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<div></div><br> <br>Pent lounges in the lobby, glancing around at the assorted people. Today was shaping up to be a reasonably boring day for the seemingly-human girl.<br> <br>What an annoying fellow, spamming innocent agents with various text messages on their communicators. "Now ya do what they told ya," it keeps spamming, over and OVER AND OVER until one finally blocks those messages for good. From all three factions comes a dispatch to the spammer's location where the group will rendezvous ASAP in order to investigate this rather strange disturbance. 94.9 FM Fairhaven Radio, a variety station from way back when, better days where radio waves filled the skies when their invisible splendor. However, considering the ruin and decay, the place has seen better days.<br> <br>Her day had been going well enough for the most part, the missions had been going smoothly, the ferals had lain in a puddle of their own messy entrails, and blood and the place Sara had been ordered to clear out for the scavengers had been emptied.  "Sara Averith, heading out.  Place is clear.." she states to the opened comm link to whoever had sent her as she walks on over to a ruined car-- atleast for the moment.  A couple steps further and the illusion fades revealing a cbr 1000rr in still relatively good condition.  "Heading home.. I expect a decent pay for this one.." she finishes before climbing onto the bike, and roaring off into the city.  A couple blocks down and a loud song begins playing, atleast it's one line, over and over again.  The act catches the ex-soldier off guard and sends her swerving for a moment, but luckilly not into anything.  "What the hell was that?" she shouts over the music, hopefully getting to someone that could answer just that question.  "God damn it's annoying! Stop!" she shouts again, holding her head, trying to block the noise from the internal comm-unit.<br> <br>Today was getting along nicely, no urgent need for samples meant that Pent could spend all day at the lobby, at least until the message spam and subsequent call to arms went out over the radio. But of course, actually responding was more a case of wanting to get out and do something rather than she had to. She stood a few buildings down from the radio station, all rugged up in her coat and awaiting whoever else turned up.<br> <br>Arriving at a dead out thruster assisted run, Cerris has cast stealth to the winds seeing as the culprit in this case clearly wasn't hiding himself.  Cutting power shortly before reaching personal range of the others gathering and then gradualy coming in from jog to stroll.   
<div></div><br>What an annoying fellow, spamming innocent agents with various text messages on their communicators. "Now ya do what they told ya," it keeps spamming, over and OVER AND OVER until one finally blocks those messages for good. From all three factions comes a dispatch to the spammer's location where the group will rendezvous ASAP in order to investigate this rather strange disturbance. 94.9 FM Fairhaven Radio, a variety station from way back when, better days where radio waves filled the skies when their invisible splendor. However, considering the ruin and decay, the place has seen better days.<br> <br>Her day had been going well enough for the most part, the missions had been going smoothly, the ferals had lain in a puddle of their own messy entrails, and blood and the place Sara had been ordered to clear out for the scavengers had been emptied.  "Sara Averith, heading out.  Place is clear.." she states to the opened comm link to whoever had sent her as she walks on over to a ruined car-- atleast for the moment.  A couple steps further and the illusion fades revealing a cbr 1000rr in still relatively good condition.  "Heading home.. I expect a decent pay for this one.." she finishes before climbing onto the bike, and roaring off into the city.  A couple blocks down and a loud song begins playing, atleast it's one line, over and over again.  The act catches the ex-soldier off guard and sends her swerving for a moment, but luckilly not into anything.  "What the hell was that?" she shouts over the music, hopefully getting to someone that could answer just that question.  "God damn it's annoying! Stop!" she shouts again, holding her head, trying to block the noise from the internal comm-unit.<br> <br>Today was getting along nicely, no urgent need for samples meant that Pent could spend all day at the lobby, at least until the message spam and subsequent call to arms went out over the radio. But of course, actually responding was more a case of wanting to get out and do something rather than she had to. She stood a few buildings down from the radio station, all rugged up in her coat and awaiting whoever else turned up.<br> <br>Arriving at a dead out thruster assisted run, Cerris has cast stealth to the winds seeing as the culprit in this case clearly wasn't hiding himself.  Cutting power shortly before reaching personal range of the others gathering and then gradualy coming in from jog to stroll.   
"Colonel Voss on the scene, commencing mission directive."   
"Colonel Voss on the scene, commencing mission directive."   
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"Hilarious," the guard says without a hint of humor in his voice. "But what we're really looking for i-" The guard stops his speech after feeling something poke into his hip, nodding and taking the folder into his hands. "Hmm..." After riffling through it, he picks out the picture and nods. "I see, this is the one alright. In f-" Klutz! The guard drops the file upon the floor, but what's more interesting is a small note from within, which the guard picks up and reads.  
"Hilarious," the guard says without a hint of humor in his voice. "But what we're really looking for i-" The guard stops his speech after feeling something poke into his hip, nodding and taking the folder into his hands. "Hmm..." After riffling through it, he picks out the picture and nods. "I see, this is the one alright. In f-" Klutz! The guard drops the file upon the floor, but what's more interesting is a small note from within, which the guard picks up and reads.  
"Tell the truth. We want the CEO to tell the truth about P-Day. We want the CEO to tell the world more about what things he's hiding. We aren't sheep. There are more, and there will be more. - Guerrilla Radio."<br> <br>"ssShit!" Alastor growls as they try to get away. He darts forward, recursing to hydra as he goes to be smaller and more fluid in his motions, let alone to get into tighter spaces. "W-wait!" He moves full-speed trying to keep up with them, specifically the head wolf.<br> <br>Pent blinks as Alastor runs off after the wolves, she sighs "Shouldn't of worn heels today..."<br> <br>Arano sighs a bit and says, "Great... another good message ruined by terrorists..." There is some uncertainty in his voice, the reality is he took no issue with the motivation, but the METHOD is the problem...<br> <br>Cerris vanishes into the night with his catch, the sound and light of jet engines marking his path tot he horizon.<br> <br>As Alastor keeps being so gosh darn persistant, the wolf blows out a sharp whistle, where other wolves soon file in, about ten in number to stare down the water hydra. "Our chat is over. Please leave. We don't want to get violent now."<br> <br>Alastor doesn't like the looks of this confrontation. If only more agents had stayed behind. He might be able to hold out till Pent showed up and he could call for his companion... Still he did not like violence either. He got fierce though. All four heads hissed, "You're not the only oness that hate Zephyr! You don't think I can't ssmell an agenda?" He squared off and stayed in defensive. "I'm seriouss that'd I'd like to help in some fashion!"
"Tell the truth. We want the CEO to tell the truth about P-Day. We want the CEO to tell the world more about what things he's hiding. We aren't sheep. There are more, and there will be more. - Guerrilla Radio."<br> <br>"ssShit!" Alastor growls as they try to get away. He darts forward, recursing to hydra as he goes to be smaller and more fluid in his motions, let alone to get into tighter spaces. "W-wait!" He moves full-speed trying to keep up with them, specifically the head wolf.<br> <br>Pent blinks as Alastor runs off after the wolves, she sighs "Shouldn't of worn heels today..."<br> <br>Arano sighs a bit and says, "Great... another good message ruined by terrorists..." There is some uncertainty in his voice, the reality is he took no issue with the motivation, but the METHOD is the problem...<br> <br>Cerris vanishes into the night with his catch, the sound and light of jet engines marking his path tot he horizon.<br> <br>As Alastor keeps being so gosh darn persistant, the wolf blows out a sharp whistle, where other wolves soon file in, about ten in number to stare down the water hydra. "Our chat is over. Please leave. We don't want to get violent now."<br> <br>Alastor doesn't like the looks of this confrontation. If only more agents had stayed behind. He might be able to hold out till Pent showed up and he could call for his companion... Still he did not like violence either. He got fierce though. All four heads hissed, "You're not the only oness that hate Zephyr! You don't think I can't ssmell an agenda?" He squared off and stayed in defensive. "I'm seriouss that'd I'd like to help in some fashion!"<br> <br>The wolves growl at Alastor's resistance, a few pulling out pistols and laser rifles, some even taking a more melee approach with simple knives. "Please leave. This is the last time we say so. Else, we'll be in our right to express self-defense. We haven't harmed you and don't desire too, but you'll leave us no choice if you continue this path."<br> <br>Alastor pulled back slowly. "You foolss are going to get yourselves killed and for what?" He said and then his mouths collectively roiled with a dark substance, he blasted shadow breath at (not on) them and back-tracked quickly hoping to keep a beat on them as he hid round the corner of the alley.[[Category:RPLogs]]

