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The following is a list of updates made to the game since it entered open beta in 2011.
For planned future updates, see Nuku's six month plan at http://checkvist.com/checklists/97925-six-month-plan.
=Full archive of updates can be found in the [[Multiplayer Updates Archive]]=
Need up-to-the-minute updates? They're over [http://flexiblesurvival.com/index?webupdate here]!
* +cookie command is now available again.
* New, free, avatar accessory, pink ribbon.
* New avatar accessory available for a whole one Mako, Aviator Goggles.
* Desc of color chooser updated: This curious device allows you to interfere with the nanites color choosing mechanisms. With certain infections, you will appear with your favorite color!
** To activate, &color me=(color here). To disable, &color me=  -- You can also set a secondary color the same way, with color2(&color2 me=(color here))
* Skunk Girl updated for new functionality.
** Here it is for use in your own monster writing: @set rpsys=infection/skunk girl/skin/desc:[if color2 is present in [player]][local stat color2 of [player]][otherwise]black[end if] and [if color is present in [player]][local stat color of [player]][otherwise]white[end if], furred
* Salvaging recipe modifier added to token store.
* Newly conceived children will now note their mother as they do their father.
* Using Craftmod Keys will now check if your inventory is full before attempting to use them.
* Repairing items now works once again.
* +rewards will now check if your inventory is full AFTER the check to see if you actually have a reward pending.
* Craftmod Upgrade can now reach max level + 50.
* Terminal colors adjusted.
* Research Result for Decayed Mechanics project is posted.
* New web mission available.
* Warded's extra effect disabled.
** This is not a nerf, it will be back. They just need to recode it.
** Warded should now operate better, triggering debuff clears when you get hit, alongside abilities like outnumbered and rage.
* Debuffclear, the status, has been re-implemented in a new way.
** Let the staff know if it's working properly.
** It will, after this, be much easier to make random things debuffclear when we want to.
* If you have -any- amount of rested xp, you do not take the restriction for being top level."
* A nerf was removed.
** No documentation available.
* Thief job's level 2 action added.
* Fixed influence gain from Thief's level 1 action.
* Overworld now fully, properly has Fengrove Hills location in Woodfield, and Fairhaven one removed.
* If you are at max level, you no longer accrue xp from battle.
** If you're in a group, this is done AFTER group tax, so you continue to contribute to your group, even at max level.
* Last update reversed, mildly.
* Stretch goals modified slightly.
* Warded upgraded!
* New Dawn has recieved a facelift! Discription updates and some room repurposing.
* Warded no longer gets triggered on self, ally or passive powers.
* +health now displays wounds.
* If you are wounded past 90% of your hitpoints, the excess will slough off of you.
** There's only so much injury a man can have and still be alive, after all.
* New +pj reward, "+pj #nc", nc=non canon, use it for personal scenes and flights of fancy.
** No player minimum or maximum, no thematic requirement, since it is, by definition, non canon.
* College available in Clairmont. Teacher and Librarian jobs are available, plus the training room for the city.
* Your wounds will no longer be limited(in stat, not effect) if you are currently mentoring up or down.
* +register now shows subscription time remaining.
* New Staff Monster: [[Hunched Dwarf]] added to the relocated Woodfield area of Fengrove Hills!
* Overworld now fully, properly has Fengrove Hills location in Woodfield, and Fairhaven one removed.
* Sky Blue added as free avatar color choice.
* Judges no longer lose levels for inactivity by popular demand.
* Being a judge no longer affects ability to +room. Sub level is the sole determiner.
* New item added to elite store, 25 mako, privacy screen, allows use of +room, despite any sub level or lack thereof.
* Fengrove Hills have been relocated to Woodfield area due to monsters being thematically appropriate for there.
** Fairhaven-styled mobs have been removed to create consistency.
** It can now be found in the southwest corner of Woodfield City.
* The main portion of Fairhaven is now a very minor source of mechanical salvage.
* When training Jobs, group skill improvements are now taken into account when calculating the max you can train.
* New, free, avatar accessory, Fox Plushie.
* [[Home Womb]] item added to elite store.
