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<div></div><br> <br>The reports said that the antique shop was not to far from the Toy factory, in fact it was rather easy to spot. Considering it already had a few clockwork foxes standing guard around the place, armed with makeshift weapons they found around or just with their claws. A few Zeyphr employees were already near, milling around an alleyway justy outside the guards field of vision.<br> <br>Intent on beating Zeyphr to the punch, Savi arrives at the site she pulled off her pirate com link, glad she just happened to be nearby. Surveying the location carefully, the masked and leather shrouded survivalist tries to size up the situation. With two of her arms crossd behind her back, and two through the only set of sleeves on her jacket, she casually pats down her pockets in a practices fashion, checking for the umpteenth time all her gear is in place. Satisfied (for the moment) she sighs hoping this doesn't come to violence, as she has always liked the clockwork things. Raising one hand above her head, and opening the fingers, then closing them in her traditional 'wave' Savi approaches the armed foxes speaking clearly despite the mask. "So... when do you open?" she asks calmly.<br> <br>Macaci humms gently as she walks up to the scene, her visor pulled down over her eyes as she mumbles to herself, a little curious why Zephyr employees would need help greeting a group of foxes. She shrugs her shoulders gently though as she dismisses the thoughts, her right hand slipping under her guitar strap as she stops a good few feet from the stores entrance and looks up. "Antiques?" She tilts her head for a moment, trying to ponder if that meant there could be musical instruments inside... Though, when Savi speaks up, her gaze flicks to the plant. Offering a gentle wave and smile before looking at the guards to see if they were going to respond with hostility.<br> <br>Dragonscales alights lightly on a rooftop across the street. Shi had heard about this little incursion from the guys in the lobby, and wanted to check it out. Shi traced hir hand over the pomel of hir sword and dropped into the street, landing lightly next to Macaci. "Hey Macaci. What brings you here. And what's the deal with these guys?" Shi asks, one hand on hir hip and the other having a thumb hooked thru the combat strap of hir Torque Bow, in case it came to violence.<br> <br>Alkain flaps his wings to slow his descent before he lands near the entrance and takes a look around, before approaching the guards with a wave, "Er, hello there." he's heard of the mission and decided to join, despite not being a part of Zephyr<br> <br>Winter had been close by when the call came in. She, too, had a keen interest in these clockwork machines. She knew next to nothing about technology but people kept telling her to keep an open mind. Besides, that friendly plant girl was here too. Well, friendly if you were on her side atleast. So, with that, the demoness steps forwards, armed and clothed as usual in nothing at all, to stand besides Savi, taking a moment to nod in greeting at the others persent. "Hey you. So.. what do you think this is all about?" she asks in a hushed voice.<br> <br>Kori had been taking a walk, a very long walk. Radios were chattering about the activity but it wasn't hir concern and shi wasn't paying attention to it. Most things in the city were crazy anyway so why would shi bother unless it was a an invasion of giant praying mantises? Of course hir little world also made hir oblivious to things in front of hir since shi was too busy looking at the sky to notice the crowd in front of -OOF!- .... Hir. And down shi went onto hir fluffy butt with a thump. "Ow.. What the?"<br> <br>Reports of another group of folks forming, this time mostly of clockwork foxes, while normally wouldn't peak Buzamu's interesting, but the fact that Zephyr was scrambling folks to get in on the front door had Buzamu slightly nervous.  It wasn't as bad as say RSX, or as good as teh Prommies, but hell, who knew.  As it was, Buzamu could tell it was fairly crowded already, and figured to do less about that crowding, by specifically not being part of it.
So, alighting upon a nearby building, Buzamu unslung her rifle, and rested it against the 'lip' of the roof, settled her armored form into a comfortable position to watch, and pulls out a pair of binos and started to observe.  Sure, she'd have trouble hearing from this distance, but overly agressive or agitated motions would be enough for her to know something was going wrong.<br> <br>Every clockwork head turned to those approaching, hands moving to weapons as they stand as still as statues. The front door of the building was reinforced with wood and scrap metal, but it was easy to see there was a slot at the top that could be opened to see outside, and at that moment the slot opens. "What do you want?" Came a harsh voice from the otherside of the door as the guards kept their gaze on the group, waiting to see if they were friend or foe.<br> <br>Macaci blinks as the slot opens and a harsh voice speaks out.  Macaci waves slightly as she carefully avoids the distracted Kori and walks forward, unarmed unless one considers a guitar a weapon in this day and age. "Hi there! I'm Macaci, and uh... well I suppose I'm dropping by to say hello and welcome you!" Her lips spreading into a genuine grin as she clasps her hands infront of her chest. "... Also I may be a little curious if you are selling anything like musical instruments, or old music sheets perhaps?" Can't miss this opportunity.<br> <br>Dragonscales looks a little closer at the guards, and also at the newcomers, particularly the one on the roof. Shi could see the barrel of a gun peeking over the lip, just barely visible. As shi contemplated getting a closer look something bumped into hir leg from behind. Hand flying to the hilt of hir sword the equine whirled around, half-drawing the blade but stopping as shi saw that the intruder was a not a threat, but rather a small felinoid sitting on its ass after running into hir leg. "Are you ok, little one?" Scales says, offering hir hand and squatting down. Hir ears pricked back and shi turned hir head towards the voice from the building, but otherwise didn't answer them.<br> <br>Alkain hmms? at the guardedness of the group and sighs as he looks over to the others, "Well, I'm here because I'm curious about you guys... And if you need anything..." he smiles and shrugs as he watches the clockwork foxes<br> <br>Winter bends down to peek into the tiny doorslit. "Yes! We just wanted to say hi. We heard you set up shop here and figured we'd come visit. See what you're up to and such. I mean, not spying on you or anything like that. Who said anything about spying? We would never!" the succubus says helpfully.<br> <br>Buzamu continues watching, watching as both groups seem to be a be confused or tense.  But all in all, it was amusing to watch some of the motions and antics.  God, it was odd.  Buzamu almost felt like she was an insurgeant waiting for that 'prime' moment to hit a Coalition convoy back in the Middle East.<br> <br>Kori huffs. Sure, call hir little. Shi was just a little light right now. Not exactly little. Hir mood seemed a bit soured by the crack about how shi seemed a bit small. Okay aybe shi was light and easily knocked around at the moment...ohdamnit...getting absorbed in hir own thoughts again. Don't be rude, take the hand and get up. "I will be. This is...what is this? I don't even... What are these things doing outside of the toy factory?" A good question. Very good.<br> <br>Winter's face appearing right in front of the door a Yelp can be heard, followed by the sound of cymbals crashing to the ground, seems she scared the poor guy! The guards blink, looking between each other in confusion...what did these newcomers want, to buy stuff? After a few minutes of scrambling the eyes appear at the door. "How do we know you aren't spys? And how are we supposed to be sure that you won't attack as soon as I open this door?"<br> <br>Dragonscales shrugs and pulls the felinoid up, realizing that perspective was everything and that they were much taller than shi had previously though. "I don't know. Something about clockwork foxes and an antique store. They don't appear to be hostile.... just stubborn." Shi looks Kori over and says "My name is Dragonscales. Or you can call me Scales." Shi says, glancing back up at the  rooftop sniper. That guy was a wild card, and shi better keep an eye on them.