Latest revision as of 08:44, 10 November 2013





What an annoying fellow, spamming innocent agents with various text messages on their communicators. "Now ya do what they told ya," it keeps spamming, over and OVER AND OVER until one finally blocks those messages for good. From all three factions comes a dispatch to the spammer's location where the group will rendezvous ASAP in order to investigate this rather strange disturbance. 94.9 FM Fairhaven Radio, a variety station from way back when, better days where radio waves filled the skies when their invisible splendor. However, considering the ruin and decay, the place has seen better days.

Her day had been going well enough for the most part, the missions had been going smoothly, the ferals had lain in a puddle of their own messy entrails, and blood and the place Sara had been ordered to clear out for the scavengers had been emptied. "Sara Averith, heading out. Place is clear.." she states to the opened comm link to whoever had sent her as she walks on over to a ruined car-- atleast for the moment. A couple steps further and the illusion fades revealing a cbr 1000rr in still relatively good condition. "Heading home.. I expect a decent pay for this one.." she finishes before climbing onto the bike, and roaring off into the city. A couple blocks down and a loud song begins playing, atleast it's one line, over and over again. The act catches the ex-soldier off guard and sends her swerving for a moment, but luckilly not into anything. "What the hell was that?" she shouts over the music, hopefully getting to someone that could answer just that question. "God damn it's annoying! Stop!" she shouts again, holding her head, trying to block the noise from the internal comm-unit.

Today was getting along nicely, no urgent need for samples meant that Pent could spend all day at the lobby, at least until the message spam and subsequent call to arms went out over the radio. But of course, actually responding was more a case of wanting to get out and do something rather than she had to. She stood a few buildings down from the radio station, all rugged up in her coat and awaiting whoever else turned up.

Arriving at a dead out thruster assisted run, Cerris has cast stealth to the winds seeing as the culprit in this case clearly wasn't hiding himself. Cutting power shortly before reaching personal range of the others gathering and then gradualy coming in from jog to stroll.

"Colonel Voss on the scene, commencing mission directive."

His words are broadcasted both to the local area as well to his home base so CIC can't keep tabs on his progress and offer hints as required for his limited skill set.

A recognizable pair of twins could be seen running from rooftop to rooftop, one just ahead, the other just behind following in sync with their twin. The two of them had been using their PDA as a kind of scanner, looking for any interesting broadcasts or messages that poped up. The only real danger being the occasonal airborne Feral.Today there was nothing, well untill the massive wave of nothing but one message. A good a lead as any, they decide to take off and head twoards the source.

Edel saunters out of an alley and down the street towards the radio station, twirling a combination wrench on her finger as if it were a revolver. Being interrupted while working wasn't much of a big deal. Not like it was a pressing issue, anyway. She WAS, however, curious as to what the reasoning for the spam was, and, ever eager to indulge in her curiosity, it was only a matter of time before she found herself outside of the door.

Flying in from above, a large and shiny solar dragon makes a perfect landing. His day had been very DULL for the most part, nothing really to do except poke around, and had been dealing with that text spam all goddamn day. When a location was finally broadcasted he dropped what he was doing and flew off towards the location as quickly as his wings would carry him. It was a radio station... for some reason, the message of 'Now ya do what they told ya' combined with a radio station triggered a faint memory, like something about it was familiar. Eh, he'll put it together later, for now he'd join the gathering party and find out who was broadcasting the message... and potentially get some phat lewts in the process! God did he miss video games...

"W-wait u-up! Haa haaahh." Alastor called out to Arano. The dragon had just bolted and taken off from the Zephyr Lobby. Alastor had noticed the text spam, and decided to go along to see what this was about. He had recursed to wyvern form to fly and catch up, but his form was too big to fly much. He just had to jump and glide from building to building. By the time he caught up to Arano he was completely winded and his long tail was flailing about.

Now that all the agents have arrived, there remains only one thing left to do! The building has certainly seen some better days. The once bold sign that declared to all passersby in a proud fashion "94.9 FM FAIRHAVEN RADIO" is now nothing more than a bleak mess, entire chunks missing from the letters and the brilliant luster taken away by grime and predatory nanites. Only four stories tall, each window is barred with the powers of iron, indicating that someone or a group of individuals have taken refuge inside. But beyond that... Silence.

The two glass doors on the building's front beg for attention, allowing those around to peer inside if they desire. An ordinary lobby it seems to be, made to ensure the admiration of those interested in the radio station if they decided to visit. Unlike the outside of the building, the lobby seems much nicer by comparison, but the plague of dust and scattered furniture can't be ignored.