** Allows players to bind ("home" command) to your +womb room.
** [[Womb for Rent]] item required.
** Trust level ''Transform'' needed both to bind AND to recall there.
*** Don't have enough trust? You will be sent to your previous, non-womb, bind.
* [[Laser Emitting]] buffed up a bit.
* Level 2 actions for Trader job added.
* Multi line transformations should look better.
* Contributing to pools via the web now logs properly.
* New merit: [[Expert Repair]].
* Modifiers that negatively affect an item (skill amount needed, costs, etc) can no longer be removed from a crafted item.
* Repairing items will no longer ever cost xp.
* Repairing items will always show you the list of salvage needed for the item.
* Removed all Distill code from power processing.
* [[Once Cursed]] removed from database.
* Prime Fights made more resilient to strange spawns.
* Prime reinforcements were made more tenacious but were adjusted to be a tad less so due to feedback.
* +pj #boot now works even if the target is currently rendered immobile.
* [[Laser Emitting]] is now cheaper.
* If you have managed to collect a staggering amount of wounds, they will heal faster.
* Prime bosses now only call for help once per 10 ''rounds'' max, with no regard for OOC time, only combat time.
* Social actions now reference 'patrol points' instead of 'energy'.
* The Cow Stable in Clairmont now correctly offers the Cow Girl job. Enjoy.
* Fixed critical bug in task command when you have a choice in a web mission.
* Fixed code that charges battery when shifting when it should not.
* [[Small Breasted]] and [[Heavy Breasted]] have been updated to stop referencing Cup Sizes.
* Wiki edited to reflect Merits
* The Saytiri critter and form is being removed due to blatantly obvious Copyright violations.
* Party movement should now respect rooms that don't allow summons or rides.
* Wounds now cap at 90% of your maximum hitpoints.
* Fixed bug in new destroyer training(oops). You do not need to do anything. If you have it, it will fix itself automagically.
* Destroyer feral mode lost feral regeneration for sake of balance (so many combat skill points!)
* Destroyer feral mode tuned down in survivability a touch.
* Feral Mode upgrades should be more stubborn about finding an upgrade for your powers.
* Several help-files and -categories have been moved to new categories. Over the coming days, we intend to re-organize the help files.
** If you have any suggestions for new categories, or helpfiles that should be moved or merged, please file a request.
*** Notably, Player Judged Scene and Director were moved to RP/Player Judged Scene and RP/director respectively, Advanced Combat Tips to Combat/Advanced Combat Tips, Flags to String Parsing/Flags.
* [[Demented Priest]] will now summon help at particular HP percentages, NOT at particular HP amounts.
* New Mako Item: [[New Feral Mode Training]].
** Design your own feral training mode and have it added to the game for all to enjoy.
* Fixed Church of Promethea rooms to NOT carry your whole party through when you go to the boss rooms.
* Bug in puzzler fixed.
* When logging in, if your party leader is not online or is not in the same room as you, you will automagically drop from the party.
* pkick command added. Leader only command to kick a player from your party.
* In theory, you will now be told if an item comes off cooldown mid battle.
* [[Nurturer]] added to our library of feral training modes available.
** You can snag it over in New Dawn.
* You now gain a badge based on your feral mode, if you are feral mode.
* Our first premium feral mode training is available: [[Destroyer]].
** 10 mako in the elite store, created by a player for players.
*** Enjoy this high DPS, savage beast of a training set.
* Fixed bug in new destroyer training(oops). You do not need to do anything. If you have it, it will fix itself automagically.
* You will no longer be given an erroneous message when respawning.
* You will no longer be instantly reduced to judge level 1 when degrading due to inactivity.
* Web Mako exchange more explicit about new round robin mechanic.
* "jobs list" and "sa list" Now show what job(s) might be needed by that social action.
* [[Feral Mode]] players can now change training modes, allowing them to change their focus.
** The first two trainings available are basic(what you have now) and defender(a tank oriented, high aggro build).
***Feedback desired on defender.
*** You can buy the training at New Dawn.
**** Note, training is one use. Using one activates the training. Use another to switch it.
* Feral Mode 'Defender' training now gets Feral Defense, a powerful, and level scaling, self defense buff.
