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<div></div><br> <br>At the entrance to the broken highway, a very large group of Fox Taur, no less then 30, seem to be clammering and stamping about. At the city side of things stands seven promethian agents. In the front stands a familiar face, for some at least, "Now now, what are you all doing, your home is back that way, why are trying to cross into the city?" asks a very overly endowed Husky, getting quite a few yips, yaps, and growls back. As one starts to yap, all the rest do as well, the husky holding her head a moment before giving a few barks and a long howl! That quiets them all back down. "Do you have a leader we could talk to?" she asks.<br> <br>Nim peers at the group with large eyes, the doe dressed in her single piece armor, a long staff attached to her back. Her tail raises in alert, warning others of the danger as she bounds in small hops from foot to foot in worry. "That..that's alot more than...than I thought there would be." She stammers as she wraps her feathery wings around her waist in worry. "What do they want?" The small doe squeeks<br> <br>Savi looks over the group she is with, and the group she is facing and removes the lower portion of her shemagh, exposing her face. "We are all pack leaders in our own way. There are numerous packs interested, speak to us as you would any other leader, and we shall try and show you the respect you are due." Her diplomatic skills thus exhausted, the little plant moves to the side to allow the rest of the group to come forward in turn. Her opening outburst done, she begins to subtly eye the sourrounding area, wary of all the ways a situation like this can go wrong.<br> <br>Aliasi descends from above. She didn't quite come with the rest of the group, but the would-be angel is nosy. Luckily, her talents make her handy to have about. She doesn't greet the mass of foxtaurs, but she simply allows her presence to be a big stick for better-spoken people to point out, assuming these foxes have heard of her.<br> <br>No stranger to the highway thanks to his frequent patrols out in the less nanite dense wastelands just further out, Dio was curious to see what the disturbance was all about. The silver furred lion dressed in his typical semi-formal affair makes his way down the highway, taking observations at the large group of fox-taurs and the growing congression of agents. And more notably, within his mind anyways, the husky. Shotgun at his side for self-defense when needed, he heads for the husky and stands beside her. "Hello my lady," he bows, soon coming back up with a smile. "It's been awhile. Your speaking abilities have improved since the last time we've met. But business before pleasantries."<br> <br>Cookies is close behind her lion as usual, though this time not literally on his back for once. Decked out in her new fancy suit, she gives the camera on her helm a little bop to get it into place. Once she's sure everything's in order, she makes sure to look over the fox-taurs. "Looks like... Let's see... 15, 25... Too damn many," she mewls to no one in particular, then glances over at Aimee. "Good to see you're not dead or worse. What's the situation?"<br> <br>Having wandered out onto the highway fo a stroll, Enyo spots the situation with the husky and the foxes, her curiosity being piqued by such an abnormality. Though, preferring to wait and hoping the situation wont degrade to something that can only be solved through violence, she adjusts her cloak just in case to let the wings, which she normally keeps wrapped around her body, out and preparing to react however the situation may recquire of her but still silently praying that these creatures dont do anything too much more foolhardy than already.<br> <br>With a slight yip herself, Aimee, looks back to everyone. "Oh, more help, ok." She says feeling a bit intimidated by the people coming in, then a few she recognises, making her tail wag, "Hi there Plant Lady, Angry Kitty, and Gentle Sex Lion. We have a lot of fox taur trying to come into the city, and they seem to be nice enough, but roudy! The Fox taur lady from New Dawn wants to know why they are all doing this." She says and looks back as a pair mount on each other, loud yaps and yips coming from them and blushing deeply from the sight. "We don't want too strong of things coming into the city, and Fox Taur Lady doesn't want to hurt them, but we can't let them in like this." She looks over the Fox Taurs again, "Do you have a leader??" She asks again, then, one steps forward, "I'm Roshile, and I'm the elder of this skulk." Shi says, and shi is an impressve version of Fox, and hir twined gender and large muscles make it obvious shi's a bit better then the rest.<br> <br>"Roudy indeed," Dio comments, watching all the 'action' within the crowd. However, he didn't really expect anything different. It'd be more surprising if they weren't. Putting a gentle hand on Cookies' head, he gives it a small rub and smiles at Roshile. "Greetings, ma'am. It's a pleasure to meet you," he says, taking another bow. "It appears you and your pack desire access to this city! A wonderful prospect, but may we ask why? We're curious of your origins." Words, sweet like honey and gentle as an ocean breeze complimented by an angel's smile.<br> <br>Savi breaks into a bright smile as she finally recognizes Aimee. Waving at her slightly the plant girl slides in closer to the group, very interested in their answer. As the elder steps forward and introduces theirself, Savi bows her head respectfully, and continues her vigil, to both the surrounding area, and the coming conversations.<br> <br>Nim looks about, her tail twitching in excited confusion as she bounds close to Savi, her large creamsicle eyes blinking up at her before she turns towards the sound of the fox-tuar's leader announcing hirself. With a grin, the doe leans closer, observing the area with interest. "Miss Roshile, you and your pack-mates will have to be careful, there are a lot of scary....people here. Not like other places out towards the forest." She wiggling in confused worry before turning towards Savi again and sniffing in curiosity.<br> <br>Cookies rolls her eyes behind the dark visor of that helmet, both at Dio's saccharine disposition and Aimee. "This is what happens when you live in hovels and farms and never bother to set up a proper checkpoint beyond posting a guard at your gates," she murmurs before turning her attentions back to the fox taurs. Dio may make her cringe sometimes but she's confident in his ability to get the job done, as always, so she stays more or less quiet for now.<br> <br>Enyo folds up her scanner  and puts it into  a hidden pocket in her cloak as she pulls her hood back so it doesnt obscure her eyes, she walks quietly up to the others once her wings are back in her cloak. she makes no effort to say a word, simply quietly watching Roshile.<br> <br>Aliasi waits to see what the foxtaur response is. She's not the most diplomatic person of those present, after all.<br> <br>The group of foxes continue their activites, quite a few looking slightly pregnant, but all of them seeming malnerished, even Roshile, "We come to hunt for more. More to bring into our Skulk, also, we had heard that food was easier had in your city, so we come to take what we need." Shi says. Aimee looks over the group of foxes and whines softly again, "They'd drive out the other infections, and take up even more resources. If they are just going to hunt we can't let them in..." she says. Aimee waves over to Savi and takes a few steps closer to Dio and Cookies. Roshile not looking to pleased to hear that.<br> <br>Without waiting for another reply, Savi opens her mouth. "So you have come to take our lands for your own needs, nothing for us? No quarter given? Alright. You are refused." speaking sofly and plainly Savi motions with her hand down the highway behind the taurs. "Be on your way if that is all you offer in return for your welcome."