Pent glances around at the assembled agents "Well, looks like we've got a veritable angry mob going on here." She laughs softly before stopping herself "Well, shall we head in?"

Arano glances back to the tired wyvern and smiles guiltily, "Yah, sorry about that... don't know how I got so fast... practice I guess. And sorry about taking off so quickly, I'm really curious about what's going on here." He then glances towards the door and steps up closer, peering inside, looking around for any hint of traps or things of that nature, in response to Pent's comment the solar dragon remarks, "Not really angry, just curious..." as he looks he seems to be humming some half-remembered tune... damn it, how did that song go again?

As soon as the text message had stopped, and the directions to the source of the disturbance found, the sound of squealing tires pours through the relatively empty streets as Sara turns in place and drives off towards the radio station. "Finally!" she states, still annoyed by whatever that was, a feeling that only gradually decreases as she drives through the streets and to the radio station. Eventually she arrives and notices she had not been alone, instead finding a few people, agents no doubt, waiting there. "Uh.. hi." she states as she gets off the motorcycle and sets the illusion up once more. "You all here for the same reason I'm guessing? Annoying text message and all that?" she soon just shrugs and looks to the glass doors, and the darkened hallways within. Noticing a large amount of dust settled down, and not willing to try anything, the ex-soldier reaches into her satchel and pulls a rebreather, quickly affixing it to her mouth before stepping past the threshold. "Song?" Sara asks as she walks, "What song?"

Edel can't be too bothered to fish out her own rebreather, so she just tugs up the excess fabric of her cloak that hangs around her neck, using it to cover her muzzle. "I'm just curious why anyone is here. I don't really care to make them stop, or anything." She gives a polite smile and a nod to Cerris.

The twins land on the roof of the building, peering down from atop. One jumps down to the others to see what was going on. "I don't really like this. This could be a trap by some madman. Look at the windows." The twin points at said windows.

Cerris knew the song all too well, it was ananthem for anarchistic punks all over despite the wording having meant more about free thought to him as opposed to civil disobedience...either way it had been often used against military control. Perhaps that was made him walk forward like a bull, a nod given to Edel before his hands grasp the handles of the door.

"Now breaching the perimeter."

Just like that he was heading in, making a beeline toward the opposite end of the lobby, intending to head upstairs without much in the way of delay.

Pent shrugs "So we heading in or do we all need to search the glass doors for pressure plates some more?" she says before noticing Cerris heading in and follows

As soon as Cerris opens the door, a very loud... SQUEAK of rusty hinges fills the area, rather than an awful explosive trap. Agents are always so jumpy these days. The air is stale and dusty, but such an environment is more common than not in places such as these, so it should come as to no surprise when the wizardry of air conditioning hasn't blessed a place in years.

Noting the exosuit creature thing entering the door, Arano quickly shrugs and says, "I vote we follow the walking tin can - seems putting the giant piece of metal between us and potential danger is a good idea," he nods to himself at his flash of ABSOLUTE BRILLIANCE *snicker snort* and follows Cerris in. He doesn't ready his weapon just yet because... well, kicking down somebody's door with gun in hand sets up a BAD impression.

CaseyRune jumps down from the roof to join their twin. "No way in on the roof." Their twin spends no time placing face firmly in palm. Casey sighs. "Well, I guess that works." The two still look like their expecting something. Though they follow behind the others.

Sara's cold hazel gaze watches as Cerris pushes past her and slowly shakes her head in disdain before turning back to the glass doorway, and stepping out into the city once more. Once outside again, Sara blows a shrill whistle and waits for a second before the cry of a hawk answers her in return, "Wait outside for me!" she shouts to it, "Make sure nothing comes in without my knowing about it!" she continues before going back into the building. Along the way to catch up Sara pulls a handgun from the holster on her shoulder and flicks the small pistol mounted flashlight on, illuminating the way.

Edel folds her arms behind her head and trots after Cerris. "This should prove interesting, if nothing else! I look forward to seeing what we find here." Her own sword remains in its scabbard upon the back of her hips.

Pent glances around the lobby, coughing a slightly at the layer of dust on everything "You sure this is the right place? Looks like noone's been here for years."

Alastor grins down at Arano as he huffs and follows after the Solar dragon as he enters. It took a bit of bending down and he had to tuck his wings tightly but he made it through. When others entered he pulled his massive length of tail about him and watched with interest. He kept a scaled claw over his snout to block the dust. He grinned and waved his other claw to Edel as she entered.

For those inside who took careful ear of the environment around them, them being Arano, Sara, and Casey, they would hear the muffled sounds of a few people talking. Most likely male considering the tone of their voice. It's hard to make out exactly what they're saying, but it's probably two people, and the voices were getting closer and closer to the stairs!

Arano glances towards the hybrid of so many different critters it's hard for him to identify exactly what Pent is, then he shrugs and says, "Well... transmission had to come from somewhere... and the giant transmitter seems like a good place to start." He glances back towards Alastor and asks, "You all right there?" he smirks as he makes the inquiry, slightly enjoying the minor struggle before the wyvern makes it in. He seems about to continue when he hears the voices getting closer, and immediately shuts up, glancing up the stairs... he considers hiding but then decides that 'shiny scales' doesn't mix well with stealth and just finds himself some cover and stands near it: if things go bad, he can immediately duck, if things go OK, then he doesn't look like he was hiding for no reason.

Sara says, "Hey! You!" Sara calls to Cerris under her voice obviously not recognizing the man in his current form, "Get back! Someone's coming!" her voice is kept low, making sure that only Cerris was able to hear, while the others coming would be left out of the loop."

Picking up speed as he approaches the stairs, his thrusters warming up so that he can take the first flight in a single bound, intending to bypass anything not a motion activated device, eager to search the next floor. The call for pause has him cut thrust and rotate into a position with his back to the wall. Tough he does try to get quietly into a position to see who might be coming.

With a warning given, and not willing to be caught by whoever had been coming down the stairs, Sara presses firmly up against the wall and closes her eyes, letting an illusory field cascade down her form to blend seamlessly in with the wall behind her.

Arano looks at everybody hiding and decides he may as well follow suit: well, suppose it works if it turns out these people are hostile, and if they're not... well they'll totally trust the strangers breaking and entering and rummaging around their place and acting like they totally shouldn't be there now won't they? Following along he finds himself a piece of furniture to duck behind - at least it was night out so he wasn't shining like a beacon or something...