* Feral Defense now charges faster as you level up, becoming easier and easier to snap out quickly.
** Note, this is the charge time to ''activate'', not the cooldown, which is static.
* New Stretch Goal added to the monthly stretch goals.
* Heat/Lust/Horniness spam has returned.
* Infection vials for infections that don't exist now will no longer give mastery over something that isn't there.
* New Quest in the Wax Museum.
** Item collection quest through Hugo.
*** Extra items from the quest can be taken to Tomas in the Wax Museum.
* '''No Updates.'''
* Logging out will now remove you from the party you were in.
* Science and Public @channels are no longer coupled.
* A new city, [[Clairmont]], is added to the grid.
** It is accessoible via [[New Dawn]].
*** There is no unique content in this location yet.
**** There '''''are''''' RP rules of no public sex and of wearing clothes (a shirt is enough).
** Heat and Lust won't be active in the new city, due to variations in the nanite bubble there.
** Regular RP of exploration/survival themes will run there - logs will be viewable on the wiki.
** Social actions and city stats are in use, also global regional bonus or malus will be applied if certain stats are too low or high.
* Level 3 action for Lawyer added.
* North Ireland Pub closed it's gates in Fairhaven.
** A new pub is now available in Clairmont.
* Added some environment effects in Eureka and Clairmont regions.
** They can be a buff or a debuff based on the stats of the city's values.
* "Help convert" is no longer a thing. The info is now in "help salvage".
* [[Gentle Entry Unit]] added to Elite Store.
* New merit: [[Slow Simmer]].
* [[Luck of the Rat]] no longer has nanitesoak.
* [[Horniness: Increaser]] and [[Horniness: Decreaser]] added to token shop.
** They work on 'target' with 'Write' level of trust or better.
*** Using the horniness modifying items now alerts the target!
* +staff/addstatus should now no longer crash.
* Accuracy buffs AND debuffs now have a hard cap, based on a power/items base accuracy.
* Certain talk-script poses that were previously recording to rp logs will no longer be recorded.
* Joining a party at a remote location should no longer trigger a combat to start there.
* Powers should now be less spammy when striking multiple people for status only.
* When a party leader logs off, it no longer leaves a party in a bad state
* +reward Will now fail if you have a full inventory.
* More tweaking to kitsunes.
*** @set me=/child/<child>0/kitsune/fur:<color> sets a child-specific color.
**** That 0 is NOT a typo, it is required. Specific colors override defaults, of course.
* 'renew' AI should now work with targets ALLY and ENEMY.
* +glance now reveals size.
* New Wiki Page: [[Make a Character Page|Make a Character]]. Includes a Template for making a page for your character.
* [[Deep Healing]] is now influence by Ball Size.
* +rewards that result in rest xp now give a more helpful message.
* Staffers can now spawn any monster they want.
* Performing social actions no longer give craftmods, but now have a chance of yielding reward tokens.
* +request/new redesigned.
** Its only a minor change.
* You can now set the fur color on your children that have [[Kitsune]] skin/fur.
** @set me=/child/kitsune/fur:<color>
*** You use this like you already can for yourself.
**** <del>This DOES NOT work on a per-child basis, it affects ALL of your children with Kitsune skin/fur.</del> Now it does, see update above.
***** Supported colors are yellow, red and black.
* Non leader/quartermasters can now donate money to their group.
* With the stretch goals of 1000-1200 being met, a brand new area is available with with two staff monsters.
** The area is Wax Museum - Industrial and is located in Woodfield. The newest monsters are the [[Oil Baron]] and the [[Secretary]]. Also added on-grid is the [[Melodramatic Villain]] and [[Robot Zombie]].
*** Area level is presently: 60-66
* Fixed bug in web combat.
* "Unequip" added as synonym for remove.
* Obscure bug in inventory viewing fixed.
* Consignment sales changed to notices.
* Job levels now show in score/sheet"
* New tool for form-writing and string-parsing, now public! @viewparse
** Gives you an indented, color-coded version of whichever parsing you supply. Critter-writers may celebrate.
* [[Breast Consolidator]] and [[Mammary Magnifier]] are now disableable items.
