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"I am Officer Akihiko Izumi!" The red one follows up.
"I am Officer Akihiko Izumi!" The red one follows up.
"And We are here to stop you villians!"
&quot;And We are here to stop you villians!&quot;<br> <br>The jackal shakes his head and growls really loudly. &quot;Every, GOD DAMN, FUCKING TIME!&quot; he snarls through clenched jaws. *crack* go his knuckles as he glares at the nearest of the three robots &quot;You go to buy one fucking thing and there&#39;s always a pack of clowns to stand in your FUCKING...&quot; *SMASH* his hand digs deep into the blue robot&#39;s metalic exterior &quot;...WAY!&quot; the loud sounds of metal bending and shattering follows as the jackal yanks out a heavy slab of metal, being knocked back by the reaction of the robot, but able to stabilize himself nonetheless. He tosses the metal aside and draws a quartet of unnaturally glowing blades from his wrists and assumes a fighting stance. &quot;That was the only warning you&#39;ll get. Fuck off, or die.&quot;<br> <br>Mokou&#39;s warm grin shifted for a brief moment, looking back towards Howard as he seems to grow furious. A question offered, and a legitimant answer given. &quot;We are here for the manaul and panels lad. The other... well... That&#39;s just an enjoyable aside. If you would rather discuss the terms of a food exchange or of a mechanisitc bargining however and a-&quot;
The lass paused mid sentence, her brow furrowing deeply before looking back towards the new appearences. The very... very large appearances. Her ears folded back upon themselves as the two large hams began to espouse... a deep misunderstanding of what a solar pannel was. Looking back to Otto, a sigh fell from her lips. Otto and Ebreus there... Herself and Nekura... The lass reached up and began to rub the space between the crux of her muzzle, trying to hold something of a smile upon her maw. Pity it was growing... a touch sharp. &quot;I will get back with you two in a swift moment, okay Howard? You two Bridget...&quot; And then... she turned to the bots. &quot;Dears, I do believe... you mistake what a solar pannel does. Harness the power of the sun? Yes. Yes it does.&quot; How to present it in a way that would... be clear. Especially to some twenty or so foot tall mechazoid &quot;Much the same way a tree does though. No magical spear thrown at the sun to make it explode. No eternal night for the rest of the world. It just. Sits there.&quot;
The lass stood there, quietly explaining this fact to the three mechanical monstrocities... with little regard that Otto had lept over and all but ripped off the metalic chest of the first bot. Infact, that simply made her smile a touch grim. &quot;So then... Sweeties... We aren&#39;t trying to steal the sun. Nor all its energy. We are just going to use what is there... And if you aren&#39;t okay with that? Well...&quot; A touch of a grin, &quot;Otto, my precious mate, just ripped off part of your chest with his bare hands. He shoots. Ebreus is a condensed monster made of bullets teeth and hate towards the nanite world. Nekura? Nekura will grab you and you won&#39;t want her to let go. Me? Hon... I&#39;ll reach in, crawl through your circitry and wiring in your chest, and pull out your still beating amalgamation that was once your heart.&quot; A touch of a smile... &quot;Then, I&#39;ll sell that, and what is left for scrap, for the pannels. Have to stay effiencet after all.&quot; A half step closer, the lass still clasping her hands over her chest. &quot;So with that... I would really recommend you leave. The option won&#39;t be there for long.&quot;<br> <br>Ebreus watches the lewd display for a few moments before the robots emerge. With the arrival of this new obstical he bursts into laughter... only he&#39;d know it&#39;s suppose to be an imitation of a famous laugh though it doesn&#39;t sound much like it. With the sound of deforming metal he stops laughing and aims his Solar Rifle with his upper hands as electricity arcs acrost his Power Armor. He maintains a sinister grin on his face as he steps over to the nearest of the Giant Robots in the midst of Ottos warning and Mokous explaination. Just as Mokou mentions he is condensed he begins to expand... growing to near the size of the robots as he grabs the red one by the heal he brings the leg to about croch level of the robot and with his other hand begins to apply pressure to the robots knee... in a way that couldn&#39;t possibly be comfortable if Giant Robots have kneecaps. &quot;Now both my associates have warned you that fighting isn&#39;t in your best interest. If you want to keep this leg attatched then surrender.&quot; he states in a firm matter-of-fact tone.<br> <br>Nekura decides that the best part of valor is for her to hide behind Bridget while the rest of the group pick apart the robots. She&#39;s a lover/healer after all. Plus there&#39;s the fact she&#39;s pretty sure she&#39;d just destroy her own fingerclaws trying to scratch the robots.<br> <br>Otto&#39;s attempt to remove the arm of the blue and green one (Togo) is unsuccessful, instead removing the outer layer of armor from Togo&#39;s hand. He screams, &quot;AUHAAHUHAHUHUAHUHUHAUAHUAHUAHUAHUAH!&quot;(this is best rendered as static from an old CRT set, or the scream of the drunk demo-man, either is acceptable but I prefer the latter). The robot manages to flick Otto off of his hand, but it is apparently not fun.
Izumi, on the other hand, responds with utter rage, &quot;You vile scum! This was not how it needed to happen!&quot; There is a click as the missile battery extends from the back of her torso, &quot;So go to hell all of you! Justice cannot endure the thugs that attack it without thought. Thus you must die!&quot;
Mokou&#39;s intimidation works wonders. Stopping this in her tracks, briefly, &quot;We cannot be intimidated. WE WERE MADE WITHOUT FEAR!&quot; Izumi says, more to herself than anyone else. She clearly ate her own pasta. &quot;Wait. You don&#39;t need to take over the sun?&quot;
Izumi considers this for a moment, &quot;Then this isn&#39;t season four!&quot; She calls out to Togo, &quot;Togo, These aren&#39;t actually galactic terrorists trying to steal the sun. We should let them be.&quot;