Alastor regained his breath after a bit and was a little oblivious when everyone started moving to cover. Alastor blinked and jerked over to Arano ducking low and trying to make himself as small as possible. "Ah, I'm alright, Just too damn heavy for wings this size." He whispered as he looked over the dragon's shoulder.

Pent glances around and looks for somewhere to hide, she spots a couch and tries to hide behind it

Edel doesn't really bother to hide with any haste, sighing softly before shuffling off, looking for a dark corner to lurk in.

The talking started getting louder and louder as the pair approaches the peak of the stairs for the lobby. To Alastor and Cerris, who had their ears and eyes out for information, they hear nothing too special.

"So what did you think about that tea," they hear.

"Positively wonderful. With a spot of sugar, it simply drove my taste buds wild!"

The pair laugh as they finally walk down the stairs, clearly in view. Two wolf beasts dressed in nothing but red robes and armed with... pipes? They don't see anyone for the most part, but they focus their eyes on Pent and begin laughing once more.

"Look at that one," one says to the other.

"Might want to work on your hide and seek skills, chap!"

CaseyRune has at least managed to cover themselves and their twin with a flat, if nicely blended from afar picture. Like an extremely cheap Sombody Else's Problem Field. At least it kind of worked?

Pent facepalms and stands up "Yeesh, something that can speak at least. Sorry about coming in but it's getting a little damp outside and... Well, place looked abandoned enough." she steps from behind the couch, stretching slightly "As I said, sorry."

Edel rolls her eyes and shuffles back out of the shadows with a wave and a smile. "Why are we even sneaking about, anyway? This is silly. They're probably not even hostile." She tips an imaginary hat to the robed pair. "Hello there! What was up with the funky messages?"

Okay, they only have pipes, are basically surrounded and guilty of... sending out a text? After considering things for a moment, Arano comes to the conclusion that they're all acting really fucking retarded right now and decides, rather than leaving Pent on her own, just comes out of hiding with hands open, palms out in a universal gesture of 'i'm harmless'. "And she's not alone... sorry about the break-in, but we got your text and were wondering what was going on," he said. I mean, seriously - you bust into somebody else's place and act like burglers because they sent a text? This wasn't fucking Iraq, this was california for fuck's sake...

Alastor peeks up from the couch as Arano walked out right after Edel revealed herself. There was not any real reason to stay hidden now and well, he was so large that he was sure parts of him were sticking out, but he stayed where he was. There were too many situations in his life where things seemed harmless and it turned out crazy.

As Pent begins to speak, the wolves put their pipes securely in their mouths nearly in unison, taking a nice hit of some fine tobacco and both blowing a rugged ring of smoke into the air.

"You're all so on edge," the wolf on the right comments.

"Why not calm down a little. Relax, we're all sophisticated, are we not? Just be yourselves and all that wonderful nonsense."

As more people pop out of the woodwork, the wolves laugh in unison once more and begin heading up the stairs.

"I see you're the agents they must've sent for the messages. Why not come join us, if you wish to discover the answers."

Both wolves give the group a wave and make their way up the stairs.

Pent head-tilts "Oh, well that worked better than expected."

Arano looks towards pent as he follows the duo and shrugs, "Well, all they did do was spam our comms, and it's not like it's the annoying type of spam promising to enhance the size of your junk... for that we probably would have leveled the building," he says in a joking tone. He waves to Edel and says, "Well, shall we find out what is going on here? I get the sense there is nothing more sinister going on except an attempt to bring music back to the wasteland..." he pauses for a second and then says somewhat to himself, "And damn it, I wish I could remember the name of that song!"

With the assumed threat having passed, and the wolves seeming to be friendlier than thought, Sara steps away from the wall, lets the illusion drop, and returns the pistol to its holster and follows the wolves up the stairs, "Uh.. well, that was unnexpected." Sara mumbles under her breath as she moves towards to stairs and behind the pair, "So.. who are you guys anyways?" she asks.

Edel adjusts her glasses and nods, moving to follow the wolves. "I'm curious, still, so... Sure. Let's go!"

Cerris waits until the pair of wolves comes back out of hiding his thoughts atuning to Edel's signal for a single short burst meassage before he dips into an elevator, reching up to pop the hatch and leap up to land atop the cab before reaching up to grasp the cable and start scaling hand over hand. [Alert me of the floor you end up on, I will search from the top down.]

Pent nods "Yeah, and if they do mean harm then I feel our combined effort is more than enough to beat them up I guess." she shrugs and heads up the stairs

Alastor still acts nervous and like he's expecting the roof to cave in or some horrible rape monster to come out the woodworks. He does get up from behind the couch and follows behind Edel and Arano. He stayed quiet though just trying to take in his surroundings. At the stairs he had a little trouble due to size, but his long tail banded up fluidly. (Anyone following behind will have to wait for his long tail to go by.)

CaseyRune follows the rest up the stairs, along with their twin Dropping their illusing for now. "I still don't like this" They mutter under their breath.

"We're wolves," the left one replies to Sera rather snobbishly, taking another hit from his pipe and chewing on the end. The wolves continue to walk around the building, passing by hallways and heading up more stairs until they reach floor number three. Each step brings the party, for those who follwed, closer and closer to what seems to be a broadcasting booth secured by another glass door. Peering inside, there appears to be three more wolf beasts of the same red robe caliber!

"The answers are inside. Won't you join us?" The left one asks, holding the door open for the group like a gentlewolf.

Unaware of quite how the whole mind-talky thing works, Edel instead opts to inform Cerris by tapping her comm unit thrice, though saying nothing. She hoped that would get the point across before walking into the room. "Thank you! How polite of you."

Two red robes is funny, five red robes is a cult... but still, the solar dragon was confident that between him and their companions they'd be more than enough to handle... wait, where'd the exosuit dude run off to? Still, he let himself relax a bit and stepped inside after Edel, "Thank you," he said politely, "So, what's with the red robes anyway? And I think what the young lady meant by the question 'who are you' is... well actually exactly that - the 'what' we can see rather clearly,"

A cold scoff is made as Sara follows close behind the pair, "Hmph.. I can see that!" she answers, "But you belong to any group? You free agents? Zephyr? Promethians?" Stopping just outside the doorway Sara stands beside the now opened doorway and looks inside, "Huh.. thanks." is mumbled before stepping inside, deeming the room safe.. for now.

Pent nods and carefully slips into the recording booth "So what are you guys smoking?"