** Just use them in your inventory to turn them off or on.
* [[Maternal Care]] added to mako store.
* When out of patrol points and not in the area where your mission is, you will now get a notification of the failure to patrol when search web is used and how to rectify it.
* Made some tweaks to messages coming from In-Game web fights.
* Multiple Maternal Care items will now stack.
** It is indicated that the healing bonuses multiply the player's +womb room triage bonus.
* You can now remove all your notices at one again.
* [[Chimera serum]] no longer infects the head twice.
* Listing another person's form now only requires read permission.
* "list forms for <name>" has been fixed.
* New premium color: mint cream.
* In editplayer players can now disable the auto leveling under lvl 30.
** Note, excess xp will burn off into freecred instead.
* Fixed a bug in combat rewards. This should stop "Invalid Turn Goer" messages.
* In editplayer players can now disable the auto leveling under lvl 30.
** Excess XP will burn off into freecred instead.
* Pets should now, for all functions that check their level, refer to their owner's level.
* In string parsing, [owner] will now return the DBREF of the owner of a pet, or #-1 if it isn't a pet.
** Likewise, help string parsing updated.
* Prize Finder Removed, if you had it, you got perk credit back!
* Fishing now references edible salvage.
* If you are mid battle, you can no longer try, and fail, to start a mission battle.
* If you are very small, size modifying merits will at least modify it by 1 in any given direction.
** Minimum is still 1.
* [[Gemini Cyborg]] dedication retired.
* The size adjuster should now function when shrinking yourself.
* New Profession, Patent Clerk.
* Bug in +fish/patrol fixed.
* Group level up messages no longer refer to 'guild'.
* New avatar unleashed. Also a new mako pool.
* New Research available.
* Arm and Tail divider reduced from 50 to 20 mako.
** Both are now sold as pre-manufactured items, rather than recipes.
* Mine command now shows an area's native density, in addition to its current bounty.
* Roleplaying in a place with minable salvage will cause it to regenerate any salvage usage the place has.
** Conservative Mining perk increases the healing done per tick.
* Loadout/upkeep on eggs reduced.
* A very large mako pool has finally completed! As a result, players now have 5 more perk points to use.
** They will appear when you have spent your 'free' perks and buy 5 points past that.
* New merits: [[Tiny]] and [[Giant]].
** <del>They do the exact same thing as [[Small]] and [[Tall]]</del>, but they also ''stack'' with them!
*** They've been tweaked short time later. Tiny is now -50% size, Giant is now +30% size.
* Butchering skill now displays properly in +fish.
* You are now given more clear opportunity to abort a trouble ticket while filling it out.
* The 'dead' AI should be more reliable now.
* pinvite no longer auto accepts on trusted level.
* Some of the player flags have had their descriptions updated.
** Hyper, No Hyper, Macro and RSX flages are examples.
* New command: tport.
** Allows you to teleport to RP hubs.
*** The new feature only works in non-combat rooms.
**** For example, ''tport #public'' then ''tport placename'' to teleport there.
***** Staff are looking for public RP locations that they may have missed. Let them know via +request if you know of a public RP hub that isn't on the list.
* [[Effectiveness Training]] recipe created.
** Prefab version for sale in the Zephyr wellness area.
* When a party leader flees a fight they will now drag their entire party out with them.
* People trying to recycle items that, due to changes have been grandfathered and are no longer craftable, will no longer get a crash.
* In theory, if you throw a buff, or debuff that is weaker than already exists, it will simply not be applied, leaving the stronger one alone.
* Forms for mothers' day removed from elite store.
* New 'target' type for powers, 'master' will force the power to make it target it's summoner (for pets).
* The ability to become [[Modified]] has been removed (chargen and Medical Implanter).
** The reason is that it has become apparent that players with this ability could deal 160k damage per round against 8 targets.
*** This made them 2 to 3 times stronger than the best Role builds in the game.
**** Staff are requesting player feedback on wrestling Modified back into a sane performance range. +Request with your feedback and send it as a Suggestion.
* [[Cow Maiden]] is now available as a boss vial in the elite store.
* You are no longer notice-spammed with influence salvage.
* Influence salvage is now given in one notice.