<br> <br>Macaci walks forward slowly, raising an eyebrow at winter before looking to the slot. Her ears twitch at the sound of cymbals, and she smiles gently. "I'm being completely honest. I have nothing to gain from violence, and from the sounds of it, you have things I'd want to purchase from you. You can have your guards watch us closly, we won't do anything... I'm not even armed." She opens up her jacket so they can see the distinct lack of weapons on her person. <br> <br>Alkain blinks at the yelp and tilts his head curiously, "Well, I'd like to see if you have anything interesting as well... I can't speak for the others, but I won't do anything you don't want me to?" he smiles friendily and nods in agreement with Macaci<br> <br>Winter smiles sweetly, nodding to Macaci. "Oh, yes. If we were going to attack you, you would most likely know it. For one, we wouldn't be talking. More.. shooting and tearing things apart, you know? But we won't! We're honestly just curious to see what you have for sale. And also introduce ourself and such. I'm quite unarmed as you can see! And there's definetly no one aiming any sort of weapons at you. Obviously!"<br> <br>Kori glances in the direction indicated for the sniper and puffs a cloud of steam through hir nose. Chilly air, hot body (not an innuendo), it happens. "So someone's paranoid. Irony says the guy in there is still human. Practicality says an overly abused mutant that's scared." Shi's one to talk about paranoia. Having no visible weapons doesn't mean shi isn't carrying. Everyone has their own weapons, just not visible ones and not referring to claws. "Guy's got some magnetic personality, eh?" Hah hah.. Bad joke. "Um.. I'm Kori.. Patrol scout, sometimes triage medic."<br> <br>Buzamu settles herself better.  What she wouldn't give for a long-range mic receiver.  Being able hear what was being said would have been a definite help right now.  As it was, she was having to rely on what she could see of the situation.  And so far, it was looking like it wouldn't get overly agressive.  But that wasn't going to change.  It was always subject to change.<br> <br>There is a long pause, nothing but silence coming from the door. ".....Fine, but don't touch anything that you aren't buying!" The guards finally calm down, putting away their weapons and resume patrol as the sound of locks being undone can be heard on the other side of the door. The door slowly opens, revealing the store owner, what looks to be a human, accept for the Clockwork fox tail, ears, and a few other extremites! "...Come on in."<br> <br>Macaci waits silently until the voice returns, her face lighting up in joy as she slowly walks forward to the door and dips her head, passing through the door way and inside as she keeps her hands close to her side. Back ups didn't need to be used to ensure peace yet, and she was happy for the fact. Turning to face the store owner, she smiles gently and bows. "Thank you very much for this opportunity. Would you prefere purchases be done in salvage or freecreds sir?" Making certain she doesn't block the room for the others as she remains as pleasent and complient as possible.<br> <br>Dragonscales watched the door open and reveal the clockwork infected human. "Hmm, he seems interesting, eh, Kori was it? Looks like we wont be getting any kind of trouble so far..... though that sniper is a wild card. Anyway, want to go up there?" Shi says, scratching hir chin and contemplating what could possibly be in that store. "I wonder if they have any abtique clockwork dildos." Shi chuckles, laughing at hir own joke.<br> <br>Alkain smiles as they get let in and takes a look around as he steps into the store, "Hmm, yeah. Is there a preferred currency?" he looks over the owner curiously in his examination of the place<br> <br>Winter ducks her head to fit into the door and takes a look around the room inside. "Yes, what.. what do you actually sell in here? Do you sell anything at all? Or..?"<br> <br>Kori almost balks at the idea of checking for robotic sex toys. Almost. Thankfully hir balking was directed at the door. "Its not all about sex and self gratification. ... Anyway I think I know why these things are here. Thoguh to be fair it may not be the old guy they want. Hard to know what they are thinking." Nobody here is a telepath..as far as shi knows. "We can look around but I wouldn't touch anything. I get pretty uptight about that in my own side-shop. And keep an eye on that guy on the roof."<br> <br>Dragonscales raises an eyebrow. "It was supposed to be a joke? I guess it was a bad one but still......." Shi trails off, looking to the guy on the roof. "I'm going to go see what that guy's deal is." Shi says, launching into the air and landing on the rooftop where the sniper was perched.<br> <br>The inside of the shop was....packed, was the best way to describe it. The walls covered in a number of items, clocks, mounted animals, you name it. "Well, sadly most of it no longer works, things just started breaking down sadly." The shopkeep Answers, moving back behind the counter as he eyes his old pocket watch, which still ticked. "Freecred, as then I could send some of the Foxes out to trade for tools to repair my stock." The cymbals Macaci heard were right next to the door, part of an almost complete drum set.<br> <br>Macaci bites her lower lip gently as she looks at the almost complete drum set, taking a small usb cable from her headset then, she plugs it into a usb slot right behind her ear. The screen coming alight as it helped her analyze the set, a free cred display poping up in the bottom left of it. "I see! This looks... really complete for how long it's been. Hm... Just a few things missing? Easy enough to replicate or replace I suppose. How much would you ask for it? I---" She blinks slightly. "Wait, just started breaking down? As in only recently?" She blinked idly as she turned to the shopkeeper.<br> <br>Winter walks around the store, well, as much as she can given her size and the general clutter of the place. "I don't even know what half these things are.." she muses, picking up and old stuffed bear and inspecting it idly. She stays awhile longer, sniffing about but nothing really catches her interest. Deciding that the folks here are quite harmless, she steps outside and pushes off, her massive wings bearing her up into the skies above.<br> <br>Kori knows whats going on... Its going to be a pain to say it though. With hir entrance into the store to look around and examine the antiques on display and some of the wear they display it was hard to come out and say it. "You know nanites try to preserve living creatures, right? To do they they need materials, and it doesn't make the mass from thin air..." Blunt like a brick, but this was a topic that seemed to escape the shopkeeper. "You could be made of gears or a robot because of these mutants and still be considered organic to the little buggers because you started out that way. And they need to keep you going."<br> <br>Alkain watches as Dragonscales flies off and tilts his head in confusion, he shrugs though and turns back to the... Piles of stuff... In the shop, "Well... What does still work?" he looks at Macaci and hmms at that, "Was it recently? Or did you mean since P-day?" he looks at the shopkeeper, before he looks to Kori with a nod<br> <br>The shopkeep closed his old pocketwatch. "Yep, rather recently. Most of the stuff doesn't work anymore." He eyes the drum set as he winds up the pocketwatch. "....Five hundred sound good to you? Considering all the work you are going to have to put into it?" Turning to Kori he blinks. "Nanites? Huh, so those little buggers are what is killing my stuff? Weird." He leans against the counter, hand resting on his chin, but at Alkain's question he taps the pocketwatch. "It still ticks."<br> <br>Macaci straightens her posture as she begins to press some buttons along the side of her visor, noding gently before she turns. Rummaging around in her bag, she places a cred chip filled with five-hundred freecred on the nearest flat surface to the shopkeep. "More then fair... And only recently?" She looks around the store for a moment and blinks gently. "Did you do any renovations, or repairs before it started to happen?" She knew the nanites broke down old items, and even new ones... But for it to happen only -recently- that was unusual.