"At leasst they are polite." Alastor says with a rumbling voice kept low. He really wanted some tea since they had been talking about it, but he was not keen on accepting food or drink from total strangers in red robes. He pushed his broad body through the doorway, getting his wings caught even folded so he had to lean forward on his tail to enter.

The twins hang back just outside the recording booth, one keeping an eye on the way they came, the other keeping an eye on what's happening inside. As soon as one of them tries ritual sacrifice, they are being set ablaze.

As Alastor takes in the environment around him, his nose suggests there could be a bit more wolves around that haven't shown themselves, but that's about it.

"Good good good good good!" A wolf sitting in the broadcasting booth chair behind a table chants, getting out of his seat and clapping his hands excitedly while looking at the two wolves surrounding him. "We've been expecting agents like you. We're a little... Fun club you could call it, but that's not important. You're here for something else! Those messages!"

After a throat-clearing cough, the center wolf sits back down in his chair. But first, since you're our guests, mind if I ask you all a few questions? Specifically... Zephyr."

Cerris makes his move to exit the elevator shaft on the top floor, his sensors sweeping the area for anything of note, staying low and careful, surely there was more to this place than just some potheads sending a weird message.

Edel rubs at her ears and shrugs. "Sure, why not. A few questions seem harmless. What can I help you with? I'll be honest, though, most of my work tends to be freelance."

"Don't really know much about it.." Sara responds, standing back a bit and folding her arms just around her chest, "I've not worked for them in years. Ever since their.. morals dropped to nil. I work for RSX these days." the ex-soldier states before removing a hand from her side to raise it as if beckoning something from the wolf on the other side of the window, "Now.. I answer your question. You answer mine. What was the text for?"

Pent shrugs "I'm not with Zephyr, well, not officially, I guess I still do work for them."

Arano makes room for Edel to speak, crossing his arms as he glances around, in a state between relaxed and tense, as if expecting something to jump out at him, though a nagging voice wondering 'why?' He didn't say anything, letting Edel handle things - he wasn't with Zephyr really, just sometimes took jobs from them, technically was promethean but... well... he didn't really follow any one of the factions really.

Alastor listens but he notes the smell of other wolves. He stays tight-lipped for the moment and 'casually' slithers about, smelling the room and looking about curiously. "What quesstionss then?" He finally says.

As Cerris breaches the top floor, he's met with a rather dusty and flat room filled with stale air. While the floor is filled with dust, there are squares of clean floor, indicating where boxes or crates may have been quite recently. Along with the stale air is the subtle smell of gunpowder that tickles the nose, easily recognized by those who've been around guns often.

"Zephyr... What do you all think of such an organization," he asks, leaning back in his chair. "I mean, have you all wondered that, even after all these years, ferals vastly roam, raping and beating up poor people? Only the Prometheans seems to be making any MAJOR efforts in reforming these ferals, while Zephyr simply lets the roam in and eat like happy little customers. Ferals don't voice opinions very well, do they? Well, anyways..."

"These nanites have killed millions upon million of people, but do any of you know exactly why our friends and families are dead? Who released it, and why? It was THEIR responsibility to keep such dangerous technology in check, and yet... Why isn't the Zephyr CEO talking to the public nearly every day? Why aren't YOU demanding answers from the company and the CEO? Why blindly accept missions for this stupid... Freecred!" The wolf shouts, clearly getting worked up as he rises from his seat.

Edel furrows her brow. "You're right. Zephyr doesn't take many matters into their own hands. I do not agree with them on it, but I do work for them anyway. Why? Because I can use the power and influence I gain through that so that I can do what they will not. If this is going to get cleaned up, and if Zephyr will not do it, then it falls on us, as individuals to do it. And until I can get everyone in Fairhaven to pitch in, I need all the help and resources I can get. Even if it comes from Zephyr."

Arano raises his hand slightly like he was waiting to be called on, but just says what's on his mind anyway, "Because I have no idea who the CEO of Zephyr is, because the systems by which they would be punished are unavailable, because Zephyr has a fucking army... and frankly freecred makes at least as much sense to me as slips of green paper with pictures of dead people on them," he comments. Getting out of sarcastic mode he then continues, "But anyway, I never liked Zephyr as an organization myself, but I'm more interested in hearing what you plan on doing as I suspect this isn't the sort of rage..." and in a total non-sequitor he snaps is fingers in realization, "...rage against the machine - killing in the name of, I KNEW I recognized those words..." getting back on topic, "...anyway, this doesn't sound like the kind of rage you used to get where it was just loud yelling with no action. I'm going to assume you have a plan to change things..."

"One of the reasons why I left." Sara states, her voice cold, "But they are one faction of many. I don't know much about the Promethians, but from what I have seen, the Promethians are not the only that deals with the ferals, RSX, the company I work for deals with ferals of every type, trying to cull anything harmful until there are none left. Now.." Sara mentions, "Seems you're no friend of Zephyr, well.. neither am I."

Cerris sniffs the empty spaces and the air in general, a much simpler act when using power armor than one would think. Carefully singling out Edel and then by proximity Sara, he intrudes upon their thoughts as the only soldiers or affiliated people he knows and trusts with the information. [Edel, miss Averith. Be careful, these guys have the ear marks of anarchist revolutionaries...They were either stockpiling weapons or explosives...add that to the message they sent out and I wouldn't be surprised if they had an anti-establishment rhetoric to spout as well...we may have domestic terrorists on our hands and if this is the case, I intend to kill them all...I do not take that sort alive, they just start insurection within prison populations and amidst soldiers.]

His message sent he is back in the elevator shaft, descending to the second level, his ears tot he door before moving to open it and exit.

Pent breathes deeply for a few moments "Zephyr... I don't really have anything to say that either you or the others have... I quit once I realised I was just cannon fodder to them." she stands up "If you don't want to deal in freecreds, then I am happy to trade directly if you wish..."

Alastor drops what he was doing and his eyes widen at the older wolf's querries which were laced in a rousing speech. The wyvern pauses and looks at his fellow agents as they spoke then up to the elder wolf. "I am also only loosely 'with' Zephyr anymore. It seems all of us here have little love for the megalomanical company." He says and curls his tail about him with some agitation thinking of what Zephyr had put him through.

CaseyRune shakes their head, laughing and walking into the booth. "This is rich. Do you Really think that going against Zephyr? Going against RSX? Are you that DUMB? Some might not like them but they're damn better than whatever bullshit hackeyed "manifesto" you have. You want to rule? Hah, if they can't do it what makes you think you can?"

