting HUD displays, nanite-reinforced light armour.. you name it! As well as her trusty automatic guns in case things get up close and personal. Bending her microphone towards her mouth she opens a com-channel to the RSX-operatives below "Sniper in place. Should I just.. open fire at anything that moves?" she asks over the radio.

Chance frowns as he climbs down from the transport, his left paw grabs hold of his baseball bat as he looks aound, at the area, still not quite used to this form. The rat, no wait tigre now, walks forwards towards the CO. He's geared up lightly showing he prefers to be a scout, and runner, rather then a straight out fighter. He salutes the C.O. in a manner showing his civilian nature, and turns when allowed, trying very hard to keep hs nervousness in check, he moves to what seems the best spot to have a fast moving, and hopefully fast reacting sort.

Edel is on site, arms folded after taking a moment to adjust her glasses. "Let's hope nothing gets violent, hmm?" Lending to her point, her weapons remain sheathed.

CaseyRune is standing outside the town, flexing their pyrokenisis in one hand, the other holding their .45 USP stareing out into the darkness where the Zephyr agents were hiding. Listening to their comrades set up behind them only tells them one thing, if this defense falls, it will be a bloodbath and that's not going to happen. It was an innocent farming village, it doesn't matter who Zephyr think they are, they have no right exicuting civilians. Casey lets them know as much, "Leave now Zephyr. If you do, you leave with your agents. Attack and I will kill you. This is your last warning." They're already prepared for the battle, anyone near Casey would feel the air around them quickly growing rather hot, as if a bonfire had been lit nearby. There will be no civilian casulties on their watch.

"Server is being secured in the town hall Miss, so as long as your artillery doesn't hit friendlies it should be fine." States a Collie as shi walks up to the group, the leader of the Prommies that came here. "Well, Villagers are in place. But I don't think they will be much help, they are poorly armed and I didn't get much time to teach them how to use their powers before we realized an attack was coming." The RSX operative, a black panther, responds to Skade, pressing the mike on his com-unit as he speaks "Anything that moves that isn't us is open game." Chance gets a nod in response to his saulte, the feline eyeing the tiger a bit before he turns to the others. "Thank you all for coming, lets just hope that Zephyr isn't foolish enough to attack."

CaseyRune's threat is met with utter silence as the rest of the Zephyr strike force finishes arming up, the commander giving a low growl as he looks over the Village. "When I give the signal we attack."

Cookies gives the others one last salute. What a patriot, eh? Eh? True American spirit! "I'll ensure the hall is... well, at least twice as secure as the rest of this dump. No offense, but the board-and-nail method only does one so much good," she murmurs to the promethean before making her way to the hall. She knocks at the door a few times with the butt of her shotgun. "Excuse me, in there? Zephyr will be coming to tear down the walls any minute. I'm here to provide additional support and reinforcement for the barricade, if that's alright," she speaks in soft tones. "I have some spare heavy-duty weapons out here. I don't have enough arms to fire all these myself anyways."

Fenris focuses his attention briefly on the nanites around him creating an illusory haze around his position. He won't be much use until the Zephyr operatives get in to close combats, best not to make himself a target. Besides, there might still be a way to avoid combat all together. Zephyr just has to see that this trip isn't worth their resources. There might be an idea there. Fenris hurries back to find Clair, the collie heading up the Promethean side of this mission.

Savi looks at the group around her and slides her mass back, allowing the Zephyr agents to take the lead. Marking Edel's position, Savi makes up her mind, with a soft whisper towards the leader of the Zephyr assualt, Savi gently intones "Send in the soldiers, at that point Savi will step in with shock and awe, trust Savi. This will work." Crouching low, the plant reaches behind her with two sets of two vines, each pair grasping around the base of a large tree. With the both trees gripped firmly, Savi tenses her entire body. Ready to put her plan into action and end this battle quickly and with as little civilian life lost as possible. With a look toward the town Zeph is about to assualt, Savi whispers to herself... "I'm so sorry..."