<br> <br>The roof underneath Scales' feet was weak and unstable, it was a miracle the sniper hadn't fallen through. But Scales was standing in a particularly weak patch of concrete and it gave way, sending Scales plunging into the depths of the abandoned structure with a cry of "GOD DAMMIT!" as shi disappeared.<br> <br>Alkain looks to the shopkeep and ponders that before looking to Macaci, "I highly doubt there is a temporal disturbance here or something... So I'd assume he's been repairing them." he chuckles a bit and ponders the shopkeep more, "If you don't mind my asking... I can understand being catious, but why are you so hostile to potential customers?" he doesn't sound insulting, just curious<br> <br>Kori leans over to look at a stopped clock. "Well yeah. Nanites will 'eat' just about anything artificial to keep a living being alive for longer... It results in cars no longr working, or clocks. But for you... Did you have anything putting out a strong EM field until recently?" Actually a fair question. Maybe it started so suddenly because of the failure of an EM wave generator to ward them off.<br> <br>Buzamu watched things going on, and while one of those down there, a equine of some sort, came from the group towards her was unthreatening, Buz just kept watching the situation down there.  So far, seemed like the situation wasn't going to devolve into chaos.  Finally lowering the binos to look at the equine landing, the creaking of the roof was enough to make her sigh, only moments before it dropped the equine to the floor below.
"Just a tip kiddo, check your LZ before putting weight on it." Buz calls, waiting for them to climb back up.<br> <br>"Nope, nothing I can think of, stuff has been degrading since P-day. I've just been doing my best to make sure it's still sellable! Granted I ran out of parts recently to fix things." With a sharp click the ticking pocketwatch is shut once more, and the shopkeep starts swinging it by it's chain a bit as he pockets the chip. "As for my reaction to possible customers, the most we usually get out here are ferals. So I'm not exactly trustworthy of people at the moment..."
the roof of that building was rather rotten, causing a medium sized hole to appear in its surface as Dragonscales is sucked into it, before smashing right through a desk.<br> <br>Macaci flicks her ears somewhat from the sounds outside, but she disregards it as only the sounds of the city.  Slowly turning around to pick up most of her new drum pieces, and set them into an easy to carry pile, with what could fit going into her bags. "Well we can't rule out bizzare and unusual... This is still nanite territory, and they don't right sometimes." She offers up a simple shrug, eyeing his pocket watch for a moment as she tilts her head, remembering him commenting on it still working. "Has your watch ever stopped working?" It seemed a reasonable question, given how many small and fragile pieces were usually contained in such a device. Looking over to the others to see if they were thinking anything along those lines as well.<br> <br>Dragonscales cries out as shi crashes into an old desk, and cries out as a snap is heard. Shi had landed on hir right wing and snapped the light bones. "AH! S... S-someone help!....... I-I think I broke my wing!..... it hurts too much to move........" Shi cries, moving the debris as best shi could without moving hirself and hir broken wing.<br> <br>Buzamu chuckles.  Standing up, and as she tests teh roof, leans over the edge.  "Don't move too much.  You'll only aggrivate the pain." She says, looking over the situation, and unhooking her pack, pulls out a cord of rope.  "Give me a few moments kiddo."<br> <br>Alkain looks to Kori and hmms, "Yeah..." he nods to the shopkeep and ponders a bit, "Most ferals don't talk though..." he shrugs and smiles though as he ooks around, "So that watch is all you have that still works?"<br> <br>Kori steps back from the displays and straightens up. "Most ferals indeed. Some can hold a conversation for a short time but most would rather eat you or rape you." Enough about that, something crashed nearby. "Hang on, I think I'm needed." Where'd that medkit come from, hammerspace?! Oh, right. Nanites, broken reality, unexplainable crap happening constantly. It shouldn't be surprising to see things materializing out of the blue on somoene who looks like they got nowhere to hide anything...except perhaps internally.<br> <br>With a curious glance at Macaci the shopkeep shrugs. "The only time it stops ticking is when I don't wind it up, think I still have it on the right time. Why?" He asks, getting a little suspicious of why she was asking such a question.
As Dragonscales starts moving the wood underneath groans, sharp, load pops could be heard coming from the wooden floor.<br> <br>Macaci leans forward slightly, before straightening her back slightly as she clasps her hands together infront of herself. "Well, do you not find it strange that while everything else has been breaking down from the nanites, your pocketwatch, a device filled with small and fragile parts, has yet to be damaged by the nanites?" She smiles and keeps her distance, hands splayed out to her sides while open. "If I may, could I look over your pocket watch for a moment? Without touching it of course!" She looks over to Kori as they leave, blinking some before looking to Alkain. "I think it's worth a look, what about you?"<br> <br>Dragonscales tries to remain still, shifting debris carefully and trying to keep from moving hir wing. "Stupid.... why do you let yourself get into these situations..." Shi scolds hirself, angry with hir incompetence. Shi then grows nervous as the floor beneath hir creaks ominously, and shi calls up to the sniper "Be careful!..... the floor is unstable too...."<br> <br>Alkain blinks as Kori pulls out a medkit from... Somewhere... and shrugs before looking at the various wares, "Hmm, that's true..." he nods to Macaci in agreement, "Yeah, maybe one of us would buy it from you?"<br> <br>Buzamu nods.  "Thanks for the heads up." She says, tightening the rope on a jutting 'vent', and giving it a few test tugs to make sure it doesn't bend, break or cause trouble.  "Rope coming down." She says, throwing the end of the rope down the hole.  Sure, there was a bunch more rope than was needed, but Buz was figuring that chances were that the floor was likely to collapse before Buz could fully string up the equine.  "Corporal Buzamu Herrick, USMC." She says, easing herself over the edge to look down on teh equine and figure how she was going to pull them back up.<br> <br>With a shrug of his shoulder the shopkeep hands Macaci the watch. "I always thought it was odd yes, but then again I enjoyed knowing what time it is as well." At the mention of possibly buying something he does perk up a little, fingers tapping against the surface of the counter as he looks the two over.