<br> <br>Nim slowly reaches back, her hand wrapping around her staff as she allows her adept training to seep into the hollow weapon. Gently the doe opens her wings, not full extending them yet as her eyes narrow. "Miss Roshile....would you please remove yourself from this area? You and your...skulk... do not have any claim to hunt here." She states as firmly as a doe can, her foot hopping continuing unabated.<br> <br>Dio listens to the fox-taur speak and nods his head. "I see," Dio says, crossing his arms across his clothed chest. "Now hold on ma'am, this could be an excellent opportunity," he says to Saviante. "The fact that you're not attempting to overrun us is proof enough you're right-minded enough. Our resources are limited, yet I believe there's a solution to be had here." The lion rubs his chin and thinks for a moment and then smiles. "Perhaps you'd like to come to a compromise? Your skulk here can be a wonderful workforce if you're willing to dedicate yourselves. And with work, comes food! And freecred as well. But we simply can't have you run wild."<br> <br>Cookies places her palm against her helmet. She would probably be pinching the bridge of her nose were it not in the way. "People, please let the good lion handle the negotiations... His fur ain't the only thing that's silver." She shifts her weight onto one leg and peers back up. "Entry isn't free anywhere around here. You have to pull your own and abide to certain- very STRICT- rules. Like the lion says, each and every one of you can be accounted for individually, but only if each and every one of you can give something back to our communities in return. No 'taking'."<br> <br>Snorting slightly, Roshile regards everyone, "If you won't let us pass, we will have to come in through force." Shi says, though no actions are made yet, "We will not be returning to our home lands, the recent changes have left us little to hunt and too many of our own being changed. I used to lead a much larger skulk, but with the Dwellers moving in, and the Cactus Mephitaur, food is more diffacult to come by, our birthing dens over run. This land is much more ripe for taking, and we will have it." Shi says looking around to all those assembled. Then, the words from Dio strike hir, "Workforce? What do you mean workforce?" shi asks, then a few others come up to yap at hir, hir yipping back.  
<div></div><br> <br>At the entrance to the broken highway, a very large group of Fox Taur, no less then 30, seem to be clammering and stamping about. At the city side of things stands seven promethian agents. In the front stands a familiar face, for some at least, "Now now, what are you all doing, your home is back that way, why are trying to cross into the city?" asks a very overly endowed Husky, getting quite a few yips, yaps, and growls back. As one starts to yap, all the rest do as well, the husky holding her head a moment before giving a few barks and a long howl! That quiets them all back down. "Do you have a leader we could talk to?" she asks.<br> <br>Nim peers at the group with large eyes, the doe dressed in her single piece armor, a long staff attached to her back. Her tail raises in alert, warning others of the danger as she bounds in small hops from foot to foot in worry. "That..that's alot more than...than I thought there would be." She stammers as she wraps her feathery wings around her waist in worry. "What do they want?" The small doe squeeks<br> <br>Savi looks over the group she is with, and the group she is facing and removes the lower portion of her shemagh, exposing her face. "We are all pack leaders in our own way. There are numerous packs interested, speak to us as you would any other leader, and we shall try and show you the respect you are due." Her diplomatic skills thus exhausted, the little plant moves to the side to allow the rest of the group to come forward in turn. Her opening outburst done, she begins to subtly eye the sourrounding area, wary of all the ways a situation like this can go wrong.<br> <br>Aliasi descends from above. She didn't quite come with the rest of the group, but the would-be angel is nosy. Luckily, her talents make her handy to have about. She doesn't greet the mass of foxtaurs, but she simply allows her presence to be a big stick for better-spoken people to point out, assuming these foxes have heard of her.<br> <br>No stranger to the highway thanks to his frequent patrols out in the less nanite dense wastelands just further out, Dio was curious to see what the disturbance was all about. The silver furred lion dressed in his typical semi-formal affair makes his way down the highway, taking observations at the large group of fox-taurs and the growing congression of agents. And more notably, within his mind anyways, the husky. Shotgun at his side for self-defense when needed, he heads for the husky and stands beside her. "Hello my lady," he bows, soon coming back up with a smile. "It's been awhile. Your speaking abilities have improved since the last time we've met. But business before pleasantries."<br> <br>Cookies is close behind her lion as usual, though this time not literally on his back for once. Decked out in her new fancy suit, she gives the camera on her helm a little bop to get it into place. Once she's sure everything's in order, she makes sure to look over the fox-taurs. "Looks like... Let's see... 15, 25... Too damn many," she mewls to no one in particular, then glances over at Aimee. "Good to see you're not dead or worse. What's the situation?"<br> <br>Having wandered out onto the highway fo a stroll, Enyo spots the situation with the husky and the foxes, her curiosity being piqued by such an abnormality. Though, preferring to wait and hoping the situation wont degrade to something that can only be solved through violence, she adjusts her cloak just in case to let the wings, which she normally keeps wrapped around her body, out and preparing to react however the situation may recquire of her but still silently praying that these creatures dont do anything too much more foolhardy than already.<br> <br>With a slight yip herself, Aimee, looks back to everyone. "Oh, more help, ok." She says feeling a bit intimidated by the people coming in, then a few she recognises, making her tail wag, "Hi there Plant Lady, Angry Kitty, and Gentle Sex Lion. We have a lot of fox taur trying to come into the city, and they seem to be nice enough, but roudy! The Fox taur lady from New Dawn wants to know why they are all doing this." She says and looks back as a pair mount on each other, loud yaps and yips coming from them and blushing deeply from the sight. "We don't want too strong of things coming into the city, and Fox Taur Lady doesn't want to hurt them, but we can't let them in like this." She looks over the Fox Taurs again, "Do you have a leader??" She asks again, then, one steps forward, "I'm Roshile, and I'm the elder of this skulk." Shi says, and shi is an impressve version of Fox, and hir twined gender and large muscles make it obvious shi's a bit better then the rest.<br> <br>"Roudy indeed," Dio comments, watching all the 'action' within the crowd. However, he didn't really expect anything different. It'd be more surprising if they weren't. Putting a gentle hand on Cookies' head, he gives it a small rub and smiles at Roshile. "Greetings, ma'am. It's a pleasure to meet you," he says, taking another bow. "It appears you and your pack desire access to this city! A wonderful prospect, but may we ask why? We're curious of your origins." Words, sweet like honey and gentle as an ocean breeze complimented by an angel's smile.