Togo is grasping at his hand, finally managing to collect himself, &quot;Fine sister. Apologies you terrifying little assholes.&quot;
Izumi is not exactly pleased to find Ebreus pushing their kneecap the wrong way, but since it doesn&#39;t work, she responds reasonably cooly, &quot;Citizen, could you please stop that?&quot;
The two bow at the group once everyone has unclasped from them, &quot;Apologies from both of us and the Planetary Police Services. Feel free to contact us later on if you need something. We truly jumped the gun here. Sorry.&quot;
They fuck off without another word. Thank god.
Howard is more or less accepting everything that just happened. &quot;So... I&#39;ll ask for 20000 creds. I was going to ask for more. But since nothing goes our way, I guess we&#39;ll just have to settle.&quot; Howard sighs, voice breaking as he attempts to hold back a sob, &quot;Fuck me. I&#39;m not cut out for this.&quot;
Bridget pulls Nekura up and gives her a kiss, &quot;Now as much as I&#39;d like to stick around for a while with you and that delectable Jackal, I&#39;m afraid my associate needs some counseling. He was too serious coming into this, and he&#39;s always like that. He&#39;ll feel better eventually, and I really hope that you don&#39;t hold this behavior against him.&quot;
She joins Howard and whispers to him. He smiles at her and nods, &quot;I&#39;ve reconsidered, I think a price of 35k creds is reasonable. For the manual and the location of the solar panels. Does this sound acceptable to you all? Thanks for taking care of those robots. That was fucking weird.&quot;<br> <br>The jackal raises both brows and re-holsters his claws. He adjusts his cuffs and dusts himself off, looking over at Mokou with a newfound... respect? Was that a glance of subtle terror? Pride? Shock? ...it was an awkward mish-mash of the various emotions. &quot;Well, that was uhh... anticlimactic.&quot; he sighs and shakes his head, then looks over to Howard. &quot;Sure, here you go.&quot; the canine sighs and forks over the creds with a few bleeps of his comm unit. Whatever mood he had before to get busy with Bridget was... well, pretty much gone now. Bloodlust had a way of forcefully shredding your cernal desires, did it not? If anything, the jackal looked disappointed... if only just subtly.<br> <br>Otto spends 35000 Freecred for RP reasons.<br> <br>Mokou quietly breathed a sigh. Relief, exhasperation, or what have you... it was difficult to make out. But, a sigh none the less as the creatures left. The fennec lass let her shoulders drop as she turned back towards the couple, offering a halfhearted smile back. After all... Well... didn&#39;t matter. &quot;That&#39;s... not a problem Bridget. Life here effects us all differently. Sometimes... just getting down to buisness is what it is about after all.&quot; She walked back over, neither expressing something enjoyable nor deplorable. Simply... drained for the moment. &quot;Hey, thanks though that we could come to a deal.&quot; A dry chuckle... &quot;Even if not exactly what might have been intended. I am... glad for it though. Perhaps another time then... Perhaps... another time.&quot;<br> <br>Ebreus smiles much more geniuinely, not as if the smile was intended as an intimidation tactic, as the robots get the picture that fighting them is, as he just said, not in their best interest... at least by means of being a waist of time. He releaves the pressure on Izumi&#39;s knee and then releaces the heel of the robot. &quot;Right, well we won&#39;t press charges this time.&quot; he says as the robots head out. He nods at the first price given to them but then as Bridgit reconsiders his squints at them, &quot;We just-&quot; he says before Otto pays the asked for price. He sighs and says, &quot;Well enjoy your money and good luck in getting a Turkey.&quot; He aproaches the book as he returns to normal size, &quot;Now I believe the location of the solar facility was included with the book, yes?&quot; he continues<br> <br>Nekura just goes ;_; when Bridget hugs her and goes towards Howard to console him. She is no longer Senpai it seems. The marew walks over towards the others when they get the book and is definitely not driven into Rut because she doesn&#39;t even have a cock right now gosh.<br> <br>&quot;The solar installation. Yes. It&#39;s out in the edges of the Freehaven Wasteland. There&#39;s an address written on the inside cover of that manual. It&#39;s dangerous out there. Weirdly quiet.&quot; Howard says, &quot;I don&#39;t know about you, but I could go for a drink, I have a few extra drinks stashed around here, if you want to partake. Sorry if I came off as an asshole though.&quot;
Bridget returns to Nekura after having firmed up Howard&#39;s resolve, &quot;I think I might stick around for just a little bit, if you&#39;re still interested?&quot;<br> <br>The jackal shrugs and puts his comm unit away. He felt... like he needed a drink... really badly. There was a profound void he wanted to fill, as if he&#39;d expected something but it... hadn&#39;t come. But... what? &quot;I could use a drink, to go or for here... I dunno.&quot; he sighs and looks over towards his group. &quot;You guys wanna have a cold one before we go?&quot;<br> <br>Mokou simply shook her head, gently sighing as she gazed over to the side, trying on a smile that felt too thin for her. &quot;Something... yeah. Something else. A drink would be nice. A drink. A chat. Just...&quot; she shook her head, moving to stand, &quot;Fine, I&#39;ll grab a drink with you if you wish. Just... Yeah.&quot;<br> <br>Ebreus raises an eyebrow at the Hyenas then as Otto accepts the offer he hums as he considers. &quot;I guess I could say for a while.&quot; he says. He takes a breath and double checks his gear... nothing came loose and of couse nothing should have with a simple little thing like that.<br> <br>When asked if she&#39;s still interested Nekura goes *_* and ends up hugging Bridget against her front though this time she goes to squeeze and fondle their rump. &quot;Yes please,&quot; she murmurs into the ear nearest her muzzle. The Nightmare is sure the &#39;yena will be quite pleased learning she has lots of practice taking canine knots, too. Of course the other girl could also feel how pokey her nipples are right now from arousal, too, and if she found their counterparts poking back through that dress she makes to grind them over one another.<br> <br>Howard smiles at the prospect of company. &quot;I&#39;ll be back in just a bit.&quot; He jumps into a shrub. Weird amount of energy there.