With a heavy groan the floor gives way, depositing Dragonscales, the desk, and a few tons of shattered wood down onto the solid concrete of the ground floor.<br> <br>Kori stops near the edge of the creeking floor panels. Hir eyes are on the rope, then the dragon, then the rope again. "Shi can't move without weakening the floor further," the feline notes, hopefully loud enough to hear up through the new hole. "And there it went.. My turn!" With a graceful flexing of the legs, shi springs after the falling dragon. Call it mystery or call it running very hot or whatever ycan be used to explain it, but shi doesn't actually land on anything. Shi just stops and hovers for a couple of seconds before touching down amid the debris. "Give us more rope down here!" First thing first while waiting for the rope. Medical aid. "Sit still, this will likely hurt as I reset some bones in your wing and check for injuries."<br> <br>Macaci purrs gently as she takes watch in hand, backing up some so both her and Alkain could look at it. The second crash causes her to look up and blink as she glances out the door at the other building. "... I think you may wanna consider moving... It sounds like you can have some big ferals out there..." She had no clue it was someone falling through the floors, but she could reason being in a guarded shop was pretty safe right now. She shakes her head though and looks back to the watch, flicking the front open as she slowly looks it over while making sure Alkain could see as well.<br> <br>Dragonscales grimaces and watches as falling rope coiled at hir feet. "Got enough rope there, eh CorporaAAAAAH!" words turning to cries as shi once more plummets downwards and lands with a sickening crunch. "AHH! ...... N-.... Ngggh...,. Now ..... now the other wing.......... and my leg is broken..... fuck today just sucks...." Shi says through gritted teeth. Shi looks to Kori and lets hir head fall back, wings and leg bent at unnatural angles.<br> <br>Buzamu watches the floor crash once the rope hit the desk.  "Yup.  I got enough rope." She says, smirking as she begins to free-rope down the hole down to the first floor.  The amount of rope that was at the bottom was many many many more coils than should have been needed to reach the equine.  "You got a name kiddo?" She asks, watching as someone else jumped down.  "Careful down there!  Ain't even sure if hte foundation of this place is stable.  This whole place could be ready to collapse in merely a few moments."<br> <br>Alkain hmms as he looks over the watch as it is shown to him, "Looks like a nice watch..." he shrugs though and blinks as he looks over at the building next door, "Yeah... Maybe moving would be best..."<br> <br>The Shopkeep idly sits there, tapping the surface of his counter as he watches the two inspect the watch. r% r% The building groaned, shuddering a little before it went quiet once more, dust falling down around the trio on the ground floor.<br> <br>The Shopkeep idly sits there, tapping the surface of his counter as he watches the two inspect the watch.
The building groaned, shuddering a little before it went quiet once more, dust falling down around the trio on the ground floor.<br> <br>Macaci grins widely as she taps the glass on the watch, looking up to Alkain. "Looks like the glass is pretty resistant to the nanites... But given it doesn't cover the entirety of the shell, the insides are standing up pretty good as well..." She murrs for a moment as she contemplates before looking to the shopkeeper. "Uhm... If it's possible, I'd like to buy this watch as well? If you're selling it that is."<br> <br>Dragonscales listens to the building creak and then stop. "S-.... seems like the building has settled..... My n-name...... Dragonscales...... Call me Scales....... Nnnnggh..... Can't...... feel...... leg....." Shi struggles to speak, something internal must have been damaged as well, and shi grits hir teeth in pain, slowly getting weaker, darkness at the edges of hir vision threatening to drowned hir in the warm dark embrace of unconsciousness.<br> <br>Alkain ponders the watch a bit more and nods to Macaci, "Yeah, looks good." he looks around the shop some more and frowns, "Hmm..." he walks over to an antique bronze eastern dragon and taps it a little, "This is cool, how much?"<br> <br>Kori frowns in the middle of hir work, applying splints and popping things back into place. "Oh great.." Don't swear, don't swear. Just tie the rop around Dragonscale and secure it snugly but not too snug. "Alright up there, hoist away!" That's field medicine. Stabilize and let them get evacuated.<br> <br>Buzamu nods, and climbs back up.  "Ready on hoist!" She called down, undoing the knot on the rope and turning it into a pulley to help work on pulling the equine up.<br> <br>"Oh? So you're saying it's in good condition? Well then." Now that gets the shopkeep smiling, and calculating. "Well, since it's obviously something important, I don't think I can depart with it for anything less then ohhhh. Half a million credits?" He comments rather bluntly, before looking at Alkain's statue. "at least a thousand."
so far the building has remained relatively quiet, groaning just a little as they start to pull dragonscales up.<br> <br>Dragonscales lets hir body be manipulated, the last of hir energy ebbing away as shi exhaled and then fell halfway into unconsciousness from all the pain Kori was causing, hir body going limp in the restraints, hir strength gone, sapped away by the broken bones and ribs shi had and the pain Kori had caused trying to fix hir broken body. Shi vaugley senses being lifted and words being spoken but all was hidden behind a veil of grey noise, hir body refusing to work.<br> <br>Macaci has her eyes go wide as she almost drops the watch, luckily she keeps a nice and stable hold on it! "I uh... I... You want h-half a MILLION credits for it!?" She was no gypsy woman, she realized then she had made such a classic blunder... Much like getting into a land war in asia. She was left to contemplate for a few moments, fairly certain she could use illusion nanomagic to try and steal the watch but... Strange as it is to say, she can't bring herself to consider that yet. Instead she takes a deep breath and turns, time to play in barter town. "That's... A little steep for straight up freecred. The majority of people in the city would probably kill you before they ever agreed to pay that much..." She mumbles gently, knowing she already made herself out to not be a threat to the man she nods gently. "How about... A trade? I have the ability to repair broken machines and such, like lets say..." She looks around and spies an old typewriter amonst the piles. "That typewriter! I could fix it's broken parts quicker then you can, and you know someone would pay at least a couple thousands for a working typewriter. So in exchange for me repairing your most valuable objects, you lower the price some... Does that sound fair? After all, you'd be in a position to make more over the long run, then a sum of money right now."<br> <br>Alkain stares at the shopkeep at the price of the watch and shakes his head, "That's absurd..." he looks over the dragon though and ponders and smiles, "It's a little pricey... But alright." he's hoping it'll help with the watch too<br> <br>Alkain spends 1000 Freecred for RP reasons.<br> <br>Macaci spends 500 Freecred to: reason<br> <br>Kori starts climbing back up hirself, there's still more work to do but it isn't safe to do it in a building that wants to fall apart. "Once shi's out we need to get hir on solid ground." Captain obvious struck again. On the other hand getting out of the hole was a quick job and it meant shi could help hoist the horse out...followed by milky treatment. Hey now, the medkit can only do so much so kitty titties had to do. Hoist first, treat second. "I'd feel better if I could afford to use my more toned body for this but I can't spare the time or energy to do it. Heave ho!"<br> <br>With a firm nod, Buzamu begins pulling the rope, hoisting the wounded out.  "Up we go Scales!" She calls, watching as the equine is lifted out.  Once done so, she hefts up the equine, and moves to a more stable point on the roof.  "Alright doc, do your work.  I'm going back to observing the situation down below.  I ain't no medic."<br> <br>The shopkeep eyes Macaci, then the typewriter, thinking it over. "....Good...point, fine. I'll half the price." He concedes, crossing his arms as he glares at Macaci, considering he just lost out on the deal of a century....<br> <br>Macaci grits her teeth and sighs, figuring a quarter of a million was better then a half... It'd but her savings back to almost nothing, but the positives outweighed that right now. Reaching into her pocket she pulls out a cred chit and almost empties her bank onto it, before holding it out. "Erm... Alright then. I'll get to work I suppose..." She pockets the watch carefully so as to not damage it before moving to begin repairing his various items with her nanomagic.<br> <br>Alkain hands over a cred chip to the shopkeep and smiles as he takes the dragon, "Thanks." he looks to Macaci and hmms, "Good luck, nice working with you." he smiles before heading out<br> <br>Kori did wehat shi could with the horse. The rest was up to time. The injuries were far from lethal, just very unpleasant. And since those field medic skills weren't needed, shi had no reason to stay there. Back to the group and time to just relax. Yeah this one's a little burnt out on adventure for a hile. One hole in a building was enough.[[Category:RPLogs]]