<br> <br>Savi breaks into a bright smile as she finally recognizes Aimee. Waving at her slightly the plant girl slides in closer to the group, very interested in their answer. As the elder steps forward and introduces theirself, Savi bows her head respectfully, and continues her vigil, to both the surrounding area, and the coming conversations.<br> <br>Nim looks about, her tail twitching in excited confusion as she bounds close to Savi, her large creamsicle eyes blinking up at her before she turns towards the sound of the fox-tuar's leader announcing hirself. With a grin, the doe leans closer, observing the area with interest. "Miss Roshile, you and your pack-mates will have to be careful, there are a lot of scary....people here. Not like other places out towards the forest." She wiggling in confused worry before turning towards Savi again and sniffing in curiosity.<br> <br>Cookies rolls her eyes behind the dark visor of that helmet, both at Dio's saccharine disposition and Aimee. "This is what happens when you live in hovels and farms and never bother to set up a proper checkpoint beyond posting a guard at your gates," she murmurs before turning her attentions back to the fox taurs. Dio may make her cringe sometimes but she's confident in his ability to get the job done, as always, so she stays more or less quiet for now.<br> <br>Enyo folds up her scanner  and puts it into  a hidden pocket in her cloak as she pulls her hood back so it doesnt obscure her eyes, she walks quietly up to the others once her wings are back in her cloak. she makes no effort to say a word, simply quietly watching Roshile.<br> <br>Aliasi waits to see what the foxtaur response is. She's not the most diplomatic person of those present, after all.<br> <br>The group of foxes continue their activites, quite a few looking slightly pregnant, but all of them seeming malnerished, even Roshile, "We come to hunt for more. More to bring into our Skulk, also, we had heard that food was easier had in your city, so we come to take what we need." Shi says. Aimee looks over the group of foxes and whines softly again, "They'd drive out the other infections, and take up even more resources. If they are just going to hunt we can't let them in..." she says. Aimee waves over to Savi and takes a few steps closer to Dio and Cookies. Roshile not looking to pleased to hear that.<br> <br>Without waiting for another reply, Savi opens her mouth. "So you have come to take our lands for your own needs, nothing for us? No quarter given? Alright. You are refused." speaking sofly and plainly Savi motions with her hand down the highway behind the taurs. "Be on your way if that is all you offer in return for your welcome."<br> <br>Nim slowly reaches back, her hand wrapping around her staff as she allows her adept training to seep into the hollow weapon. Gently the doe opens her wings, not full extending them yet as her eyes narrow. "Miss Roshile....would you please remove yourself from this area? You and your...skulk... do not have any claim to hunt here." She states as firmly as a doe can, her foot hopping continuing unabated.<br> <br>Dio listens to the fox-taur speak and nods his head. "I see," Dio says, crossing his arms across his clothed chest. "Now hold on ma'am, this could be an excellent opportunity," he says to Saviante. "The fact that you're not attempting to overrun us is proof enough you're right-minded enough. Our resources are limited, yet I believe there's a solution to be had here." The lion rubs his chin and thinks for a moment and then smiles. "Perhaps you'd like to come to a compromise? Your skulk here can be a wonderful workforce if you're willing to dedicate yourselves. And with work, comes food! And freecred as well. But we simply can't have you run wild."<br> <br>Cookies places her palm against her helmet. She would probably be pinching the bridge of her nose were it not in the way. "People, please let the good lion handle the negotiations... His fur ain't the only thing that's silver." She shifts her weight onto one leg and peers back up. "Entry isn't free anywhere around here. You have to pull your own and abide to certain- very STRICT- rules. Like the lion says, each and every one of you can be accounted for individually, but only if each and every one of you can give something back to our communities in return. No 'taking'."<br> <br>Snorting slightly, Roshile regards everyone, "If you won't let us pass, we will have to come in through force." Shi says, though no actions are made yet, "We will not be returning to our home lands, the recent changes have left us little to hunt and too many of our own being changed. I used to lead a much larger skulk, but with the Dwellers moving in, and the Cactus Mephitaur, food is more diffacult to come by, our birthing dens over run. This land is much more ripe for taking, and we will have it." Shi says looking around to all those assembled. Then, the words from Dio strike hir, "Workforce? What do you mean workforce?" shi asks, then a few others come up to yap at hir, hir yipping back.  
With Dio taking the lead in things, Aimee smiles a bit and continues to evaluate. Shi pulls a clipboard and pin out from between her breasts and starts writing down a few things, blinking a bit as they talked to each other in yips and yaps, writing more.<br> <br>Aliasi continues to hang at the back of the group, but as casually as one can do this sort of action, she begins to expand and grow, nonchalantly leaning against a bit of broken building-wall after she's done. You know, just in case.<br> <br>Oh no, it seems they were going to use force if they needed to. However, it would appear negotiation was still certainly possible. "I understand. You have a family to feed and you're doing what's needed to make ends meet. You're a fine leader and I respect that," Dio says sincerely. "I shall explain workforce to you. In our society, one can give by helping out, and then get back. For example, some people volunteer at the farms where they are gladly given some food to eat for their troubles. Imagine if you're people helped out there! The efficiency..." Taking a moment to clear his throat, Dio continues and wears his best smile. "As a leader of a hunting group, you must know what happens when one over-hunts. It leads to situations like these. If you're willing to make a deal, I can guarantee everyone will be happy and your skulk shall prosper. Perhaps even better of than they once were. Are you willing to cooperate?"<br> <br>Saviante listens to Dio, then Cookies and silently drops back and to the side, not willing to argue. Having also heard the reply, the rather non-yeailding reply, from the fox-taurs the plant girl grows very still. Her immobility a form of defence, her silence a form of repect. Her vines curling around the hidden blades on their tips, stealthfully prepping to strike was all from the understanding that sometimes people want something for nothing.<br> <br>Cookies crosses her arms and relaxes her stance a bit. She has to use every ounce of self control in her body not to snark at Roshile, but she manages! Her tail brushes up against Dio's leg and she can't help but snicker a bit. "I do hope you're ready for the possibility that they're not going to take your meaning at all, or in the worst ways," she murmurs up to him.<br> <br>Nim stares out at the group of fox taurs with a worried shiver, her tail twitching as she sniffs at the group, unconciously attempting to smell the reaction of the group. The doe shivers, her instincts begging her to leap and bound away, putting distance between her and the taurs. With a bite of her lips, the doe slowly pulls out her hollow staff fully, listening to the dicussion with a worried look on her face.<br> <br>Enyo scoffs at her fellow agents "Ah you an always count on an agent of Zephyr to think about money, to ask others to change their lifestyle to fit in with society and whatnot...  