Skade takes a deep breath, her ears tilted forwards as she watches the forest through her scope, her finger resting on the trigger, ready to shoot anything that steps out from the protective treeline. Although she had to wonder what that cat girl was up to, opening the doors to the objective like that. Still, she had enough weapons to qualify as a small tank so the human didn't really give it that much thought, turning back her focus to the darkness enveloping the trees. Was that movement in there?

Chance was not scared, he was terrified. He had never been on a mission like this, sure he'd done scouting, few dangerous messenger runs, but this was a stand and defend, this was likely to be a full-on battle. Shaking his head the rat, tiger keeps quiet about his misgivings, no need to bring the morale down. If it came to a fight, well he'd fight, he just hoped no one he knew from Zephyr was out there. Chance finds his eyes drawn to the trees, briefly, just a fleeting thought, he shivers and looks back towards the others, unable to shake the feeling something bad was about to happen.

Edel glances at the one that would order the attack and nods. "I'm going to slip around. I'm not a front-liner, yeah?" That said, her clothes begin changing colour and pattern to help enhance her ability to hide in the darkness as she breaks way from the group and... Sort of just wanders off into the sidelines.

CaseyRune is slowly becoming more and more agitated, Zephyr was going to attack soon, and they were not going to get past them unless it was over their corpse. They bring up their pistol, bracing themselves for the first agent that came within their sights. No retreat, no surrender. That was how Casey was operating right now, and no matter what happened, they would make sure Zephyr didn't harm anyone. They let the fire in their hand start growing, if need be a 'firewall' to this server could very much be put in place.

As Cookies asks for entrance into the Townhall the doors open, but the three canines inside give her cautious glances as they allow her in. Keeping a close on on the Feline as they weren't being to trustworthy. Fenris would be easily able to find Clair trying to help the villagers fix the fortifications at the front of the village, a small sandbag wall that could be used for cover.

As Saviante and Edel get ready the Commanding officer gives the order to attack, the soldiers pressing forward through the trees. One targets CaseyRune opening fire with their rifle, managing to clip the Human with about two rounds before he is able to drop to cover. "Attack!"

"Clair!" Fenris calls out as he draws near the collie. "Can the server be moved? Or shut down?" he pants, "If they think it is destroyed, they will leave. No server, no profit, no fight." He jerks around at the sound of gunfire. "Quick! Can it work? If not, say so and I'll get back into the fray!"

Cookies turns her back to the prometheans the moment the doors shut, then looks at the doors. "Hmmm. Yeah, looks... pretty secure... How long do you think this measures out?" She looks over her shoulder for a brief moment before looking back and running one hand through the crease between the double doors. They seal together and to the frame, silently and subtly. She backs away from them and peers over to the three canines, grunting at the sounds of combat beginning outside. "Sounds like we have company..." She unholsters her shotgun and backs up away from the door, gun trained straight on it. "Keep your weapons to the door. I think we're about to have uninvited guests," she whispers cautiously to the others as she steps behind them. "I'll get out the heavy weapons." She shrugs her pack halfway down her arm as though to emphasize she was totally about to do it, honest. "Just keep them out for a second..."

Waiting just long enough for the shock troops to move forward, Savi applies the full force of her superhuman strength into one fluid motion. Rather than spring herself forward, She pulls up, pulling the treees up, or shearing them off. In one full fluid arc The enormous plant trails the giant clubs high, aiming very carefully, the plant charges her thrown and whips the logs into the air! .....In a directly downward slam, the logs never actually leaving her grasp. Saviante Scythe's them right towards the massed grouping of Zephyr soldiers. Having seen one sever go down in her life was enough. "This ends here!" she bellows, turning her fury on her own side.

Skade breathes out in a fluid motion as she fires at the first threat that steps out from the shelter. Her unshielded gauss rifle making a high, loud whining sound as it discharges with a whoomph, sending a slug of supercharged molten metal down range at an unfortunate soldier if she manages to hit her target.