Bridget is quite happy at the attention, albeit somewhat misdirected. This isn&#39;t the sort of Penetrative sex SHE wants. Of course, she doesn&#39;t know about Nekura&#39;s experience taking canine knots, but since Hyenas are Feliforms, that won&#39;t help. She forgot her strap-on of course, she thinks to herself. But She might have to just accept this. The rump fondling though, that&#39;s A-okay. She murrs softly, &quot;Oh. That&#39;s. Nice.&quot; Her voice trails off as she grows erect once again, she&#39;ll accept it this time. But maybe her goal should be elsewhere. &quot;Let&#39;s keep going&quot;
Howard returns from inside the bush much like he left it, jumping outwards this time. How odd.%He has a pack of brewskies, with a husky on the bottle. How fitting, &quot;How&#39;s this for everyone&#39;s taste?&quot;<br> <br>The jackal nods and offers a faint smile as his friends come around for a drink as well. He lifts the offered drink and offers a toast. &quot;Here&#39;s to another day of running errands for Zephyr.&quot; a notion loaded with a tinge of melancholy, if coated with sugary warmth. As for what follows? The jackal likely converses idly with the others and enjoys his beverage. Not much to call home about.<br> <br>Watching the hyena hop off into the bushes, Mokou shook her head, hanging down for a moment. Silent wars were fought in the gulf between moments before she stood, long before Howard had returned. &quot;Pardon, just... need to get out then. Twas a ... delight. Take care.&quot;<br> <br>Ebreus watches the Hyenas as Howard goes about disappearing into a bush and then reappearing. He makes mental note not to allow things to hide from his perception in foliage in the future. He hangs out with Otto and the Hyenas for some time... about the time it takes Howard to get through one  beer or maybe two then excuses himself and departs.<br> <br>Nekura ends up moaning rather lewdly into the other mutant&#39;s ears when those paws grab her own butt. For having fillies she doesn&#39;t seem to have much padding back there. However when she senses the other girl&#39;s hesistance she ends up panting, &quot;Want me to stab you first?&quot; into their ears, rubbing her hips along the shaft already poking into her belly. Likely about to be asked how she would do that the Nightmare pulls out her carnal equalizer and holds it in Bridget&#39;s view, grinning all the while to indicate this was her answer to seemingly being pokey-parts-less.<br> <br>&quot;I think so.&quot; Bridget says. She&#39;s always been a bit of a size queen, and regardless of the fact that she was of no small girth herself, the idea of taking a horse cock was appealing. A dark spot formed on the skirt where her rod poked, &quot;Oh god. I didn&#39;t know it was possible to need somethign so much.&quot;<br> <br>With that Nekura goes to put the carnal equalizer on her belly just above her pussy and causes her sheath to form. Unsurprisingly the thing is quite warm, too, though the thing likely to make poor Bridget most numb in the mind is the strong Rut scent that radiates from the herm. She wastes no time in grabbing the other girl&#39;s dress at this point and simply yanks it right off with a firm tug, tossing the garment aside and hugging their bare bodies together. This time however she uses the hold on that booty to lift the mutantyena upwards over her sheath&#39;s opening.. right in time for the flare to start coming free! Luckily for the other herm the flesh is all wet with prelube though that just probably means she gets stuffed pretty deeply before she manages to clench down, too!<br> <br>With a grunt, and a lot of surprise, and a fair bit more tightness than Nekura had probably expected, Bridget takes the rod, more or less. She has not had the opportunity to do much in this regards until now, so it should be of little surprise that her endurance is minuscule and she comes within a thrust or two. &quot;Keep on going!&quot;<br> <br>Meanwhile Nekura&#39;s tail flicks her own female arousal at the other herm again and again. It was fun tormenting a partner like this after all since her desire to take their pole next was usually about as strong as her one to plow them. Then again even if the poor &#39;yeen faints on her she won&#39;t likely miss her chance to ride them even if the poor thing is unconscious during the whole event. When they cum for her the Nightmare groans and bears it, shoving deeper and deeper into the poor thing&#39;s pussy. It reminded her of the first time she had her own pussy splayed by a big cock. Speaking of big the mare wraps one of her paws around Bridget&#39;s peen and starts jerking on it evvery time she thrusts up into them.<br> <br>With that kind of enthusiasm, it was not hard to get the yeen peen back up to full mast with a little bit of stroking. The yeen is not particuarly close to fainting though. Nekura is great, but the sensation isn&#39;t nearly that bad or strong. It is just in the right place for Bridget to enjoy it. &quot;Oh!&quot; escapes the Yeen&#39;s mouth as she comes again. Wow. Still a short shot.<br> <br>And to think Nekura isn&#39;t even fully sheathed inside Bridget yet. When she cums again the peen is frozen in its penetration though when she keeps relaxing between contractions it immediately slides deeper and deeper. Finally the flar nears the other herm&#39;s cervix though with all the fluids coating it and how much she&#39;s been enjoying it so far the Nightmare tries to push past with a roll of her dark hips. With her tip up in their womb the hermmare moans loudly and lewdly from the sensation, finally adding her first load of lube into the speared girl&#39;s womb. The fluid is pretty warm, not painfully so, but Bridget imagines if she keeps getting filled with the stuff it&#39;ll make her sweat pretty soon. Meanwhile the paw on her cock gets rougher, tuggier, pulling up on the head when she sheathes in hopes of making it perhaps spray a load of lube forth to match her own.[[Category:RPLogs]]