although some of us are showing how WEAK they truely are by some attempt at violence or by backing off in fear... I assure you, We could help you find a new place to live. Times are tough and whatnot and you seem to be relocating anyway, if you truely want whats best for your skulk the logical choice is that we relocate you somewhere else, a place where you can thrive, You avoid losing members of your skulk, we avoid casualties and losses on our side, everybody wins... That is the logical choice... is it not?" She asks of Roshile. "Your actions speak volumes of you, you dont attack us because you know what that leads to, so how about it, lets be reasonable, eh?"<br> <br>A bit more yapping, yipping, and breeding among the Fox Taurs gathered, "Work, why shouldn't you all work for us?" Asks Rohsile, more then a few of the foxes looking over the group with an entirely different look in their eyes. "After all, we could just make you all ours and continue on." Shi says. More then a few hard cocks and wet pussies around as many lick their lips. "But... that wouldn't bring us food. We need to do more then breeding." Shi says, though hir own throbbing member pains hir. Shi looks next to the growing one, "Are we going to have to worry here, we stopped because the Husky and hers asked us, we could just continue taking." Shi says. Enyo gets hir attention next, "A new place? What kind of new place? We don't care for these freecred you agents continue to mention time and again, but, we have noticed our numbers do not swell as they once did, and our advisors have told of the nessisty of food and more stable living. Do you have a place like this, we are our own, we take what we need and this... work... is not for us, though... less stress, do you have a less stressful way?" Shi asks. Aimee, for now, just continues to take down notes.<br> <br>Aliasi decides to speak up, since she's addressed. "No, I don't think you'll be taking, if we don't desire it. I've had to smack down a number of you in the past when they got funny ideas, and I'm not afraid to do it now. I'd do what the lion asks, it'll hurt a lot less."<br> <br>Most of the foxtaur eyes go to Dio, Enyo, and Nim, as if they can smell the lustfulness coming off from them.<br> <br>With an inward sigh, Savi cringes. A true infection, she thinks to herself. Spread, devour, spread. With her eyes narrowing, the plant grows steely. Listening to each word from the taurs carefully, feeling the downward spiral may have already begun.
With Dio taking the lead in things, Aimee smiles a bit and continues to evaluate. Shi pulls a clipboard and pin out from between her breasts and starts writing down a few things, blinking a bit as they talked to each other in yips and yaps, writing more.<br> <br>Aliasi continues to hang at the back of the group, but as casually as one can do this sort of action, she begins to expand and grow, nonchalantly leaning against a bit of broken building-wall after she's done. You know, just in case.<br> <br>Oh no, it seems they were going to use force if they needed to. However, it would appear negotiation was still certainly possible. "I understand. You have a family to feed and you're doing what's needed to make ends meet. You're a fine leader and I respect that," Dio says sincerely. "I shall explain workforce to you. In our society, one can give by helping out, and then get back. For example, some people volunteer at the farms where they are gladly given some food to eat for their troubles. Imagine if you're people helped out there! The efficiency..." Taking a moment to clear his throat, Dio continues and wears his best smile. "As a leader of a hunting group, you must know what happens when one over-hunts. It leads to situations like these. If you're willing to make a deal, I can guarantee everyone will be happy and your skulk shall prosper. Perhaps even better of than they once were. Are you willing to cooperate?"<br> <br>Saviante listens to Dio, then Cookies and silently drops back and to the side, not willing to argue. Having also heard the reply, the rather non-yeailding reply, from the fox-taurs the plant girl grows very still. Her immobility a form of defence, her silence a form of repect. Her vines curling around the hidden blades on their tips, stealthfully prepping to strike was all from the understanding that sometimes people want something for nothing.<br> <br>Cookies crosses her arms and relaxes her stance a bit. She has to use every ounce of self control in her body not to snark at Roshile, but she manages! Her tail brushes up against Dio's leg and she can't help but snicker a bit. "I do hope you're ready for the possibility that they're not going to take your meaning at all, or in the worst ways," she murmurs up to him.<br> <br>Nim stares out at the group of fox taurs with a worried shiver, her tail twitching as she sniffs at the group, unconciously attempting to smell the reaction of the group. The doe shivers, her instincts begging her to leap and bound away, putting distance between her and the taurs. With a bite of her lips, the doe slowly pulls out her hollow staff fully, listening to the dicussion with a worried look on her face.<br> <br>Enyo scoffs at her fellow agents "Ah you an always count on an agent of Zephyr to think about money, to ask others to change their lifestyle to fit in with society and whatnot...  although some of us are showing how WEAK they truely are by some attempt at violence or by backing off in fear... I assure you, We could help you find a new place to live. Times are tough and whatnot and you seem to be relocating anyway, if you truely want whats best for your skulk the logical choice is that we relocate you somewhere else, a place where you can thrive, You avoid losing members of your skulk, we avoid casualties and losses on our side, everybody wins... That is the logical choice... is it not?" She asks of Roshile. "Your actions speak volumes of you, you dont attack us because you know what that leads to, so how about it, lets be reasonable, eh?"<br> <br>A bit more yapping, yipping, and breeding among the Fox Taurs gathered, "Work, why shouldn't you all work for us?" Asks Rohsile, more then a few of the foxes looking over the group with an entirely different look in their eyes. "After all, we could just make you all ours and continue on." Shi says. More then a few hard cocks and wet pussies around as many lick their lips. "But... that wouldn't bring us food. We need to do more then breeding." Shi says, though hir own throbbing member pains hir. Shi looks next to the growing one, "Are we going to have to worry here, we stopped because the Husky and hers asked us, we could just continue taking." Shi says. Enyo gets hir attention next, "A new place? What kind of new place? We don't care for these freecred you agents continue to mention time and again, but, we have noticed our numbers do not swell as they once did, and our advisors have told of the nessisty of food and more stable living. Do you have a place like this, we are our own, we take what we need and this... work... is not for us, though... less stress, do you have a less stressful way?" Shi asks. Aimee, for now, just continues to take down notes.<br> <br>Aliasi decides to speak up, since she's addressed. "No, I don't think you'll be taking, if we don't desire it. I've had to smack down a number of you in the past when they got funny ideas, and I'm not afraid to do it now. I'd do what the lion asks, it'll hurt a lot less."<br> <br>Most of the foxtaur eyes go to Dio, Enyo, and Nim, as if they can smell the lustfulness coming off from them.<br> <br>With an inward sigh, Savi cringes. A true infection, she thinks to herself. Spread, devour, spread. With her eyes narrowing, the plant grows steely. Listening to each word from the taurs carefully, feeling the downward spiral may have already begun.