** But only when you're checking your notices.
* There is now an Infection Update item in the elite store.
* "help partying" brought up to speed with recent code.
* Descriptions entered for most wi flags.
* The token store on the web page now reveals if you know a recipe or not.
* Jobs that require builder nanites now inform you of the fact.
* Arriving and leaving a room, with parties, is much cleaner now.
* New fishing option: "+fish/patrol"
** Spends 1 patrol point to catch multiple fish at once per successful catch.
*** You will ignore the usual limit of 12 of any single fish for that cast, allowing you to hoard larger amounts of fish.
* Fishing stock cap removed.
* New command: "+fish/butcher".
** Slice up those fish!
* If you do a +fish/patrol and net a fish that's too small, the patrol point is quietly refunded.
* Using +fish/patrol bypasses the minute cooldown, and cannot result in random encounters.
* +fish/patrol amplifies your skill for sake of avoiding badly weighted fish, both light and heavy.
* Waiting for a bite while fishing is now much less spammy
* Functionality of Technical adjusted!
* You now cannot join a party with one of your alts
* Technical status can no longer DEBUFF, only buff.
* Party merging (especially into open parties) should now work.
* <del>New research available: Nanite Cannon</del>
** New recipe, [[Nanite Cannon]]. Prebuilt version for sale in the token store.
*** Recipe for nanite cannon also added to mako store for 5 mako.
* When using the crafting tester recipes and modifiers known are now marked with asterisks.
* Cred Energy Rejuvinator removed from token store.
* Go-Go Dancer erotic dancers will no longer cause Confusion.
* [[Hare Town]] set up with few social actions and jobs.
* Description of TEAM modified.
* When buying/selling mako/lunar on the web exchange, it will now evenly pick from each order if multiple match the best value.
* Technical stat no longer -decreases- upkeep in the negatives.
* +monster ready Will now search the room for IC players and set the combat as being owned by them (Judges should be set JDG).
* Roll update, you now get +1 die per 5 points above 20.
* New premium accessory: Labcoat.
** Available for 1 mako and applies to all alts on your acount, past and future.
*** Labcoat edited to look nicer, much thanks to Tova!
* New, entirely free, avatar accessory: a sawed off shotgun!
* New premium accessory, offered by Tova, a dark version of the labcoat.
** Available for 2 mako for all characters forever on your account.
* Stretch command implemented, showing the monthly donation stretch goals and our progress towards the next.
* Stretch command now shows ''all'' potential stretch goals.
* Distillations removed from the system.
** Distillations no longer have any effect on items.
*** In other words, your Distill-enhanced items are now broken and may inflate your loadout usage (even into the negatives if you didn't have much room left).
**** If you are having issues removing items due to loadout inflation, remove the highest loadout item first to bring you out of negatives.
* 'Distill' tab in web inventory removed.
* You can now cancel auctions, with auction #withdraw
* Altfinder restricted to W3+
* New craftmod for direct sale (player purchased): [[Gravid]]
** 5 mako in the elite store.
* Ride commands now disabled.
** Please see pinvite #help for details on usage of the new system.
*** Msummon will continue to function normally.
* Case of mistaken helpfile fixed in the Zephyr instance of the crafting-tutorial.
* 'Help basic commands' updated with new party commands.
* For parties: If a player other than the leader is ambushed in a room, the monsters/combat will be based off the party leader's settings.
* The Color Chooser decreased in price from 50 mako to 20 mako.
* The Gold Framed Supply crate is now 150 reward tokens
* Power Regulator reduced in price from 200 to 50.
* Happy Mother's Day! 50 mako poured into the pregnancy tower, enjoy your kids!
* Power and item cooldowns can never reduce to less than 0.
* Instant powers and items should once more be instant.
* XP costs for crafting items removed.
* Crafting items while in a nanite crafting room reduces cred/nanite costs by 5%.
* +reward now has a chance to give craftmods!
** High octane will make them a non-drop craftmod. There is a small chance of making it T2 or T3!
*** Meaning it is significantly cheaper to apply.
* When using craftmod trades, the description of craftmods will update to the desc of the new modifier.
* In theory, web battles are now entirely patrol point free, unless you're doing a mission.