Chance was severely worked up, you know that weird calm before a big storm, that's what this felt like, exactly like that. He couldn't take this stress, he needed at least some action so he could move. Hmm, that cat what was she doing...wasn't that the door to the objective? The gunfire rips through the night, he turns towards it, eyes wide. looking back the cat's back in room, no hesitating he runs towards the fray, suspicious or not the cat was not the priority here. With a horrifed yowel he watches the trees slam down into the village. Running towards the impact he spots the plant hulk, thingy start to run amok among Zephyr. He backs up a bit, he was not in for this, maybe he should just head back towards that suspicious feline who opened the door to the server. Yeah she seemed shady, and less painfully berserk, he makes a beeline for those doors.

Edel hangs back for a moment, watching Savi. She certainly wasn't expecting that. "Well, damn." She gives a quiet applause before leaning against a tree to watch the rest of the proceedings, still not drawing a weapon.

CaseyRune jerks to the side, shifting their fire hand to the back and their pistol hand to the front, just barely avoiding two rifle rounds coming at them which clip their shoulder. Luckily the wounds start healing as soon as their made, suit healing with them. Casey manages to hold onto the fireball they were holding. They need that for later, not going to drop it this time. A split second later they open fire with their pistol letting loose a return volley of 3 shots at the agent in front. Hopefully that was the leader.

All three of the Canines turn to look at Cookies, their ears folding as they turn back to the door. They didn't know what they were really doing, they were just villagers not soldiers. r% r% Outside it was utter chaos, the Zephyr soldiers charge utterly broken as two go down under Saviante's onslaught. "We have been Double-crossed, return fire!" Shouts the officer, before two rounds from Casey's gun sends him spinning. Another soldier screams as Skade's gauss rifle severs his leg and sends him crashing to the ground. Those still standing turn and open fire on Saviante, who manages to evade and move behind covoer.

Cookies takes a deep breath, lifts her gun a little higher, aims a little lower... and promptly launches a coned, focused energy blast into all three of the poor bastard rookies' backs, lighting the front of her suit on fire and doing far, far worse to the canines. She doesn't even take a moment to look at the result of her pulling the trigger. No time, no time to even think about it. She spins the fuck around and beats her chest like a savage, trying to pat out the flames. She only keeps the futile effort up for a couple seconds before she peels off the front of her armor, throwing it to the ground besides her and leaving her chest quite exposed. That function was more for comfort for those fat cow tits of hers than utility, but hey, it worked out in the end! This would be way hotter if it didn't also mean being quite vulnerable to gunfire. With that she begins the search of the hall, taking one of the two open doors first. She starts rooting and searching around... What she's looking for probably isn't there, but damned if she isn't wasting time searching for it! NO STONE UNTURNED!

Fenris whips around as the sounds of combat reach his ears. "Never mind," he shouts, wrapping his illusion around himself again, "too late for cleverness I guess." The tiger dashes for the front line, long-bladed spear in hand, ready to help however he can. Why did that last explosion sound so close?

Dropping the logs in order to to avoid being riddled with bullets in her favorite face, Savi considers her options. While considering, she spins around from her tree and unleashes a volly of strikes at the remaining Zephyr soldiers with lashing vines whipping out from below her flower petal-like dress. A rapid fire set of bashings, blunted, but with her full strength behind the strikes. In for a pence in for a pound she decides, already in action as the thought comes through. Tearing into the group with reckless abandon, Savi growls and hopes the sounds in the distance, the ones that sound like explosions and screaming, are the good kinds of explosions and screaming.

"What the.." the redhead exclaims as she hears the explosion from the town hall. She was just starting the rather ardeous reloading of her complicated rifle but it seems it'd have to wait. Besides, seemed like the front was somewhat secure as it was. Skade decides to simply ditch her rifle, leaving it on the rooftop and making her way down to the ground as quickly as she can and drawing her two automatic guns. "Report! What's going on!?" she shouts into her microphone.

