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<div></div><br> <br>The warehouse stands with the doors open, an old phonograph playing soft music from far too long ago. An invitation went out, inviting a few friends to stop by and help clear some of the debris out of the warehouse. Not many people, but a few... A mall rat who&#39;s contact info Redd pulled from Smokie&#39;s comms was among those invited, as well as the phoenix from the other day, and a female coyote-morph that Redd had run into at Zephyr.<br> <br>&quot;Oooh... Aaah... Wait, no! That&#39;s not right! Wait, no! No! Up! Up! Noooooooo!&quot; Thud. Annnnd that was the sound of Riva arriving, after jumping off of the top of a building and trying to make a fancy entrance with her relatively new wings. Needless to say, it didn&#39;t end as she would have liked.<br> <br>An invitation from Redd to join him at the warehouse for cleaning? Rornes curious and doesn&#39;t have much better to do right now, so she makes her way there. She flies the whole way, landing just in front of the warehouse. She slowly makes her way in, looking around as she hears something crash down. She blinks a couple times, seeing the winged coyote. She starts towards them, wanting to check on them. &quot;You okay?&quot;<br> <br>A call to the warehouse? Well nobody could say the rat wasn&#39;t curious about scurrying his way back inside. And it wasn&#39;t like Aescher was up to anything more than dates with rosy palms and games of solitaire anyway. And there he was. The honey toned rat, twitchy and chewed up, was making his way down the street. Totally chill.<br> <br>Riva&#39;s shouting, followed by the dull thud is more than enough to wake Redd out a musically induced daydream, as he quickly gets to his feet and is out the door, grabbing on his way out an old medkit that Zephyr no longer sold. &quot;Riva, you ought to try learning to fly with a partner, it&#39;s far easier when you&#39;ve got somebody to catch you.&quot; He recognized the voice, and the scent. &quot;You alright?&quot; Redd kneels down next to Riva, checking for any broken bones, as unlikely as they were in the bubble.<br> <br>Riva sits up abruptly, blinking at the people that had approached her. &quot;Uhh... Yeah, I&#39;m fine. Why?&quot; Riva asks, with a tone hinting at confusion. Climbing to her feet, Riva suddenly chimes, &quot;I&#39;m fine! We&#39;re all fine! Everything&#39;s fine~ Well, Riva&#39;s not fine, but that&#39;s fine! Riva doesn&#39;t care if she&#39;s not fine, &#39;cos Riva is Riva~&quot; <br> <br>Rorne blinks a couple times, looking at Riva, then to Redd. &quot;Well... I am going to assume Riva&#39;s fine,&quot; she states flatly, a little confused. Then finally to Redd. &quot;Hello again, Redd,&quot; she mutters, slowly getting her senses back and focused. &quot;You said you wanted to get some cleaning done around the warehouse?&quot;<br> <br>Aescher quietly pads his way up to the edge of the gathering, just close enough to be involved in a general sort of way. Ears swiveling and tail dancing about. What was this about cleaning? What was with the lead &#39;yote that fell off the building? Coyotes. Cheeze and rice.<br> <br>Redd offers a quick greeting to the phoenix, &quot;Heyas Rorne, you think you could help me get Riva here inside where we can clean her up?&quot; He heads into the warehouse for a moment, and returns with an old raggedy stretcher, the sort that&#39;s basically just cloth between two dowel rods. Redd sets it down beside Riva, positioning himself to lift the winged coyote by the shoulders. Redd takes a glance towards Aescher, but doesn&#39;t recognize him. (Of course not, they&#39;ve never met!)<br> <br>Riva blinks slighty at Redd, before smiling and simply flopping down on the stretcher. She obviously doesn&#39;t need it, but thinks it&#39;d be fun anyway! &quot;Hehehe... Yeah, clean me up, Scotty~!&quot; the winged &#39;yote chimes. &quot;Oooh, and I came to help clean! Riva is good at cleaning! Yup-yup! But now y&#39;gotta clean Riva, too! Lotsa cleaning, &#39;ey?&quot;<br> <br>Rorne nods to Redd, &quot;Of course.&quot; She moves to Riva&#39;s side, quickly looking over the winged coyote&#39;s form, looking for any obvious injuries. She moves to grasp the coyote&#39;s legs, helping Redd lift her onto the stretcher as well. She looks over, seeing Aescher. &quot;Hello, Aescher. Long time no see!&quot; She lets out a soft laugh, grasping the stretcher as well. Looking to Redd, &quot;Whenever you&#39;re ready.&quot;<br> <br>The blonde rat offers Rorne a curt, dorky sort of wave upon her recognition. &quot;Hey.&quot; Not that he actually lifts a paw to help with the whole stretcher thing. Kind of an odd deal. He&#39;d probably make it worse. No doubt.