** If you're doing a mission, it costs a patrol point, and will not work without one.
* Web crafting using a commissioned crafter can no longer put you into negative freecred.
* When spending a hero point for a +roll, you will get +1 to the end result.
* When training up a top tier craft skill on the web, you will no longer see 'maximum level' when going over the level limit.
* Players can now no longer train crafting skills above their level (excepting top tier, where they can go their level + 10)
* You can now train craft skills back up to max level, instead of your max level.
** But the costs for over lvl 50 (doubling) now are based off the skill being trained.
* New item: [[Fishing Hole]]. Costs 25 mako.
** Lets you set a room of yours as a fishing area, even a hunting area room.
* Rpinfo of [[Infertility]] updated for thematic clarity.
* Web now displays decimal value of premium currency.
* Academics reworded to be a bit more clear as to what it does.
* The Raver Punk's anklets now glow with the color of the person's choosing
** The color chooser must be in the user's posession for this.
* When pointing a craftmod trade/selective trade at a stack of craftmods, only one will be traded.
* Crafting no longer requires XP.
* Soul Grasp can now be upgraded for damage.
** Now it counts as a resurrection power.
* Earth Nanomagic's cost and limit updated.
* <del>[[Hair Triggered]] and [[Instant Drawing]] are slotted into Rapidity.</del>
** Unslotted instant drawing and hair triggered again.
* [http://flexiblesurvival.com/index?ecommerce|E-Commerce] updated to make the stretch goals more clear.
* [[Painted Incubus]] is now available in the Mako Shop.
* Apart from regular upgrades, no modifiers or modifications will allow a non-instant activatable power/item to become instant.
* [[Deinoraus]] form added to the Shadow Pits area.
** This was our first Stretch Goal monster.
* [[Feral Mode]] now gives +1 mastery slots per 25 levels through ingame training.
** Web Training has been updated to account for this.
* Feral Theme page updated.
** New information is here: [http://wiki.flexiblesurvival.com/w/Ferals|Ferals]
*** More changes possible.
* [[Ink Cloud]] power reworked.
* Bugs that caused erroneous power output for all naturals fixed.
* Monsters above 'Boss' Rank are now more enduring.
* Hard and Final bosses made a bit more worthy of their titles.
* When buying/selling premium currency on the web market, proper account log entries are made.
* You can now use the [[Sexual Stabalizer]] as an inactive [[Nanite Adept|adept]], so long as you own it, without the need for a focus device.
* Hero Regen option buffs.
** Regen lasts twice as long, and now has a powerful +energy component.
* Craftmods no longer drop randomly off defeated enemies.
* The cost of a Craftmod Key reduced to a mere 40 tokens.
* For a mere 10 tokens, you can now procure a T1 craftmod with a 'small craftmod key'.
* Reward Tokens now occur faster with subscription level. Higher the level, more reward tokens for roleplaying.
* "help subscribing" updated with this new feature.
* The tokens for dedication promotion is at an end. We hope you enjoyed earning dedications via tokens.
* You asked for it, you got it! You can now trade reward tokens, give x tokens to bob. I'm sure bob will appreciate it.
* "help dedication" and craftmod brought up to speed with recent updates.
* RP XP increased significantly. Roleplay and be rewarded!
* Money earned from RP increased accordingly.
* Hero refill properly nabs 1 mako and gives you all your hero points back, so you can go on being awesome.
* New color, Tyl purple, a soft shade of purple, freely available to use on your avatar!
* On the buy mako page, the stretch goal meter now says how much to reach the next stretch goal.
* While RPing, rest XP bonus is now displayed.
* Monsters are no longer randomly upgraded on their powers, providing for a more consistent experience(templates aside).
* Viewing items now shows if they are 'high quality' or not.
* Promethean/RSX/Zephyr mobs WILL get some upgrades.
*** But only them.
* New monster templates: Multi-Armed, Ignited, Rubber Toy, Unclean, Go-Go Dancer, Breast Feeding and Feesh
* If you auto level, you are now informed in game about it, in addition to the web notice.
* You are now shown the 'cock' transformation whether you are male or not.