Latest revision as of 03:02, 25 November 2017





The convention center entrance is quiet. An odd spot of peace between an otherwise mutant infested highway and an even more infested convention center. It is chilly, but not near freezing yet.

Two hyenas are sitting on a pair of what were once cheap plastic chairs. Now a nearly incalculable luxury for the wanting behind. They have a little stand made of metal and some sort of synthetic fabric between them, with a beer bottle, and a bottle of some sort of mixed drink on it. Behind their drinks sits a single beat up booklet, about fifty or so pages thick, the letters 'S' and 'L' and 'R' are visible on the spine.

One has highlights in their fur, wears a fairly skimpy dress, and has no curves to speak of. The other, has curves to spare, but wears a modest masculine suit with few adornments or attention to their fur excluding that minimum required to look decent.

They are waiting.

It's another happy day, it's a wonderful day today, adventure let there be, for him, for her, for me... these were the words that resonated through Otto's head as he merrily power-jumps his way to the rendezvous point. He was in good spirits by the looks and sounds of things, his vibrant indigo eyes brimming with life and a smile tugging at his lips. With a skip in his step and a song in his heart, he lands with a *THUD* near the convention center, then skips along the path towards their mission objective and dusts himself off lightly along the way.

Meanwhile Nekura was following after though she seems to be quite naked as she always is. Then again when you're basically a mobile furnace it's usually hard to tell if it's cold out. The Nightmare's hoofsteps follow not far behind Otto's walking though she waits until they get close to their destination before glomping him from behind and giving him a likely familiar boobhat. "Hi."

Perhaps less jovial than some others who arrived, but with a warmth in her chest that seemed undiminishable, a whistle seemed to slip from her lips. Mokou, that is, the almost familiar fennec lass that wandered down the old and broken highway. A glance at her would render to most a story simple and honest. Right or wrong... Well, for the moment, the lass seeming to hold a gleam in her eye revealed little. Twas work to be down after all! And with such work came... "Good evening Otto," a warm voice rang out, the lass eying the previously bouncing lad with a smirk, "Glad to see you could make it you know! And..." A few blinks, the lass shying away from the mildly blazing horse lass, "... You as well Nekura. Glad to see you about though..."

Ebreus glides toward the rendezvous point, occasionally flapping his large bat-like wings once or twice to regain altitude and remain above the rooftops. He smiles as he sees Otto traveling by leaps and bounds in the same direction as it appears he will be responding to the unusual call for agents as well. As the parking lot comes into view he begins a swooping dive intending to try, for his own amusement, a movie cliche three-point landing from flight.

Intending to land about fifteen feet from Otto within his sight he manages to contact the ground in the intended spot but he held onto a little too much momentum upon touching the round and ends up rolling end over end for ten feet. Comming to a stop laying on his back he starts chucking. "I'm okay." he says and gets to his feet before looking around.

His helmet retracted leaving his face visible his expression sours slightly when he sees Mokou but not as much as last time. "Hi Nekura. Been a while." he says then turns his attention back to the Fennec, "Hello Mokou." he says.

Ebreus glides toward the rendezvous point, occasionally flapping his large bat-like wings once or twice to regain altitude and remain above the rooftops. He smiles as he sees Otto traveling by leaps and bounds in the same direction as it appears he will be responding to the unusual call for agents as well. As the parking lot comes into view he begins a swooping dive intending to try, for his own amusement, a movie cliche three-point landing from flight.

Ebreus glides toward the rendezvous point, occasionally flapping his large bat-like wings once or twice to regain altitude and remain above the rooftops. He smiles as he sees Otto traveling by leaps and bounds in the same direction as it appears he will be responding to the unusual call for agents as well. As the parking lot comes into view he begins a swooping dive intending to try, for his own amusement, a movie cliche three-point landing from flight.

Intending to land about fifteen feet from Otto within his sight he manages to contact the ground in the intended spot but he held onto a little too much momentum upon touching the round and ends up rolling end over end for ten feet. Comming to a stop laying on his back he starts chucking. "I'm okay." he says and gets to his feet before looking around.

His helmet retracted leaving his face visible his expression sours slightly when he sees Mokou but not as much as last time. "Hi Otto and hey Nekura, been a little while hasn't it?" he says then turns his attention back to the Fennec, "Hello Mokou." he says.

The hyena in the dress claps as they see Otto land on the asphalt from his jump. The herm rolls their eyes. At this.

When Nekura appears and boobhats Otto, the hyena in the dress looks vaguely jealous. The herm just looks kind of annoyed.

As the Fennec arrives and starts to converse, the herm looks slightly more peeved. Mostly frustrated rather than angry. He mumble something about the professionalism of these agents. The one in the dress seems to find this more or less acceptable, their posture loosening up a bit.

As the other one in the fancy power suit hits the ground and rolls, the last of the Herm's confidence in this group of agents evaporates away. The one in the dress laughs and seems determined to stay.

As it seems that the group is all there, the herm stands up, coaxing the other up as well, and walks over to the group.

"Hello I am Howard." Howard's voice is an epitome of femininity, "So I take it you all are here for the technical manual." There's a bit of distaste to his voice.

"Hi I'm Bridget. Nice to meet you all" Bridgets voice is not one that is so blessed as their partner's.

"Gah!" Otto shakes his head and giggles up a storm, recognizing the presence of a certain mare. He rubs his scalp and gives Nekura a booty bump. "Hey there." he greets with a wide smile and a wink. "Heh, nice to see ya. Looking hot as ever." the canine compliments warmly and crosses his arms. "Here for the purchase? Simple enough work, but... whatever gets one out of the house, right?" a shrug is cast, before his ears perk up, those knife-edge tips trembling slightly at the sound of his lass' voice.

His smile only brightens once he regards the fennec lass, the jackal crouching down until he was looking up at her before pulling her into a tight hug, his arms wrapping about her back as he shuts his eyes and takes in her presence, warmth and comfort abound, her reassuring presence another beacon of light in his already bright day, appreciated nonetheless. "Hi sweetie." he greets and leans in to give her nose a lick, before standing back up. "Hardly evening, though... T'is only 4...ish? I haven't checked the ti-*CRASH*

The caning's head sharply turns towards where Ebreus had taken a tumble, blinking a few times, not recognizing his friend in all the commotion. Once Ebreus does come up and greet them, Otto whistles sharply and shakes his head "Gotta work on those landings, Eb. Can't show up for work with a broken leg." he jokes and gives the fox a fist-bump.

Once the two yeens speak up, the jackal takes note of the way they are addressed. Formality was called for, so he takes a light bow and employs that old world charm of his. "Delighted to meet you, and yes. That is why we are here. Well, also the solar panels, mind you. We're here on behalf of Zephyr Incorporated, and wish to negotiate a reasonable exchange. So!" he clasps his paws and shuts one eye for but a second "Shall we get down to business?"

Oh that goof... Mokou could only just keep the ghost of a grin off her maw as Otto went about, moving over as he enjoyed a short moment with Nekura. As he reached for her though, her own arms wrapped briefly, squeezing with a soft sigh as they held eachother. Alas, time for such comfort was either in short supply... or more that they were on the clock, as the saying goes. Relenting and releasing, she brushes her cheek by his own, backing off with a slight wink. "Oh, tis. But tis after noon, so evening! But... What was..."