Latest revision as of 07:52, 1 February 2014





The reports said that the antique shop was not to far from the Toy factory, in fact it was rather easy to spot. Considering it already had a few clockwork foxes standing guard around the place, armed with makeshift weapons they found around or just with their claws. A few Zeyphr employees were already near, milling around an alleyway justy outside the guards field of vision.

Intent on beating Zeyphr to the punch, Savi arrives at the site she pulled off her pirate com link, glad she just happened to be nearby. Surveying the location carefully, the masked and leather shrouded survivalist tries to size up the situation. With two of her arms crossd behind her back, and two through the only set of sleeves on her jacket, she casually pats down her pockets in a practices fashion, checking for the umpteenth time all her gear is in place. Satisfied (for the moment) she sighs hoping this doesn't come to violence, as she has always liked the clockwork things. Raising one hand above her head, and opening the fingers, then closing them in her traditional 'wave' Savi approaches the armed foxes speaking clearly despite the mask. "So... when do you open?" she asks calmly.

Macaci humms gently as she walks up to the scene, her visor pulled down over her eyes as she mumbles to herself, a little curious why Zephyr employees would need help greeting a group of foxes. She shrugs her shoulders gently though as she dismisses the thoughts, her right hand slipping under her guitar strap as she stops a good few feet from the stores entrance and looks up. "Antiques?" She tilts her head for a moment, trying to ponder if that meant there could be musical instruments inside... Though, when Savi speaks up, her gaze flicks to the plant. Offering a gentle wave and smile before looking at the guards to see if they were going to respond with hostility.

Dragonscales alights lightly on a rooftop across the street. Shi had heard about this little incursion from the guys in the lobby, and wanted to check it out. Shi traced hir hand over the pomel of hir sword and dropped into the street, landing lightly next to Macaci. "Hey Macaci. What brings you here. And what's the deal with these guys?" Shi asks, one hand on hir hip and the other having a thumb hooked thru the combat strap of hir Torque Bow, in case it came to violence.

Alkain flaps his wings to slow his descent before he lands near the entrance and takes a look around, before approaching the guards with a wave, "Er, hello there." he's heard of the mission and decided to join, despite not being a part of Zephyr

Winter had been close by when the call came in. She, too, had a keen interest in these clockwork machines. She knew next to nothing about technology but people kept telling her to keep an open mind. Besides, that friendly plant girl was here too. Well, friendly if you were on her side atleast. So, with that, the demoness steps forwards, armed and clothed as usual in nothing at all, to stand besides Savi, taking a moment to nod in greeting at the others persent. "Hey you. So.. what do you think this is all about?" she asks in a hushed voice.

Kori had been taking a walk, a very long walk. Radios were chattering about the activity but it wasn't hir concern and shi wasn't paying attention to it. Most things in the city were crazy anyway so why would shi bother unless it was a an invasion of giant praying mantises? Of course hir little world also made hir oblivious to things in front of hir since shi was too busy looking at the sky to notice the crowd in front of -OOF!- .... Hir. And down shi went onto hir fluffy butt with a thump. "Ow.. What the?"

Reports of another group of folks forming, this time mostly of clockwork foxes, while normally wouldn't peak Buzamu's interesting, but the fact that Zephyr was scrambling folks to get in on the front door had Buzamu slightly nervous. It wasn't as bad as say RSX, or as good as teh Prommies, but hell, who knew. As it was, Buzamu could tell it was fairly crowded already, and figured to do less about that crowding, by specifically not being part of it.

So, alighting upon a nearby building, Buzamu unslung her rifle, and rested it against the 'lip' of the roof, settled her armored form into a comfortable position to watch, and pulls out a pair of binos and started to observe. Sure, she'd have trouble hearing from this distance, but overly agressive or agitated motions would be enough for her to know something was going wrong.

Every clockwork head turned to those approaching, hands moving to weapons as they stand as still as statues. The front door of the building was reinforced with wood and scrap metal, but it was easy to see there was a slot at the top that could be opened to see outside, and at that moment the slot opens. "What do you want?" Came a harsh voice from the otherside of the door as the guards kept their gaze on the group, waiting to see if they were friend or foe.

Macaci blinks as the slot opens and a harsh voice speaks out. Macaci waves slightly as she carefully avoids the distracted Kori and walks forward, unarmed unless one considers a guitar a weapon in this day and age. "Hi there! I'm Macaci, and uh... well I suppose I'm dropping by to say hello and welcome you!" Her lips spreading into a genuine grin as she clasps her hands infront of her chest. "... Also I may be a little curious if you are selling anything like musical instruments, or old music sheets perhaps?" Can't miss this opportunity.

Dragonscales looks a little closer at the guards, and also at the newcomers, particularly the one on the roof. Shi could see the barrel of a gun peeking over the lip, just barely visible. As shi contemplated getting a closer look something bumped into hir leg from behind. Hand flying to the hilt of hir sword the equine whirled around, half-drawing the blade but stopping as shi saw that the intruder was a not a threat, but rather a small felinoid sitting on its ass after running into hir leg. "Are you ok, little one?" Scales says, offering hir hand and squatting down. Hir ears pricked back and shi turned hir head towards the voice from the building, but otherwise didn't answer them.

Alkain hmms? at the guardedness of the group and sighs as he looks over to the others, "Well, I'm here because I'm curious about you guys... And if you need anything..." he smiles and shrugs as he watches the clockwork foxes

Winter bends down to peek into the tiny doorslit. "Yes! We just wanted to say hi. We heard you set up shop here and figured we'd come visit. See what you're up to and such. I mean, not spying on you or anything like that. Who said anything about spying? We would never!" the succubus says helpfully.

Buzamu continues watching, watching as both groups seem to be a be confused or tense. But all in all, it was amusing to watch some of the motions and antics. God, it was odd. Buzamu almost felt like she was an insurgeant waiting for that 'prime' moment to hit a Coalition convoy back in the Middle East.

Kori huffs. Sure, call hir little. Shi was just a little light right now. Not exactly little. Hir mood seemed a bit soured by the crack about how shi seemed a bit small. Okay aybe shi was light and easily knocked around at the moment...ohdamnit...getting absorbed in hir own thoughts again. Don't be rude, take the hand and get up. "I will be. This is...what is this? I don't even... What are these things doing outside of the toy factory?" A good question. Very good.

Winter's face appearing right in front of the door a Yelp can be heard, followed by the sound of cymbals crashing to the ground, seems she scared the poor guy! The guards blink, looking between each other in confusion...what did these newcomers want, to buy stuff? After a few minutes of scrambling the eyes appear at the door. "How do we know you aren't spys? And how are we supposed to be sure that you won't attack as soon as I open this door?"