<br> <br>&quot;One... two... three, lift!&quot; The stretcher is off the ground, and into the warehouse they go. As Redd passes a beat up couch, he motions to Rorne, &quot;Here&#39;s a good spot.&quot; He lowers the stretcher, leaving Riva laying on the couch. &quot;There, now sit while I go meet Aescher. I&#39;ll be back in a moment.&quot;<br> <br>Riva, forntunately, doesn&#39;t have any injuries of a too major degree, the worst being a few scrapes and cuts on her arms, legs, and wings. Other than that, Riva seems completely fine, and is even pleasantly humming a slight tune to herself, totally enjoying her whole &#39;ordeal&#39;. &quot;Oh, by the way, hi! Sorry to... Drop in on you~ Hehehehahaha...~&quot; ...That&#39;s the second time Riva&#39;s made that pun, and both times were equally as horrible. Lying back on the couch, Riva giggles, &quot;Hehehe... I&#39;m so funny.&quot;<br> <br>Rorne lifts the stretcher in tandem with Redd, following his lead. When he motions to the couch, and she&#39;s laying on it. She looks up at Redd and nods. &quot;Alright, I&#39;ll make sure she&#39;s completely fine,&quot; Rorne mutters, then back to Riva. &quot;Now, anything on you hurt? No difficulty breathing, moving... any difficulty doing anything at all?&quot;<br> <br>Noticing the stranger coyote approaching Aescher takes to wringing his tail and glancing about everywhere but Redd. No sign of Smokie at all. Rorne was the only friendly face to him. He didn&#39;t want to be transformed!<br> <br>&quot;So you&#39;re the Aescher I heard about from Smokie. Nice to meet you.&quot; Redd extends a paw-like hand. No hint of malice, but coyotes are good at hiding that... Even the all revealing canine tail could lie when attached to a yote. His attention was focused fully on the mallrat.<br> <br>Riva doesn&#39;t seem too bothered by what&#39;s going on around her, simply pulling out an magazine -- or what was left of one, maybe one or two pages, covered in some dubious fluids -- that she had stuck into her pant pocket. Riva opens the book, browsing it as if window-shopping. And there she was, little ol&#39; Riva, so sick an injured, just laying on the couch with both feet up and reading a magazine when she&#39;s supposed to help clean up. ...Did she plan this?<br> <br>Rorne watches Riva... pull out a magazine? Rorne blinks a couple times at the development. She&#39;s all comfortable, didn&#39;t answer any questions. Most likely, she&#39;s perfectly fine. Will have to make sure Redd knows how fine she is. Rorne stands and heads to Aescher as well. &quot;Hey Aescher. You shouldn&#39;t have to worry... too much. You should be perfectly safe around all of us.&quot;<br> <br>Aescher ceases his glancing and takes Redd&#39;s paw as cooly as he can. Which is to say he twitches a lot and curiously sniffs at the &#39;yote, tail lashing like a live wire on the floor behind him. New faces. New &#39;yote&#39;s. &quot;Hi. S&#39;nice to meet you.&quot;<br> <br>Rounding the corner and walking inside, Markus grins as he takes in all of his fellow coyotes. &quot;Heh, knew I was missing something! Alright Redd, where should I start? Leave the heavy lifting to me.&quot; He says, effortlessly picking up the nearest weighty object, without looking to see what it was, with one hand just to show off. That object just happened to be the couch Riva was perched upon. He kept it balanced, so as long as she didnt move too much, she would be fine.<br> <br>&quot;I thought mall rats were supposed to be calm and immune to stress or fear? Or did Smokie burn all that up already?&quot; Redd grins, and embraces Aescher in a surprise hug... Though the mall rat feels different as the coyote releases him. Not bad different, just different. &quot;Let&#39;s head inside, eh? I  want to surprise Smokie with a clean warehouse when she gets back from errands.&quot; As Redd steps back inside, he spots Markus picking up the couch, &quot;Oi, put that down, that&#39;s furniture, not trash!&quot;<br> <br>Riva turning her head to better see the other entity, Riva snaps, &quot;&#39;Ey! Put me down! Riva a&#39;int trash, y&#39;nitwit! Don&#39;t make me go down &#39;ere and slap ya &#39;cross the face!&quot; Folding her arms irritatedly, Riva huffs and waits for some kind of reaction, not even noticing that her speech patterns have completely changed.<br> <br>Rorne watches Redd and Aescher, nodding, then watches Markus... pickup the couch with Riva on it? Well then! Redd beats her to yelling, and Riva does, too. She just stares onward, unsure what exactly to do. Instead, she just calls turns back to Aescher and Redd. &quot;W-well.. we should get inside and get to cleaning. The sooner we start, the sooner we&#39;re done, right?