For a few moments, the fennec lass simply gazed over towards that tumbling lad, hurtling over towards them. Eventually, she noddednodded, looking up to Ebreus. A smile frozen upon her maw, slick as ice and clear as such. But, the time for conversation and for working on that was not now, Mokou turning back towards the pair of hyena's. No, now was the time for speaking and working. "Howard, Bridget, I am glad to meet you." She took a brief step in either direction, looking back over the pair of them. "Otto is right though, we are hear for the exchange..." A hand was offered as though to move to the side, offering conversation, "So, lets' start in, no?"

Ebreus turns around to face the Hyenas as they aproach. He fist bumps Otto, "Yeah. I should practice that landing a little more." he says before turning to Hyenas. He smiles as it seems that they could get what they desired with negotiation... and a further surprize the Fennec appeared to be on their side too. Their purpose and whom sent them made clear by his associates he nods, "Good day to you Howard, Bridget." he says in his practiced formal negotiating voice... trying to pretend the whole hitting the ground rolling thing didn't just happen in clear view of the both of them. "If I recall the message sent out over the comm system said there was a source of pannels and the manual available." he continues.

Not one to repeatedly tell the same thing to two people Nekura just answers Otto and Ebreus both when she says, "It's hard to do adventures when you're swollen with a foal. And my girls don't tend to like going on them unless I'm here with them, too." Having noticed the jealous look she got from the dress-wearing hyena the Nightmare can't resist herself and goes to wait until the other isn't paying attention before wiggling her bared rump towards them. She doesn't bother to lift her tail up but the point was probably clear. Besides it's only mean if you don't intend to return and make good on the lewds, right?

"Are you sure you're serious enough for this?" Howard says to the jackal, he is seething. Bridget puts a paw on his back.

"Howard, we've talked about this. Let them have their levity." Bridget says. Howard calms down, and nods, giving Bridget a warmer smile.

"In any case, Yes, let's get down to business" Howard says, shaking Mokou's proffered hand, "We have a manual. We want to sell it, and we know where a few of these solar panels might be found. We can't transport them ourselves, for various reasons." Howard sighs, "We'd sell you them too, but we couldn't manage to figure out how to carry them all this way."

Bridget sees the display that Nekura makes for her. And in spite of who she considers herself to be, which is a mostly straight woman, she determines, that she is in fact bisexual. She blushes deeply and covers her face, Howard sighs.

"In any case, what offer would you like to make on this manual? We can give you the location of the solar installation we found along with it." Howard says, trying to stay on track.

The canine's smile fades a bit once the uppity yeen asks that question. He lets his features remain neutral. He looks down at his paws, then over among his team, and opens his arms to gesture towards them all. "These people have all gone through hell and come back, accomplished more to further the research of our benefactors than any of the big wig pigs up top pushing their fucking pencils and raking in fat stacks of creds from the hard work and dedication of others. They've spat in death's face and lived to tell the tale." he takes in a breath and snorks up a loogie, then spits on the ground and wipes his lip. "Damn fucking right we're serious enough for this." he clenches his fists hard enough to make his knuckles pop, before averting his eyes over towards Bridget. Seems she liked what she saw, Nekura's display an enticing one indeed. Snapping his eyes back onto Howard, he flashes a sly grin and reaches into his pocket, then pulls out a small flask and pops its lid. Taking a drink from it, the jackal closes his eyes for but a moment, before closing it again and putting it away. "We sometimes employ alternative means to getting what we want, is all." he rumbles deeply, his voice adopting a deep and sultry baritone as he takes a few slow paces towards Nekura. The jackal gives the mare a quick slap on the rear and wraps an arm around her, then casts Bridget a wink. "Not all victories are won violently, not all transactions are made via currency, professionalism stems not from the methods so much as the end results." he croons deeply as he subtly strikes a pose, puffing out his chest and flexing his muscles to show off his figure, his tail wagging slyly behind him, spreading the lingering scents of male need towards Bridget. What a time for Otto to be in deep rut. "One hand washes the other, we do something for you, you do something for us?" he tosses a hint their way~

"Appologies if we aren't seeming that serious..." That hand briefly squeezed, the fennec lass letting ot go before crossing her arms. Her maw parted to speak to it, a few words half murmured before that lad spoke. Harsh, loud, long, clear, and direct. Words of harsh honesty that rarely raised, were rairly offered. A nod was offered behind, the lass trying to ease the tension that Howard seems to hold as she wafted a warm smile their way. "We are infact professional. Just glad to know whom we are working with..." Her ear flicked back, an eye glanced back towards Ebreus. An attempt of a smile... before she turned back towards them, a much... softer smile, "Some of us fight for a living here. Not just nearly claiming the lives of hundreds of ferals on a daily basis. Not just burning and cutting down legions at a time, conquring the world that is placed before us and coming out the other side with a smile on our face. Not just putting aside the knowledge that they are people, putting heart aside for a time as we do what we must... As we protect those whom overextend themselves, and fight back the threat to our very way of life..."

The lass Shot a faint smile back towards her mate, a ear twitching at the sound of that cork popping. A shiver that ran down her spine, his voice seeming to roll across and out, soothing down as she offered a slight nod back to the two hyena's. Her voice, gentler than that sultry baritone, it crept across the way, seeping beneath the skin, pulling at the heartstrings as she slowly... grinned. "Some of us... we fight an internal war. A war of desire from within and without, where our very blood boils and our skin crawls. We are kept alive and awake by every breath, and every scent." A slow step to the side, the lass reaching over, svelte hands brushing by Nekura's shoulder, the other seeming to wrap about her mate's shoulder, a slow nod given... "Our minds once lost fight every day and every waking moment to not act out... to not scream at the top of our lungs and to embrace that desire that has become as much a part of us as our flesh and blood..." A chuckle... "Even more so for some."

The slight fennec moved back to the side of Otto, a flick of her tail given, the world itself seeming almost... warmer. Gentler. Yet somehow... lacking something. Or perhaps, someone... "So, profesional we are. Just not in... a traditional manner. But, you want to know what we can offer you?" That hand, shaken not a moment before was slowly lifted. Offered. "We can offer a world of experience beyond what should be. We can offer delight beyond measure and a pleasure nigh inhuman. We can offer you this, time, place and worth..." A faint pause, the smile upon her maw coy as she shrugged, "Or if you rather... Perhaps some food. Some simple cred. Some mechanical parts, chemical gear... The choice? That... is yours~"

Ebreus nods as Bridgit convinces Howard to accept their levity. He grins as they explain that the solar installation was beyond their cappacity to loot althout they can tell the Agents where it is. He only smiles as Otto explains that they're likely an order of magnitude or more professional, resault wise, than the Hyenas they're dealing with. He nods as he keeps his Solar Rifle slung by his side for now... no need to flash the impressive stuff, yet.