"Oh hoh..." As the wolf listens to everyone's responses, a look of satisfaction grows over his face, soon settling back down in his chair and crossing his legs. "I see, I see... So you too all know of this... CRIME? And no, we don't have anything specifically in mind to change it, but awareness is key when it comes to changing things. Get everybody together and all that. But first, we need your help if you don't mind. I thank you for answering my questions."

The wolf leans down a bit and opens a drawer in his desk, soon pulling out a vanilla file. "It's not about ruling things, but changing them. Pointing out injustice and corruption for all to know. Don't you deserve answers as to why your family and friends could be dead? Raped? Separated? Who knows?"

Clearing his throat, the wolf continues. "We need help finding a nice young mouse that entered our establishment. He needed shelter, and we provided it as he told us his story. His parents were killed in P-Day, along with his wife and kids. And then after, raped and raped and raped... What a poor fellow... He seemed awfully depressed, as expected. We think this mouse is suicidal you see, and then he set up and we can't find him anymore!" Digging into the file, he pulls out a picture of a gray mouse with a destroyed look, hardly any life in those eyes. "We're afraid he might do something a bit desperate."

Edel frowns at the photo. "I recognize that look. I've seen it too often. I think I once wore one similar." Her arms go back, propping lazily on the ends of her weapon. "I'll see what I can do, I suppose. Finding people is my thing. Do you have any leads?"

Arano slowly began piecing things together in his mind, well not everything, just the parts pertaining to this mouse in particular, "OK, I'm going to go out on a limb and say the man is going to try charging Zephyr single-handedly and be put down... a sort of suicide by... well, corporate security I guess..." he then asks the next question, "But if this is about a poor suicidal mouse, why the rhetoric? Seems like if this was primarily about keeping somebody from doing something desperate you could have jumped right there..."

Taking a glance at the picture Sara places a hand on her chin and stares intently before asking, "He ever say where he lived? Any place he mentioned that may have seemed.. comfortable to the mouse?" she then steps away from the window and begins pacing, "You search anywhere already? Figure anything you can come up with would be a lead for now."

Breaching the second floor, Cerris moves more swiftly, everything in him told him this was an impending attack about to happen and he needed proof of where and when so he could prevent it and preempt it with his own more ferocious response.

Pent looks at the picture "I'm... I'm not sure if I can personally help, the others seem to be more than capable already."

CaseyRune's twin ends up with face in palm again. "Fuck." Casey just shakes their head again. "Crimes or not, this is not helping in the slightest. In fact, if he's going to do what I think he is, this is only going to do even more damage. I'm going back to Zephyr." Casey Turns to leave at a hurried pace.

"He's probably not that dumb," the wolf responds. "A gun fight against Zephyr would yield zero results, easily gunned down by the laser turrets and well trained guards they have, proving nothing. Doing nothing." Stuffing the picture back into the file, the wolf settles it on his lap and folds his hands. "I like to know about my mission runners, plus the messages are a bit of fun. Much more enjoyable than simply broadcasting a mission to you, no?" He chuckles, standing out his seat.

"We're not sure where, b-"

The wolf pauses in his speech and looks to his communicator as every also gets a message.

"Oh my..." he mumbles under his breath.

Edel furrows her brow and pushes up her glasses. "This is not good. I hope none of my children are there right now. We should get back there. Is there anything else you have to tell us? We should not delay."

Arano looks at his communicator as everybody gets the same message and goes, "FUCK," he then turns to leave then glances towards the group and says, "Okay, I'm going to find myself a spot on one of the upper floors that has a clear sight on the lobby, who here thinks they can talk the poor guy down? I REALLY don't want to have to pull the trigger on this one..."

CaseyRune is already gone, along with their twin. If they learn that that mouse is still alive and has killed anyone. There will be no mercy.

Pent checks her communicator, but has pretty much already started gulping based on everyone elses reactions... "We're too late aren't we?"

Sara's expression turns to one of a sour look of shock, and without saying another word, she dashes out of the room, down the stairs and out of the radio station proper. On the way to the hidden motorcycle, Sara shouts, "Nimbus! Zephyr, go there now!" before dropping the illusion and hopping on, and racing off to the building.

Alastor looks to his communicator tied to his wrist and is disturbed at the report. He shakes his head and his right claw attempts to grab at the bridge of his nose, but it's so wide he just perches his knuckles on his snout. "I'll be with you in a moment Arano." He said and then looks to the elder wolf. "He's ahlone.. and yet where did he get anything to go after Zephyr with? Even if you ahre for educating versus fighting or controlling it begs to quesstion where this mouse got his supplies from."

Arano swears a bit as he turns and stops for just a split second as a sudden thought hits him, "...where did he get the resources to do ANYTHING? I mean, between the tragedy and the rape it doesn't sound like he'd have much time for looting..." he glanced towards the wolves for a moment and decides that if there is something going on, this is a mystery for another day, "Hell, I don't have time to try and play sherlock, Edel see if you can talk him down, I'll be making my way to Zephyr," he then shoots out the door, and the second he's outside he immediately takes flight, pumping his wings for all he is worth to get as much speed as he possibly can as he races towards Zephyr.

"Well, then. Yes..." Looking at Edel, he pushes the file towards her and begins making his way towards the door. "Show them that file. I'm sure you all know what to do. Desperate men can do anything, if they try hard enough."

Wolves start opening doors and making their way out of the building, passing by Cerris without a single care as they start exiting the building.

Those nearing the Zephyr building hear alarms! Mutants outside in a panic! And two guards doing their best to direct things and organize.

Pent sighs and looks around "Well, I'm gonna help the wolves, not sure if there's anything more useful I can do directly..." stands up and follows the departing wolves

Edel takes the folder and lingers behind before trying to open a comm line to Cerris. "I do not know if these wolves are behind it, but we need to get back to Zephyr to see if we can find the one that is. Think you can get me there in a hurry?" No sooner had she finished speaking had she begun making her way back to the street.

CaseyRune moves doubletime, geting to zephyr as fast as they can, and quickly unslinging their rifle. Their twin runs ahead, scouting the area for anything that might lead to the mouse or the source of the panic.

Arano arrives at the Zephyr building in a few moments and notices one of the guards directing things there. He comes in for a quick landing and darts forward, careful to not unsling his weapon (lest he be fired upon) and rapidly asks, "What's the situation here?"