<br> <br>Dio lets out a light chuckle towards Enyo. "Yes, money is nice isn't it," he returns, still smiling as wide as ever. "But my example was the farm. Volunteer work for food with a city-wide benefit. Of course, it doesn't have to be the farms. If they desire to cross over into our wonderful land of Fairhaven, compromise will be needed regardless. My suggestion of work would provide a source of food without needing to hunt, but I shall understand if that's not their desire. It's not mine to control." Listening to the fox taurs speak again, he begins to worry a bit but still stands firm. "Yes, you don't need to work for us. That was but a suggestion. We can move you all to a new hunting ground perhaps. If we have a nice talk and plan it out, you can have a nice free place to hunt about and live peacefully without being disturbed. And in this regard, no violence. Truly, this is the best option," he says like a salesman. "If you attempt to hurt us now, it'll only be worse in the long run and history shall repeat. Won't you give our way a try?"<br> <br>Nim inches back slowly, her tail lifting upwards in fear as she feels worried about her own natural urges in view of so many predators. She stomps her foot, asserting herself and her own courage a little. "Enslaving others unwillingly is wrong. You seem to be of a clear mind...so it would be better for you to remain civil...and...and  not threaten us with servitude." She says as clearly as she can, gripping the staff tightly. "But...Enyo...seems to have the right idea, relocation is ideal...the forests are rather full for example. Or...maybe near the sea? That is, if you can compete with the fish."<br> <br>Cookies peers up at her lion. "Diiiooo," she whines in a half-whisper up to him. "The more they talk the more I start to think their little band of overzealous vulpines needs a touch of the LAW applied directly to forehead. Or a grenade. Or a shotgun." Her tail starts thwapping against his leg insistently to get his attention, and her hands are already in position to draw the odd shotgun-esque device from her back.<br> <br>A few more looks of desire toward the group, seems that the time for negoations is short! A pair of fox taur males get a bit closer to Enyo, and a herm and male start walking toward Nim. Three females make their way toward Dio. "We have tried forests, we have tried fishing in rivers near our home lands, we need something else." Shi says a few more of the foxes getting closer to everyone. "Some of you do nothing but threaten us more, like those who come to our lands and just take themselves. Some of ours cause trouble, but out in our own homes, why would you hunt us the way you do?" shi asks, "Some of the others, they have ideas, but none have convinced me that the old ways should be abandoned." A few of the fox taur look to their leader with worry, Yaps again, "If we can't swell our numbers through birth, then we can by just taking!" Shi says to those who seem to be arguing with hir. Cookies' words only seem to spire them on more toward action.
Aimee looks more then a bit shocked stepping forward a bit and barking back to them all. A few more look over to her, licking their lips.<br> <br>Aliasi scoffs, "Old ways? You speak as if you've lived for decades as opposed to a handful of years since the event. Is there any in your little group older than fifteen years?" The scorn in her voice is a little unusual for those who've known Aliasi, but perhaps it picks at a sore spot.<br> <br>Enyo nods sympatheticly "Freecred pretty much is a scam, Its not necessarily going to get you what you want... But we could find you a place that suits your needs, in fact... if this goes peacefully maybe even a place that suits your desires, a place like you were used to before it became intolerable, or better, I concede that I do not know what we could offer as far as a place to relocate you but i am rather sure that we can find something agreeable." she says with a reassuring smile. "There is no need for anybody here to be harmed, Let us find you a new home with plenty of food to feed your kin, how about it?" She smiles sincerely. "My fellow agents seem to be tripping up with his wording and with their actions... We aren't here to threaten you. Now that we understand your plight we would be grateful at the oppertunity to help you find a place to flourish as you once did, please... allow us that chance." She smiles optimisticly.<br> <br>Nim bounds away in suprise as the foxes approach, her tail raised as she pushes on a lever her weapon maker made for her cuasing the humming scythe to make itself known. She bites her lip sharply as she eyes both, wiggling as her own needs seem to urge her not fight back. "We're simply...worried due your stated problems. Unbalance in one region unbalnces all the regions..." The doe attempts to rationalize despite her fearful, wide eyed appearence<br> <br>Feeling any chance at intimidation would bring all out war, Savi eyes the leader of the Fox-taurs and braces herself. Unwilling to make anything worse now, she readies herself. Moving  as slowly as she can, the plant girl shifts her mass, growing slightly lower. Her mouth open slightly, pulling in a deep breath... and waiting for that final line to be crossed.<br> <br>Cookies grits her teeth and grinds them behind that helmet, tapping a foot impatiently. "I have zero fucking tolerance for lazy no-good ferals" she mumbles and trails off to herself at a tone that comes out as muffled nonsense from behind her helmet, this being her way of piping down as of late. At worst she'd probably look kind of grumpy. Hopefully that wouldn't be enough to interfere with the more diplomatic attempts being made!<br> <br>Enyo,in calm refusal to abandon diplomacy, states "We are all the offspring of the Promethean 'outbreak'. That makes us sort of like a family . An injury to us may as well be an injury to your skulk and the reverse is true, which is why, despite how it may seem..." she takes a moment to scolding glance at some of her fellow agents,  almost as if wishing looks could kill "...we don't want to hurt you, as a whole, I bet youve seen how sometimes a group will have ill tempered members or just plain foolish ones. The sooner you agree, the sooner you can have a better place to live, food to fill not only your own belly but those of your skulk, the sooner you can all have your lives back, the sooner everybody can be happy again and so on and so forth. You dont need to do this for us and you don't need to do it for you, do it for your skulk, this option seems to be in their best interest, the more we talk the longer it'll take them to get the nourishment and home they deserve, which... mind you, is a beautiful and pleantiful one which we hope you will flourish in."<br> <br>Dio heavily pats Cookies on the back and starts to back up just a bit from the female surrounding him. Lion musk... Should've taken a shower or something. "You can swell your numbers," Dio says. "But not without suitable food and water to support. It'll lead to unhealthy children, or perhaps even failure to conceive them." The lion thinks for a bit, but then comes up with something that may help. Help them, help us, help everyone. "Reliable water is easily found, but food is another thing. You've tried old methods, but you need something new! So first, we move you someplace nice and peaceful like the beautiful husky has been saying," he says, pointing to Enyo. "We have a wonderful source of food these days, even able to help provide for an entire city thanks to people's efforts. Once we have you moved in, we can secure a certain machine for you all to use that'll provide food for your pack." He didn't want to say it quite yet, but maybe they could get them to work and benefit themselves and everyone. Milking machines. Purified milk has been known to feed nearly the entire city of Eureka. Surely it could help here?