&quot;<br> <br>Aescher smooths the fur between his ears back at Redd&#39;s little tease, ignoring any particular weirdness from contact with Redd. He could handle some teasing too. At the shouting the rodent slid up behind Redd and took to peeking around him at the scene of the floor lacking couch. Then nodding at Rorne, fuzzy head bobbing about. Coyotes. Always a story.<br> <br>Markus chuckles. &quot;Easy, was just showing off. I&#39;ll put it down...&quot; He says, his modulated voice mirthful. He then noticed the quite pissed Riva on the couch. &quot;Oh... my appologies miss.&quot; he eays nevously before heading over and applying his mechanical strength to heavier and larger pieces of junk.<br> <br>&quot;I want the small stuff, concrete, rebar, real garbage picked up, Leave the crates, boxes and barrels alone.&quot; Redd heads behind a large half-open crate and returns with a bucket and mop. &quot;Anybody slacking gets to mop up the underworks... And it really is nasty down there.&quot; He heads towards the elevator, turning the pump on to fill the bucket with water.<br> <br>Riva sends Markus somewhat of a &#39;death-glare&#39; of sorts, before huffing loudly and going back to whatever she was reading, ...smiling? Huh, well, Riva was certainly enjoying herself... That was until she heard about the mopping part. -That- got her up and &#39;attem, jumping up to her feet, the winged &#39;yote giggling slightly. &quot;Righteo! Let&#39;s get to work, &#39;fellas!&quot; Riva cheers, suddenly filled with work ethic.<br> <br>Rorne nods to Redd, looking over the warehouse. &quot;I&#39;ll do what I can, but I can&#39;t promise too much,&quot; Rorne admits, moving to start cleaning up some of the debris around the warehouse. &quot;Hm... What to do to make this easier for myself,&quot; she mutters, lifting up a piece of concrete, obviously exerting a bit of effort to do so. &quot;What do you want us to do with it?&quot; She asks Redd while holding said piece of concrete.<br> <br>&quot;I&#39;ll mop the underworks.&quot; Aescher scurried over to the bucket and took it once it was full, along with a broom. Oh no. What condition was his nest of blankets in? The horror. Into the elevator and down the rat went. Coyote save the rat!<br> <br>Markus heeds Redd&#39;s words once he disposed of his current load, going next for large hunks of concrete and rebar.
<div></div><br> <br>The warehouse stands with the doors open, an old phonograph playing soft music from far too long ago. An invitation went out, inviting a few friends to stop by and help clear some of the debris out of the warehouse. Not many people, but a few... A mall rat who&#39;s contact info Redd pulled from Smokie&#39;s comms was among those invited, as well as the phoenix from the other day, and a female coyote-morph that Redd had run into at Zephyr.<br> <br>&quot;Oooh... Aaah... Wait, no! That&#39;s not right! Wait, no! No! Up! Up! Noooooooo!&quot; Thud. Annnnd that was the sound of Riva arriving, after jumping off of the top of a building and trying to make a fancy entrance with her relatively new wings. Needless to say, it didn&#39;t end as she would have liked.<br> <br>An invitation from Redd to join him at the warehouse for cleaning? Rornes curious and doesn&#39;t have much better to do right now, so she makes her way there. She flies the whole way, landing just in front of the warehouse. She slowly makes her way in, looking around as she hears something crash down. She blinks a couple times, seeing the winged coyote. She starts towards them, wanting to check on them. &quot;You okay?&quot;<br> <br>A call to the warehouse? Well nobody could say the rat wasn&#39;t curious about scurrying his way back inside. And it wasn&#39;t like Aescher was up to anything more than dates with rosy palms and games of solitaire anyway. And there he was. The honey toned rat, twitchy and chewed up, was making his way down the street. Totally chill.<br> <br>Riva&#39;s shouting, followed by the dull thud is more than enough to wake Redd out a musically induced daydream, as he quickly gets to his feet and is out the door, grabbing on his way out an old medkit that Zephyr no longer sold. &quot;Riva, you ought to try learning to fly with a partner, it&#39;s far easier when you&#39;ve got somebody to catch you.&quot; He recognized the voice, and the scent. &quot;You alright?&quot; Redd kneels down next to Riva, checking for any broken bones, as unlikely as they were in the bubble.<br> <br>Riva sits up abruptly, blinking at the people that had approached her. &quot;Uhh... Yeah, I&#39;m fine. Why?