And then the Fennec speaks... a reaffirmation that they're professional and then she looks back to him. An interesting action in this situation though being a trained negotiator and unsure of its meaning he makes no outward response to it. As she goes on his tails flick slightly betraying that the speech she is giving isn't of particular interest to him or percieved productivity but he refrains from interrupting it just on that.

As the Fennec gets into a tangent about an internal war he makes mental note of the new suspicions about her... it did seem that it was happening more that he encountered this that he suspected her of but still no place to act on suspicions. His ears flick lightly as she ends her speech and he feels a familiar hightening of his sex drive. A minor but predictable nusince that may prove benefitial here he tolerates it for now.

"Yes, as my associate said the choice is yours. You know what brought us here. The real question is what do you want?" he says trying to add some level of what they're trying to his own tone without suggesting that he was available... he'd rather not have to explain to them that or electrocute them if they're overly insistant.

Nekura ends up giving a loud moan when Otto goes Psi on her ass by slapping it while she's busy wiggling it in the hyena's direction. Of course this probably just makes the whole thing all the more pointful since the Nightmare doesn't have much of a bubblebutt due to the fact she's always walking at the Red Court from table to table to wait on customers. Unable to resist teasing poor Bridget now that it's obvious she's into girls as well the mare leans forward and whispers, "How good are you at keeping your balance while standing?" After all if she didn't add that standing part it'd be too easily mistaken for an innocent inquiry! "My hooves are great for these purposes after all," she adds.

Howard is confused. Bridget is torn between being offended and incredibly attracted. It appears that there's not much immediate resolution to Otto's display, as she balls her fists up, and a bulge appears in the front of the skirt. This tension resolves as first Mokou then Nekura make their advances, there's a very deep desperation in Bridget's eyes and she seems to be trying to resist giving in to them.

Howard leans more towards rage. "JESUS FUCK. Are you fuckers trying to get some solar panels, or sex?" He screams up towards the sky.

At the mention of solar panels a rustling can be heard behind the bushes. Two giant robots walk out from their hiding spot. The first is red. The second is blue and green.

The red one says, "Brother, we must do something. They wish to harness the power of the sun for their own uses!"

The blue and green one acts shocked, "Egad Sister!" There's a pained component to its booming tinny voice, "We must stop them at any cost!"

They jump up into the air, and fall back down landing as Ebreus was probably going for, right to the side of the two groups.

"Do you have anything to say for yourselves?" The red one says. The green one sneers and lets out a single chuckle, "These sort of scum never have anything worth saying Sister!" The red one sighs, "Brother, remember the TENETS OF JUSTICE." The blue green one sighs, "You are correct Sister! So give us your defense you S C U M!"

"What the fuck is going on here?" Howard yells.

"We are POLICE ROBOTS sent by HIGH COMMAND" The red one exclaims, flashing what might once have been a slightly mediocre cosplay-costume badge.

"Weare here to ENSURE JUSTICE AMONG ALL PEOPLES" The green and blue one says, "You mustn't keep the sun for yourself.That would starve the earth of light and heat and energy. Without those things, there's no room for love or friendship!"

"I am Officer Akihiko Togo!" The green and blue one exclaims!

"I am Officer Akihiko Izumi!" The red one follows up.

"And We are here to stop you villians!"

The jackal shakes his head and growls really loudly. "Every, GOD DAMN, FUCKING TIME!" he snarls through clenched jaws. *crack* go his knuckles as he glares at the nearest of the three robots "You go to buy one fucking thing and there's always a pack of clowns to stand in your FUCKING..." *SMASH* his hand digs deep into the blue robot's metalic exterior "...WAY!" the loud sounds of metal bending and shattering follows as the jackal yanks out a heavy slab of metal, being knocked back by the reaction of the robot, but able to stabilize himself nonetheless. He tosses the metal aside and draws a quartet of unnaturally glowing blades from his wrists and assumes a fighting stance. "That was the only warning you'll get. Fuck off, or die."

Mokou's warm grin shifted for a brief moment, looking back towards Howard as he seems to grow furious. A question offered, and a legitimant answer given. "We are here for the manaul and panels lad. The other... well... That's just an enjoyable aside. If you would rather discuss the terms of a food exchange or of a mechanisitc bargining however and a-"

The lass paused mid sentence, her brow furrowing deeply before looking back towards the new appearences. The very... very large appearances. Her ears folded back upon themselves as the two large hams began to espouse... a deep misunderstanding of what a solar pannel was. Looking back to Otto, a sigh fell from her lips. Otto and Ebreus there... Herself and Nekura... The lass reached up and began to rub the space between the crux of her muzzle, trying to hold something of a smile upon her maw. Pity it was growing... a touch sharp. "I will get back with you two in a swift moment, okay Howard? You two Bridget..." And then... she turned to the bots. "Dears, I do believe... you mistake what a solar pannel does. Harness the power of the sun? Yes. Yes it does." How to present it in a way that would... be clear. Especially to some twenty or so foot tall mechazoid "Much the same way a tree does though. No magical spear thrown at the sun to make it explode. No eternal night for the rest of the world. It just. Sits there."

The lass stood there, quietly explaining this fact to the three mechanical monstrocities... with little regard that Otto had lept over and all but ripped off the metalic chest of the first bot. Infact, that simply made her smile a touch grim. "So then... Sweeties... We aren't trying to steal the sun. Nor all its energy. We are just going to use what is there... And if you aren't okay with that? Well..." A touch of a grin, "Otto, my precious mate, just ripped off part of your chest with his bare hands. He shoots. Ebreus is a condensed monster made of bullets teeth and hate towards the nanite world. Nekura? Nekura will grab you and you won't want her to let go. Me? Hon... I'll reach in, crawl through your circitry and wiring in your chest, and pull out your still beating amalgamation that was once your heart." A touch of a smile... "Then, I'll sell that, and what is left for scrap, for the pannels. Have to stay effiencet after all." A half step closer, the lass still clasping her hands over her chest. "So with that... I would really recommend you leave. The option won't be there for long."