Dragonscales shrugs and pulls the felinoid up, realizing that perspective was everything and that they were much taller than shi had previously though. "I don't know. Something about clockwork foxes and an antique store. They don't appear to be hostile.... just stubborn." Shi looks Kori over and says "My name is Dragonscales. Or you can call me Scales." Shi says, glancing back up at the rooftop sniper. That guy was a wild card, and shi better keep an eye on them.

Macaci walks forward slowly, raising an eyebrow at winter before looking to the slot. Her ears twitch at the sound of cymbals, and she smiles gently. "I'm being completely honest. I have nothing to gain from violence, and from the sounds of it, you have things I'd want to purchase from you. You can have your guards watch us closly, we won't do anything... I'm not even armed." She opens up her jacket so they can see the distinct lack of weapons on her person.

Alkain blinks at the yelp and tilts his head curiously, "Well, I'd like to see if you have anything interesting as well... I can't speak for the others, but I won't do anything you don't want me to?" he smiles friendily and nods in agreement with Macaci

Winter smiles sweetly, nodding to Macaci. "Oh, yes. If we were going to attack you, you would most likely know it. For one, we wouldn't be talking. More.. shooting and tearing things apart, you know? But we won't! We're honestly just curious to see what you have for sale. And also introduce ourself and such. I'm quite unarmed as you can see! And there's definetly no one aiming any sort of weapons at you. Obviously!"

Kori glances in the direction indicated for the sniper and puffs a cloud of steam through hir nose. Chilly air, hot body (not an innuendo), it happens. "So someone's paranoid. Irony says the guy in there is still human. Practicality says an overly abused mutant that's scared." Shi's one to talk about paranoia. Having no visible weapons doesn't mean shi isn't carrying. Everyone has their own weapons, just not visible ones and not referring to claws. "Guy's got some magnetic personality, eh?" Hah hah.. Bad joke. "Um.. I'm Kori.. Patrol scout, sometimes triage medic."

Buzamu settles herself better. What she wouldn't give for a long-range mic receiver. Being able hear what was being said would have been a definite help right now. As it was, she was having to rely on what she could see of the situation. And so far, it was looking like it wouldn't get overly agressive. But that wasn't going to change. It was always subject to change.

There is a long pause, nothing but silence coming from the door. ".....Fine, but don't touch anything that you aren't buying!" The guards finally calm down, putting away their weapons and resume patrol as the sound of locks being undone can be heard on the other side of the door. The door slowly opens, revealing the store owner, what looks to be a human, accept for the Clockwork fox tail, ears, and a few other extremites! "...Come on in."

Macaci waits silently until the voice returns, her face lighting up in joy as she slowly walks forward to the door and dips her head, passing through the door way and inside as she keeps her hands close to her side. Back ups didn't need to be used to ensure peace yet, and she was happy for the fact. Turning to face the store owner, she smiles gently and bows. "Thank you very much for this opportunity. Would you prefere purchases be done in salvage or freecreds sir?" Making certain she doesn't block the room for the others as she remains as pleasent and complient as possible.

Dragonscales watched the door open and reveal the clockwork infected human. "Hmm, he seems interesting, eh, Kori was it? Looks like we wont be getting any kind of trouble so far..... though that sniper is a wild card. Anyway, want to go up there?" Shi says, scratching hir chin and contemplating what could possibly be in that store. "I wonder if they have any abtique clockwork dildos." Shi chuckles, laughing at hir own joke.

Alkain smiles as they get let in and takes a look around as he steps into the store, "Hmm, yeah. Is there a preferred currency?" he looks over the owner curiously in his examination of the place

Winter ducks her head to fit into the door and takes a look around the room inside. "Yes, what.. what do you actually sell in here? Do you sell anything at all? Or..?"

Kori almost balks at the idea of checking for robotic sex toys. Almost. Thankfully hir balking was directed at the door. "Its not all about sex and self gratification. ... Anyway I think I know why these things are here. Thoguh to be fair it may not be the old guy they want. Hard to know what they are thinking." Nobody here is a telepath..as far as shi knows. "We can look around but I wouldn't touch anything. I get pretty uptight about that in my own side-shop. And keep an eye on that guy on the roof."

Dragonscales raises an eyebrow. "It was supposed to be a joke? I guess it was a bad one but still......." Shi trails off, looking to the guy on the roof. "I'm going to go see what that guy's deal is." Shi says, launching into the air and landing on the rooftop where the sniper was perched.

The inside of the shop was....packed, was the best way to describe it. The walls covered in a number of items, clocks, mounted animals, you name it. "Well, sadly most of it no longer works, things just started breaking down sadly." The shopkeep Answers, moving back behind the counter as he eyes his old pocket watch, which still ticked. "Freecred, as then I could send some of the Foxes out to trade for tools to repair my stock." The cymbals Macaci heard were right next to the door, part of an almost complete drum set.

Macaci bites her lower lip gently as she looks at the almost complete drum set, taking a small usb cable from her headset then, she plugs it into a usb slot right behind her ear. The screen coming alight as it helped her analyze the set, a free cred display poping up in the bottom left of it. "I see! This looks... really complete for how long it's been. Hm... Just a few things missing? Easy enough to replicate or replace I suppose. How much would you ask for it? I---" She blinks slightly. "Wait, just started breaking down? As in only recently?" She blinked idly as she turned to the shopkeeper.

Winter walks around the store, well, as much as she can given her size and the general clutter of the place. "I don't even know what half these things are.." she muses, picking up and old stuffed bear and inspecting it idly. She stays awhile longer, sniffing about but nothing really catches her interest. Deciding that the folks here are quite harmless, she steps outside and pushes off, her massive wings bearing her up into the skies above.

Kori knows whats going on... Its going to be a pain to say it though. With hir entrance into the store to look around and examine the antiques on display and some of the wear they display it was hard to come out and say it. "You know nanites try to preserve living creatures, right? To do they they need materials, and it doesn't make the mass from thin air..." Blunt like a brick, but this was a topic that seemed to escape the shopkeeper. "You could be made of gears or a robot because of these mutants and still be considered organic to the little buggers because you started out that way. And they need to keep you going."

Alkain watches as Dragonscales flies off and tilts his head in confusion, he shrugs though and turns back to the... Piles of stuff... In the shop, "Well... What does still work?" he looks at Macaci and hmms at that, "Was it recently? Or did you mean since P-day?" he looks at the shopkeeper, before he looks to Kori with a nod

The shopkeep closed his old pocketwatch. "Yep, rather recently. Most of the stuff doesn't work anymore." He eyes the drum set as he winds up the pocketwatch. "....Five hundred sound good to you? Considering all the work you are going to have to put into it?" Turning to Kori he blinks. "Nanites? Huh, so those little buggers are what is killing my stuff? Weird." He leans against the counter, hand resting on his chin, but at Alkain's question he taps the pocketwatch. "It still ticks."