Revision as of 03:43, 27 September 2013





At the entrance to the broken highway, a very large group of Fox Taur, no less then 30, seem to be clammering and stamping about. At the city side of things stands seven promethian agents. In the front stands a familiar face, for some at least, "Now now, what are you all doing, your home is back that way, why are trying to cross into the city?" asks a very overly endowed Husky, getting quite a few yips, yaps, and growls back. As one starts to yap, all the rest do as well, the husky holding her head a moment before giving a few barks and a long howl! That quiets them all back down. "Do you have a leader we could talk to?" she asks.

Nim peers at the group with large eyes, the doe dressed in her single piece armor, a long staff attached to her back. Her tail raises in alert, warning others of the danger as she bounds in small hops from foot to foot in worry. "That..that's alot more than...than I thought there would be." She stammers as she wraps her feathery wings around her waist in worry. "What do they want?" The small doe squeeks

Savi looks over the group she is with, and the group she is facing and removes the lower portion of her shemagh, exposing her face. "We are all pack leaders in our own way. There are numerous packs interested, speak to us as you would any other leader, and we shall try and show you the respect you are due." Her diplomatic skills thus exhausted, the little plant moves to the side to allow the rest of the group to come forward in turn. Her opening outburst done, she begins to subtly eye the sourrounding area, wary of all the ways a situation like this can go wrong.

Aliasi descends from above. She didn't quite come with the rest of the group, but the would-be angel is nosy. Luckily, her talents make her handy to have about. She doesn't greet the mass of foxtaurs, but she simply allows her presence to be a big stick for better-spoken people to point out, assuming these foxes have heard of her.

No stranger to the highway thanks to his frequent patrols out in the less nanite dense wastelands just further out, Dio was curious to see what the disturbance was all about. The silver furred lion dressed in his typical semi-formal affair makes his way down the highway, taking observations at the large group of fox-taurs and the growing congression of agents. And more notably, within his mind anyways, the husky. Shotgun at his side for self-defense when needed, he heads for the husky and stands beside her. "Hello my lady," he bows, soon coming back up with a smile. "It's been awhile. Your speaking abilities have improved since the last time we've met. But business before pleasantries."

Cookies is close behind her lion as usual, though this time not literally on his back for once. Decked out in her new fancy suit, she gives the camera on her helm a little bop to get it into place. Once she's sure everything's in order, she makes sure to look over the fox-taurs. "Looks like... Let's see... 15, 25... Too damn many," she mewls to no one in particular, then glances over at Aimee. "Good to see you're not dead or worse. What's the situation?"

Having wandered out onto the highway fo a stroll, Enyo spots the situation with the husky and the foxes, her curiosity being piqued by such an abnormality. Though, preferring to wait and hoping the situation wont degrade to something that can only be solved through violence, she adjusts her cloak just in case to let the wings, which she normally keeps wrapped around her body, out and preparing to react however the situation may recquire of her but still silently praying that these creatures dont do anything too much more foolhardy than already.

With a slight yip herself, Aimee, looks back to everyone. "Oh, more help, ok." She says feeling a bit intimidated by the people coming in, then a few she recognises, making her tail wag, "Hi there Plant Lady, Angry Kitty, and Gentle Sex Lion. We have a lot of fox taur trying to come into the city, and they seem to be nice enough, but roudy! The Fox taur lady from New Dawn wants to know why they are all doing this." She says and looks back as a pair mount on each other, loud yaps and yips coming from them and blushing deeply from the sight. "We don't want too strong of things coming into the city, and Fox Taur Lady doesn't want to hurt them, but we can't let them in like this." She looks over the Fox Taurs again, "Do you have a leader??" She asks again, then, one steps forward, "I'm Roshile, and I'm the elder of this skulk." Shi says, and shi is an impressve version of Fox, and hir twined gender and large muscles make it obvious shi's a bit better then the rest.

"Roudy indeed," Dio comments, watching all the 'action' within the crowd. However, he didn't really expect anything different. It'd be more surprising if they weren't. Putting a gentle hand on Cookies' head, he gives it a small rub and smiles at Roshile. "Greetings, ma'am. It's a pleasure to meet you," he says, taking another bow. "It appears you and your pack desire access to this city! A wonderful prospect, but may we ask why? We're curious of your origins." Words, sweet like honey and gentle as an ocean breeze complimented by an angel's smile.

Savi breaks into a bright smile as she finally recognizes Aimee. Waving at her slightly the plant girl slides in closer to the group, very interested in their answer. As the elder steps forward and introduces theirself, Savi bows her head respectfully, and continues her vigil, to both the surrounding area, and the coming conversations.

Nim looks about, her tail twitching in excited confusion as she bounds close to Savi, her large creamsicle eyes blinking up at her before she turns towards the sound of the fox-tuar's leader announcing hirself. With a grin, the doe leans closer, observing the area with interest. "Miss Roshile, you and your pack-mates will have to be careful, there are a lot of scary....people here. Not like other places out towards the forest." She wiggling in confused worry before turning towards Savi again and sniffing in curiosity.

Cookies rolls her eyes behind the dark visor of that helmet, both at Dio's saccharine disposition and Aimee. "This is what happens when you live in hovels and farms and never bother to set up a proper checkpoint beyond posting a guard at your gates," she murmurs before turning her attentions back to the fox taurs. Dio may make her cringe sometimes but she's confident in his ability to get the job done, as always, so she stays more or less quiet for now.

Enyo folds up her scanner and puts it into a hidden pocket in her cloak as she pulls her hood back so it doesnt obscure her eyes, she walks quietly up to the others once her wings are back in her cloak. she makes no effort to say a word, simply quietly watching Roshile.

Aliasi waits to see what the foxtaur response is. She's not the most diplomatic person of those present, after all.

The group of foxes continue their activites, quite a few looking slightly pregnant, but all of them seeming malnerished, even Roshile, "We come to hunt for more. More to bring into our Skulk, also, we had heard that food was easier had in your city, so we come to take what we need." Shi says. Aimee looks over the group of foxes and whines softly again, "They'd drive out the other infections, and take up even more resources. If they are just going to hunt we can't let them in..." she says. Aimee waves over to Savi and takes a few steps closer to Dio and Cookies. Roshile not looking to pleased to hear that.