** If you collide with a form that this displays hilariously with, let us know so we can fix it via +request.
* Talakai Essence now makes females 'flexible', allowing them to take monstrously large partners and still breed.
* If you are on the crafting page and look for crafters, crafters on cooldown will not be on the dropdown list as people taking orders, because they can't.
* Bugs that caused erroneous power output for all naturals fixed.
* If you are on cooldown for taking orders, you will be informed on the web craft page.
* [[All Natural]] Buffed
** All Naturals now get 1 point of technical per 10 levels minimal, despite any role selection.
*** So if you're level 30, you're going to have 3 technical, period. If you're level 60, 6 technical.
**** If you have more than 10/level technical, it will leave it alone, so if you take 3 roles with technical, and are level 24, it will not reduce it to 2.
* [[TEAM]] recipe created by player purchase, but a prebuilt version is for sale at the Ancient Relics in the mall.
** Works like having half a point of Technical shared among all allies in your party.
* Mining, via the mine command, now employs builder nanites, not freecred.
* Mining now has a guessing game component. Guess well for much more salvage than normal. Guess poorly and you end up no worse than you started out.
* [[Ruggedized]] buffed. Upkeep discount increased from 5% to 15%.
* [[Miniaturized]], Ruggedized and [[Modular]] are now slotted together. They all got buffed as well, so be sure to remove and re-equip your equipment.
* The Selective Craftmod Trade now gives 10 choices instead of 5!
* Damage over Time buffed, no longer resisted by hpbuffers.
* Everyone has received a free craftmod key as part of the recompensation package with the recent changes. Enjoy!
* Talking to missy to combine and reroll your craftmods will now make sure you don't get the same mod as either of the two you put in.
* Hare Town has been renovated and improved. (Research completed)
* Price of [[Flame Bearer]] dedication reduced from 50 to 30 mako.
* Price of [[Bastet Disciple]] dedication reduced from 50 to 30 mako.
* Price of [[Necromantic Acolyte]] dedication reduced from 50 to 30 mako.
* [[Kitsune]] dedication price reduced from 50 to 30 mako.
* If you purchased a dedication yesterday or today (7th or 8th, server time) that just came down in price, throw up a request to get the difference refunded.
* New item, [[Craftmod Key]], now for sale for 100 reward tokens.
** Open it up for a tier 2 craftmod!
* New item, [[Craftmod Upgrade]], 20 reward tokens.
** Increases the level of a craftmod by 5.
* New item, only 10 reward tokens, [[Craftmod Trade]].
** Takes a craftmod and rerolls its level and what modifier it holds, but retains its tier!
* The Reward Token Purchase now gives 5-15 tokens instead of 5.
** 20% chance of +5, 5% chance of another +5, each rolled separately.
*** Badge given if you get 15.
* New item, [[Craftmod Selective Trade]], 20 reward tokens
** Works like a trade, but instead of being entirely random, you get a choice of 5 modifiers to select from.
* Check your web notices.
** If you created your account before january, you've been given reward tokens in recompense for the final retirement of the distillation system.
* Chance of mastermind reduced.
* New, free, color, brown!
* New Mission button on page no longer so screamingly loud.
* Web combat can now be done even if you are completely depleted of patrol points.
** This does not extend to web missions.
* Worker Job moved to the Power Plant (always in Eureka).
* New item: [[Chimera Serum]]
** Available for freecred the Zephyr Lobby.
*** One sip and you'll have a new perspective on things. That's what they said in the update channel.
* Added a level 2 action for the Street Lord.
* New recipe: [[Power Gator]].
** Its intended to replace the [[Water Flask]].
** There is also a Pre-Fab version without Modifiers where [[Energy Drink]] used to be sold..
* Power Gator added to token shop(20 tokens).
** The recipe, not a completed item.
* Debuffclear added to Power Gator.
* +register fixed
* Upkeep of Power Gator has been reduced.
* Medicinal now has Regen.
* [[Endurance Training]] created.
** It is for sale as a pre-fab item.
*** This will replace [[Training - Aerobics]].
** You can craftmod it, as it comes without modifiers.
* [[Crowbar]] has been renamed to [[Sharp Light Melee]].