Macaci straightens her posture as she begins to press some buttons along the side of her visor, noding gently before she turns. Rummaging around in her bag, she places a cred chip filled with five-hundred freecred on the nearest flat surface to the shopkeep. "More then fair... And only recently?" She looks around the store for a moment and blinks gently. "Did you do any renovations, or repairs before it started to happen?" She knew the nanites broke down old items, and even new ones... But for it to happen only -recently- that was unusual.

The roof underneath Scales' feet was weak and unstable, it was a miracle the sniper hadn't fallen through. But Scales was standing in a particularly weak patch of concrete and it gave way, sending Scales plunging into the depths of the abandoned structure with a cry of "GOD DAMMIT!" as shi disappeared.

Alkain looks to the shopkeep and ponders that before looking to Macaci, "I highly doubt there is a temporal disturbance here or something... So I'd assume he's been repairing them." he chuckles a bit and ponders the shopkeep more, "If you don't mind my asking... I can understand being catious, but why are you so hostile to potential customers?" he doesn't sound insulting, just curious

Kori leans over to look at a stopped clock. "Well yeah. Nanites will 'eat' just about anything artificial to keep a living being alive for longer... It results in cars no longr working, or clocks. But for you... Did you have anything putting out a strong EM field until recently?" Actually a fair question. Maybe it started so suddenly because of the failure of an EM wave generator to ward them off.

Buzamu watched things going on, and while one of those down there, a equine of some sort, came from the group towards her was unthreatening, Buz just kept watching the situation down there. So far, seemed like the situation wasn't going to devolve into chaos. Finally lowering the binos to look at the equine landing, the creaking of the roof was enough to make her sigh, only moments before it dropped the equine to the floor below.

"Just a tip kiddo, check your LZ before putting weight on it." Buz calls, waiting for them to climb back up.

"Nope, nothing I can think of, stuff has been degrading since P-day. I've just been doing my best to make sure it's still sellable! Granted I ran out of parts recently to fix things." With a sharp click the ticking pocketwatch is shut once more, and the shopkeep starts swinging it by it's chain a bit as he pockets the chip. "As for my reaction to possible customers, the most we usually get out here are ferals. So I'm not exactly trustworthy of people at the moment..."

the roof of that building was rather rotten, causing a medium sized hole to appear in its surface as Dragonscales is sucked into it, before smashing right through a desk.

Macaci flicks her ears somewhat from the sounds outside, but she disregards it as only the sounds of the city. Slowly turning around to pick up most of her new drum pieces, and set them into an easy to carry pile, with what could fit going into her bags. "Well we can't rule out bizzare and unusual... This is still nanite territory, and they don't right sometimes." She offers up a simple shrug, eyeing his pocket watch for a moment as she tilts her head, remembering him commenting on it still working. "Has your watch ever stopped working?" It seemed a reasonable question, given how many small and fragile pieces were usually contained in such a device. Looking over to the others to see if they were thinking anything along those lines as well.

Dragonscales cries out as shi crashes into an old desk, and cries out as a snap is heard. Shi had landed on hir right wing and snapped the light bones. "AH! S... S-someone help!....... I-I think I broke my wing!..... it hurts too much to move........" Shi cries, moving the debris as best shi could without moving hirself and hir broken wing.

Buzamu chuckles. Standing up, and as she tests teh roof, leans over the edge. "Don't move too much. You'll only aggrivate the pain." She says, looking over the situation, and unhooking her pack, pulls out a cord of rope. "Give me a few moments kiddo."

Alkain looks to Kori and hmms, "Yeah..." he nods to the shopkeep and ponders a bit, "Most ferals don't talk though..." he shrugs and smiles though as he ooks around, "So that watch is all you have that still works?"

Kori steps back from the displays and straightens up. "Most ferals indeed. Some can hold a conversation for a short time but most would rather eat you or rape you." Enough about that, something crashed nearby. "Hang on, I think I'm needed." Where'd that medkit come from, hammerspace?! Oh, right. Nanites, broken reality, unexplainable crap happening constantly. It shouldn't be surprising to see things materializing out of the blue on somoene who looks like they got nowhere to hide anything...except perhaps internally.

With a curious glance at Macaci the shopkeep shrugs. "The only time it stops ticking is when I don't wind it up, think I still have it on the right time. Why?" He asks, getting a little suspicious of why she was asking such a question.

As Dragonscales starts moving the wood underneath groans, sharp, load pops could be heard coming from the wooden floor.

Macaci leans forward slightly, before straightening her back slightly as she clasps her hands together infront of herself. "Well, do you not find it strange that while everything else has been breaking down from the nanites, your pocketwatch, a device filled with small and fragile parts, has yet to be damaged by the nanites?" She smiles and keeps her distance, hands splayed out to her sides while open. "If I may, could I look over your pocket watch for a moment? Without touching it of course!" She looks over to Kori as they leave, blinking some before looking to Alkain. "I think it's worth a look, what about you?"

Dragonscales tries to remain still, shifting debris carefully and trying to keep from moving hir wing. "Stupid.... why do you let yourself get into these situations..." Shi scolds hirself, angry with hir incompetence. Shi then grows nervous as the floor beneath hir creaks ominously, and shi calls up to the sniper "Be careful!..... the floor is unstable too...."

Alkain blinks as Kori pulls out a medkit from... Somewhere... and shrugs before looking at the various wares, "Hmm, that's true..." he nods to Macaci in agreement, "Yeah, maybe one of us would buy it from you?"

Buzamu nods. "Thanks for the heads up." She says, tightening the rope on a jutting 'vent', and giving it a few test tugs to make sure it doesn't bend, break or cause trouble. "Rope coming down." She says, throwing the end of the rope down the hole. Sure, there was a bunch more rope than was needed, but Buz was figuring that chances were that the floor was likely to collapse before Buz could fully string up the equine. "Corporal Buzamu Herrick, USMC." She says, easing herself over the edge to look down on teh equine and figure how she was going to pull them back up.

With a shrug of his shoulder the shopkeep hands Macaci the watch. "I always thought it was odd yes, but then again I enjoyed knowing what time it is as well." At the mention of possibly buying something he does perk up a little, fingers tapping against the surface of the counter as he looks the two over.

With a heavy groan the floor gives way, depositing Dragonscales, the desk, and a few tons of shattered wood down onto the solid concrete of the ground floor.

Kori stops near the edge of the creeking floor panels. Hir eyes are on the rope, then the dragon, then the rope again. "Shi can't move without weakening the floor further," the feline notes, hopefully loud enough to hear up through the new hole. "And there it went.. My turn!" With a graceful flexing of the legs, shi springs after the falling dragon. Call it mystery or call it running very hot or whatever ycan be used to explain it, but shi doesn't actually land on anything. Shi just stops and hovers for a couple of seconds before touching down amid the debris. "Give us more rope down here!" First thing first while waiting for the rope. Medical aid. "Sit still, this will likely hurt as I reset some bones in your wing and check for injuries."