&quot; Riva asks, with a tone hinting at confusion. Climbing to her feet, Riva suddenly chimes, &quot;I&#39;m fine! We&#39;re all fine! Everything&#39;s fine~ Well, Riva&#39;s not fine, but that&#39;s fine! Riva doesn&#39;t care if she&#39;s not fine, &#39;cos Riva is Riva~&quot; <br> <br>Rorne blinks a couple times, looking at Riva, then to Redd. &quot;Well... I am going to assume Riva&#39;s fine,&quot; she states flatly, a little confused. Then finally to Redd. &quot;Hello again, Redd,&quot; she mutters, slowly getting her senses back and focused. &quot;You said you wanted to get some cleaning done around the warehouse?&quot;<br> <br>Aescher quietly pads his way up to the edge of the gathering, just close enough to be involved in a general sort of way. Ears swiveling and tail dancing about. What was this about cleaning? What was with the lead &#39;yote that fell off the building? Coyotes. Cheeze and rice.<br> <br>Redd offers a quick greeting to the phoenix, &quot;Heyas Rorne, you think you could help me get Riva here inside where we can clean her up?&quot; He heads into the warehouse for a moment, and returns with an old raggedy stretcher, the sort that&#39;s basically just cloth between two dowel rods. Redd sets it down beside Riva, positioning himself to lift the winged coyote by the shoulders. Redd takes a glance towards Aescher, but doesn&#39;t recognize him. (Of course not, they&#39;ve never met!)<br> <br>Riva blinks slighty at Redd, before smiling and simply flopping down on the stretcher. She obviously doesn&#39;t need it, but thinks it&#39;d be fun anyway! &quot;Hehehe... Yeah, clean me up, Scotty~!&quot; the winged &#39;yote chimes. &quot;Oooh, and I came to help clean! Riva is good at cleaning! Yup-yup! But now y&#39;gotta clean Riva, too! Lotsa cleaning, &#39;ey?&quot;<br> <br>Rorne nods to Redd, &quot;Of course.&quot; She moves to Riva&#39;s side, quickly looking over the winged coyote&#39;s form, looking for any obvious injuries. She moves to grasp the coyote&#39;s legs, helping Redd lift her onto the stretcher as well. She looks over, seeing Aescher. &quot;Hello, Aescher. Long time no see!&quot; She lets out a soft laugh, grasping the stretcher as well. Looking to Redd, &quot;Whenever you&#39;re ready.&quot;<br> <br>The blonde rat offers Rorne a curt, dorky sort of wave upon her recognition. &quot;Hey.&quot; Not that he actually lifts a paw to help with the whole stretcher thing. Kind of an odd deal. He&#39;d probably make it worse. No doubt.<br> <br>&quot;One... two... three, lift!&quot; The stretcher is off the ground, and into the warehouse they go. As Redd passes a beat up couch, he motions to Rorne, &quot;Here&#39;s a good spot.&quot; He lowers the stretcher, leaving Riva laying on the couch. &quot;There, now sit while I go meet Aescher. I&#39;ll be back in a moment.&quot;<br> <br>Riva, forntunately, doesn&#39;t have any injuries of a too major degree, the worst being a few scrapes and cuts on her arms, legs, and wings. Other than that, Riva seems completely fine, and is even pleasantly humming a slight tune to herself, totally enjoying her whole &#39;ordeal&#39;. &quot;Oh, by the way, hi! Sorry to... Drop in on you~ Hehehehahaha...~&quot; ...That&#39;s the second time Riva&#39;s made that pun, and both times were equally as horrible. Lying back on the couch, Riva giggles, &quot;Hehehe... I&#39;m so funny.&quot;<br> <br>Rorne lifts the stretcher in tandem with Redd, following his lead. When he motions to the couch, and she&#39;s laying on it. She looks up at Redd and nods. &quot;Alright, I&#39;ll make sure she&#39;s completely fine,&quot; Rorne mutters, then back to Riva. &quot;Now, anything on you hurt? No difficulty breathing, moving... any difficulty doing anything at all?&quot;<br> <br>Noticing the stranger coyote approaching Aescher takes to wringing his tail and glancing about everywhere but Redd. No sign of Smokie at all. Rorne was the only friendly face to him. He didn&#39;t want to be transformed!<br> <br>&quot;So you&#39;re the Aescher I heard about from Smokie. Nice to meet you.&quot; Redd extends a paw-like hand. No hint of malice, but coyotes are good at hiding that... Even the all revealing canine tail could lie when attached to a yote. His attention was focused fully on the mallrat.<br> <br>Riva doesn&#39;t seem too bothered by what&#39;s going on around her, simply pulling out an magazine -- or what was left of one, maybe one or two pages, covered in some dubious fluids -- that she had stuck into her pant pocket. Riva opens the book, browsing it as if window-shopping. And there she was, little ol&#39; Riva, so sick an injured, just laying on the couch with both feet up and reading a magazine when she&#39;s supposed to help clean up. ...Did she plan this?