Edel glances towards the village at the sounds and starts in that direction before she stops and reconsiders. She doesn't want to be taken for an enemy, so instead she kneels down and draws her pistol, preparing to aid Savi from her position. Should that even be required.

CaseyRune lets loose, hurling the fireball at the broken charge letting it arc into the field, then when it gets to where they want it to be they snap their fingers, detonating the it. The moment the fireball explodes, Casey readies up for another attack, going on the cold left behind to freeze moisture, creating throwing daggers of pure hardened ice. They whip around hearing the explosion from behind them, wasting no time in making a mad dash towards its source. The wounds have already sealed, like they had never been hit at all. Which is good. Noone needs to see the odd colors Casey now has for blood.

All three Canines go down with the blast, falling limp to the floor as a massive hole is blown through the door. "I don't know, Someones inside the Town hall!" Shouts the RSX officer into his mike as he heads towards the source of the explosion.

Saviante's onslaught takes the Zeyphr troopers still standing by surprise, there was no point to their charge anymore. "Fuck this, if they want to keep that server so badly they can have it! Retreat!" They weren't going to be able to do anymore, grabbing their wounded as they try and break away from the conflict.

Cookies tunes everything out. There's only her and the goal in the eye of her mind. She hauls ass to the next door over, jiggles the handle. Locked. Good, maybe. She lifts her shotgun and rams the butt into the deadbolt lock, smashing it into the room and shouldering that door open with an urgency that burns in her mind. She shuts the door behind her and seals it with nanomagic, picking up the smashed lock and handle- one knob falls right off and, followed by a series of cursing, she hastily slaps the rest on in a way that leaves only small cracks to see through. No time. She tosses and turns things, makes an absolute racket that would lead any seekers right to her position, then she opens a drawer in the desk, and... Was that... It? "No way," she says with an almost snarky tone to her voice.

Moving forward over the zephyr agents with no real malice, Savi moves her mass across the battle field toward the Server. Closing in on the ring of guards the plant looks down. "If you are going to stop her, Savi suggests you go as a group. Cookies will not show you mercy." Nodding her head towards the town hall Savi continues, raising her viciously bladed cannon (currently rather pistol sized) "And Savi suggests you hurry. You will be covered from out here." With that she flips thetoggle on the cannon, lights that run up the side join a loud and teeth shaking humm that signals the weapon is live.

Skade gets to her feet with a groan. Damn that ankle is going to be sore in the morning! What was supposed to be a graceful dismount into a dead run had turned into an ugly fall thankfully cushioned by a hay bale. Still, no one saw her. Right? RIGHT? Alright. Drawing her guns and pushing the pain into the back of her mind she advances along with Casey, albit at a slightly slower pace.

Edel tilts her head as she watches Savi approach the village. Ears picking up the name, she scowls a little and hops up to rush over. "What? She's here, too? If that little trollop destroys this server, too, I'm going to have her head!" She shakes her head vigorously and glances around for a moment before chasing after the others.

CaseyRune runs at full speed toward the church doors, leaping right though the hole with little effort. The first thing they see is the downed guards... Damn thats 3 down, and 3 too many. Their next move is to keep moving into the church, looking for anything out of place. and a bashed in door is very much so. They move to the door taking cover on the frame, ready to breach and clear the room. Whoever is in there is going to get a nasty shock. They look at the door. Sealed, but that will soon change.

As Casey takes the the door with his shoulder it creaks, the seal Cookies made starting to give way. Once Skade gives a hand the door comes crashing down, revealing Cookies and her prize.

Outside the Village the Zeyphr soldiers are gone, all but vanished as they pulled out and left the Village to themselves. That is...until the Officer Casey had shot walks out of the treeline, his arm still dripping blood as he pulls the pin on the rpg's warhead. "Should of taken our deal when you had the chance!" He shouts, as he takes aim and lets the rpg fly...right towards the Townhall.