Ebreus watches the lewd display for a few moments before the robots emerge. With the arrival of this new obstical he bursts into laughter... only he'd know it's suppose to be an imitation of a famous laugh though it doesn't sound much like it. With the sound of deforming metal he stops laughing and aims his Solar Rifle with his upper hands as electricity arcs acrost his Power Armor. He maintains a sinister grin on his face as he steps over to the nearest of the Giant Robots in the midst of Ottos warning and Mokous explaination. Just as Mokou mentions he is condensed he begins to expand... growing to near the size of the robots as he grabs the red one by the heal he brings the leg to about croch level of the robot and with his other hand begins to apply pressure to the robots knee... in a way that couldn't possibly be comfortable if Giant Robots have kneecaps. "Now both my associates have warned you that fighting isn't in your best interest. If you want to keep this leg attatched then surrender." he states in a firm matter-of-fact tone.

Nekura decides that the best part of valor is for her to hide behind Bridget while the rest of the group pick apart the robots. She's a lover/healer after all. Plus there's the fact she's pretty sure she'd just destroy her own fingerclaws trying to scratch the robots.

Otto's attempt to remove the arm of the blue and green one (Togo) is unsuccessful, instead removing the outer layer of armor from Togo's hand. He screams, "AUHAAHUHAHUHUAHUHUHAUAHUAHUAHUAHUAH!"(this is best rendered as static from an old CRT set, or the scream of the drunk demo-man, either is acceptable but I prefer the latter). The robot manages to flick Otto off of his hand, but it is apparently not fun.

Izumi, on the other hand, responds with utter rage, "You vile scum! This was not how it needed to happen!" There is a click as the missile battery extends from the back of her torso, "So go to hell all of you! Justice cannot endure the thugs that attack it without thought. Thus you must die!"

Mokou's intimidation works wonders. Stopping this in her tracks, briefly, "We cannot be intimidated. WE WERE MADE WITHOUT FEAR!" Izumi says, more to herself than anyone else. She clearly ate her own pasta. "Wait. You don't need to take over the sun?"

Izumi considers this for a moment, "Then this isn't season four!" She calls out to Togo, "Togo, These aren't actually galactic terrorists trying to steal the sun. We should let them be."

Togo is grasping at his hand, finally managing to collect himself, "Fine sister. Apologies you terrifying little assholes."

Izumi is not exactly pleased to find Ebreus pushing their kneecap the wrong way, but since it doesn't work, she responds reasonably cooly, "Citizen, could you please stop that?"

The two bow at the group once everyone has unclasped from them, "Apologies from both of us and the Planetary Police Services. Feel free to contact us later on if you need something. We truly jumped the gun here. Sorry."

They fuck off without another word. Thank god.

Howard is more or less accepting everything that just happened. "So... I'll ask for 20000 creds. I was going to ask for more. But since nothing goes our way, I guess we'll just have to settle." Howard sighs, voice breaking as he attempts to hold back a sob, "Fuck me. I'm not cut out for this."

Bridget pulls Nekura up and gives her a kiss, "Now as much as I'd like to stick around for a while with you and that delectable Jackal, I'm afraid my associate needs some counseling. He was too serious coming into this, and he's always like that. He'll feel better eventually, and I really hope that you don't hold this behavior against him."

She joins Howard and whispers to him. He smiles at her and nods, "I've reconsidered, I think a price of 35k creds is reasonable. For the manual and the location of the solar panels. Does this sound acceptable to you all? Thanks for taking care of those robots. That was fucking weird."

The jackal raises both brows and re-holsters his claws. He adjusts his cuffs and dusts himself off, looking over at Mokou with a newfound... respect? Was that a glance of subtle terror? Pride? Shock? ...it was an awkward mish-mash of the various emotions. "Well, that was uhh... anticlimactic." he sighs and shakes his head, then looks over to Howard. "Sure, here you go." the canine sighs and forks over the creds with a few bleeps of his comm unit. Whatever mood he had before to get busy with Bridget was... well, pretty much gone now. Bloodlust had a way of forcefully shredding your cernal desires, did it not? If anything, the jackal looked disappointed... if only just subtly.

Otto spends 35000 Freecred for RP reasons.

Mokou quietly breathed a sigh. Relief, exhasperation, or what have you... it was difficult to make out. But, a sigh none the less as the creatures left. The fennec lass let her shoulders drop as she turned back towards the couple, offering a halfhearted smile back. After all... Well... didn't matter. "That's... not a problem Bridget. Life here effects us all differently. Sometimes... just getting down to buisness is what it is about after all." She walked back over, neither expressing something enjoyable nor deplorable. Simply... drained for the moment. "Hey, thanks though that we could come to a deal." A dry chuckle... "Even if not exactly what might have been intended. I am... glad for it though. Perhaps another time then... Perhaps... another time."

Ebreus smiles much more geniuinely, not as if the smile was intended as an intimidation tactic, as the robots get the picture that fighting them is, as he just said, not in their best interest... at least by means of being a waist of time. He releaves the pressure on Izumi's knee and then releaces the heel of the robot. "Right, well we won't press charges this time." he says as the robots head out. He nods at the first price given to them but then as Bridgit reconsiders his squints at them, "We just-" he says before Otto pays the asked for price. He sighs and says, "Well enjoy your money and good luck in getting a Turkey." He aproaches the book as he returns to normal size, "Now I believe the location of the solar facility was included with the book, yes?" he continues

Nekura just goes ;_; when Bridget hugs her and goes towards Howard to console him. She is no longer Senpai it seems. The marew walks over towards the others when they get the book and is definitely not driven into Rut because she doesn't even have a cock right now gosh.

"The solar installation. Yes. It's out in the edges of the Freehaven Wasteland. There's an address written on the inside cover of that manual. It's dangerous out there. Weirdly quiet." Howard says, "I don't know about you, but I could go for a drink, I have a few extra drinks stashed around here, if you want to partake. Sorry if I came off as an asshole though."

Bridget returns to Nekura after having firmed up Howard's resolve, "I think I might stick around for just a little bit, if you're still interested?"