<br> <br>Rorne watches Riva... pull out a magazine? Rorne blinks a couple times at the development. She&#39;s all comfortable, didn&#39;t answer any questions. Most likely, she&#39;s perfectly fine. Will have to make sure Redd knows how fine she is. Rorne stands and heads to Aescher as well. &quot;Hey Aescher. You shouldn&#39;t have to worry... too much. You should be perfectly safe around all of us.&quot;<br> <br>Aescher ceases his glancing and takes Redd&#39;s paw as cooly as he can. Which is to say he twitches a lot and curiously sniffs at the &#39;yote, tail lashing like a live wire on the floor behind him. New faces. New &#39;yote&#39;s. &quot;Hi. S&#39;nice to meet you.&quot;<br> <br>Rounding the corner and walking inside, Markus grins as he takes in all of his fellow coyotes. &quot;Heh, knew I was missing something! Alright Redd, where should I start? Leave the heavy lifting to me.&quot; He says, effortlessly picking up the nearest weighty object, without looking to see what it was, with one hand just to show off. That object just happened to be the couch Riva was perched upon. He kept it balanced, so as long as she didnt move too much, she would be fine.<br> <br>&quot;I thought mall rats were supposed to be calm and immune to stress or fear? Or did Smokie burn all that up already?&quot; Redd grins, and embraces Aescher in a surprise hug... Though the mall rat feels different as the coyote releases him. Not bad different, just different. &quot;Let&#39;s head inside, eh? I  want to surprise Smokie with a clean warehouse when she gets back from errands.&quot; As Redd steps back inside, he spots Markus picking up the couch, &quot;Oi, put that down, that&#39;s furniture, not trash!&quot;<br> <br>Riva turning her head to better see the other entity, Riva snaps, &quot;&#39;Ey! Put me down! Riva a&#39;int trash, y&#39;nitwit! Don&#39;t make me go down &#39;ere and slap ya &#39;cross the face!&quot; Folding her arms irritatedly, Riva huffs and waits for some kind of reaction, not even noticing that her speech patterns have completely changed.<br> <br>Rorne watches Redd and Aescher, nodding, then watches Markus... pickup the couch with Riva on it? Well then! Redd beats her to yelling, and Riva does, too. She just stares onward, unsure what exactly to do. Instead, she just calls turns back to Aescher and Redd. &quot;W-well.. we should get inside and get to cleaning. The sooner we start, the sooner we&#39;re done, right?&quot;<br> <br>Aescher smooths the fur between his ears back at Redd&#39;s little tease, ignoring any particular weirdness from contact with Redd. He could handle some teasing too. At the shouting the rodent slid up behind Redd and took to peeking around him at the scene of the floor lacking couch. Then nodding at Rorne, fuzzy head bobbing about. Coyotes. Always a story.<br> <br>Markus chuckles. &quot;Easy, was just showing off. I&#39;ll put it down...&quot; He says, his modulated voice mirthful. He then noticed the quite pissed Riva on the couch. &quot;Oh... my appologies miss.&quot; he eays nevously before heading over and applying his mechanical strength to heavier and larger pieces of junk.<br> <br>&quot;I want the small stuff, concrete, rebar, real garbage picked up, Leave the crates, boxes and barrels alone.&quot; Redd heads behind a large half-open crate and returns with a bucket and mop. &quot;Anybody slacking gets to mop up the underworks... And it really is nasty down there.&quot; He heads towards the elevator, turning the pump on to fill the bucket with water.<br> <br>Riva sends Markus somewhat of a &#39;death-glare&#39; of sorts, before huffing loudly and going back to whatever she was reading, ...smiling? Huh, well, Riva was certainly enjoying herself... That was until she heard about the mopping part. -That- got her up and &#39;attem, jumping up to her feet, the winged &#39;yote giggling slightly. &quot;Righteo! Let&#39;s get to work, &#39;fellas!&quot; Riva cheers, suddenly filled with work ethic.<br> <br>Rorne nods to Redd, looking over the warehouse. &quot;I&#39;ll do what I can, but I can&#39;t promise too much,&quot; Rorne admits, moving to start cleaning up some of the debris around the warehouse. &quot;Hm... What to do to make this easier for myself,&quot; she mutters, lifting up a piece of concrete, obviously exerting a bit of effort to do so. &quot;What do you want us to do with it?&quot; She asks Redd while holding said piece of concrete.<br> <br>&quot;I&#39;ll mop the underworks.&quot; Aescher scurried over to the bucket and took it once it was full, along with a broom. Oh no. What condition was his nest of blankets in? The horror. Into the elevator and down the rat went. Coyote save the rat!<br> <br>Markus heeds Redd&#39;s words once he disposed of his current load, going next for large hunks of concrete and rebar.[[Category:RPLogs]]