Alastor grumbles under his breath a little as Edel stayed behind. He gave a backward glance to her, but followed the elder wolf instead, staying close to him. "You never ahnswered me, Mr. Head Wolf. I am Alah-sstor by the way. I would like to know what this mousse took from you or what he might have sso I can help in a greater capaccity." He said, attempting to be as polite as possible and invested in aiding them.

Cerris had done the math, if he worked carefully, there weren't enough cultitists in the building to be too much of a problem with someone watching the door to clip stragglers. His armblades were just starting to hum as a pair of wolves came into range when Edel spoke into his ears. In moments his form is changing, cannons targeting a window framebefore his form rockets throughtwearing the barred windo like a bracket most likely, growing and picking up speed as he goes. Noting was too far away when you can be a jet.

"I'm not sure what you're talking about," replies Mr. Head Wolf. "I never said that he took anything from us, and I'm quite sure we both know what's happening here." With a wave, the wolves are all out on the streets and start filing out, going in all different directions and scattering down different streets and alleyways, and none going the direction of the Zephyr building.

After Arano talks to the guard, he slings his gun barrel towards him and speaks with an authoritative voice. "Sir, we're currently experiencing a situation. An... Explosion of sorts. We're stopping entry for now unless you know any vital information."

Having finally reached the Zephyr building Sara stops just short of the panicking ferals and hops off of the motorcycle but does not proceed further. Instead she stands by the vehicle and removes the trench coat revealing the white wings they had once hidden and drapes them atop the motorcycle. With the coat gone, and the illusion set, Sara begins flapping her wings powerfully and carries herself aloft just above the panicked crowd and towards the doorway and to the rooftop where the helipad and a second entryway had awaited.

Edel waits outside the building for Cerris, cringing a little as he blows through the window. "Come on, no time to waste! We need to get whatever is happening under control, but I don't think I need to tell you that!"

CaseyRune sets themselves up on a rooftop peering through their rifle scope, breathing steadily and ready to fire at anything if it even fliches. Their twin makes their way to the ground, going up to the guards. "Yeah we have vital info. There's a damn suicidal mouse trying to fucking bomb you. And it looks like he damn succeded. Are there any casuties?!"

Cerris circles onces, his arms dipping low as he buzzes the ground, looking to scoop up Edel and clutch her close as he raises blazes a trail to Z-HQ, his cannons spinning up in readieness for use. Scanners trained for abnormalities, weapons targeted in red with Zephor employees and other registered beings painted green [Another wolf? Red robed what is my target?]

Arano glares at the guard and growls in a very unpleasant tone, "Point that thing elsewhere unless you plan on using it..." he then glances towards CaseyRune and nods a bit, and then says out loud, "Unless the mouse WAS the bomb..." turning back towards the guard he then says, "...now, are you going to lower your piece or are you instead going to do everything you can to delay my doing everything in my power to keep very depressed rodent from bringing the house down,"

Edel clutches her glasses. "Not a wolf. A mouse. I'd show you a picture, but opening this folder in flight would end poorly. When we land, I will show you." She frowns for a moment. "May already be dead, if it was a suicide bomber."

Alastor plays dumb. "No... I don't have ah clue what iss going on anymore. Seems like your Fun Club is all in disarray." He says and looks around acting like he thought they were crappy at keeping order. Alastor keeps close to the wolf and keeps his eyes, ears, and nose open. "sSo this mouse. He the only refugee you helped? And, real curiouss here. Why are your majoirty wolves?" The wyvern questions and hopes to get some light shed on their motives.

Pent is following a wolf, most likely the one Alastor is following

CaseyRune's twin growls "IF he was, then good riddance. What a stupid move." Casey was still on a hair trigger untill the mouse was proven dead. Noone make any sudden movements.

As the wolves are heading the opposite direction of Zephyr, Cerris doesn't pick up anymore red-robbed wolves. Just normal everyday feral wolves and the occasional canine agent gathered among many others.

"Sorry," the guard replies to Arano. "We're a bit on edge, and orders have us on max suspicion." Lowering his gun, he continues and looks back at the door. "A mouse walked in, just like any other person. He seemed friendly and nice. He was even talking to various people in the lobby. Then..." The guard gives a heavy gulp and looks down. "Just pulled something under his coat and BOOM! It's... Not pretty in there. If you have any information, we could use it immediately."

The wolves Alastor and Pent are following flow into an alley way and lean up against a wall, taking out their pipes once more. "Somethin' like that," he replies, chewing on his pipe. "Some other have come to us for help, yes. And we're wolves because... That's just how it is." Both Alastor and Pent notice a slight hint of agitation on his face and tone, but he seems to be speaking the truth for the most part, if not being dodgy.

The guard then turns back to Casey to address his concern. "The mouse is one confirmed casuality. Another innocent is dead, two more injured. A few are shaken" he says rather bluntly.

Cerris descends swiftly to check one of the first targets, his hot approach and massive form likely sacttering much of the crowd as he touches down lowering Edel to her feet. [Show me the picture so that I can cross check faces in this crowd. Most bombers remain nearby so they may trigger secondary charges at the right moment to do the most collateral damage to their target.]

Finding the top just as guarded as the bottom, Sara strides over to the entryway, cursing her dumb luck about the fact but composes herself by the time she reaches the destination. Once there she states in a calm voice, "Sara Averith, RSX. I've a possible confirmation about a suicide bomber in the area, let me through.. please."

Pent sighs and leans against the wall too "Want something to smoke? I've got some semi-medicinal plant that I don't use..."

Alastor keeps himself to the edge of the alley away from the wolves to prevent being surrounded. He motions Pent to do the same as she follows them. He is glad at least on agent stayed behind with him. "I see... funny, you ask us for help, but you don't sseem very intent on checking on the mouse yoursselves. I can only assume he's already dead with how high Zephyr security is. So what are you.. we all doing here?" He asks and seems very intent, not letting his eyes leave the head wolf other than to glance around and make sure they are not surprised by anything.

CaseyRune lowers their rifle and slams the concrete as hard as they can. "Damnit!" Their twin nods to the guard. "Alright. Thank you." They turn to the other agents "Wolves. If they know anything else, or are hiding something. They die next." Their voice is laced with nothing but rage.