** Its Pre-Fab version is renamed to [[Pry Bar]].
* New recipe: [[Breathing Clothes]].
** Replaces [[Earrings]] in the Ancient Relics store.
* Weighted modifier adjusted to return to relevancy.
** Also slotted with Improved.
* Repeating modifier buffed.
** Repeating no longer debuffs damage.
* It is now possible to procure tier 1 craftmods via social actions.
* Recharge now has soft caps at 50, 100 and 150
** This is no different than most other statuses
** It hard caps at 200.
* Matriarch and Sterile now properly exclude eachother, like one'd expect.
* Roll With It and Tar Baby now have a combo effect.
** You gain 0.5 points of reactive skill per lowest of either.
*** So if you have 1 and 3, you'd get +0.5 reactive, 2 and 2, +1.0, 0 and 3, +0.0.
* Modified now has diminishing returns on percentage based things that modify a stat directly(+damage) or to statusmag.
** Every +50%, it costs twice as much to get another 1% of difference.
*** So 1:1 up to +50%, then 2:1 until it hits 100%, then 4:1 to 150% then 8:1 to get to 200% and beyond.
* Price of relocation adjusted from 30 to 10.
* Bug fixed in arm divider.
* +xp now shows the number of tickets you have in the RP mako lotto.
* Fixed bug that caused spam with betraying powers.
* Academics no longer has the functionality that was never documented for it.
* Roopet charming should work again.
* ^^ Now works in ooc messages.
* July 4th added to holiday list.
* It is now possible to get more rested xp than normally possible if with a high octane reward.
* If you are not at 75% of your rest capacity when receiving a reward, it will give you rest xp rather than a +xp/time reward.
* When sending a @paste to a specific person(s), you are told which receive it.
* You will no longer receive a health 'tick' update when you're full of health.
* When someone pastes to the room, as opposed to a particular person(s), a message is sent notifying that it's a room send.
* Maximum HP no longer begins to spiral upwards past level 30.
* When handing objects to a person with a custom name, only the custom name will be displayed in the message.
* New mako item, [[Salvage Surveyors]]
** Allows you to permanently increase the salvage amount of a given area by a given salvage by 5.
* Can be used on public areas.
* Submitting can now be done through "submit to <enemy>" as well.
* Mako gained from answering polls now recorded in account history.
* You will now be told if a group member 'reconnects' as opposed to 'connected'.
* Start of the Month sale is now shorter, the threshold being 500 instead of 2000.
** Alternate reward system being implemented that will benefit the entire game, rather than just the donator.
* Stretch goals implemented.
** As the game reaches its monthly monetary goals (starting at 500), the game receives a benefit for all to enjoy.
*** Including new quests, web missions, monsters, and even dedications.
* You can no longer charm Zephyr, Promethean, or RSX agents.
** Charmed enemy agents should be cleared of their origins, including RSX.
* New items, [[Pregnancy Harness]].
*** Item is permanent and passive.
** While worn and offline, you gain 'pregnancy rest' at a rate of 18 minutes per 15 minutes.
** While online, this time is used to increase your incubation speed by up to twice the normal.
** If RPing, 20-30 minutes of credit turns into 40-60, if online but not RPing, 5 minutes becomes 10 minutes of credit.
* The pregnancy harness now charges, slowly, if online but not RPing.
* Cow maiden quest updated.
* The RP lotto will run less frequently, but tickets continue to accrue, meaning that those who roleplay over longer periods are more likely to be that winner.
* Turning faction chat on and off now gives feedback.
* Betraying powers properly hurt things again.
* Fixed a bug that could prevent web combat from starting.
* Goo Girl now has an avatar
** Several other gooey forms now use the goo girl avatar.
* Missy's created craftmods will now have similar naming to new dropped ones (showing tier and dropped status)
* Fixed bug that may have reduced the efficiency of influence for salvage.
=Previous months can be found in the [[Multiplayer Updates Archive]]=

Latest revision as of 00:15, 6 June 2024

Nuku smoothly says, "Removed several staffers that were idle. Want to help? Lemme know. Scene runners and monster/infection approvers strongly desired."

Full archive of updates can be found in the Multiplayer Updates Archive