Latest revision as of 03:29, 24 January 2015





The warehouse stands with the doors open, an old phonograph playing soft music from far too long ago. An invitation went out, inviting a few friends to stop by and help clear some of the debris out of the warehouse. Not many people, but a few... A mall rat who's contact info Redd pulled from Smokie's comms was among those invited, as well as the phoenix from the other day, and a female coyote-morph that Redd had run into at Zephyr.

"Oooh... Aaah... Wait, no! That's not right! Wait, no! No! Up! Up! Noooooooo!" Thud. Annnnd that was the sound of Riva arriving, after jumping off of the top of a building and trying to make a fancy entrance with her relatively new wings. Needless to say, it didn't end as she would have liked.

An invitation from Redd to join him at the warehouse for cleaning? Rornes curious and doesn't have much better to do right now, so she makes her way there. She flies the whole way, landing just in front of the warehouse. She slowly makes her way in, looking around as she hears something crash down. She blinks a couple times, seeing the winged coyote. She starts towards them, wanting to check on them. "You okay?"

A call to the warehouse? Well nobody could say the rat wasn't curious about scurrying his way back inside. And it wasn't like Aescher was up to anything more than dates with rosy palms and games of solitaire anyway. And there he was. The honey toned rat, twitchy and chewed up, was making his way down the street. Totally chill.

Riva's shouting, followed by the dull thud is more than enough to wake Redd out a musically induced daydream, as he quickly gets to his feet and is out the door, grabbing on his way out an old medkit that Zephyr no longer sold. "Riva, you ought to try learning to fly with a partner, it's far easier when you've got somebody to catch you." He recognized the voice, and the scent. "You alright?" Redd kneels down next to Riva, checking for any broken bones, as unlikely as they were in the bubble.