Arano called upon his experiences in... well... pretty much this exact thing. Granted, in the past his job was primarily to secure the scene, still, he had some basic ideas... "OK, are the wounded being cared for?" he says as he stops for a moment and then pulls up his comm unit, trying to get in touch with Edel, "Edel, just a note - one of the guards confirmed that a mouse did walk in and blow himself up, probably our guy... just keeping you all in the loop," after touching base with the other element he then looks to the guards and asks, "OK, from what we know the mouse had contact with a group of red robed wolves - the ones responsible for that text spam a while ago - before blowing himself up, but from what information we found he is likely acting on his own. Whether they provided resources to carry this out or not is an unknown... but regardless - it seems you are working to secure the scene, but what steps are you taking to check for other bombers? Does Zephyr have access to bomb-sniffing canines or other bomb detection gear?"

Edel slides up behind the gathering outside of Zephyr, arms folded as she replies to Arano. "Got it. Thanks." She sighed heavily and went to change frequencies on her comm, trying to make a few 'calls' of her own.

"No can do, ma'am." The guards covering the upper door aim their weapons directly at Sara's center mass and move to block the doors with their bodies. "We're on red alert, and if you don't have proof beyond your words, I'm afraid we can't let you through."

"No thank you," the wolf responds to Pent. "I prefer my tobacco." Speaking of tobacco, the wolf places some inside of his pipe and brings out a lighter, taking in a deep breath to release a fine puff of smoke after lighting it. "We don't really need to check up on him. He's probably dead, such is the way of things. As for what we're doing, we're having a nice chat! But I quickly grow bored. Please leave us, if you will."

"The wounded are being taken care of," the guard responds to Arano. "There's also the... gore being cleaned up. We don't have any metal detectors or such, as people carry their guns in and out everyday. We never though this would be a problem, but perhaps setting up some sort of mechanism specifically for sniffing out bombs will be needed in the future. And do you have any proof about these red wolves?"

As Cerris takes in a deep whiff of the air around him, he notices something a bit familiar... Something matching the 'flavor' of gunpowder he smelled in the upstairs portion of the radio station. A male alley cat with a pistol on his hip...

Pent sighs and shrugs "Fine... Just take care of yourselves, people might get the wrong idea about what happened today and you guys..."

Tracking...tracking...spoor detected...triangulating...locked on target!

Cerris drops low his form shifting as he moves, form drawn to the scent that motivates his hunter's instincts, so motivated in fact that he lunges upon sight intent on binding the feline in position up to his neck in muscle, scale and feathers. "Do not move, I am acting on the authority of the Department of Defense, should you resist I will start breaking nonvital bones."

Arano sighs and says, "I'm sorry, I left my camara phone in my other pants," he says sardonically, "What I have are several agents, some of whom work for Zephyr directly, who can corroborate my story, and can provide the specific location they were operating out of. Now, you asked for information, if you're looking for enough to get a conviction - let me know once you find some lawyers and I'll consult with them... but that should be at least enough to pass along to your men so they know what they're looking for... Now, if all this isn't good enough then I wonder why you would bother asking me if I had information,"

Alastor was about to narrow his eyes and jump the gun, but he lightened his tone instead. "A nice chat, yess. You know, I would like to help you, but I feel we're off on the wrong foot. You do know I came here to protect you right? When your group is mentioned to Zephyr agents will come again, but they'll be hostile due to this event." He slithered closer, scrawling his claws across the ground to make for a subtle intimidation. He then pulled his wings up over his body. "As you can see, I am quite strong." He said and tapped his communicator while blocked by his wings to send out coordinates to his location. "And I'd rather things not go badly for you, really."

Edel stares at the file in her hands for a moment before glancing around for the nearest offical-y looking sort she can find. With her size, it's not too hard to weave through the crowd til she's poking one of the guards in the hip with the folder. "Hey. You should give this to your superiors. It contains information on the incident that may be valuable."

The pistol equipped alley cat looks in terror as Cerris rapidly approaches his position, knocked to the ground and held securely within his hold as he struggles fruitlessly. "WHAT THE FUCK," the cat shouts. "Department of defense? That doesn't fucking exist anymore. What the hell are you even talking about." The crowd and guards give a curious and slightly fearful glance at the commotion, but the brunt of attention was on the situation in the lobby.

After watching Alastor for awhile, the wolf blows some smoke right into his face and pulls back. "I think we're fine. I'm sure we'll meet again anyways." Waving to Pent and Alastor, the wolf sets off into the alley ways and streets beyond.

"Hilarious," the guard says without a hint of humor in his voice. "But what we're really looking for i-" The guard stops his speech after feeling something poke into his hip, nodding and taking the folder into his hands. "Hmm..." After riffling through it, he picks out the picture and nods. "I see, this is the one alright. In f-" Klutz! The guard drops the file upon the floor, but what's more interesting is a small note from within, which the guard picks up and reads.

"Tell the truth. We want the CEO to tell the truth about P-Day. We want the CEO to tell the world more about what things he's hiding. We aren't sheep. There are more, and there will be more. - Guerrilla Radio."

"ssShit!" Alastor growls as they try to get away. He darts forward, recursing to hydra as he goes to be smaller and more fluid in his motions, let alone to get into tighter spaces. "W-wait!" He moves full-speed trying to keep up with them, specifically the head wolf.

Pent blinks as Alastor runs off after the wolves, she sighs "Shouldn't of worn heels today..."

Arano sighs a bit and says, "Great... another good message ruined by terrorists..." There is some uncertainty in his voice, the reality is he took no issue with the motivation, but the METHOD is the problem...

Cerris vanishes into the night with his catch, the sound and light of jet engines marking his path tot he horizon.

As Alastor keeps being so gosh darn persistant, the wolf blows out a sharp whistle, where other wolves soon file in, about ten in number to stare down the water hydra. "Our chat is over. Please leave. We don't want to get violent now."

Alastor doesn't like the looks of this confrontation. If only more agents had stayed behind. He might be able to hold out till Pent showed up and he could call for his companion... Still he did not like violence either. He got fierce though. All four heads hissed, "You're not the only oness that hate Zephyr! You don't think I can't ssmell an agenda?" He squared off and stayed in defensive. "I'm seriouss that'd I'd like to help in some fashion!"

The wolves growl at Alastor's resistance, a few pulling out pistols and laser rifles, some even taking a more melee approach with simple knives. "Please leave. This is the last time we say so. Else, we'll be in our right to express self-defense. We haven't harmed you and don't desire too, but you'll leave us no choice if you continue this path."

Alastor pulled back slowly. "You foolss are going to get yourselves killed and for what?" He said and then his mouths collectively roiled with a dark substance, he blasted shadow breath at (not on) them and back-tracked quickly hoping to keep a beat on them as he hid round the corner of the alley.