The jackal shrugs and puts his comm unit away. He felt... like he needed a drink... really badly. There was a profound void he wanted to fill, as if he'd expected something but it... hadn't come. But... what? "I could use a drink, to go or for here... I dunno." he sighs and looks over towards his group. "You guys wanna have a cold one before we go?"

Mokou simply shook her head, gently sighing as she gazed over to the side, trying on a smile that felt too thin for her. "Something... yeah. Something else. A drink would be nice. A drink. A chat. Just..." she shook her head, moving to stand, "Fine, I'll grab a drink with you if you wish. Just... Yeah."

Ebreus raises an eyebrow at the Hyenas then as Otto accepts the offer he hums as he considers. "I guess I could say for a while." he says. He takes a breath and double checks his gear... nothing came loose and of couse nothing should have with a simple little thing like that.

When asked if she's still interested Nekura goes *_* and ends up hugging Bridget against her front though this time she goes to squeeze and fondle their rump. "Yes please," she murmurs into the ear nearest her muzzle. The Nightmare is sure the 'yena will be quite pleased learning she has lots of practice taking canine knots, too. Of course the other girl could also feel how pokey her nipples are right now from arousal, too, and if she found their counterparts poking back through that dress she makes to grind them over one another.

Howard smiles at the prospect of company. "I'll be back in just a bit." He jumps into a shrub. Weird amount of energy there.

Bridget is quite happy at the attention, albeit somewhat misdirected. This isn't the sort of Penetrative sex SHE wants. Of course, she doesn't know about Nekura's experience taking canine knots, but since Hyenas are Feliforms, that won't help. She forgot her strap-on of course, she thinks to herself. But She might have to just accept this. The rump fondling though, that's A-okay. She murrs softly, "Oh. That's. Nice." Her voice trails off as she grows erect once again, she'll accept it this time. But maybe her goal should be elsewhere. "Let's keep going"

Howard returns from inside the bush much like he left it, jumping outwards this time. How odd.%He has a pack of brewskies, with a husky on the bottle. How fitting, "How's this for everyone's taste?"

The jackal nods and offers a faint smile as his friends come around for a drink as well. He lifts the offered drink and offers a toast. "Here's to another day of running errands for Zephyr." a notion loaded with a tinge of melancholy, if coated with sugary warmth. As for what follows? The jackal likely converses idly with the others and enjoys his beverage. Not much to call home about.

Watching the hyena hop off into the bushes, Mokou shook her head, hanging down for a moment. Silent wars were fought in the gulf between moments before she stood, long before Howard had returned. "Pardon, just... need to get out then. Twas a ... delight. Take care."

Ebreus watches the Hyenas as Howard goes about disappearing into a bush and then reappearing. He makes mental note not to allow things to hide from his perception in foliage in the future. He hangs out with Otto and the Hyenas for some time... about the time it takes Howard to get through one beer or maybe two then excuses himself and departs.

Nekura ends up moaning rather lewdly into the other mutant's ears when those paws grab her own butt. For having fillies she doesn't seem to have much padding back there. However when she senses the other girl's hesistance she ends up panting, "Want me to stab you first?" into their ears, rubbing her hips along the shaft already poking into her belly. Likely about to be asked how she would do that the Nightmare pulls out her carnal equalizer and holds it in Bridget's view, grinning all the while to indicate this was her answer to seemingly being pokey-parts-less.

"I think so." Bridget says. She's always been a bit of a size queen, and regardless of the fact that she was of no small girth herself, the idea of taking a horse cock was appealing. A dark spot formed on the skirt where her rod poked, "Oh god. I didn't know it was possible to need somethign so much."

With that Nekura goes to put the carnal equalizer on her belly just above her pussy and causes her sheath to form. Unsurprisingly the thing is quite warm, too, though the thing likely to make poor Bridget most numb in the mind is the strong Rut scent that radiates from the herm. She wastes no time in grabbing the other girl's dress at this point and simply yanks it right off with a firm tug, tossing the garment aside and hugging their bare bodies together. This time however she uses the hold on that booty to lift the mutantyena upwards over her sheath's opening.. right in time for the flare to start coming free! Luckily for the other herm the flesh is all wet with prelube though that just probably means she gets stuffed pretty deeply before she manages to clench down, too!

With a grunt, and a lot of surprise, and a fair bit more tightness than Nekura had probably expected, Bridget takes the rod, more or less. She has not had the opportunity to do much in this regards until now, so it should be of little surprise that her endurance is minuscule and she comes within a thrust or two. "Keep on going!"

Meanwhile Nekura's tail flicks her own female arousal at the other herm again and again. It was fun tormenting a partner like this after all since her desire to take their pole next was usually about as strong as her one to plow them. Then again even if the poor 'yeen faints on her she won't likely miss her chance to ride them even if the poor thing is unconscious during the whole event. When they cum for her the Nightmare groans and bears it, shoving deeper and deeper into the poor thing's pussy. It reminded her of the first time she had her own pussy splayed by a big cock. Speaking of big the mare wraps one of her paws around Bridget's peen and starts jerking on it evvery time she thrusts up into them.

With that kind of enthusiasm, it was not hard to get the yeen peen back up to full mast with a little bit of stroking. The yeen is not particuarly close to fainting though. Nekura is great, but the sensation isn't nearly that bad or strong. It is just in the right place for Bridget to enjoy it. "Oh!" escapes the Yeen's mouth as she comes again. Wow. Still a short shot.

And to think Nekura isn't even fully sheathed inside Bridget yet. When she cums again the peen is frozen in its penetration though when she keeps relaxing between contractions it immediately slides deeper and deeper. Finally the flar nears the other herm's cervix though with all the fluids coating it and how much she's been enjoying it so far the Nightmare tries to push past with a roll of her dark hips. With her tip up in their womb the hermmare moans loudly and lewdly from the sensation, finally adding her first load of lube into the speared girl's womb. The fluid is pretty warm, not painfully so, but Bridget imagines if she keeps getting filled with the stuff it'll make her sweat pretty soon. Meanwhile the paw on her cock gets rougher, tuggier, pulling up on the head when she sheathes in hopes of making it perhaps spray a load of lube forth to match her own.