Riva sits up abruptly, blinking at the people that had approached her. "Uhh... Yeah, I'm fine. Why?" Riva asks, with a tone hinting at confusion. Climbing to her feet, Riva suddenly chimes, "I'm fine! We're all fine! Everything's fine~ Well, Riva's not fine, but that's fine! Riva doesn't care if she's not fine, 'cos Riva is Riva~"

Rorne blinks a couple times, looking at Riva, then to Redd. "Well... I am going to assume Riva's fine," she states flatly, a little confused. Then finally to Redd. "Hello again, Redd," she mutters, slowly getting her senses back and focused. "You said you wanted to get some cleaning done around the warehouse?"

Aescher quietly pads his way up to the edge of the gathering, just close enough to be involved in a general sort of way. Ears swiveling and tail dancing about. What was this about cleaning? What was with the lead 'yote that fell off the building? Coyotes. Cheeze and rice.

Redd offers a quick greeting to the phoenix, "Heyas Rorne, you think you could help me get Riva here inside where we can clean her up?" He heads into the warehouse for a moment, and returns with an old raggedy stretcher, the sort that's basically just cloth between two dowel rods. Redd sets it down beside Riva, positioning himself to lift the winged coyote by the shoulders. Redd takes a glance towards Aescher, but doesn't recognize him. (Of course not, they've never met!)

Riva blinks slighty at Redd, before smiling and simply flopping down on the stretcher. She obviously doesn't need it, but thinks it'd be fun anyway! "Hehehe... Yeah, clean me up, Scotty~!" the winged 'yote chimes. "Oooh, and I came to help clean! Riva is good at cleaning! Yup-yup! But now y'gotta clean Riva, too! Lotsa cleaning, 'ey?"

Rorne nods to Redd, "Of course." She moves to Riva's side, quickly looking over the winged coyote's form, looking for any obvious injuries. She moves to grasp the coyote's legs, helping Redd lift her onto the stretcher as well. She looks over, seeing Aescher. "Hello, Aescher. Long time no see!" She lets out a soft laugh, grasping the stretcher as well. Looking to Redd, "Whenever you're ready."

The blonde rat offers Rorne a curt, dorky sort of wave upon her recognition. "Hey." Not that he actually lifts a paw to help with the whole stretcher thing. Kind of an odd deal. He'd probably make it worse. No doubt.

"One... two... three, lift!" The stretcher is off the ground, and into the warehouse they go. As Redd passes a beat up couch, he motions to Rorne, "Here's a good spot." He lowers the stretcher, leaving Riva laying on the couch. "There, now sit while I go meet Aescher. I'll be back in a moment."

Riva, forntunately, doesn't have any injuries of a too major degree, the worst being a few scrapes and cuts on her arms, legs, and wings. Other than that, Riva seems completely fine, and is even pleasantly humming a slight tune to herself, totally enjoying her whole 'ordeal'. "Oh, by the way, hi! Sorry to... Drop in on you~ Hehehehahaha...~" ...That's the second time Riva's made that pun, and both times were equally as horrible. Lying back on the couch, Riva giggles, "Hehehe... I'm so funny."

Rorne lifts the stretcher in tandem with Redd, following his lead. When he motions to the couch, and she's laying on it. She looks up at Redd and nods. "Alright, I'll make sure she's completely fine," Rorne mutters, then back to Riva. "Now, anything on you hurt? No difficulty breathing, moving... any difficulty doing anything at all?"

Noticing the stranger coyote approaching Aescher takes to wringing his tail and glancing about everywhere but Redd. No sign of Smokie at all. Rorne was the only friendly face to him. He didn't want to be transformed!

"So you're the Aescher I heard about from Smokie. Nice to meet you." Redd extends a paw-like hand. No hint of malice, but coyotes are good at hiding that... Even the all revealing canine tail could lie when attached to a yote. His attention was focused fully on the mallrat.

Riva doesn't seem too bothered by what's going on around her, simply pulling out an magazine -- or what was left of one, maybe one or two pages, covered in some dubious fluids -- that she had stuck into her pant pocket. Riva opens the book, browsing it as if window-shopping. And there she was, little ol' Riva, so sick an injured, just laying on the couch with both feet up and reading a magazine when she's supposed to help clean up. ...Did she plan this?