Without waiting for another reply, Savi opens her mouth. "So you have come to take our lands for your own needs, nothing for us? No quarter given? Alright. You are refused." speaking sofly and plainly Savi motions with her hand down the highway behind the taurs. "Be on your way if that is all you offer in return for your welcome."

Nim slowly reaches back, her hand wrapping around her staff as she allows her adept training to seep into the hollow weapon. Gently the doe opens her wings, not full extending them yet as her eyes narrow. "Miss Roshile....would you please remove yourself from this area? You and your...skulk... do not have any claim to hunt here." She states as firmly as a doe can, her foot hopping continuing unabated.

Dio listens to the fox-taur speak and nods his head. "I see," Dio says, crossing his arms across his clothed chest. "Now hold on ma'am, this could be an excellent opportunity," he says to Saviante. "The fact that you're not attempting to overrun us is proof enough you're right-minded enough. Our resources are limited, yet I believe there's a solution to be had here." The lion rubs his chin and thinks for a moment and then smiles. "Perhaps you'd like to come to a compromise? Your skulk here can be a wonderful workforce if you're willing to dedicate yourselves. And with work, comes food! And freecred as well. But we simply can't have you run wild."

Cookies places her palm against her helmet. She would probably be pinching the bridge of her nose were it not in the way. "People, please let the good lion handle the negotiations... His fur ain't the only thing that's silver." She shifts her weight onto one leg and peers back up. "Entry isn't free anywhere around here. You have to pull your own and abide to certain- very STRICT- rules. Like the lion says, each and every one of you can be accounted for individually, but only if each and every one of you can give something back to our communities in return. No 'taking'."

Snorting slightly, Roshile regards everyone, "If you won't let us pass, we will have to come in through force." Shi says, though no actions are made yet, "We will not be returning to our home lands, the recent changes have left us little to hunt and too many of our own being changed. I used to lead a much larger skulk, but with the Dwellers moving in, and the Cactus Mephitaur, food is more diffacult to come by, our birthing dens over run. This land is much more ripe for taking, and we will have it." Shi says looking around to all those assembled. Then, the words from Dio strike hir, "Workforce? What do you mean workforce?" shi asks, then a few others come up to yap at hir, hir yipping back.

With Dio taking the lead in things, Aimee smiles a bit and continues to evaluate. Shi pulls a clipboard and pin out from between her breasts and starts writing down a few things, blinking a bit as they talked to each other in yips and yaps, writing more.

Aliasi continues to hang at the back of the group, but as casually as one can do this sort of action, she begins to expand and grow, nonchalantly leaning against a bit of broken building-wall after she's done. You know, just in case.

Oh no, it seems they were going to use force if they needed to. However, it would appear negotiation was still certainly possible. "I understand. You have a family to feed and you're doing what's needed to make ends meet. You're a fine leader and I respect that," Dio says sincerely. "I shall explain workforce to you. In our society, one can give by helping out, and then get back. For example, some people volunteer at the farms where they are gladly given some food to eat for their troubles. Imagine if you're people helped out there! The efficiency..." Taking a moment to clear his throat, Dio continues and wears his best smile. "As a leader of a hunting group, you must know what happens when one over-hunts. It leads to situations like these. If you're willing to make a deal, I can guarantee everyone will be happy and your skulk shall prosper. Perhaps even better of than they once were. Are you willing to cooperate?"

Saviante listens to Dio, then Cookies and silently drops back and to the side, not willing to argue. Having also heard the reply, the rather non-yeailding reply, from the fox-taurs the plant girl grows very still. Her immobility a form of defence, her silence a form of repect. Her vines curling around the hidden blades on their tips, stealthfully prepping to strike was all from the understanding that sometimes people want something for nothing.

Cookies crosses her arms and relaxes her stance a bit. She has to use every ounce of self control in her body not to snark at Roshile, but she manages! Her tail brushes up against Dio's leg and she can't help but snicker a bit. "I do hope you're ready for the possibility that they're not going to take your meaning at all, or in the worst ways," she murmurs up to him.

Nim stares out at the group of fox taurs with a worried shiver, her tail twitching as she sniffs at the group, unconciously attempting to smell the reaction of the group. The doe shivers, her instincts begging her to leap and bound away, putting distance between her and the taurs. With a bite of her lips, the doe slowly pulls out her hollow staff fully, listening to the dicussion with a worried look on her face.

Enyo scoffs at her fellow agents "Ah you an always count on an agent of Zephyr to think about money, to ask others to change their lifestyle to fit in with society and whatnot... although some of us are showing how WEAK they truely are by some attempt at violence or by backing off in fear... I assure you, We could help you find a new place to live. Times are tough and whatnot and you seem to be relocating anyway, if you truely want whats best for your skulk the logical choice is that we relocate you somewhere else, a place where you can thrive, You avoid losing members of your skulk, we avoid casualties and losses on our side, everybody wins... That is the logical choice... is it not?" She asks of Roshile. "Your actions speak volumes of you, you dont attack us because you know what that leads to, so how about it, lets be reasonable, eh?"

A bit more yapping, yipping, and breeding among the Fox Taurs gathered, "Work, why shouldn't you all work for us?" Asks Rohsile, more then a few of the foxes looking over the group with an entirely different look in their eyes. "After all, we could just make you all ours and continue on." Shi says. More then a few hard cocks and wet pussies around as many lick their lips. "But... that wouldn't bring us food. We need to do more then breeding." Shi says, though hir own throbbing member pains hir. Shi looks next to the growing one, "Are we going to have to worry here, we stopped because the Husky and hers asked us, we could just continue taking." Shi says. Enyo gets hir attention next, "A new place? What kind of new place? We don't care for these freecred you agents continue to mention time and again, but, we have noticed our numbers do not swell as they once did, and our advisors have told of the nessisty of food and more stable living. Do you have a place like this, we are our own, we take what we need and this... work... is not for us, though... less stress, do you have a less stressful way?" Shi asks. Aimee, for now, just continues to take down notes.

Aliasi decides to speak up, since she's addressed. "No, I don't think you'll be taking, if we don't desire it. I've had to smack down a number of you in the past when they got funny ideas, and I'm not afraid to do it now. I'd do what the lion asks, it'll hurt a lot less."

Most of the foxtaur eyes go to Dio, Enyo, and Nim, as if they can smell the lustfulness coming off from them.

With an inward sigh, Savi cringes. A true infection, she thinks to herself. Spread, devour, spread. With her eyes narrowing, the plant grows steely. Listening to each word from the taurs carefully, feeling the downward spiral may have already begun.