Macaci purrs gently as she takes watch in hand, backing up some so both her and Alkain could look at it. The second crash causes her to look up and blink as she glances out the door at the other building. "... I think you may wanna consider moving... It sounds like you can have some big ferals out there..." She had no clue it was someone falling through the floors, but she could reason being in a guarded shop was pretty safe right now. She shakes her head though and looks back to the watch, flicking the front open as she slowly looks it over while making sure Alkain could see as well.

Dragonscales grimaces and watches as falling rope coiled at hir feet. "Got enough rope there, eh CorporaAAAAAH!" words turning to cries as shi once more plummets downwards and lands with a sickening crunch. "AHH! ...... N-.... Ngggh...,. Now ..... now the other wing.......... and my leg is broken..... fuck today just sucks...." Shi says through gritted teeth. Shi looks to Kori and lets hir head fall back, wings and leg bent at unnatural angles.

Buzamu watches the floor crash once the rope hit the desk. "Yup. I got enough rope." She says, smirking as she begins to free-rope down the hole down to the first floor. The amount of rope that was at the bottom was many many many more coils than should have been needed to reach the equine. "You got a name kiddo?" She asks, watching as someone else jumped down. "Careful down there! Ain't even sure if hte foundation of this place is stable. This whole place could be ready to collapse in merely a few moments."

Alkain hmms as he looks over the watch as it is shown to him, "Looks like a nice watch..." he shrugs though and blinks as he looks over at the building next door, "Yeah... Maybe moving would be best..."

The Shopkeep idly sits there, tapping the surface of his counter as he watches the two inspect the watch. r% r% The building groaned, shuddering a little before it went quiet once more, dust falling down around the trio on the ground floor.

The Shopkeep idly sits there, tapping the surface of his counter as he watches the two inspect the watch.

The building groaned, shuddering a little before it went quiet once more, dust falling down around the trio on the ground floor.

Macaci grins widely as she taps the glass on the watch, looking up to Alkain. "Looks like the glass is pretty resistant to the nanites... But given it doesn't cover the entirety of the shell, the insides are standing up pretty good as well..." She murrs for a moment as she contemplates before looking to the shopkeeper. "Uhm... If it's possible, I'd like to buy this watch as well? If you're selling it that is."

Dragonscales listens to the building creak and then stop. "S-.... seems like the building has settled..... My n-name...... Dragonscales...... Call me Scales....... Nnnnggh..... Can't...... feel...... leg....." Shi struggles to speak, something internal must have been damaged as well, and shi grits hir teeth in pain, slowly getting weaker, darkness at the edges of hir vision threatening to drowned hir in the warm dark embrace of unconsciousness.

Alkain ponders the watch a bit more and nods to Macaci, "Yeah, looks good." he looks around the shop some more and frowns, "Hmm..." he walks over to an antique bronze eastern dragon and taps it a little, "This is cool, how much?"

Kori frowns in the middle of hir work, applying splints and popping things back into place. "Oh great.." Don't swear, don't swear. Just tie the rop around Dragonscale and secure it snugly but not too snug. "Alright up there, hoist away!" That's field medicine. Stabilize and let them get evacuated.

Buzamu nods, and climbs back up. "Ready on hoist!" She called down, undoing the knot on the rope and turning it into a pulley to help work on pulling the equine up.

"Oh? So you're saying it's in good condition? Well then." Now that gets the shopkeep smiling, and calculating. "Well, since it's obviously something important, I don't think I can depart with it for anything less then ohhhh. Half a million credits?" He comments rather bluntly, before looking at Alkain's statue. "at least a thousand."

so far the building has remained relatively quiet, groaning just a little as they start to pull dragonscales up.

Dragonscales lets hir body be manipulated, the last of hir energy ebbing away as shi exhaled and then fell halfway into unconsciousness from all the pain Kori was causing, hir body going limp in the restraints, hir strength gone, sapped away by the broken bones and ribs shi had and the pain Kori had caused trying to fix hir broken body. Shi vaugley senses being lifted and words being spoken but all was hidden behind a veil of grey noise, hir body refusing to work.

Macaci has her eyes go wide as she almost drops the watch, luckily she keeps a nice and stable hold on it! "I uh... I... You want h-half a MILLION credits for it!?" She was no gypsy woman, she realized then she had made such a classic blunder... Much like getting into a land war in asia. She was left to contemplate for a few moments, fairly certain she could use illusion nanomagic to try and steal the watch but... Strange as it is to say, she can't bring herself to consider that yet. Instead she takes a deep breath and turns, time to play in barter town. "That's... A little steep for straight up freecred. The majority of people in the city would probably kill you before they ever agreed to pay that much..." She mumbles gently, knowing she already made herself out to not be a threat to the man she nods gently. "How about... A trade? I have the ability to repair broken machines and such, like lets say..." She looks around and spies an old typewriter amonst the piles. "That typewriter! I could fix it's broken parts quicker then you can, and you know someone would pay at least a couple thousands for a working typewriter. So in exchange for me repairing your most valuable objects, you lower the price some... Does that sound fair? After all, you'd be in a position to make more over the long run, then a sum of money right now."

Alkain stares at the shopkeep at the price of the watch and shakes his head, "That's absurd..." he looks over the dragon though and ponders and smiles, "It's a little pricey... But alright." he's hoping it'll help with the watch too

Alkain spends 1000 Freecred for RP reasons.

Macaci spends 500 Freecred to: reason

Kori starts climbing back up hirself, there's still more work to do but it isn't safe to do it in a building that wants to fall apart. "Once shi's out we need to get hir on solid ground." Captain obvious struck again. On the other hand getting out of the hole was a quick job and it meant shi could help hoist the horse out...followed by milky treatment. Hey now, the medkit can only do so much so kitty titties had to do. Hoist first, treat second. "I'd feel better if I could afford to use my more toned body for this but I can't spare the time or energy to do it. Heave ho!"

With a firm nod, Buzamu begins pulling the rope, hoisting the wounded out. "Up we go Scales!" She calls, watching as the equine is lifted out. Once done so, she hefts up the equine, and moves to a more stable point on the roof. "Alright doc, do your work. I'm going back to observing the situation down below. I ain't no medic."

The shopkeep eyes Macaci, then the typewriter, thinking it over. "....Good...point, fine. I'll half the price." He concedes, crossing his arms as he glares at Macaci, considering he just lost out on the deal of a century....

Macaci grits her teeth and sighs, figuring a quarter of a million was better then a half... It'd but her savings back to almost nothing, but the positives outweighed that right now. Reaching into her pocket she pulls out a cred chit and almost empties her bank onto it, before holding it out. "Erm... Alright then. I'll get to work I suppose..." She pockets the watch carefully so as to not damage it before moving to begin repairing his various items with her nanomagic.

Alkain hands over a cred chip to the shopkeep and smiles as he takes the dragon, "Thanks." he looks to Macaci and hmms, "Good luck, nice working with you." he smiles before heading out

Kori did wehat shi could with the horse. The rest was up to time. The injuries were far from lethal, just very unpleasant. And since those field medic skills weren't needed, shi had no reason to stay there. Back to the group and time to just relax. Yeah this one's a little burnt out on adventure for a hile. One hole in a building was enough.