Rorne watches Riva... pull out a magazine? Rorne blinks a couple times at the development. She's all comfortable, didn't answer any questions. Most likely, she's perfectly fine. Will have to make sure Redd knows how fine she is. Rorne stands and heads to Aescher as well. "Hey Aescher. You shouldn't have to worry... too much. You should be perfectly safe around all of us."

Aescher ceases his glancing and takes Redd's paw as cooly as he can. Which is to say he twitches a lot and curiously sniffs at the 'yote, tail lashing like a live wire on the floor behind him. New faces. New 'yote's. "Hi. S'nice to meet you."

Rounding the corner and walking inside, Markus grins as he takes in all of his fellow coyotes. "Heh, knew I was missing something! Alright Redd, where should I start? Leave the heavy lifting to me." He says, effortlessly picking up the nearest weighty object, without looking to see what it was, with one hand just to show off. That object just happened to be the couch Riva was perched upon. He kept it balanced, so as long as she didnt move too much, she would be fine.

"I thought mall rats were supposed to be calm and immune to stress or fear? Or did Smokie burn all that up already?" Redd grins, and embraces Aescher in a surprise hug... Though the mall rat feels different as the coyote releases him. Not bad different, just different. "Let's head inside, eh? I want to surprise Smokie with a clean warehouse when she gets back from errands." As Redd steps back inside, he spots Markus picking up the couch, "Oi, put that down, that's furniture, not trash!"

Riva turning her head to better see the other entity, Riva snaps, "'Ey! Put me down! Riva a'int trash, y'nitwit! Don't make me go down 'ere and slap ya 'cross the face!" Folding her arms irritatedly, Riva huffs and waits for some kind of reaction, not even noticing that her speech patterns have completely changed.

Rorne watches Redd and Aescher, nodding, then watches Markus... pickup the couch with Riva on it? Well then! Redd beats her to yelling, and Riva does, too. She just stares onward, unsure what exactly to do. Instead, she just calls turns back to Aescher and Redd. "W-well.. we should get inside and get to cleaning. The sooner we start, the sooner we're done, right?"

Aescher smooths the fur between his ears back at Redd's little tease, ignoring any particular weirdness from contact with Redd. He could handle some teasing too. At the shouting the rodent slid up behind Redd and took to peeking around him at the scene of the floor lacking couch. Then nodding at Rorne, fuzzy head bobbing about. Coyotes. Always a story.

Markus chuckles. "Easy, was just showing off. I'll put it down..." He says, his modulated voice mirthful. He then noticed the quite pissed Riva on the couch. "Oh... my appologies miss." he eays nevously before heading over and applying his mechanical strength to heavier and larger pieces of junk.

"I want the small stuff, concrete, rebar, real garbage picked up, Leave the crates, boxes and barrels alone." Redd heads behind a large half-open crate and returns with a bucket and mop. "Anybody slacking gets to mop up the underworks... And it really is nasty down there." He heads towards the elevator, turning the pump on to fill the bucket with water.

Riva sends Markus somewhat of a 'death-glare' of sorts, before huffing loudly and going back to whatever she was reading, ...smiling? Huh, well, Riva was certainly enjoying herself... That was until she heard about the mopping part. -That- got her up and 'attem, jumping up to her feet, the winged 'yote giggling slightly. "Righteo! Let's get to work, 'fellas!" Riva cheers, suddenly filled with work ethic.

Rorne nods to Redd, looking over the warehouse. "I'll do what I can, but I can't promise too much," Rorne admits, moving to start cleaning up some of the debris around the warehouse. "Hm... What to do to make this easier for myself," she mutters, lifting up a piece of concrete, obviously exerting a bit of effort to do so. "What do you want us to do with it?" She asks Redd while holding said piece of concrete.

"I'll mop the underworks." Aescher scurried over to the bucket and took it once it was full, along with a broom. Oh no. What condition was his nest of blankets in? The horror. Into the elevator and down the rat went. Coyote save the rat!

Markus heeds Redd's words once he disposed of his current load, going next for large hunks of concrete and rebar.