Dio lets out a light chuckle towards Enyo. "Yes, money is nice isn't it," he returns, still smiling as wide as ever. "But my example was the farm. Volunteer work for food with a city-wide benefit. Of course, it doesn't have to be the farms. If they desire to cross over into our wonderful land of Fairhaven, compromise will be needed regardless. My suggestion of work would provide a source of food without needing to hunt, but I shall understand if that's not their desire. It's not mine to control." Listening to the fox taurs speak again, he begins to worry a bit but still stands firm. "Yes, you don't need to work for us. That was but a suggestion. We can move you all to a new hunting ground perhaps. If we have a nice talk and plan it out, you can have a nice free place to hunt about and live peacefully without being disturbed. And in this regard, no violence. Truly, this is the best option," he says like a salesman. "If you attempt to hurt us now, it'll only be worse in the long run and history shall repeat. Won't you give our way a try?"

Nim inches back slowly, her tail lifting upwards in fear as she feels worried about her own natural urges in view of so many predators. She stomps her foot, asserting herself and her own courage a little. "Enslaving others unwillingly is wrong. You seem to be of a clear mind...so it would be better for you to remain civil...and...and not threaten us with servitude." She says as clearly as she can, gripping the staff tightly. "But...Enyo...seems to have the right idea, relocation is ideal...the forests are rather full for example. Or...maybe near the sea? That is, if you can compete with the fish."

Cookies peers up at her lion. "Diiiooo," she whines in a half-whisper up to him. "The more they talk the more I start to think their little band of overzealous vulpines needs a touch of the LAW applied directly to forehead. Or a grenade. Or a shotgun." Her tail starts thwapping against his leg insistently to get his attention, and her hands are already in position to draw the odd shotgun-esque device from her back.

A few more looks of desire toward the group, seems that the time for negoations is short! A pair of fox taur males get a bit closer to Enyo, and a herm and male start walking toward Nim. Three females make their way toward Dio. "We have tried forests, we have tried fishing in rivers near our home lands, we need something else." Shi says a few more of the foxes getting closer to everyone. "Some of you do nothing but threaten us more, like those who come to our lands and just take themselves. Some of ours cause trouble, but out in our own homes, why would you hunt us the way you do?" shi asks, "Some of the others, they have ideas, but none have convinced me that the old ways should be abandoned." A few of the fox taur look to their leader with worry, Yaps again, "If we can't swell our numbers through birth, then we can by just taking!" Shi says to those who seem to be arguing with hir. Cookies' words only seem to spire them on more toward action.

Aimee looks more then a bit shocked stepping forward a bit and barking back to them all. A few more look over to her, licking their lips.

Aliasi scoffs, "Old ways? You speak as if you've lived for decades as opposed to a handful of years since the event. Is there any in your little group older than fifteen years?" The scorn in her voice is a little unusual for those who've known Aliasi, but perhaps it picks at a sore spot.

Enyo nods sympatheticly "Freecred pretty much is a scam, Its not necessarily going to get you what you want... But we could find you a place that suits your needs, in fact... if this goes peacefully maybe even a place that suits your desires, a place like you were used to before it became intolerable, or better, I concede that I do not know what we could offer as far as a place to relocate you but i am rather sure that we can find something agreeable." she says with a reassuring smile. "There is no need for anybody here to be harmed, Let us find you a new home with plenty of food to feed your kin, how about it?" She smiles sincerely. "My fellow agents seem to be tripping up with his wording and with their actions... We aren't here to threaten you. Now that we understand your plight we would be grateful at the oppertunity to help you find a place to flourish as you once did, please... allow us that chance." She smiles optimisticly.

Nim bounds away in suprise as the foxes approach, her tail raised as she pushes on a lever her weapon maker made for her cuasing the humming scythe to make itself known. She bites her lip sharply as she eyes both, wiggling as her own needs seem to urge her not fight back. "We're simply...worried due your stated problems. Unbalance in one region unbalnces all the regions..." The doe attempts to rationalize despite her fearful, wide eyed appearence

Feeling any chance at intimidation would bring all out war, Savi eyes the leader of the Fox-taurs and braces herself. Unwilling to make anything worse now, she readies herself. Moving as slowly as she can, the plant girl shifts her mass, growing slightly lower. Her mouth open slightly, pulling in a deep breath... and waiting for that final line to be crossed.

Cookies grits her teeth and grinds them behind that helmet, tapping a foot impatiently. "I have zero fucking tolerance for lazy no-good ferals" she mumbles and trails off to herself at a tone that comes out as muffled nonsense from behind her helmet, this being her way of piping down as of late. At worst she'd probably look kind of grumpy. Hopefully that wouldn't be enough to interfere with the more diplomatic attempts being made!

Enyo,in calm refusal to abandon diplomacy, states "We are all the offspring of the Promethean 'outbreak'. That makes us sort of like a family . An injury to us may as well be an injury to your skulk and the reverse is true, which is why, despite how it may seem..." she takes a moment to scolding glance at some of her fellow agents, almost as if wishing looks could kill "...we don't want to hurt you, as a whole, I bet youve seen how sometimes a group will have ill tempered members or just plain foolish ones. The sooner you agree, the sooner you can have a better place to live, food to fill not only your own belly but those of your skulk, the sooner you can all have your lives back, the sooner everybody can be happy again and so on and so forth. You dont need to do this for us and you don't need to do it for you, do it for your skulk, this option seems to be in their best interest, the more we talk the longer it'll take them to get the nourishment and home they deserve, which... mind you, is a beautiful and pleantiful one which we hope you will flourish in."

Dio heavily pats Cookies on the back and starts to back up just a bit from the female surrounding him. Lion musk... Should've taken a shower or something. "You can swell your numbers," Dio says. "But not without suitable food and water to support. It'll lead to unhealthy children, or perhaps even failure to conceive them." The lion thinks for a bit, but then comes up with something that may help. Help them, help us, help everyone. "Reliable water is easily found, but food is another thing. You've tried old methods, but you need something new! So first, we move you someplace nice and peaceful like the beautiful husky has been saying," he says, pointing to Enyo. "We have a wonderful source of food these days, even able to help provide for an entire city thanks to people's efforts. Once we have you moved in, we can secure a certain machine for you all to use that'll provide food for your pack." He didn't want to say it quite yet, but maybe they could get them to work and benefit themselves and everyone. Milking machines. Purified milk has been known to feed nearly the entire city of Eureka. Surely it could help here?